changeset 29455 e451c01a5747
parent 29454 e5e9478e2ddb
parent 29433 c97e2d1bad97
child 29478 6637277d28cc
--- a/jdk/src/jdk.runtime/share/native/common-unpack/bands.h	Fri Mar 13 12:44:28 2015 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,481 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2002, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
- *
- * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
- * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
- * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
- * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
- * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
- *
- * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
- * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
- * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
- * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
- * accompanied this code).
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
- * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
- * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
- *
- * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
- * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
- * questions.
- */
-// -*- C++ -*-
-struct entry;
-struct cpindex;
-struct unpacker;
-struct band {
-  const char*   name;
-  int           bn;             // band_number of this band
-  coding*       defc;           // default coding method
-  cpindex*      ix;             // CP entry mapping, if CPRefBand
-  byte          ixTag;          // 0 or 1; null is coded as (nullOK?0:-1)
-  byte          nullOK;         // 0 or 1; null is coded as (nullOK?0:-1)
-  int           length;         // expected # values
-  unpacker*     u;              // back pointer
-  value_stream  vs[2];         // source of values
-  coding_method cm;            // method used for initial state of vs[0]
-  byte*         rplimit;       // end of band (encoded, transmitted)
-  int           total_memo;    // cached value of getIntTotal, or -1
-  int*          hist0;         // approximate. histogram
-  enum { HIST0_MIN = 0, HIST0_MAX = 255 }; // catches the usual cases
-  // properties for attribute layout elements:
-  byte          le_kind;       // EK_XXX
-  byte          le_bci;        // 0,EK_BCI,EK_BCD,EK_BCO
-  byte          le_back;       // ==EF_BACK
-  byte          le_len;        // 0,1,2,4 (size in classfile), or call addr
-  band**        le_body;       // body of repl, union, call (null-terminated)
-  // Note:  EK_CASE elements use hist0 to record union tags.
-  #define       le_casetags    hist0
-  band& nextBand() { return this[1]; }
-  band& prevBand() { return this[-1]; }
-  void init(unpacker* u_, int bn_, coding* defc_) {
-    u    = u_;
-    cm.u = u_;
-    bn   = bn_;
-    defc = defc_;
-  }
-  void init(unpacker* u_, int bn_, int defcSpec) {
-    init(u_, bn_, coding::findBySpec(defcSpec));
-  }
-  void initRef(int ixTag_ = 0, bool nullOK_ = false) {
-    ixTag  = ixTag_;
-    nullOK = nullOK_;
-    setIndexByTag(ixTag);
-  }
-  void expectMoreLength(int l) {
-    assert(length >= 0);      // able to accept a length
-    assert((int)l >= 0);      // no overflow
-    assert(rplimit == null);  // readData not yet called
-    length += l;
-    assert(length >= l);      // no overflow
-  }
-  void setIndex(cpindex* ix_);
-  void setIndexByTag(byte tag);
-  // Parse the band and its meta-coding header.
-  void readData(int expectedLength = 0);
-  // Reset the band for another pass (Cf. Java Band.resetForSecondPass.)
-  void rewind() {
-    cm.reset(&vs[0]);
-  }
-  byte* &curRP()    { return vs[0].rp; }
-  byte*  minRP()    { return cm.vs0.rp; }
-  byte*  maxRP()    { return rplimit; }
