changeset 18571 8e3cb3c46ae8
parent 16858 41b017998f9f
child 19208 1e3d351eba80
--- a/jdk/src/share/classes/java/util/Comparators.java	Thu Jun 27 19:22:51 2013 -0700
+++ b/jdk/src/share/classes/java/util/Comparators.java	Tue Jun 11 13:41:38 2013 -0700
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2012, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -32,16 +32,9 @@
 import java.util.function.ToLongFunction;
- * This class consists of {@code static} utility methods for comparators. Mostly
- * factory method that returns a {@link Comparator}.
- *
- * <p> Unless otherwise noted, passing a {@code null} argument to a method in
- * this class will cause a {@link NullPointerException} to be thrown.
- *
- * @see Comparator
- * @since 1.8
+ * Package private supporting class for {@link Comparator}.
-public class Comparators {
+class Comparators {
     private Comparators() {
         throw new AssertionError("no instances");
@@ -51,231 +44,55 @@
      * @see Comparable
-    private enum NaturalOrderComparator implements Comparator<Comparable<Object>> {
+    enum NaturalOrderComparator implements Comparator<Comparable<Object>> {
         public int compare(Comparable<Object> c1, Comparable<Object> c2) {
             return c1.compareTo(c2);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Returns a comparator that imposes the reverse of the <em>natural
-     * ordering</em>.
-     *
-     * <p>The returned comparator is serializable.
-     *
-     * @param <T> {@link Comparable} type
-     *
-     * @return A comparator that imposes the reverse of the <i>natural
-     *         ordering</i> on a collection of objects that implement
-     *         the {@link Comparable} interface.
-     * @see Comparable
-     */
-    public static <T extends Comparable<? super T>> Comparator<T> reverseOrder() {
-        return Collections.reverseOrder();
-    }
-    /**
-     * Returns a comparator that imposes the reverse ordering of the specified
-     * {@link Comparator}.
-     *
-     * <p>The returned comparator is serializable (assuming the specified
-     * comparator is also serializable).
-     *
-     * @param <T> the element type to be compared
-     * @param cmp a comparator whose ordering is to be reversed by the returned
-     *            comparator
-     * @return A comparator that imposes the reverse ordering of the
-     *         specified comparator.
-     */
-    public static <T> Comparator<T> reverseOrder(Comparator<T> cmp) {
-        Objects.requireNonNull(cmp);
-        return Collections.reverseOrder(cmp);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Gets a comparator compares {@link Comparable} type in natural order.
-     *
-     * @param <T> {@link Comparable} type
-     */
-    public static <T extends Comparable<? super T>> Comparator<T> naturalOrder() {
-        return (Comparator<T>) NaturalOrderComparator.INSTANCE;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Gets a comparator compares {@link Map.Entry} in natural order on key.
-     *
-     * @param <K> {@link Comparable} key type
-     * @param <V> value type
-     */
-    public static <K extends Comparable<? super K>, V> Comparator<Map.Entry<K,V>> naturalOrderKeys() {
-        return (Comparator<Map.Entry<K, V>> & Serializable)
-            (c1, c2) -> c1.getKey().compareTo(c2.getKey());
-    }
-    /**
-     * Gets a comparator compares {@link Map.Entry} in natural order on value.
-     *
-     * @param <K> key type
-     * @param <V> {@link Comparable} value type
-     */
-    public static <K, V extends Comparable<? super V>> Comparator<Map.Entry<K,V>> naturalOrderValues() {
-        return (Comparator<Map.Entry<K, V>> & Serializable)
-            (c1, c2) -> c1.getValue().compareTo(c2.getValue());
-    }
-    /**
-     * Gets a comparator compares {@link Map.Entry} by key using the given
-     * {@link Comparator}.
-     *
-     * <p>The returned comparator is serializable assuming the specified
-     * comparators are also serializable.
-     *
-     * @param <K> key type
-     * @param <V> value type
-     * @param cmp the key {@link Comparator}
-     */
-    public static <K, V> Comparator<Map.Entry<K, V>> byKey(Comparator<? super K> cmp) {
-        Objects.requireNonNull(cmp);
-        return (Comparator<Map.Entry<K, V>> & Serializable)
-            (c1, c2) -> cmp.compare(c1.getKey(), c2.getKey());
-    }
-    /**
-     * Gets a comparator compares {@link Map.Entry} by value using the given
-     * {@link Comparator}.
-     *
-     * @param <K> key type
-     * @param <V> value type
-     * @param cmp the value {@link Comparator}
-     */
-    public static <K, V> Comparator<Map.Entry<K, V>> byValue(Comparator<? super V> cmp) {
-        Objects.requireNonNull(cmp);
-        return (Comparator<Map.Entry<K, V>> & Serializable)
-            (c1, c2) -> cmp.compare(c1.getValue(), c2.getValue());
+        @Override
+        public Comparator<Comparable<Object>> reversed() {
+            return Comparator.reverseOrder();
+        }
-     * Accepts a function that extracts a {@link java.lang.Comparable
-     * Comparable} sort key from a type {@code T}, and returns a {@code
-     * Comparator<T>} that compares by that sort key.  For example, if a class
-     * {@code Person} has a {@code String}-valued getter {@code getLastName},
-     * then {@code comparing(Person::getLastName)} would return a {@code
-     * Comparator<Person>} that compares {@code Person} objects by their last
-     * name.
