8152470: Add COMPILER2_OR_JVMCI definition
Summary: defined(COMPILER2) || INCLUDE_JVMCI changed replaced with COMPILER2_OR_JVMCI
Reviewed-by: kvn
<TITLE>A Clock (1.6)</TITLE>
<h1>A Clock (1.6)</h1>
<applet code="Clock.class" width=170 height=150>
alt="Your browser understands the <APPLET> tag but isn't running the applet, for some reason."
Your browser is completely ignoring the <APPLET> tag!
The clock applet now has three parameters; the background
color (bgcolor), the main foreground color (the hands and
dial) (fgcolor1) and the secondary foreground color (the
seconds hand and numbers) (fgcolor2). These three parameters
are hexadecimal RGB numbers (like the ones used for the body
bgcolor tag in HTML). For example:
<applet code="Clock.class" width=170 height=150><br>
<param name=bgcolor value="000000"><br>
<param name=fgcolor1 value="ff0000"><br>
<param name=fgcolor2 value="ff00ff"><br>
would give you a black background, a red dial and hands, and purple numbers.
For those who don't convert to hexadecimal easily, here are some common
<li>black = 000000
<li>blue = 0000ff
<li>cyan = 00ffff
<li>darkGray = 404040
<li>gray = 808080
<li>green = 00ff00
<li>lightGray = c0c0c0
<li>magenta = ff00ff
<li>orange = ffc800
<li>pink = ffafaf
<li>red = ff0000
<li>white = ffffff
<li>yellow = ffff00
<a href="Clock.java">The source</a>.