changeset 51959 db0c3952de52
parent 51682 a30461a359f5
child 51973 2f1698b6db15
--- a/src/hotspot/share/classfile/classLoaderData.hpp	Fri Sep 28 13:15:01 2018 -0700
+++ b/src/hotspot/share/classfile/classLoaderData.hpp	Fri Sep 28 16:07:39 2018 -0400
@@ -53,9 +53,8 @@
 // ClassLoaderData are stored in the runtime representation of classes,
 // and provides iterators for root tracing and other GC operations.
-class ClassLoaderData;
+class ClassLoaderDataGraph;
 class JNIMethodBlock;
-class Metadebug;
 class ModuleEntry;
 class PackageEntry;
 class ModuleEntryTable;
@@ -63,136 +62,6 @@
 class DictionaryEntry;
 class Dictionary;
-// GC root for walking class loader data created
-class ClassLoaderDataGraph : public AllStatic {
-  friend class ClassLoaderData;
-  friend class ClassLoaderDataGraphMetaspaceIterator;
-  friend class ClassLoaderDataGraphKlassIteratorAtomic;
-  friend class ClassLoaderDataGraphKlassIteratorStatic;
-  friend class ClassLoaderDataGraphIterator;
-  friend class VMStructs;
- private:
-  // All CLDs (except the null CLD) can be reached by walking _head->_next->...
-  static ClassLoaderData* _head;
-  static ClassLoaderData* _unloading;
-  // CMS support.
-  static ClassLoaderData* _saved_head;
-  static ClassLoaderData* _saved_unloading;
-  static bool _should_purge;
-  // Set if there's anything to purge in the deallocate lists or previous versions
-  // during a safepoint after class unloading in a full GC.
-  static bool _should_clean_deallocate_lists;
-  static bool _safepoint_cleanup_needed;
-  // OOM has been seen in metaspace allocation. Used to prevent some
-  // allocations until class unloading
-  static bool _metaspace_oom;
-  static volatile size_t  _num_instance_classes;
-  static volatile size_t  _num_array_classes;
-  static ClassLoaderData* add_to_graph(Handle class_loader, bool is_unsafe_anonymous);
-  static ClassLoaderData* add(Handle class_loader, bool is_unsafe_anonymous);
- public:
-  static ClassLoaderData* find_or_create(Handle class_loader);
-  static void clean_module_and_package_info();
-  static void purge();
-  static void clear_claimed_marks();
-  // Iteration through CLDG inside a safepoint; GC support
-  static void cld_do(CLDClosure* cl);
-  static void cld_unloading_do(CLDClosure* cl);
-  static void roots_cld_do(CLDClosure* strong, CLDClosure* weak);
-  static void always_strong_cld_do(CLDClosure* cl);
-  // klass do
-  // Walking classes through the ClassLoaderDataGraph include array classes.  It also includes
-  // classes that are allocated but not loaded, classes that have errors, and scratch classes
-  // for redefinition.  These classes are removed during the next class unloading.
-  // Walking the ClassLoaderDataGraph also includes unsafe anonymous classes.
-  static void classes_do(KlassClosure* klass_closure);
-  static void classes_do(void f(Klass* const));
-  static void methods_do(void f(Method*));
-  static void modules_do(void f(ModuleEntry*));
-  static void modules_unloading_do(void f(ModuleEntry*));
-  static void packages_do(void f(PackageEntry*));
-  static void packages_unloading_do(void f(PackageEntry*));
-  static void loaded_classes_do(KlassClosure* klass_closure);
-  static void unlocked_loaded_classes_do(KlassClosure* klass_closure);
-  static void classes_unloading_do(void f(Klass* const));
-  static bool do_unloading(bool do_cleaning);
-  // Expose state to avoid logging overhead in safepoint cleanup tasks.
-  static inline bool should_clean_metaspaces_and_reset();
-  static void set_should_clean_deallocate_lists() { _should_clean_deallocate_lists = true; }
-  static void clean_deallocate_lists(bool purge_previous_versions);
-  static void walk_metadata_and_clean_metaspaces();
-  // dictionary do
-  // Iterate over all klasses in dictionary, but
-  // just the classes from defining class loaders.
-  static void dictionary_classes_do(void f(InstanceKlass*));
-  // Added for initialize_itable_for_klass to handle exceptions.
-  static void dictionary_classes_do(void f(InstanceKlass*, TRAPS), TRAPS);
-  // VM_CounterDecay iteration support
-  static InstanceKlass* try_get_next_class();
-  static void verify_dictionary();
-  static void print_dictionary(outputStream* st);
-  static void print_dictionary_statistics(outputStream* st);
-  // CMS support.
-  static void remember_new_clds(bool remember) { _saved_head = (remember ? _head : NULL); }
-  static GrowableArray<ClassLoaderData*>* new_clds();
-  static void set_should_purge(bool b) { _should_purge = b; }
-  static void purge_if_needed() {
-    // Only purge the CLDG for CMS if concurrent sweep is complete.
-    if (_should_purge) {
-      purge();
-      // reset for next time.
-      set_should_purge(false);
-    }
-  }
-  static int resize_if_needed();
-  static bool has_metaspace_oom()           { return _metaspace_oom; }
-  static void set_metaspace_oom(bool value) { _metaspace_oom = value; }
-  static void print_on(outputStream * const out) PRODUCT_RETURN;
-  static void print() { print_on(tty); }
-  static void verify();
-  // instance and array class counters
-  static inline size_t num_instance_classes();
-  static inline size_t num_array_classes();
-  static inline void inc_instance_classes(size_t count);
-  static inline void dec_instance_classes(size_t count);
-  static inline void inc_array_classes(size_t count);
-  static inline void dec_array_classes(size_t count);
-#ifndef PRODUCT
-  static bool contains_loader_data(ClassLoaderData* loader_data);
-class LockedClassesDo : public KlassClosure {
-  typedef void (*classes_do_func_t)(Klass*);
-  classes_do_func_t _function;
-  LockedClassesDo();  // For callers who provide their own do_klass
-  LockedClassesDo(classes_do_func_t function);
-  ~LockedClassesDo();
-  void do_klass(Klass* k) {
-    (*_function)(k);
-  }
 // ClassLoaderData class
 class ClassLoaderData : public CHeapObj<mtClass> {
@@ -448,31 +317,4 @@
-// An iterator that distributes Klasses to parallel worker threads.
-class ClassLoaderDataGraphKlassIteratorAtomic : public StackObj {
- Klass* volatile _next_klass;
- public:
-  ClassLoaderDataGraphKlassIteratorAtomic();
-  Klass* next_klass();
- private:
-  static Klass* next_klass_in_cldg(Klass* klass);
-class ClassLoaderDataGraphMetaspaceIterator : public StackObj {
-  ClassLoaderData* _data;
- public:
-  ClassLoaderDataGraphMetaspaceIterator();
-  ~ClassLoaderDataGraphMetaspaceIterator();
-  bool repeat() { return _data != NULL; }
-  ClassLoaderMetaspace* get_next() {
-    assert(_data != NULL, "Should not be NULL in call to the iterator");
-    ClassLoaderMetaspace* result = _data->metaspace_or_null();
-    _data = _data->next();
-    // This result might be NULL for class loaders without metaspace
-    // yet.  It would be nice to return only non-null results but
-    // there is no guarantee that there will be a non-null result
-    // down the list so the caller is going to have to check.
-    return result;
-  }