changeset 50661 81affcb6832c
child 52128 1e0cdaf980f3
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test/jdk/sanity/client/SwingSet/src/GridBagLayoutDemoTest.java	Tue Jun 19 12:04:01 2018 +0530
@@ -0,0 +1,368 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2018, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
+ * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
+ * accompanied this code).
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
+ * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+ * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+ *
+ * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
+ * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
+ * questions.
+ */
+import org.jtregext.GuiTestListener;
+import com.sun.swingset3.demos.gridbaglayout.GridBagLayoutDemo;
+import static com.sun.swingset3.demos.gridbaglayout.GridBagLayoutDemo.*;
+import static com.sun.swingset3.demos.gridbaglayout.Calculator.*;
+import java.awt.Component;
+import java.awt.Dimension;
+import java.awt.Point;
+import javax.swing.JButton;
+import javax.swing.UIManager;
+import org.testng.annotations.Test;
+import org.netbeans.jemmy.ClassReference;
+import org.netbeans.jemmy.operators.JFrameOperator;
+import org.netbeans.jemmy.operators.JButtonOperator;
+import org.netbeans.jemmy.operators.JTextFieldOperator;
+import org.testng.annotations.Listeners;
+import static org.jemmy2ext.JemmyExt.EXACT_STRING_COMPARATOR;
+import static org.jemmy2ext.JemmyExt.getUIValue;
+ * @test
+ * @key headful
+ * @summary Verifies SwingSet3 GridBagLayoutDemo by checking the relative
+ *  location of all the components before and after resizing the frame,
+ *  interacting with all the controls and checking this interaction on the
+ *  text field display.
+ *
+ * @library /sanity/client/lib/jemmy/src
+ * @library /sanity/client/lib/Extensions/src
+ * @library /sanity/client/lib/SwingSet3/src
+ * @modules java.desktop
+ *          java.logging
+ * @build com.sun.swingset3.demos.gridbaglayout.GridBagLayoutDemo
+ * @run testng GridBagLayoutDemoTest
+ */
+public class GridBagLayoutDemoTest {
+    private JTextFieldOperator tfScreen;
+    private JButtonOperator buttonZero;
+    private JButtonOperator buttonOne;
+    private JButtonOperator buttonTwo;
+    private JButtonOperator buttonThree;
+    private JButtonOperator buttonFour;
+    private JButtonOperator buttonFive;
+    private JButtonOperator buttonSix;
+    private JButtonOperator buttonSeven;
+    private JButtonOperator buttonEight;
+    private JButtonOperator buttonNine;
+    private JButtonOperator buttonPlus;
+    private JButtonOperator buttonMinus;
+    private JButtonOperator buttonMultiply;
+    private JButtonOperator buttonDivide;
+    private JButtonOperator buttonComma;
+    private JButtonOperator buttonSqrt;
+    private JButtonOperator buttonReciprocal;
+    private JButtonOperator buttonToggleSign;
+    private JButtonOperator buttonEquals;
+    private JButtonOperator backspaceButton;
+    private JButtonOperator resetButton;
+    private JFrameOperator mainFrame;
+    @Test(dataProvider = "availableLookAndFeels", dataProviderClass = TestHelpers.class)
+    public void test(String lookAndFeel) throws Exception {
+        initializeUIComponents(lookAndFeel);
+        // Check that the relative location of buttons is as expected.
+        checkRelativeLocations();
+        // Interact with buttons and check the result on the display.
+        checkInteractionOnDisplay();
+        // Change the location and check that the relative location of buttons is same as before.
+        checkChangeLocation();
+        // Change the size and check that the relative location of buttons is same as before.