-  size_t size()     { return maxRP() - minRP(); }
-  int    getByte()  { assert(ix == null); return vs[0].getByte(); }
-  int    getInt()   { assert(ix == null); return vs[0].getInt(); }
-  entry* getRefN()  { return getRefCommon(ix, true); }
-  entry* getRef()   { return getRefCommon(ix, false); }
-  entry* getRefUsing(cpindex* ix2)
-                    { assert(ix == null); return getRefCommon(ix2, true); }
-  entry* getRefCommon(cpindex* ix, bool nullOK);
-  jlong  getLong(band& lo_band, bool have_hi);
-  static jlong makeLong(uint hi, uint lo) {
-    return ((julong)hi << 32) + (((julong)lo << 32) >> 32);
-  }
-  int    getIntTotal();
-  int    getIntCount(int tag);
-  static band* makeBands(unpacker* u);
-  static void initIndexes(unpacker* u);
-#ifndef PRODUCT
-  void dump();
-  void abort(const char* msg = null); //{ u->abort(msg); }
-  bool aborting(); //{ return u->aborting(); }
-extern band all_bands[];
-#define BAND_LOCAL /* \
-  band* band_temp = all_bands; \
-  band* all_bands = band_temp */
-// Band schema:
-enum band_number {
-  //e_archive_magic,
-  //e_archive_header,
-  //e_band_headers,
-    // constant pool contents
-    e_cp_Utf8_prefix,
-    e_cp_Utf8_suffix,
-    e_cp_Utf8_chars,
-    e_cp_Utf8_big_suffix,
-    e_cp_Utf8_big_chars,
-    e_cp_Int,
-    e_cp_Float,
-    e_cp_Long_hi,
-    e_cp_Long_lo,
-    e_cp_Double_hi,
-    e_cp_Double_lo,
-    e_cp_String,
-    e_cp_Class,
-    e_cp_Signature_form,
-    e_cp_Signature_classes,
-    e_cp_Descr_name,
-    e_cp_Descr_type,
-    e_cp_Field_class,
-    e_cp_Field_desc,
-    e_cp_Method_class,
-    e_cp_Method_desc,
-    e_cp_Imethod_class,
-    e_cp_Imethod_desc,
-    e_cp_MethodHandle_refkind,
-    e_cp_MethodHandle_member,
-    e_cp_MethodType,
-    e_cp_BootstrapMethod_ref,
-    e_cp_BootstrapMethod_arg_count,
-    e_cp_BootstrapMethod_arg,
-    e_cp_InvokeDynamic_spec,
-    e_cp_InvokeDynamic_desc,
-    // bands which define transmission of attributes
-    e_attr_definition_headers,
-    e_attr_definition_name,
-    e_attr_definition_layout,
-    // band for hardwired InnerClasses attribute (shared across the package)
-    e_ic_this_class,
-    e_ic_flags,
-    // These bands contain data only where flags sets ACC_IC_LONG_FORM:
-    e_ic_outer_class,
-    e_ic_name,
-    // bands for carrying class schema information:
-    e_class_this,
-    e_class_super,
-    e_class_interface_count,
-    e_class_interface,
-    // bands for class members
-    e_class_field_count,
-    e_class_method_count,
-    e_field_descr,
-    e_field_flags_hi,
-    e_field_flags_lo,
-    e_field_attr_count,
-    e_field_attr_indexes,
-    e_field_attr_calls,
-    e_field_ConstantValue_KQ,
-    e_field_Signature_RS,
-    e_field_metadata_bands,
-    e_field_attr_bands,
-    e_method_descr,
-    e_method_flags_hi,
-    e_method_flags_lo,
-    e_method_attr_count,
-    e_method_attr_indexes,
-    e_method_attr_calls,
-    e_method_Exceptions_N,
-    e_method_Exceptions_RC,
-    e_method_Signature_RS,
-    e_method_metadata_bands,
-    e_method_MethodParameters_NB,
-    e_method_MethodParameters_name_RUN,
-    e_method_MethodParameters_flag_FH,
-    e_method_attr_bands,
-    e_class_flags_hi,
-    e_class_flags_lo,
-    e_class_attr_count,
-    e_class_attr_indexes,
-    e_class_attr_calls,
-    e_class_SourceFile_RUN,
-    e_class_EnclosingMethod_RC,
-    e_class_EnclosingMethod_RDN,
-    e_class_Signature_RS,
-    e_class_metadata_bands,
-    e_class_InnerClasses_N,
-    e_class_InnerClasses_RC,
-    e_class_InnerClasses_F,
-    e_class_InnerClasses_outer_RCN,
-    e_class_InnerClasses_name_RUN,
-    e_class_ClassFile_version_minor_H,
-    e_class_ClassFile_version_major_H,
-    e_class_attr_bands,
