changeset 28977 d7609b65606b
parent 28976 8c912c147654
parent 28344 722378bc599e
child 28978 8431abc709c0
--- a/jaxws/src/java.xml.soap/share/classes/com/sun/xml/internal/messaging/saaj/util/transform/EfficientStreamingTransformer.java	Mon Jan 12 11:46:43 2015 -0800
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,423 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 1997, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
- *
- * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
- * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
- * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
- * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
- * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
- *
- * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
- * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
- * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
- * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
- * accompanied this code).
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
- * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
- * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
- *
- * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
- * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
- * questions.
- */
- * EfficientStreamingTransformer.java
- *
- * Created on July 29, 2002, 3:49 PM
- */
-package com.sun.xml.internal.messaging.saaj.util.transform;
-import java.io.*;
-import java.net.URISyntaxException;
-import javax.xml.transform.dom.DOMSource;
-import javax.xml.transform.dom.DOMResult;
-import javax.xml.transform.stream.StreamResult;
-import javax.xml.transform.stream.StreamSource;
-import org.w3c.dom.Document;
-import com.sun.xml.internal.messaging.saaj.util.XMLDeclarationParser;
-import com.sun.xml.internal.messaging.saaj.util.FastInfosetReflection;
-import java.net.URI;
-import javax.xml.transform.Transformer;
-import javax.xml.transform.TransformerException;
-import javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory;
- * This class is a proxy for a Transformer object with optimizations
- * for certain cases. If source and result are of type stream, then
- * bytes are simply copied whenever possible (note that this assumes
- * that the input is well formed). In addition, it provides support for
- * FI using native DOM parsers and serializers.
- *
- * @author Panos Kougiouris panos@acm.org
- * @author Santiago.PericasGeertsen@sun.com
- *
- */
-public class EfficientStreamingTransformer
-    extends javax.xml.transform.Transformer {
-  //static final String version;
-  //static final String vendor;
-  // removing static : security issue : CR 6813167Z
-  private final TransformerFactory transformerFactory = TransformerFactory.newInstance();
-  /**
-  removing support for Java 1.4 and 1.3 : CR6658158
-  static {
-        version = System.getProperty("java.vm.version");
-        vendor = System.getProperty("java.vm.vendor");
-        if (vendor.startsWith("Sun") &&
-            (version.startsWith("1.4") || version.startsWith("1.3"))) {
-            transformerFactory =
-                new com.sun.org.apache.xalan.internal.xsltc.trax.TransformerFactoryImpl();
-        }
-  }*/
-    /**
-     * TransformerFactory instance.
-     */
-    /**
-     * Underlying XSLT transformer.
-     */
-    private Transformer m_realTransformer = null;
-    /**
-     * Undelying FI DOM parser.
-     */
-    private Object m_fiDOMDocumentParser = null;
-    /**
-     * Underlying FI DOM serializer.
-     */
-    private Object m_fiDOMDocumentSerializer = null;
-    private EfficientStreamingTransformer() {
-    }
-    private void materialize() throws TransformerException {
-        if (m_realTransformer == null) {
-            m_realTransformer = transformerFactory.newTransformer();
-        }
-    }
-    public void clearParameters() {
-        if (m_realTransformer != null)
-            m_realTransformer.clearParameters();
-    }
-    public javax.xml.transform.ErrorListener getErrorListener() {
-        try {
-            materialize();
-            return m_realTransformer.getErrorListener();
-        } catch (TransformerException e) {
-            // will be caught later
-        }
-        return null;
-    }
-    public java.util.Properties getOutputProperties() {
-        try {
-            materialize();
-            return m_realTransformer.getOutputProperties();
-        } catch (TransformerException e) {
-            // will be caught later
-        }
-        return null;
-    }
-    public String getOutputProperty(String str)
-        throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException {
-        try {
-            materialize();
-            return m_realTransformer.getOutputProperty(str);
-        } catch (TransformerException e) {
-            // will be caught later
-        }
-        return null;
-    }
-    public Object getParameter(String str) {
-        try {
-            materialize();
-            return m_realTransformer.getParameter(str);
