changeset 47216 71c04702a3d5
parent 45913 90f6a96c1603
child 47272 e0d686cdf608
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test/langtools/jdk/javadoc/doclet/testModules/TestModules.java	Tue Sep 12 19:03:39 2017 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,1147 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2016, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
+ * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
+ * accompanied this code).
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
+ * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+ * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+ *
+ * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
+ * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
+ * questions.
+ */
+ * @test
+ * @bug 8154119 8154262 8156077 8157987 8154261 8154817 8135291 8155995 8162363
+ *      8168766 8168688 8162674 8160196 8175799 8174974 8176778 8177562 8175218 8175823 8166306
+ *      8178043 8181622
+ * @summary Test modules support in javadoc.
+ * @author bpatel
+ * @library ../lib
+ * @modules jdk.javadoc/jdk.javadoc.internal.tool
+ * @build JavadocTester
+ * @run main TestModules
+ */
+public class TestModules extends JavadocTester {
+    public static void main(String... args) throws Exception {
+        TestModules tester = new TestModules();
+        tester.runTests();
+    }
+    /**
+     * Test generated module pages for HTML 4.
+     */
+    @Test
+    void testHtml4() {
+        javadoc("-d", "out", "-use",
+                "-overview", testSrc("overview.html"),
+                "--module-source-path", testSrc,
+                "--module", "moduleA,moduleB",
+                "testpkgmdlA", "testpkgmdlB");
+        checkExit(Exit.OK);
+        checkDescription(true);
+        checkNoDescription(false);
+        checkOverviewSummaryModules();
+        checkModuleLink();
+        checkModuleClickThroughLinks();
+        checkModuleClickThrough(true);
+        checkModuleFilesAndLinks(true);
+        checkModulesInSearch(true);
+        checkOverviewFrame(true);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Test generated module pages for HTML 5.
+     */
+    @Test
+    void testHtml5() {
+        javadoc("-d", "out-html5", "-html5", "-use",
+                "-overview", testSrc("overview.html"),
+                "--module-source-path", testSrc,
+                "--module", "moduleA,moduleB",
+                "testpkgmdlA", "testpkgmdlB");
+        checkExit(Exit.OK);
+        checkHtml5Description(true);
+        checkHtml5NoDescription(false);
+        checkHtml5OverviewSummaryModules();
+        checkModuleLink();
+        checkModuleClickThroughLinks();
+        checkModuleClickThrough(true);
+        checkModuleFilesAndLinks(true);
+        checkModulesInSearch(true);
+        checkOverviewFrame(true);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Test generated module pages for HTML 4 with -nocomment option.
+     */
+    @Test
+    void testHtml4NoComment() {
+        javadoc("-d", "out-nocomment", "-nocomment", "-use",
+                "-overview", testSrc("overview.html"),
+                "--module-source-path", testSrc,
+                "--module", "moduleA,moduleB",
+                "testpkgmdlA", "testpkgmdlB");
+        checkExit(Exit.OK);
+        checkDescription(false);
+        checkNoDescription(true);
+        checkModuleLink();
+        checkModuleFilesAndLinks(true);
+        checkOverviewFrame(true);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Test generated module pages for HTML 5 with -nocomment option.
+     */
+    @Test
+    void testHtml5NoComment() {
+        javadoc("-d", "out-html5-nocomment", "-nocomment", "-html5", "-use",
+                "-overview", testSrc("overview.html"),
+                "--module-source-path", testSrc,
+                "--module", "moduleA,moduleB",
+                "testpkgmdlA", "testpkgmdlB");
+        checkExit(Exit.OK);
+        checkHtml5Description(false);
+        checkHtml5NoDescription(true);
+        checkModuleLink();
+        checkModuleFilesAndLinks(true);
+        checkOverviewFrame(true);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Test generated pages, in an unnamed module, for HTML 4.
+     */
+    @Test
+    void testHtml4UnnamedModule() {
+        javadoc("-d", "out-nomodule", "-use",
+                "-overview", testSrc("overview.html"),
+                "-sourcepath", testSrc,
+                "testpkgnomodule", "testpkgnomodule1");
+        checkExit(Exit.OK);
+        checkOverviewSummaryPackages();
+        checkModuleClickThrough(false);
+        checkModuleFilesAndLinks(false);
+        checkModulesInSearch(false);
+        checkOverviewFrame(false);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Test generated pages, in an unnamed module, for HTML 5.
+     */
+    @Test
+    void testHtml5UnnamedModule() {
+        javadoc("-d", "out-html5-nomodule", "-html5", "-use",
+                "-overview", testSrc("overview.html"),
+                "-sourcepath", testSrc,
+                "testpkgnomodule", "testpkgnomodule1");
+        checkExit(Exit.OK);
+        checkHtml5OverviewSummaryPackages();
+        checkModuleFilesAndLinks(false);
+        checkModulesInSearch(false);
+        checkOverviewFrame(false);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Test generated module pages with javadoc tags.
+     */
+    @Test
+    void testJDTagsInModules() {
+        javadoc("-d", "out-mdltags", "-author", "-version",
+                "-tag", "regular:a:Regular Tag:",
+                "-tag", "moduletag:s:Module Tag:",
+                "--module-source-path", testSrc,
+                "--module", "moduletags,moduleB",
+                "testpkgmdltags", "testpkgmdlB");
+        checkExit(Exit.OK);
+        checkModuleTags();
+    }
+    /**
+     * Test generated module summary page.
+     */
+    @Test
+    void testModuleSummary() {
+        javadoc("-d", "out-moduleSummary", "-use",
+                "--module-source-path", testSrc,
+                "--module", "moduleA,moduleB",
+                "testpkgmdlA", "testpkgmdlB", "moduleB/testpkg2mdlB");
+        checkExit(Exit.OK);
+        checkModuleSummary();
+        checkNegatedModuleSummary();
+    }
+    /**
+     * Test generated module summary page of an aggregating module.
+     */
+    @Test
+    void testAggregatorModuleSummary() {
+        javadoc("-d", "out-aggregatorModuleSummary", "-use",
+                "--module-source-path", testSrc,
+                "--expand-requires", "transitive",
+                "--module", "moduleT");
+        checkExit(Exit.OK);
+        checkAggregatorModuleSummary();
+    }
+    /**
+     * Test generated module pages and pages with link to modules.
