changeset 2327 d9c161479c83
parent 2326 e053a98a8120
parent 2318 ffcff562f5ef
child 2328 d52186ee770d
--- a/corba/src/share/classes/com/sun/tools/corba/se/logutil/scripts/mc.scm	Wed Apr 01 08:58:42 2009 -0700
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,662 +0,0 @@
-; Scheme program to produce CORBA standard exceptions class
-; requires Jscheme Java extensions
-; Makes use of some custom Java classes also
-(import "" ) 
-(import "" ) 
-(import "")
-(define version-string "1.3")
-;; Utility functions
-; reload this file (convenience definition)
-(define (reload) (load "mc.scm"))
-; Simple little function to report an error
-(define (error msg)
-    (throw (Error. msg)))
-; some debug support
-(define debug #f)
-(define (dprint msg)
-    (if debug
-	(.println System.out$ msg)))
-; Replace dprint with noprint to avoid seeing messages when debug is #t
-(define (noprint msg) ())
-; Helper function present so that a scheme method taking strings as args 
-; can be easily run from a command line.
-; arg:	    vector containing argument strings. Element 0 is the function name
-;	    to execute
-(define (main arg)
-    (let*
-	(
-	    (arg-list (vector->list arg))
-	    (function-symbol (string->symbol (car arg-list)))
-	    (args (cdr arg-list)))
-	(apply (eval function-symbol) args)))
-; Returns the position of key in lst, numbering from 0.  key is matched using eqv?
-(define (get-list-position key lst)
-    (letrec
-	(
-	    (helper (lambda (k l accum)
-		(cond 
-		    ((null? l) (error (string-append "Could not find " k)))
-		    ((eqv? k (car l)) accum)
-		    (else (helper k (cdr l) (+ accum 1))) ))))
-	(begin 
-	    (noprint (string-append "get-list-position called with key " key " lst " lst ))
-	    (helper key lst 0))))
-; Return a string representing number in decimal padded to length with leading 0s.
-(define (pad-number-string number length)
-    (let*
-	(
-	    (number-string (number->string number))
-	    (pad-length (- length (string-length number-string)))
-	)
-	(string-append (make-string pad-length #\0) number-string)))
-; Read an S-expression from a file that contains all of the data.
-; The S-expression used for minor codes must have the structure
-;   (package-name class-name exception-group-name
-;	(exception
-;	    (name value level explanation)
-;	    ...
-;	)
-;	...
-;   )
-(define (read-file fname)
-    (read (open-input-file fname)))
-;; Functions for handling major system exceptions and exception groups
-; Function to find the base ID given an exception group name.  Result is a function that
-; maps the minor code into the Java expression for that minor code's actual value.
-(define (get-base group-name)
-	(if (eqv? group-name 'OMG)
-	    (lambda (minor-code)
-		(string-append "OMGVMCID.value + " (number->string minor-code)))
-	    (let  ; bind base-number outside the lambda so it is only evaluated once
-		(
-		    (base-number (get-sun-base-number group-name)))
-		(lambda (minor-code)
-		    (string-append "SUNVMCID.value + " (number->string (+ base-number minor-code)))))))
-; Function to get a base value for the group-name
-(define (get-sun-base-number group-name)
-    (let*
-	(
-	    (subsystem-size 200))
-	(* subsystem-size (get-list-position group-name lst))))
-; Function to get a 3 digit number for a system exception
-(define (get-exception-id exception-name)
-    (let
-	(
-	(pad-number-string (get-list-position exception-name lst) 3)))
-; Return the message id string for any system exception
-(define (get-message-id exception-type group-name minor)
-    (if (eqv? group-name 'OMG)
-	(get-standard-message-id exception-type minor)
-	(get-sun-message-id exception-type group-name minor)))
-; Return the message id string for a particular standard exception
-(define (get-standard-message-id exception-type minor)
-    (string-append 
-	"IOP" 
-	(get-exception-id exception-type) 
-	"0" 
-	(pad-number-string (number->string minor) 4)))
-; Return the sun message id for this exception-type, group-name, and minor code.
