changeset 52096 7a1e2d7ac55a
parent 52033 d6aa9ea2405d
child 52232 c9459e2f7bc8
--- a/src/hotspot/share/oops/instanceKlass.cpp	Thu Oct 11 14:10:13 2018 +0100
+++ b/src/hotspot/share/oops/instanceKlass.cpp	Thu Oct 11 10:11:18 2018 -0400
@@ -2738,48 +2738,6 @@
-// tell if two classes have the same enclosing class (at package level)
-bool InstanceKlass::is_same_package_member(const Klass* class2, TRAPS) const {
-  if (class2 == this) return true;
-  if (!class2->is_instance_klass())  return false;
-  // must be in same package before we try anything else
-  if (!is_same_class_package(class2))
-    return false;
-  // As long as there is an outer_this.getEnclosingClass,
-  // shift the search outward.
-  const InstanceKlass* outer_this = this;
-  for (;;) {
-    // As we walk along, look for equalities between outer_this and class2.
-    // Eventually, the walks will terminate as outer_this stops
-    // at the top-level class around the original class.
-    bool ignore_inner_is_member;
-    const Klass* next = outer_this->compute_enclosing_class(&ignore_inner_is_member,
-                                                            CHECK_false);
-    if (next == NULL)  break;
-    if (next == class2)  return true;
-    outer_this = InstanceKlass::cast(next);
-  }
-  // Now do the same for class2.
-  const InstanceKlass* outer2 = InstanceKlass::cast(class2);
-  for (;;) {
-    bool ignore_inner_is_member;
-    Klass* next = outer2->compute_enclosing_class(&ignore_inner_is_member,
-                                                    CHECK_false);
-    if (next == NULL)  break;
-    // Might as well check the new outer against all available values.
-    if (next == this)  return true;
-    if (next == outer_this)  return true;
-    outer2 = InstanceKlass::cast(next);
-  }
-  // If by this point we have not found an equality between the
-  // two classes, we know they are in separate package members.
-  return false;
 bool InstanceKlass::find_inner_classes_attr(int* ooff, int* noff, TRAPS) const {
   constantPoolHandle i_cp(THREAD, constants());
   for (InnerClassesIterator iter(this); !iter.done(); {