+     */
+    @Test
+    void testModuleFilesAndLinks() {
+        javadoc("-d", "out-modulelinks",
+                "--module-source-path", testSrc,
+                "--module", "moduleA,moduleB",
+                "testpkgmdlA", "testpkgmdlB");
+        checkExit(Exit.OK);
+        checkModuleFilesAndLinks(true);
+        checkOverviewFrame(true);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Test generated module pages for a deprecated module.
+     */
+    @Test
+    void testModuleDeprecation() {
+        javadoc("-d", "out-moduledepr",
+                "-tag", "regular:a:Regular Tag:",
+                "-tag", "moduletag:s:Module Tag:",
+                "--module-source-path", testSrc,
+                "--module", "moduleA,moduleB,moduletags",
+                "testpkgmdlA", "testpkgmdlB", "testpkgmdltags");
+        checkExit(Exit.OK);
+        checkModuleDeprecation(true);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Test annotations on modules.
+     */
+    @Test
+    void testModuleAnnotation() {
+        javadoc("-d", "out-moduleanno",
+                "--module-source-path", testSrc,
+                "--module", "moduleA,moduleB",
+                "testpkgmdlA", "testpkgmdlB");
+        checkExit(Exit.OK);
+        checkModuleAnnotation();
+    }
+    /**
+     * Test module summary pages in "api" mode.
+     */
+    @Test
+    void testApiMode() {
+        javadoc("-d", "out-api", "-use", "--show-module-contents=api", "-author", "-version",
+                "-tag", "regular:a:Regular Tag:",
+                "-tag", "moduletag:s:Module Tag:",
+                "--module-source-path", testSrc,
+                "--module", "moduleA,moduleB,moduleC,moduletags",
+                "testpkgmdlA", "moduleA/concealedpkgmdlA", "testpkgmdlB", "testpkg2mdlB", "testpkgmdlC", "testpkgmdltags");
+        checkExit(Exit.OK);
+        checkModuleModeCommon();
+        checkModuleModeApi(true);
+        checkModuleModeAll(false);
+        checkModuleFrameFiles(true);
+        checkAllModulesLink(true);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Test module summary pages in "all" mode.
+     */
+    @Test
+    void testAllMode() {
+        javadoc("-d", "out-all", "-use", "--show-module-contents=all", "-author", "-version",
+                "-tag", "regular:a:Regular Tag:",
+                "-tag", "moduletag:s:Module Tag:",
+                "--module-source-path", testSrc,
+                "--module", "moduleA,moduleB,moduleC,moduletags",
+                "testpkgmdlA", "moduleA/concealedpkgmdlA", "testpkgmdlB", "testpkg2mdlB", "testpkgmdlC", "testpkgmdltags");
+        checkExit(Exit.OK);
+        checkModuleModeCommon();
+        checkModuleModeApi(false);
+        checkModuleModeAll(true);
+        checkModuleFrameFiles(true);
+        checkAllModulesLink(true);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Test generated module summary page of a module with no exported package.
+     */
+    @Test
+    void testModuleSummaryNoExportedPkgAll() {
+        javadoc("-d", "out-ModuleSummaryNoExportedPkgAll", "-use", "--show-module-contents=all",
+                "-sourcepath", testSrc + "/moduleNoExport",
+                "--module", "moduleNoExport",
+                "testpkgmdlNoExport");
+        checkExit(Exit.OK);
+        checkModuleSummaryNoExported(true);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Test generated module summary page of a module with no exported package.
+     */
+    @Test
+    void testModuleSummaryNoExportedPkgApi() {
+        javadoc("-d", "out-ModuleSummaryNoExportedPkgApi", "-use",
+                "-sourcepath", testSrc + "/moduleNoExport",
+                "--module", "moduleNoExport",
+                "testpkgmdlNoExport");
+        checkExit(Exit.OK);
+        checkModuleSummaryNoExported(false);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Test generated module pages for javadoc run for a single module having a single package.
+     */
+    @Test
+    void testSingleModuleSinglePkg() {
+        javadoc("-d", "out-singlemod",
+                "--module-source-path", testSrc,
+                "--module", "moduleC",
+                "testpkgmdlC");
+        checkExit(Exit.OK);
+        checkModuleFrameFiles(false);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Test generated module pages for javadoc run for a single module having multiple packages.
+     */
+    @Test
+    void testSingleModuleMultiplePkg() {
+        javadoc("-d", "out-singlemodmultiplepkg", "--show-module-contents=all",
+                "--module-source-path", testSrc,
+                "--module", "moduleB",
+                "testpkg2mdlB", "testpkgmdlB");
+        checkExit(Exit.OK);
+        checkAllModulesLink(false);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Test -group option for modules. The overview-summary.html page should group the modules accordingly.
+     */
+    @Test
+    void testGroupOption() {
+        javadoc("-d", "out-group", "--show-module-contents=all",
+                "-tag", "regular:a:Regular Tag:",
+                "-tag", "moduletag:s:Module Tag:",
+                "--module-source-path", testSrc,
+                "-group", "Module Group A", "moduleA*",
+                "-group", "Module Group B & C", "moduleB*:moduleC*",
+                "-group", "Java SE Modules", "java*",
+                "--module", "moduleA,moduleB,moduleC,moduletags",
+                "moduleA/concealedpkgmdlA", "testpkgmdlA", "testpkg2mdlB", "testpkgmdlB", "testpkgmdlC",
+                "testpkgmdltags");
+        checkExit(Exit.OK);
+        checkGroupOption();
+    }
+    /**
+     * Test -group option for unnamed modules. The overview-summary.html page should group the packages accordingly.
+     */
+    @Test
+    void testUnnamedModuleGroupOption() {
+        javadoc("-d", "out-groupnomodule", "-use",
+                "-overview", testSrc("overview.html"),
+                "-sourcepath", testSrc,
+                "-group", "Package Group 0", "testpkgnomodule",
+                "-group", "Package Group 1", "testpkgnomodule1",
+                "testpkgnomodule", "testpkgnomodule1");
+        checkExit(Exit.OK);
+        checkUnnamedModuleGroupOption();
+    }
+    /**
+     * Test -group option for a single module.
+     */
+    @Test
+    void testGroupOptionSingleModule() {
+        javadoc("-d", "out-groupsinglemodule", "-use",
+                "--module-source-path", testSrc,
+                "-group", "Module Group B", "moduleB*",
+                "--module", "moduleB",
+                "testpkg2mdlB", "testpkgmdlB");
+        checkExit(Exit.OK);
+        checkGroupOptionSingleModule();
+    }
+    /**
+     * Test -group option for a single module.
