changeset 45534 f0b3d467215e
parent 45473 03c5450b6e4a
parent 45533 e6707cd51e28
child 45535 4b19310ae4ee
--- a/jdk/src/java.base/share/specs/serialization/input.md	Thu Jun 08 16:32:55 2017 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,672 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2005, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
-# This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
-# under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
-# published by the Free Software Foundation.
-# This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
-# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
-# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
-# version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
-# accompanied this code).
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
-# 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
-# Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
-# Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
-# or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
-# questions.
-include-before: '[CONTENTS](index.html) | [PREV](output.html) | [NEXT](class.html)'
-include-after: '[CONTENTS](index.html) | [PREV](output.html) | [NEXT](class.html)'
-title: 'Java Object Serialization Specification: 3 - Object Input Classes'
--   [The ObjectInputStream Class](#the-objectinputstream-class)
--   [The ObjectInputStream.GetField
-    Class](#the-objectinputstream.getfield-class)
--   [The ObjectInputValidation Interface](#the-objectinputvalidation-interface)
--   [The readObject Method](#the-readobject-method)
--   [The readExternal Method](#the-readexternal-method)
--   [The readResolve Method](#the-readresolve-method)
-## 3.1 The ObjectInputStream Class
-Class `ObjectInputStream` implements object deserialization. It maintains the
-state of the stream including the set of objects already deserialized. Its
-methods allow primitive types and objects to be read from a stream written by
-`ObjectOutputStream`. It manages restoration of the object and the objects that
-it refers to from the stream.
-package java.io;
-public class ObjectInputStream
-    extends InputStream
-    implements ObjectInput, ObjectStreamConstants
-    public ObjectInputStream(InputStream in)
-        throws StreamCorruptedException, IOException;
-    public final Object readObject()
-        throws OptionalDataException, ClassNotFoundException,
-            IOException;
-    public Object readUnshared()
-        throws OptionalDataException, ClassNotFoundException,
-            IOException;
-    public void defaultReadObject()
-        throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException,
-            NotActiveException;
-    public GetField readFields()
-        throws IOException;
-    public synchronized void registerValidation(
-        ObjectInputValidation obj, int prio)
-        throws NotActiveException, InvalidObjectException;
-    protected ObjectStreamClass readClassDescriptor()
-        throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException;
-    protected Class resolveClass(ObjectStreamClass v)
-        throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException;
-    protected Object resolveObject(Object obj)
-        throws IOException;
-    protected boolean enableResolveObject(boolean enable)
-        throws SecurityException;
-    protected void readStreamHeader()
-        throws IOException, StreamCorruptedException;
-    public int read() throws IOException;
-    public int read(byte[] data, int offset, int length)
-        throws IOException
-    public int available() throws IOException;
-    public void close() throws IOException;
-    public boolean readBoolean() throws IOException;
-    public byte readByte() throws IOException;
-    public int readUnsignedByte() throws IOException;
-    public short readShort() throws IOException;
-    public int readUnsignedShort() throws IOException;
-    public char readChar() throws IOException;
-    public int readInt() throws IOException;
-    public long readLong() throws IOException;
-    public float readFloat() throws IOException;
-    public double readDouble() throws IOException;
-    public void readFully(byte[] data) throws IOException;
-    public void readFully(byte[] data, int offset, int size)
-        throws IOException;
-    public int skipBytes(int len) throws IOException;
-    public String readLine() throws IOException;
-    public String readUTF() throws IOException;
-    // Class to provide access to serializable fields.
