changeset 18780 f47b920867e7
parent 18240 cda839ac048f
--- a/jdk/src/share/classes/com/sun/org/apache/xml/internal/security/resource/xmlsecurity_en.properties	Thu Jun 20 18:53:57 2013 +0100
+++ b/jdk/src/share/classes/com/sun/org/apache/xml/internal/security/resource/xmlsecurity_en.properties	Fri Jul 05 15:54:42 2013 -0400
@@ -1,126 +1,131 @@
-algorithm.alreadyRegistered = URI {0} already assigned to class {1}
-algorithm.classDoesNotExist = Cannot register URI {0} to class {1} because this class does not exist in CLASSPATH
-algorithm.ClassDoesNotExist = Class {0} does not exist
-algorithm.extendsWrongClass = Cannot register URI {0} to class {1} because it does not extend {2}
-algorithms.CannotUseAlgorithmParameterSpecOnDSA = Sorry, but you cannot use a AlgorithmParameterSpec object for creating DSA signatures.
-algorithms.CannotUseAlgorithmParameterSpecOnRSA = Sorry, but you cannot use a AlgorithmParameterSpec object for creating RSA signatures.
-algorithms.CannotUseSecureRandomOnMAC = Sorry, but you cannot use a SecureRandom object for creating MACs.
-algorithms.HMACOutputLengthOnlyForHMAC = A HMACOutputLength can only be specified for HMAC integrity algorithms
-algorithms.NoSuchAlgorithm = The requested algorithm {0} does not exist. Original Message was: {1}
-algorithms.NoSuchMap = The algorithm URI "{0}" could not be mapped to a JCE algorithm
-algorithms.NoSuchProvider = The specified Provider {0} does not exist. Original Message was: {1}
-algorithms.operationOnlyVerification = A public key can only used for verification of a signature.
-algorithms.WrongKeyForThisOperation = Sorry, you supplied the wrong key type for this operation! You supplied a {0} but a {1} is needed.
-attributeValueIllegal = The attribute {0} has value {1} but must be {2}
-c14n.Canonicalizer.Exception = Exception during Canonicalization:  Original Message was {0}
-c14n.Canonicalizer.IllegalNode = Illegal node type {0}, node name was {1}
-c14n.Canonicalizer.NoSuchCanonicalizer = No canonicalizer found with URI {0}
-c14n.Canonicalizer.ParserConfigurationException = ParserConfigurationException during Canonicalization:  Original Message was {0}
-c14n.Canonicalizer.RelativeNamespace = Element {0} has a relative namespace: {1}="{2}"
-c14n.Canonicalizer.SAXException = SAXException during Canonicalization:  Original Message was {0}
-c14n.Canonicalizer.TraversalNotSupported = This DOM document does not support Traversal {0}
-c14n.Canonicalizer.UnsupportedEncoding = Unsupported encoding {0}
-c14n.Canonicalizer.UnsupportedOperation = This canonicalizer does not support this operation
-c14n.XMLUtils.circumventBug2650forgotten = The tree has not been prepared for canonicalization using XMLUtils#circumventBug2650(Document)
-certificate.noSki.lowVersion = Certificate cannot contain a SubjectKeyIdentifier because it is only X509v{0}
-certificate.noSki.notOctetString = Certificates SubjectKeyIdentifier is not a OctetString
-certificate.noSki.null = Certificate does not contain a SubjectKeyIdentifier
-defaultNamespaceCannotBeSetHere = Default namespace cannot be set here
-ElementProxy.nullElement = Cannot create an ElementProxy from a null argument
-empty = {0}
-encryption.algorithmCannotBeUsedForEncryptedData = encryption.algorithmCannotBeUsedForEncryptedData {0}
-encryption.algorithmCannotEatInitParams = encryption.algorithmCannotEatInitParams
-encryption.algorithmCannotEncryptDecrypt = encryption.algorithmCannotEncryptDecrypt
-encryption.algorithmCannotWrapUnWrap = encryption.algorithmCannotWrapUnWrap
-encryption.ExplicitKeySizeMismatch = The xenc:KeySize element requests a key size of {0} bit but the algorithm implements {1} bit
-encryption.nonceLongerThanDecryptedPlaintext = The given nonce is longer than the available plaintext. I Cannot strip away this.
