changeset 45534 f0b3d467215e
parent 45473 03c5450b6e4a
parent 45533 e6707cd51e28
child 45535 4b19310ae4ee
--- a/jdk/src/java.management/share/specs/JVM-MANAGEMENT-MIB.mib	Thu Jun 08 16:32:55 2017 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,3266 +0,0 @@
--- Copyright (c) 2004, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
--- This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
--- under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
--- published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
--- particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
--- by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
--- This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
--- ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
--- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
--- version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
--- accompanied this code).
--- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
--- 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
--- Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
--- Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
--- or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
--- questions.
--- See jvmManagementMIB MODULE-IDENTITY for a description overview.
--- See conformance statements for mandatory objects
-	Integer32, Counter64, enterprises
-        FROM SNMPv2-SMI
-    DisplayString, TEXTUAL-CONVENTION, RowPointer
-        FROM SNMPv2-TC
-        FROM SNMPv2-CONF;
--- Module Identity
-    LAST-UPDATED "200403041800Z"
-    -- Format is "YYYYMMDDhhmmZ"
-    ORGANIZATION "Sun Microsystems, Inc."
-    CONTACT-INFO "Sun Microsystems, Inc.
-                  4150 Network Circle
-		  Santa Clara, CA 95054
-		  1-800-555-9SUN or
-		  1-650-960-1300
-		  http://www.sun.com
-		  or contact your local support representative"
-            "Copyright 2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
-             This module defines the MIB that provides access to the
-	     Java[tm] Virtual Machine monitoring data.
-	     This module is derived from the Java[tm] programming language APIs
-             described in the java.lang.management package of
-             Java[tm] 2, Standard Edition, 5.0.
-	     See the Java programming language APIs of JSR 163 for
-             'Monitoring and Management of the Java[TM] Virtual Machine'
-             for more details.
-	     Where the Java programming language API uses long, or int,
-             the MIB often uses the corresponding unsigned quantity -
-             which is closer to the object semantics.
-             In those cases, it often happens that the -1 value that might
-             be used by the API to indicate an unknown/unimplemented
-             value cannot be used. Instead the MIB uses the value 0, which
-             stricly speaking cannot be distinguished from a valid value.
-             In many cases however, a running system will have non-zero
-             values, so using 0 instead of -1 to indicate an unknown
-             quantity does not lose any functionality.
-	    "
-    REVISION     "200403041800Z"
-    -- Format is "YYYYMMDDhhmmZ"
-            "
-            JVM-MANAGEMENT-MIB - JSR 163 Final Release 1.0
-            "
-    ::= { standard jsr163(163) 1 }
--- Enterprise OIDs
---        internet          OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { iso(1) org(3) dod(6) 1 }
---        private           OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { internet 4 }
---        enterprises       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { private 1 }
-	sun	  	  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { enterprises 42 }
-	jmgt		  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sun products(2) 145 }
-	-- experimental      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { jmgt 1 }
-        standard          OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { jmgt 3 }
--- Textual Conventions
--- Note: Some of the TEXTUAL-CONVENTIONs defined in this module are
---       OCTET STRING with a 1023 size limitation (SIZE(0..1023)).
--- As per RFC2578, section 7.1.2.  OCTET STRING:
---       "The OCTET STRING type represents arbitrary binary or textual data.
---        Although the SMI-specified size limitation for this type is 65535
---        octets, MIB designers should realize that there may be
---        implementation and interoperability limitations for sizes in
---        excess of 255 octets."
--- As a consequence an agent implementing this MIB may decide to
--- restrict this maximum size to a lesser value than 1023, provided that
--- it makes it clear in an AGENT-CAPABILITY statement.
-    STATUS       current
-           "A non-negative 64-bit bit integer, without counter
-            semantics."
-    -- We have cloned the Unsigned64TC defined in RFC 2564 rather
-    -- than importing it because the JVM-MANAGEMENT-MIB and the
-    -- APPLICATION-MIB are not related.
-    --
-    REFERENCE "RFC 2564 - APPLICATION-MIB, Unsigned64TC."
-    SYNTAX Counter64
-    DISPLAY-HINT "255a"
-    STATUS       current
-          "An Object Name, as implemented by the java.lang.management API,
-	  which identify a runtime Object (e.g. a Class Loader, a
-          Memory Manager, etc...).
-	  The name is assumed to be unique in the scope of the object's
-	  class.
-	  This object syntax is equivalent to a DisplayString, but with a
-          a 1023 bytes size limits (instead of 255 for a DisplayString).
-	  Note that the SNMP agent may have to truncate the string returned
-          by the underlying API if it does not fit in this type.
-	  (1023 bytes max).
-	  "
-    SYNTAX       OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..1023))
-    DISPLAY-HINT "255a"
-    STATUS       current
-          "A file or directory element in a PATH/CLASSPATH/LIBRARY_PATH
-           structure.
-	  This object syntax is equivalent to a DisplayString, but with a
-          a 1023 bytes size limits (instead of 255 for a DisplayString).
-	  Note that the SNMP agent may have to truncate the string returned
-          by the underlying API if it does not fit in this type.
-	  (1023 bytes max).
-	  "
-    SYNTAX       OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..1023))
-    DISPLAY-HINT "255a"
-    STATUS       current
-          "A string representing an input argument.
-	  This object syntax is equivalent to a DisplayString, but with a
-          a 1023 bytes size limits (instead of 255 for a DisplayString).
-	  Note that the SNMP agent may have to truncate the string returned
-          by the underlying API if it does not fit in this type.
-	  (1023 bytes max).
-	  "
-    SYNTAX       OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..1023))
-    STATUS       current
-	"Defines whether the verbose flag for a feature is active.
-	 verbose: the flag is on.
-	 silent:  the flag is off.
-	"
-    SYNTAX INTEGER { silent(1), verbose(2) }
-    STATUS       current
-	"Defines whether a feature is supported or not.
-	"
-    SYNTAX INTEGER { unsupported(1), supported(2) }
-JvmImplOptFeatureStateTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
-    STATUS       current
-	"Defines whether an optional feature is supported, enabled,
-	 or disabled.
-         An optional feature can be:
-	 unsupported: The JVM does not support this feature.
-	 enabled    : The JVM supports this feature, and it
-	              is enabled.
-	 disabled   : The JVM supports this feature, and it
-	              is disabled.
-         Only enabled(3) and disabled(4) may be supplied as values to a
-         SET request. unsupported(1) can only be set internally by the
-         agent.
-	 "
-    SYNTAX INTEGER { unsupported(1), enabled(3), disabled(4) }
-    STATUS       current
-          "An elapsed time, expressed in milli-seconds.
-           This type is based on Counter64, but without its specific
-           semantics.
-	  "
-    SYNTAX Counter64
-    STATUS       current
-          "An elapsed time, expressed in nano-seconds.
-           This type is based on Counter64, but without its specific
-           semantics.
-	  "
-    SYNTAX Counter64
-    STATUS       current
-          "A positive Integer32. In Java that would be a number
-           in [0..Integer.MAX_VALUE].
-	  "
-    -- We use Integer32 (0..2147483647) rather than Unsigned32 because
-    -- Unsigned32 (0..2147483647) because Unsigned32 is based on
-    -- Gauge32 - which has a specific ASN.1 tag and a specific semantics.
-    -- In principle you cannot use a Gauge32 as base type for an index
-    -- in a table.
-    -- Note also that Unsigned32 is (0..2^32-1)
-    --          while Positive32 is (0..2^31-1)
-    --
-    SYNTAX Integer32 (0..2147483647)
-JvmManagedMemoryTypeTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
-    STATUS  current
-	"
-         Defines the type of memory contained in a memory pool.
-	 The pool may contain, heap memory or non-heap memory.
-	"
-    SYNTAX  INTEGER { nonheap(1), heap(2) }
-    STATUS  current
-	"
-         Defines whether an object is still valid.
-	"
-    SYNTAX  INTEGER { invalid(1), valid(2) }
-    STATUS  current
-	"Defines the possible states of a thread running in the
-	 Java virtual machine. They are virtual machine thread states
-	 and do not reflect any operating system thread states.
-	 The first two bits: inNative(1) and suspended(2) can be
-         combined together and with any other bits. The remaining
-         bits 3-9, are mutually exclusive. Bits 10-16 are reserved
-         for future evolution of this MIB.
-         An agent MUST always return a thread state with one of the
-         bits in the range 3-9 set to 1. The other(9) bit should only
-         be set to 1 if new thread states which are mutally exclusive
-         with bits 3-8 are defined.  An implementation can define
-         additional implementation dependant states and uses bits
-         from bit 17.
-	 See java.lang.Thread.State,
-	     java.lang.management.ThreadInfo.
-	 "
-     --
-     -- Take care that in SNMP bits are numbered starting at 1, from
-     -- left to right (1 is the highest bit). A bitmap defined by the
-     -- BITS construct is thus a byte array where bit 1 is the highest bit
-     -- of the first byte.
-     --
-     SYNTAX  BITS { -- Bits 1-2 may be specified in any combination
-                    inNative(1),
-                    suspended(2),
-                    -- Bits 3-9 are mutually exclusive. Attempting to
-                    -- set more than a single bit to 1 will result in
-                    -- a returned error-status of inconsistentValue.
-                    newThread(3),
-                    runnable(4),
-                    blocked(5),
-                    terminated(6),
-                    waiting(7),
-                    timedWaiting(8),
-                    other(9)
-                    -- Bits 10-16 are reserved for future use by
-                    -- this MIB
-                  }
-    STATUS current
-	"A 64 bits string mapping an unsigned 64 bits integer value
-         in big-endian ordering (i.e: 1 is encoded as 0x0000000000000001).
-	 This type can be used when an unsigned 64 bits integer needs
-	 to be used inside a table index.
-	"
--- The JVM Class Loading group
--- A collection of objects used to monitor Class Loading in the
--- Java Virtual Machine. These objects define the SNMP  management
--- interface for the class loading system of the Java virtual machine.
--- This group only contains a few scalar object and no tables. The objects
--- from this group are mapped from the java.lang.management.ClassLoadingMXBean
--- interface.
--- See J2SE 5.0 API Specification,
---     java.lang.management.ClassLoadingMXBean
--- Root OBJECT IDENTIFIER for ClassLoading group.
-jvmClassLoading   OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { jvmMgtMIBObjects 1 }
--- The following objects are mapped from the ClassLoadingMXBean interface.
-jvmClassesLoadedCount OBJECT-TYPE
-    SYNTAX      Gauge32
-    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
-    STATUS      current
-            "The number of classes currently loaded in the JVM.
-	     See java.lang.management.ClassLoadingMXBean.getLoadedClassCount()
-            "
-    REFERENCE "J2SE 5.0 API Specification,
-              java.lang.management.ClassLoadingMXBean"
-    ::= { jvmClassLoading 1 }
-jvmClassesTotalLoadedCount OBJECT-TYPE
-    SYNTAX      Counter64
-    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
-    STATUS      current
-            "The total number of classes that have been loaded since
-	     the JVM has started execution.
-	     See java.lang.management.ClassLoadingMXBean.
-	              getTotalLoadedClassCount()
-            "
-    REFERENCE "J2SE 5.0 API Specification,
-              java.lang.management.ClassLoadingMXBean"
-    ::= { jvmClassLoading 2 }
-jvmClassesUnloadedCount OBJECT-TYPE
-    SYNTAX      Counter64
-    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
-    STATUS      current
-            "The total number of classes that have been unloaded since
-	     the JVM has started execution.
-	     See java.lang.management.ClassLoadingMXBean.getUnloadedClassCount()
-            "
-    REFERENCE "J2SE 5.0 API Specification,
-              java.lang.management.ClassLoadingMXBean"
-    ::= { jvmClassLoading 3 }
-jvmClassesVerboseLevel OBJECT-TYPE
-    SYNTAX      JvmVerboseLevelTC
-    MAX-ACCESS  read-write
-    STATUS      current
-            "Enables or disables the verbose output for the class loading
-             system. The verbose output information and the output stream
-             to which the verbose information is emitted are implementation
-             dependent. Typically, a Java virtual machine implementation
-             prints a message each time a class file is loaded.
-	     verbose: if the verbose output is enabled.
-	     silent:  otherwise.
-	     See java.lang.management.ClassLoadingMXBean.isVerbose(),
-                 java.lang.management.ClassLoadingMXBean.setVerbose()
-            "
-    REFERENCE "J2SE 5.0 API Specification,
-              java.lang.management.ClassLoadingMXBean"
-    DEFVAL { silent }
-    ::= { jvmClassLoading 4 }
--- The JVM Memory group
--- A collection of objects used to monitor memory management in the
--- Java Virtual Machine. These objects define management interface for
--- the memory system of the Java virtual machine.
--- Memory:
--- The memory system of the Java virtual machine manages the following
--- kinds of memory: heap, and non-heap. More information on these types
--- of memory can be obtained from the J2SE 5.0 API Specification,
--- java.lang.management.MemoryMXBean.
--- Memory Pools and Memory Managers:
--- Memory pools and memory managers are the abstract entities that monitor
--- and manage the memory system of the Java virtual machine.
--- Memory managers are represented by the jvmMemManagerTable, which contains
--- one row per Memory manager.
--- The garbage collector is one type of memory  manager responsible for
--- reclaiming memory occupied by unreachable objects.
--- The jvmMemGCTable is an extension of the jvmMemManagerTable, which contains
--- the attribute specific to garbage collectors. A garbage collector entity
--- is thus represented by one row in the jvmMemManagerTable, and one
--- extension row in the jvmMemGCTable.
--- Memory Pools are represented by the jvmMemPoolTable, which contains one
--- row per memory pool. A Java virtual machine may create or remove
--- memory pools during execution. A memory pool can belong to either the
--- heap or the non-heap memory.
--- A memory manager is responsible for managing one or more memory pools.
