changeset 4575 7458d5831c21
parent 4489 514173c9a0c2
parent 4574 b2d5b0975515
child 4638 873c0ab4505d
child 4637 af4d405aacc1
child 4590 b24180e84c64
--- a/hotspot/src/share/vm/runtime/globals.hpp	Wed Jul 05 17:05:07 2017 +0200
+++ b/hotspot/src/share/vm/runtime/globals.hpp	Mon Jan 04 07:58:42 2010 -0800
@@ -1355,10 +1355,46 @@
   product(uintx, ParGCDesiredObjsFromOverflowList, 20,                      \
           "The desired number of objects to claim from the overflow list")  \
-  product(uintx, CMSParPromoteBlocksToClaim, 50,                            \
+  product(uintx, CMSParPromoteBlocksToClaim, 16,                             \
           "Number of blocks to attempt to claim when refilling CMS LAB for "\
           "parallel GC.")                                                   \
+  product(uintx, OldPLABWeight, 50,                                         \
+          "Percentage (0-100) used to weight the current sample when"       \
+          "computing exponentially decaying average for resizing CMSParPromoteBlocksToClaim.") \
+                                                                            \
+  product(bool, ResizeOldPLAB, true,                                        \
+          "Dynamically resize (old gen) promotion labs")                    \
+                                                                            \
+  product(bool, PrintOldPLAB, false,                                        \
+          "Print (old gen) promotion labs sizing decisions")                \
+                                                                            \
+  product(uintx, CMSOldPLABMin, 16,                                         \
+          "Min size of CMS gen promotion lab caches per worker per blksize")\
+                                                                            \
+  product(uintx, CMSOldPLABMax, 1024,                                       \
+          "Max size of CMS gen promotion lab caches per worker per blksize")\
+                                                                            \
+  product(uintx, CMSOldPLABNumRefills, 4,                                   \
+          "Nominal number of refills of CMS gen promotion lab cache"        \
+          " per worker per block size")                                     \
+                                                                            \
+  product(bool, CMSOldPLABResizeQuicker, false,                             \
+          "Whether to react on-the-fly during a scavenge to a sudden"       \
+          " change in block demand rate")                                   \
+                                                                            \
+  product(uintx, CMSOldPLABToleranceFactor, 4,                              \
+          "The tolerance of the phase-change detector for on-the-fly"       \
+          " PLAB resizing during a scavenge")                               \
+                                                                            \
+  product(uintx, CMSOldPLABReactivityFactor, 2,                             \
+          "The gain in the feedback loop for on-the-fly PLAB resizing"      \
+          " during a scavenge")                                             \
+                                                                            \
+  product(uintx, CMSOldPLABReactivityCeiling, 10,                           \
+          "The clamping of the gain in the feedback loop for on-the-fly"    \
+          " PLAB resizing during a scavenge")                               \
+                                                                            \
   product(bool, AlwaysPreTouch, false,                                      \
           "It forces all freshly committed pages to be pre-touched.")       \
@@ -1400,27 +1436,54 @@
           "Percentage (0-100) by which the CMS incremental mode duty cycle" \
           " is shifted to the right within the period between young GCs")   \
-  product(uintx, CMSExpAvgFactor, 25,                                       \
-          "Percentage (0-100) used to weight the current sample when "      \
-          "computing exponential averages for CMS statistics")              \
-                                                                            \
-  product(uintx, CMS_FLSWeight, 50,                                         \
-          "Percentage (0-100) used to weight the current sample when "      \
-          "computing exponentially decating averages for CMS FLS statistics") \
-                                                                            \
-  product(uintx, CMS_FLSPadding, 2,                                         \
-          "The multiple of deviation from mean to use for buffering "       \
+  product(uintx, CMSExpAvgFactor, 50,                                       \
+          "Percentage (0-100) used to weight the current sample when"       \
+          "computing exponential averages for CMS statistics.")             \
+                                                                            \
+  product(uintx, CMS_FLSWeight, 75,                                         \
+          "Percentage (0-100) used to weight the current sample when"       \
+          "computing exponentially decating averages for CMS FLS statistics.") \
+                                                                            \
+  product(uintx, CMS_FLSPadding, 1,                                         \
+          "The multiple of deviation from mean to use for buffering"        \
           "against volatility in free list demand.")                        \
   product(uintx, FLSCoalescePolicy, 2,                                      \
           "CMS: Aggression level for coalescing, increasing from 0 to 4")   \
