changeset 38031 e0b822facc03
parent 35123 b0b89d83bcf5
--- a/hotspot/src/share/vm/utilities/array.hpp	Mon Apr 11 21:42:55 2016 +0300
+++ b/hotspot/src/share/vm/utilities/array.hpp	Wed Apr 06 18:51:03 2016 +0300
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2000, 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -30,273 +30,11 @@
 #include "memory/metaspace.hpp"
 #include "runtime/orderAccess.hpp"
-// correct linkage required to compile w/o warnings
-// (must be on file level - cannot be local)
-extern "C" { typedef int (*ftype)(const void*, const void*); }
-class ResourceArray: public ResourceObj {
- protected:
-  int   _length;                                 // the number of array elements
-  void* _data;                                   // the array memory
-#ifdef ASSERT
-  int   _nesting;                                // the resource area nesting level
-  // creation
-  ResourceArray() {
-    _length  = 0;
-    _data    = NULL;
-    DEBUG_ONLY(init_nesting();)
-    // client may call initialize, at most once
-  }
-  ResourceArray(size_t esize, int length) {
-    DEBUG_ONLY(_data = NULL);
-    initialize(esize, length);
-  }
-  void initialize(size_t esize, int length) {
-    assert(length >= 0, "illegal length");
-    assert(StressRewriter || _data == NULL, "must be new object");
-    _length  = length;
-    _data    = resource_allocate_bytes(esize * length);
-    DEBUG_ONLY(init_nesting();)
-  }
-#ifdef ASSERT
-  void init_nesting();
-  // helper functions
-  void sort     (size_t esize, ftype f);         // sort the array
-  void expand   (size_t esize, int i, int& size);// expand the array to include slot i
-  void remove_at(size_t esize, int i);           // remove the element in slot i
- public:
-  // standard operations
-  int  length() const                            { return _length; }
-  bool is_empty() const                          { return length() == 0; }
-template <MEMFLAGS F>class CHeapArray: public CHeapObj<F> {
- protected:
-  int   _length;                                 // the number of array elements
-  void* _data;                                   // the array memory
-  // creation
-  CHeapArray() {
-    _length  = 0;
-    _data    = NULL;
-  }
-  CHeapArray(size_t esize, int length) {
-    assert(length >= 0, "illegal length");
-    _length  = length;
-    _data    = (void*) NEW_C_HEAP_ARRAY(char *, esize * length, F);
-  }
-  void initialize(size_t esize, int length) {
-    // In debug set array to 0?
-  }
-#ifdef ASSERT
-  void init_nesting();
-  // helper functions
-  void sort     (size_t esize, ftype f);         // sort the array
-  void expand   (size_t esize, int i, int& size);// expand the array to include slot i
-  void remove_at(size_t esize, int i);           // remove the element in slot i
- public:
-  // standard operations
-  int  length() const                            { return _length; }
-  bool is_empty() const                          { return length() == 0; }
-#define define_generic_array(array_name,element_type, base_class)                        \
-  class array_name: public base_class {                                                  \
-   protected:                                                                            \
-    typedef element_type etype;                                                          \
-    enum { esize = sizeof(etype) };                                                      \
-                                                                                         \
-    void base_remove_at(size_t size, int i) { base_class::remove_at(size, i); }          \
-                                                                                         \
-   public:                                                                               \
-    /* creation */                                                                       \
-    array_name() : base_class()                       {}                                 \
-    explicit array_name(const int length) : base_class(esize, length) {}                          \
-    array_name(const int length, const etype fx)      { initialize(length, fx); }        \
-    void initialize(const int length)     { base_class::initialize(esize, length); }     \
-    void initialize(const int length, const etype fx) {                                  \
-      initialize(length);                                                                \
-      for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) ((etype*)_data)[i] = fx;                          \
-    }                                                                                    \
-                                                                                         \
-    /* standard operations */                                                            \
-    etype& operator [] (const int i) const {                                             \
-      assert(0 <= i && i < length(), "index out of bounds");                             \
-      return ((etype*)_data)[i];                                                         \
-    }                                                                                    \
-                                                                                         \
-    int index_of(const etype x) const {                                                  \
-      int i = length();                                                                  \
-      while (i-- > 0 && ((etype*)_data)[i] != x) ;                                       \
-      /* i < 0 || ((etype*)_data)_data[i] == x */                                        \
-      return i;                                                                          \
-    }                                                                                    \
-                                                                                         \
-    void sort(int f(etype*, etype*))             { base_class::sort(esize, (ftype)f); }  \
-    bool contains(const etype x) const           { return index_of(x) >= 0; }            \
-                                                                                         \
-    /* deprecated operations - for compatibility with GrowableArray only */              \
-    etype  at(const int i) const                 { return (*this)[i]; }                  \
-    void   at_put(const int i, const etype x)    { (*this)[i] = x; }                     \
-    etype* adr_at(const int i)                   { return &(*this)[i]; }                 \
-    int    find(const etype x)                   { return index_of(x); }                 \
-  };                                                                                     \
-#define define_array(array_name,element_type)                                            \
-  define_generic_array(array_name, element_type, ResourceArray)
-#define define_stack(stack_name,array_name)                                              \
-  class stack_name: public array_name {                                                  \
-   protected:                                                                            \
-    int _size;                                                                           \
-                                                                                         \
-    void grow(const int i, const etype fx) {                                             \
-      assert(i >= length(), "index too small");                                          \
-      if (i >= size()) expand(esize, i, _size);                                          \
-      for (int j = length(); j <= i; j++) ((etype*)_data)[j] = fx;                       \
-      _length = i+1;                                                                     \
-    }                                                                                    \
-                                                                                         \
-   public:                                                                               \
-    /* creation */                                                                       \
-    stack_name() : array_name()                     { _size = 0; }                       \
-    stack_name(const int size)                      { initialize(size); }                \
-    stack_name(const int size, const etype fx)      { initialize(size, fx); }            \
-    void initialize(const int size, const etype fx) {                                    \
-      _size = size;                                                                      \
-      array_name::initialize(size, fx);                                                  \
-      /* _length == size, allocation and size are the same */                            \
-    }                                                                                    \
-    void initialize(const int size) {                                                    \
-      _size = size;                                                                      \