-(define (get-sun-message-id exception-type group-name minor)
-    (string-append 
-	"IOP" 
-	(get-exception-id exception-type) 
-	"1"
-	(pad-number-string (+ (get-sun-base-number group-name) minor) 4)))
-; visitor framework for the input file format
-(define (visit-top obj func1)
-    (let*
-	(
-	    (package (car obj))
-	    (class (cadr obj))
-	    (group (caddr obj))
-	    (func2 (func1 package class group))
-	    (exceptions (cadddr obj)))
-	(visit-exceptions exceptions func2)))
-; visit the elements of an arbitrary list
-; lst:		the list to visit
-; func:		the function to apply to each element of lst
-; next-level	the function on lst element and func that visits the next level
-(define (visit-list lst func next-level)
-    (if (null? (cdr lst))
-	(next-level #t (car lst) func)
-	(begin
-	    (next-level #f (car lst) func)
-	    (visit-list (cdr lst) func next-level))))
-(define (visit-exceptions exceptions func2)
-    (visit-list exceptions func2 (lambda (last-flag element func) (visit-exception last-flag element func))))
-(define (visit-exception last-flag exception func2)
-    (let*
-	(
-	    (major (car exception))
-	    (minor-codes (cdr exception))
-	    (func3 (func2 last-flag major)))
-	(visit-minor-codes minor-codes func3)))
-(define (visit-minor-codes minor-codes func3)
-    (visit-list minor-codes func3 (lambda (last-flag element func) (visit-minor-code last-flag element func))))
-(define (visit-minor-code last-flag minor-code func3)
-    (let*   
-	(
-	    (name (car minor-code))
-	    (minor (cadr minor-code))
-	    (level (caddr minor-code))
-	    (msg (cadddr minor-code)))
-	(func3 last-flag name minor level msg)))
-;; The visitors
-; A simple visitor that just echoes the input for test purposes
-(define (simple-visitor package class group)
-    (let* 
-	(
-	    (pw (IndentingPrintWriter. System.out$)))
-	(begin
-	    (.indent pw)
-	    (.printMsg pw "package=@ class=@ group=@" (list package class group))
-	    (.flush pw)
-	    (lambda (last-flag major)
-		(begin
-		    (.indent pw)
-		    (.printMsg pw "major=@" (list major))
-		    (.flush pw)
-		    (lambda (last-flag name minor level message)
-			(begin
-			    (if last-flag (.undent pw))
-			    (.printMsg pw "name=@ minor=@ level=@ message=@" (list name minor level message))
-			    (.flush pw))))))))
-; Function that returns a visitor that writes out the resource file in the form:
-;   id="MSGID: explanation"
-; outdir: Output directory 
-(define (resource-visitor outdir)
-    (lambda (package class group)
-	(let* 
-	    (
-		(file-name (string-append outdir$ class ".resource"))
-		(pw (IndentingPrintWriter. (FileOutputStream. file-name))))
-	    (begin 
-		(dprint (string-append "package= " package " class=" class " group=" group " file-name=" file-name))
-		(lambda (last-flag1 major)
-		    (begin
-			; (dprint (string-append "last-flag1=" last-flag1 " major=" major))
-			(lambda (last-flag2 name minor level message)
-			    (begin
-				; (dprint (string-append "last-flag2=" last-flag2 " name=" name 
-				    ; " minor=" minor " level=" level " message=" message))
-				(let*
-				    (
-					(msgid (get-message-id major group minor))
-					(ident (StringUtil.toMixedCase (symbol->string name))))
-				    (begin
-					; (dprint (string-append "msgid=" msgid " ident=" ident))
-					(.printMsg pw "@.@=\"@: (@) @\"" (list group ident msgid major message))
-					(.flush pw)
-					(if (and last-flag1 last-flag2) 
-					    (begin
-						; (dprint "closing file")
-						(.close pw)))))))))))))
-;; Top-level functions for creating the products.  All have names of the form make-xxx
-; Read the minor codes from the infile and write out a resource file. 