-     *
-     * @param <T> the original element type
-     * @param <U> the {@link Comparable} type for comparison
-     * @param keyExtractor the function used to extract the {@link Comparable} sort key
+     * Null-friendly comparators
-    public static <T, U extends Comparable<? super U>> Comparator<T> comparing(Function<? super T, ? extends U> keyExtractor) {
-        Objects.requireNonNull(keyExtractor);
-        return (Comparator<T> & Serializable)
-            (c1, c2) -> keyExtractor.apply(c1).compareTo(keyExtractor.apply(c2));
-    }
+    final static class NullComparator<T> implements Comparator<T>, Serializable {
+        private static final long serialVersionUID = -7569533591570686392L;
+        private final boolean nullFirst;
+        // if null, non-null Ts are considered equal
+        private final Comparator<T> real;
-    /**
-     * Accepts a function that extracts an {@code int} value from a type {@code
-     * T}, and returns a {@code Comparator<T>} that compares by that value.
-     *
-     * <p>The returned comparator is serializable assuming the specified
-     * function is also serializable.
-     *
-     * @see #comparing(Function)
-     * @param <T> the original element type
-     * @param keyExtractor the function used to extract the integer value
-     */
-    public static <T> Comparator<T> comparing(ToIntFunction<? super T> keyExtractor) {
-        Objects.requireNonNull(keyExtractor);
-        return (Comparator<T> & Serializable)
-            (c1, c2) -> Integer.compare(keyExtractor.applyAsInt(c1), keyExtractor.applyAsInt(c2));
-    }
-    /**
-     * Accepts a function that extracts a {@code long} value from a type {@code
-     * T}, and returns a {@code Comparator<T>} that compares by that value.
-     *
-     * <p>The returned comparator is serializable assuming the specified
-     * function is also serializable.
-     *
-     * @see #comparing(Function)
-     * @param <T> the original element type
-     * @param keyExtractor the function used to extract the long value
-     */
-    public static <T> Comparator<T> comparing(ToLongFunction<? super T> keyExtractor) {
-        Objects.requireNonNull(keyExtractor);
-        return (Comparator<T> & Serializable)
-            (c1, c2) -> Long.compare(keyExtractor.applyAsLong(c1), keyExtractor.applyAsLong(c2));
-    }
+        @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
+        NullComparator(boolean nullFirst, Comparator<? super T> real) {
+            this.nullFirst = nullFirst;
+            this.real = (Comparator<T>) real;
+        }
-    /**
-     * Accepts a function that extracts a {@code double} value from a type
-     * {@code T}, and returns a {@code Comparator<T>} that compares by that
-     * value.
-     *
-     * <p>The returned comparator is serializable assuming the specified
-     * function is also serializable.
-     *
-     * @see #comparing(Function)
-     * @param <T> the original element type
-     * @param keyExtractor the function used to extract the double value
-     */
-    public static<T> Comparator<T> comparing(ToDoubleFunction<? super T> keyExtractor) {
-        Objects.requireNonNull(keyExtractor);
-        return (Comparator<T> & Serializable)
-            (c1, c2) -> Double.compare(keyExtractor.applyAsDouble(c1), keyExtractor.applyAsDouble(c2));
-    }
+        @Override
+        public int compare(T a, T b) {
+            if (a == null) {
+                return (b == null) ? 0 : (nullFirst ? -1 : 1);
+            } else if (b == null) {
+                return nullFirst ? 1: -1;
+            } else {
+                return (real == null) ? 0 : real.compare(a, b);
+            }
+        }
-    /**
-     * Constructs a lexicographic order from two {@link Comparator}s.  For
-     * example, if you have comparators {@code byLastName} and {@code
-     * byFirstName}, each of type {@code Comparator<Person>}, then {@code
-     * compose(byLastName, byFirstName)} creates a {@code Comparator<Person>}
-     * which sorts by last name, and for equal last names sorts by first name.
-     *
-     * <p>The returned comparator is serializable assuming the specified
-     * comparators are also serializable.
-     *
-     * @param <T> the element type to be compared
-     * @param first the first comparator
-     * @param second the secondary comparator used when equals on the first
-     */
-    public static<T> Comparator<T> compose(Comparator<? super T> first, Comparator<? super T> second) {
-        Objects.requireNonNull(first);
-        Objects.requireNonNull(second);
-        return (Comparator<T> & Serializable) (c1, c2) -> {
-            int res = first.compare(c1, c2);
-            return (res != 0) ? res : second.compare(c1, c2);
-        };
-    }
+        @Override
+        public Comparator<T> thenComparing(Comparator<? super T> other) {
+            Objects.requireNonNull(other);
+            return new NullComparator(nullFirst, real == null ? other : real.thenComparing(other));
+        }
-    /**
-     * Constructs a {@link BinaryOperator} which returns the lesser of two elements
-     * according to the specified {@code Comparator}
-     *
-     * @param comparator A {@code Comparator} for comparing the two values
-     * @param <T> the type of the elements to be compared
-     * @return a {@code BinaryOperator} which returns the lesser of its operands,
-     * according to the supplied {@code Comparator}
-     */
-    public static<T> BinaryOperator<T> lesserOf(Comparator<? super T> comparator) {
-        Objects.requireNonNull(comparator);
-        return (a, b) -> comparator.compare(a, b) <= 0 ? a : b;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Constructs a {@link BinaryOperator} which returns the greater of two elements
-     * according to the specified {@code Comparator}
-     *
-     * @param comparator A {@code Comparator} for comparing the two values
-     * @param <T> the type of the elements to be compared
-     * @return a {@code BinaryOperator} which returns the greater of its operands,
-     * according to the supplied {@code Comparator}
-     */
-    public static<T> BinaryOperator<T> greaterOf(Comparator<? super T> comparator) {
-        Objects.requireNonNull(comparator);
-        return (a, b) -> comparator.compare(a, b) >= 0 ? a : b;
+        @Override
+        public Comparator<T> reversed() {
+            return new NullComparator(!nullFirst, real == null ? null : real.reversed());
+        }