changeset 4156 acaa49a2768a
parent 715 f16baef3a20e
child 5506 202f599c92aa
--- a/jdk/src/share/classes/javax/management/Query.java	Wed Oct 21 16:28:57 2009 +0200
+++ b/jdk/src/share/classes/javax/management/Query.java	Wed Oct 21 17:33:18 2009 +0200
@@ -40,14 +40,6 @@
  * but the methods in this class return only standard classes that are
  * part of the JMX implementation.</p>
- * <p>There are two ways to create {@code QueryExp} objects using the methods
- * in this class.  The first is to build them by chaining together calls to
- * the various methods.  The second is to use the Query Language described
- * <a href="#ql">below</a> and produce the {@code QueryExp} by calling
- * {@link #fromString Query.fromString}.  The two ways are equivalent:
- * every {@code QueryExp} returned by {@code fromString} can also be
- * constructed by chaining method calls.</p>
- *
  * <p>As an example, suppose you wanted to find all MBeans where the {@code
  * Enabled} attribute is {@code true} and the {@code Owner} attribute is {@code
  * "Duke"}. Here is how you could construct the appropriate {@code QueryExp} by
@@ -59,307 +51,6 @@
  *               Query.eq(Query.attr("Owner"), Query.value("Duke")));
  * </pre>
- * <p>Here is how you could construct the same {@code QueryExp} using the
- * Query Language:</p>
- *
- * <pre>
- * QueryExp query = Query.fromString("Enabled = true and Owner = 'Duke'");
- * </pre>
- *
- * <p>The principal advantage of the method-chaining approach is that the
- * compiler will check that the query makes sense.  The principal advantage
- * of the Query Language approach is that it is easier to write and especially
- * read.</p>
- *
- *
- * <h4 id="ql">Query Language</h4>
- *
- * <p>The query language is closely modeled on the WHERE clause of
- * SQL SELECT statements. The formal specification of the language
- * appears <a href="#formal-ql">below</a>, but it is probably easier to
- * understand it with examples such as the following.</p>
- *
- * <dl>
- * <dt>{@code Message = 'OK'}
- * <dd>Selects MBeans that have a {@code Message} attribute whose value
- *     is the string {@code OK}.
- *
- * <dt>{@code FreeSpacePercent < 10}
- * <dd>Selects MBeans that have a {@code FreeSpacePercent} attribute whose
- *     value is a number less than 10.
- *
- * <dt>{@code FreeSpacePercent < 10 and WarningSent = false}
- * <dd>Selects the same MBeans as the previous example, but they must
- *     also have a boolean attribute {@code WarningSent} whose value
- *     is false.
- *
- * <dt>{@code SpaceUsed > TotalSpace * (2.0 / 3.0)}
- * <dd>Selects MBeans that have {@code SpaceUsed} and {@code TotalSpace}
- *     attributes where the first is more than two-thirds the second.
- *
- * <dt>{@code not (FreeSpacePercent between 10 and 90)}
- * <dd>Selects MBeans that have a {@code FreeSpacePercent} attribute whose
- *     value is not between 10 and 90, inclusive.
- *
- * <dt>{@code FreeSpacePercent not between 10 and 90}
- * <dd>Another way of writing the previous query.
- *
- * <dt>{@code Status in ('STOPPED', 'STARTING', 'STARTED')}
- * <dd>Selects MBeans that have a {@code Status} attribute whose value
- *     is one of those three strings.
- *
- * <dt>{@code Message like 'OK: *'}
- * <dd>Selects MBeans that have a {@code Message} attribute whose value
- *     is a string beginning with {@code "OK: "}.  <b>Notice that the
- *     wildcard characters are not the ones that SQL uses.</b>  In SQL,
- *     {@code %} means "any sequence of characters" and {@code _}
- *     means "any single character".  Here, as in the rest of the JMX API,
- *     those are represented by {@code *} and {@code ?} respectively.