--- A memory pool can be managed by more than one memory manager.
--- The jvmMemMgrRelPoolTable represents this managing/managed relationship.
--- A Java virtual machine may add or remove memory managers during execution.
--- See J2SE 5.0 API Specification, java.lang.management.MemoryMXBean for
---     more information on memory types, memory managers, memory pools,
---     and the memory subsystem.
--- Root OBJECT IDENTIFIER for the JVM Memory group.
-jvmMemory   OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { jvmMgtMIBObjects 2 }
--- The following objects are mapped from the MemoryMXBean interface.
-jvmMemoryPendingFinalCount OBJECT-TYPE
-    SYNTAX      Gauge32
-    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
-    STATUS      current
-	"The approximate number objects that are pending for finalization.
-	 See java.lang.management.MemoryMXBean.
-                  getObjectPendingFinalizationCount()
-        "
-    REFERENCE "J2SE 5.0 API Specification,
-              java.lang.management.MemoryMXBean"
-    ::= { jvmMemory 1 }
-jvmMemoryGCVerboseLevel OBJECT-TYPE
-    SYNTAX      JvmVerboseLevelTC
-    MAX-ACCESS  read-write
-    STATUS      current
-	"Enables or disables verbose output for the memory system.
-         The verbose output information and the output stream to which
-         the verbose information is emitted are implementation dependent.
-         Typically, a Java virtual machine implementation prints a
-         message whenever it frees memory at garbage collection.
-	 verbose: if the verbose output is enabled,
-         silent:  otherwise.
-	 See java.lang.management.MemoryMXBean.isVerbose(),
-             java.lang.management.MemoryMXBean.setVerbose()
-        "
-    REFERENCE "J2SE 5.0 API Specification,
-              java.lang.management.MemoryMXBean"
-    ::= { jvmMemory 2 }
-jvmMemoryGCCall OBJECT-TYPE
-    SYNTAX      INTEGER { unsupported(1), supported(2), start(3),
-                          started(4), failed(5) }
-    MAX-ACCESS  read-write
-    STATUS      current
-	"This object makes it possible to remotelly trigger the
-	 Garbage Collector in the JVM.
-	 This object's syntax is an enumeration which defines:
-	 * Two state values, that can be returned from a GET request:
-           unsupported(1): means that remote invocation of gc() is not
-                           supported by the SNMP agent.
-           supported(2)  : means that remote invocation of gc() is supported
-	                   by the SNMP agent.
-         * One action value, that can be provided in a SET request to
-           trigger the garbage collector:
-           start(3)      : means that a manager wishes to trigger
-                           garbage collection.
-         * Two result value, that will be returned in the response to a
-           SET request when remote invocation of gc is supported
-	   by the SNMP agent:
-	   started(4)    : means that garbage collection was
-                           successfully triggered. It does not mean
-                           however that the action was successfullly
-                           completed: gc might still be running when
-                           this value is returned.
-	   failed(5)     : means that garbage collection couldn't be
-                           triggered.
-         * If remote invocation is not supported by the SNMP agent, then
-           unsupported(1) will always be returned as a result of either
-           a GET request, or a SET request with start(3) as input value.
-         * If a SET request with anything but start(3) is received, then
-	   the agent will return a wrongValue error.
-	 See java.lang.management.MemoryMXBean.gc()
-        "
-    REFERENCE "J2SE 5.0 API Specification,
-              java.lang.management.MemoryMXBean"
-    ::= { jvmMemory 3 }
--- The object identifiers in the range jvmMemory.[4-9] are reserved for future
--- evolution of this MIB.
--- We use the range jvmMemory.[10..19] for objects related to global JVM
--- heap memory  usage, as returned by
---      java.lang.management.MemoryMXBean.getHeapMemoryUsage().
--- Object identifiers in the range jvmMemory.[14..19] are not used but
--- reserved for future evolution of this MIB.
-jvmMemoryHeapInitSize OBJECT-TYPE
-    SYNTAX      JvmUnsigned64TC
-    UNITS       "bytes"
-    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
-    STATUS      current
-	"
-        Total amount of memory (in bytes) that the Java virtual machine
-        initially requests from the operating system for memory management
-	for heap memory pools.
-	See java.lang.management.MemoryMXBean.getHeapMemoryUsage().getInit()
-        "
-    REFERENCE "J2SE 5.0 API Specification,
-              java.lang.management.MemoryMXBean,
-              java.lang.management.MemoryUsage"
-    ::= { jvmMemory 10 }
-jvmMemoryHeapUsed OBJECT-TYPE
-    SYNTAX      JvmUnsigned64TC
-    UNITS       "bytes"
-    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
-    STATUS      current
-	"
-        Total amount of used memory (in bytes) from heap memory pools.
-	See java.lang.management.MemoryMXBean.getHeapMemoryUsage().getUsed()
-        "
-    REFERENCE "J2SE 5.0 API Specification,
-              java.lang.management.MemoryMXBean,
-              java.lang.management.MemoryUsage"
-    ::= { jvmMemory 11 }
-jvmMemoryHeapCommitted OBJECT-TYPE
-    SYNTAX      JvmUnsigned64TC
-    UNITS       "bytes"
-    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
-    STATUS      current
-	"
-        Total amount of memory (in bytes) committed by heap memory pools.
-	See java.lang.management.MemoryMXBean.getHeapMemoryUsage().
-	         getCommitted()
-        "
-    REFERENCE "J2SE 5.0 API Specification,
-              java.lang.management.MemoryMXBean,
-              java.lang.management.MemoryUsage"
-    ::= { jvmMemory 12 }
-jvmMemoryHeapMaxSize OBJECT-TYPE
-    SYNTAX      JvmUnsigned64TC
-    UNITS       "bytes"
-    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
-    STATUS      current
-	"
-        Total maximum size of memory (in bytes) for all heap memory pools.
-	See java.lang.management.MemoryMXBean.getHeapMemoryUsage().getMax()
-        "
-    REFERENCE "J2SE 5.0 API Specification,
-              java.lang.management.MemoryMXBean,
-              java.lang.management.MemoryUsage"
-    ::= { jvmMemory 13 }
--- We use the range jvmMemory.[20..29] for objects related to global JVM
--- heap memory usage, as returned by
---      lang.management.MemoryMXBean.getNonHeapMemoryUsage().
--- Object identifiers in the range jvmMemory.[24..29] are not used but are
--- reserved for future evolution of this MIB.
-jvmMemoryNonHeapInitSize OBJECT-TYPE
-    SYNTAX      JvmUnsigned64TC
-    UNITS       "bytes"
-    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
-    STATUS      current
-	"
-        Total amount of memory (in bytes) that the Java virtual machine
-        initially requests from the operating system for memory management
-	for non heap memory pools.
-	See java.lang.management.MemoryMXBean.getNonHeapMemoryUsage().getInit()
-        "
-    REFERENCE "J2SE 5.0 API Specification,
-              java.lang.management.MemoryMXBean,
-              java.lang.management.MemoryUsage"
-    ::= { jvmMemory 20 }
-jvmMemoryNonHeapUsed OBJECT-TYPE
-    SYNTAX      JvmUnsigned64TC
-    UNITS       "bytes"
-    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
-    STATUS      current
-	"
-        Total amount of used memory (in bytes) from non heap memory pools.
-	See java.lang.management.MemoryMXBean.getNonHeapMemoryUsage().getUsed()
-        "
-    REFERENCE "J2SE 5.0 API Specification,
-              java.lang.management.MemoryMXBean,
-              java.lang.management.MemoryUsage"
-    ::= { jvmMemory 21 }
-jvmMemoryNonHeapCommitted OBJECT-TYPE
-    SYNTAX      JvmUnsigned64TC
-    UNITS       "bytes"
-    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
-    STATUS      current
-	"
-        Total amount of memory (in bytes) committed by non heap memory pools.
-	See java.lang.management.MemoryMXBean.
-	         getNonHeapMemoryUsage().getCommitted()
-        "
-    REFERENCE "J2SE 5.0 API Specification,
-              java.lang.management.MemoryMXBean,
-              java.lang.management.MemoryUsage"
-    ::= { jvmMemory 22 }
-jvmMemoryNonHeapMaxSize OBJECT-TYPE
-    SYNTAX      JvmUnsigned64TC
-    UNITS       "bytes"
-    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
-    STATUS      current
-	"
-        Total maximum size of memory (in bytes) for all non heap memory pools.
-	See java.lang.management.MemoryMXBean.getNonHeapMemoryUsage().getMax()
-        "
-    REFERENCE "J2SE 5.0 API Specification,
-              java.lang.management.MemoryMXBean,
-              java.lang.management.MemoryUsage"
-    ::= { jvmMemory 23 }
--- The object identifiers in the range jvmMemory.[30-99] are not used but are
--- reserved for future evolution of this MIB.
--- The JVM Memory Manager Table
--- The jvmMemManagerTable represent memory manager abstract entities.
--- The jvmMemManagerTable contains one row per memory manager. In
--- addition, those memory managers which are also garbage collectors have
--- an extension row in the jvmMemGCTable.
--- See J2SE 5.0 API Specification, java.lang.management.MemoryMXBean for
---     a detailed description of the memory subsystem.
--- See J2SE 5.0 API Specification, java.lang.management.MemoryManagerMXBean
---     for more information on memory managers.
--- We use the range jvmMemory.[100..109] for objects related to memory
--- managers.
--- Object identifiers in the range jvmMemory.[102-109] are not used
--- but are reserved for future evolution of this MIB.
-jvmMemManagerTable OBJECT-TYPE
-    SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF JvmMemManagerEntry
-    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
-    STATUS      current
-	"The Memory Manager Table contains the whole list of Memory
-	 Managers  as returned by ManagementFactory.getMemoryManagerMXBeans().
-	 When a MemoryManagerMXBean object is an instance of
-	 GarbageCollectorMXBean, then additional information specific to
-	 the GarbageCollectorMXBean class will be found in the
-	 jvmGCTable, at the same index.
-	 Relationships between MemoryManagers and MemoryPools are shown
-	 by the Memory Manager-Pool Relation table (jvmMemMgrPoolRelTable).
-	"
-    REFERENCE "J2SE 5.0 API Specification,
-              java.lang.management.MemoryManagerMXBean"
-    ::= { jvmMemory 100 }
-jvmMemManagerEntry OBJECT-TYPE
-    SYNTAX      JvmMemManagerEntry
-    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
-    STATUS      current
-	"A jvmMemManagerEntry conceptual row represent an instance of the
-	 java.lang.management.MemoryManagerMXBean interface. If that instance
-	 is also an instance of java.lang.management.GarbageCollectorMXBean,
-	 then additional information will be found in the jvmGCTable, at the
-         same index.
-	 Columnar objects in this table are mapped from attributes of
-	 the MemoryManagerMXBean interface.
-	 See java.lang.management.MemoryManagerMXBean
-        "
-    REFERENCE "J2SE 5.0 API Specification,
-              java.lang.management.MemoryManagerMXBean"
-    INDEX { jvmMemManagerIndex }
-    ::= { jvmMemManagerTable 1 }
-JvmMemManagerEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
-        jvmMemManagerIndex JvmPositive32TC,
-        jvmMemManagerName  JvmJavaObjectNameTC,
-	jvmMemManagerState JvmValidityStateTC
-jvmMemManagerIndex OBJECT-TYPE
-    SYNTAX      JvmPositive32TC
-    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
-    STATUS      current
-	"An index opaquely computed by the agent and which uniquely
-	 identifies a Memory Manager.
-	 The jvmMemManagerIndex index is opaquely computed by the agent,
-	 from e.g the hash code of the MemoryManager (or MemoryManager name).
-	 The agent is responsible for allocating a free index when it needs
-	 one (e.g. if two objects have the same hash, then it may increment
-	 one of the values until the conflict is resolved). As a result a
-	 manager must not depend on the value of that index across,
-	 e.g. reboot of the agent, as this value is not guaranteed to
-	 stay identical after the agent restarts.
-	 "
-    REFERENCE "J2SE 5.0 API Specification,
-              java.lang.management.MemoryManagerMXBean"
-    ::= { jvmMemManagerEntry 1 }
-jvmMemManagerName OBJECT-TYPE
-    SYNTAX      JvmJavaObjectNameTC
-    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
-    STATUS      current
-	"The name of this memory manager, as returned by
-	 MemoryManagerMXBean.getName().
-	 See java.mangement.MemoryManagerMXBean.getName().
-	"
-    REFERENCE "J2SE 5.0 API Specification,
-              java.lang.management.MemoryManagerMXBean"
-    ::= { jvmMemManagerEntry 2 }
-jvmMemManagerState OBJECT-TYPE
-    SYNTAX      JvmValidityStateTC
-    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
-    STATUS      current
-	"
-         Indicates whether this memory manager is valid in the Java
-         virtual machine. A memory manager becomes invalid once the
-         Java virtual machine removes it from the memory system.
-	 See java.lang.management.MemoryManagerMXBean.isValid()
-        "
-    REFERENCE "J2SE 5.0 API Specification,
-              java.lang.management.MemoryManagerMXBean"
-    ::= { jvmMemManagerEntry 3 }
--- The JVM Garbage Collector Table
--- The jvmMemGCTable is an extension of the jvmMemManagerTable.
--- It represents garbage collector abstract entities. A garbage collector
--- is a memory manager responsible for reclaiming  memory occupied by
--- unreachable objects.
--- A garbage collector is thus represented by one row in the
--- jvmMemManagerTable, plus an extension row in the jvmMemGCTable.
--- The extension row in the jvmMemGCTable contains those attributes which
--- are specific to garbage collectors.
--- See J2SE 5.0 API Specification, java.lang.management.MemoryMXBean for
---     a detailed description of the memory subsystem.