-    e_code_headers,
-    e_code_max_stack,
-    e_code_max_na_locals,
-    e_code_handler_count,
-    e_code_handler_start_P,
-    e_code_handler_end_PO,
-    e_code_handler_catch_PO,
-    e_code_handler_class_RCN,
-    // code attributes
-    e_code_flags_hi,
-    e_code_flags_lo,
-    e_code_attr_count,
-    e_code_attr_indexes,
-    e_code_attr_calls,
-    e_code_StackMapTable_N,
-    e_code_StackMapTable_frame_T,
-    e_code_StackMapTable_local_N,
-    e_code_StackMapTable_stack_N,
-    e_code_StackMapTable_offset,
-    e_code_StackMapTable_T,
-    e_code_StackMapTable_RC,
-    e_code_StackMapTable_P,
-    e_code_LineNumberTable_N,
-    e_code_LineNumberTable_bci_P,
-    e_code_LineNumberTable_line,
-    e_code_LocalVariableTable_N,
-    e_code_LocalVariableTable_bci_P,
-    e_code_LocalVariableTable_span_O,
-    e_code_LocalVariableTable_name_RU,
-    e_code_LocalVariableTable_type_RS,
-    e_code_LocalVariableTable_slot,
-    e_code_LocalVariableTypeTable_N,
-    e_code_LocalVariableTypeTable_bci_P,
-    e_code_LocalVariableTypeTable_span_O,
-    e_code_LocalVariableTypeTable_name_RU,
-    e_code_LocalVariableTypeTable_type_RS,
-    e_code_LocalVariableTypeTable_slot,
-    e_code_attr_bands,
-    // bands for bytecodes
-    e_bc_codes,
-    // remaining bands provide typed opcode fields required by the bc_codes
-    e_bc_case_count,
-    e_bc_case_value,
-    e_bc_byte,
-    e_bc_short,
-    e_bc_local,
-    e_bc_label,
-    // ldc* operands:
-    e_bc_intref,
-    e_bc_floatref,
-    e_bc_longref,
-    e_bc_doubleref,
-    e_bc_stringref,
-    e_bc_loadablevalueref,
-    e_bc_classref,
-    e_bc_fieldref,
-    e_bc_methodref,
-    e_bc_imethodref,
-    e_bc_indyref,
-    // _self_linker_op family
-    e_bc_thisfield,
-    e_bc_superfield,
-    e_bc_thismethod,
-    e_bc_supermethod,
-    // bc_invokeinit family:
-    e_bc_initref,
-    // bytecode escape sequences
-    e_bc_escref,
-    e_bc_escrefsize,
-    e_bc_escsize,
-    e_bc_escbyte,
-    // file attributes and contents
-    e_file_name,
-    e_file_size_hi,
-    e_file_size_lo,
-    e_file_modtime,
-    e_file_options,
-    //e_file_bits,  // handled specially as an appendix
-// Symbolic names for bands, as if in a giant global struct:
-//#define archive_magic all_bands[e_archive_magic]
-//#define archive_header all_bands[e_archive_header]
-//#define band_headers all_bands[e_band_headers]
-#define cp_Utf8_prefix all_bands[e_cp_Utf8_prefix]
-#define cp_Utf8_suffix all_bands[e_cp_Utf8_suffix]
-#define cp_Utf8_chars all_bands[e_cp_Utf8_chars]
-#define cp_Utf8_big_suffix all_bands[e_cp_Utf8_big_suffix]
-#define cp_Utf8_big_chars all_bands[e_cp_Utf8_big_chars]
-#define cp_Int all_bands[e_cp_Int]
-#define cp_Float all_bands[e_cp_Float]
-#define cp_Long_hi all_bands[e_cp_Long_hi]
-#define cp_Long_lo all_bands[e_cp_Long_lo]
-#define cp_Double_hi all_bands[e_cp_Double_hi]
-#define cp_Double_lo all_bands[e_cp_Double_lo]
-#define cp_String all_bands[e_cp_String]
-#define cp_Class all_bands[e_cp_Class]
-#define cp_Signature_form all_bands[e_cp_Signature_form]
-#define cp_Signature_classes all_bands[e_cp_Signature_classes]
-#define cp_Descr_name all_bands[e_cp_Descr_name]
-#define cp_Descr_type all_bands[e_cp_Descr_type]
-#define cp_Field_class all_bands[e_cp_Field_class]
-#define cp_Field_desc all_bands[e_cp_Field_desc]
-#define cp_Method_class all_bands[e_cp_Method_class]
-#define cp_Method_desc all_bands[e_cp_Method_desc]
-#define cp_Imethod_class all_bands[e_cp_Imethod_class]
-#define cp_Imethod_desc all_bands[e_cp_Imethod_desc]
-#define cp_MethodHandle_refkind all_bands[e_cp_MethodHandle_refkind]
-#define cp_MethodHandle_member all_bands[e_cp_MethodHandle_member]
