changeset 55994 9721e36abeb0
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test/jdk/javax/management/remote/rest/PlatformAdapterTest.java	Mon Dec 25 20:42:05 2017 +0530
@@ -0,0 +1,275 @@
+import java.io.BufferedInputStream;
+import java.io.BufferedReader;
+import java.io.BufferedWriter;
+import java.io.File;
+import java.io.FileInputStream;
+import java.io.FileWriter;
+import java.io.IOException;
+import java.io.InputStreamReader;
+import java.net.HttpURLConnection;
+import java.net.URL;
+import java.security.KeyStore;
+import java.security.cert.Certificate;
+import java.util.Base64;
+import java.util.Properties;
+import javax.management.remote.rest.JmxRestAdapter;
+import javax.management.remote.rest.PlatformRestAdapter;
+import javax.net.ssl.HttpsURLConnection;
+import javax.net.ssl.KeyManagerFactory;
+import javax.net.ssl.SSLContext;
+import javax.net.ssl.SSLPeerUnverifiedException;
+import javax.net.ssl.TrustManagerFactory;
+import org.testng.annotations.Test;
+import org.testng.annotations.BeforeClass;
+ * @test 
+ * @modules java.management.rest
+ * @run testng/othervm PlatformAdapterTest
+ */
+public class PlatformAdapterTest {
+    private static final String MBEANS = "mbeans";
+    private static String sslAgentConfig;
+    private static String sslClientConfig;
+    private static String passwordFile;
+    @BeforeClass
+    public void setup() throws IOException {
+        String testSrcRoot = System.getProperty("test.src") + File.separator;
+        sslAgentConfig = testSrcRoot + "sslConfigAgent";
+        sslClientConfig = testSrcRoot + "sslConfigClient";
+        passwordFile = testSrcRoot + "password.properties";
+        createAgentSslConfigFile(sslAgentConfig);
+        createClientSslConfigFile(sslClientConfig);
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testHttpNoAuth() throws Exception {
+        Properties props = new Properties();
+        props.setProperty("com.sun.management.jmxremote.rest.port", "8686");
+        props.setProperty("com.sun.management.jmxremote.ssl", "false");
+        props.setProperty("com.sun.management.jmxremote.authenticate", "false");
+        if (props.get("com.sun.management.jmxremote.rest.port") != null) {
+            PlatformRestAdapter.init((String) props.get("com.sun.management.jmxremote.rest.port"), props);
+        }
+        JmxRestAdapter adapter = PlatformRestAdapter.getInstance();
+        adapter.start();
+        URL url = new URL(adapter.getBaseUrl() + MBEANS);
+        HttpURLConnection con = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();
+        con.setDoOutput(false);
+        print_content(con);
+        PlatformRestAdapter.stop();
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testHttpAuth() throws Exception {
+        Properties props = new Properties();
+        props.setProperty("com.sun.management.jmxremote.rest.port", "8686");
+        props.setProperty("com.sun.management.jmxremote.ssl", "false");
+        props.setProperty("com.sun.management.jmxremote.authenticate", "true");
+        props.setProperty("com.sun.management.jmxremote.password.file", passwordFile);
+        if (props.get("com.sun.management.jmxremote.rest.port") != null) {
+            PlatformRestAdapter.init((String) props.get("com.sun.management.jmxremote.rest.port"), props);
+        }
+        JmxRestAdapter adapter = PlatformRestAdapter.getInstance();
+        adapter.start();
+        URL url = new URL(adapter.getBaseUrl() + MBEANS);
+        HttpURLConnection con = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();
+        con.setDoOutput(false);
+        String userCredentials = "username1:password1";
+        String basicAuth = "Basic " + Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(userCredentials.getBytes());
+        con.setRequestProperty("Authorization", basicAuth);
+        print_content(con);
+        PlatformRestAdapter.stop();
+    }
+    private void createAgentSslConfigFile(String fileName) throws IOException {
+        Properties props = new Properties();
+        String testDir = System.getProperty("test.src");
+        props.setProperty("javax.net.ssl.keyStore", testDir + File.separator + "keystoreAgent");
