changeset 48759 ffa68af7da87
parent 48654 36f58bd6269f
child 49569 d4d2f634b72f
--- a/src/jdk.javadoc/share/classes/jdk/javadoc/internal/doclets/toolkit/util/	Wed Feb 07 09:48:43 2018 -0800
+++ b/src/jdk.javadoc/share/classes/jdk/javadoc/internal/doclets/toolkit/util/	Wed Feb 07 11:28:23 2018 -0800
@@ -61,94 +61,6 @@
         return (p == null) || p.isEmpty() ? empty : new DocPath(p);
-    /**
-     * Returns the path for a class.
-     * For example, if the class is java.lang.Object,
-     * the path is java/lang/Object.html.
-     * @param utils utility class for handling type elements
-     * @param typeElement the type element
-     * @return the path
-     */
-    public static DocPath forClass(Utils utils, TypeElement typeElement) {
-        return (typeElement == null)
-                ? empty
-                : forPackage(utils.containingPackage(typeElement)).resolve(forName(utils, typeElement));
-    }
-    /**
-     * Returns the path for the simple name of a class.
-     * For example, if the class is java.lang.Object,
-     * the path is Object.html.
-     * @param utils utility class for handling type elements
-     * @param typeElement the type element
-     * @return the path
-     */
-    public static DocPath forName(Utils utils, TypeElement typeElement) {
-        return (typeElement == null) ? empty : new DocPath(utils.getSimpleName(typeElement) + ".html");
-    }
-    /**
-     * Returns the path for the name of a module.
-     * For example, if the module is java.base,
-     * the path is java.base.
-     * @param mdle the module element
-     * @return the path
-     */
-    public static DocPath forModule(ModuleElement mdle) {
-        return mdle == null || mdle.isUnnamed()
-                ? empty
-                : DocPath.create(mdle.getQualifiedName().toString());
-    }
-    /**
-     * Returns the path for the package of a class.
-     * For example, if the class is java.lang.Object,
-     * the path is java/lang.
-     * @param utils utility class for handling type elements
-     * @param typeElement the type element
-     * @return the path
-     */
-    public static DocPath forPackage(Utils utils, TypeElement typeElement) {
-        return (typeElement == null) ? empty : forPackage(utils.containingPackage(typeElement));
-    }
-    /**
-     * Returns the path for a package.
-     * For example, if the package is java.lang,
-     * the path is java/lang.
-     * @param pkgElement the package element
-     * @return the path
-     */
-    public static DocPath forPackage(PackageElement pkgElement) {
-        return pkgElement == null || pkgElement.isUnnamed()
-                ? empty
-                : DocPath.create(pkgElement.getQualifiedName().toString().replace('.', '/'));
-    }
-    /**
-     * Returns the inverse path for a package.
-     * For example, if the package is java.lang,
-     * the inverse path is ../...
-     * @param pkgElement the package element
-     * @return the path
-     */
-    public static DocPath forRoot(PackageElement pkgElement) {
-        String name = (pkgElement == null || pkgElement.isUnnamed())
-                ? ""
-                : pkgElement.getQualifiedName().toString();
-        return new DocPath(name.replace('.', '/').replaceAll("[^/]+", ".."));
-    }
-    /**
-     * Returns the relative path from one package to another.
-     * @param from the initial package
-     * @param to the target package
-     * @return the path
-     */
-    public static DocPath relativePath(PackageElement from, PackageElement to) {
-        return forRoot(from).resolve(forPackage(to));
-    }
     protected DocPath(String p) {
         path = (p.endsWith("/") ? p.substring(0, p.length() - 1) : p);