8173147: [ctw] fails during compilation of sun.security.krb5.internal.crypto.RsaMd5DesCksumType::calculateKeyedChecksum with " graph should be schedulable"
Summary: Loads generated at uncommon trap from eliminated arraycopy have incorrect memory state
Reviewed-by: thartmann
/* * Copyright (c) 1997, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any * questions. * */#include "precompiled.hpp"#include "code/nmethod.hpp"#include "compiler/compileBroker.hpp"#include "opto/compile.hpp"#include "opto/matcher.hpp"#include "opto/node.hpp"#include "opto/phase.hpp"int Phase::_total_bytes_compiled = 0;elapsedTimer Phase::_t_totalCompilation;elapsedTimer Phase::_t_methodCompilation;elapsedTimer Phase::_t_stubCompilation;// The counters to use for LogCompilationelapsedTimer Phase::timers[max_phase_timers];//------------------------------Phase------------------------------------------Phase::Phase( PhaseNumber pnum ) : _pnum(pnum), C( pnum == Compiler ? NULL : Compile::current()) { // Poll for requests from shutdown mechanism to quiesce compiler (4448539, 4448544). // This is an effective place to poll, since the compiler is full of phases. // In particular, every inlining site uses a recursively created Parse phase. CompileBroker::maybe_block();}void Phase::print_timers() { tty->print_cr (" C2 Compile Time: %7.3f s", Phase::_t_totalCompilation.seconds()); tty->print_cr (" Parse: %7.3f s", timers[_t_parser].seconds()); { tty->print_cr (" Optimize: %7.3f s", timers[_t_optimizer].seconds()); if (DoEscapeAnalysis) { // EA is part of Optimizer. tty->print_cr (" Escape Analysis: %7.3f s", timers[_t_escapeAnalysis].seconds()); tty->print_cr (" Conn Graph: %7.3f s", timers[_t_connectionGraph].seconds()); tty->print_cr (" Macro Eliminate: %7.3f s", timers[_t_macroEliminate].seconds()); } tty->print_cr (" GVN 1: %7.3f s", timers[_t_iterGVN].seconds()); { tty->print_cr (" Incremental Inline: %7.3f s", timers[_t_incrInline].seconds()); tty->print_cr (" IdealLoop: %7.3f s", timers[_t_incrInline_ideal].seconds()); tty->print_cr (" IGVN: %7.3f s", timers[_t_incrInline_igvn].seconds()); tty->print_cr (" Inline: %7.3f s", timers[_t_incrInline_inline].seconds()); tty->print_cr (" Prune Useless: %7.3f s", timers[_t_incrInline_pru].seconds()); double other = timers[_t_incrInline].seconds() - (timers[_t_incrInline_ideal].seconds() + timers[_t_incrInline_igvn].seconds() + timers[_t_incrInline_inline].seconds() + timers[_t_incrInline_pru].seconds()); if (other > 0) { tty->print_cr(" Other: %7.3f s", other); } } tty->print_cr (" Renumber Live: %7.3f s", timers[_t_renumberLive].seconds()); tty->print_cr (" IdealLoop: %7.3f s", timers[_t_idealLoop].seconds()); tty->print_cr (" IdealLoop Verify: %7.3f s", timers[_t_idealLoopVerify].seconds()); tty->print_cr (" Cond Const Prop: %7.3f s", timers[_t_ccp].seconds()); tty->print_cr (" GVN 2: %7.3f s", timers[_t_iterGVN2].seconds()); tty->print_cr (" Macro Expand: %7.3f s", timers[_t_macroExpand].seconds()); tty->print_cr (" Graph Reshape: %7.3f s", timers[_t_graphReshaping].seconds()); double other = timers[_t_optimizer].seconds() - (timers[_t_escapeAnalysis].seconds() + timers[_t_iterGVN].seconds() + timers[_t_incrInline].seconds() + timers[_t_renumberLive].seconds() + timers[_t_idealLoop].seconds() + timers[_t_idealLoopVerify].seconds() + timers[_t_ccp].seconds() + timers[_t_iterGVN2].seconds() + timers[_t_macroExpand].seconds() + timers[_t_graphReshaping].seconds()); if (other > 0) { tty->print_cr(" Other: %7.3f s", other); } } tty->print_cr (" Matcher: %7.3f s", timers[_t_matcher].seconds()); tty->print_cr (" Scheduler: %7.3f s", timers[_t_scheduler].seconds()); { tty->print_cr (" Regalloc: %7.3f s", timers[_t_registerAllocation].seconds()); tty->print_cr (" Ctor Chaitin: %7.3f s", timers[_t_ctorChaitin].seconds()); tty->print_cr (" Build IFG (virt): %7.3f s", timers[_t_buildIFGvirtual].seconds()); tty->print_cr (" Build IFG (phys): %7.3f s", timers[_t_buildIFGphysical].seconds()); tty->print_cr (" Compute Liveness: %7.3f s", timers[_t_computeLive].seconds()); tty->print_cr (" Regalloc Split: %7.3f s", timers[_t_regAllocSplit].seconds()); tty->print_cr (" Postalloc Copy Rem: %7.3f s", timers[_t_postAllocCopyRemoval].seconds()); tty->print_cr (" Merge multidefs: %7.3f s", timers[_t_mergeMultidefs].seconds()); tty->print_cr (" Fixup Spills: %7.3f s", timers[_t_fixupSpills].seconds()); tty->print_cr (" Compact: %7.3f s", timers[_t_chaitinCompact].seconds()); tty->print_cr (" Coalesce 1: %7.3f s", timers[_t_chaitinCoalesce1].seconds()); tty->print_cr (" Coalesce 2: %7.3f s", timers[_t_chaitinCoalesce2].seconds()); tty->print_cr (" Coalesce 3: %7.3f s", timers[_t_chaitinCoalesce3].seconds()); tty->print_cr (" Cache LRG: %7.3f s", timers[_t_chaitinCacheLRG].seconds()); tty->print_cr (" Simplify: %7.3f s", timers[_t_chaitinSimplify].seconds()); tty->print_cr (" Select: %7.3f s", timers[_t_chaitinSelect].seconds()); double other = timers[_t_registerAllocation].seconds() - (timers[_t_ctorChaitin].seconds() + timers[_t_buildIFGvirtual].seconds() + timers[_t_buildIFGphysical].seconds() + timers[_t_computeLive].seconds() + timers[_t_regAllocSplit].seconds() + timers[_t_postAllocCopyRemoval].seconds() + timers[_t_mergeMultidefs].seconds() + timers[_t_fixupSpills].seconds() + timers[_t_chaitinCompact].seconds() + timers[_t_chaitinCoalesce1].seconds() + timers[_t_chaitinCoalesce2].seconds() + timers[_t_chaitinCoalesce3].seconds() + timers[_t_chaitinCacheLRG].seconds() + timers[_t_chaitinSimplify].seconds() + timers[_t_chaitinSelect].seconds()); if (other > 0) { tty->print_cr(" Other: %7.3f s", other); } } tty->print_cr (" Block Ordering: %7.3f s", timers[_t_blockOrdering].seconds()); tty->print_cr (" Peephole: %7.3f s", timers[_t_peephole].seconds()); if (Matcher::require_postalloc_expand) { tty->print_cr (" Postalloc Expand: %7.3f s", timers[_t_postalloc_expand].seconds()); } tty->print_cr (" Code Emission: %7.3f s", timers[_t_output].seconds()); tty->print_cr (" Insn Scheduling: %7.3f s", timers[_t_instrSched].seconds()); tty->print_cr (" Build OOP maps: %7.3f s", timers[_t_buildOopMaps].seconds()); tty->print_cr (" Code Installation: %7.3f s", timers[_t_registerMethod].seconds()); if( timers[_t_temporaryTimer1].seconds() > 0 ) { tty->cr(); tty->print_cr (" Temp Timer 1: %7.3f s", timers[_t_temporaryTimer1].seconds()); } if( timers[_t_temporaryTimer2].seconds() > 0 ) { tty->cr(); tty->print_cr (" Temp Timer 2: %7.3f s", timers[_t_temporaryTimer2].seconds()); } double other = Phase::_t_totalCompilation.seconds() - (timers[_t_parser].seconds() + timers[_t_optimizer].seconds() + timers[_t_matcher].seconds() + timers[_t_scheduler].seconds() + timers[_t_registerAllocation].seconds() + timers[_t_blockOrdering].seconds() + timers[_t_peephole].seconds() + timers[_t_postalloc_expand].seconds() + timers[_t_output].seconds() + timers[_t_registerMethod].seconds() + timers[_t_temporaryTimer1].seconds() + timers[_t_temporaryTimer2].seconds()); if (other > 0) { tty->print_cr(" Other: %7.3f s", other); }}