8204250: Problem list pkcs11 tests on windows
Reviewed-by: wetmore
## Copyright (c) 2014, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.# DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER.## This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it# under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as# published by the Free Software Foundation. Oracle designates this# particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided# by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.## This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License# version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that# accompanied this code).## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version# 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,# Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.## Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA# or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any# questions.#default: allinclude $(SPEC)include MakeBase.gmkinclude UtilsForTests.gmkTHIS_FILE := $(TOPDIR)/test/make/TestMakeBase.gmkDEPS := $(THIS_FILE) \ $(TOPDIR)/make/common/MakeBase.gmk \ #OUTPUT_DIR := $(TESTMAKE_OUTPUTDIR)/make-base$(call MakeDir, $(OUTPUT_DIR))################################################################################# Escape $ifneq ($(call EscapeDollar, foo$$bar), foo\$$bar) $(error EscapeDollar failed $(call EscapeDollar, foo$$bar) foo\$$bar)endifESCAPE_DOLLAR_DIR := $(OUTPUT_DIR)/escape-dollar$(ESCAPE_DOLLAR_DIR)/_escape_dollar: $(DEPS) $(RM) -r $(@D) $(MKDIR) -p $(@D) $(ECHO) foo\$$bar > $(@D)/file1 $(ECHO) $(call EscapeDollar, foo$$bar) > $(@D)/file2 $(ECHO) $(call EscapeDollar, foo\$$bar) > $(@D)/file3 $(DIFF) $(@D)/file1 $(@D)/file2 $(DIFF) $(@D)/file1 $(@D)/file3 $(TOUCH) $@TEST_TARGETS += $(ESCAPE_DOLLAR_DIR)/_escape_dollar################################################################################# Test containing and not-containingCONT_LIST := foo bar baz foobar foobaz# Param 1 - string to look for# Param 2 - expected resultdefine TestContaining value := $$(call containing, $1, $(CONT_LIST)) ifneq ($$(value), $2) $$(info (call containing, $1, $(CONT_LIST))) $$(error result >$$(value)<, expected >$2<) endifendef$(eval $(call TestContaining,bar,bar foobar))$(eval $(call TestContaining,foo bar,foo bar foobar foobaz))# Param 1 - string to look for# Param 2 - expected resultdefine TestNotContaining value := $$(call not-containing, $1, $(CONT_LIST)) ifneq ($$(value), $2) $$(info (call not-containing, $1, $(CONT_LIST))) $$(error result >$$(value)<, expected >$2<) endifendef$(eval $(call TestNotContaining,bar,foo baz foobaz))$(eval $(call TestNotContaining,foo bar,baz))################################################################################# Test EqualsEQUALS_VALUE1 := value1$(SPACE)EQUALS_VALUE2 := value2ifneq ($(call equals, $(EQUALS_VALUE1), $(EQUALS_VALUE2)), ) $(error The strings >$(EQUALS_VALUE1)< and >$(EQUALS_VALUE2)< are equal)endififeq ($(call equals, $(EQUALS_VALUE1), $(EQUALS_VALUE1)), ) $(error The strings >$(EQUALS_VALUE1)< and >$(EQUALS_VALUE1)< are not equal)endif################################################################################# Test remove-prefixes$(eval $(call assert-equals, \ $(call remove-prefixes, pre, prefix postfix), fix postfix, \ Prefixes not properly removed))$(eval $(call assert-equals, \ $(call remove-prefixes, pre post, prefix postfix), fix fix, \ Prefixes not properly removed))################################################################################# Test ShellQuoteSHELL_QUOTE_VALUE := foo '""' "''" barSHELL_QUOTE_RESULT := $(shell $(ECHO) $(call ShellQuote, \ $(SHELL_QUOTE_VALUE)))ifneq ($(SHELL_QUOTE_VALUE), $(SHELL_QUOTE_RESULT)) $(error Expected: >$(SHELL_QUOTE_VALUE)< - Result: >$(SHELL_QUOTE_RESULT)<)endif################################################################################# Test read and write to fileREAD_WRITE_FILE := $(OUTPUT_DIR)/read-writeREAD_WRITE_VALUE := foo '""' "''" \t\n\\ bar$(call WriteFile, $(READ_WRITE_VALUE), $(READ_WRITE_FILE))READ_WRITE_RESULT := $(call ReadFile, $(READ_WRITE_FILE))ifneq ($(READ_WRITE_VALUE), $(READ_WRITE_RESULT)) $(error Expected: >$(READ_WRITE_VALUE)< - Result: >$(READ_WRITE_RESULT)<)endif################################################################################# Test creating dependencies on make variablesVARDEP_DIR := $(OUTPUT_DIR)/vardepVARDEP_SRC_FILE := $(VARDEP_DIR)/src-fileVARDEP_TARGET_FILE := $(VARDEP_DIR)/target-fileVARDEP_FLAG_FILE := $(VARDEP_DIR)/flag-file$(VARDEP_DIR)/src-file: $(MKDIR) -p $(@D) $(ECHO) "some string XXX" > $@$(VARDEP_TARGET_FILE): $(VARDEP_DIR)/src-file \ $(call DependOnVariable, VARDEP_TEST_VAR) $(MKDIR) -p $(@D) $(SED) -e 's/XXX/$(VARDEP_TEST_VAR)/g' $< > $@ $(TOUCH) $(VARDEP_FLAG_FILE)test-vardep: $(RM) $(VARDEP_SRC_FILE) $(VARDEP_TARGET_FILE) $(VARDEP_FLAG_FILE) # # Simply create the target file and verify that it has the correct value # $(MAKE) -f $(THIS_FILE) VARDEP_TEST_VAR=value1 $(VARDEP_TARGET_FILE) $(PRINTF) "Expecting value1: %s\n" "`$(CAT) $(VARDEP_DIR)/target-file`" test "some string value1" = "`$(CAT) $(VARDEP_DIR)/target-file`" test -e $(VARDEP_FLAG_FILE) # # Make the target file again and verify that the value is updated with # the new value # $(SLEEP_ON_MAC) $(MAKE) -f $(THIS_FILE) VARDEP_TEST_VAR=value2 $(VARDEP_TARGET_FILE) $(PRINTF) "Expecting value2: %s\n" "`$(CAT) $(VARDEP_DIR)/target-file`" test "some string value2" = "`$(CAT) $(VARDEP_DIR)/target-file`" test -e $(VARDEP_FLAG_FILE) # # Make the target again with the same value and verify that the recipe # was never run by checking that the flag file was not recreated # $(SLEEP_ON_MAC) $(RM) $(VARDEP_FLAG_FILE) $(MAKE) -f $(THIS_FILE) VARDEP_TEST_VAR=value2 $(VARDEP_TARGET_FILE) $(PRINTF) "Expecting value2: %s\n" "`$(CAT) $(VARDEP_DIR)/target-file`" test "some string value2" = "`$(CAT) $(VARDEP_DIR)/target-file`" test ! -e $(VARDEP_FLAG_FILE) # # Test running with spaces at the end and the middle of the value # and verify that the file isn't rewritten the second time # $(MAKE) -f $(THIS_FILE) VARDEP_TEST_VAR="value3 foo " $(VARDEP_TARGET_FILE) $(RM) $(VARDEP_FLAG_FILE) $(MAKE) -f $(THIS_FILE) VARDEP_TEST_VAR="value3 foo" $(VARDEP_TARGET_FILE) test ! -e $(VARDEP_FLAG_FILE) $(MAKE) -f $(THIS_FILE) VARDEP_TEST_VAR=" value3 foo" $(VARDEP_TARGET_FILE) test ! -e $(VARDEP_FLAG_FILE) # # Test including some problematic characters $(MAKE) -f $(THIS_FILE) VARDEP_TEST_VAR='value4 \$$ORIGIN' $(VARDEP_TARGET_FILE) $(RM) $(VARDEP_FLAG_FILE) $(MAKE) -f $(THIS_FILE) VARDEP_TEST_VAR='value4 \$$ORIGIN' $(VARDEP_TARGET_FILE) test ! -e $(VARDEP_FLAG_FILE)# Test specifying a specific value file to store variable inVARDEP_VALUE_FILE := $(VARDEP_DIR)/value-fileVARDEP_TEST_VAR2 := value3VARDEP_RETURN_VALUE := $(call DependOnVariable, VARDEP_TEST_VAR2, $(VARDEP_VALUE_FILE))$(eval $(call assert-equals, $(VARDEP_RETURN_VALUE), $(VARDEP_VALUE_FILE), \ Wrong filename returned))-include $(VARDEP_VALUE_FILE)$(eval $(call assert-equals, $(VARDEP_TEST_VAR2_old), $(VARDEP_TEST_VAR2), \ Wrong contents in vardeps file))# Test with a variable value containing some problematic charactersVARDEP_TEST_VAR3 := foo '""' "''" bar \$$ORIGIN &\#x00a9VARDEP_VALUE_FILE := $(call DependOnVariable, VARDEP_TEST_VAR3)-include $(VARDEP_VALUE_FILE)$(eval $(call assert-equals, $(call EscapeHash,$(VARDEP_TEST_VAR3_old)), \ $(call EscapeHash,$(VARDEP_TEST_VAR3)), \ Wrong contents in vardep file))TEST_TARGETS += test-vardep################################################################################# Test sequenceifneq ($(call sequence, 1, 1), 1) $(error