- *
- * <dt>{@code instanceof 'javax.management.NotificationBroadcaster'}
- * <dd>Selects MBeans that are instances of
- *     {@link javax.management.NotificationBroadcaster}, as reported by
- *     {@link javax.management.MBeanServer#isInstanceOf MBeanServer.isInstanceOf}.
- *
- * <dt>{@code like 'mydomain:*'}
- * <dd>Selects MBeans whose {@link ObjectName}s have the domain {@code mydomain}.
- *
- * </dl>
- *
- * <p>The last two examples do not correspond to valid SQL syntax, but all
- * the others do.</p>
- *
- * <p>The remainder of this description is a formal specification of the
- * query language.</p>
- *
- *
- * <h4 id="formal-ql">Lexical elements</h4>
- *
- * <p>Keywords such as <b>and</b>, <b>like</b>, and <b>between</b> are not
- * case sensitive.  You can write <b>between</b>, <b>BETWEEN</b>, or
- * <b>BeTwEeN</b> with the same effect.</p>
- *
- * <p>On the other hand, attribute names <i>are</i> case sensitive.  The
- * attribute {@code Name} is not the same as the attribute {@code name}.</p>
- *
- * <p>To access an attribute whose name, ignoring case, is the same as one of
- * the keywords {@code not}, {@code instanceof}, {@code like}, {@code true},
- * or {@code false}, you can use double quotes, for example {@code "not"}.
- * Double quotes can also be used to include non-identifier characters in
- * the name of an attribute, for example {@code "attribute-name-with-hyphens"}.
- * To include the double quote character in the attribute name, write it
- * twice.  {@code "foo""bar""baz"} represents the attribute called
- * {@code foo"bar"baz}.
- *
- * <p>String constants are written with single quotes like {@code 'this'}.  A
- * single quote within a string constant must be doubled, for example
- * {@code 'can''t'}.</p>
- *
- * <p>Integer constants are written as a sequence of decimal digits,
- * optionally preceded by a plus or minus sign.  An integer constant must be
- * a valid input to {@link Long#valueOf(String)}.</p>
- *
- * <p>Floating-point constants are written using the Java syntax.  A
- * floating-point constant must be a valid input to
- * {@link Double#valueOf(String)}.</p>
- *
- * <p>A boolean constant is either {@code true} or {@code false}, ignoring
- * case.</p>
- *
- * <p>Spaces cannot appear inside identifiers (unless written with double
- * quotes) or keywords or multi-character tokens such as {@code <=}. Spaces can
- * appear anywhere else, but are not required except to separate tokens. For
- * example, the query {@code a < b and 5 = c} could also be written {@code a<b
- * and 5=c}, but no further spaces can be removed.</p>
- *
- *
- * <h4 id="grammar-ql">Grammar</h4>
- *
- * <dl>
- * <dt id="query">query:
- * <dd><a href="#andquery">andquery</a> [<b>OR</b> <a href="#query">query</a>]
- *
- * <dt id="andquery">andquery:
- * <dd><a href="#predicate">predicate</a> [<b>AND</b> <a href="#andquery">andquery</a>]
- *
- * <dt id="predicate">predicate:
- * <dd><b>(</b> <a href="#query">query</a> <b>)</b> |<br>
- *     <b>NOT</b> <a href="#predicate">predicate</a> |<br>
- *     <b>INSTANCEOF</b> <a href="#stringvalue">stringvalue</a> |<br>
- *     <b>LIKE</b> <a href="#objectnamepattern">objectnamepattern</a> |<br>
- *     <a href="#value">value</a> <a href="#predrhs">predrhs</a>
- *
- * <dt id="predrhs">predrhs:
- * <dd><a href="#compare">compare</a> <a href="#value">value</a> |<br>