--- See J2SE 5.0 API Specification, java.lang.management.MemoryManagerMXBean
---     for more information on memory managers, and
---     java.lang.management.GarbageCollectorMXBean for more information on
---     garbage collectors.
-    SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF JvmMemGCEntry
-    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
-    STATUS      current
-	"The Garbage Collector table provides additional information
-	 on those MemoryManagers which are also GarbageCollectors.
-	 This table extends the  jvmMemManagerTable table. The index
-	 used in the jvmMemGCTable table is imported from the
-	 jvmMemManagerTable table. If a row from the jvmMemManagerTable
-	 table is deleted, and if it has an extension in the jvmMemGCTable
-	 table, then the extension row will also be deleted.
-        "
-    REFERENCE "J2SE 5.0 API Specification,
-              java.lang.management.GarbageCollectorMXBean"
-    ::= { jvmMemory 101 }
-    SYNTAX      JvmMemGCEntry
-    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
-    STATUS      current
-	"Provide additional information on Garbage Collectors.
-	 Columnar objects in this table are mapped from the
-	 GarbageCollectorMXBean interface.
-	 See java.lang.management.GarbageCollectorMXBean
-        "
-    REFERENCE "J2SE 5.0 API Specification,
-              java.lang.management.GarbageCollectorMXBean"
-    INDEX   { jvmMemManagerIndex }
-    ::= {jvmMemGCTable 1 }
-JvmMemGCEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
-        jvmMemGCCount  Counter64,
-        jvmMemGCTimeMs JvmTimeMillis64TC
-    SYNTAX      Counter64
-    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
-    STATUS      current
-	"The total number of collections that have occurred,
-	 as returned by GarbageCollectorMXBean.getCollectionCount().
-	 If garbage collection statistics are not available, this
-	 object is set to 0.
-	 See java.lang.management.GarbageCollectorMXBean.getCollectionCount()
-	"
-    REFERENCE "J2SE 5.0 API Specification,
-              java.lang.management.GarbageCollectorMXBean"
-    ::= { jvmMemGCEntry 2 }
-    SYNTAX      JvmTimeMillis64TC
-    UNITS       "milliseconds"
-    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
-    STATUS      current
-	"The approximate accumulated collection elapsed time in
-	 milliseconds, since the Java virtual machine has started.
-	 This object is set to 0 if the collection elapsed time is
-	 undefined for this collector.
-	 See java.lang.management.GarbageCollectorMXBean.getCollectionTime()
-        "
-    REFERENCE "J2SE 5.0 API Specification,
-              java.lang.management.GarbageCollectorMXBean"
-    DEFVAL { 0 }
-    ::= { jvmMemGCEntry 3 }
--- The JVM Memory Pool Table
--- The jvmMemPoolTable represent memory pool abstract entities.
--- The jvmMemPoolTable contains one row per memory pool.
--- See J2SE 5.0 API Specification, java.lang.management.MemoryMXBean for
---     a detailed description of the memory subsystem.
--- See J2SE 5.0 API Specification, java.lang.management.MemoryPoolMXBean
---     for more information on memory pool.
--- We use the range jvmMemory.[110..119] for objects related to memory pools.
--- Object identifiers in the range jvmMemory.[111-119] are not used but
--- are reserved for future evolution of this MIB.
-jvmMemPoolTable OBJECT-TYPE
-    SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF JvmMemPoolEntry
-    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
-    STATUS      current
-	"The Memory Pool Table contains the whole list of MemoryPools
-	 as returned by ManagementFactory.getMemoryPoolMXBeans().
-	"
-    REFERENCE "J2SE 5.0 API Specification,
-              java.lang.management.MemoryPoolMXBean"
-    ::= { jvmMemory 110 }
-jvmMemPoolEntry OBJECT-TYPE
-    SYNTAX      JvmMemPoolEntry
-    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
-    STATUS      current
-	"
-         Represents a memory pool. The pool may contain heap memory or
-         non-heap memory. A row in this table represents
-	 an instance of MemoryPoolMXBean.
-	 See java.lang.management.MemoryPoolMXBean
-        "
-    REFERENCE "J2SE 5.0 API Specification,
-              java.lang.management.MemoryPoolMXBean"
-    INDEX { jvmMemPoolIndex }
-    ::= { jvmMemPoolTable 1 }
-JvmMemPoolEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
-        jvmMemPoolIndex                 JvmPositive32TC,
-	jvmMemPoolName                  JvmJavaObjectNameTC,
-	jvmMemPoolType                  JvmManagedMemoryTypeTC,
-	jvmMemPoolState                 JvmValidityStateTC,
-	jvmMemPoolPeakReset             JvmTimeMillis64TC,
-	jvmMemPoolInitSize              JvmUnsigned64TC,
-	jvmMemPoolUsed                  JvmUnsigned64TC,
-	jvmMemPoolCommitted             JvmUnsigned64TC,
-	jvmMemPoolMaxSize               JvmUnsigned64TC,
-	jvmMemPoolPeakUsed              JvmUnsigned64TC,
-	jvmMemPoolPeakCommitted         JvmUnsigned64TC,
-	jvmMemPoolPeakMaxSize           JvmUnsigned64TC,
-	jvmMemPoolCollectUsed           JvmUnsigned64TC,
-	jvmMemPoolCollectCommitted      JvmUnsigned64TC,
-	jvmMemPoolCollectMaxSize        JvmUnsigned64TC,
-	jvmMemPoolThreshold             JvmUnsigned64TC,
-	jvmMemPoolThreshdCount          Counter64,
-	jvmMemPoolThreshdSupport        JvmImplSupportStateTC,
-	jvmMemPoolCollectThreshold      JvmUnsigned64TC,
-	jvmMemPoolCollectThreshdCount   Counter64,
-	jvmMemPoolCollectThreshdSupport JvmImplSupportStateTC
-jvmMemPoolIndex OBJECT-TYPE
-    SYNTAX      JvmPositive32TC
-    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
-    STATUS      current
-	"An index value opaquely computed by the agent which uniquely
-	 identifies a row in the jvmMemPoolTable.
-	 The jvmMemPoolIndex index is opaquely computed by the agent,
-	 from e.g the hash code of the MemoryPool (or MemoryPool name).
-	 The agent is responsible for allocating a free index when it
-	 needs one (e.g. if two objects have the same hash, then it may
-	 increment one of the values until the conflict is resolved).
-	 As a result a manager must not depend on the value of that
-	 index across, e.g. reboot of the agent, as this value is not
-	 guaranteed to stay identical after the agent restarts.
-        "
-    ::= { jvmMemPoolEntry 1 }
-jvmMemPoolName OBJECT-TYPE
-    SYNTAX      JvmJavaObjectNameTC
-    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
-    STATUS      current
-	"The name of this memory pool, as returned by
-         MemoryPoolMXBean.getName().
-	 See java.lang.management.MemoryPoolMXBean.getName()
-        "
-    REFERENCE "J2SE 5.0 API Specification,
-              java.lang.management.MemoryPoolMXBean"
-    ::= { jvmMemPoolEntry 2 }
-jvmMemPoolType OBJECT-TYPE
-    SYNTAX      JvmManagedMemoryTypeTC
-    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
-    STATUS      current
-	"The type of memory managed in this pool. This pool may be used for
-	 heap memory or non-heap memory.
-	 See java.lang.management.MemoryPoolMXBean.getMemoryType()
-        "
-    REFERENCE "J2SE 5.0 API Specification,
-              java.lang.management.MemoryPoolMXBean"
-    ::= { jvmMemPoolEntry 3 }
-jvmMemPoolState OBJECT-TYPE
-    SYNTAX      JvmValidityStateTC
-    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
-    STATUS      current
-	"
-         Indicates whether this memory pool is valid in the Java
-         virtual machine. A memory pool becomes invalid once the
-         Java virtual machine removes it from the memory system.
-	 See java.lang.management.MemoryPoolMXBean.isValid()
-        "
-    REFERENCE "J2SE 5.0 API Specification,
-              java.lang.management.MemoryPoolMXBean"
-    ::= { jvmMemPoolEntry 4 }
-jvmMemPoolPeakReset OBJECT-TYPE
-    SYNTAX      JvmTimeMillis64TC
-    UNITS       "milliseconds"
-    MAX-ACCESS  read-write
-    STATUS      current
-	"
-        This object indicates the last time - in milliseconds - at which
-        the peak memory usage statistic of this memory pool was reset
-	to the current memory usage. This corresponds to a time stamp
-	as returned by java.lang.System.currentTimeMillis();
-	Setting this object to a time earlier than its current time value
-	has no effect. Setting this object to a time later than its current
-	time value causes the peak memory usage statistic of this memory
-	pool to be reset to the current memory usage. The new value of this
-	object will be the time at which the reset operation is triggered.
-	There could be a delay between the time at which the reset operation
-	is triggered and the time at which the actual resetting happens, so
-	this value is only indicative.
-	 See java.lang.management.MemoryPoolMXBean.resetPeakUsage()
-        "
-    REFERENCE "J2SE 5.0 API Specification,
-              java.lang.management.MemoryPoolMXBean"
-    ::= { jvmMemPoolEntry 5 }
--- The object identifier arcs in the range jvmMemPoolEntry.[6-9] are
--- reserved for future evolution of this MIB.
--- We use the range jvmMemPoolEntry.[10..19] for objects related to this
--- pool memory usage, as returned by
---      java.lang.management.MemoryPoolMXBean.getUsage().
--- Object identifiers in the range jvmMemPoolEntry.[14..19] are not
--- used but are reserved for future evolution of this MIB.
-jvmMemPoolInitSize OBJECT-TYPE
-    SYNTAX      JvmUnsigned64TC
-    UNITS       "bytes"
-    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
-    STATUS      current
-	"
-        Initial size of this memory pool.
-	See java.lang.management.MemoryPoolMXBean.getUsage().getInit()
-        "
-    REFERENCE "J2SE 5.0 API Specification,
-              java.lang.management.MemoryPoolMXBean,
-              java.lang.management.MemoryUsage"
-    ::= { jvmMemPoolEntry 10 }
-jvmMemPoolUsed OBJECT-TYPE
-    SYNTAX      JvmUnsigned64TC
-    UNITS       "bytes"
-    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
-    STATUS      current
-	"
-        Amount of used memory in this memory pool.
-	See java.lang.management.MemoryPoolMXBean.getUsage().getUsed()
-        "
-    REFERENCE "J2SE 5.0 API Specification,
-              java.lang.management.MemoryPoolMXBean,
-              java.lang.management.MemoryUsage"
-    ::= { jvmMemPoolEntry 11 }
-jvmMemPoolCommitted OBJECT-TYPE
-    SYNTAX      JvmUnsigned64TC
-    UNITS       "bytes"
-    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
-    STATUS      current
-	"
-        Amount of committed memory in this memory pool.
-	See java.lang.management.MemoryPoolMXBean.getUsage().getCommitted()
-        "
-    REFERENCE "J2SE 5.0 API Specification,
-              java.lang.management.MemoryPoolMXBean,
-              java.lang.management.MemoryUsage"
-    ::= { jvmMemPoolEntry 12 }
-jvmMemPoolMaxSize OBJECT-TYPE
-    SYNTAX      JvmUnsigned64TC
-    UNITS       "bytes"
-    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
-    STATUS      current
-	"
-        Maximal size of this memory pool.
-	See java.lang.management.MemoryPoolMXBean.getUsage().getMax()
-        "
-    REFERENCE "J2SE 5.0 API Specification,
-              java.lang.management.MemoryPoolMXBean,
-              java.lang.management.MemoryUsage"
-    ::= { jvmMemPoolEntry 13 }
--- We use the range jvmMemPoolEntry.[20..29] for objects related to
--- this pool peak memory usage, as returned by
---      java.lang.management.MemoryPoolMXBean.getPeakUsage().
--- The object identifier arc jvmMemPoolEntry.20 which would have been
--- used for the initial size is not used because the notion of initial
--- size in the context of peak usage is meaningless.
--- Therefore, we start numbering objects at 21.
--- Object identifiers in the range jvmMemPoolEntry.[24..29] are not
--- used but are reserved for future evolution of this MIB.
-jvmMemPoolPeakUsed OBJECT-TYPE
-    SYNTAX      JvmUnsigned64TC
-    UNITS       "bytes"
-    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
-    STATUS      current
-	"
-        Amount of used memory in this memory pool when the peak usage
-	was reached.
-	See java.lang.management.MemoryPoolMXBean.getPeakUsage().getUsed()
-        "
-    REFERENCE "J2SE 5.0 API Specification,
-              java.lang.management.MemoryPoolMXBean,
-              java.lang.management.MemoryUsage"
-    ::= { jvmMemPoolEntry 21 }
-jvmMemPoolPeakCommitted OBJECT-TYPE
-    SYNTAX      JvmUnsigned64TC
-    UNITS       "bytes"
-    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
-    STATUS      current
-	"
-        Amount of committed memory in this memory pool when the peak usage
-	was reached.
-	See java.lang.management.MemoryPoolMXBean.getPeakUsage().getCommitted()
-        "
-    REFERENCE "J2SE 5.0 API Specification,
-              java.lang.management.MemoryPoolMXBean,
-              java.lang.management.MemoryUsage"
-    ::= { jvmMemPoolEntry 22 }
-jvmMemPoolPeakMaxSize OBJECT-TYPE
-    SYNTAX      JvmUnsigned64TC
-    UNITS       "bytes"
-    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
-    STATUS      current
-	"
-        Maximal size of this memory pool when the peak usage
-	was reached.
-	See java.lang.management.MemoryPoolMXBean.getPeakUsage().getMax()
-        "
-    REFERENCE "J2SE 5.0 API Specification,
-              java.lang.management.MemoryPoolMXBean,
-              java.lang.management.MemoryUsage"
-    ::= { jvmMemPoolEntry 23 }
--- We use the range jvmMemPoolEntry.[30..39] for objects related to this
--- pool collection memory usage, as returned by
---      java.lang.management.MemoryPoolMXBean.getCollectionUsage().