-(define (make-resource infile outdir)
-    (tryCatch 
-	(visit-top (read-file infile) (resource-visitor outdir))
-	(lambda (exc) 
-	    (begin
-		(.println System.out$ (string-append "make-resource failed with exception " (.toString exc)))
-		(System.exit 1)))))
-; Read the minor codes from the infile and write a Java implementation to
-; handle them to outfile under outdir
-(define (make-class infile outdir)
-    (tryCatch 
-	(write-class infile outdir (read-file infile))
-	(lambda (exc) 
-	    (begin
-		(.println System.out$ (string-append "make-class failed with exception " (.toString exc)))
-		(System.exit 1)))))
-;; The original make-class implementation (this should be replaced by two visitors)
-; Write out the Java source code for the StandardExceptions class
-; outdir:  Output directory to write the generated files
-; obj:	    the data from the input file
-(define (write-class infile outdir obj)
-    (let* 
-	( 
-	    (package-name (car obj))
-	    (class-name (cadr obj))
-	    (exception-group-name (caddr obj))
-	    (exceptions (cadddr obj))
-	    (file (FileOutputStream. (string-append outdir$  class-name ".java")))  
-	    (pw   (IndentingPrintWriter. file))
-	)
-	(begin
-	    (write-class-header infile package-name class-name exception-group-name pw)
-	    (.printMsg pw "package @ ;"
-		(list package-name))
-	    (.println pw)
-	    (.println pw "import java.util.logging.Logger ;")
-	    (.println pw "import java.util.logging.Level ;")
-	    (.println pw)
-	    (.println pw "import org.omg.CORBA.OMGVMCID ;")
-	    (.println pw "import ;")
-	    (.println pw "import org.omg.CORBA.CompletionStatus ;")
-	    (.println pw "import org.omg.CORBA.SystemException ;")
-	    (.println pw)
-	    (.println pw "import ;")
-	    (.println pw)
-	    (.println pw "import;")
-	    (.println pw)
-	    (.println pw "import;")
-	    (.println pw)
-	    (write-imports exceptions pw)
-	    (.println pw)
-	    (.indent pw)
-	    (.printMsg pw "public class @ extends LogWrapperBase {"
-		(list class-name))
-	    (.println pw)
-	    (.printMsg pw "public @( Logger logger )"
-		(list class-name))
-	    (.indent pw)
-	    (.println pw "{")
-	    (.undent pw)
-	    (.println pw "super( logger ) ;")
-	    (.println pw "}")
-	    (.println pw)
-	    (.flush pw)
-	    (write-factory-method class-name exception-group-name pw)
-	    (write-exceptions exception-group-name exceptions (get-base exception-group-name) class-name pw)
-	    (.undent pw)
-	    (.println pw )
-	    (.println pw "}")
-	    (.flush pw)
-	    (.close pw)
-	)))
-; Write out the header for the resource file
-(define (write-class-header infile package class group pw)
-    (begin
-	(if (eqv? group 'OMG)
-	    (.println pw "// Log wrapper class for standard exceptions")
-	    (.printMsg pw "// Log wrapper class for Sun private system exceptions in group @" (list group)))
-	(.println pw "//")
-	(.printMsg pw "// Generated by mc.scm version @, DO NOT EDIT BY HAND!" (list version-string))
-	(.printMsg pw "// Generated from input file @ on @" (list infile (java.util.Date.)))
-	(.println pw)))
-(define (write-factory-method class-name exception-group-name pw)
-    (begin
-	(.indent pw)
-	(.println pw "private static LogWrapperFactory factory = new LogWrapperFactory() {")
-	(.println pw "public LogWrapperBase create( Logger logger )" )
-	(.indent pw)
-	(.println pw "{")
-	(.undent pw)
-	(.printMsg pw "return new @( logger ) ;" (list class-name))
-	(.undent pw)
-	(.println pw "}" )
-	(.println pw "} ;" )
-	(.println pw)
-	(.printMsg pw "public static @ get( ORB orb, String logDomain )" (list class-name))
-	(.indent pw)	
-	(.println pw "{")
-	(.indent pw)	
-	(.printMsg pw "@ wrapper = "
-	    (list class-name))
-	(.indent pw)
-	(.printMsg pw "(@) orb.getLogWrapper( logDomain, " 
-	    (list class-name))
-	(.undent pw)	
-	(.undent pw)	
-	(.printMsg pw "\"@\", factory ) ;" 
-	    (list exception-group-name))
-	(.undent pw)	
-	(.println pw "return wrapper ;" )
-	(.println pw "} " )
-	(.println pw)
-	(.printMsg pw "public static @ get( String logDomain )" (list class-name))
-	(.indent pw)	
-	(.println pw "{")
-	(.indent pw)	
-	(.printMsg pw "@ wrapper = "
-	    (list class-name))
-	(.indent pw)
-	(.printMsg pw "(@) ORB.staticGetLogWrapper( logDomain, " 
-	    (list class-name))
-	(.undent pw)	
-	(.undent pw)	
-	(.printMsg pw "\"@\", factory ) ;" 
-	    (list exception-group-name))
-	(.undent pw)	
-	(.println pw "return wrapper ;" )
-	(.println pw "} " )
-	(.println pw)))
-; Write out the import list for the exceptions listed in obj
-; obj:	    the data from the input file
-; pw:	    an IndentingPrintWriter for the output file
-(define (write-imports obj pw)
-    (if (null? obj)
-	()
-	(let 
-	    (
-		(exception (caar obj))
-	    )
-	    (begin
-		(.print pw "import org.omg.CORBA.")