- *     [<b>NOT</b>] <b>BETWEEN</b> <a href="#value">value</a> <b>AND</b>
- *         <a href="#value">value</a> |<br>
- *     [<b>NOT</b>] <b>IN (</b> <a href="#value">value</a>
- *           <a href="#commavalues">commavalues</a> <b>)</b> |<br>
- *     [<b>NOT</b>] <b>LIKE</b> <a href="#stringvalue">stringvalue</a>
- *
- * <dt id="commavalues">commavalues:
- * <dd>[ <b>,</b> <a href="#value">value</a> <a href="#commavalues">commavalues</a> ]
- *
- * <dt id="compare">compare:
- * <dd><b>=</b> | <b>&lt;</b> | <b>&gt;</b> |
- *     <b>&lt;=</b> | <b>&gt;=</b> | <b>&lt;&gt;</b> | <b>!=</b>
- *
- * <dt id="value">value:
- * <dd><a href="#factor">factor</a> [<a href="#plusorminus">plusorminus</a>
- *     <a href="#value">value</a>]
- *
- * <dt id="plusorminus">plusorminus:
- * <dd><b>+</b> | <b>-</b>
- *
- * <dt id="factor">factor:
- * <dd><a href="#term">term</a> [<a href="#timesordivide">timesordivide</a>
- *     <a href="#factor">factor</a>]
- *
- * <dt id="timesordivide">timesordivide:
- * <dd><b>*</b> | <b>/</b>
- *
- * <dt id="term">term:
- * <dd><a href="#attr">attr</a> | <a href="#literal">literal</a> |
- *     <b>(</b> <a href="#value">value</a> <b>)</b>
- *
- * <dt id="attr">attr:
- * <dd><a href="#name">name</a> [<b>#</b> <a href="#name">name</a>]
- *
- * <dt id="name">name:
- * <dd><a href="#identifier">identifier</a> [<b>.</b><a href="#name">name</a>]
- *
- * <dt id="identifier">identifier:
- * <dd><i>Java-identifier</i> | <i>double-quoted-identifier</i>
- *
- * <dt id="literal">literal:
- * <dd><a href="#booleanlit">booleanlit</a> | <i>longlit</i> |
- *     <i>doublelit</i> | <i>stringlit</i>
- *
- * <dt id="booleanlit">booleanlit:
- * <dd><b>FALSE</b> | <b>TRUE</b>
- *
- * <dt id="stringvalue">stringvalue:
- * <dd><i>stringlit</i>
- *
- * <dt id="objectnamepattern">objectnamepattern:
- * <dd><i>stringlit</i>
- *
- * </dl>
- *
- *
- * <h4>Semantics</h4>
- *
- * <p>The meaning of the grammar is described in the table below.
- * This defines a function <i>q</i> that maps a string to a Java object
- * such as a {@link QueryExp} or a {@link ValueExp}.</p>
- *
- * <table border="1" cellpadding="5">
- * <tr><th>String <i>s</i></th><th><i>q(s)</th></tr>
- *
- * <tr><td><i>query1</i> <b>OR</b> <i>query2</i>
- *     <td>{@link Query#or Query.or}(<i>q(query1)</i>, <i>q(query2)</i>)
- *
- * <tr><td><i>query1</i> <b>AND</b> <i>query2</i>
- *     <td>{@link Query#and Query.and}(<i>q(query1)</i>, <i>q(query2)</i>)
- *
- * <tr><td><b>(</b> <i>queryOrValue</i> <b>)</b>
- *     <td><i>q(queryOrValue)</i>
- *
- * <tr><td><b>NOT</b> <i>query</i>
- *     <td>{@link Query#not Query.not}(<i>q(query)</i>)
- *
- * <tr><td><b>INSTANCEOF</b> <i>stringLiteral</i>
- *     <td>{@link Query#isInstanceOf Query.isInstanceOf}(<!--
- * -->{@link Query#value(String) Query.value}(<i>q(stringLiteral)</i>))
- *
- * <tr><td><b>LIKE</b> <i>stringLiteral</i>
- *     <td>{@link ObjectName#ObjectName(String) new ObjectName}(<!--
- * --><i>q(stringLiteral)</i>)
- *
- * <tr><td><i>value1</i> <b>=</b> <i>value2</i>
- *     <td>{@link Query#eq Query.eq}(<i>q(value1)</i>, <i>q(value2)</i>)
- *
- * <tr><td><i>value1</i> <b>&lt;</b> <i>value2</i>
- *     <td>{@link Query#lt Query.lt}(<i>q(value1)</i>, <i>q(value2)</i>)
- *
- * <tr><td><i>value1</i> <b>&gt;</b> <i>value2</i>
- *     <td>{@link Query#gt Query.gt}(<i>q(value1)</i>, <i>q(value2)</i>)
- *
- * <tr><td><i>value1</i> <b>&lt;=</b> <i>value2</i>
