changeset 57059 9bb2a4dc3af7
child 57077 8f9cf6ad59f0
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/jdk.jpackage/share/classes/jdk/jpackage/internal/resources/	Wed Dec 05 12:23:37 2018 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2017, 2018, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+# This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+# under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
+# published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
+# particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
+# by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
+# This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
+# version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
+# accompanied this code).
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
+# 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+# Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+# Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
+# or visit if you need additional information or have any
+# questions.
+ Root
+param.images-root.description=Image Root Image
+param.create-image.description=Creates platform-specific application image. Installer
+param.create-installer.description=Creates platform-specific installer for the application. JRE Installer
+param.create-jre-installer.description=Creates platform-specific JRE installer. Builder
+param.jlink-builder.description=Name of the JLink Builder to build the applicaiton image with. Name name of the application. File System Name name of the application suitable for file system use.  Typically this is just letters, numbers, dots, and dashes. of the files to place in the resources directory.  Including all needed jars as assets. List of RelativeFileSet objects containing all of the files to place in the resources directory.  Including all needed jars as assets. List Root directory in which to use and place temporary files.
+param.category.description=The category oor group of the application.  Generally speaking you will also want to specify application specific categories as well.
+param.copyright.description=The copyright for the application.
+param.copyright.default=Copyright (C) {0,date,YYYY}
+param.description.description=A longer description of the application
+param.icon-file.description=The main icon of the application bundle.
+param.identifier.description=What is the machine readable identifier of this application?  The format should be a DNS name in reverse order, such as com.example.myapplication. Line Arguments
+param.arguments.description=Command Line Arguments to be passed to the main class if no arguments are specified by the launcher. Options
+param.jvm-options.description=JVM flags and options to be passed in. System Properties
+param.jvm-system-properties.description=JVM System Properties (of the -Dname\=value variety).
+param.license-file.description=The license file, relative to the assembled application directory.
+param.source-files.description=Set of files from input directory to be bundled. Class
+param.main-class.description=The main class for the application.  Either a javafx.application.Application instance or a java class with a main method. Module
+param.main-module.description=The main module for the application.  This is the module containing the main class. Jar Classpath
+param.classpath.description=The classpath from the main jar of the application, relative to the assembled application directory. Jar
+param.main-jar.description=The main jar of the application.  This jar should have the main-class, and is relative to the assembled application dir. name of the application. ID
+param.preferences-id.description=The preferences node to search for User JVM Options.  The format be a slash delimited version of the main package name, such as "com/example/myapplication".
+param.title.description=A title for the application.
+param.vendor.description=The vendor of the application.
+param.vendor.default=Unknown Application Image
+param.predefined-app-image.description=Location of the predefined application image that is used to build an installable package. Runtime Image
+param.predefined-runtime-image.description=Location of the custom runtime image that is used to build an application image and installable packages.
+param.version.description=The version of this application.
+param.verbose.description=Flag to print out more information and saves configuration files for bundlers.
+param.force.description=Flag to allow removal of existing Build Root contents Resources Root
+param.drop-in-resources-root.description=The directory to look for bundler specific drop in resources.  If not set the classpath will be searched. Launchers
+param.secondary-launchers.description=A collection of bundle param info for secondary launchers Associations
+param.file-associations.description=A list of maps where each map describes a file association.  Uses the "fileAssociation." series of bundle arguments in each map. Association Extension
+param.fa-extension.description=The File Extension to be associated, just the extension no dots. Association Content Type
+param.fa-content-type.description=Content Type to be associated.  Such as application/ Association Icon
+param.fa-icon.description=The Icon to be used for associated files.  Defaults to the application icon. Association Description
+param.fa-description.description=The description to be used for associated files.  The default is "<appName> File". Directory
+param.source-dir.description=Path to the directory containing the files to be bundled. Path
+param.module-path.description=When packaging the Java Runtime, this is the path JLink will look in for modules. Modules
+param.add-modules.description=List of Modules to add to JImage creation, including possible services. Modules
+param.limit-modules.description=Modules to Limit JImage creation to. Native Executables
+param.strip-executables.description=Removes native executables from the JImage creation. Module
+param.main.module.description=The main module of the application.  This module should have the main-class, and is on the module path.
+param.singleton.description=Prevents from launching multiple instances of application. Directory
+param.install-dir.description=Installation directory of the application.
+message.using-default-resource=Using default package resource {0} (add {1} to the class path to customize)
+message.using-custom-resource-from-file=Using custom package resource {0} (loaded from file {1})
+message.using-custom-resource-from-classpath=Using custom package resource {0} (loaded from {1})
+message.using-default-resource-from-classpath=Using default package resource {0} (add {1} to the class path to customize)
+message.creating-app-bundle=Creating app bundle\: {0} in {1}
+message.detected.modules="Automatically adding detected modules: {0}."
+message.modules="Adding modules: {0} to runtime image." application image directory {0}\: {1} does not exists that the value for {0} exists
+message.runtime-image-dir-does-not-exist=Specified runtime image directory {0}\: {1} does not exists
+message.runtime-image-dir-does-not-exist.advice=Confirm that the value for {0} exists
+error.cannot-create-output-dir=Output directory {0} cannot be created.
+error.cannot-write-to-output-dir=Output directory {0} is not writable.
+error.root-exists-without-force=Root Directory {0} already exists and --force is not specified" application class is missing. specify main application class. application module is missing. sure to use fx\:module task to create modular application.
+error.srcfiles.contain.modules=Error: Modules are not allowed in srcfiles: {0}. application class was not specified nor was one found in the jar {0} specify a applicationClass or ensure that the jar {0} specifies one in the manifest. application class was not specified nor was one found in the supplied classpath specify a applicationClass or ensure that the classpath has a jar containing one in the manifest. application class was not specified nor was one found in the supplied application resources specify a applicationClass or ensure that the appResources has a jar containing one in the manifest.
+error.main-jar-does-not-exist=The configured main jar does not exist {0}
+error.main-jar-does-not-exist.advice=The main jar must be specified relative to the app resources (not an absolute path), and must exist within those resources.
+warning.module.does.not.exist=Module {0} does not exist. No JDK Modules found.
+MSG_BundlerFailed=Error: Bundler "{1}" ({0}) failed to produce a bundle.
+MSG_BundlerPlatformException=Bundler {0} skipped because the bundler does not support bundling on this platform.
+MSG_BundlerConfigException=Bundler {0} skipped because of a configuration problem\: {1}  \n\
+Advice to fix\: {2}
+MSG_BundlerConfigExceptionNoAdvice=Bundler {0} skipped because of a configuration problem\: {1}
+MSG_BundlerRuntimeException=Bundler {0} failed because of {1}
+MSG_Version=jpackage version
+MSG_BundlerFailed=Error: Bundler "{1}" ({0}) failed to produce a bundle.
+ERR_MissingArgument=Error: Missing argument: {0}
+ERR_MissingAppResources=Error: No application jars found
+ERR_AppImageNotExist=Error: App image directory "{0}" does not exist
+ERR_AppImageInvalid=Error: App image directory "{0}" is invalid and does not contain "app" and/or "runtime" sub-directories
+ERR_NoSecondaryLauncherName=Secondary Launchers require a name parameter.
+ERR_NoUniqueName=Secondary Launchers require a unique name parameter.
+ERR_NoJreInstallerName=Jre Installers require a name parameter.
+ERR_InvalidCharacterInArgument=Error: Invalid character found in {0} argument