author ohair
Tue, 25 May 2010 15:58:33 -0700
changeset 5506 202f599c92aa
parent 4370 cc409c51b108
child 13604 31089af1a447
permissions -rw-r--r--
6943119: Rebrand source copyright notices Reviewed-by: darcy, weijun

 * Copyright (c) 2002, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
 * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
 * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
 * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
 * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
 * accompanied this code).
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
 * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
 * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
 * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
 * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
 * questions.

package sun.awt.X11;

import java.security.AccessController;
import java.security.PrivilegedAction;
import sun.misc.*;

final public class XlibWrapper
    static Unsafe unsafe = Unsafe.getUnsafe();
    // strange constants
    static final int MAXSIZE = 32767;
    static final int MINSIZE = 1;

    // define a private constructor here to prevent this class and all
    // its descendants from being created
    private XlibWrapper()

   Display *XOpenDisplay(display_name)
   char *display_name;

    public final static String eventToString[]=
    {"<none:0>", "<none:1>", "KeyPress", "KeyRelease", "ButtonPress", "ButtonRelease",
     "MotionNotify", "EnterNotify", "LeaveNotify", "FocusIn", "FocusOut",
     "KeymapNotify", "Expose", "GraphicsExpose", "NoExpose", "VisibilityNotify",
     "CreateNotify", "DestroyNotify", "UnmapNotify", "MapNotify", "MapRequest",
     "ReparentNotify", "ConfigureNotify", "ConfigureRequest", "GravityNotify",
     "ResizeRequest", "CirculateNotify", "CirculateRequest", "PropertyNotify",
     "SelectionClear", "SelectionRequest", "SelectionNotify", "ColormapNotify",
     "ClientMessage", "MappingNotify", "LASTEvent"};

    static native void XFree(long ptr);
    static native void memcpy(long dest_ptr, long src_ptr, long length);
    static native long getAddress(Object o);
    static native void copyIntArray(long dest_ptr, Object array, int size_bytes);
    static native void copyLongArray(long dest_ptr, Object array, int size_bytes);

     * Gets byte string from str_ptr and copies it into byte array
     * String should be NULL terminated
    static native byte[] getStringBytes(long str_ptr);

    static  native long XOpenDisplay(long display);

    static  native void XCloseDisplay(long display);

    static  native long XDisplayString(long display);

    static  native void XSetCloseDownMode(long display, int close_mode);

    static  native long DefaultScreen(long display);

    static native long ScreenOfDisplay(long display, long screen_number);

    static native int DoesBackingStore(long screen);

    static native  long DisplayWidth(long display, long screen);
    static native  long DisplayWidthMM(long display, long screen);

    static native long DisplayHeight(long display, long screen);
    static native long DisplayHeightMM(long display, long screen);

    static  native long RootWindow(long display, long screen_number);
    static native int ScreenCount(long display);

   Window XCreateWindow(display, parent, x, y, width, height,
   border_width, depth,
   class, visual, valuemask, attributes)
   Display *display;
   Window parent;
   int x, y;
   unsigned int width, height;
   unsigned int border_width;
   int depth;
   unsigned int class;
   Visual *visual
   unsigned long valuemask;
   XSetWindowAttributes *attributes;

    static native long XCreateWindow(long display, long parent, int x,int  y, int width, int height, int border_width, int depth, long wclass, long visual, long valuemask, long attributes);

    static native void XDestroyWindow(long display, long window);

    static native int XGrabPointer(long display, long grab_window,
                                   int owner_events, int event_mask, int pointer_mode,
                                   int keyboard_mode, long confine_to, long cursor, long time);

    static native void XUngrabPointer(long display, long time);

    static native int XGrabKeyboard(long display, long grab_window,
                                    int owner_events, int pointer_mode,
                                    int keyboard_mode, long time);

    static native void XUngrabKeyboard(long display, long time);

    static native void XGrabServer(long display);
    static native void XUngrabServer(long display);


void XSetWMProperties(display, w, window_name, icon_name,
argv, argc, normal_hints, wm_hints, class_hints)
Display *display;
Window w;
XTextProperty *window_name;
XTextProperty *icon_name;
char **argv;
int argc;
XSizeHints *normal_hints;
XWMHints *wm_hints;
XClassHint *class_hints;