- *     <td>{@link Query#leq Query.leq}(<i>q(value1)</i>, <i>q(value2)</i>)
- *
- * <tr><td><i>value1</i> <b>&gt;=</b> <i>value2</i>
- *     <td>{@link Query#geq Query.geq}(<i>q(value1)</i>, <i>q(value2)</i>)
- *
- * <tr><td><i>value1</i> <b>&lt;&gt;</b> <i>value2</i>
- *     <td>{@link Query#not Query.not}({@link Query#eq Query.eq}(<!--
- * --><i>q(value1)</i>, <i>q(value2)</i>))
- *
- * <tr><td><i>value1</i> <b>!=</b> <i>value2</i>
- *     <td>{@link Query#not Query.not}({@link Query#eq Query.eq}(<!--
- * --><i>q(value1)</i>, <i>q(value2)</i>))
- *
- * <tr><td><i>value1</i> <b>BETWEEN</b> <i>value2</i> AND <i>value3</i>
- *     <td>{@link Query#between Query.between}(<i>q(value1)</i>,
- *         <i>q(value2)</i>, <i>q(value3)</i>)
- *
- * <tr><td><i>value1</i> <b>NOT BETWEEN</b> <i>value2</i> AND <i>value3</i>
- *     <td>{@link Query#not Query.not}({@link Query#between Query.between}(<!--
- * --><i>q(value1)</i>, <i>q(value2)</i>, <i>q(value3)</i>))
- *
- * <tr><td><i>value1</i> <b>IN (</b> <i>value2</i>, <i>value3</i> <b>)</b>
- *     <td>{@link Query#in Query.in}(<i>q(value1)</i>,
- *         <code>new ValueExp[] {</code>
- *         <i>q(value2)</i>, <i>q(value3)</i><code>}</code>)
- *
- * <tr><td><i>value1</i> <b>NOT IN (</b> <i>value2</i>, <i>value3</i> <b>)</b>
- *     <td>{@link Query#not Query.not}({@link Query#in Query.in}(<i>q(value1)</i>,
- *         <code>new ValueExp[] {</code>
- *         <i>q(value2)</i>, <i>q(value3)</i><code>}</code>))
- *
- * <tr><td><i>value</i> <b>LIKE</b> <i>stringLiteral</i>
- *     <td>{@link Query#match Query.match}(<i>q(value)</i>,
- *         <i>q(stringLiteral)</i>)
- *
- * <tr><td><i>value</i> <b>NOT LIKE</b> <i>stringLiteral</i>
- *     <td>{@link Query#not Query.not}({@link Query#match Query.match}(<i>q(value)</i>,
- *         <i>q(stringLiteral)</i>))
- *
- * <tr><td><i>value1</i> <b>+</b> <i>value2</i>
- *     <td>{@link Query#plus Query.plus}(<i>q(value1)</i>, <i>q(value2)</i>)
- *
- * <tr><td><i>value1</i> <b>-</b> <i>value2</i>
- *     <td>{@link Query#minus Query.minus}(<i>q(value1)</i>, <i>q(value2)</i>)
- *
- * <tr><td><i>value1</i> <b>*</b> <i>value2</i>
- *     <td>{@link Query#times Query.times}(<i>q(value1)</i>, <i>q(value2)</i>)
- *
- * <tr><td><i>value1</i> <b>/</b> <i>value2</i>
- *     <td>{@link Query#div Query.div}(<i>q(value1)</i>, <i>q(value2)</i>)
- *
- * <tr><td><i>name</i>
- *     <td>{@link Query#attr(String) Query.attr}(<i>q(name)</i>)
- *
- * <tr><td><i>name1<b>#</b>name2</i>
- *     <td>{@link Query#attr(String,String) Query.attr}(<i>q(name1)</i>,
- *         <i>q(name2)</i>)
- *
- * <tr><td><b>FALSE</b>
- *     <td>{@link Query#value(boolean) Query.value}(false)
- *
- * <tr><td><b>TRUE</b>
- *     <td>{@link Query#value(boolean) Query.value}(true)
- *
- * <tr><td><i>decimalLiteral</i>
- *     <td>{@link Query#value(long) Query.value}(<!--
- * -->{@link Long#valueOf(String) Long.valueOf}(<i>decimalLiteral</i>))
- *
- * <tr><td><i>floatingPointLiteral</i>
- *     <td>{@link Query#value(double) Query.value}(<!--
- * -->{@link Double#valueOf(String) Double.valueOf}(<!--
- * --><i>floatingPointLiteral</i>))
- * </table>
- *
  * @since 1.5
  public class Query extends Object   {
@@ -600,6 +291,11 @@
       * <p>Returns a new attribute expression.  See {@link AttributeValueExp}
       * for a detailed description of the semantics of the expression.</p>