--- The object identifier arc jvmMemPoolEntry.30 which would have been used
--- for the initial size is not used because the notion of initial size in the
--- context of collection usage is meaningless.
--- Therefore, we start numbering objects at 31.
--- Object identifiers in the range jvmMemPoolEntry.[34..39] are not used
--- but are reserved for future evolution of this MIB.
-jvmMemPoolCollectUsed OBJECT-TYPE
-    SYNTAX      JvmUnsigned64TC
-    UNITS       "bytes"
-    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
-    STATUS      current
-	"
-         The amount of used memory at the most recent time that the
-	 Java virtual machine has expended effort in recycling unused objects
-	 in this memory pool.
-	See java.lang.management.MemoryPoolMXBean.getCollectionUsage().getUsed()
-        "
-    REFERENCE "J2SE 5.0 API Specification,
-              java.lang.management.MemoryPoolMXBean,
-              java.lang.management.MemoryUsage"
-    ::= { jvmMemPoolEntry 31 }
-jvmMemPoolCollectCommitted OBJECT-TYPE
-    SYNTAX      JvmUnsigned64TC
-    UNITS       "bytes"
-    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
-    STATUS      current
-	"
-         The amount of committed memory at the most recent time that the
-	 Java virtual machine has expended effort in recycling unused objects
-	 in this memory pool.
-	 See java.lang.management.MemoryPoolMXBean.getCollectionUsage().
-            getCommitted()
-        "
-    REFERENCE "J2SE 5.0 API Specification,
-              java.lang.management.MemoryPoolMXBean,
-              java.lang.management.MemoryUsage"
-    ::= { jvmMemPoolEntry 32 }
-jvmMemPoolCollectMaxSize OBJECT-TYPE
-    SYNTAX      JvmUnsigned64TC
-    UNITS       "bytes"
-    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
-    STATUS      current
-	"
-         The value of the maximum amount of memory at the most recent time
-	 that the Java virtual machine has expended effort in recycling
-	 unused objects in this memory pool.
-	See java.lang.management.MemoryPoolMXBean.getCollectionUsage().getMax()
-        "
-    REFERENCE "J2SE 5.0 API Specification,
-              java.lang.management.MemoryPoolMXBean,
-              java.lang.management.MemoryUsage"
-    ::= { jvmMemPoolEntry 33 }
--- Object identifiers in the range jvmMemPoolEntry.[40-109] are reserved
--- for future evolution of this MIB.
--- We use the range jvmMemPoolEntry.[110..119] for objects related to this
--- pool memory usage thresholds (range jvmMemPoolEntry.[10..19] was used for
--- this pool memory usage).
--- Object identifier arcs in the range jvmMemPoolEntry.[113..119] are not
--- used but are reserved for future evolution of this MIB.
-jvmMemPoolThreshold OBJECT-TYPE
-    SYNTAX      JvmUnsigned64TC
-    UNITS       "bytes"
-    MAX-ACCESS  read-write
-    STATUS      current
-	"The threshold value for the memory usage of this memory pool,
-	 in bytes. A zero value (0) indicates that no threshold value is
-         configured.
-	 When the amount of used memory crosses over this threshold
-	 value the JVM will trigger a usage memory threshold exceeded
-	 notification, and the jvmMemPoolThreshdCount increases.
-	 If memory usage threshold is not supported, then this object, if
-	 implemented, will always be equals to 0. In that case, attempting
-         to set this object will trigger an inconsistentValue error.
-	 See also jvmMemPoolThreshdSupport.
-	 See java.lang.management.MemoryPoolMXBean.getUsageThreshold(),
-             java.lang.management.MemoryPoolMXBean.setUsageThreshold(long),
-             java.lang.management.MemoryPoolMXBean.getUsageThresholdCount(),
-             java.lang.management.MemoryPoolMXBean.isUsageThresholdSupported()
-        "
-    REFERENCE "J2SE 5.0 API Specification,
-              java.lang.management.MemoryPoolMXBean"
-    DEFVAL { 0 }
-    ::= { jvmMemPoolEntry 110 }
-jvmMemPoolThreshdCount OBJECT-TYPE
-    SYNTAX      Counter64
-    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
-    STATUS      current
-	"The number of times that the memory usage has crossed
-	 the usage threshold, as detected by the Java virtual machine.
-	 If memory usage threshold is not supported, then this object, if
-	 implemented, will always be equals to 0.
-	 See also jvmMemPoolThresholdSupport.
-	 See java.lang.management.MemoryPoolMXBean.getUsageThresholdCount(),
-             java.lang.management.MemoryPoolMXBean.isUsageThresholdSupported()
-        "
-    REFERENCE "J2SE 5.0 API Specification,
-              java.lang.management.MemoryPoolMXBean"
-    ::= { jvmMemPoolEntry 111 }
-jvmMemPoolThreshdSupport OBJECT-TYPE
-    SYNTAX      JvmImplSupportStateTC
-    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
-    STATUS      current
-	"Tells whether this memory pool supports usage threshold.
-	 See java.lang.management.MemoryPoolMXBean.isUsageThresholdSupported()
-        "
-    REFERENCE "J2SE 5.0 API Specification,
-              java.lang.management.MemoryPoolMXBean"
-    ::= { jvmMemPoolEntry 112 }
--- Object identifiers in the range jvmMemPoolEntry.[120-129] are reserved
--- for future evolution of this MIB.
--- We use the range jvmMemPoolEntry.[130..139] for objects related to
--- this pool memory collection usage thresholds (range
--- jvmMemPoolEntry.[30..39] was used for this pool collection memory usage).
--- Object identifiers in the range jvmMemPoolEntry.[133..139] are not used
--- but are reserved for future evolution of this MIB.
-jvmMemPoolCollectThreshold OBJECT-TYPE
-    SYNTAX      JvmUnsigned64TC
-    UNITS       "bytes"
-    MAX-ACCESS  read-write
-    STATUS      current
-	"The threshold value for the collection usage of this memory pool,
-	 in bytes. A zero value (0) indicates that no threshold value is
-         configured.
-	 When the amount of used memory crosses over this threshold
-	 value the JVM will trigger a collection memory threshold exceeded
-	 notification, and the jvmMemPoolCollectThreshdCount increases.
-	 If collection usage threshold is not supported, then this object, if
-	 implemented, will always be equals to 0. In that case, attempting
-         to set this object will trigger an inconsistentValue error.
-	 See also jvmMemPoolCollectThreshdSupport.
-	 See java.lang.management.MemoryPoolMXBean.
-                                  getCollectionUsageThreshold(),
-             java.lang.management.MemoryPoolMXBean.
-                                  setCollectionUsageThreshold(long),
-	     java.lang.management.MemoryPoolMXBean.
-	                          isCollectionUsageThresholdSupported(),
-	     java.lang.management.MemoryPoolMXBean.
-	                          getCollectionUsageThresholdCount()
-        "
-    REFERENCE "J2SE 5.0 API Specification,
-              java.lang.management.MemoryPoolMXBean"
-    DEFVAL { 0 }
-    ::= { jvmMemPoolEntry 131 }
-jvmMemPoolCollectThreshdCount OBJECT-TYPE
-    SYNTAX      Counter64
-    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
-    STATUS      current
-	"The number of times that the memory usage has crossed
-	 the collection usage threshold, as detected by the Java virtual
-	 machine.
-	 If memory usage threshold is not supported, then this object, if
-	 implemented, will always be equals to 0.
-	 See also jvmMemPoolCollectThreshdSupport.
-	 See java.lang.management.MemoryPoolMXBean.
-                                  getCollectionUsageThresholdCount(),
-             java.lang.management.MemoryPoolMXBean.
-                                  isCollectionUsageThresholdSupported()
-        "
-    REFERENCE "J2SE 5.0 API Specification,
-              java.lang.management.MemoryPoolMXBean"
-    ::= { jvmMemPoolEntry 132 }
-jvmMemPoolCollectThreshdSupport OBJECT-TYPE
-    SYNTAX      JvmImplSupportStateTC
-    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
-    STATUS      current
-	"Tells whether this memory pool supports collection usage threshold.
-	 See java.lang.management.MemoryPoolMXBean.
-                       isCollectionUsageThresholdSupported()
-        "
-    REFERENCE "J2SE 5.0 API Specification,
-              java.lang.management.MemoryPoolMXBean"
-    ::= { jvmMemPoolEntry 133 }
--- The JVM Memory Manager-Pool Relation Table
--- The JVM Memory Pool Table
--- The jvmMemPoolTable represent memory pool abstract entities.
--- The jvmMemPoolTable contains one row per memory pool.
--- See J2SE 5.0 API Specification, java.lang.management.MemoryMXBean for
---     a detailed description of the memory subsystem.
--- See J2SE 5.0 API Specification, java.lang.management.MemoryPoolMXBean
---     for more information on memory pool.
--- We use the range jvmMemory.[110..119] for objects related to memory pools.
--- Object identifier arcs in the range jvmMemory.[111-119] are not used
--- but are reserved for future evolution of this MIB.
-jvmMemMgrPoolRelTable OBJECT-TYPE
-    SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF JvmMemMgrPoolRelEntry
-    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
-    STATUS      current
-	"The Memory Manager-Pool Relation Table shows the
-         Memory Manager / Memory Pool relations, as returned by
-         MemoryPoolMXBean.getMemoryManagerNames() and
-         MemoryManagerMXBean.getMemoryPoolNames().
-         This table imports the indexes from the jvmMemManagerTable table
-         and jvmMemPoolTable table. The jvmMemMgrRelManagerName and
-         jvmMemMgrRelPoolName objects are not actually necessary since
-         the indexes are self-sufficient to express the relationship -
-         but the names  will make the table more understandable when displayed
-         in a management console.
-        "
-    REFERENCE "J2SE 5.0 API Specification,
-              java.lang.management.MemoryPoolMXBean,
-	      java.lang.management.MemoryManagerMXBean"
-    ::= { jvmMemory 120 }
-jvmMemMgrPoolRelEntry OBJECT-TYPE
-    SYNTAX      JvmMemMgrPoolRelEntry
-    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
-    STATUS      current
-	"A row in this table indicates that the Memory Manager identified
-         by jvmMemManagerIndex manages the Memory Pool identified by
-         jvmMemPoolIndex. Note that a pool may be managed by several
-         memory managers, and a memory manager can manage several
-         memory pool.
-	 See java.lang.management.MemoryManagerMXBean.getMemoryPoolNames(),
-	     java.lang.management.MemoryPoolMXBean.getMemoryManagerNames()
-        "
-    REFERENCE "J2SE 5.0 API Specification,
-              java.lang.management.MemoryPoolMXBean,
-	      java.lang.management.MemoryManagerMXBean"
-    INDEX { jvmMemManagerIndex, jvmMemPoolIndex }
-    ::= { jvmMemMgrPoolRelTable 1 }
-JvmMemMgrPoolRelEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
-       jvmMemMgrRelManagerName JvmJavaObjectNameTC,
-       jvmMemMgrRelPoolName    JvmJavaObjectNameTC
-jvmMemMgrRelManagerName OBJECT-TYPE
-    SYNTAX      JvmJavaObjectNameTC
-    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
-    STATUS      current
-	"The name of the memory manager.
-	 See java.manangement.MemoryManagerMXBean.getName();
-        "
-    REFERENCE "J2SE 5.0 API Specification,
-	      java.lang.management.MemoryManagerMXBean"
-    ::= { jvmMemMgrPoolRelEntry 2 }
-jvmMemMgrRelPoolName OBJECT-TYPE
-    SYNTAX      JvmJavaObjectNameTC
-    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
-    STATUS      current
-	"The name of the memory pool.
-	 See java.manangement.MemoryPoolMXBean.getName();
-        "
-    REFERENCE "J2SE 5.0 API Specification,
-              java.lang.management.MemoryPoolMXBean"
-    ::= { jvmMemMgrPoolRelEntry 3 }
--- The JVM Thread group
--- A collection of objects used to monitor threads in the
--- Java Virtual Machine. These objects define the SNMP management
--- interface for the thread system of the Java virtual machine.
--- The jvmThreadInstanceTable represents the threads which are currently
--- alive in the system. The representation of a thread is derived from the
--- set of methods in the ThreadMXBean that return information about a
--- given thread.
--- See J2SE 5.0 API Specification, java.lang.management.ThreadMXBean for
---     a detailed description of the threading subsystem.
-jvmThreading   OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { jvmMgtMIBObjects 3 }
--- The following objects are mapped from the ThreadMXBean interface.
-jvmThreadCount OBJECT-TYPE
-    SYNTAX      Gauge32
-    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
-    STATUS      current
-	"The current number of live threads.
-	 See java.lang.management.ThreadMXBean.getThreadCount()
-        "
-    REFERENCE "J2SE 5.0 API Specification,
-              java.lang.management.ThreadMXBean"
-    ::= { jvmThreading 1 }
-jvmThreadDaemonCount OBJECT-TYPE
-    SYNTAX      Gauge32
-    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
-    STATUS      current
-	"The current number of daemon threads.
-	 See java.lang.management.ThreadMXBean.getDaemonThreadCount()
-        "
-    REFERENCE "J2SE 5.0 API Specification,
-              java.lang.management.ThreadMXBean"
-    ::= { jvmThreading 2 }
-jvmThreadPeakCount OBJECT-TYPE
-    SYNTAX      Counter32
-    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
-    STATUS      current
-	"The peak thread count since the execution of the application.
-	 See java.lang.management.ThreadMXBean.getPeakThreadCount()
-        "
-    REFERENCE "J2SE 5.0 API Specification,
-              java.lang.management.ThreadMXBean"
-    ::= { jvmThreading 3 }
-jvmThreadTotalStartedCount OBJECT-TYPE
-    SYNTAX      Counter64
-    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
-    STATUS      current
-	"The total number of threads created and started since the Java
-	 Virtual Machine started.