XMapWindow(display, w)
Display *display;
Window w;

    static  native void XMapWindow(long display, long window);
    static  native void XMapRaised(long display, long window);
    static  native void XRaiseWindow(long display, long window);

    static native void XLowerWindow(long display, long window);
    static native void XRestackWindows(long display, long windows, int length);
    static native void XConfigureWindow(long display, long window,
            long value_mask, long values);
    static native void XSetInputFocus(long display, long window);
    static native void XSetInputFocus2(long display, long window, long time);
    static native long XGetInputFocus(long display);


XUnmapWindow(display, w)
Display *display;
Window w;

    static  native void XUnmapWindow(long display, long window);

  XSelectInput(display, w, event_mask)
  Display *display;
  Window w;
  long event_mask;

    static  native void XSelectInput(long display, long window, long event_mask);

       XNextEvent(display, event_return)
       Display *display;
       XEvent *event_return;


    static  native void XNextEvent(long display,long ptr);

     XMaskEvent(display, event_mask, event_return)
           Display *display;
           long event_mask;
           XEvent *event_return;
    static native void XMaskEvent(long display, long event_mask, long event_return);

    static native void XWindowEvent(long display, long window, long event_mask, long event_return);

      Bool XFilterEvent(event, w)
           XEvent *event;
           Window w;
    static native boolean XFilterEvent(long ptr, long window);

     Bool XSupportsLocale()
static native boolean XSupportsLocale();

     char *XSetLocaleModifiers(modifier_list)
           char *modifier_list;
static native String XSetLocaleModifiers(String modifier_list);

    static  native int XTranslateCoordinates(
                                             long display, long src_w, long dest_w,
                                             long src_x, long src_y,
                                             long dest_x_return, long dest_y_return,
                                             long child_return);

       XPeekEvent(display, event_return)
       Display *display;
       XEvent *event_return;


    static  native void XPeekEvent(long display,long ptr);

  Display *display;

    static native void XFlush(long display);

  XSync(display, discard)
  Display *display;
  Bool discard;

    static native void XSync(long display,int discard);

/*    XMoveResizeWindow(display, w, x, y, width, height)
      Display *display;
      Window w;
      int x, y;
      unsigned int width, height;
    static native void XMoveResizeWindow(long display, long window, int x, int y, int width, int height);
    static native void XResizeWindow(long display, long window, int width, int height);
    static native void XMoveWindow(long display, long window, int x, int y);

     Bool XQueryPointer(display, w, root_return, child_return,
     root_x_return, root_y_return,
                          win_x_return, win_y_return,
           Display *display;
           Window w;
           Window *root_return, *child_return;
           int *root_x_return, *root_y_return;
           int *win_x_return, *win_y_return;
           unsigned int *mask_return;

 static native boolean  XQueryPointer (long display, long window, long root_return, long child_return, long root_x_return, long root_y_return, long win_x_return, long win_y_return, long mask_return);

/*    XFreeCursor(display, cursor)
           Display *display;
           Cursor cursor;

 static native void XFreeCursor(long display, long cursor);

   XSetWindowBackground(display, w, background_pixel)
   Display *display;
   Window w;
   unsigned long background_pixel;

    static native void XSetWindowBackground(long display, long window, long background_pixel);

    static native int XEventsQueued(long display, int mode);