+        checkChangeSize();
+    }
+    private double x(Component component) {
+        return component.getLocation().getX();
+    }
+    private double y(Component component) {
+        return component.getLocation().getY();
+    }
+    private void checkRight(JButtonOperator currentButton, JButtonOperator rightButton) {
+        // Check that x coordinate of right button is greater than that of right
+        // end of current button
+        currentButton.waitStateOnQueue(button -> x(button) + button.getWidth() < x(rightButton.getSource()));
+        // Check that the y coordinate of the button is same as the button to
+        // the right
+        currentButton.waitStateOnQueue(button -> y(button) == y(rightButton.getSource()));
+        // Check that the height of the button is same as the button to the
+        // right
+        currentButton.waitStateOnQueue(button -> button.getHeight() == rightButton.getHeight());
+    }
+    private void checkBelow(JButtonOperator currentButton, JButtonOperator buttonBelow) {
+        // Check that y coordinate of button below is greater than that of
+        // bottom end of current button
+        currentButton.waitStateOnQueue(button -> y(button) + button.getHeight() < y(buttonBelow.getSource()));
+        // Check that the x coordinate of the button is same as the button below
+        currentButton.waitStateOnQueue(button -> x(button) == x(buttonBelow.getSource()));
+        // Check that the width of the button is same as the button below
+        currentButton.waitStateOnQueue(button -> button.getWidth() == buttonBelow.getWidth());
+    }
+    private void checkRelativeLocations() {
+        // Check relative location of button 7
+        checkRight(buttonSeven, buttonEight);
+        checkBelow(buttonSeven, buttonFour);
+        // Check relative location of button 8
+        checkRight(buttonEight, buttonNine);
+        checkBelow(buttonEight, buttonFive);
+        // Check relative location of button 9
+        checkRight(buttonNine, buttonDivide);
+        checkBelow(buttonNine, buttonSix);
+        // Check relative location of Division button
+        checkRight(buttonDivide, buttonReciprocal);
+        checkBelow(buttonDivide, buttonMultiply);
+        // Check relative location of Reciprocal and Sqrt buttons
+        checkBelow(buttonReciprocal, buttonSqrt);
+        // Check relative location of button 4
+        checkRight(buttonFour, buttonFive);
+        checkBelow(buttonFour, buttonOne);
+        // Check relative location of button 5
+        checkRight(buttonFive, buttonSix);
+        checkBelow(buttonFive, buttonTwo);
+        // Check relative location of button 6
+        checkRight(buttonSix, buttonMultiply);
+        checkBelow(buttonSix, buttonThree);
+        // Check relative location of Multiply button
+        checkRight(buttonMultiply, buttonSqrt);
+        checkBelow(buttonMultiply, buttonMinus);
+        // Check relative location of button 1
+        checkRight(buttonOne, buttonTwo);
+        checkBelow(buttonOne, buttonZero);
+        // Check relative location of button 2
+        checkRight(buttonTwo, buttonThree);
+        checkBelow(buttonTwo, buttonToggleSign);
+        // Check relative location of button 3
+        checkRight(buttonThree, buttonMinus);
+        checkBelow(buttonThree, buttonComma);
+        // Check relative location of Minus button
+        checkBelow(buttonMinus, buttonPlus);
+        // Check relative location of button 0
+        checkRight(buttonZero, buttonToggleSign);
+        // Check relative location of Sign Toggle Button
+        checkRight(buttonToggleSign, buttonComma);
+        // Check relative location of Comma button
+        checkRight(buttonComma, buttonPlus);
+        // Check relative location of plus and Equals buttons
+        checkRight(buttonPlus, buttonEquals);