Sequence 1, 1 should be "1", but was $(call sequence, 1, 1))endififneq ($(call sequence, 2, 3), 2 3) $(error Sequence 2, 3 should be "2 3", but was $(call sequence, 2, 3))endififneq ($(call sequence, 4, 9), 4 5 6 7 8 9) $(error Sequence 4, 9 should be "4 5 6 7 8 9", but was $(call sequence, 4, 9))endififneq ($(call sequence, 5, 15), 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15) $(error Sequence 5, 15 should be "5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15", \ but was $(call sequence, 5, 15))endif################################################################################# Test that PathList is safe when called multiple nested times.PATHLIST_INPUT := foo bar baz$(eval $(call assert-equals, \ $(call PathList, $(call PathList, $(PATHLIST_INPUT))), \ $(call PathList, $(PATHLIST_INPUT)), \ PathList call not safe for calling twice))################################################################################# Test FindCommonPathPrefix$(eval $(call assert-equals, \ $(call FindCommonPathPrefix, /foo/bar/baz, /foo/bar/banan), \ /foo/bar, \ FindCommonPathPrefix, \))$(eval $(call assert-equals, \ $(call FindCommonPathPrefix, /foo/bar/baz, /foo/bar), \ /foo/bar, \ FindCommonPathPrefix, \))$(eval $(call assert-equals, \ $(call FindCommonPathPrefix, /foo/bar/baz, /foo/bar/), \ /foo/bar, \ FindCommonPathPrefix, \))$(eval $(call assert-equals, \ $(call FindCommonPathPrefix, foo/bar/baz, foo/bar/banan), \ foo/bar, \ FindCommonPathPrefix, \))$(eval $(call assert-equals, \ $(call FindCommonPathPrefix, foo/bar/baz, /foo/bar/banan), \ , \ FindCommonPathPrefix, \))################################################################################# DirToDotDot$(eval $(call assert-equals, \ $(call DirToDotDot, foo/bar/baz/), \ ../../.., \ DirToDotDot, \))$(eval $(call assert-equals, \ $(call DirToDotDot, foo/bar), \ ../.., \ DirToDotDot, \))$(eval $(call assert-equals, \ $(call DirToDotDot, /foo), \ .., \ DirToDotDot, \))################################################################################# RelativePath$(eval $(call assert-equals, \ $(call RelativePath, foo/bar/baz, foo/bar/banan), \ ../baz, \ RelativePath, \))$(eval $(call assert-equals, \ $(call RelativePath, foo/bar/baz/banan/kung, foo/bar/banan/kung), \ ../../baz/banan/kung, \ RelativePath, \))$(eval $(call assert-equals, \ $(call RelativePath, /foo/bar/baz/banan/kung, /foo/bar/banan/kung/), \ ../../baz/banan/kung, \ RelativePath, \))################################################################################# Test ParseKeywordVariableKWBASE := APA=banan;GURKA=tomat;COUNT=1%202%203%204%205;SUM=1+2+3+4+5;MANY_WORDS=I have the best words.$(eval $(call ParseKeywordVariable, KWBASE, \ KEYWORDS := APA GURKA SUM, \ STRING_KEYWORDS := COUNT MANY_WORDS, \))$(eval $(call assert-equals, \ $(KWBASE_APA), \ banan, \ ParseKeywordVariable failed to parse APA, \))$(eval $(call assert-equals, \ $(KWBASE_COUNT), \ 1 2 3 4 5, \ ParseKeywordVariable failed to parse COUNT, \))$(eval $(call assert-equals, \ $(KWBASE_SUM), \ 1+2+3+4+5, \ ParseKeywordVariable failed to parse SUM, \))$(eval $(call assert-equals, \ $(KWBASE_MANY_WORDS), \ I have the best words., \ ParseKeywordVariable failed to parse MANY_WORDS, \))# Simulate variable set from command line by using "override"override KWBASE_WEIRD_GURKA := paprikaKWBASE_WEIRD := ;;APA=banan;;;GURKA=apelsin;APA=skansen;;$(eval $(call ParseKeywordVariable, KWBASE_WEIRD, \ KEYWORDS := APA GURKA SUM, \ STRING_KEYWORDS := COUNT, \))$(eval $(call assert-equals, \ $(KWBASE_WEIRD_APA), \ skansen, \ ParseKeywordVariable failed to overwrite APA, \))$(eval $(call assert-equals, \ $(KWBASE_WEIRD_GURKA), \ paprika, \ ParseKeywordVariable failed to preserve GURKA, \))################################################################################all: $(TEST_TARGETS)