  Atom XInternAtom(display, atom_name, only_if_exists)
  Display *display;
  char *atom_name;
  Bool only_if_exists;

    static native int XInternAtoms(long display, String[] names, boolean only_if_exists, long atoms);

    static native void SetProperty(long display, long window, long atom, String str);
    static native String GetProperty(long display ,long window, long atom);
    static native long InternAtom(long display, String string, int only_if_exists);
    static native int XGetWindowProperty(long display, long window, long atom,
                                         long long_offset, long long_length,
                                         long delete, long req_type, long actualy_type,
                                         long actualy_format, long nitems_ptr,
                                         long bytes_after, long data_ptr);
    native static void XChangePropertyImpl(long display, long window, long atom,
                                           long type, int format, int mode, long data,
                                           int nelements);
    static void XChangeProperty(long display, long window, long atom,
                                long type, int format, int mode, long data,
                                int nelements) {
        // TODO: handling of XChangePropertyImpl return value, if not Success - don't cache
        if (XPropertyCache.isCachingSupported() &&
            XToolkit.windowToXWindow(window) != null &&
            WindowPropertyGetter.isCacheableProperty(XAtom.get(atom)) &&
            mode == XConstants.PropModeReplace)
            int length = (format / 8) * nelements;
                new XPropertyCache.PropertyCacheEntry(format,
        XChangePropertyImpl(display, window, atom, type, format, mode, data, nelements);

    static native void XChangePropertyS(long display, long window, long atom,
                                       long type, int format, int mode, String value);
    static native void XDeleteProperty(long display, long window, long atom);

    static native void XSetTransientFor(long display, long window, long transient_for_window);
    static native void XSetWMHints(long display, long window, long wmhints);
    static native void XGetWMHints(long display, long window, long wmhints);
    static native long XAllocWMHints();
    static native int XGetPointerMapping(long display, long map, int buttonNumber);
    static native String XGetDefault(long display, String program, String option);
    static native long getScreenOfWindow(long display, long window);
    static native long XScreenNumberOfScreen(long screen);
    static native int XIconifyWindow(long display, long window, long screenNumber);
    static native String ServerVendor(long display);
    static native int VendorRelease(long display);
    static native boolean IsXsunKPBehavior(long display);
    static native boolean IsSunKeyboard(long display);
    static native boolean IsKanaKeyboard(long display);

    static native void XBell(long display, int percent);

          Cursor XCreateFontCursor(display, shape)
           Display *display;
           unsigned int shape;

           we always pass int as shape param.
           perhaps later we will need to change type of shape to long.

    static native int XCreateFontCursor(long display, int shape);

     Pixmap XCreateBitmapFromData(display, d, data, width,
           Display *display;
           Drawable d;
           char *data;
           unsigned int width, height;

    static native long XCreateBitmapFromData(long display, long drawable, long data, int width, int height);

      XFreePixmap(display, pixmap)
           Display *display;
           Pixmap pixmap;

   static native void XFreePixmap(long display, long pixmap);

     Cursor XCreatePixmapCursor(display, source, mask,
     foreground_color, background_color, x, y)
           Display *display;
           Pixmap source;
           Pixmap mask;
           XColor *foreground_color;
           XColor *background_color;
           unsigned int x, y;
   static native long XCreatePixmapCursor(long display, long source, long mask, long fore, long back, int x, int y);

         Status XQueryBestCursor(display, d, width, height,
     width_return, height_return)
           Display *display;
           Drawable d;
           unsigned int width, height;
           unsigned int *width_return, *height_return;


    static native boolean XQueryBestCursor(long display, long drawable, int width, int height, long width_return, long height_return);

     Status XAllocColor(display, colormap, screen_in_out)
           Display *display;
           Colormap colormap;
           XColor *screen_in_out;

    static native boolean XAllocColor( long display, long colormap, long screen_in_out);

    static native long SetToolkitErrorHandler();
    static native void XSetErrorHandler(long handler);
    static native int CallErrorHandler(long handler, long display, long event_ptr);