+     */
+    @Test
+    void testModuleName() {
+        javadoc("-d", "out-modulename", "-use",
+                "--module-source-path", testSrc,
+                "--module", "moduleB,test.moduleFullName",
+                "testpkg2mdlB", "testpkgmdlB", "testpkgmdlfullname");
+        checkExit(Exit.OK);
+        checkModuleName(true);
+    }
+    void checkDescription(boolean found) {
+        checkOutput("moduleA-summary.html", found,
+                "<!-- ============ MODULE DESCRIPTION =========== -->\n"
+                + "<a name=\"module.description\">\n"
+                + "<!--   -->\n"
+                + "</a>\n"
+                + "<div class=\"block\">This is a test description for the moduleA module with a Search "
+                + "phrase <a id=\"searchphrase\" class=\"searchTagResult\">search phrase</a>.</div>");
+        checkOutput("moduleB-summary.html", found,
+                "<!-- ============ MODULE DESCRIPTION =========== -->\n"
+                + "<a name=\"module.description\">\n"
+                + "<!--   -->\n"
+                + "</a>\n"
+                + "<div class=\"block\">This is a test description for the moduleB module. Search "
+                + "word <a id=\"search_word\" class=\"searchTagResult\">search_word</a> with no description.</div>");
+        checkOutput("overview-summary.html", found,
+                "</script>\n"
+                + "<div class=\"contentContainer\">\n"
+                + "<div class=\"block\">The overview summary page header.</div>\n"
+                + "</div>\n"
+                + "<div class=\"contentContainer\"><a name=\"Modules\">\n"
+                + "<!--   -->\n"
+                + "</a>\n"
+                + "<table class=\"overviewSummary\" summary=\"Modules table, listing modules, and an explanation\">\n"
+                + "<caption><span>Modules</span><span class=\"tabEnd\">&nbsp;</span></caption>");
+        checkOutput("overview-summary.html", false,
+                "</table>\n"
+                + "</div>\n"
+                + "<div class=\"contentContainer\">\n"
+                + "<div class=\"block\">The overview summary page header.</div>\n"
+                + "</div>\n"
+                + "<div class=\"contentContainer\"><a name=\"Modules\">\n"
+                + "<!--   -->\n"
+                + "</a>\n"
+                + "<table class=\"overviewSummary\" summary=\"Modules table, listing modules, and an explanation\">\n"
+                + "<caption><span>Modules</span><span class=\"tabEnd\">&nbsp;</span></caption>");
+    }
+    void checkNoDescription(boolean found) {
+        checkOutput("moduleA-summary.html", found,
+                "<div class=\"contentContainer\">\n"
+                + "<ul class=\"blockList\">\n"
+                + "<li class=\"blockList\">\n"
+                + "<ul class=\"blockList\">\n"
+                + "<li class=\"blockList\">\n"
+                + "<!-- ============ PACKAGES SUMMARY =========== -->");
+        checkOutput("moduleB-summary.html", found,
+                "<div class=\"contentContainer\">\n"
+                + "<ul class=\"blockList\">\n"
+                + "<li class=\"blockList\">\n"
+                + "<ul class=\"blockList\">\n"
+                + "<li class=\"blockList\">\n"
+                + "<!-- ============ PACKAGES SUMMARY =========== -->");
+    }
+    void checkHtml5Description(boolean found) {
+        checkOutput("moduleA-summary.html", found,
+                "<section role=\"region\">\n"
+                + "<div class=\"deprecatedContent\"><span class=\"deprecatedLabel\">Deprecated, for removal:"
+                + " This API element is subject to removal in a future version.</span>\n"
+                + "<div class=\"block\"><span class=\"deprecationComment\">This module is deprecated.</span></div>\n"
+                + "</div>\n"
+                + "<!-- ============ MODULE DESCRIPTION =========== -->\n"
+                + "<a id=\"module.description\">\n"
+                + "<!--   -->\n"
+                + "</a>\n"
+                + "<div class=\"block\">This is a test description for the moduleA module with a Search "
+                + "phrase <a id=\"searchphrase\" class=\"searchTagResult\">search phrase</a>.</div>");
+        checkOutput("moduleB-summary.html", found,
+                "<section role=\"region\">\n"
+                + "<!-- ============ MODULE DESCRIPTION =========== -->\n"
+                + "<a id=\"module.description\">\n"
+                + "<!--   -->\n"
+                + "</a>\n"
+                + "<div class=\"block\">This is a test description for the moduleB module. Search "
+                + "word <a id=\"search_word\" class=\"searchTagResult\">search_word</a> with no description.</div>");
+        checkOutput("overview-summary.html", found,
+                "</nav>\n"
+                + "</header>\n"
+                + "<main role=\"main\">\n"
+                + "<div class=\"contentContainer\">\n"
+                + "<div class=\"block\">The overview summary page header.</div>\n"
+                + "</div>\n"
+                + "<div class=\"contentContainer\"><a id=\"Modules\">\n"
+                + "<!--   -->\n"
+                + "</a>\n"
+                + "<table class=\"overviewSummary\">\n"
+                + "<caption><span>Modules</span><span class=\"tabEnd\">&nbsp;</span></caption>");
+        checkOutput("overview-summary.html", false,
+                "</table>\n"
+                + "</div>\n"
+                + "</main>\n"
+                + "<main role=\"main\">\n"
+                + "<div class=\"contentContainer\">\n"
+                + "<div class=\"block\">The overview summary page header.</div>\n"
+                + "</div>\n"
+                + "<div class=\"contentContainer\"><a id=\"Modules\">\n"
+                + "<!--   -->\n"
+                + "</a>\n"
+                + "<table class=\"overviewSummary\">\n"
+                + "<caption><span>Modules</span><span class=\"tabEnd\">&nbsp;</span></caption>");
+    }
+    void checkHtml5NoDescription(boolean found) {