+      * <p>Evaluating this expression for a given
+      * <code>objectName</code> includes performing {@link
+      * MBeanServer#getAttribute MBeanServer.getAttribute(objectName,
+      * name)}.</p>
+      *
       * @param name The name of the attribute.
       * @return An attribute expression for the attribute named {@code name}.
@@ -944,73 +640,6 @@
-      * <p>Return a string representation of the given query.  The string
-      * returned by this method can be converted back into an equivalent
-      * query using {@link #fromString fromString}.</p>
-      *
-      * <p>(Two queries are equivalent if they produce the same result in
-      * all cases.  Equivalent queries are not necessarily identical:
-      * for example the queries {@code Query.lt(Query.attr("A"), Query.attr("B"))}
-      * and {@code Query.not(Query.ge(Query.attr("A"), Query.attr("B")))} are
-      * equivalent but not identical.)</p>
-      *
-      * <p>The string returned by this method is only guaranteed to be converted
-      * back into an equivalent query if {@code query} was constructed, or
-      * could have been constructed, using the methods of this class.
-      * If you make a custom query {@code myQuery} by implementing
-      * {@link QueryExp} yourself then the result of
-      * {@code Query.toString(myQuery)} is unspecified.</p>
-      *
-      * @param query the query to convert.  If it is null, the result will
-      * also be null.
-      * @return the string representation of the query, or null if the
-      * query is null.
-      *
-      * @since 1.7
-      */
-     public static String toString(QueryExp query) {
-         if (query == null)
-             return null;
-         // This is ugly. At one stage we had a non-public class called
-         // ToQueryString with the toQueryString() method, and every class
-         // mentioned here inherited from that class. But that interfered
-         // with serialization of custom subclasses of e.g. QueryEval. Even
-         // though we could make it work by adding a public constructor to this
-         // non-public class, that seemed fragile because according to the
-         // serialization spec it shouldn't work. If only non-public interfaces
-         // could have non-public methods.
-         if (query instanceof ObjectName)
-             return ((ObjectName) query).toQueryString();
-         if (query instanceof QueryEval)
-             return ((QueryEval) query).toQueryString();
-         return query.toString();
-     }
-     /**
-      * <p>Produce a query from the given string.  The query returned
-      * by this method can be converted back into a string using
-      * {@link #toString(QueryExp) toString}.  The resultant string will
-      * not necessarily be equal to {@code s}.</p>
-      *
-      * @param s the string to convert.
-      *
-      * @return a {@code QueryExp} derived by parsing the string, or
-      * null if the string is null.
-      *
-      * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the string is not a valid
-      * query string.
-      *
-      * @since 1.7
-      */
-     public static QueryExp fromString(String s) {
-         if (s == null)
-             return null;
-         return new QueryParser(s).parseQuery();
-     }
-     /**
       * Utility method to escape strings used with
       * Query.{initial|any|final}SubString() methods.