      XChangeWindowAttributes(display, w, valuemask, attributes)
           Display *display;
           Window w;
           unsigned long valuemask;
           XSetWindowAttributes *attributes;

    static native void XChangeWindowAttributes(long display, long window, long valuemask, long attributes);
    static native int XGetWindowAttributes(long display, long window, long attr_ptr);
    static native int XGetGeometry(long display, long drawable, long root_return, long x_return, long y_return,
                                   long width_return, long height_return, long border_width_return, long depth_return);

    static native int XGetWMNormalHints(long display, long window, long hints, long supplied_return);
    static native void XSetWMNormalHints(long display, long window, long hints);
    static native void XSetMinMaxHints(long display, long window, int x, int y, int width, int height, long flags);
    static native long XAllocSizeHints();

    static native int XSendEvent(long display, long window, boolean propagate, long event_mask, long event);
    static native void XPutBackEvent(long display, long event);
    static native int XQueryTree(long display, long window, long root_return, long parent_return, long children_return, long nchildren_return);
    static native long XGetVisualInfo(long display, long vinfo_mask, long vinfo_template, long nitems_return);
    static native void XReparentWindow(long display, long window, long parent, int x, int y);

    static native void XConvertSelection(long display, long selection,
                                         long target, long property,
                                         long requestor, long time);

    static native void XSetSelectionOwner(long display, long selection,
                                          long owner, long time);

    static native long XGetSelectionOwner(long display, long selection);

    static native String XGetAtomName(long display, long atom);

    static native long XMaxRequestSize(long display);

    static native long XCreatePixmap(long display, long drawable, int width, int height, int depth);
    static native long XCreateImage(long display, long visual_ptr, int depth, int format,
                                    int offset, long data, int width, int height, int bitmap_pad,
                                    int bytes_per_line);
    static native void XDestroyImage(long image);
    static native void XPutImage(long display, long drawable, long gc, long image,
                                 int src_x, int src_y, int dest_x, int dest_y,
                                 int width, int height);
    static native long XCreateGC(long display, long drawable, long valuemask, long values);
    static native void XFreeGC(long display, long gc);
    static native void XSetWindowBackgroundPixmap(long display, long window, long pixmap);
    static native void XClearWindow(long display, long window);
    static native int XGetIconSizes(long display, long window, long ret_sizes, long ret_count);
    static native int XdbeQueryExtension(long display, long major_version_return,
                                         long minor_version_return);
    static native boolean XQueryExtension(long display, String name, long mop_return,
                                         long feve_return, long err_return);
    static native boolean IsKeypadKey(long keysym);
    static native long XdbeAllocateBackBufferName(long display, long window, int swap_action);
    static native int XdbeDeallocateBackBufferName(long display, long buffer);
    static native int XdbeBeginIdiom(long display);
    static native int XdbeEndIdiom(long display);
    static native int XdbeSwapBuffers(long display, long swap_info, int num_windows);

    static native void XQueryKeymap(long display, long vector);
    static native long XKeycodeToKeysym(long display, int keycode, int index);

    static native int XKeysymToKeycode(long display, long keysym);

    // xkb-related
    static native int XkbGetEffectiveGroup(long display);
    static native long XkbKeycodeToKeysym(long display, int keycode, int group, int level);
    static native void XkbSelectEvents(long display, long device, long bits_to_change, long values_for_bits);
    static native void XkbSelectEventDetails(long display, long device, long event_type,
                                              long bits_to_change, long values_for_bits);
    static native boolean XkbQueryExtension(long display, long opcode_rtrn, long event_rtrn,
              long error_rtrn, long major_in_out, long minor_in_out);
    static native boolean XkbLibraryVersion(long lib_major_in_out, long lib_minor_in_out);
    static native long XkbGetMap(long display, long which, long device_spec);
    static native long XkbGetUpdatedMap(long display, long which, long xkb);
    static native void XkbFreeKeyboard(long xkb, long which, boolean free_all);
    static native boolean XkbTranslateKeyCode(long xkb, int keycode, long mods, long mods_rtrn, long keysym_rtrn);

    static native void XConvertCase(long keysym,
                                    long keysym_lowercase,
                                    long keysym_uppercase);

    static native long XGetModifierMapping(long display);
    static native void XFreeModifiermap(long keymap);
    static native void XRefreshKeyboardMapping(long event);

    static native void XChangeActivePointerGrab(long display, int mask,
                                                long cursor, long time);

      int (*XSynchronize(Display *display, Bool onoff))();
          display   Specifies the connection to the X server.
          onoff     Specifies a Boolean value that indicates whether to enable or disable synchronization.
    public static native int XSynchronize(long display, boolean onoff);