+        // Check relative location of JPanel containing Backspace and Reset
+        // buttons
+        Point parentLocation = getUIValue(backspaceButton, (JButton button) -> button.getParent().getLocation());
+        // Check that the y coordinate of bottom of the screen is
+        // less than that of parent of backspace button
+        tfScreen.waitStateOnQueue(screen -> y(screen) + screen.getHeight() < parentLocation.getY());
+        // Check that the y coordinate of the button 7 is greater
+        // than that of parent of backspace
+        buttonSeven.waitStateOnQueue(button -> parentLocation.getY() < y(button));
+        // Check that the y coordinate of reciprocal button is greater
+        // than that of parent of backspace
+        buttonReciprocal.waitStateOnQueue(button -> parentLocation.getY() < y(button));
+        // Check that x coordinate of screen is same as that of parent of
+        // backspace
+        tfScreen.waitStateOnQueue(screen -> x(screen) == parentLocation.getX());
+        // Check that x coordinate of button 7 is same as that of parent of
+        // backspace
+        buttonSeven.waitStateOnQueue(button -> x(button) == parentLocation.getX());
+        // Check relative location of Backspace button
+        // Check that the x coordinate of right of backspace button
+        // is less than that of reset button
+        backspaceButton.waitStateOnQueue(button -> x(button) + button.getWidth() < x(resetButton.getSource()));
+        // Check that the height of backspace button is same as that of reset
+        // button
+        backspaceButton.waitStateOnQueue(button -> button.getHeight() == resetButton.getHeight());
+        // Check that the y coordinate bottom of backspace button is less that
+        // that of button 7
+        backspaceButton.waitStateOnQueue(
+                button -> parentLocation.getY() + button.getParent().getHeight() < y(buttonSeven.getSource()));
+        // Check that the x coordinate of reset button is greater than that
+        // of right of backspace button
+        resetButton.waitStateOnQueue(button -> x(backspaceButton.getSource()) + backspaceButton.getWidth() < x(button));
+        // Check that the height of reset button is same as that of backspace
+        // button
+        resetButton.waitStateOnQueue(button -> backspaceButton.getHeight() == button.getHeight());
+        // Check that the y coordinate of bottom of reset button is less
+        // than that of divide button.
+        resetButton.waitStateOnQueue(
+                button -> parentLocation.getY() + button.getParent().getHeight() < y(buttonDivide.getSource()));
+        // Check that the y coordinate of top of screen is lower
+        // than that of parent of backspace button
+        tfScreen.waitStateOnQueue(screen -> y(screen) + screen.getHeight() < parentLocation.getY());
+    }
+    private void checkInteractionOnDisplay() {
+        // Check buttons: 1,2,+,=,C
+        buttonOne.push();
+        tfScreen.waitText("1");
+        buttonPlus.push();
+        tfScreen.waitText("1");
+        buttonTwo.push();
+        tfScreen.waitText("2");
+        buttonEquals.push();
+        tfScreen.waitText("3");
+        resetButton.push();
+        tfScreen.waitText("0");
+        // Check buttons: 3,4,-
+        buttonFour.push();
+        tfScreen.waitText("4");
+        buttonMinus.push();
+        tfScreen.waitText("4");
+        buttonThree.push();
+        tfScreen.waitText("3");
+        buttonEquals.push();
+        tfScreen.waitText("1");
+        reset();
+        // Check buttons: 5,6,*
+        buttonFive.push();
+        tfScreen.waitText("5");
+        buttonMultiply.push();
+        tfScreen.waitText("5");
+        buttonSix.push();
+        tfScreen.waitText("6");
+        buttonEquals.push();
+        tfScreen.waitText("30");
+        reset();
+        // Check buttons: 8,9,/