+        checkOutput("moduleA-summary.html", found,
+                "<div class=\"contentContainer\">\n"
+                + "<ul class=\"blockList\">\n"
+                + "<li class=\"blockList\">\n"
+                + "<ul class=\"blockList\">\n"
+                + "<li class=\"blockList\">\n"
+                + "<!-- ============ PACKAGES SUMMARY =========== -->");
+        checkOutput("moduleB-summary.html", found,
+                "<div class=\"contentContainer\">\n"
+                + "<ul class=\"blockList\">\n"
+                + "<li class=\"blockList\">\n"
+                + "<ul class=\"blockList\">\n"
+                + "<li class=\"blockList\">\n"
+                + "<!-- ============ PACKAGES SUMMARY =========== -->");
+    }
+    void checkModuleLink() {
+        checkOutput("overview-summary.html", true,
+                "<li>Module</li>");
+        checkOutput("moduleA-summary.html", true,
+                "<li class=\"navBarCell1Rev\">Module</li>");
+        checkOutput("moduleB-summary.html", true,
+                "<li class=\"navBarCell1Rev\">Module</li>");
+        checkOutput("testpkgmdlA/class-use/TestClassInModuleA.html", true,
+                "<li><a href=\"../../moduleA-summary.html\">Module</a></li>");
+        checkOutput("testpkgmdlB/package-summary.html", true,
+                "<li><a href=\"../moduleB-summary.html\">Module</a></li>");
+        checkOutput("testpkgmdlB/TestClassInModuleB.html", true,
+                "<li><a href=\"../moduleB-summary.html\">Module</a></li>");
+        checkOutput("testpkgmdlB/class-use/TestClassInModuleB.html", true,
+                "<li><a href=\"../../moduleB-summary.html\">Module</a></li>");
+    }
+    void checkNoModuleLink() {
+        checkOutput("testpkgnomodule/package-summary.html", true,
+                "<ul class=\"navList\" title=\"Navigation\">\n"
+                + "<li><a href=\"../testpkgnomodule/package-summary.html\">Package</a></li>");
+        checkOutput("testpkgnomodule/TestClassNoModule.html", true,
+                "<ul class=\"navList\" title=\"Navigation\">\n"
+                + "<li><a href=\"../testpkgnomodule/package-summary.html\">Package</a></li>");
+        checkOutput("testpkgnomodule/class-use/TestClassNoModule.html", true,
+                "<ul class=\"navList\" title=\"Navigation\">\n"
+                + "<li><a href=\"../../testpkgnomodule/package-summary.html\">Package</a></li>");
+    }
+    void checkModuleTags() {
+        checkOutput("moduletags-summary.html", true,
+                "Type Link: <a href=\"testpkgmdltags/TestClassInModuleTags.html\" title=\"class in "
+                + "testpkgmdltags\"><code>TestClassInModuleTags</code></a>.",
+                "Member Link: <a href=\"testpkgmdltags/TestClassInModuleTags.html#"
+                + "testMethod-java.lang.String-\"><code>testMethod(String)</code></a>.",
+                "Package Link: <a href=\"testpkgmdltags/package-summary.html\"><code>testpkgmdltags</code></a>.",
+                "<dt><span class=\"simpleTagLabel\">Since:</span></dt>\n"
+                + "<dd>JDK 9</dd>",
+                "<dt><span class=\"seeLabel\">See Also:</span></dt>\n"
+                + "<dd>\"Test see tag\", \n"
+                + "<a href=\"testpkgmdltags/TestClassInModuleTags.html\" title=\"class in testpkgmdltags\"><code>"
+                + "TestClassInModuleTags</code></a></dd>",
+                "<dt><span class=\"simpleTagLabel\">Regular Tag:</span></dt>\n"
+                + "<dd>Just a regular simple tag.</dd>",
+                "<dt><span class=\"simpleTagLabel\">Module Tag:</span></dt>\n"
+                + "<dd>Just a simple module tag.</dd>",
+                "<dt><span class=\"simpleTagLabel\">Version:</span></dt>\n"
+                + "<dd>1.0</dd>",
+                "<dt><span class=\"simpleTagLabel\">Author:</span></dt>\n"
+                + "<dd>Bhavesh Patel</dd>");
+        checkOutput("testpkgmdltags/TestClassInModuleTags.html", false,
+                "<dt><span class=\"simpleTagLabel\">Module Tag:</span></dt>\n"
+                + "<dd>Just a simple module tag.</dd>");
+    }
+    void checkOverviewSummaryModules() {
+        checkOutput("overview-summary.html", true,
+                "<table class=\"overviewSummary\" summary=\"Modules table, listing modules, and an explanation\">\n"
+                + "<caption><span>Modules</span><span class=\"tabEnd\">&nbsp;</span></caption>\n"
+                + "<tr>\n"
+                + "<th class=\"colFirst\" scope=\"col\">Module</th>\n"
+                + "<th class=\"colLast\" scope=\"col\">Description</th>\n"
+                + "</tr>");
+        checkOutput("overview-summary.html", false,
+                "<table class=\"overviewSummary\" summary=\"Packages table, listing packages, and an explanation\">\n"
+                + "<caption><span>Packages</span><span class=\"tabEnd\">&nbsp;</span></caption>\n"
+                + "<tr>\n"
+                + "<th class=\"colFirst\" scope=\"col\">Package</th>\n"
+                + "<th class=\"colLast\" scope=\"col\">Description</th>\n"
+                + "</tr>");
+    }
+    void checkOverviewSummaryPackages() {
+        checkOutput("overview-summary.html", false,
+                "<table class=\"overviewSummary\" summary=\"Modules table, listing modules, and an explanation\">\n"
+                + "<caption><span>Modules</span><span class=\"tabEnd\">&nbsp;</span></caption>\n"
+                + "<tr>\n"
+                + "<th class=\"colFirst\" scope=\"col\">Module</th>\n"
+                + "<th class=\"colLast\" scope=\"col\">Description</th>\n"
+                + "</tr>",
+                "</table>\n"
+                + "</div>\n"
+                + "<div class=\"contentContainer\">\n"
+                + "<div class=\"block\">The overview summary page header.</div>\n"
+                + "</div>\n"
+                + "<div class=\"contentContainer\"><a name=\"Packages\">\n"
+                + "<!--   -->\n"
+                + "</a>\n"
+                + "<table class=\"overviewSummary\" summary=\"Packages table, listing packages, and an explanation\">\n"
