changeset 59053 ba6c248cae19
parent 58015 dd84de796f2c
--- a/src/hotspot/share/gc/shared/blockOffsetTable.cpp	Wed Nov 13 11:21:15 2019 +0100
+++ b/src/hotspot/share/gc/shared/blockOffsetTable.cpp	Wed Nov 13 11:37:29 2019 +0100
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2000, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -352,306 +352,6 @@
-// BlockOffsetArrayNonContigSpace
-// The block [blk_start, blk_end) has been allocated;
-// adjust the block offset table to represent this information;
-// NOTE: Clients of BlockOffsetArrayNonContigSpace: consider using
-// the somewhat more lightweight split_block() or
-// (when init_to_zero()) mark_block() wherever possible.
-// right-open interval: [blk_start, blk_end)
-BlockOffsetArrayNonContigSpace::alloc_block(HeapWord* blk_start,
-                                            HeapWord* blk_end) {
-  assert(blk_start != NULL && blk_end > blk_start,
-         "phantom block");
-  single_block(blk_start, blk_end);
-  allocated(blk_start, blk_end);
-// Adjust BOT to show that a previously whole block has been split
-// into two.  We verify the BOT for the first part (prefix) and
-// update the  BOT for the second part (suffix).
-//      blk is the start of the block
-//      blk_size is the size of the original block
-//      left_blk_size is the size of the first part of the split
-void BlockOffsetArrayNonContigSpace::split_block(HeapWord* blk,
-                                                 size_t blk_size,
-                                                 size_t left_blk_size) {
-  // Verify that the BOT shows [blk, blk + blk_size) to be one block.
-  verify_single_block(blk, blk_size);
-  // Update the BOT to indicate that [blk + left_blk_size, blk + blk_size)
-  // is one single block.
-  assert(blk_size > 0, "Should be positive");
-  assert(left_blk_size > 0, "Should be positive");
-  assert(left_blk_size < blk_size, "Not a split");
-  // Start addresses of prefix block and suffix block.
-  HeapWord* pref_addr = blk;
-  HeapWord* suff_addr = blk + left_blk_size;
-  HeapWord* end_addr  = blk + blk_size;
-  // Indices for starts of prefix block and suffix block.
-  size_t pref_index = _array->index_for(pref_addr);
-  if (_array->address_for_index(pref_index) != pref_addr) {
-    // pref_addr does not begin pref_index
-    pref_index++;
-  }
-  size_t suff_index = _array->index_for(suff_addr);
-  if (_array->address_for_index(suff_index) != suff_addr) {
-    // suff_addr does not begin suff_index
-    suff_index++;
-  }
-  // Definition: A block B, denoted [B_start, B_end) __starts__
-  //     a card C, denoted [C_start, C_end), where C_start and C_end
-  //     are the heap addresses that card C covers, iff
-  //     B_start <= C_start < B_end.
-  //
-  //     We say that a card C "is started by" a block B, iff
-  //     B "starts" C.
-  //
-  //     Note that the cardinality of the set of cards {C}
-  //     started by a block B can be 0, 1, or more.
-  //
-  // Below, pref_index and suff_index are, respectively, the
-  // first (least) card indices that the prefix and suffix of
-  // the split start; end_index is one more than the index of
-  // the last (greatest) card that blk starts.
-  size_t end_index  = _array->index_for(end_addr - 1) + 1;
-  // Calculate the # cards that the prefix and suffix affect.
-  size_t num_pref_cards = suff_index - pref_index;
-  size_t num_suff_cards = end_index  - suff_index;
-  // Change the cards that need changing
-  if (num_suff_cards > 0) {
-    HeapWord* boundary = _array->address_for_index(suff_index);
-    // Set the offset card for suffix block
-    _array->set_offset_array(suff_index, boundary, suff_addr, true /* reducing */);
-    // Change any further cards that need changing in the suffix
-    if (num_pref_cards > 0) {
-      if (num_pref_cards >= num_suff_cards) {
-        // Unilaterally fix all of the suffix cards: closed card
-        // index interval in args below.
-        set_remainder_to_point_to_start_incl(suff_index + 1, end_index - 1, true /* reducing */);
-      } else {
-        // Unilaterally fix the first (num_pref_cards - 1) following
-        // the "offset card" in the suffix block.