-    static abstract public class GetField
-    {
-        public ObjectStreamClass getObjectStreamClass();
-        public boolean defaulted(String name)
-            throws IOException, IllegalArgumentException;
-        public char get(String name, char default)
-            throws IOException, IllegalArgumentException;
-        public boolean get(String name, boolean default)
-            throws IOException, IllegalArgumentException;
-        public byte get(String name, byte default)
-            throws IOException, IllegalArgumentException;
-        public short get(String name, short default)
-            throws IOException, IllegalArgumentException;
-        public int get(String name, int default)
-            throws IOException, IllegalArgumentException;
-        public long get(String name, long default)
-            throws IOException, IllegalArgumentException;
-        public float get(String name, float default)
-            throws IOException, IllegalArgumentException;
-        public double get(String name, double default)
-            throws IOException, IllegalArgumentException;
-        public Object get(String name, Object default)
-            throws IOException, IllegalArgumentException;
-    }
-    protected ObjectInputStream()
-        throws StreamCorruptedException, IOException;
-    protected readObjectOverride()
-        throws OptionalDataException, ClassNotFoundException,
-            IOException;
-The single-argument `ObjectInputStream` constructor requires an `InputStream`.
-The constructor calls `readStreamHeader` to read and verifies the header and
-version written by the corresponding `ObjectOutputStream.writeStreamHeader`
-method. If a security manager is installed, this constructor checks for the
-`"enableSubclassImplementation"` `SerializablePermission` when invoked directly
-or indirectly by the constructor of a subclass which overrides the `readFields`
-and/or `readUnshared` methods.
-**Note:** The `ObjectInputStream` constructor blocks until it completes reading
-the serialization stream header. Code which waits for an `ObjectInputStream` to
-be constructed before creating the corresponding `ObjectOutputStream` for that
-stream will deadlock, since the `ObjectInputStream` constructor will block
-until a header is written to the stream, and the header will not be written to
-the stream until the `ObjectOutputStream` constructor executes. This problem
-can be resolved by creating the `ObjectOutputStream` before the
-`ObjectInputStream`, or otherwise removing the timing dependency between
-completion of `ObjectInputStream` construction and the creation of the
-The `readObject` method is used to deserialize an object from the stream. It
-reads from the stream to reconstruct an object.
-1.  If the `ObjectInputStream` subclass is overriding the implementation, call
-    the `readObjectOverride` method and return. Reimplementation is described
-    at the end of this section.
-2.  If a block data record occurs in the stream, throw a `BlockDataException`
-    with the number of available bytes.
-3.  If the object in the stream is null, return null.
-4.  If the object in the stream is a handle to a previous object, return the
-    object.
-5.  If the object in the stream is a `Class`, read its `ObjectStreamClass`
-    descriptor, add it and its handle to the set of known objects, and return
-    the corresponding `Class` object.
-6.  If the object in the stream is an `ObjectStreamClass`, read in its data
-    according to the formats described in [Section 4.3, "Serialized
-    Form"](class.html#serialized-form). Add it and its handle to the set of
-    known objects. In versions 1.3 and later of the Java 2 SDK, Standard
-    Edition, the `readClassDescriptor` method is called to read in the
-    `ObjectStreamClass` if it represents a class that is not a dynamic proxy
-    class, as indicated in the stream data. If the class descriptor represents
-    a dynamic proxy class, call the `resolveProxyClass` method on the stream to
-    get the local class for the descriptor; otherwise, call the `resolveClass`
-    method on the stream to get the local class. If the class cannot be
-    resolved, throw a ClassNotFoundException. Return the resulting
-    `ObjectStreamClass` object.
-7.  If the object in the stream is a `String`, read its length information
-    followed by the contents of the string encoded in modified UTF-8. For
-    details, refer to [Section 6.2, "Stream
-    Elements"](protocol.html#stream-elements). Add the `String` and its handle
-    to the set of known objects, and proceed to Step 12.
-8.  If the object in the stream is an array, read its `ObjectStreamClass` and
-    the length of the array. Allocate the array, and add it and its handle in
-    the set of known objects. Read each element using the appropriate method
-    for its type and assign it to the array. Proceed to Step 12.