-encryption.RSAOAEP.dataHashWrong = data hash wrong
-encryption.RSAOAEP.dataStartWrong = data wrong start {0}
-encryption.RSAOAEP.dataTooShort = data too short
-encryption.RSAPKCS15.blockTruncated = block truncated
-encryption.RSAPKCS15.noDataInBlock = no data in block
-encryption.RSAPKCS15.unknownBlockType = unknown block type
-encryption.nokey = No Key Encryption Key loaded and cannot determine using key resolvers
-endorsed.jdk1.4.0 = Since it seems that nobody reads our installation notes, we must do it in the exception messages. Hope you read them. You did NOT use the endorsed mechanism from JDK 1.4 properly; look at <http://xml.apache.org/security/Java/installation.html> how to solve this problem.
-errorMessages.InvalidDigestValueException = INVALID signature -- check reference resolution.
-errorMessages.InvalidSignatureValueException = INVALID signature -- core validation failed.
-errorMessages.IOException = Other file I/O and similar exceptions.
-errorMessages.MissingKeyFailureException = Cannot verify because of missing public key. Provide it via addResource and try again.
-errorMessages.MissingResourceFailureException = Cannot verify because of unresolved references. Provide it via addResource and try again.
-errorMessages.NoSuchAlgorithmException = Unknown Algorithm {0}
-errorMessages.NotYetImplementedException = Functionality not yet there.
-errorMessages.XMLSignatureException = Verification failed for some other reason.
-decoding.divisible.four = It should be divisible by four
-decoding.general = Error while decoding
-FileKeyStorageImpl.addToDefaultFromRemoteNotImplemented = Method addToDefaultFromRemote() not yet implemented.
-FileKeyStorageImpl.NoCert.Context = Not found such a X509Certificate including context {0}
-FileKeyStorageImpl.NoCert.IssNameSerNo = Not found such a X509Certificate with IssuerName {0} and serial number {1}
-FileKeyStorageImpl.NoCert.SubjName = Not found such a X509Certificate including SubjectName {0}
-generic.dontHaveConstructionElement = I do not have a construction Element
-generic.EmptyMessage = {0}
-generic.NotYetImplemented = {0} Not YET implemented ;-((
-java.security.InvalidKeyException = Invalid key
-java.security.NoSuchProviderException = Unknown or unsupported provider
-java.security.UnknownKeyType = Unknown or unsupported key type {0}
-KeyInfo.needKeyResolver = More than one keyResovler have to be registered
-KeyInfo.nokey = Cannot get key from {0}
-KeyInfo.noKey = Cannot get the public key
-KeyInfo.wrongNumberOfObject = Need {0} keyObjects
-KeyInfo.wrongUse = This object was made for getting {0}
-keyResolver.alreadyRegistered = {1} class has already been registered for {0}
-KeyResolver.needStorageResolver = Need a StorageResolver to retrieve a Certificate from a {0}
-KeyResoverSpiImpl.cannotGetCert = Cannot get the Certificate that include or in {1} in implement class {0}
-KeyResoverSpiImpl.elementGeneration = Cannot make {1} element in implement class {0}
-KeyResoverSpiImpl.getPoublicKey = Cannot get the public key from implement class {0}
-KeyResoverSpiImpl.InvalidElement = Cannot set (2) Element in implement class {0}
-KeyResoverSpiImpl.keyStore = KeyStorage error in implement class {0}
-KeyResoverSpiImpl.need.Element = {1} type of Element is needed in implement class {0}
-KeyResoverSpiImpl.wrongCRLElement = Cannot make CRL from {1} in implement class {0}
-KeyResoverSpiImpl.wrongKeyObject =  Need {1} type of KeyObject for generation Element in implement class{0}
-KeyResoverSpiImpl.wrongNumberOfObject = Need {1} keyObject in implement class {0}
-KeyStore.alreadyRegistered = {0} Class has already been registered for {1}
-KeyStore.register = {1} type class register error  in class {0}
-KeyStore.registerStore.register = Registeration error for type {0}
-KeyValue.IllegalArgument = Cannot create a {0} from {1}
-namespacePrefixAlreadyUsedByOtherURI = Namespace prefix {0} already used by other URI {1}