-		(.print pw exception)
-		(.println pw " ;")
-		(write-imports (cdr obj) pw)
-	    ))))
-; Write out the list of exceptions starting with the first one
-; obj:	    the data from the input file
-; base:	    the lambda that returns the string defining the minor code value
-; pw:	    an IndentingPrintWriter for the output file
-(define (write-exceptions group-name obj base class-name pw)
-    (if (null? obj) 
-	()
-	(let* 
-	    (
-		(record (car obj))
-		(exception (car record))
-	        (minor-codes (cdr record))
-	    )
-	    (begin
-		(write-exception group-name exception minor-codes base class-name pw)
-		(write-exceptions group-name (cdr obj) base class-name pw)
-	    ))))
-; Write out a single exception
-; exception:	the CORBA SystemException type
-; base:		the base for the minor code value
-; minor-codes:	a list of minor code data for each minor exception type
-; pw:		an IndentingPrintWriter for the output file
-(define (write-exception group-name exception minor-codes base class-name pw)
-    (begin
-	(.println pw "///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////")
-	(.printMsg pw "// @" (list exception))
-	(.println pw "///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////")
-	(.println pw)
-	(write-methods group-name exception minor-codes base class-name pw)
-	(.flush pw)))
-; Write all of the methods for a single exception
-; exception:	the CORBA SystemException type
-; base:		the base for the minor code value
-; minor-codes:	a list of minor code data for each minor exception type
-; pw:		an IndentingPrintWriter for the output file
-(define (write-methods group-name exception minor-codes base class-name pw)
-    (if (null? minor-codes)
-	()
-	(begin
-	    (write-method group-name exception (car minor-codes) base class-name pw)
-	    (write-methods group-name exception (cdr minor-codes) base class-name pw)
-	)))
-;; Code that writes out the Java methods for exception handling
-; Write the methods for a single minor code within an exception
-; exception:	the CORBA SystemException type
-; minor-code:	minor code data for one minor exception type 
-;		(name value level explanation)
-; base:		the base for the minor code value
-; pw:		an IndentingPrintWriter for the output file
-(define (write-method group-name exception minor-code base class-name pw)
-    (let* 
-	(
-	    (x (symbol->string (car minor-code)))
-	    (ident (cons x (StringUtil.toMixedCase x)))
-	    (value (cadr minor-code))
-	    (level (symbol->string (caddr minor-code)))
-	    (explanation (cadddr minor-code))
-	    (num-params (StringUtil.countArgs explanation)))
-	(begin
-	    (.printMsg pw "public static final int @ = @ ;"
-		(list x (base value)))
-	    (.println pw )
-	    (.flush pw )
-	    (write-method-status-cause group-name exception ident level num-params class-name pw)
-	    (.println pw)
-	    (.flush pw)
-	    (write-method-status exception ident level num-params pw)
-	    (.println pw)
-	    (.flush pw)
-	    (write-method-cause exception ident level num-params pw)
-	    (.println pw)
-	    (.flush pw)
-	    (write-method-no-args exception ident level num-params pw)
-	    (.println pw)
-	    (.flush pw))))
-; Construct a string of the form arg1, ..., argn where n is num-params
-(define (make-arg-string fixed leading-comma-flag num-args)
-    (let
-	(
-	    (helper (lambda (lcf n)
-		(let*
-		    (
-			(numstr (number->string (- n 1))))
-		    (if (or lcf (> n 1))
-			(string-append ", " fixed numstr)
-			(string-append " " fixed numstr))))))
-	(cond 
-	    ((eqv? num-args 0) " ")
-	    ((eqv? num-args 1) (helper leading-comma-flag 1))
-	    (else (string-append 
-		(make-arg-string fixed leading-comma-flag (- num-args 1)) 
-		(helper leading-comma-flag num-args ))))))
-(define (make-decl-args leading-comma-flag num-args)
-    (make-arg-string "Object arg" leading-comma-flag num-args))
-(define (make-call-args leading-comma-flag num-args)
-    (make-arg-string "arg" leading-comma-flag num-args))
-; make-xxx-args patterns:
-; leading-comma-flag #t
-;   0   " "
-;   1   ", arg0"
-;   2   ", arg0, arg1"
-;   3   ", arg0, arg1, arg2"
-;   0   " "
-;   1   ", Object arg0"
-;   2   ", Object arg0, Object arg1"
-;   3   ", Object arg0, Object arg1, Object arg2"
-; leading-comma-flag #f
-;   0   " "
-;   1   " arg0"
-;   2   " arg0, arg1"
-;   3   " arg0, arg1, arg2"
-;   0   " "
-;   1   " Object arg0"
-;   2   " Object arg0, Object arg1"