+        props.setProperty("javax.net.ssl.keyStorePassword", "glopglop");
+        props.setProperty("javax.net.ssl.trustStore", testDir + File.separator + "truststoreAgent");
+        props.setProperty("javax.net.ssl.trustStorePassword","glopglop");
+        try (BufferedWriter writer = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(fileName))) {
+            props.store(writer, "");
+        }
+    }
+    private void createClientSslConfigFile(String fileName) throws IOException {
+        Properties props = new Properties();
+        String testDir = System.getProperty("test.src");
+        props.setProperty("javax.net.ssl.keyStore", testDir + File.separator + "keystoreClient");
+        props.setProperty("javax.net.ssl.keyStorePassword", "glopglop");
+        props.setProperty("javax.net.ssl.trustStore", testDir + File.separator + "truststoreClient");
+        props.setProperty("javax.net.ssl.trustStorePassword", "glopglop");
+        try (BufferedWriter writer = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(fileName))) {
+            props.store(writer, "");
+        }
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testHttpsNoAuth() throws Exception {
+        Properties props = new Properties();
+        props.setProperty("com.sun.management.jmxremote.rest.port", "8686");
+        props.setProperty("com.sun.management.jmxremote.ssl", "true");
+        props.setProperty("com.sun.management.jmxremote.ssl.config.file", sslAgentConfig);
+        props.setProperty("com.sun.management.jmxremote.authenticate", "false");
+        if (props.get("com.sun.management.jmxremote.rest.port") != null) {
+            PlatformRestAdapter.init((String) props.get("com.sun.management.jmxremote.rest.port"), props);
+        }
+        JmxRestAdapter adapter = PlatformRestAdapter.getInstance();
+        adapter.start();
+        SSLContext ctx = getSSlContext(sslClientConfig);
+        HttpsURLConnection.setDefaultSSLSocketFactory(ctx.getSocketFactory());
+        HttpsURLConnection.setDefaultHostnameVerifier(
+                (String hostname, javax.net.ssl.SSLSession sslSession) -> hostname.equals("Harsha-Wardhana-B"));
+        URL url = new URL(adapter.getBaseUrl() + MBEANS);
+        HttpsURLConnection con = (HttpsURLConnection) url.openConnection();
+        con.setDoOutput(false);
+        print_https_cert(con);
+        print_content(con);
+        PlatformRestAdapter.stop();
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testHttpsAuth() throws Exception {
+        Properties props = new Properties();
+        props.setProperty("com.sun.management.jmxremote.rest.port", "8686");
+        props.setProperty("com.sun.management.jmxremote.ssl", "true");
+        props.setProperty("com.sun.management.jmxremote.ssl.config.file", sslAgentConfig);
+        props.setProperty("com.sun.management.jmxremote.authenticate", "true");
+        props.setProperty("com.sun.management.jmxremote.password.file", passwordFile);
+        if (props.get("com.sun.management.jmxremote.rest.port") != null) {
+            PlatformRestAdapter.init((String) props.get("com.sun.management.jmxremote.rest.port"), props);
+        }
+        JmxRestAdapter adapter = PlatformRestAdapter.getInstance();
+        adapter.start();
+        SSLContext ctx = getSSlContext(sslClientConfig);
+        HttpsURLConnection.setDefaultSSLSocketFactory(ctx.getSocketFactory());
+        HttpsURLConnection.setDefaultHostnameVerifier(
+                (String hostname, javax.net.ssl.SSLSession sslSession) -> hostname.equals("Harsha-Wardhana-B"));
+        URL url = new URL(adapter.getBaseUrl() + MBEANS);
+        HttpsURLConnection con = (HttpsURLConnection) url.openConnection();
+        con.setDoOutput(false);
+        String userCredentials = "username1:password1";
+        String basicAuth = "Basic " + Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(userCredentials.getBytes());
+        con.setRequestProperty("Authorization", basicAuth);
+        print_https_cert(con);
+        print_content(con);
+        PlatformRestAdapter.stop();
+    }
+    private void print_content(HttpURLConnection con) {
+        if (con != null) {
+            try {