-        } catch (TransformerException e) {
-            // will be caught later
-        }
-        return null;
-    }
-    public javax.xml.transform.URIResolver getURIResolver() {
-        try {
-            materialize();
-            return m_realTransformer.getURIResolver();
-        } catch (TransformerException e) {
-            // will be caught later
-        }
-        return null;
-    }
-    public void setErrorListener(
-        javax.xml.transform.ErrorListener errorListener)
-        throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException {
-        try {
-            materialize();
-            m_realTransformer.setErrorListener(errorListener);
-        } catch (TransformerException e) {
-            // will be caught later
-        }
-    }
-    public void setOutputProperties(java.util.Properties properties)
-        throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException {
-        try {
-            materialize();
-            m_realTransformer.setOutputProperties(properties);
-        } catch (TransformerException e) {
-            // will be caught later
-        }
-    }
-    public void setOutputProperty(String str, String str1)
-        throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException {
-        try {
-            materialize();
-            m_realTransformer.setOutputProperty(str, str1);
-        } catch (TransformerException e) {
-            // will be caught later
-        }
-    }
-    public void setParameter(String str, Object obj) {
-        try {
-            materialize();
-            m_realTransformer.setParameter(str, obj);
-        } catch (TransformerException e) {
-            // will be caught later
-        }
-    }
-    public void setURIResolver(javax.xml.transform.URIResolver uRIResolver) {
-        try {
-            materialize();
-            m_realTransformer.setURIResolver(uRIResolver);
-        } catch (TransformerException e) {
-            // will be caught later
-        }
-    }
-    private InputStream getInputStreamFromSource(StreamSource s)
-        throws TransformerException {
-        InputStream stream = s.getInputStream();
-        if (stream != null)
-            return stream;
-        if (s.getReader() != null)
-            return null;
-        String systemId = s.getSystemId();
-        if (systemId != null) {
-            try {
-                String fileURL = systemId;
-                if (systemId.startsWith("file:///"))
-                {
-                    /*
-                     systemId is:
-                     file:///<drive>:/some/path/file.xml
-                     or
-                     file:///some/path/file.xml
-                    */
-                    String absolutePath = systemId.substring(7);
-                    /*
-                     /<drive>:/some/path/file.xml
-                     or
-                     /some/path/file.xml
-                    */
-                    boolean hasDriveDesignator = absolutePath.indexOf(":") > 0;
-                    if (hasDriveDesignator) {
-                      String driveDesignatedPath = absolutePath.substring(1);
-                      /*
-                      <drive>:/some/path/file.xml */
-                      fileURL = driveDesignatedPath;
-                    }
-                    else {
-                      /*
-                      /some/path/file.xml */
-                      fileURL = absolutePath;
-                    }
-                }
-                //return new FileInputStream(fileURL);
-                try {
-                    return new FileInputStream(new File(new URI(fileURL)));
-                } catch (URISyntaxException ex) {
-                    throw new TransformerException(ex);
-                }
-            } catch (IOException e) {
-                throw new TransformerException(e.toString());
-            }
-        }
-        throw new TransformerException("Unexpected StreamSource object");
-    }
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    public void transform(
-        javax.xml.transform.Source source,
-        javax.xml.transform.Result result)
-        throws javax.xml.transform.TransformerException
-    {
-        // StreamSource -> StreamResult
-        if ((source instanceof StreamSource)
-            && (result instanceof StreamResult)) {
-            try {
-                StreamSource streamSource = (StreamSource) source;
-                InputStream is = getInputStreamFromSource(streamSource);
-                OutputStream os = ((StreamResult) result).getOutputStream();
-                if (os == null)
-                    // TODO: We might want to fix this if it were to be used beyond
-                    // XmlDataContentHandler that we know uses only OutputStream
-                    throw new TransformerException("Unexpected StreamResult object contains null OutputStream");
-                if (is != null) {
-                    if (is.markSupported())