-notYetInitialized = The module {0} is not yet initialized
-prefix.AlreadyAssigned = You want to assign {0} as prefix for namespace {1} but it is already assigned for {2}
-signature.Canonicalizer.UnknownCanonicalizer = Unknown canonicalizer. No handler installed for URI {0}
-signature.DSA.invalidFormat = Invalid ASN.1 encoding of the DSA signature
-signature.Generation.signBeforeGetValue = You have to XMLSignature.sign(java.security.PrivateKey) first
-signature.Reference.ForbiddenResolver = It is forbidden to access resolver {0} when secure validation is enabled
-signature.signatureAlgorithm = It is forbidden to use algorithm {0} when secure validation is enabled
-signature.signaturePropertyHasNoTarget = The Target attribute of the SignatureProperty must be set
-signature.Transform.ErrorDuringTransform = A {1} was thrown during the {0} transform
-signature.Transform.NotYetImplemented = Transform {0} not yet implemented
-signature.Transform.NullPointerTransform = Null pointer as URI. Programming bug?
-signature.Transform.UnknownTransform = Unknown transformation. No handler installed for URI {0}
-signature.Transform.node = Current Node: {0}
-signature.Transform.nodeAndType = Current Node: {0}, type: {1} 
-signature.Util.BignumNonPositive = bigInteger.signum() must be positive
-signature.Util.NonTextNode = Not a text node
-signature.Util.TooManyChilds = Too many childs of Type {0} in {1}
-signature.Verification.certificateError = Certificate error
-signature.Verification.IndexOutOfBounds = Index {0} illegal. We only have {1} References
-signature.Verification.internalError = Internal error
-signature.Verification.InvalidDigestOrReference = Invalid digest of reference {0}
-signature.Verification.keyStore = KeyStore error
-signature.Verification.MissingID = Cannot resolve element with ID {0}
-signature.Verification.MissingResources = Cannot resolve external resource {0}
-signature.Verification.MultipleIDs = Multiple Elements with the same ID {0} were detected
-signature.Verification.NoSignatureElement = Input document contains no {0} Element in namespace {1}
-signature.Verification.Reference.NoInput = The Reference for URI {0} has no XMLSignatureInput
-signature.Verification.SignatureError = Signature error
-signature.XMLSignatureInput.MissingConstuctor = Cannot construct a XMLSignatureInput from class {0}
-signature.XMLSignatureInput.SerializeDOM = Input initialized with DOM Element. Use Canonicalization to serialize it
-signature.XMLSignatureInput.nodesetReference = Unable to convert to nodeset the reference
-transform.Init.IllegalContextArgument = Invalid context argument of class {0}. Must be String, org.w3c.dom.NodeList or java.io.InputStream.
-transform.init.NotInitialized =
-transform.init.wrongURI = Initialized with wrong URI. How could this happen? We implement {0} but {1} was used during initialization
-utils.Base64.IllegalBitlength = Illegal byte length; Data to be decoded must be a multiple of 4
-Base64Decoding = Error while decoding
-utils.resolver.noClass = Could not find a resolver for URI {0} and Base {1}
-xml.WrongContent = Cannot find {0} in {1}
-xml.WrongElement = Cannot create a {0} from a {1} element
-xpath.funcHere.documentsDiffer = The XPath is not in the same document as the context node
-xpath.funcHere.noXPathContext = Try to evaluate an XPath which uses the here() function but XPath is not inside an ds:XPath Element. XPath was : {0}
+algorithm.alreadyRegistered = URI {0} already assigned to class {1}
+algorithm.classDoesNotExist = Cannot register URI {0} to class {1} because this class does not exist in CLASSPATH
+algorithm.ClassDoesNotExist = Class {0} does not exist
+algorithm.extendsWrongClass = Cannot register URI {0} to class {1} because it does not extend {2}
+algorithms.CannotUseAlgorithmParameterSpecOnDSA = Sorry, but you cannot use a AlgorithmParameterSpec object for creating DSA signatures.