-#define cp_MethodType all_bands[e_cp_MethodType]
-#define cp_BootstrapMethod_ref all_bands[e_cp_BootstrapMethod_ref]
-#define cp_BootstrapMethod_arg_count all_bands[e_cp_BootstrapMethod_arg_count]
-#define cp_BootstrapMethod_arg all_bands[e_cp_BootstrapMethod_arg]
-#define cp_InvokeDynamic_spec  all_bands[e_cp_InvokeDynamic_spec]
-#define cp_InvokeDynamic_desc all_bands[e_cp_InvokeDynamic_desc]
-#define attr_definition_headers all_bands[e_attr_definition_headers]
-#define attr_definition_name all_bands[e_attr_definition_name]
-#define attr_definition_layout all_bands[e_attr_definition_layout]
-#define ic_this_class all_bands[e_ic_this_class]
-#define ic_flags all_bands[e_ic_flags]
-#define ic_outer_class all_bands[e_ic_outer_class]
-#define ic_name all_bands[e_ic_name]
-#define class_this all_bands[e_class_this]
-#define class_super all_bands[e_class_super]
-#define class_interface_count all_bands[e_class_interface_count]
-#define class_interface all_bands[e_class_interface]
-#define class_field_count all_bands[e_class_field_count]
-#define class_method_count all_bands[e_class_method_count]
-#define field_descr all_bands[e_field_descr]
-#define field_flags_hi all_bands[e_field_flags_hi]
-#define field_flags_lo all_bands[e_field_flags_lo]
-#define field_attr_count all_bands[e_field_attr_count]
-#define field_attr_indexes all_bands[e_field_attr_indexes]
-#define field_ConstantValue_KQ all_bands[e_field_ConstantValue_KQ]
-#define field_Signature_RS all_bands[e_field_Signature_RS]
-#define field_attr_bands all_bands[e_field_attr_bands]
-#define method_descr all_bands[e_method_descr]
-#define method_flags_hi all_bands[e_method_flags_hi]
-#define method_flags_lo all_bands[e_method_flags_lo]
-#define method_attr_count all_bands[e_method_attr_count]
-#define method_attr_indexes all_bands[e_method_attr_indexes]
-#define method_Exceptions_N all_bands[e_method_Exceptions_N]
-#define method_Exceptions_RC all_bands[e_method_Exceptions_RC]
-#define method_Signature_RS all_bands[e_method_Signature_RS]
-#define method_MethodParameters_NB all_bands[e_method_MethodParameters_NB]
-#define method_MethodParameters_name_RUN all_bands[e_method_MethodParameters_name_RUN]
-#define method_MethodParameters_flag_FH all_bands[e_method_MethodParameters_flag_FH]
-#define method_attr_bands all_bands[e_method_attr_bands]
-#define class_flags_hi all_bands[e_class_flags_hi]
-#define class_flags_lo all_bands[e_class_flags_lo]
-#define class_attr_count all_bands[e_class_attr_count]
-#define class_attr_indexes all_bands[e_class_attr_indexes]
-#define class_SourceFile_RUN all_bands[e_class_SourceFile_RUN]
-#define class_EnclosingMethod_RC all_bands[e_class_EnclosingMethod_RC]
-#define class_EnclosingMethod_RDN all_bands[e_class_EnclosingMethod_RDN]
-#define class_Signature_RS all_bands[e_class_Signature_RS]
-#define class_InnerClasses_N all_bands[e_class_InnerClasses_N]
-#define class_InnerClasses_RC all_bands[e_class_InnerClasses_RC]
-#define class_InnerClasses_F all_bands[e_class_InnerClasses_F]
-#define class_InnerClasses_outer_RCN all_bands[e_class_InnerClasses_outer_RCN]
-#define class_InnerClasses_name_RUN all_bands[e_class_InnerClasses_name_RUN]
-#define class_ClassFile_version_minor_H all_bands[e_class_ClassFile_version_minor_H]
-#define class_ClassFile_version_major_H all_bands[e_class_ClassFile_version_major_H]
-#define class_attr_bands all_bands[e_class_attr_bands]
-#define code_headers all_bands[e_code_headers]
-#define code_max_stack all_bands[e_code_max_stack]
-#define code_max_na_locals all_bands[e_code_max_na_locals]
-#define code_handler_count all_bands[e_code_handler_count]
-#define code_handler_start_P all_bands[e_code_handler_start_P]
-#define code_handler_end_PO all_bands[e_code_handler_end_PO]