-9.  If the object in the stream is an enum constant, read its
-    `ObjectStreamClass` and the enum constant name. If the `ObjectStreamClass`
-    represents a class that is not an enum type, an `InvalidClassException` is
-    thrown. Obtain a reference to the enum constant by calling the
-    `java.lang.Enum.valueOf` method, passing the enum type bound to the
-    received `ObjectStreamClass` along with the received name as arguments. If
-    the `valueOf` method throws an `IllegalArgumentException`, an
-    `InvalidObjectException` is thrown with the `IllegalArgumentException` as
-    its cause. Add the enum constant and its handle in the set of known
-    objects, and proceed to Step 12.
-10. For all other objects, the `ObjectStreamClass` of the object is read from
-    the stream. The local class for that `ObjectStreamClass` is retrieved. The
-    class must be serializable or externalizable, and must not be an enum type.
-    If the class does not satisfy these criteria, an `InvalidClassException` is
-    thrown.
-11. An instance of the class is allocated. The instance and its handle are
-    added to the set of known objects. The contents restored appropriately:
-    a.  For serializable objects, the no-arg constructor for the first
-        non-serializable supertype is run. For serializable classes, the fields
-        are initialized to the default value appropriate for its type. Then the
-        fields of each class are restored by calling class-specific
-        `readObject` methods, or if these are not defined, by calling the
-        `defaultReadObject` method. Note that field initializers and
-        constructors are not executed for serializable classes during
-        deserialization. In the normal case, the version of the class that
-        wrote the stream will be the same as the class reading the stream. In
-        this case, all of the supertypes of the object in the stream will match
-        the supertypes in the currently-loaded class. If the version of the
-        class that wrote the stream had different supertypes than the loaded
-        class, the `ObjectInputStream` must be more careful about restoring or
-        initializing the state of the differing classes. It must step through
-        the classes, matching the available data in the stream with the classes
-        of the object being restored. Data for classes that occur in the
-        stream, but do not occur in the object, is discarded. For classes that
-        occur in the object, but not in the stream, the class fields are set to
-        default values by default serialization.
-    b.  For externalizable objects, the no-arg constructor for the class is run
-        and then the `readExternal` method is called to restore the contents of
-        the object.
-12. Process potential substitutions by the class of the object and/or by a
-    subclass of `ObjectInputStream`:
-    a.  If the class of the object is not an enum type and defines the
-        appropriate `readResolve` method, the method is called to allow the
-        object to replace itself.
-    b.  Then if previously enabled by `enableResolveObject,` the
-        `resolveObject` method is called to allow subclasses of the stream to
-        examine and replace the object. If the previous step did replace the
-        original object, the `resolveObject` method is called with the
-        replacement object. If a replacement took place, the table of known
-        objects is updated so the replacement object is associated with the
-        handle. The replacement object is then returned from `readObject`.
-All of the methods for reading primitives types only consume bytes from the
-block data records in the stream. If a read for primitive data occurs when the
-next item in the stream is an object, the read methods return *-1* or the
-`EOFException` as appropriate. The value of a primitive type is read by a
-`DataInputStream` from the block data record.
-The exceptions thrown reflect errors during the traversal or exceptions that
-occur on the underlying stream. If any exception is thrown, the underlying
-stream is left in an unknown and unusable state.
-When the reset token occurs in the stream, all of the state of the stream is
-discarded. The set of known objects is cleared.
-When the exception token occurs in the stream, the exception is read and a new
-`WriteAbortedException` is thrown with the terminating exception as an
-argument. The stream context is reset as described earlier.
-The `readUnshared` method is used to read "unshared" objects from the stream.
-This method is identical to `readObject`, except that it prevents subsequent
-calls to `readObject` and `readUnshared` from returning additional references
-to the deserialized instance returned by the original call to `readUnshared`.
--   If `readUnshared` is called to deserialize a back-reference (the stream
-    representation of an object which has been written previously to the
-    stream), an `ObjectStreamException` will be thrown.
--   If `readUnshared` returns successfully, then any subsequent attempts to
-    deserialize back-references to the stream handle deserialized by
-    `readUnshared` will cause an `ObjectStreamException` to be thrown.