-	 See java.lang.management.ThreadMXBean.getTotalStartedThreadCount()
-        "
-    REFERENCE "J2SE 5.0 API Specification,
-              java.lang.management.ThreadMXBean"
-    ::= { jvmThreading 4 }
-jvmThreadContentionMonitoring OBJECT-TYPE
-    SYNTAX      JvmImplOptFeatureStateTC
-    MAX-ACCESS  read-write
-    STATUS      current
-	"The state of the Thread Contention Monitoring feature.
-         This feature can be:
-	 unsupported: The JVM does not support Thread Contention Monitoring.
-	 enabled    : The JVM supports Thread Contention Monitoring, and it
-	              is enabled.
-	 disabled   : The JVM supports Thread Contention Monitoring, and it
-	              is disabled.
-         Only enabled(3) and disabled(4) may be supplied as values to a
-         SET request. unsupported(1) can only be set internally by the
-         agent.
-	 When the feature is unsupported(1), any attempt to change
-	 that value will fail: trying to set this object to
-         enabled(3) or disabled(4) will result in an `inconsistentValue'
-         error. Trying to set it to any other value will result in an
-	 `wrongValue' error.
-	 See java.lang.management.ThreadMXBean.
-	                     isThreadContentionMonitoringSupported(),
-	     java.lang.management.ThreadMXBean.
-                             isThreadContentionMonitoringEnabled(),
-             java.lang.management.ThreadMXBean.
-                             setThreadContentionMonitoringEnabled()
-        "
-    REFERENCE "J2SE 5.0 API Specification,
-              java.lang.management.ThreadMXBean"
-    ::= { jvmThreading 5 }
-jvmThreadCpuTimeMonitoring OBJECT-TYPE
-    SYNTAX      JvmImplOptFeatureStateTC
-    MAX-ACCESS  read-write
-    STATUS      current
-	"The state of the Thread CPU Time Monitoring feature.
-         This feature can be:
-	 unsupported: The JVM does not support Thread CPU Time Monitoring.
-	 enabled    : The JVM supports Thread CPU Time Monitoring, and it
-	              is enabled.
-	 disabled   : The JVM supports Thread CPU Time Monitoring, and it
-	              is disabled.
-         Only enabled(3) and disabled(4) may be supplied as values to a
-         SET request. unsupported(1) can only be set internally by the
-         agent.
-	 When the feature is unsupported(1), any attempt to change
-	 that value will fail: trying to set this object to
-         enabled(3) or disabled(4) will result in an `inconsistentValue'
-         error. Trying to set it to any other value will result in an
-	 `wrongValue' error.
-	 See java.lang.management.ThreadMXBean.
-	                     isThreadCpuTimeSupported(),
-	     java.lang.management.ThreadMXBean.
-                             isThreadCpuTimeEnabled(),
-             java.lang.management.ThreadMXBean.
-                             setThreadCpuTimeEnabled()
-        "
-    REFERENCE "J2SE 5.0 API Specification,
-              java.lang.management.ThreadMXBean"
-    ::= { jvmThreading 6 }
-jvmThreadPeakCountReset OBJECT-TYPE
-    SYNTAX      JvmTimeMillis64TC
-    UNITS       "milliseconds"
-    MAX-ACCESS  read-write
-    STATUS      current
-	"
-        This object indicates the last time - in milliseconds - at which
-        the peak thread count was reset to the current thread count.
-	This corresponds to a time stamp as returned by
-	java.lang.System.currentTimeMillis().
-	Setting this object to a time earlier than its current time value
-	has no effect. Setting this object to a time later than its current
-	time value causes the peak thread count statistic to be reset to
-        the current thread count. The new value of this object will be
-        the time at which the reset operation is triggered.
-	There could be a delay between the time at which the reset operation
-	is triggered and the time at which the actual resetting happens, so
-	this value is only indicative.
-	 See java.lang.management.ThreadMXBean.resetPeakThreadCount()
-        "
-    REFERENCE "J2SE 5.0 API Specification,
-              java.lang.management.ThreadMXBean"
-    ::= { jvmThreading 7 }
--- Object identifiers in the range jvmThreading.[8-10] are reserved
--- for future evolution of this MIB.
--- The JVM Thread Instance Table
--- The jvmThreadInstanceTable represents the threads which are currently
--- alive in the system. The representation of a thread is derived from the
--- set of methods in the ThreadMXBean that return information about a
--- given thread.
--- See J2SE 5.0 API Specification, java.lang.management.ThreadMXBean for
---     a detailed description of the threading subsystem.
--- See also J2SE 5.0 API Specification, java.lang.management.ThreadInfo,
---     and java.lang.Thread
-jvmThreadInstanceTable OBJECT-TYPE
-    SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF JvmThreadInstanceEntry
-    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
-    STATUS      current
-	"The Thread Instance Table is built from all the methods of
-	 ThreadMXBean that take a ThreadID as parameter.
-	 See java.lang.management.ThreadMXBean.getAllThreadIds()
-        "
-    REFERENCE "J2SE 5.0 API Specification,
-              java.lang.management.ThreadMXBean"
-    ::= { jvmThreading 10 }
-jvmThreadInstanceEntry OBJECT-TYPE
-    SYNTAX      JvmThreadInstanceEntry
-    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
-    STATUS      current
-	"A row in this table represents a live thread.
-	 Attributes in this row are built from all the methods of
-	 ThreadMXBean that take a ThreadID as parameter.
-	 See java.lang.management.ThreadMXBean
-        "
-    REFERENCE "J2SE 5.0 API Specification,
-              java.lang.management.ThreadMXBean"
-    INDEX { jvmThreadInstIndex }
-    ::= { jvmThreadInstanceTable 1 }
-JvmThreadInstanceEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
-        jvmThreadInstIndex            JvmIndex64TC,
-	jvmThreadInstId               JvmUnsigned64TC,
-	jvmThreadInstState            JvmThreadStateTC,
-        jvmThreadInstBlockCount       Counter64,
-        jvmThreadInstBlockTimeMs      JvmTimeMillis64TC,
-        jvmThreadInstWaitCount        Counter64,
-        jvmThreadInstWaitTimeMs       JvmTimeMillis64TC,
-        jvmThreadInstCpuTimeNs        JvmTimeNanos64TC,
-	jvmThreadInstLockName         JvmJavaObjectNameTC,
-	jvmThreadInstLockOwnerPtr     RowPointer,
-	jvmThreadInstName             JvmJavaObjectNameTC
-jvmThreadInstIndex OBJECT-TYPE
-    SYNTAX      JvmIndex64TC
-    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
-    STATUS      current
-	"An index uniquely identifying a live thread, and directly
-         derived from the value of jvmThreadInstId. The jvmThreadInstId
-	 cannot be used directly as index in the table, because integer
-	 indexes cannot exceed an unsigned 32 int.
-	 The jvmThreadInstIndex index is an 8 byte octet string as
-         defined by the JvmIndex64TC TEXTUAL-CONVENTION. Its value is
-         directly derived from the value of the corresponding ThreadID
-         returned by jvmThreadInstId.
-        "
-    REFERENCE "J2SE 5.0 API Specification,
-              java.lang.management.ThreadMXBean, java.lang.Thread"
-    ::= { jvmThreadInstanceEntry 1 }
-jvmThreadInstId OBJECT-TYPE
-    SYNTAX      JvmUnsigned64TC
-    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
-    STATUS      current
-	"The thread ID, as returned by Thread.getId().
-	 See java.lang.management.ThreadMXBean.getThreadInfo(long,boolean).
-	                          getThreadId()
-        "
-    REFERENCE "J2SE 5.0 API Specification,
-              java.lang.management.ThreadMXBean, java.lang.Thread"
-    ::= { jvmThreadInstanceEntry 2 }
-jvmThreadInstState OBJECT-TYPE
-    SYNTAX      JvmThreadStateTC
-    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
-    STATUS      current
-	"The state of this thread instance.
-	 See java.lang.management.ThreadMXBean.getThreadInfo(long,boolean).
-	                          getThreadState()
-        "
-    REFERENCE "J2SE 5.0 API Specification,
-              java.lang.management.ThreadMXBean"
-    ::= { jvmThreadInstanceEntry 3 }
-jvmThreadInstBlockCount OBJECT-TYPE
-    SYNTAX      Counter64
-    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
-    STATUS      current
-	"The total number of times that this thread has blocked to enter
-         or re-enter a monitor..
-	 See java.lang.management.ThreadMXBean.getThreadInfo(long,boolean).
-	                          getBlockedCount()
-        "
-    REFERENCE "J2SE 5.0 API Specification,
-              java.lang.management.ThreadMXBean"
-    ::= { jvmThreadInstanceEntry 4 }
-jvmThreadInstBlockTimeMs OBJECT-TYPE
-    SYNTAX      JvmTimeMillis64TC
-    UNITS       "milliseconds"
-    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
-    STATUS      current
-	"The approximate accumulated elapsed time (in millisecond)
-	 that a thread has blocked to enter or re-enter a monitor since
-         it has started - or since thread contention monitoring was
-	 enabled.
-	 This object is always set to 0 if thread contention monitoring
-	 is disabled or not supported.
-	 See java.lang.management.ThreadMXBean.getThreadInfo(long,boolean).
-	                          getBlockedTime()
-        "
-    REFERENCE "J2SE 5.0 API Specification,
-              java.lang.management.ThreadMXBean"
-    ::= { jvmThreadInstanceEntry 5 }
-jvmThreadInstWaitCount OBJECT-TYPE
-    SYNTAX      Counter64
-    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
-    STATUS      current
-	"The total number of times that this thread has waited for
-         notification.
-	 See java.lang.management.ThreadMXBean.getThreadInfo(long,boolean).
-	                          getWaitedCount()
-        "
-    REFERENCE "J2SE 5.0 API Specification,
-              java.lang.management.ThreadMXBean"
-    ::= { jvmThreadInstanceEntry 6 }
-jvmThreadInstWaitTimeMs OBJECT-TYPE
-    SYNTAX      JvmTimeMillis64TC
-    UNITS       "milliseconds"
-    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
-    STATUS      current
-	"The approximate accumulated elapsed time (in millisecond)
-	 that a thread has waited on a monitor through a
-         java.lang.Object.wait method since it has started - or since
-	 thread contention monitoring wasenabled.
-	 This object is always set to 0 if thread contention monitoring
-	 is disabled or not supported.
-	 See java.lang.management.ThreadMXBean.getThreadInfo(long,boolean).
-	                          getWaitedTime()
-        "
-    REFERENCE "J2SE 5.0 API Specification,
-              java.lang.management.ThreadMXBean"
-    ::= { jvmThreadInstanceEntry 7 }
-jvmThreadInstCpuTimeNs OBJECT-TYPE
-    SYNTAX      JvmTimeNanos64TC
-    UNITS       "nanoseconds"
-    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
-    STATUS      current
-	"The approximate accumulated CPU time (in nanosecond) for a thread
-         since it has started - or since thread CPU time monitoring was
-	 enabled.
-	 If the thread of the specified ID is not alive or does not exist,
-	 or the CPU time measurement is disabled or not supported,
-	 this object is set to 0.
-	 See java.lang.management.ThreadMXBean.getThreadCpuTime(long),
-	     java.lang.management.ThreadMXBean.isThreadCpuTimeSupported(),
-	     java.lang.management.ThreadMXBean.isThreadCpuTimeEnabled()
-        "
-    REFERENCE "J2SE 5.0 API Specification,
-              java.lang.management.ThreadMXBean"
-    ::= { jvmThreadInstanceEntry 8 }
-jvmThreadInstName OBJECT-TYPE
-    SYNTAX      JvmJavaObjectNameTC
-    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
-    STATUS      current
-	"This thread name - as returned by Thread.getThreadName().
-	 See java.lang.management.ThreadInfo.getThreadName()
-        "
-    REFERENCE "J2SE 5.0 API Specification,
-              java.lang.management.ThreadMXBean,
-              java.lang.management.ThreadInfo"
-    ::= { jvmThreadInstanceEntry 9 }
-jvmThreadInstLockName OBJECT-TYPE
-    SYNTAX      JvmJavaObjectNameTC
-    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
-    STATUS      current
-	"The string representation of the monitor lock that this thread
-	 is blocked to enter or waiting to be notified through the
-	 Object.wait method.
-	 See J2SE 5.0 API Specification,
-             java.lang.management.ThreadInfo.getLockName()
-         for more information on the format of this string.
-	 If this thread is not blocked then a zero-length string is returned.
-	 Note that the SNMP agent may have to truncate the string returned
-         by the underlying API if it does not fit in the JvmJavaObjectNameTC
-	 (1023 bytes max).
-	 See java.lang.management.ThreadInfo.getLockName()
-        "
-    REFERENCE "J2SE 5.0 API Specification,
-              java.lang.management.ThreadMXBean,
-              java.lang.management.ThreadInfo"
-    ::= { jvmThreadInstanceEntry 10 }
-jvmThreadInstLockOwnerPtr OBJECT-TYPE
-    SYNTAX      RowPointer
-    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
-    STATUS      current
-	"A pointer to the thread which owns the monitor of the
-	 object on which this thread instance is blocked.
-         This object will point to jvmThreadInstId of the
-	 lock owner thread.
-	 If this thread is not blocked then 0.0 is returned.
-	 See java.lang.management.ThreadInfo.getLockOwnerId()
-        "
-    REFERENCE "J2SE 5.0 API Specification,
-              java.lang.management.ThreadMXBean,
-              java.lang.management.ThreadInfo"
-    ::= { jvmThreadInstanceEntry 11 }
--- The JVM Runtime group
--- A collection of objects used to monitor the Java Virtual Machine
--- Runtime. These objects define the SNMP management interface for the
--- runtime system of the Java virtual machine.