-#define code_handler_catch_PO all_bands[e_code_handler_catch_PO]
-#define code_handler_class_RCN all_bands[e_code_handler_class_RCN]
-#define code_flags_hi all_bands[e_code_flags_hi]
-#define code_flags_lo all_bands[e_code_flags_lo]
-#define code_attr_count all_bands[e_code_attr_count]
-#define code_attr_indexes all_bands[e_code_attr_indexes]
-#define code_StackMapTable_N all_bands[e_code_StackMapTable_N]
-#define code_StackMapTable_frame_T all_bands[e_code_StackMapTable_frame_T]
-#define code_StackMapTable_local_N all_bands[e_code_StackMapTable_local_N]
-#define code_StackMapTable_stack_N all_bands[e_code_StackMapTable_stack_N]
-#define code_StackMapTable_offset all_bands[e_code_StackMapTable_offset]
-#define code_StackMapTable_T all_bands[e_code_StackMapTable_T]
-#define code_StackMapTable_RC all_bands[e_code_StackMapTable_RC]
-#define code_StackMapTable_P all_bands[e_code_StackMapTable_P]
-#define code_LineNumberTable_N all_bands[e_code_LineNumberTable_N]
-#define code_LineNumberTable_bci_P all_bands[e_code_LineNumberTable_bci_P]
-#define code_LineNumberTable_line all_bands[e_code_LineNumberTable_line]
-#define code_LocalVariableTable_N all_bands[e_code_LocalVariableTable_N]
-#define code_LocalVariableTable_bci_P all_bands[e_code_LocalVariableTable_bci_P]
-#define code_LocalVariableTable_span_O all_bands[e_code_LocalVariableTable_span_O]
-#define code_LocalVariableTable_name_RU all_bands[e_code_LocalVariableTable_name_RU]
-#define code_LocalVariableTable_type_RS all_bands[e_code_LocalVariableTable_type_RS]
-#define code_LocalVariableTable_slot all_bands[e_code_LocalVariableTable_slot]
-#define code_LocalVariableTypeTable_N all_bands[e_code_LocalVariableTypeTable_N]
-#define code_LocalVariableTypeTable_bci_P all_bands[e_code_LocalVariableTypeTable_bci_P]
-#define code_LocalVariableTypeTable_span_O all_bands[e_code_LocalVariableTypeTable_span_O]
-#define code_LocalVariableTypeTable_name_RU all_bands[e_code_LocalVariableTypeTable_name_RU]
-#define code_LocalVariableTypeTable_type_RS all_bands[e_code_LocalVariableTypeTable_type_RS]
-#define code_LocalVariableTypeTable_slot all_bands[e_code_LocalVariableTypeTable_slot]
-#define code_attr_bands all_bands[e_code_attr_bands]
-#define bc_codes all_bands[e_bc_codes]
-#define bc_case_count all_bands[e_bc_case_count]
-#define bc_case_value all_bands[e_bc_case_value]
-#define bc_byte all_bands[e_bc_byte]
-#define bc_short all_bands[e_bc_short]
-#define bc_local all_bands[e_bc_local]
-#define bc_label all_bands[e_bc_label]
-#define bc_intref all_bands[e_bc_intref]
-#define bc_floatref all_bands[e_bc_floatref]
-#define bc_longref all_bands[e_bc_longref]
-#define bc_doubleref all_bands[e_bc_doubleref]
-#define bc_stringref all_bands[e_bc_stringref]
-#define bc_loadablevalueref all_bands[e_bc_loadablevalueref]
-#define bc_classref all_bands[e_bc_classref]
-#define bc_fieldref all_bands[e_bc_fieldref]
-#define bc_methodref all_bands[e_bc_methodref]
-#define bc_imethodref all_bands[e_bc_imethodref]
-#define bc_indyref all_bands[e_bc_indyref]
-#define bc_thisfield all_bands[e_bc_thisfield]
-#define bc_superfield all_bands[e_bc_superfield]
-#define bc_thismethod all_bands[e_bc_thismethod]
-#define bc_supermethod all_bands[e_bc_supermethod]
-#define bc_initref all_bands[e_bc_initref]
-#define bc_escref all_bands[e_bc_escref]
-#define bc_escrefsize all_bands[e_bc_escrefsize]
-#define bc_escsize all_bands[e_bc_escsize]
-#define bc_escbyte all_bands[e_bc_escbyte]
-#define file_name all_bands[e_file_name]
-#define file_size_hi all_bands[e_file_size_hi]
-#define file_size_lo all_bands[e_file_size_lo]
-#define file_modtime all_bands[e_file_modtime]
-#define file_options all_bands[e_file_options]