changeset 59021 cfc7bb9a5a92
parent 58713 ad69fd32778e
--- a/src/jdk.compiler/share/classes/com/sun/source/tree/	Mon Nov 11 17:43:10 2019 -0800
+++ b/src/jdk.compiler/share/classes/com/sun/source/tree/	Tue Nov 12 06:32:13 2019 +0000
@@ -51,29 +51,18 @@
      * {@code null} if this is the default case.
      * If this case has multiple labels, returns the first label.
      * @return the expression for the case, or null
+     * @deprecated Please use {@link #getExpressions()}.
+    @Deprecated
     ExpressionTree getExpression();
-     * {@preview Associated with switch expressions, a preview feature of
-     *           the Java language.
-     *
-     *           This method is associated with <i>switch expressions</i>, a preview
-     *           feature of the Java language. Preview features
-     *           may be removed in a future release, or upgraded to permanent
-     *           features of the Java language.}
-     *
      * Returns the labels for this case.
      * For default case, returns an empty list.
      * @return labels for this case
      * @since 12
-     *
-     * @preview This method is modeling a case with multiple labels,
-     * which is part of a preview feature and may be removed
-     * if the preview feature is removed.
-    @jdk.internal.PreviewFeature(feature=jdk.internal.PreviewFeature.Feature.SWITCH_EXPRESSIONS)
     List<? extends ExpressionTree> getExpressions();
@@ -86,14 +75,6 @@
     List<? extends StatementTree> getStatements();
-     * {@preview Associated with switch expressions, a preview feature of
-     *           the Java language.
-     *
-     *           This method is associated with <i>switch expressions</i>, a preview
-     *           feature of the Java language. Preview features
-     *           may be removed in a future release, or upgraded to permanent
-     *           features of the Java language.}
-     *
      * For case with kind {@linkplain CaseKind#RULE},
      * returns the statement or expression after the arrow.
      * Returns {@code null} for case with kind
@@ -102,40 +83,21 @@
      * @return case value or null
      * @since 12
-    @jdk.internal.PreviewFeature(feature=jdk.internal.PreviewFeature.Feature.SWITCH_EXPRESSIONS)
     public default Tree getBody() {
         return null;
-     * {@preview Associated with switch expressions, a preview feature of
-     *           the Java language.
-     *
-     *           This method is associated with <i>switch expressions</i>, a preview
-     *           feature of the Java language. Preview features
-     *           may be removed in a future release, or upgraded to permanent
-     *           features of the Java language.}
-     *
      * Returns the kind of this case.
      * @return the kind of this case
      * @since 12
-    @jdk.internal.PreviewFeature(feature=jdk.internal.PreviewFeature.Feature.SWITCH_EXPRESSIONS)
-    @SuppressWarnings("preview")
     public default CaseKind getCaseKind() {
         return CaseKind.STATEMENT;
-     * {@preview Associated with switch expressions, a preview feature of
-     *           the Java language.
-     *
-     *           This enum is associated with <i>switch expressions</i>, a preview
-     *           feature of the Java language. Preview features
-     *           may be removed in a future release, or upgraded to permanent
-     *           features of the Java language.}
-     *
      * The syntatic form of this case:
      * <ul>
      *     <li>STATEMENT: {@code case <expression>: <statements>}</li>
@@ -144,8 +106,6 @@
      * @since 12
-    @jdk.internal.PreviewFeature(feature=jdk.internal.PreviewFeature.Feature.SWITCH_EXPRESSIONS)
-    @SuppressWarnings("preview")
     public enum CaseKind {
          * Case is in the form: {@code case <expression>: <statements>}.