-;   3   " Object arg0, Object arg1, Object arg2"
-(define (emit-assignments num pw)
-    (let 
-	(
-	    (helper 
-		(lambda (n) 
-		    (.printMsg pw "parameters[@] = arg@ ;" (list n n)))))
-	(if (= num 1)
-	    (helper (- num 1))
-	    (begin
-		(emit-assignments (- num 1) pw)
-		(helper (- num 1))))))
-; Write a method for an exception that takes a CompletionStatus and a cause
-; exception:	the CORBA system exception type
-; id:		the identifier for this exception in the form ( ident . mixed-case-ident )
-; level:	the logging level
-; num-params:	number of parameters in the explanation string, which determines
-;		how many argn parameters we need
-; pw:		the indenting print writer we are using
-(define (write-method-status-cause group-name exception id level num-params class-name pw)
-    (let*
-	(
-	    (ident (car id))
-	    (ident-mc (cdr id)))
-    (begin
-	(.indent pw)
-	(.printMsg pw "public @ @( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t@) {"
-	    (list exception ident-mc (make-decl-args #t num-params)))
-	(.printMsg pw "@ exc = new @( @, cs ) ;"
-	    (list exception exception ident ))
-	(.indent pw)
-	(.println pw "if (t != null)" )
-	(.undent pw)
-	(.println pw "exc.initCause( t ) ;" )	
-	(.println pw)
-	(.indent pw)
-	(.printMsg pw "if (logger.isLoggable( Level.@ )) {"
-	    (list level))
-	(if (> num-params 0)
-	    (begin
-		(.printMsg pw "Object[] parameters = new Object[@] ;"
-		    (list (number->string num-params)))
-		(emit-assignments num-params pw)
-	    )
-	    (begin
-		(.println pw "Object[] parameters = null ;"
-	    )))
-	(.indent pw)
-	(.printMsg pw "doLog( Level.@, \"@.@\"," (list level group-name ident-mc))
-	(.undent pw)
-	(.undent pw)
-	(.printMsg pw "parameters, @.class, exc ) ;" (list class-name))
-	(.println pw "}")
-	(.println pw)
-	(.undent pw)
-	(.println pw "return exc ;")
-	(.println pw "}"))))
-; Write a method for an exception that takes a CompletionStatus.  The cause is null. 
-; exception:	the CORBA system exception type
-; id:		the identifier for this exception in the form ( ident . mixed-case-ident )
-; level:	the logging level
-; num-params:	number of parameters in the explanation string, which determines
-;		how many argn parameters we need
-; pw:		the indenting print writer we are using
-(define (write-method-status exception id level num-params pw)
-    (let*
-	(
-	    (ident-mc (cdr id)))
-	(begin
-	    (.indent pw)
-	    (.printMsg pw "public @ @( CompletionStatus cs@) {"
-		(list exception ident-mc (make-decl-args #t num-params)))
-	    (.undent pw)
-	    (.printMsg pw "return @( cs, null@ ) ;"
-		(list ident-mc (make-call-args #t num-params)))
-	    (.println pw "}"))))
-; Write a method for an exception that takes a cause.  The status is COMPLETED_NO. 
-; exception:	the CORBA system exception type
-; id:		the identifier for this exception in the form ( ident . mixed-case-ident )
-; level:	the logging level
-; num-params:	number of parameters in the explanation string, which determines
-;		how many argn parameters we need
-; pw:		the indenting print writer we are using
-(define (write-method-cause exception id level num-params pw)
-    (let*
-	(
-	    (ident-mc (cdr id)))
-	(begin
-	    (.indent pw)
-	    (.printMsg pw "public @ @( Throwable t@) {"
-		(list exception ident-mc (make-decl-args #t num-params)))
-	    (.undent pw)
-	    (.printMsg pw "return @( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t@ ) ;"
-		(list ident-mc (make-call-args #t num-params)))
-	    (.println pw "}"))))
-; Write a method for an exception that takes no arguments.  This is COMPLETED_NO and
-; a null cause.
-; exception:	the CORBA system exception type
-; id:		the identifier for this exception in the form ( ident . mixed-case-ident )
-; level:	the logging level
-; num-params:	number of parameters in the explanation string, which determines
-;		how many argn parameters we need
-; pw:		the indenting print writer we are using
-(define (write-method-no-args exception id level num-params pw)
-    (let*
-	(
-	    (ident-mc (cdr id)))
-	(begin
-	    (.indent pw)
-	    (.printMsg pw "public @ @( @) {"
-		(list exception ident-mc (make-decl-args #f num-params)))
-	    (.undent pw)
-	    (.printMsg pw "return @( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null@ ) ;"
-		(list ident-mc (make-call-args #t num-params)))
-	    (.println pw "}"))))
-;;; end of file