+algorithms.CannotUseAlgorithmParameterSpecOnRSA = Sorry, but you cannot use a AlgorithmParameterSpec object for creating RSA signatures.
+algorithms.CannotUseSecureRandomOnMAC = Sorry, but you cannot use a SecureRandom object for creating MACs.
+algorithms.HMACOutputLengthMin = HMACOutputLength must not be less than {0}
+algorithms.HMACOutputLengthOnlyForHMAC = A HMACOutputLength can only be specified for HMAC integrity algorithms
+algorithms.NoSuchAlgorithm = The requested algorithm {0} does not exist. Original Message was: {1}
+algorithms.NoSuchMap = The algorithm URI "{0}" could not be mapped to a JCE algorithm
+algorithms.NoSuchProvider = The specified Provider {0} does not exist. Original Message was: {1}
+algorithms.operationOnlyVerification = A public key can only used for verification of a signature.
+algorithms.WrongKeyForThisOperation = Sorry, you supplied the wrong key type for this operation! You supplied a {0} but a {1} is needed.
+attributeValueIllegal = The attribute {0} has value {1} but must be {2}
+c14n.Canonicalizer.Exception = Exception during Canonicalization:  Original Message was {0}
+c14n.Canonicalizer.IllegalNode = Illegal node type {0}, node name was {1}
+c14n.Canonicalizer.NoSuchCanonicalizer = No canonicalizer found with URI {0}
+c14n.Canonicalizer.ParserConfigurationException = ParserConfigurationException during Canonicalization:  Original Message was {0}
+c14n.Canonicalizer.RelativeNamespace = Element {0} has a relative namespace: {1}="{2}"
+c14n.Canonicalizer.SAXException = SAXException during Canonicalization:  Original Message was {0}
+c14n.Canonicalizer.TraversalNotSupported = This DOM document does not support Traversal {0}
+c14n.Canonicalizer.UnsupportedEncoding = Unsupported encoding {0}
+c14n.Canonicalizer.UnsupportedOperation = This canonicalizer does not support this operation
+c14n.XMLUtils.circumventBug2650forgotten = The tree has not been prepared for canonicalization using XMLUtils#circumventBug2650(Document)
+certificate.noSki.lowVersion = Certificate cannot contain a SubjectKeyIdentifier because it is only X509v{0}
+certificate.noSki.notOctetString = Certificates SubjectKeyIdentifier is not a OctetString
+certificate.noSki.null = Certificate does not contain a SubjectKeyIdentifier
+defaultNamespaceCannotBeSetHere = Default namespace cannot be set here
+ElementProxy.nullElement = Cannot create an ElementProxy from a null argument
+empty = {0}
+encryption.algorithmCannotBeUsedForEncryptedData = encryption.algorithmCannotBeUsedForEncryptedData {0}
+encryption.algorithmCannotEatInitParams = encryption.algorithmCannotEatInitParams
+encryption.algorithmCannotEncryptDecrypt = encryption.algorithmCannotEncryptDecrypt
+encryption.algorithmCannotWrapUnWrap = encryption.algorithmCannotWrapUnWrap
+encryption.ExplicitKeySizeMismatch = The xenc:KeySize element requests a key size of {0} bit but the algorithm implements {1} bit
+encryption.nonceLongerThanDecryptedPlaintext = The given nonce is longer than the available plaintext. I Cannot strip away this.
