changeset 55524 b279ae9843b8
parent 54927 1512d88b24c6
--- a/src/hotspot/share/classfile/sharedPathsMiscInfo.cpp	Fri Jun 28 18:01:36 2019 +0200
+++ b/src/hotspot/share/classfile/sharedPathsMiscInfo.cpp	Fri Jun 28 09:49:10 2019 -0700
@@ -153,83 +153,10 @@
   return true;
-char* skip_first_path_entry(const char* path) {
-  size_t path_sep_len = strlen(os::path_separator());
-  char* p = strstr((char*)path, os::path_separator());
-  if (p != NULL) {
-    debug_only( {
-      size_t image_name_len = strlen(MODULES_IMAGE_NAME);
-      assert(strncmp(p - image_name_len, MODULES_IMAGE_NAME, image_name_len) == 0,
-             "first entry must be the modules image");
-    } );
-    p += path_sep_len;
-  } else {
-    debug_only( {
-      assert(ClassLoader::string_ends_with(path, MODULES_IMAGE_NAME),
-             "first entry must be the modules image");
-    } );
-  }
-  return p;
 bool SharedPathsMiscInfo::check(jint type, const char* path, bool is_static) {
   assert(UseSharedSpaces, "runtime only");
   switch (type) {
   case BOOT_PATH:
-    {
-      //
-      // - Archive contains boot classes only - relaxed boot path check:
-      //   Extra path elements appended to the boot path at runtime are allowed.
-      //
-      // - Archive contains application or platform classes - strict boot path check:
-      //   Validate the entire runtime boot path, which must be compactible
-      //   with the dump time boot path. Appending boot path at runtime is not
-      //   allowed.
-      //
-      // The first entry in boot path is the modules_image (guaranteed by
-      // ClassLoader::setup_boot_search_path()). Skip the first entry. The
-      // path of the runtime modules_image may be different from the dump
-      // time path (e.g. the JDK image is copied to a different location
-      // after generating the shared archive), which is acceptable. For most
-      // common cases, the dump time boot path might contain modules_image only.
-      char* runtime_boot_path = Arguments::get_sysclasspath();
-      char* rp = skip_first_path_entry(runtime_boot_path);
-      char* dp = skip_first_path_entry(path);
-      bool relaxed_check = is_static ?
-                             !FileMapInfo::current_info()->header()->has_platform_or_app_classes() :
-                             !FileMapInfo::dynamic_info()->header()->has_platform_or_app_classes();
-      if (dp == NULL && rp == NULL) {
-        break;   // ok, both runtime and dump time boot paths have modules_images only
-      } else if (dp == NULL && rp != NULL && relaxed_check) {
-        break;   // ok, relaxed check, runtime has extra boot append path entries
-      } else if (dp != NULL && rp != NULL) {
-        size_t num;
-        size_t dp_len = strlen(dp);
-        size_t rp_len = strlen(rp);
-        if (rp_len >= dp_len) {
-          if (relaxed_check) {
-            // only check the leading entries in the runtime boot path, up to
-            // the length of the dump time boot path
-            num = dp_len;
-          } else {
-            // check the full runtime boot path, must match with dump time
-            num = rp_len;
-          }
-          if (os::file_name_strncmp(dp, rp, num) == 0) {
-            // make sure it is the end of an entry in the runtime boot path
-            if (rp[dp_len] == '\0' || rp[dp_len] == os::path_separator()[0]) {
-              break; // ok, runtime and dump time paths match
-            }
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      // The paths are different
-      return fail("[BOOT classpath mismatch, actual =", runtime_boot_path);
-    }
   case NON_EXIST:
@@ -242,22 +169,6 @@
   case APP_PATH:
-    {
-      size_t len = strlen(path);
-      const char *appcp = Arguments::get_appclasspath();
-      assert(appcp != NULL, "NULL app classpath");
-      size_t appcp_len = strlen(appcp);
-      if (appcp_len < len) {
-        return fail("Run time APP classpath is shorter than the one at dump time: ", appcp);
-      }
-      // Prefix is OK: E.g., dump with -cp foo.jar, but run with -cp foo.jar:bar.jar.
-      if (os::file_name_strncmp(path, appcp, len) != 0) {
-        return fail("[APP classpath mismatch, actual: -Djava.class.path=", appcp);
-      }
-      if (appcp[len] != '\0' && appcp[len] != os::path_separator()[0]) {
-        return fail("Dump time APP classpath is not a proper prefix of run time APP classpath: ", appcp);
-      }
-    }
     return fail("Corrupted archive file header");