+                + "<caption><span>Packages</span><span class=\"tabEnd\">&nbsp;</span></caption>");
+        checkOutput("overview-summary.html", true,
+                "<table class=\"overviewSummary\" summary=\"Packages table, listing packages, and an explanation\">\n"
+                + "<caption><span>Packages</span><span class=\"tabEnd\">&nbsp;</span></caption>\n"
+                + "<tr>\n"
+                + "<th class=\"colFirst\" scope=\"col\">Package</th>\n"
+                + "<th class=\"colLast\" scope=\"col\">Description</th>\n"
+                + "</tr>",
+                "</script>\n"
+                + "<div class=\"contentContainer\">\n"
+                + "<div class=\"block\">The overview summary page header.</div>\n"
+                + "</div>\n"
+                + "<div class=\"contentContainer\"><a name=\"Packages\">\n"
+                + "<!--   -->\n"
+                + "</a>\n"
+                + "<table class=\"overviewSummary\" summary=\"Packages table, listing packages, and an explanation\">\n"
+                + "<caption><span>Packages</span><span class=\"tabEnd\">&nbsp;</span></caption>");
+    }
+    void checkHtml5OverviewSummaryModules() {
+        checkOutput("overview-summary.html", true,
+                "<table class=\"overviewSummary\">\n"
+                + "<caption><span>Modules</span><span class=\"tabEnd\">&nbsp;</span></caption>\n"
+                + "<tr>\n"
+                + "<th class=\"colFirst\" scope=\"col\">Module</th>\n"
+                + "<th class=\"colLast\" scope=\"col\">Description</th>\n"
+                + "</tr>");
+        checkOutput("overview-summary.html", false,
+                "<table class=\"overviewSummary\">\n"
+                + "<caption><span>Packages</span><span class=\"tabEnd\">&nbsp;</span></caption>\n"
+                + "<tr>\n"
+                + "<th class=\"colFirst\" scope=\"col\">Package</th>\n"
+                + "<th class=\"colLast\" scope=\"col\">Description</th>\n"
+                + "</tr>");
+    }
+    void checkHtml5OverviewSummaryPackages() {
+        checkOutput("overview-summary.html", false,
+                "<table class=\"overviewSummary\">\n"
+                + "<caption><span>Modules</span><span class=\"tabEnd\">&nbsp;</span></caption>\n"
+                + "<tr>\n"
+                + "<th class=\"colFirst\" scope=\"col\">Module</th>\n"
+                + "<th class=\"colLast\" scope=\"col\">Description</th>\n"
+                + "</tr>",
+                "</table>\n"
+                + "</div>\n"
+                + "</main>\n"
+                + "<main role=\"main\">\n"
+                + "<div class=\"contentContainer\">\n"
+                + "<div class=\"block\">The overview summary page header.</div>\n"
+                + "</div>\n"
+                + "<div class=\"contentContainer\"><a id=\"Packages\">\n"
+                + "<!--   -->\n"
+                + "</a>\n"
+                + "<table class=\"overviewSummary\">\n"
+                + "<caption><span>Packages</span><span class=\"tabEnd\">&nbsp;</span></caption>");
+        checkOutput("overview-summary.html", true,
+                "<table class=\"overviewSummary\">\n"
+                + "<caption><span>Packages</span><span class=\"tabEnd\">&nbsp;</span></caption>\n"
+                + "<tr>\n"
+                + "<th class=\"colFirst\" scope=\"col\">Package</th>\n"
+                + "<th class=\"colLast\" scope=\"col\">Description</th>\n"
+                + "</tr>",
+                "</script>\n"
+                + "</nav>\n"
+                + "</header>\n"
+                + "<main role=\"main\">\n"
+                + "<div class=\"contentContainer\">\n"
+                + "<div class=\"block\">The overview summary page header.</div>\n"
+                + "</div>\n"
+                + "<div class=\"contentContainer\"><a id=\"Packages\">\n"
+                + "<!--   -->\n"
+                + "</a>\n"
+                + "<table class=\"overviewSummary\">\n"
+                + "<caption><span>Packages</span><span class=\"tabEnd\">&nbsp;</span></caption>");
+    }
+    void checkModuleSummary() {
+        checkOutput("moduleA-summary.html", true,
+                "<ul class=\"subNavList\">\n"
+                + "<li>Module:&nbsp;</li>\n"
+                + "<li><a href=\"#module.description\">Description</a>&nbsp;|&nbsp;<a "
+                + "href=\"#modules.summary\">Modules</a>&nbsp;|&nbsp;<a href=\"#packages.summary\">"
+                + "Packages</a>&nbsp;|&nbsp;Services</li>\n"
+                + "</ul>",
+                "<!-- ============ MODULES SUMMARY =========== -->\n"
+                + "<a name=\"modules.summary\">\n"
+                + "<!--   -->\n"
+                + "</a>",
+                "<tr class=\"altColor\" id=\"i0\">\n"
+                + "<th class=\"colFirst\" scope=\"row\"><a href=\"testpkgmdlA/package-summary.html\">testpkgmdlA</a></th>\n"
+                + "<td class=\"colLast\">&nbsp;</td>\n"
+                + "</tr>",
+                "<!-- ============ PACKAGES SUMMARY =========== -->\n"
+                + "<a name=\"packages.summary\">\n"
+                + "<!--   -->\n"
+                + "</a>",
+                "<tr class=\"altColor\">\n"
+                + "<td class=\"colFirst\">transitive</td>\n"
+                + "<th class=\"colSecond\" scope=\"row\"><a href=\"moduleB-summary.html\">moduleB</a></th>\n"
+                + "<td class=\"colLast\">\n"
+                + "<div class=\"block\">This is a test description for the moduleB module.</div>\n"
+                + "</td>\n"
+                + "</tr>");
+        checkOutput("moduleB-summary.html", true,
+                "<li><a href=\"#module.description\">Description</a>&nbsp;|&nbsp;Modules&nbsp;|&nbsp;"
+                + "<a href=\"#packages.summary\">Packages</a>&nbsp;|&nbsp;<a href=\"#services.summary\">"
+                + "Services</a></li>",
+                "<!-- ============ PACKAGES SUMMARY =========== -->\n"
+                + "<a name=\"packages.summary\">\n"
+                + "<!--   -->\n"
+                + "</a>",