+encryption.RSAOAEP.dataHashWrong = data hash wrong
+encryption.RSAOAEP.dataStartWrong = data wrong start {0}
+encryption.RSAOAEP.dataTooShort = data too short
+encryption.RSAPKCS15.blockTruncated = block truncated
+encryption.RSAPKCS15.noDataInBlock = no data in block
+encryption.RSAPKCS15.unknownBlockType = unknown block type
+encryption.nokey = No Key Encryption Key loaded and cannot determine using key resolvers
+endorsed.jdk1.4.0 = Since it seems that nobody reads our installation notes, we must do it in the exception messages. Hope you read them. You did NOT use the endorsed mechanism from JDK 1.4 properly; look at <http://xml.apache.org/security/Java/installation.html> how to solve this problem.
+errorMessages.InvalidDigestValueException = INVALID signature -- check reference resolution.
+errorMessages.InvalidSignatureValueException = INVALID signature -- core validation failed.
+errorMessages.IOException = Other file I/O and similar exceptions.
+errorMessages.MissingKeyFailureException = Cannot verify because of missing public key. Provide it via addResource and try again.
+errorMessages.MissingResourceFailureException = Cannot verify because of unresolved references. Provide it via addResource and try again.
+errorMessages.NoSuchAlgorithmException = Unknown Algorithm {0}
+errorMessages.NotYetImplementedException = Functionality not yet there.
+errorMessages.XMLSignatureException = Verification failed for some other reason.
+decoding.divisible.four = It should be divisible by four
+decoding.general = Error while decoding
+FileKeyStorageImpl.addToDefaultFromRemoteNotImplemented = Method addToDefaultFromRemote() not yet implemented.
+FileKeyStorageImpl.NoCert.Context = Not found such a X509Certificate including context {0}
+FileKeyStorageImpl.NoCert.IssNameSerNo = Not found such a X509Certificate with IssuerName {0} and serial number {1}
+FileKeyStorageImpl.NoCert.SubjName = Not found such a X509Certificate including SubjectName {0}
+generic.dontHaveConstructionElement = I do not have a construction Element
+generic.EmptyMessage = {0}
+generic.NotYetImplemented = {0} Not YET implemented ;-((
+java.security.InvalidKeyException = Invalid key
+java.security.NoSuchProviderException = Unknown or unsupported provider
+java.security.UnknownKeyType = Unknown or unsupported key type {0}
+KeyInfo.needKeyResolver = More than one keyResovler have to be registered
+KeyInfo.nokey = Cannot get key from {0}
+KeyInfo.noKey = Cannot get the public key
+KeyInfo.wrongNumberOfObject = Need {0} keyObjects
+KeyInfo.wrongUse = This object was made for getting {0}
+keyResolver.alreadyRegistered = {1} class has already been registered for {0}
+KeyResolver.needStorageResolver = Need a StorageResolver to retrieve a Certificate from a {0}
+KeyResoverSpiImpl.cannotGetCert = Cannot get the Certificate that include or in {1} in implement class {0}
+KeyResoverSpiImpl.elementGeneration = Cannot make {1} element in implement class {0}
+KeyResoverSpiImpl.getPoublicKey = Cannot get the public key from implement class {0}
+KeyResoverSpiImpl.InvalidElement = Cannot set (2) Element in implement class {0}
+KeyResoverSpiImpl.keyStore = KeyStorage error in implement class {0}
+KeyResoverSpiImpl.need.Element = {1} type of Element is needed in implement class {0}
+KeyResoverSpiImpl.wrongCRLElement = Cannot make CRL from {1} in implement class {0}
+KeyResoverSpiImpl.wrongKeyObject =  Need {1} type of KeyObject for generation Element in implement class{0}
+KeyResoverSpiImpl.wrongNumberOfObject = Need {1} keyObject in implement class {0}
+KeyStore.alreadyRegistered = {0} Class has already been registered for {1}
+KeyStore.register = {1} type class register error  in class {0}
+KeyStore.registerStore.register = Registeration error for type {0}
+KeyValue.IllegalArgument = Cannot create a {0} from {1}
+namespacePrefixAlreadyUsedByOtherURI = Namespace prefix {0} already used by other URI {1}