+        buttonNine.push();
+        buttonNine.push();
+        tfScreen.waitText("99");
+        buttonDivide.push();
+        tfScreen.waitText("99");
+        buttonEight.push();
+        tfScreen.waitText("8");
+        buttonEquals.push();
+        tfScreen.waitText("12.375");
+        reset();
+        // Check buttons: 7,0,[+/-],Backspace
+        buttonSeven.push();
+        tfScreen.waitText("7");
+        buttonZero.push();
+        tfScreen.waitText("70");
+        buttonToggleSign.push();
+        tfScreen.waitText("-70");
+        buttonToggleSign.push();
+        tfScreen.waitText("70");
+        backspaceButton.push();
+        tfScreen.waitText("7");
+        reset();
+        // Check Sqrt Button
+        buttonFour.push();
+        buttonNine.push();
+        tfScreen.waitText("49");
+        buttonSqrt.push();
+        tfScreen.waitText("7");
+        reset();
+        // Check Reciprocal Button
+        buttonFour.push();
+        tfScreen.waitText("4");
+        buttonReciprocal.push();
+        tfScreen.waitText("0.25");
+        reset();
+        // Check Comma button
+        buttonFour.push();
+        buttonComma.push();
+        tfScreen.waitText("4,");
+    }
+    private void reset() {
+        resetButton.push();
+        tfScreen.waitText("0");
+    }
+    private void initializeUIComponents(String lookAndFeel) throws Exception {
+        UIManager.setLookAndFeel(lookAndFeel);
+        new ClassReference(GridBagLayoutDemo.class.getCanonicalName()).startApplication();
+        mainFrame = new JFrameOperator(GRID_BAG_LAYOUT_DEMO_TITLE);
+        mainFrame.setComparator(EXACT_STRING_COMPARATOR);
+        buttonZero = new JButtonOperator(mainFrame, ZERO_BUTTON_TITLE);
+        buttonOne = new JButtonOperator(mainFrame, ONE_BUTTON_TITLE);
+        buttonTwo = new JButtonOperator(mainFrame, TWO_BUTTON_TITLE);
+        buttonThree = new JButtonOperator(mainFrame, THREE_BUTTON_TITLE);
+        buttonFour = new JButtonOperator(mainFrame, FOUR_BUTTON_TITLE);
+        buttonFive = new JButtonOperator(mainFrame, FIVE_BUTTON_TITLE);
+        buttonSix = new JButtonOperator(mainFrame, SIX_BUTTON_TITLE);
+        buttonSeven = new JButtonOperator(mainFrame, SEVEN_BUTTON_TITLE);
+        buttonEight = new JButtonOperator(mainFrame, EIGHT_BUTTON_TITLE);
+        buttonNine = new JButtonOperator(mainFrame, NINE_BUTTON_TITLE);
+        buttonPlus = new JButtonOperator(mainFrame, PLUS_BUTTON_TITLE);
+        buttonMinus = new JButtonOperator(mainFrame, MINUS_BUTTON_TITLE);
+        buttonMultiply = new JButtonOperator(mainFrame, MULTIPLY_BUTTON_TITLE);
+        buttonDivide = new JButtonOperator(mainFrame, DIVIDE_BUTTON_TITLE);
+        buttonComma = new JButtonOperator(mainFrame, ",");
+        buttonSqrt = new JButtonOperator(mainFrame, SQRT_BUTTON_TITLE);
+        buttonReciprocal = new JButtonOperator(mainFrame, INVERSE_BUTTON_TITLE);
+        buttonToggleSign = new JButtonOperator(mainFrame, SWAPSIGN_BUTTON_TITLE);
+        buttonEquals = new JButtonOperator(mainFrame, EQUALS_BUTTON_TITLE);
+        resetButton = new JButtonOperator(mainFrame, C_BUTTON_TITLE);
+        backspaceButton = new JButtonOperator(mainFrame, BACKSPACE_BUTTON_TITLE);
+        tfScreen = new JTextFieldOperator(mainFrame, 0);
+    }
+    private void checkChangeLocation() {
+        Point startingPoint = new Point(100, 100);
+        mainFrame.setLocation(startingPoint);
+        mainFrame.waitComponentLocation(startingPoint);
+        checkRelativeLocations();
+    }
+    private void checkChangeSize() {
+        Dimension newSize = new Dimension((int) mainFrame.getToolkit().getScreenSize().getWidth() / 2,
+                (int) mainFrame.getToolkit().getScreenSize().getHeight() / 2);
+        mainFrame.setSize(newSize);
+        mainFrame.waitComponentSize(newSize);
+        checkRelativeLocations();
+    }