--- The JVM Runtime group defines object mapped from the
--- java.lang.management.RuntimeMXBean interface.
--- See J2SE 5.0 API Specification, java.lang.management.RuntimeMXBean for
---     a detailed description of the runtime system.
-jvmRuntime   OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { jvmMgtMIBObjects 4 }
--- The following objects are mapped from the RuntimeMXBean interface.
-    SYNTAX      DisplayString
-    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
-    STATUS      current
-	"The name representing the running Java virtual machine.
-	 Note that the SNMP agent may have to truncate the name returned
-         by the underlying API if it does not fit in the DisplayString
-	 (255 bytes max).
-	 See java.lang.management.RuntimeMXBean.getName()
-        "
-    REFERENCE "J2SE 5.0 API Specification,
-              java.lang.management.RuntimeMXBean"
-    ::= { jvmRuntime 1 }
-    SYNTAX      JvmJavaObjectNameTC
-    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
-    STATUS      current
-	"The Java virtual machine implementation name.
-	 See java.lang.management.RuntimeMXBean.getVmName()
-        "
-    REFERENCE "J2SE 5.0 API Specification,
-              java.lang.management.RuntimeMXBean"
-    ::= { jvmRuntime 2 }
-    SYNTAX      DisplayString
-    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
-    STATUS      current
-	"The Java virtual machine implementation vendor.
-	 Note that the SNMP agent may have to truncate the string returned
-         by the underlying API if it does not fit in the DisplayString
-	 (255 bytes max).
-	 See java.lang.management.RuntimeMXBean.getVmVendor()
-        "
-    REFERENCE "J2SE 5.0 API Specification,
-              java.lang.management.RuntimeMXBean"
-    ::= { jvmRuntime 3 }
-    SYNTAX      DisplayString
-    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
-    STATUS      current
-	"The Java virtual machine implementation version.
-	 Note that the SNMP agent may have to truncate the string returned
-         by the underlying API if it does not fit in the DisplayString
-	 (255 bytes max).
-	 See java.lang.management.RuntimeMXBean.getVmVersion()
-        "
-    REFERENCE "J2SE 5.0 API Specification,
-              java.lang.management.RuntimeMXBean"
-    ::= { jvmRuntime 4 }
-    SYNTAX      DisplayString
-    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
-    STATUS      current
-	"The Java virtual machine specification name.
-	 Note that the SNMP agent may have to truncate the string returned
-         by the underlying API if it does not fit in the DisplayString
-	 (255 bytes max).
-	 See java.lang.management.RuntimeMXBean.getSpecName()
-        "
-    REFERENCE "J2SE 5.0 API Specification,
-              java.lang.management.RuntimeMXBean"
-    ::= { jvmRuntime 5 }
-jvmRTSpecVendor OBJECT-TYPE
-    SYNTAX      DisplayString
-    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
-    STATUS      current
-	"The Java virtual machine specification vendor.
-	 Note that the SNMP agent may have to truncate the string returned
-         by the underlying API if it does not fit in the DisplayString
-	 (255 bytes max).
-         See java.lang.management.RuntimeMXBean.getSpecVendor()
-        "
-    REFERENCE "J2SE 5.0 API Specification,
-              java.lang.management.RuntimeMXBean"
-    ::= { jvmRuntime 6 }
-jvmRTSpecVersion OBJECT-TYPE
-    SYNTAX      DisplayString
-    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
-    STATUS      current
-	"The Java virtual machine specification version.
-	 Note that the SNMP agent may have to truncate the string returned
-         by the underlying API if it does not fit in the DisplayString
-	 (255 bytes max).
-         See java.lang.management.RuntimeMXBean.getSpecVersion()
-        "
-    REFERENCE "J2SE 5.0 API Specification,
-              java.lang.management.RuntimeMXBean"
-    ::= { jvmRuntime 7 }
-jvmRTManagementSpecVersion OBJECT-TYPE
-    SYNTAX      DisplayString
-    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
-    STATUS      current
-	"The version of the management specification for the Java virtual
-	 machine implementation.
-	 Note that the SNMP agent may have to truncate the string returned
-         by the underlying API if it does not fit in the DisplayString
-	 (255 bytes max).
-         See java.lang.management.RuntimeMXBean.getManagementSpecVersion()
-        "
-    REFERENCE "J2SE 5.0 API Specification,
-              java.lang.management.RuntimeMXBean"
-    ::= { jvmRuntime 8 }
-jvmRTBootClassPathSupport OBJECT-TYPE
-    SYNTAX      JvmImplSupportStateTC
-    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
-    STATUS      current
-	"Indicates whether the Java virtual machine supports the
-	 boot class path mechanism used by the bootstrap class loader
-         to search for class files.
-	 See java.lang.management.RuntimeMXBean.isBootClassPathSupported()
-        "
-    REFERENCE "J2SE 5.0 API Specification,
-              java.lang.management.RuntimeMXBean"
-    ::= { jvmRuntime 9 }
-jvmRTInputArgsCount OBJECT-TYPE
-    SYNTAX      JvmPositive32TC
-    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
-    STATUS      current
-	"The number of input arguments passed to the Java Virtual Machine.
-	 See java.lang.management.RuntimeMXBean.getInputArguments()
-        "
-    REFERENCE "J2SE 5.0 API Specification,
-              java.lang.management.RuntimeMXBean"
-    ::= { jvmRuntime 10 }
-    SYNTAX      JvmTimeMillis64TC
-    UNITS       "milliseconds"
-    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
-    STATUS      current
-	"Uptime of the Java virtual machine, in milliseconds. This is
-         equivalent to ( System.currentTimeMillis() - jvmStartTimeMs ).
-         See also jvmRTStartTimeMs.
-         See java.lang.management.RuntimeMXBean.getUptime()
-        "
-    REFERENCE "J2SE 5.0 API Specification,
-              java.lang.management.RuntimeMXBean"
-    ::= { jvmRuntime 11 }
-    SYNTAX      JvmTimeMillis64TC
-    UNITS       "milliseconds"
-    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
-    STATUS      current
-	"The approximate time when the Java virtual machine started, in
-         milliseconds. This is a time stamp as returned by
-         System.currentTimeMillis(). This time will not change unless
-         the Java Virtual Machine is restarted.
-         See also jvmRTUptimeMs.
-         See java.lang.management.RuntimeMXBean.getStartTime()
-        "
-    REFERENCE "J2SE 5.0 API Specification,
-              java.lang.management.RuntimeMXBean"
-    ::= { jvmRuntime 12 }
--- Object identifiers in the range jvmRuntime.[13-19] are reserved
--- for future evolution of this MIB.
--- The JVM Input Argument Table
--- The jvmRTInputArgsTable contains one row per input argument given on
--- the Java command line.
--- See J2SE 5.0 API Specification,
---     java.lang.management.RuntimeMXBean.getInputArguments()
---     for more information.
-jvmRTInputArgsTable OBJECT-TYPE
-    SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF JvmRTInputArgsEntry
-    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
-    STATUS      current
-	"The Input Argument Table lists the input arguments passed
-	 to the Java Virtual Machine.
-	 The jvmRTInputArgsIndex is the index of the argument in
-	 the array returned by RuntimeMXBean.getInputArguments().
-	 See java.lang.management.RuntimeMXBean.getInputArguments()
-        "
-    REFERENCE "J2SE 5.0 API Specification,
-              java.lang.management.RuntimeMXBean"
-    ::= { jvmRuntime 20 }
-jvmRTInputArgsEntry OBJECT-TYPE
-    SYNTAX      JvmRTInputArgsEntry
-    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
-    STATUS      current
-	"Represent an input argument passed to the Java Virtual Machine.
-	 See java.lang.management.RuntimeMXBean.getInputArguments()
-        "
-    REFERENCE "J2SE 5.0 API Specification,
-              java.lang.management.RuntimeMXBean"
-    INDEX { jvmRTInputArgsIndex }
-    ::= { jvmRTInputArgsTable 1 }
-JvmRTInputArgsEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
-        jvmRTInputArgsIndex JvmPositive32TC,
-	jvmRTInputArgsItem  JvmArgValueTC
-jvmRTInputArgsIndex OBJECT-TYPE
-    SYNTAX      JvmPositive32TC
-    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
-    STATUS      current
-	"The index of the input argument, as in the array returned
-	 by RuntimeMXBean.getInputArguments().
-	 See java.lang.management.RuntimeMXBean.getInputArguments()
-        "
-    REFERENCE "J2SE 5.0 API Specification,
-              java.lang.management.RuntimeMXBean"
-    ::= { jvmRTInputArgsEntry 1 }
-jvmRTInputArgsItem OBJECT-TYPE
-    SYNTAX      JvmArgValueTC
-    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
-    STATUS      current
-	"An input argument at index jvmRTInputArgsIndex, as in the array
-	 returned by RuntimeMXBean.getInputArguments().
-	 Note that the SNMP agent may have to truncate the string returned
-         by the underlying API if it does not fit in the JvmArgValueTC
-         (1023 bytes max).
-	 See java.lang.management.RuntimeMXBean.getInputArguments()
-        "
-    REFERENCE "J2SE 5.0 API Specification,
-              java.lang.management.RuntimeMXBean"
-    ::= { jvmRTInputArgsEntry 2 }
--- The JVM Boot Class Path Table
--- The jvmRTBootClassPathTable contains one row per path element in the
--- bootclasspath. This table may not be implemented (or may be empty) if
--- the bootclasspath feature is not supported by the underlying
--- implementation.
--- See J2SE 5.0 API Specification,
---     java.lang.management.RuntimeMXBean.getBootClassPath()
---     java.lang.management.RuntimeMXBean.isBootClassPathSupported()
---     for more information.
-jvmRTBootClassPathTable OBJECT-TYPE
-    SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF JvmRTBootClassPathEntry
-    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
-    STATUS      current
-	"The boot class path that is used by the bootstrap class loader
-	 to search for a class file for loading.
-	 Note that the SNMP agent may have to truncate the bootclasspath
-	 elements contained in the string returned by the underlying API
-	 if it does not fit in the JvmPathElementTC (1023 bytes max).
-	 This table is not implemented (or empty) if jvmRTBootClassPathSupport
-         is unsupported(1).
-	 See java.lang.management.RuntimeMXBean.getBootClassPath()
-	     java.lang.management.RuntimeMXBean.isBootClassPathSupported()
-        "
-    REFERENCE "J2SE 5.0 API Specification,
-              java.lang.management.RuntimeMXBean"
-    ::= { jvmRuntime 21 }
-jvmRTBootClassPathEntry OBJECT-TYPE
-    SYNTAX      JvmRTBootClassPathEntry
-    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
-    STATUS      current
-	"Represent a path element in the Java Virtual Machine bootclasspath.
-	 See java.lang.management.RuntimeMXBean.getBootClassPath()
-        "
-    REFERENCE "J2SE 5.0 API Specification,
-              java.lang.management.RuntimeMXBean"
-    INDEX { jvmRTBootClassPathIndex }
-    ::= { jvmRTBootClassPathTable 1 }
-JvmRTBootClassPathEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
-        jvmRTBootClassPathIndex JvmPositive32TC,
-	jvmRTBootClassPathItem  JvmPathElementTC
-jvmRTBootClassPathIndex OBJECT-TYPE
-    SYNTAX      JvmPositive32TC
-    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
-    STATUS      current
-	"The index of the path element, as in the array obtained
-	 by splitting RuntimeMXBean.getBootClassPath() in its elementary path
-	 constituents.
-	 See java.lang.management.RuntimeMXBean.getBootClassPath()
-        "
-    REFERENCE "J2SE 5.0 API Specification,
-              java.lang.management.RuntimeMXBean"
-    ::= { jvmRTBootClassPathEntry 1 }
-jvmRTBootClassPathItem OBJECT-TYPE
-    SYNTAX      JvmPathElementTC
-    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
-    STATUS      current
-	"An path element at index jvmRTBootClassPathIndex, as in the
-	 array obtained by splitting RuntimeMXBean.getBootClassPath() in
-	 its elementary path constituents.
-	 Note that the SNMP agent may have to truncate the string returned
-         by the underlying API if it does not fit in the JvmPathElementTC
-	 (1023 bytes max).
-	 See java.lang.management.RuntimeMXBean.getBootClassPath()
-        "
-    REFERENCE "J2SE 5.0 API Specification,
-              java.lang.management.RuntimeMXBean"
-    ::= { jvmRTBootClassPathEntry 2 }
--- The JVM Class Path Table
--- The jvmRTClassPathTable contains one row per path element in the
--- classpath.
--- See J2SE 5.0 API Specification,
---     java.lang.management.RuntimeMXBean.getClassPath()
---     for more information.
-jvmRTClassPathTable OBJECT-TYPE
-    SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF JvmRTClassPathEntry
-    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
-    STATUS      current
-	"The  class path that is used by the system class loader
-	 to search for a class file.
-	 Note that the SNMP agent may have to truncate the classpath
-	 elements contained in the string returned by the underlying API
-	 if it does not fit in the JvmPathElementTC (1023 bytes max).
-	 See java.lang.management.RuntimeMXBean.getClassPath()
-        "
-    REFERENCE "J2SE 5.0 API Specification,
-              java.lang.management.RuntimeMXBean"
-    ::= { jvmRuntime 22 }
-jvmRTClassPathEntry OBJECT-TYPE
-    SYNTAX      JvmRTClassPathEntry
-    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
-    STATUS      current
-	"Represent a path element in the Java Virtual Machine classpath.