+notYetInitialized = The module {0} is not yet initialized
+prefix.AlreadyAssigned = You want to assign {0} as prefix for namespace {1} but it is already assigned for {2}
+signature.Canonicalizer.UnknownCanonicalizer = Unknown canonicalizer. No handler installed for URI {0}
+signature.DSA.invalidFormat = Invalid ASN.1 encoding of the DSA signature
+signature.Generation.signBeforeGetValue = You have to XMLSignature.sign(java.security.PrivateKey) first
+signature.Reference.ForbiddenResolver = It is forbidden to access resolver {0} when secure validation is enabled
+signature.signatureAlgorithm = It is forbidden to use algorithm {0} when secure validation is enabled
+signature.signaturePropertyHasNoTarget = The Target attribute of the SignatureProperty must be set
+signature.tooManyReferences = {0} references are contained in the Manifest, maximum {1} are allowed with secure validation
+signature.tooManyTransforms = {0} transforms are contained in the Reference, maximum {1} are allowed with secure validation
+signature.Transform.ErrorDuringTransform = A {1} was thrown during the {0} transform
+signature.Transform.ForbiddenTransform = Transform {0} is forbidden when secure validation is enabled
+signature.Transform.NotYetImplemented = Transform {0} not yet implemented
+signature.Transform.NullPointerTransform = Null pointer as URI. Programming bug?
+signature.Transform.UnknownTransform = Unknown transformation. No handler installed for URI {0}
+signature.Transform.node = Current Node: {0}
+signature.Transform.nodeAndType = Current Node: {0}, type: {1} 
+signature.Util.BignumNonPositive = bigInteger.signum() must be positive
+signature.Util.NonTextNode = Not a text node
+signature.Util.TooManyChilds = Too many childs of Type {0} in {1}
+signature.Verification.certificateError = Certificate error
+signature.Verification.IndexOutOfBounds = Index {0} illegal. We only have {1} References
+signature.Verification.internalError = Internal error
+signature.Verification.InvalidDigestOrReference = Invalid digest of reference {0}
+signature.Verification.keyStore = KeyStore error
+signature.Verification.MissingID = Cannot resolve element with ID {0}
+signature.Verification.MissingResources = Cannot resolve external resource {0}
+signature.Verification.MultipleIDs = Multiple Elements with the same ID {0} were detected
+signature.Verification.NoSignatureElement = Input document contains no {0} Element in namespace {1}
+signature.Verification.Reference.NoInput = The Reference for URI {0} has no XMLSignatureInput
+signature.Verification.SignatureError = Signature error
+signature.XMLSignatureInput.MissingConstuctor = Cannot construct a XMLSignatureInput from class {0}
+signature.XMLSignatureInput.SerializeDOM = Input initialized with DOM Element. Use Canonicalization to serialize it
+signature.XMLSignatureInput.nodesetReference = Unable to convert to nodeset the reference
+transform.Init.IllegalContextArgument = Invalid context argument of class {0}. Must be String, org.w3c.dom.NodeList or java.io.InputStream.
+transform.init.NotInitialized =
+transform.init.wrongURI = Initialized with wrong URI. How could this happen? We implement {0} but {1} was used during initialization
+transform.envelopedSignatureTransformNotInSignatureElement = Enveloped Transform cannot find Signature element
+utils.Base64.IllegalBitlength = Illegal byte length; Data to be decoded must be a multiple of 4
+Base64Decoding = Error while decoding
+utils.resolver.noClass = Could not find a resolver for URI {0} and Base {1}
+xml.WrongContent = Cannot find {0} in {1}
+xml.WrongElement = Cannot create a {0} from a {1} element
+xpath.funcHere.documentsDiffer = The XPath is not in the same document as the context node
+xpath.funcHere.noXPathContext = Try to evaluate an XPath which uses the here() function but XPath is not inside an ds:XPath Element. XPath was : {0}