-Deserializing an object via `readUnshared` invalidates the stream handle
-associated with the returned object. Note that this in itself does not always
-guarantee that the reference returned by `readUnshared` is unique; the
-deserialized object may define a `readResolve` method which returns an object
-visible to other parties, or `readUnshared` may return a `Class` object or enum
-constant obtainable elsewhere in the stream or through external means. If the
-deserialized object defines a `readResolve` method and the invocation of that
-method returns an array, then `readUnshared` returns a shallow clone of that
-array; this guarantees that the returned array object is unique and cannot be
-obtained a second time from an invocation of `readObject` or `readUnshared` on
-the `ObjectInputStream`, even if the underlying data stream has been
-The `defaultReadObject` method is used to read the fields and object from the
-stream. It uses the class descriptor in the stream to read the fields in the
-canonical order by name and type from the stream. The values are assigned to
-the matching fields by name in the current class. Details of the versioning
-mechanism can be found in [Section 5.5, "Compatible Java Type
-Evolution"](version.html#compatible-java-type-evolution). Any field of the
-object that does not appear in the stream is set to its default value. Values
-that appear in the stream, but not in the object, are discarded. This occurs
-primarily when a later version of a class has written additional fields that do
-not occur in the earlier version. This method may only be called from the
-`readObject` method while restoring the fields of a class. When called at any
-other time, the `NotActiveException` is thrown.
-The `readFields` method reads the values of the serializable fields from the
-stream and makes them available via the `GetField` class. The `readFields`
-method is only callable from within the `readObject` method of a serializable
-class. It cannot be called more than once or if `defaultReadObject` has been
-called. The `GetFields` object uses the current object's `ObjectStreamClass` to
-verify the fields that can be retrieved for this class. The `GetFields` object
-returned by `readFields` is only valid during this call to the classes
-`readObject` method. The fields may be retrieved in any order. Additional data
-may only be read directly from stream after `readFields` has been called.
-The `registerValidation` method can be called to request a callback when the
-entire graph has been restored but before the object is returned to the
-original caller of `readObject`. The order of validate callbacks can be
-controlled using the priority. Callbacks registered with higher values are
-called before those with lower values. The object to be validated must support
-the `ObjectInputValidation` interface and implement the `validateObject`
-method. It is only correct to register validations during a call to a class's
-`readObject` method. Otherwise, a `NotActiveException` is thrown. If the
-callback object supplied to `registerValidation` is null, an
-`InvalidObjectException` is thrown.
-Starting with the Java SDK, Standard Edition, v1.3, the `readClassDescriptor`
-method is used to read in all `ObjectStreamClass` objects.
-`readClassDescriptor` is called when the `ObjectInputStream` expects a class
-descriptor as the next item in the serialization stream. Subclasses of
-`ObjectInputStream` may override this method to read in class descriptors that
-have been written in non-standard formats (by subclasses of
-`ObjectOutputStream` which have overridden the `writeClassDescriptor` method).
-By default, this method reads class descriptors according to the format
-described in [Section 6.4, "Grammar for the Stream
-The `resolveClass` method is called while a class is being deserialized, and
-after the class descriptor has been read. Subclasses may extend this method to
-read other information about the class written by the corresponding subclass of
-`ObjectOutputStream`. The method must find and return the class with the given
-name and `serialVersionUID`. The default implementation locates the class by
-calling the class loader of the closest caller of `readObject` that has a class
-loader. If the class cannot be found `ClassNotFoundException` should be thrown.
-Prior to JDK 1.1.6, the `resolveClass` method was required to return the same
-fully qualified class name as the class name in the stream. In order to
-accommodate package renaming across releases, `method` `resolveClass` only
-needs to return a class with the same base class name and `SerialVersionUID` in
-JDK 1.1.6 and later versions.