-        const size_t right_most_fixed_index = suff_index + num_pref_cards - 1;
-        set_remainder_to_point_to_start_incl(suff_index + 1,
-          right_most_fixed_index, true /* reducing */);
-        // Fix the appropriate cards in the remainder of the
-        // suffix block -- these are the last num_pref_cards
-        // cards in each power block of the "new" range plumbed
-        // from suff_addr.
-        bool more = true;
-        uint i = 1;
-        // Fix the first power block with  back_by > num_pref_cards.
-        while (more && (i < BOTConstants::N_powers)) {
-          size_t back_by = BOTConstants::power_to_cards_back(i);
-          size_t right_index = suff_index + back_by - 1;
-          size_t left_index  = right_index - num_pref_cards + 1;
-          if (right_index >= end_index - 1) { // last iteration
-            right_index = end_index - 1;
-            more = false;
-          }
-          if (left_index <= right_most_fixed_index) {
-                left_index = right_most_fixed_index + 1;
-          }
-          if (back_by > num_pref_cards) {
-            // Fill in the remainder of this "power block", if it
-            // is non-null.
-            if (left_index <= right_index) {
-              _array->set_offset_array(left_index, right_index,
-                                       BOTConstants::N_words + i - 1, true /* reducing */);
-            } else {
-              more = false; // we are done
-              assert((end_index - 1) == right_index, "Must be at the end.");
-            }
-            i++;
-            break;
-          }
-          i++;
-        }
-        // Fix the rest of the power blocks.
-        while (more && (i < BOTConstants::N_powers)) {
-          size_t back_by = BOTConstants::power_to_cards_back(i);
-          size_t right_index = suff_index + back_by - 1;
-          size_t left_index  = right_index - num_pref_cards + 1;
-          if (right_index >= end_index - 1) { // last iteration
-            right_index = end_index - 1;
-            if (left_index > right_index) {
-              break;
-            }
-            more  = false;
-          }
-          assert(left_index <= right_index, "Error");
-          _array->set_offset_array(left_index, right_index, BOTConstants::N_words + i - 1, true /* reducing */);
-          i++;
-        }
-      }
-    } // else no more cards to fix in suffix
-  } // else nothing needs to be done
-  // Verify that we did the right thing
-  verify_single_block(pref_addr, left_blk_size);
-  verify_single_block(suff_addr, blk_size - left_blk_size);
-// Mark the BOT such that if [blk_start, blk_end) straddles a card
-// boundary, the card following the first such boundary is marked
-// with the appropriate offset.
-// NOTE: this method does _not_ adjust _unallocated_block or
-// any cards subsequent to the first one.
-BlockOffsetArrayNonContigSpace::mark_block(HeapWord* blk_start,
-                                           HeapWord* blk_end, bool reducing) {
-  do_block_internal(blk_start, blk_end, Action_mark, reducing);
-HeapWord* BlockOffsetArrayNonContigSpace::block_start_unsafe(
-  const void* addr) const {
-  assert(_array->offset_array(0) == 0, "objects can't cross covered areas");
-  assert(_bottom <= addr && addr < _end,
-         "addr must be covered by this Array");
-  // Must read this exactly once because it can be modified by parallel
-  // allocation.
-  HeapWord* ub = _unallocated_block;
-  if (BlockOffsetArrayUseUnallocatedBlock && addr >= ub) {
-    assert(ub < _end, "tautology (see above)");
-    return ub;
-  }
-  // Otherwise, find the block start using the table.
-  size_t index = _array->index_for(addr);
-  HeapWord* q = _array->address_for_index(index);
-  uint offset = _array->offset_array(index);    // Extend u_char to uint.
-  while (offset >= BOTConstants::N_words) {
-    // The excess of the offset from N_words indicates a power of Base
-    // to go back by.
