changeset 58535 ccb7bf459cbd
parent 55753 b9798272720b
child 58679 9c3209ff7550
child 58801 119ac9128c1b
child 59000 612c58965775
--- a/src/java.base/unix/native/libnio/ch/Net.c	Thu Oct 10 14:43:41 2019 +0800
+++ b/src/java.base/unix/native/libnio/ch/Net.c	Wed Oct 09 09:57:33 2019 +0200
@@ -66,34 +66,6 @@
-#if defined(_AIX)
-  #ifndef IP_BLOCK_SOURCE
-    #define IP_BLOCK_SOURCE                 58   /* Block data from a given source to a given group */
-    #define IP_UNBLOCK_SOURCE               59   /* Unblock data from a given source to a given group */
-    #define IP_ADD_SOURCE_MEMBERSHIP        60   /* Join a source-specific group */
-    #define IP_DROP_SOURCE_MEMBERSHIP       61   /* Leave a source-specific group */
-  #endif
-    #define MCAST_BLOCK_SOURCE              64
-    #define MCAST_UNBLOCK_SOURCE            65
-    #define MCAST_JOIN_SOURCE_GROUP         66
-    #define MCAST_LEAVE_SOURCE_GROUP        67
-    /* This means we're on AIX 5.3 and 'group_source_req' and 'ip_mreq_source' aren't defined as well */
-    struct group_source_req {
-        uint32_t gsr_interface;
-        struct sockaddr_storage gsr_group;
-        struct sockaddr_storage gsr_source;
-    };
-    struct ip_mreq_source {
-        struct in_addr  imr_multiaddr;  /* IP multicast address of group */
-        struct in_addr  imr_sourceaddr; /* IP address of source */
-        struct in_addr  imr_interface;  /* local IP address of interface */
-    };
-  #endif
-#endif /* _AIX */
 #define COPY_INET6_ADDRESS(env, source, target) \
     (*env)->GetByteArrayRegion(env, source, 0, 16, target)