+                "<tr class=\"altColor\" id=\"i0\">\n"
+                + "<th class=\"colFirst\" scope=\"row\"><a href=\"testpkgmdlB/package-summary.html\">testpkgmdlB</a></th>\n"
+                + "<td class=\"colLast\">&nbsp;</td>\n"
+                + "</tr>",
+                "<!-- ============ PACKAGES SUMMARY =========== -->\n"
+                + "<a name=\"packages.summary\">\n"
+                + "<!--   -->\n"
+                + "</a>",
+                "<!-- ============ SERVICES SUMMARY =========== -->\n"
+                + "<a name=\"services.summary\">\n"
+                + "<!--   -->\n"
+                + "</a>",
+                "<tr class=\"altColor\">\n"
+                + "<th class=\"colFirst\" scope=\"row\"><a href=\"testpkgmdlB/TestClassInModuleB.html\" title=\"class in testpkgmdlB\">TestClassInModuleB</a></th>\n"
+                + "<td class=\"colLast\">With a test description for uses.&nbsp;</td>\n"
+                + "</tr>",
+                "<caption><span>Opens</span><span class=\"tabEnd\">&nbsp;</span></caption>\n"
+                + "<tr>\n"
+                + "<th class=\"colFirst\" scope=\"col\">Package</th>\n"
+                + "<th class=\"colLast\" scope=\"col\">Description</th>\n"
+                + "</tr>",
+                "<caption><span>Uses</span><span class=\"tabEnd\">&nbsp;</span></caption>\n"
+                + "<tr>\n"
+                + "<th class=\"colFirst\" scope=\"col\">Type</th>\n"
+                + "<th class=\"colLast\" scope=\"col\">Description</th>\n"
+                + "</tr>",
+                "<caption><span>Provides</span><span class=\"tabEnd\">&nbsp;</span></caption>\n"
+                + "<tr>\n"
+                + "<th class=\"colFirst\" scope=\"col\">Type</th>\n"
+                + "<th class=\"colLast\" scope=\"col\">Description</th>\n"
+                + "</tr>");
+    }
+    void checkAggregatorModuleSummary() {
+        checkOutput("moduleT-summary.html", true,
+                "<div class=\"header\">\n"
+                + "<h1 title=\"Module\" class=\"title\">Module&nbsp;moduleT</h1>\n"
+                + "</div>",
+                "<div class=\"block\">This is a test description for the moduleT module. "
+                + "Search phrase <a id=\"searchphrase\" class=\"searchTagResult\">search phrase</a>. "
+                + "Make sure there are no exported packages.</div>",
+                "<tbody>\n"
+                + "<tr class=\"altColor\">\n"
+                + "<td class=\"colFirst\">transitive</td>\n"
+                + "<th class=\"colSecond\" scope=\"row\"><a href=\"moduleA-summary.html\">moduleA</a></th>\n"
+                + "<td class=\"colLast\">\n"
+                + "<div class=\"block\">This is a test description for the moduleA module with a Search "
+                + "phrase <a id=\"searchphrase\" class=\"searchTagResult\">search phrase</a>.</div>\n"
+                + "</td>\n"
+                + "</tr>\n"
+                + "<tr class=\"rowColor\">\n"
+                + "<td class=\"colFirst\">transitive</td>\n"
+                + "<th class=\"colSecond\" scope=\"row\"><a href=\"moduleB-summary.html\">moduleB</a></th>\n"
+                + "<td class=\"colLast\">\n"
+                + "<div class=\"block\">This is a test description for the moduleB module.</div>\n"
+                + "</td>\n"
+                + "</tr>\n"
+                + "</tbody>");
+    }
+    void checkNegatedModuleSummary() {
+        checkOutput("moduleA-summary.html", false,
+                "<!-- ============ SERVICES SUMMARY =========== -->\n"
+                + "<a name=\"services.summary\">\n"
+                + "<!--   -->\n"
+                + "</a>");
+    }
+    void checkModuleClickThroughLinks() {
+        checkOutput("module-overview-frame.html", true,
+                "<li><a href=\"moduleA-frame.html\" target=\"packageListFrame\" "
+                + "onclick=\"updateModuleFrame('moduleA-type-frame.html','moduleA-summary.html');"
+                + "\">moduleA</a></li>",
+                "<li><a href=\"moduleB-frame.html\" target=\"packageListFrame\" "
+                + "onclick=\"updateModuleFrame('moduleB-type-frame.html','moduleB-summary.html');"
+                + "\">moduleB</a></li>");
+        checkOutput("script.js", true,
+                "function updateModuleFrame(pFrame, cFrame)\n"
+                + "{\n"
+                + "    top.packageFrame.location = pFrame;\n"
+                + "    top.classFrame.location = cFrame;\n"
+                + "}");
+    }
+    void checkModuleClickThrough(boolean found) {
+        checkFiles(found,
+                "moduleA-type-frame.html",
+                "moduleB-type-frame.html");
+    }
+    void checkModuleFilesAndLinks(boolean found) {
+        checkFileAndOutput("testpkgmdlA/package-summary.html", found,
+                "<li><a href=\"../moduleA-summary.html\">Module</a></li>",
+                "<div class=\"subTitle\"><span class=\"moduleLabelInPackage\">Module</span>&nbsp;"
+                + "<a href=\"../moduleA-summary.html\">moduleA</a></div>");
+        checkFileAndOutput("testpkgmdlA/TestClassInModuleA.html", found,
+                "<li><a href=\"../moduleA-summary.html\">Module</a></li>",
+                "<div class=\"subTitle\"><span class=\"moduleLabelInType\">Module</span>&nbsp;"
+                + "<a href=\"../moduleA-summary.html\">moduleA</a></div>");
+        checkFileAndOutput("testpkgmdlB/AnnotationType.html", found,
+                "<div class=\"subTitle\"><span class=\"moduleLabelInType\">Module</span>&nbsp;"
+                + "<a href=\"../moduleB-summary.html\">moduleB</a></div>",
+                "<div class=\"subTitle\"><span class=\"packageLabelInType\">"
+                + "Package</span>&nbsp;<a href=\"../testpkgmdlB/package-summary.html\">testpkgmdlB</a></div>");
+        checkFiles(found,
+                "moduleA-frame.html",
+                "moduleA-summary.html",
+                "module-overview-frame.html");
+    }
+    void checkModuleFrameFiles(boolean found) {
+        checkFiles(found,