-	 See java.lang.management.RuntimeMXBean.getClassPath()
-        "
-    REFERENCE "J2SE 5.0 API Specification,
-              java.lang.management.RuntimeMXBean"
-    INDEX { jvmRTClassPathIndex }
-    ::= { jvmRTClassPathTable 1 }
-JvmRTClassPathEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
-        jvmRTClassPathIndex JvmPositive32TC,
-	jvmRTClassPathItem  JvmPathElementTC
-jvmRTClassPathIndex OBJECT-TYPE
-    SYNTAX      JvmPositive32TC
-    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
-    STATUS      current
-	"The index of the path element, as in the array obtained
-	 by splitting RuntimeMXBean.getClassPath() in its elementary
-	 path constituents.
-	 See java.lang.management.RuntimeMXBean.getClassPath()
-        "
-    REFERENCE "J2SE 5.0 API Specification,
-              java.lang.management.RuntimeMXBean"
-    ::= { jvmRTClassPathEntry 1 }
-jvmRTClassPathItem OBJECT-TYPE
-    SYNTAX      JvmPathElementTC
-    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
-    STATUS      current
-	"An path element at index jvmRTClassPathIndex, as in the array
-	 obtained by splitting RuntimeMXBean.getClassPath() in its elementary
-	 path constituents.
-	 Note that the SNMP agent may have to truncate the string returned
-         by the underlying API if it does not fit in the JvmPathElementTC
-	 (1023 bytes max).
-	 See java.lang.management.RuntimeMXBean.getClassPath()
-        "
-    REFERENCE "J2SE 5.0 API Specification,
-              java.lang.management.RuntimeMXBean"
-    ::= { jvmRTClassPathEntry 2 }
--- The JVM Library Path Table
--- The jvmRTLibraryPathTable contains one row per path element in the
--- librarypath.
--- See J2SE 5.0 API Specification,
---     java.lang.management.RuntimeMXBean.getLibraryPath()
---     for more information.
-jvmRTLibraryPathTable OBJECT-TYPE
-    SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF JvmRTLibraryPathEntry
-    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
-    STATUS      current
-	"The  library path.
-	 Note that the SNMP agent may have to truncate the librarypath
-	 elements contained in the string returned by the underlying API
-	 if it does not fit in the JvmPathElementTC (1023 bytes max).
-	 See java.lang.management.RuntimeMXBean.getLibraryPath()
-        "
-    REFERENCE "J2SE 5.0 API Specification,
-              java.lang.management.RuntimeMXBean"
-    ::= { jvmRuntime 23 }
-jvmRTLibraryPathEntry OBJECT-TYPE
-    SYNTAX      JvmRTLibraryPathEntry
-    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
-    STATUS      current
-	"Represent a path element in the Java Virtual Machine librarypath.
-	 See java.lang.management.RuntimeMXBean.getLibraryPath()
-        "
-    REFERENCE "J2SE 5.0 API Specification,
-              java.lang.management.RuntimeMXBean"
-    INDEX { jvmRTLibraryPathIndex }
-    ::= { jvmRTLibraryPathTable 1 }
-JvmRTLibraryPathEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
-        jvmRTLibraryPathIndex JvmPositive32TC,
-	jvmRTLibraryPathItem  JvmPathElementTC
-jvmRTLibraryPathIndex OBJECT-TYPE
-    SYNTAX      JvmPositive32TC
-    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
-    STATUS      current
-	"The index of the path element, as in the array obtained
-	 by splitting RuntimeMXBean.getLibraryPath() in its elementary
-	 constituents.
-	 See java.lang.management.RuntimeMXBean.getLibraryPath()
-        "
-    REFERENCE "J2SE 5.0 API Specification,
-              java.lang.management.RuntimeMXBean"
-    ::= { jvmRTLibraryPathEntry 1 }
-jvmRTLibraryPathItem OBJECT-TYPE
-    SYNTAX      JvmPathElementTC
-    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
-    STATUS      current
-	"An path element at index jvmRTLibraryPathIndex, as in the array
-	 obtained by splitting RuntimeMXBean.getLibraryPath() in its elementary
-	 path constituents.
-	 Note that the SNMP agent may have to truncate the string returned
-         by the underlying API if it does not fit in the JvmPathElementTC
-	 (1023 bytes max).
-	 See java.lang.management.RuntimeMXBean.getLibraryPath()
-        "
-    REFERENCE "J2SE 5.0 API Specification,
-              java.lang.management.RuntimeMXBean"
-    ::= { jvmRTLibraryPathEntry 2 }
--- The JVM Compilation group
--- A collection of objects used to monitor the Java Virtual Machine
--- Runtime Compiler (JIT). These objects define the SNMP management
--- interface for the compilation system of the Java virtual machine.
--- The JVM Compilation group defines object mapped from the
--- java.lang.management.CompilationMXBean interface.
--- See J2SE 5.0 API Specification, java.lang.management.CompilationMXBean for
---     a detailed description of the runtime system.
-jvmCompilation   OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { jvmMgtMIBObjects 5 }
--- The following objects are mapped from the CompilationMXBean interface.
-jvmJITCompilerName OBJECT-TYPE
-    SYNTAX      JvmJavaObjectNameTC
-    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
-    STATUS      current
-	"The name of the Just-in-time (JIT) compiler.
-	 See java.lang.management.CompilationMXBean.getName()
-        "
-    REFERENCE "J2SE 5.0 API Specification,
-              java.lang.management.CompilationMXBean"
-    ::= { jvmCompilation 1 }
-jvmJITCompilerTimeMs OBJECT-TYPE
-    SYNTAX      JvmTimeMillis64TC
-    UNITS       "milliseconds"
-    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
-    STATUS      current
-	"Gets the approximate accumulated elapsed time (in milliseconds)
-	 spent in compilation since the Java virtual machine has started.
-	 If multiple threads are used for compilation, this value is
-	 the summation of the approximate time that each thread
-	 spent in compilation.
-	 If compiler time monitoring is not supported, then this object
-	 remains set to 0.
-	 See java.lang.management.CompilationMXBean.getTotalCompilationTime()
-        "
-    REFERENCE "J2SE 5.0 API Specification,
-              java.lang.management.CompilationMXBean"
-    ::= { jvmCompilation 2 }
-jvmJITCompilerTimeMonitoring OBJECT-TYPE
-    SYNTAX      JvmImplSupportStateTC
-    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
-    STATUS      current
-	"Indicates whether the Java virtual machine supports
-	 compilation time monitoring.
-	 See java.lang.management.CompilationMXBean.
-                             isCompilationTimeMonitoringSupported()
-        "
-    REFERENCE "J2SE 5.0 API Specification,
-              java.lang.management.CompilationMXBean"
-    ::= { jvmCompilation 3 }
--- The JVM Operating System group
--- A collection of objects used to monitor some resource of the
--- Operating System the Java Virtual Machine is running on. These objects
--- define the SNMP management interface offered by the Java virtual machine
--- for the operating system on which it is running.
--- The JVM Operating System group defines object mapped from the
--- java.lang.management.OperatingSystemMXBean interface.
--- See J2SE 5.0 API Specification, java.lang.management.OperatingSystemMXBean
---     for a detailed description of the operating system.
-jvmOS   OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { jvmMgtMIBObjects 6 }
--- The following objects are mapped from the OperatingSystemMXBean interface.
-    SYNTAX      JvmJavaObjectNameTC
-    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
-    STATUS      current
-	"The operating system name.
-	 See java.lang.management.OperatingSystemMXBean.getName()
-	"
-    REFERENCE "J2SE 5.0 API Specification,
-              java.lang.management.OperatingSystemMXBean"
-    ::= { jvmOS 1 }
-    SYNTAX      DisplayString
-    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
-    STATUS      current
-	"The operating system architecture.
-	 Note that the SNMP agent may have to truncate the string returned
-         by the underlying API if it does not fit in the DisplayString
-	 (255 bytes max).
-	 See java.lang.management.OperatingSystemMXBean.getArch()
-        "
-    REFERENCE "J2SE 5.0 API Specification,
-              java.lang.management.OperatingSystemMXBean"
-    ::= { jvmOS 2 }
-    SYNTAX      DisplayString
-    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
-    STATUS      current
-	"The operating system version.
-	 Note that the SNMP agent may have to truncate the string returned
-         by the underlying API if it does not fit in the DisplayString
-	 (255 bytes max).
-	 See java.lang.management.OperatingSystemMXBean.getVersion()
-	"
-    REFERENCE "J2SE 5.0 API Specification,
-              java.lang.management.OperatingSystemMXBean"
-    ::= { jvmOS 3 }
-jvmOSProcessorCount OBJECT-TYPE
-    SYNTAX      Integer32
-    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
-    STATUS      current
-	"The number of processors available to the Java virtual machine.
-         See java.lang.management.OperatingSystemMXBean.getAvailableProcessors()
-        "
-    REFERENCE "J2SE 5.0 API Specification,
-              java.lang.management.OperatingSystemMXBean"
-    ::= { jvmOS 4 }
--- Low Memory Notifications
-jvmMgtMIBMemoryNotifs    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { jvmMgtMIBNotifications 2 }
-jvmMgtMIBLowMemoryNotifs OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { jvmMgtMIBMemoryNotifs  1 }
-    ::= { jvmMgtMIBLowMemoryNotifs 0 }
--- Not used at this time, but reserved for future evolution of this MIB:
--- jvmLowMemoryData OBJECT IDENTIFIER
---    ::= { jvmMgtMIBLowMemoryNotifs 1 }
-jvmLowMemoryPoolUsageNotif NOTIFICATION-TYPE
-    OBJECTS {  jvmMemPoolName, jvmMemPoolUsed, jvmMemPoolThreshdCount }
-    STATUS current
-           "This notification is sent when the memory usage threshold of
-	    a memory pool is exceeded.
-           "
-    REFERENCE "J2SE 5.0 API Specification,
-              java.lang.management.MemoryNotification,
-	      java.lang.management.MemoryPoolMXBean"
-    ::= { jvmLowMemoryPrefix  1 }
-jvmLowMemoryPoolCollectNotif NOTIFICATION-TYPE
-    OBJECTS {  jvmMemPoolName, jvmMemPoolCollectUsed,
-               jvmMemPoolCollectThreshdCount }
-    STATUS current
-           "This notification is sent when the collection memory usage
-	    threshold of a memory pool is exceeded.
-           "
-    REFERENCE "J2SE 5.0 API Specification,
-              java.lang.management.MemoryNotification,
-	      java.lang.management.MemoryPoolMXBean"
-    ::= { jvmLowMemoryPrefix  2 }
--- Conformance Section
--- conformance information
-               OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { jvmMgtMIBConformance 1 }
-               OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { jvmMgtMIBConformance 2 }
--- compliance statements
-jvmManagementCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
-    STATUS  current
-            "The compliance statement for SNMP entities which
-            implement this MIB."
-    MODULE  -- this module
-                     jvmClassLoadingBasicGroup,
-		     jvmClassLoadingSetGroup,
-		     jvmMemoryBasicGroup,
-		     jvmMemoryHeapUsageGroup,
-		     jvmMemoryNonHeapUsageGroup,
-		     jvmMemorySetGroup,
-		     jvmMemManagerGroup,
-		     jvmMemGCGroup,
-		     jvmMemPoolBasicGroup,
-		     jvmMemPoolUsageGroup,
-		     jvmMemPoolPeakUsageGroup,
-		     jvmMemPoolCollectUsageGroup,
-		     jvmMemMgrPoolRelationGroup,
-		     jvmThreadBasicGroup,
-		     jvmThreadInstanceBasicGroup,
-		     jvmRuntimeBasicGroup,
-		     jvmOSGroup
-    }
-    -- optional/conditional groups
-    GROUP  jvmMemPoolMonitoringGroup
-            "This group may not be implemented if the Java virtual
-             machine does not support low memory detection in memory usage.
-	    "
-    GROUP  jvmMemPoolCollectMonitoringGroup
-            "This group may not be implemented if the Java virtual
-             machine does not support low memory detection in collection
-	     memory usage.
-	    "
-    GROUP  jvmLowMemoryUsageNotifGroup
-            "This group may not be implemented if the Java virtual
-             machine does not support low memory usage detection.
-	    "
-    GROUP  jvmLowMemoryCollectNotifGroup
-            "This group may not be implemented if the Java virtual
-             machine does not support low collection memory usage detection.
-	    "
-    GROUP  jvmThreadInstanceCpuGroup
-            "This group may not be implemented if the Java virtual
-             machine does not support CPU time measurement for other threads.
-	    "
-    GROUP  jvmThreadInstanceBlockGroup
-            "This group may not be implemented if the Java virtual
-             machine does not support thread contention monitoring.
-	    "
-    GROUP  jvmRuntimeBootCPGroup
-            "This group may not be implemented if the underlying
-	     implementation does not support the bootclasspath feature.
-            "
-    GROUP  jvmJITCompilerBasicGroup
-            "This group may not be implemented if the Java virtual
-             machine has no compilation system.
-	    "
-    GROUP  jvmJITCompilerTimeStatGroup
-            "This group may not be implemented if the Java virtual
-             machine has no compilation system, or does not support
-             JIT Compiler time statistics.
-	    "
-    ::= { jvmMgtMIBCompliances 1 }
--- units of conformance
-jvmClassLoadingGroups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { jvmMgtMIBGroups 1 }
-jvmClassLoadingBasicGroup  OBJECT-GROUP
-    OBJECTS {
-             jvmClassesLoadedCount,
-	     jvmClassesTotalLoadedCount,
-	     jvmClassesUnloadedCount
-    }
-    STATUS current
-	"A collection of  objects that are mapped from JSR 163
-	 java.lang.management.ClassLoadingMXBean interface.
-        "
-    ::= { jvmClassLoadingGroups 1 }
-jvmClassLoadingSetGroup  OBJECT-GROUP
-    OBJECTS {
-             jvmClassesVerboseLevel
-    }
-    STATUS current
-	"A collection of writable scalar objects that are mapped from JSR 163
-	 java.lang.management.ClassLoadingMXBean interface, and make it possible
-	 to act on class loading. Accessing these objects may
-	 require special permissions - the agent implementation is
-	 responsible for puting in place the appropriate access control
-	 if needed.
