changeset 23975 c7c81595aea9
parent 23966 b9646c1a1666
child 24396 3c36c6afcbca
--- a/langtools/src/share/classes/com/sun/tools/javac/jvm/	Wed Apr 16 19:21:59 2014 -0700
+++ b/langtools/src/share/classes/com/sun/tools/javac/jvm/	Thu Apr 17 12:17:02 2014 -0400
@@ -2148,18 +2148,12 @@
             for (Attribute.TypeCompound ta : lv.sym.getRawTypeAttributes()) {
                 TypeAnnotationPosition p = ta.position;
-                // At this point p.type_index contains the catch type index.
-                // Use that index to determine the exception table index.
-                // We can afterwards discard the type_index.
-                // A TA position is shared for all type annotations in the
-                // same location; updating one is enough.
-                // Use -666 as a marker that the exception_index was already updated.
-                Assert.check(p.type_index != Integer.MIN_VALUE,
-                             "type_index of exception parameter type annotation " +
-                             ta + " was not set correctly");
-                if (p.type_index != -666) {
-                    p.exception_index = findExceptionIndex(p.type_index);
-                    p.type_index = -666;
+                if (p.hasCatchType()) {
+                    final int idx = findExceptionIndex(p.getCatchType());
+                    if (idx == -1)
+                        Assert.error("Could not find exception index for type annotation " +
+                                     ta + " on exception parameter");
+                    p.setExceptionIndex(idx);