+                "moduleC-frame.html",
+                "moduleC-type-frame.html",
+                "module-overview-frame.html");
+        checkFiles(true,
+                "moduleC-summary.html",
+                "allclasses-frame.html",
+                "allclasses-noframe.html");
+    }
+    void checkAllModulesLink(boolean found) {
+        checkOutput("overview-frame.html", found,
+                "<li><a href=\"module-overview-frame.html\" target=\"packageListFrame\">All&nbsp;Modules</a></li>");
+    }
+    void checkModulesInSearch(boolean found) {
+        checkOutput("index-all.html", found,
+                "<dl>\n"
+                + "<dt><a href=\"moduleA-summary.html\">moduleA</a> - module moduleA</dt>\n"
+                + "<dd>\n"
+                + "<div class=\"block\">This is a test description for the moduleA module with a Search "
+                + "phrase <a id=\"searchphrase\" class=\"searchTagResult\">search phrase</a>.</div>\n"
+                + "</dd>\n"
+                + "<dt><a href=\"moduleB-summary.html\">moduleB</a> - module moduleB</dt>\n"
+                + "<dd>\n"
+                + "<div class=\"block\">This is a test description for the moduleB module.</div>\n"
+                + "</dd>\n"
+                + "</dl>",
+                "<dl>\n"
+                + "<dt><span class=\"searchTagLink\"><a href=\"moduleA-summary.html#searchphrase\">"
+                + "search phrase</a></span> - Search tag in moduleA</dt>\n"
+                + "<dd>with description</dd>\n"
+                + "<dt><span class=\"searchTagLink\"><a href=\"moduleB-summary.html#search_word\">"
+                + "search_word</a></span> - Search tag in moduleB</dt>\n"
+                + "<dd>&nbsp;</dd>\n"
+                + "</dl>");
+        checkOutput("index-all.html", false,
+                "<dt><span class=\"searchTagLink\"><a href=\"moduleA-summary.html#searchphrase\">"
+                + "search phrase</a></span> - Search tag in moduleA</dt>\n"
+                + "<dd>with description</dd>\n"
+                + "<dt><span class=\"searchTagLink\"><a href=\"moduleA-summary.html#searchphrase\">"
+                + "search phrase</a></span> - Search tag in moduleA</dt>\n"
+                + "<dd>with description</dd>");
+    }
+    void checkModuleModeCommon() {
+        checkOutput("overview-summary.html", true,
+                "<th class=\"colFirst\" scope=\"row\"><a href=\"moduleA-summary.html\">moduleA</a></th>\n"
+                + "<td class=\"colLast\">\n"
+                + "<div class=\"block\">This is a test description for the moduleA module with a Search "
+                + "phrase <a id=\"searchphrase\" class=\"searchTagResult\">search phrase</a>.</div>\n"
+                + "</td>",
+                "<th class=\"colFirst\" scope=\"row\"><a href=\"moduleB-summary.html\">moduleB</a></th>\n"
+                + "<td class=\"colLast\">\n"
+                + "<div class=\"block\">This is a test description for the moduleB module.</div>\n"
+                + "</td>",
+                "<th class=\"colFirst\" scope=\"row\"><a href=\"moduletags-summary.html\">moduletags</a></th>\n"
+                + "<td class=\"colLast\">\n"
+                + "<div class=\"block\">This is a test description for the moduletags module.<br>\n"
+                + " Type Link: <a href=\"testpkgmdltags/TestClassInModuleTags.html\" title=\"class in testpkgmdltags\"><code>TestClassInModuleTags</code></a>.<br>\n"
+                + " Member Link: <a href=\"testpkgmdltags/TestClassInModuleTags.html#testMethod-java.lang.String-\"><code>testMethod(String)</code></a>.<br>\n"
+                + " Package Link: <a href=\"testpkgmdltags/package-summary.html\"><code>testpkgmdltags</code></a>.<br></div>\n"
+                + "</td>");
+        checkOutput("moduleA-summary.html", true,
+                "<li><a href=\"#module.description\">Description</a>&nbsp;|&nbsp;<a href=\"#modules.summary\">"
+                + "Modules</a>&nbsp;|&nbsp;<a href=\"#packages.summary\">Packages</a>&nbsp;|&nbsp;Services</li>",
+                "<th class=\"colFirst\" scope=\"row\"><a href=\"moduleB-summary.html\">moduleB</a></th>\n"
+                + "<td class=\"colLast\"><a href=\"testpkgmdlB/package-summary.html\">testpkgmdlB</a></td>\n");
+        checkOutput("moduleB-summary.html", true,
+                "<th class=\"colFirst\" scope=\"row\"><a href=\"testpkgmdlB/TestClassInModuleB.html\" title=\"class in testpkgmdlB\">TestClassInModuleB</a></th>\n"
+                + "<td class=\"colLast\">With a test description for uses.&nbsp;</td>");
+        checkOutput("moduletags-summary.html", true,
+                "<li><a href=\"#module.description\">Description</a>&nbsp;|&nbsp;<a href=\"#modules.summary\">Modules"
+                + "</a>&nbsp;|&nbsp;<a href=\"#packages.summary\">Packages</a>&nbsp;|&nbsp;Services</li>",
+                "<table class=\"requiresSummary\" summary=\"Indirect Requires table, listing modules, and an explanation\">\n"
+                + "<caption><span>Indirect Requires</span><span class=\"tabEnd\">&nbsp;</span></caption>",
+                "<td class=\"colFirst\">transitive</td>\n"
+                + "<th class=\"colSecond\" scope=\"row\"><a href=\"moduleB-summary.html\">moduleB</a></th>\n"
+                + "<td class=\"colLast\">\n"
+                + "<div class=\"block\">This is a test description for the moduleB module.</div>\n"
+                + "</td>",
+                "<table class=\"packagesSummary\" summary=\"Indirect Exports table, listing modules, and packages\">\n"
+                + "<caption><span>Indirect Exports</span><span class=\"tabEnd\">&nbsp;</span></caption>",
+                "<td class=\"colFirst\">transitive static</td>\n"
+                + "<th class=\"colSecond\" scope=\"row\"><a href=\"moduleA-summary.html\">moduleA</a></th>\n"
+                + "<td class=\"colLast\">\n"
+                + "<div class=\"block\">This is a test description for the moduleA module with a Search "
+                + "phrase <a id=\"searchphrase\" class=\"searchTagResult\">search phrase</a>.</div>\n"