-        "
-    ::= { jvmClassLoadingGroups 2 }
-jvmMemoryGroups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { jvmMgtMIBGroups 2 }
-jvmMemoryBasicGroup  OBJECT-GROUP
-    OBJECTS {
-             jvmMemoryPendingFinalCount
-    }
-    STATUS current
-	"A collection of columnar objects that are mapped from JSR 163
-	 java.lang.management.MemoryManagerMXBean interface.
-        "
-    ::= { jvmMemoryGroups 1 }
-jvmMemoryHeapUsageGroup OBJECT-GROUP
-    OBJECTS {
-             jvmMemoryHeapInitSize,
-	     jvmMemoryHeapUsed,
-	     jvmMemoryHeapCommitted,
-	     jvmMemoryHeapMaxSize
-    }
-    STATUS current
-	"A collection of objects that are mapped from JSR 163
-	 java.lang.management.MemoryMXBean.getHeapMemoryUsage().
-	 When several of these objects are requested within a single
-	 SNMP request, the agent must ensure that
-         java.lang.management.MemoryPoolMXBean.getHeapMemoryUsage() is
-	 called only once, in order to guarantee that the set of
-	 values returned for these objects remain coherent and give
-	 a consistent snapshot of the heap memory usage made by
-	 Heap Memory Pools.
-        "
-    ::= { jvmMemoryGroups 2 }
-jvmMemoryNonHeapUsageGroup OBJECT-GROUP
-    OBJECTS {
-             jvmMemoryNonHeapInitSize,
-	     jvmMemoryNonHeapUsed,
-	     jvmMemoryNonHeapCommitted,
-	     jvmMemoryNonHeapMaxSize
-    }
-    STATUS current
-	"A collection of objects that are mapped from JSR 163
-	 java.lang.management.MemoryMXBean.getNonHeapMemoryUsage().
-	 When several of these objects are requested within a single
-	 SNMP request, the agent must ensure that
-         java.lang.management.MemoryPoolMXBean.getNonHeapMemoryUsage() is
-	 called only once, in order to guarantee that the set of
-	 values returned for these objects remain coherent and give
-	 a consistent snapshot of the non heap memory usage made by
-	 Non Heap Memory Pools.
-        "
-    ::= { jvmMemoryGroups 3 }
-jvmMemorySetGroup OBJECT-GROUP
-    OBJECTS {
-             jvmMemoryGCVerboseLevel,
-	     jvmMemoryGCCall
-    }
-    STATUS current
-	"A collection of writable scalar objects that are mapped from JSR 163
-	 java.lang.management.MemoryMXBean interface, and make it possible
-	 to act on the Garbage Collector. Accessing these objects may
-	 require special permissions - the agent implementation is
-	 responsible for puting in place the appropriate access control
-	 if needed.
-        "
-    ::= { jvmMemoryGroups 4 }
-jvmMemManagerGroup  OBJECT-GROUP
-    OBJECTS {
-	     jvmMemManagerName,
-	     jvmMemManagerState
-    }
-    STATUS current
-	"A collection of columnar objects that are mapped from JSR 163
-	 java.lang.management.MemoryManagerMXBean interface.
-        "
-    ::= { jvmMemoryGroups 5 }
-    OBJECTS {
-             jvmMemGCCount,
-             jvmMemGCTimeMs
-    }
-    STATUS current
-	"A collection of columnar objects that are mapped from JSR 163
-	 java.lang.management.GarbageCollectorMXBean interface, and are
-	 specific to GarbageCollector MXBeans.
-	 These objects are used to model the inheritence link between
-	 GarbageCollectorMXBean and its super interface - MemoryManagerMXBean.
-        "
-    ::= { jvmMemoryGroups 6 }
-jvmMemPoolGroups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { jvmMemoryGroups 7 }
-jvmMemPoolBasicGroup  OBJECT-GROUP
-    OBJECTS {
-	     jvmMemPoolName,
-	     jvmMemPoolType,
-	     jvmMemPoolState,
-	     jvmMemPoolPeakReset,
-	     jvmMemPoolThreshdSupport,
-	     jvmMemPoolCollectThreshdSupport
-    }
-    STATUS current
-	"A collection of columnar objects that are mapped from JSR 163
-	 java.lang.management.MemoryPoolMXBean interface.
-        "
-    ::= { jvmMemPoolGroups 1 }
-jvmMemPoolMonitoringGroup OBJECT-GROUP
-     OBJECTS {
-	     jvmMemPoolThreshold,
-	     jvmMemPoolThreshdCount
-     }
-    STATUS current
-	"Memory usage threshold objects mapped from
-	 JSR 163 java.lang.management.MemoryPoolMXBean interface, which makes
-	 it possible to configure low memory detection.
-	 Accessing this object may require special permissions - the agent
-	 implementation is responsible for puting in place the appropriate
-	 access control if needed.
-        "
-    ::= { jvmMemPoolGroups 2 }
-jvmMemPoolUsageGroup OBJECT-GROUP
-    OBJECTS {
-             jvmMemPoolInitSize,
-	     jvmMemPoolUsed,
-	     jvmMemPoolCommitted,
-	     jvmMemPoolMaxSize
-    }
-    STATUS current
-	"A collection of objects that are mapped from JSR 163
-	 java.lang.management.MemoryPoolMXBean.getUsage().
-	 When several of these objects are requested within a single
-	 SNMP request, the agent must ensure that
-         java.lang.management.MemoryPoolMXBean.getUsage() is
-	 called only once, in order to guarantee that the set of
-	 values returned for these objects remain coherent and give
-	 a consistent snapshot of the memory used by this Memory
-	 Pool.
-        "
-    ::= { jvmMemPoolGroups 3 }
-jvmMemPoolPeakUsageGroup OBJECT-GROUP
-    OBJECTS {
-             jvmMemPoolPeakUsed,
-	     jvmMemPoolPeakCommitted,
-	     jvmMemPoolPeakMaxSize
-    }
-    STATUS current
-	"A collection of objects that are mapped from JSR 163
-	 java.lang.management.MemoryPoolMXBean.getPeakUsage().
-	 When several of these objects are requested within a single
-	 SNMP request, the agent must ensure that
-         java.lang.management.MemoryPoolMXBean.getPeakUsage() is
-	 called only once, in order to guarantee that the set of
-	 values returned for these objects remain coherent and give
-	 a consistent snapshot of the peak memory usage made by
-	 this Memory Pool.
-        "
-    ::= { jvmMemPoolGroups 4 }
-jvmMemPoolCollectUsageGroup OBJECT-GROUP
-    OBJECTS {
-             jvmMemPoolCollectUsed,
-	     jvmMemPoolCollectCommitted,
-	     jvmMemPoolCollectMaxSize
-    }
-    STATUS current
-	"A collection of objects that are mapped from JSR 163
-	 java.lang.management.MemoryPoolMXBean.getCollectionUsage().
-	 When several of these objects are requested within a single
-	 SNMP request, the agent must ensure that
-         java.lang.management.MemoryPoolMXBean.getCollectionUsage() is
-	 called only once, in order to guarantee that the set of
-	 values returned for these objects remain coherent and give
-	 a consistent snapshot of the collection memory usage made by
-	 this Memory Pool.
-        "
-    ::= { jvmMemPoolGroups 5 }
-jvmMemPoolCollectMonitoringGroup OBJECT-GROUP
-     OBJECTS {
-	     jvmMemPoolCollectThreshold,
-	     jvmMemPoolCollectThreshdCount
-     }
-    STATUS current
-	"Memory collection usage threshold objects mapped from JSR 163
-	 java.lang.management.MemoryPoolMXBean interface, which makes
-	 it possible to configure low memory detection.
-	 Accessing this object may require special permissions - the agent
-	 implementation is responsible for putting in place the appropriate
-	 access control if needed.
-        "
-    ::= { jvmMemPoolGroups 6 }
-jvmMemMgrPoolRelationGroup  OBJECT-GROUP
-    OBJECTS {
-             jvmMemMgrRelManagerName,
-	     jvmMemMgrRelPoolName
-    }
-    STATUS current
-	"A collection of columnar objects that are mapped from JSR 163
-	 java.lang.management.MemoryPoolMXBean and
-         java.lang.management.MemoryManagerMXBean interface, and show the
-	 relationship between Memory Managers and Memory Pools.
-        "
-    ::= { jvmMemoryGroups 8 }
-jvmThreadGroups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { jvmMgtMIBGroups 3 }
-jvmThreadBasicGroup OBJECT-GROUP
-    OBJECTS {
-             jvmThreadCount,
-	     jvmThreadDaemonCount,
-	     jvmThreadPeakCount,
-	     jvmThreadTotalStartedCount,
-	     jvmThreadContentionMonitoring,
-	     jvmThreadCpuTimeMonitoring,
-	     jvmThreadPeakCountReset
-    }
-    STATUS current
-	"A collection of scalar objects that are mapped from JSR 163
-	 java.lang.management.ThreadMXBean interface.
-        "
-    ::= { jvmThreadGroups 1 }
-jvmThreadInstanceGroups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { jvmThreadGroups 2 }
-jvmThreadInstanceBasicGroup OBJECT-GROUP
-    OBJECTS {
-	     jvmThreadInstId,
-	     jvmThreadInstState,
-	     jvmThreadInstName,
-	     jvmThreadInstLockName,
-	     jvmThreadInstLockOwnerPtr
-    }
-    STATUS current
-	"A collection of columnar objects that are mapped from JSR 163
-	 java.lang.management.ThreadMXBean interface, and are
-	 relative to an instance of java.lang.Thread.
-        "
-    ::= { jvmThreadInstanceGroups 1}
-jvmThreadInstanceCpuGroup OBJECT-GROUP
-    OBJECTS {
-	     jvmThreadInstCpuTimeNs
-    }
-    STATUS current
-	"A columnar object mapped from JSR 163
-	 java.lang.management.ThreadMXBean interface which provides CPU
-	 time statistics about an instance of java.lang.Thread.
-        "
-    ::= { jvmThreadInstanceGroups 2 }
-jvmThreadInstanceBlockGroup OBJECT-GROUP
-    OBJECTS {
-	     jvmThreadInstBlockCount,
-	     jvmThreadInstBlockTimeMs,
-	     jvmThreadInstWaitCount,
-	     jvmThreadInstWaitTimeMs
-    }
-    STATUS current
-	"A collection of columnar objects that are mapped from JSR 163
-	 java.lang.management.ThreadMXBean interface, and which provide
-         synchronization statistics about an instance of java.lang.Thread.
-        "
-    ::= { jvmThreadInstanceGroups 3 }
-jvmRuntimeGroups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { jvmMgtMIBGroups 4 }
-jvmRuntimeBasicGroup OBJECT-GROUP
-    OBJECTS {
-             jvmRTName,
-	     jvmRTVMName,
-	     jvmRTVMVendor,
-	     jvmRTVMVersion,
-	     jvmRTSpecName,
-	     jvmRTSpecVendor,
-	     jvmRTSpecVersion,
-	     jvmRTManagementSpecVersion,
-	     jvmRTUptimeMs,
-	     jvmRTStartTimeMs,
-	     jvmRTBootClassPathSupport,
-	     jvmRTInputArgsCount,
-	     jvmRTInputArgsItem,
-	     jvmRTClassPathItem,
-	     jvmRTLibraryPathItem
-    }
-    STATUS current
-	"A collection of objects that are mapped from JSR 163
-	 java.lang.management.RuntimeMXBean interface.
-        "
-    ::= { jvmRuntimeGroups 1 }
-jvmRuntimeBootCPGroup OBJECT-GROUP
-    OBJECTS {
-	     jvmRTBootClassPathItem
-    }
-    STATUS current
-	"A columnar object that is mapped from JSR 163
-	 java.lang.management.RuntimeMXBean.getBootClassPath() interface,
-	 and provide information about bootclasspath elements.
-        "
-    ::= { jvmRuntimeGroups 2 }
-jvmJITCompilerGroups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { jvmMgtMIBGroups 5 }
-jvmJITCompilerBasicGroup OBJECT-GROUP
-    OBJECTS {
-             jvmJITCompilerName,
-             jvmJITCompilerTimeMonitoring
-    }
-    STATUS current
-	"A collection of objects that are mapped from JSR 163
-	 java.lang.management.CompilationMXBean interface.
-        "
-    ::= { jvmJITCompilerGroups 1 }
-jvmJITCompilerTimeStatGroup OBJECT-GROUP
-    OBJECTS {
-             jvmJITCompilerTimeMs
-    }
-    STATUS current
-	"A collection of objects that are mapped from JSR 163
-	 java.lang.management.CompilationMXBean interface and provide
-	 time statistic about the JIT Compiler.
-        "
-    ::= { jvmJITCompilerGroups 2 }
-    OBJECTS {
-             jvmOSName,
-	     jvmOSArch,
-	     jvmOSVersion,
-	     jvmOSProcessorCount
-    }
-    STATUS current
-	"A collection of objects that are mapped from JSR 163
-	 java.lang.management.OperatingSystemMXBean interface.
-        "
-    ::= { jvmMgtMIBGroups 6 }
-jvmLowMemoryUsageNotifGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP
-             jvmLowMemoryPoolUsageNotif
-    }
-    STATUS current
-           "A collection of notifications emitted when low
-            memory usage conditions are detected.
-           "
-    ::= { jvmMgtMIBGroups 7 }
-jvmLowMemoryCollectNotifGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP
-             jvmLowMemoryPoolCollectNotif
-    }
-    STATUS current
-           "A collection of notifications emitted when low
-            collection memory usage conditions are detected.
-           "
-    ::= { jvmMgtMIBGroups 8 }