-                        is.mark(Integer.MAX_VALUE);
-                    int num;
-                    byte[] b = new byte[8192];
-                    while ((num = is.read(b)) != -1) {
-                        os.write(b, 0, num);
-                    }
-                    if (is.markSupported())
-                        is.reset();
-                    return;
-                }
-                Reader reader = streamSource.getReader();
-                if (reader != null) {
-                    if (reader.markSupported())
-                        reader.mark(Integer.MAX_VALUE);
-                    PushbackReader pushbackReader = new PushbackReader(reader, 4096);
-                    //some size to unread <?xml ....?>
-                    XMLDeclarationParser ev =
-                        new XMLDeclarationParser(pushbackReader);
-                    try {
-                        ev.parse();
-                    } catch (Exception ex) {
-                        throw new TransformerException(
-                            "Unable to run the JAXP transformer on a stream "
-                                + ex.getMessage());
-                    }
-                    Writer writer =
-                        new OutputStreamWriter(os /*, ev.getEncoding()*/);
-                    ev.writeTo(writer);         // doesn't write any, if no header
-                    int num;
-                    char[] ac = new char[8192];
-                    while ((num = pushbackReader.read(ac)) != -1) {
-                        writer.write(ac, 0, num);
-                    }
-                    writer.flush();
-                    if (reader.markSupported())
-                        reader.reset();
-                    return;
-                }
-            } catch (IOException e) {
-                e.printStackTrace();
-                throw new TransformerException(e.toString());
-            }
-            throw new TransformerException("Unexpected StreamSource object");
-        }
-        // FastInfosetSource -> DOMResult
-        else if (FastInfosetReflection.isFastInfosetSource(source)
-                && (result instanceof DOMResult))
-        {
-            try {
-                // Use reflection to avoid a static dep with FI
-                if (m_fiDOMDocumentParser == null) {
-                    m_fiDOMDocumentParser = FastInfosetReflection.DOMDocumentParser_new();
-                }
-                // m_fiDOMDocumentParser.parse(document, source.getInputStream())
-                FastInfosetReflection.DOMDocumentParser_parse(
-                    m_fiDOMDocumentParser,
-                    (Document) ((DOMResult) result).getNode(),
-                    FastInfosetReflection.FastInfosetSource_getInputStream(source));
-                // We're done!
-                return;
-            }
-            catch (Exception e) {
-                throw new TransformerException(e);
-            }
-        }
-        // DOMSource -> FastInfosetResult
-        else if ((source instanceof DOMSource)
-                && FastInfosetReflection.isFastInfosetResult(result))
-        {
-            try {
-                // Use reflection to avoid a static dep with FI
-                if (m_fiDOMDocumentSerializer == null) {
-                    m_fiDOMDocumentSerializer = FastInfosetReflection.DOMDocumentSerializer_new();
-                }
-                // m_fiDOMDocumentSerializer.setOutputStream(result.getOutputStream())
-                FastInfosetReflection.DOMDocumentSerializer_setOutputStream(
-                    m_fiDOMDocumentSerializer,
-                    FastInfosetReflection.FastInfosetResult_getOutputStream(result));
-                // m_fiDOMDocumentSerializer.serialize(node)
-                FastInfosetReflection.DOMDocumentSerializer_serialize(
-                    m_fiDOMDocumentSerializer,
-                    ((DOMSource) source).getNode());
-                // We're done!
-                return;
-            }
-            catch (Exception e) {
-                throw new TransformerException(e);
-            }
-        }
-        // All other cases -- use transformer object
-        materialize();
-        m_realTransformer.transform(source, result);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Threadlocal to hold a Transformer instance for this thread.
-     * CR : 6813167
-     */
-    //private static ThreadLocal effTransformer = new ThreadLocal();
-    /**
-     * Return Transformer instance for this thread, allocating a new one if
-     * necessary. Note that this method does not clear global parameters,
-     * properties or any other data set on a previously used transformer.
-     */
-    public static Transformer newTransformer() {
-        //CR : 6813167
-        /*Transformer tt = (Transformer) effTransformer.get();
-        if (tt == null) {
-            effTransformer.set(tt = new EfficientStreamingTransformer());
-        }
-        return tt;*/
-        return new EfficientStreamingTransformer();
-    }