-  product(uintx, CMS_SweepWeight, 50,                                       \
+  product(bool, FLSAlwaysCoalesceLarge, false,                              \
+          "CMS: Larger free blocks are always available for coalescing")    \
+                                                                            \
+  product(double, FLSLargestBlockCoalesceProximity, 0.99,                   \
+          "CMS: the smaller the percentage the greater the coalition force")\
+                                                                            \
+  product(double, CMSSmallCoalSurplusPercent, 1.05,                         \
+          "CMS: the factor by which to inflate estimated demand of small"   \
+          " block sizes to prevent coalescing with an adjoining block")     \
+                                                                            \
+  product(double, CMSLargeCoalSurplusPercent, 0.95,                         \
+          "CMS: the factor by which to inflate estimated demand of large"   \
+          " block sizes to prevent coalescing with an adjoining block")     \
+                                                                            \
+  product(double, CMSSmallSplitSurplusPercent, 1.10,                        \
+          "CMS: the factor by which to inflate estimated demand of small"   \
+          " block sizes to prevent splitting to supply demand for smaller"  \
+          " blocks")                                                        \
+                                                                            \
+  product(double, CMSLargeSplitSurplusPercent, 1.00,                        \
+          "CMS: the factor by which to inflate estimated demand of large"   \
+          " block sizes to prevent splitting to supply demand for smaller"  \
+          " blocks")                                                        \
+                                                                            \
+  product(bool, CMSExtrapolateSweep, false,                                 \
+          "CMS: cushion for block demand during sweep")                     \
+                                                                            \
+  product(uintx, CMS_SweepWeight, 75,                                       \
           "Percentage (0-100) used to weight the current sample when "      \
           "computing exponentially decaying average for inter-sweep "       \
           "duration")                                                       \
-  product(uintx, CMS_SweepPadding, 2,                                       \
+  product(uintx, CMS_SweepPadding, 1,                                       \
           "The multiple of deviation from mean to use for buffering "       \
           "against volatility in inter-sweep duration.")                    \
@@ -1459,6 +1522,13 @@
   product(uintx, CMSIndexedFreeListReplenish, 4,                            \
           "Replenish and indexed free list with this number of chunks")     \
+  product(bool, CMSReplenishIntermediate, true,                             \
+          "Replenish all intermediate free-list caches")                    \
+                                                                            \
+  product(bool, CMSSplitIndexedFreeListBlocks, true,                        \
+          "When satisfying batched demand, splot blocks from the "          \
+          "IndexedFreeList whose size is a multiple of requested size")     \
+                                                                            \
   product(bool, CMSLoopWarn, false,                                         \
           "Warn in case of excessive CMS looping")                          \
@@ -1593,6 +1663,18 @@
           "Bitmap operations should process at most this many bits"         \
           "between yields")                                                 \
+  product(bool, CMSDumpAtPromotionFailure, false,                           \
+          "Dump useful information about the state of the CMS old "         \
+          " generation upon a promotion failure.")                          \
+                                                                            \
+  product(bool, CMSPrintChunksInDump, false,                                \
+          "In a dump enabled by CMSDumpAtPromotionFailure, include "        \
+          " more detailed information about the free chunks.")              \
+                                                                            \
+  product(bool, CMSPrintObjectsInDump, false,                               \
+          "In a dump enabled by CMSDumpAtPromotionFailure, include "        \
+          " more detailed information about the allocated objects.")        \
+                                                                            \
   diagnostic(bool, FLSVerifyAllHeapReferences, false,                       \
           "Verify that all refs across the FLS boundary "                   \
           " are to valid objects")                                          \
@@ -1677,6 +1759,10 @@
           "The youngest generation collection does not require "            \
           "a guarantee of full promotion of all live objects.")             \
+  product(bool, PrintPromotionFailure, false,                               \
+          "Print additional diagnostic information following "              \
+          " promotion failure")                                             \
+                                                                            \
   notproduct(bool, PromotionFailureALot, false,                             \
           "Use promotion failure handling on every youngest generation "    \
           "collection")                                                     \