-    size_t n_cards_back = BOTConstants::entry_to_cards_back(offset);
-    q -= (BOTConstants::N_words * n_cards_back);
-    assert(q >= _sp->bottom(),
-           "q = " PTR_FORMAT " crossed below bottom = " PTR_FORMAT,
-           p2i(q), p2i(_sp->bottom()));
-    assert(q < _sp->end(),
-           "q = " PTR_FORMAT " crossed above end = " PTR_FORMAT,
-           p2i(q), p2i(_sp->end()));
-    index -= n_cards_back;
-    offset = _array->offset_array(index);
-  }
-  assert(offset < BOTConstants::N_words, "offset too large");
-  index--;
-  q -= offset;
-  assert(q >= _sp->bottom(),
-         "q = " PTR_FORMAT " crossed below bottom = " PTR_FORMAT,
-         p2i(q), p2i(_sp->bottom()));
-  assert(q < _sp->end(),
-         "q = " PTR_FORMAT " crossed above end = " PTR_FORMAT,
-         p2i(q), p2i(_sp->end()));
-  HeapWord* n = q;
-  while (n <= addr) {
-    debug_only(HeapWord* last = q);   // for debugging
-    q = n;
-    n += _sp->block_size(n);
-    assert(n > q,
-           "Looping at n = " PTR_FORMAT " with last = " PTR_FORMAT ","
-           " while querying blk_start(" PTR_FORMAT ")"
-           " on _sp = [" PTR_FORMAT "," PTR_FORMAT ")",
-           p2i(n), p2i(last), p2i(addr), p2i(_sp->bottom()), p2i(_sp->end()));
-  }
-  assert(q <= addr,
-         "wrong order for current (" INTPTR_FORMAT ")" " <= arg (" INTPTR_FORMAT ")",
-         p2i(q), p2i(addr));
-  assert(addr <= n,
-         "wrong order for arg (" INTPTR_FORMAT ") <= next (" INTPTR_FORMAT ")",
-         p2i(addr), p2i(n));
-  return q;
-HeapWord* BlockOffsetArrayNonContigSpace::block_start_careful(
-  const void* addr) const {
-  assert(_array->offset_array(0) == 0, "objects can't cross covered areas");
-  assert(_bottom <= addr && addr < _end,
-         "addr must be covered by this Array");
-  // Must read this exactly once because it can be modified by parallel
-  // allocation.
-  HeapWord* ub = _unallocated_block;
-  if (BlockOffsetArrayUseUnallocatedBlock && addr >= ub) {
-    assert(ub < _end, "tautology (see above)");
-    return ub;
-  }
-  // Otherwise, find the block start using the table, but taking
-  // care (cf block_start_unsafe() above) not to parse any objects/blocks
-  // on the cards themselves.
-  size_t index = _array->index_for(addr);
-  assert(_array->address_for_index(index) == addr,
-         "arg should be start of card");
-  HeapWord* q = (HeapWord*)addr;
-  uint offset;
-  do {
-    offset = _array->offset_array(index);
-    if (offset < BOTConstants::N_words) {
-      q -= offset;
-    } else {
-      size_t n_cards_back = BOTConstants::entry_to_cards_back(offset);
-      q -= (n_cards_back * BOTConstants::N_words);
-      index -= n_cards_back;
-    }
-  } while (offset >= BOTConstants::N_words);
-  assert(q <= addr, "block start should be to left of arg");
-  return q;
-#ifndef PRODUCT
-// Verification & debugging - ensure that the offset table reflects the fact
-// that the block [blk_start, blk_end) or [blk, blk + size) is a
-// single block of storage. NOTE: can't const this because of
-// call to non-const do_block_internal() below.
-void BlockOffsetArrayNonContigSpace::verify_single_block(
-  HeapWord* blk_start, HeapWord* blk_end) {
-  if (VerifyBlockOffsetArray) {
-    do_block_internal(blk_start, blk_end, Action_check);
-  }
-void BlockOffsetArrayNonContigSpace::verify_single_block(
-  HeapWord* blk, size_t size) {
-  verify_single_block(blk, blk + size);
-// Verify that the given block is before _unallocated_block
-void BlockOffsetArrayNonContigSpace::verify_not_unallocated(
-  HeapWord* blk_start, HeapWord* blk_end) const {
-  if (BlockOffsetArrayUseUnallocatedBlock) {
-    assert(blk_start < blk_end, "Block inconsistency?");
-    assert(blk_end <= _unallocated_block, "_unallocated_block problem");
-  }
-void BlockOffsetArrayNonContigSpace::verify_not_unallocated(
-  HeapWord* blk, size_t size) const {
-  verify_not_unallocated(blk, blk + size);
-#endif // PRODUCT
-size_t BlockOffsetArrayNonContigSpace::last_active_index() const {
-  if (_unallocated_block == _bottom) {
-    return 0;
-  } else {
-    return _array->index_for(_unallocated_block - 1);
-  }
 // BlockOffsetArrayContigSpace