-The `resolveObject` method is used by trusted subclasses to monitor or
-substitute one object for another during deserialization. Resolving objects
-must be enabled explicitly by calling `enableResolveObject` before calling
-`readObject` for the first object to be resolved. Once enabled, `resolveObject`
-is called once for each serializable object just prior to the first time it is
-being returned from `readObject`. Note that the `resolveObject` method is not
-called for objects of the specially handled classes, `Class`,
-`ObjectStreamClass`, `String`, and arrays. A subclass's implementation of
-`resolveObject` may return a substitute object that will be assigned or
-returned instead of the original. The object returned must be of a type that is
-consistent and assignable to every reference of the original object or else a
-`ClassCastException` will be thrown. All assignments are type-checked. All
-references in the stream to the original object will be replaced by references
-to the substitute object.
-The `enableResolveObject` method is called by trusted subclasses of
-`ObjectOutputStream` to enable the monitoring or substitution of one object for
-another during deserialization. Replacing objects is disabled until
-`enableResolveObject` is called with a `true` value. It may thereafter be
-disabled by setting it to `false`. The previous setting is returned. The
-`enableResolveObject` method checks if the stream has permission to request
-substitution during serialization. To ensure that the private state of objects
-is not unintentionally exposed, only trusted streams may use `resolveObject`.
-Trusted classes are those classes with a class loader equal to null or belong
-to a security protection domain that provides permission to enable
-If the subclass of `ObjectInputStream` is not considered part of the system
-domain, a line has to be added to the security policy file to provide to a
-subclass of `ObjectInputStream` permission to call `enableResolveObject`. The
-`SerializablePermission` to add is `"enableSubstitution"`.
-`AccessControlException` is thrown if the protection domain of the subclass of
-`ObjectStreamClass` does not have permission to `"enableSubstitution"` by
-calling `enableResolveObject`. See the document Java Security Architecture (JDK
-1.2) for additional information about the security model.
-The `readStreamHeader` method reads and verifies the magic number and version
-of the stream. If they do not match, the `StreamCorruptedMismatch` is thrown.
-To override the implementation of deserialization, a subclass of
-`ObjectInputStream` should call the protected no-arg `ObjectInputStream`,
-constructor. There is a security check within the no-arg constructor for
-`SerializablePermission "enableSubclassImplementation"` to ensure that only
-trusted classes are allowed to override the default implementation. This
-constructor does not allocate any private data for `ObjectInputStream` and sets
-a flag that indicates that the final `readObject` method should invoke the
-`readObjectOverride` method and return. All other `ObjectInputStream` methods
-are not final and can be directly overridden by the subclass.
-## 3.2 The ObjectInputStream.GetField Class
-The class `ObjectInputStream.GetField` provides the API for getting the values
-of serializable fields. The protocol of the stream is the same as used by
-`defaultReadObject.` Using `readFields` to access the serializable fields does
-not change the format of the stream. It only provides an alternate API to
-access the values which does not require the class to have the corresponding
-non-transient and non-static fields for each named serializable field. The
-serializable fields are those declared using `serialPersistentFields` or if it
-is not declared the non-transient and non-static fields of the object. When the
-stream is read the available serializable fields are those written to the
-stream when the object was serialized. If the class that wrote the stream is a
-different version not all fields will correspond to the serializable fields of
-the current class. The available fields can be retrieved from the
-`ObjectStreamClass` of the `GetField` object.
-The `getObjectStreamClass` method returns an `ObjectStreamClass` object
-representing the class in the stream. It contains the list of serializable
-The `defaulted` method returns *true* if the field is not present in the
-stream. An `IllegalArgumentException` is thrown if the requested field is not a
-serializable field of the current class.
-Each `get` method returns the specified serializable field from the stream. I/O
-exceptions will be thrown if the underlying stream throws an exception. An
-`IllegalArgumentException` is thrown if the name or type does not match the
-name and type of an field serializable field of the current class. The default
-value is returned if the stream does not contain an explicit value for the
-## 3.3 The ObjectInputValidation Interface
-This interface allows an object to be called when a complete graph of objects
-has been deserialized. If the object cannot be made valid, it should throw the
-`ObjectInvalidException`. Any exception that occurs during a call to
-`validateObject` will terminate the validation process, and the
-`InvalidObjectException` will be thrown.