     * Extracts an X event that can be processed in a secondary loop.
     * Should only be called on the toolkit thread.
     * Returns false if this secondary event was terminated.
    static native boolean XNextSecondaryLoopEvent(long display, long ptr);
     * Terminates the topmost secondary loop (if any).
     * Should never be called on the toolkit thread.
    static native void ExitSecondaryLoop();

     * Calls XTextPropertyToStringList on the specified byte array and returns
     * the array of strings.
    static native String[] XTextPropertyToStringList(byte[] bytes, long encoding_atom);

     * XSHAPE extension support.
    static native boolean XShapeQueryExtension(long display, long event_base_return, long error_base_return);
    static native void SetRectangularShape(long display, long window,
            int lox, int loy, int hix, int hiy,
            sun.java2d.pipe.Region region);
    /** Each int in the bitmap array is one pixel with a 32-bit color:
     *  R, G, B, and Alpha.
    static native void SetBitmapShape(long display, long window,
             int width, int height, int[] bitmap);

    static native void SetZOrder(long display, long window, long above);

/* Global memory area used for X lib parameter passing */

    final static long lbuffer = unsafe.allocateMemory(64);  // array to hold 8 longs
    final static long ibuffer = unsafe.allocateMemory(32);  // array to hold 8 ints

    static final long larg1 = lbuffer;
    static final long larg2 = larg1+8;
    static final long larg3 = larg2+8;
    static final long larg4 = larg3+8;
    static final long larg5 = larg4+8;
    static final long larg6 = larg5+8;
    static final long larg7 = larg6+8;
    static final long larg8 = larg7+8;

    static final long iarg1 = ibuffer;
    static final long iarg2 = iarg1+4;
    static final long iarg3 = iarg2+4;
    static final long iarg4 = iarg3+4;
    static final long iarg5 = iarg4+4;
    static final long iarg6 = iarg5+4;
    static final long iarg7 = iarg6+4;
    static final long iarg8 = iarg7+4;

    static int dataModel;
    static final boolean isBuildInternal;

    static {
        String dataModelProp = (String)AccessController.doPrivileged(
            new PrivilegedAction() {
                    public Object run() {
                        return System.getProperty("sun.arch.data.model");
        try {
            dataModel = Integer.parseInt(dataModelProp);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            dataModel = 32;

        isBuildInternal = getBuildInternal();

//      System.loadLibrary("mawt");

    static int getDataModel() {
        return dataModel;

    static String hintsToString(long flags) {
        StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
        if ((flags & XUtilConstants.PMaxSize) != 0) {
            buf.append("PMaxSize ");
        if ((flags & XUtilConstants.PMinSize) != 0) {
            buf.append("PMinSize ");
        if ((flags & XUtilConstants.USSize) != 0) {
            buf.append("USSize ");
        if ((flags & XUtilConstants.USPosition) != 0) {
            buf.append("USPosition ");
        if ((flags & XUtilConstants.PPosition) != 0) {
            buf.append("PPosition ");
        if ((flags & XUtilConstants.PSize) != 0) {
            buf.append("PSize ");
        if ((flags & XUtilConstants.PWinGravity) != 0) {
            buf.append("PWinGravity ");
        return buf.toString();
    static String getEventToString( int type ) {
        if( (type >= 0) && (type < eventToString.length)) {
            return eventToString[type];
        }else if( type == XToolkit.getXKBBaseEventCode() ) {
            //XXX TODO various xkb types
            return "XkbEvent";
        return eventToString[0];

    private static boolean getBuildInternal() {
        String javaVersion = XToolkit.getSystemProperty("java.version");
        return javaVersion != null && javaVersion.contains("internal");

    static native void PrintXErrorEvent(long display, long event_ptr);