+                System.out.println("****** Content of the URL ********");
+                int status = con.getResponseCode();
+                System.out.println("Status = " + status);
+                BufferedReader br
+                        = new BufferedReader(
+                                new InputStreamReader(con.getInputStream()));
+                String input;
+                while ((input = br.readLine()) != null) {
+                    System.out.println(input);
+                }
+                br.close();
+            } catch (IOException e) {
+                e.printStackTrace();
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    private void print_https_cert(HttpsURLConnection con) {
+        if (con != null) {
+            try {
+                System.out.println("Response Code : " + con.getResponseCode());
+                System.out.println("Cipher Suite : " + con.getCipherSuite());
+                System.out.println("\n");
+                Certificate[] certs = con.getServerCertificates();
+                for (Certificate cert : certs) {
+                    System.out.println("Cert Type : " + cert.getType());
+                    System.out.println("Cert Hash Code : " + cert.hashCode());
+                    System.out.println("Cert Public Key Algorithm : "
+                            + cert.getPublicKey().getAlgorithm());
+                    System.out.println("Cert Public Key Format : "
+                            + cert.getPublicKey().getFormat());
+                    System.out.println("\n");
+                }
+            } catch (SSLPeerUnverifiedException e) {
+                e.printStackTrace();
+            } catch (IOException e) {
+                e.printStackTrace();
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    private static SSLContext getSSlContext(String sslConfigFileName) {
+        String keyStore, keyStorePassword, trustStore, trustStorePassword;
+        System.out.println("SSL Config file : " + sslConfigFileName);
+        try {
+            Properties p = new Properties();
+            BufferedInputStream bin = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(sslConfigFileName));
+            p.load(bin);
+            keyStore = p.getProperty(PlatformRestAdapter.PropertyNames.SSL_KEYSTORE_FILE);
+            keyStorePassword = p.getProperty(PlatformRestAdapter.PropertyNames.SSL_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD);
+            trustStore = p.getProperty(PlatformRestAdapter.PropertyNames.SSL_TRUSTSTORE_FILE);
+            trustStorePassword = p.getProperty(PlatformRestAdapter.PropertyNames.SSL_TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORD);
+            char[] keyStorePasswd = null;
+            if (keyStorePassword.length() != 0) {
+                keyStorePasswd = keyStorePassword.toCharArray();
+            }
+            char[] trustStorePasswd = null;
+            if (trustStorePassword.length() != 0) {
+                trustStorePasswd = trustStorePassword.toCharArray();
+            }
+            KeyStore ks = null;
+            if (keyStore != null) {
+                ks = KeyStore.getInstance(KeyStore.getDefaultType());
+                FileInputStream ksfis = new FileInputStream(keyStore);
+                ks.load(ksfis, keyStorePasswd);
+            }
+            KeyManagerFactory kmf = KeyManagerFactory.getInstance(
+                    KeyManagerFactory.getDefaultAlgorithm());
+            kmf.init(ks, keyStorePasswd);
+            KeyStore ts = null;
+            if (trustStore != null) {
+                ts = KeyStore.getInstance(KeyStore.getDefaultType());
+                FileInputStream tsfis = new FileInputStream(trustStore);
+                ts.load(tsfis, trustStorePasswd);
+            }
+            TrustManagerFactory tmf = TrustManagerFactory.getInstance(
+                    TrustManagerFactory.getDefaultAlgorithm());
+            tmf.init(ts);
+            SSLContext ctx = SSLContext.getInstance("SSL");
+            ctx.init(kmf.getKeyManagers(), tmf.getTrustManagers(), null);
+            return ctx;
+        } catch (Exception ex) {
+        }
+        return null;
+    }