-package java.io;
-public interface ObjectInputValidation
-    public void validateObject()
-        throws InvalidObjectException;
-## 3.4 The readObject Method
-For serializable objects, the `readObject` method allows a class to control the
-deserialization of its own fields. Here is its signature:
-private void readObject(ObjectInputStream stream)
-    throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException;
-Each subclass of a serializable object may define its own `readObject` method.
-If a class does not implement the method, the default serialization provided by
-`defaultReadObject` will be used. When implemented, the class is only
-responsible for restoring its own fields, not those of its supertypes or
-The `readObject` method of the class, if implemented, is responsible for
-restoring the state of the class. The values of every field of the object
-whether transient or not, static or not are set to the default value for the
-fields type. Either `ObjectInputStream`'s `defaultReadObject` or `readFields`
-method must be called once (and only once) before reading any optional data
-written by the corresponding `writeObject` method; even if no optional data is
-read, `defaultReadObject` or `readFields` must still be invoked once. If the
-`readObject` method of the class attempts to read more data than is present in
-the optional part of the stream for this class, the stream will return `-1` for
-bytewise reads, throw an `EOFException` for primitive data reads (e.g.,
-`readInt`, `readFloat`), or throw an `OptionalDataException` with the `eof`
-field set to `true` for object reads.
-The responsibility for the format, structure, and versioning of the optional
-data lies completely with the class. The `@serialData` javadoc tag within the
-javadoc comment for the `readObject` method should be used to document the
-format and structure of the optional data.
-If the class being restored is not present in the stream being read, then its
-`readObjectNoData` method, if defined, is invoked (instead of `readObject`);
-otherwise, its fields are initialized to the appropriate default values. For
-further detail, see [Section 3.5, "The readObjectNoData
-Reading an object from the `ObjectInputStream` is analogous to creating a new
-object. Just as a new object's constructors are invoked in the order from the
-superclass to the subclass, an object being read from a stream is deserialized
-from superclass to subclass. The `readObject` or `readObjectNoData` method is
-called instead of the constructor for each `Serializable` subclass during
-One last similarity between a constructor and a `readObject` method is that
-both provide the opportunity to invoke a method on an object that is not fully
-constructed. Any overridable (neither private, static nor final) method called
-while an object is being constructed can potentially be overridden by a
-subclass. Methods called during the construction phase of an object are
-resolved by the actual type of the object, not the type currently being
-initialized by either its constructor or `readObject`/`readObjectNoData`
-method. Therefore, calling an overridable method from within a `readObject` or
-`readObjectNoData` method may result in the unintentional invocation of a
-subclass method before the superclass has been fully initialized.
-## 3.5 The readObjectNoData Method
-For serializable objects, the `readObjectNoData` method allows a class to
-control the initialization of its own fields in the event that a subclass
-instance is deserialized and the serialization stream does not list the class
-in question as a superclass of the deserialized object. This may occur in cases
-where the receiving party uses a different version of the deserialized
-instance's class than the sending party, and the receiver's version extends
-classes that are not extended by the sender's version. This may also occur if
-the serialization stream has been tampered; hence, `readObjectNoData` is useful
-for initializing deserialized objects properly despite a "hostile" or
-incomplete source stream.
-private void readObjectNoData() throws ObjectStreamException;
-Each serializable class may define its own `readObjectNoData` method. If a
-serializable class does not define a `readObjectNoData` method, then in the
-circumstances listed above the fields of the class will be initialized to their
-default values (as listed in The Java Language Specification); this behavior is
-consistent with that of `ObjectInputStream` prior to version 1.4 of the Java 2
-SDK, Standard Edition, when support for `readObjectNoData` methods was
-introduced. If a serializable class does define a `readObjectNoData` method and
-the aforementioned conditions arise, then `readObjectNoData` will be invoked at
-the point during deserialization when a class-defined `readObject` method would
-otherwise be called had the class in question been listed by the stream as a
-superclass of the instance being deserialized.
