6961079: Build JDK7 for 64 bit Windows using free Windows 7.1 SDK 64 bit compilers
Reviewed-by: ohair, jcoomes
#! /bin/sh## Copyright (c) 2000, 2005, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.# DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER.## This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it# under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as# published by the Free Software Foundation. Oracle designates this# particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided# by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.## This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License# version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that# accompanied this code).## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version# 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,# Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.## Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA# or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any# questions.## Generate concrete buffer classes# Required environment variables# NAWK SED SPP To invoke tools# TYPE Primitive type# SRC Source file# DST Destination file## Optional environment variables# RW Mutability: R(ead only), W(ritable)# BO Byte order: B(ig), L(ittle), S(wapped), U(nswapped)# BIN Defined => generate binary-data access methodstype=$TYPErw=$RWrwkey=XXcase $type in char) fulltype=character;; int) fulltype=integer;; *) fulltype=$type;;esaccase $type in byte) LBPV=0;; char | short) LBPV=1;; int | float) LBPV=2;; long | double) LBPV=3;;esaccase $type in float|double) floatingPointOrIntegralType=floatingPointType;; *) floatingPointOrIntegralType=integralType;;esactypesAndBits() { type="$1"; BO="$2" memtype=$type; swaptype=$type; frombits=; tobits= case $type in float) memtype=int if [ x$BO != xU ]; then swaptype=int fromBits=Float.intBitsToFloat toBits=Float.floatToRawIntBits fi;; double) memtype=long if [ x$BO != xU ]; then swaptype=long fromBits=Double.longBitsToDouble toBits=Double.doubleToRawLongBits fi;; esac echo memtype=$memtype swaptype=$swaptype fromBits=$fromBits toBits=$toBits echo $type $fulltype $memtype $swaptype \ | $NAWK '{ type = $1; fulltype = $2; memtype = $3; swaptype = $4; x = substr(type, 1, 1); Type = toupper(x) substr(type, 2); Fulltype = toupper(x) substr(fulltype, 2); Memtype = toupper(substr(memtype, 1, 1)) substr(memtype, 2); Swaptype = toupper(substr(swaptype, 1, 1)) substr(swaptype, 2); printf("Type=%s x=%s Fulltype=%s Memtype=%s Swaptype=%s ", Type, x, Fulltype, Memtype, Swaptype); }' echo "swap=`if [ x$BO = xS ]; then echo Bits.swap; fi`"}eval `typesAndBits $type $BO`a=`if [ $type = int ]; then echo an; else echo a; fi`A=`if [ $type = int ]; then echo An; else echo A; fi`if [ "x$rw" = xR ]; then rwkey=ro; else rwkey=rw; fiset -e$SPP <$SRC >$DST \ -K$type \ -K$floatingPointOrIntegralType \ -Dtype=$type \ -DType=$Type \ -Dfulltype=$fulltype \ -DFulltype=$Fulltype \ -Dx=$x \ -Dmemtype=$memtype \ -DMemtype=$Memtype \ -DSwaptype=$Swaptype \ -DfromBits=$fromBits \ -DtoBits=$toBits \ -DLG_BYTES_PER_VALUE=$LBPV \ -DBYTES_PER_VALUE="(1 << $LBPV)" \ -DBO=$BO \ -Dswap=$swap \ -DRW=$rw \ -K$rwkey \ -Da=$a \ -DA=$A \ -Kbo$BOif [ $BIN ]; then genBinOps() { type="$1" Type=`echo $1 | $NAWK '{ print toupper(substr($1, 1, 1)) substr($1, 2) }'` fulltype="$2" LBPV="$3" nbytes="$4" nbytesButOne="$5" a=`if [ $type = int ]; then echo an; else echo a; fi` src=$6 eval `typesAndBits $type` $SPP <$src \ -Dtype=$type \ -DType=$Type \ -Dfulltype=$fulltype \ -Dmemtype=$memtype \ -DMemtype=$Memtype \ -DfromBits=$fromBits \ -DtoBits=$toBits \ -DLG_BYTES_PER_VALUE=$LBPV \ -DBYTES_PER_VALUE="(1 << $LBPV)" \ -Dnbytes=$nbytes \ -DnbytesButOne=$nbytesButOne \ -DRW=$rw \ -K$rwkey \ -Da=$a \ -be } mv $DST $DST.tmp sed -e '/#BIN/,$d' <$DST.tmp >$DST rm -f $DST.tmp binops=`dirname $SRC`/`basename $SRC .java.template`-bin.java.template genBinOps char character 1 two one $binops >>$DST genBinOps short short 1 two one $binops >>$DST genBinOps int integer 2 four three $binops >>$DST genBinOps long long 3 eight seven $binops >>$DST genBinOps float float 2 four three $binops >>$DST genBinOps double double 3 eight seven $binops >>$DST echo '}' >>$DSTfi