-      array_name::initialize(size);                                                      \
-      _length = 0;          /* reset length to zero; _size records the allocation */     \
-    }                                                                                    \
-                                                                                         \
-    /* standard operations */                                                            \
-    int size() const                             { return _size; }                       \
-                                                                                         \
-    int push(const etype x) {                                                            \
-      int len = length();                                                                \
-      if (len >= size()) expand(esize, len, _size);                                      \
-      ((etype*)_data)[len] = x;                                                          \
-      _length = len+1;                                                                   \
-      return len;                                                                        \
-    }                                                                                    \
-                                                                                         \
-    etype pop() {                                                                        \
-      assert(!is_empty(), "stack is empty");                                             \
-      return ((etype*)_data)[--_length];                                                 \
-    }                                                                                    \
-                                                                                         \
-    etype top() const {                                                                  \
-      assert(!is_empty(), "stack is empty");                                             \
-      return ((etype*)_data)[length() - 1];                                              \
-    }                                                                                    \
-                                                                                         \
-    void push_all(const stack_name* stack) {                                             \
-      const int l = stack->length();                                                     \
-      for (int i = 0; i < l; i++) push(((etype*)(stack->_data))[i]);                     \
-    }                                                                                    \
-                                                                                         \
-    etype at_grow(const int i, const etype fx) {                                         \
-      if (i >= length()) grow(i, fx);                                                    \
-      return ((etype*)_data)[i];                                                         \
-    }                                                                                    \
-                                                                                         \
-    void at_put_grow(const int i, const etype x, const etype fx) {                       \
-      if (i >= length()) grow(i, fx);                                                    \
-      ((etype*)_data)[i] = x;                                                            \
-    }                                                                                    \
-                                                                                         \
-    void truncate(const int length) {                                                    \
-      assert(0 <= length && length <= this->length(), "illegal length");                 \
-      _length = length;                                                                  \
-    }                                                                                    \
-                                                                                         \
-    void remove_at(int i)                        { base_remove_at(esize, i); }           \
-    void remove(etype x)                         { remove_at(index_of(x)); }             \
-                                                                                         \
-    /* inserts the given element before the element at index i */                        \
-    void insert_before(const int i, const etype el)  {                                   \
-      int len = length();                                                                \
-      int new_length = len + 1;                                                          \
-      if (new_length >= size()) expand(esize, new_length, _size);                        \
-      for (int j = len - 1; j >= i; j--) {                                               \
-        ((etype*)_data)[j + 1] = ((etype*)_data)[j];                                     \
-      }                                                                                  \
-      _length = new_length;                                                              \
-      at_put(i, el);                                                                     \
-    }                                                                                    \
-                                                                                         \
-    /* inserts contents of the given stack before the element at index i */              \
-    void insert_before(const int i, const stack_name *st) {                              \
-      if (st->length() == 0) return;                                                     \
-      int len = length();                                                                \
-      int st_len = st->length();                                                         \
-      int new_length = len + st_len;                                                     \
-      if (new_length >= size()) expand(esize, new_length, _size);                        \
-      int j;                                                                             \
-      for (j = len - 1; j >= i; j--) {                                                   \
-        ((etype*)_data)[j + st_len] = ((etype*)_data)[j];                                \
-      }                                                                                  \
-      for (j = 0; j < st_len; j++) {                                                     \
-        ((etype*)_data)[i + j] = ((etype*)st->_data)[j];                                 \
-      }                                                                                  \
-      _length = new_length;                                                              \
-    }                                                                                    \
-                                                                                         \
-    /* deprecated operations - for compatibility with GrowableArray only */              \
-    int  capacity() const                        { return size(); }                      \
-    void clear()                                 { truncate(0); }                        \
-    void trunc_to(const int length)              { truncate(length); }                   \
-    int  append(const etype x)                   { return push(x); }                     \
-    void appendAll(const stack_name* stack)      { push_all(stack); }                    \
-    etype last() const                           { return top(); }                       \
-  };                                                                                     \
-#define define_resource_list(element_type)                                               \
-  define_generic_array(element_type##Array, element_type, ResourceArray)                 \
-  define_stack(element_type##List, element_type##Array)
-#define define_resource_pointer_list(element_type)                                       \
-  define_generic_array(element_type##Array, element_type *, ResourceArray)               \
-  define_stack(element_type##List, element_type##Array)
-#define define_c_heap_list(element_type)                                                 \
-  define_generic_array(element_type##Array, element_type, CHeapArray)                    \
-  define_stack(element_type##List, element_type##Array)
-#define define_c_heap_pointer_list(element_type)                                         \
-  define_generic_array(element_type##Array, element_type *, CHeapArray)                  \
-  define_stack(element_type##List, element_type##Array)
 // Arrays for basic types
-define_array(boolArray, bool)          define_stack(boolStack, boolArray)
-define_array(intArray , int )          define_stack(intStack , intArray )
+typedef GrowableArray<int> intArray;
+typedef GrowableArray<int> intStack;
+typedef GrowableArray<bool> boolArray;
+typedef GrowableArray<bool> boolStack;
 // Array for metadata allocation