-## 3.6 The readExternal Method
-Objects implementing `java.io.Externalizable` must implement the `readExternal`
-method to restore the entire state of the object. It must coordinate with its
-superclasses to restore their state. All of the methods of `ObjectInput` are
-available to restore the object's primitive typed fields and object fields.
-public void readExternal(ObjectInput stream)
-    throws IOException;
-**Note:** The `readExternal` method is public, and it raises the risk of a
-client being able to overwrite an existing object from a stream. The class may
-add its own checks to insure that this is only called when appropriate.
-A new stream protocol version has been introduced in JDK 1.2 to correct a
-problem with `Externalizable` objects. The old definition of `Externalizable`
-objects required the local virtual machine to find a `readExternal` method to
-be able to properly read an `Externalizable` object from the stream. The new
-format adds enough information to the stream protocol so serialization can skip
-an `Externalizable` object when the local `readExternal` method is not
-available. Due to class evolution rules, serialization must be able to skip an
-`Externalizable` object in the input stream if there is not a mapping for the
-object using the local classes.
-An additional benefit of the new `Externalizable` stream format is that
-`ObjectInputStream` can detect attempts to read more External data than is
-available, and can also skip by any data that is left unconsumed by a
-`readExternal` method. The behavior of `ObjectInputStream` in response to a
-read past the end of External data is the same as the behavior when a
-class-defined `readObject` method attempts to read past the end of its optional
-data: bytewise reads will return `-1`, primitive reads will throw
-`EOFException`s, and object reads will throw `OptionalDataException`s with the
-`eof` field set to `true`.
-Due to the format change, JDK 1.1.6 and earlier releases are not able to read
-the new format. `StreamCorruptedException` is thrown when JDK 1.1.6 or earlier
-attempts to read an `Externalizable` object from a stream written in
-`PROTOCOL_VERSION_2`. Compatibility issues are discussed in more detail in
-[Section 6.3, "Stream Protocol
-## 3.7 The readResolve Method
-For Serializable and Externalizable classes, the `readResolve` method allows a
-class to replace/resolve the object read from the stream before it is returned
-to the caller. By implementing the `readResolve` method, a class can directly
-control the types and instances of its own instances being deserialized. The
-method is defined as follows:
-ANY-ACCESS-MODIFIER Object readResolve()
-            throws ObjectStreamException;
-The `readResolve` method is called when `ObjectInputStream` has read an object
-from the stream and is preparing to return it to the caller.
-`ObjectInputStream` checks whether the class of the object defines the
-`readResolve` method. If the method is defined, the `readResolve` method is
-called to allow the object in the stream to designate the object to be
-returned. The object returned should be of a type that is compatible with all
-uses. If it is not compatible, a `ClassCastException` will be thrown when the
-type mismatch is discovered.
-For example, a `Symbol` class could be created for which only a single instance
-of each symbol binding existed within a virtual machine. The `readResolve`
-method would be implemented to determine if that symbol was already defined and
-substitute the preexisting equivalent `Symbol` object to maintain the identity
-constraint. In this way the uniqueness of `Symbol` objects can be maintained
-across serialization.
-**Note:** The `readResolve` method is not invoked on the object until the
-object is fully constructed, so any references to this object in its object
-graph will not be updated to the new object nominated by `readResolve`.
-However, during the serialization of an object with the `writeReplace` method,
-all references to the original object in the replacement object's object graph
-are replaced with references to the replacement object. Therefore in cases
-where an object being serialized nominates a replacement object whose object
-graph has a reference to the original object, deserialization will result in an
-incorrect graph of objects. Furthermore, if the reference types of the object
-being read (nominated by `writeReplace`) and the original object are not
-compatible, the construction of the object graph will raise a
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