+                + "</td>",
+                "<table class=\"requiresSummary\" summary=\"Requires table, listing modules, and an explanation\">\n"
+                + "<caption><span>Requires</span><span class=\"tabEnd\">&nbsp;</span></caption>\n"
+                + "<tr>\n"
+                + "<th class=\"colFirst\" scope=\"col\">Modifier</th>\n"
+                + "<th class=\"colSecond\" scope=\"col\">Module</th>\n"
+                + "<th class=\"colLast\" scope=\"col\">Description</th>",
+                "<table class=\"requiresSummary\" summary=\"Indirect Requires table, listing modules, and an explanation\">\n"
+                + "<caption><span>Indirect Requires</span><span class=\"tabEnd\">&nbsp;</span></caption>\n"
+                + "<tr>\n"
+                + "<th class=\"colFirst\" scope=\"col\">Modifier</th>\n"
+                + "<th class=\"colSecond\" scope=\"col\">Module</th>\n"
+                + "<th class=\"colLast\" scope=\"col\">Description</th>",
+                "<table class=\"packagesSummary\" summary=\"Indirect Opens table, listing modules, and packages\">\n"
+                + "<caption><span>Indirect Opens</span><span class=\"tabEnd\">&nbsp;</span></caption>\n"
+                + "<tr>\n"
+                + "<th class=\"colFirst\" scope=\"col\">From</th>\n"
+                + "<th class=\"colLast\" scope=\"col\">Packages</th>\n"
+                + "</tr>\n",
+                "<th class=\"colFirst\" scope=\"row\"><a href=\"moduleB-summary.html\">moduleB</a></th>\n"
+                + "<td class=\"colLast\"><a href=\"testpkgmdlB/package-summary.html\">testpkgmdlB</a></td>\n");
+    }
+    void checkModuleModeApi(boolean found) {
+        checkOutput("moduleA-summary.html", found,
+                "<th class=\"colFirst\" scope=\"row\"><a href=\"testpkgmdlA/package-summary.html\">testpkgmdlA</a></th>\n"
+                + "<td class=\"colLast\">&nbsp;</td>");
+        checkOutput("moduleB-summary.html", found,
+                "<li><a href=\"#module.description\">Description</a>&nbsp;|&nbsp;Modules&nbsp;|&nbsp;"
+                + "<a href=\"#packages.summary\">Packages</a>&nbsp;|&nbsp;<a href=\"#services.summary\">Services</a></li>",
+                "<th class=\"colFirst\" scope=\"row\"><a href=\"testpkgmdlB/package-summary.html\">testpkgmdlB</a></th>\n"
+                + "<td class=\"colLast\">&nbsp;</td>",
+                "<table class=\"packagesSummary\" summary=\"Packages table, listing packages, and an explanation\">\n"
+                + "<caption><span>Opens</span><span class=\"tabEnd\">&nbsp;</span></caption>\n"
+                + "<tr>\n"
+                + "<th class=\"colFirst\" scope=\"col\">Package</th>\n"
+                + "<th class=\"colLast\" scope=\"col\">Description</th>\n"
+                + "</tr>\n"
+                + "<tbody>\n"
+                + "<tr class=\"altColor\" id=\"i0\">\n"
+                + "<th class=\"colFirst\" scope=\"row\"><a href=\"testpkgmdlB/package-summary.html\">testpkgmdlB</a></th>\n"
+                + "<td class=\"colLast\">&nbsp;</td>\n"
+                + "</tr>\n"
+                + "</tbody>\n"
+                + "</table>");
+        checkOutput("moduletags-summary.html", found,
+                "<th class=\"colFirst\" scope=\"row\"><a href=\"testpkgmdltags/package-summary.html\">testpkgmdltags</a></th>\n"
+                + "<td class=\"colLast\">&nbsp;</td>");
+    }
+    void checkModuleModeAll(boolean found) {
+        checkOutput("moduleA-summary.html", found,
+                "<td class=\"colFirst\"> </td>\n"
+                + "<th class=\"colSecond\" scope=\"row\">java.base</th>\n"
+                + "<td class=\"colLast\">&nbsp;</td>",
+                "<td class=\"colFirst\"> </td>\n"
+                + "<th class=\"colSecond\" scope=\"row\"><a href=\"moduleC-summary.html\">moduleC</a></th>\n"
+                + "<td class=\"colLast\">\n"
+                + "<div class=\"block\">This is a test description for the moduleC module.</div>\n"
+                + "</td>",
+                "<th class=\"colFirst\" scope=\"row\"><a href=\"moduleC-summary.html\">moduleC</a></th>\n"
+                + "<td class=\"colLast\"><a href=\"testpkgmdlC/package-summary.html\">testpkgmdlC</a></td>",
+                "<th class=\"colFirst\" scope=\"row\"><a href=\"testpkgmdlA/package-summary.html\">testpkgmdlA</a></th>\n"
+                + "<td class=\"colSecond\">All Modules</td>\n"
+                + "<td class=\"colLast\">&nbsp;</td>",
+                "<caption><span id=\"t0\" class=\"activeTableTab\"><span>All Packages</span><span class=\"tabEnd\">&nbsp;</span></span>"
+                + "<span id=\"t1\" class=\"tableTab\"><span><a href=\"javascript:showPkgs(1);\">Exports</a></span>"
+                + "<span class=\"tabEnd\">&nbsp;</span></span><span id=\"t3\" class=\"tableTab\"><span><a href=\"javascript:showPkgs(4);\">"
+                + "Concealed</a></span><span class=\"tabEnd\">&nbsp;</span></span></caption>",
+                "<th class=\"colFirst\" scope=\"row\"><a href=\"concealedpkgmdlA/package-summary.html\">concealedpkgmdlA</a></th>\n"
+                + "<td class=\"colSecond\">None</td>\n"
+                + "<td class=\"colLast\">&nbsp;</td>");
+        checkOutput("moduleB-summary.html", found,
+                "<li><a href=\"#module.description\">Description</a>&nbsp;|&nbsp;<a href=\"#modules.summary\">"
+                + "Modules</a>&nbsp;|&nbsp;<a href=\"#packages.summary\">Packages</a>&nbsp;|&nbsp;<a href=\"#services.summary\">Services</a></li>",
+                "<th class=\"colFirst\" scope=\"row\"><a href=\"testpkgmdlB/package-summary.html\">testpkgmdlB</a></th>\n"
+                + "<td class=\"colSecond\">All Modules</td>\n"
+                + "<td class=\"colLast\">&nbsp;</td>",
+                "<td class=\"colFirst\"> </td>\n"
+                + "<th class=\"colSecond\" scope=\"row\">java.base</th>\n"
+                + "<td class=\"colLast\">&nbsp;</td>",
+                "<th class=\"colFirst\" scope=\"row\"><a href=\"testpkgmdlB/TestClass2InModuleB.html\" title=\"class in testpkgmdlB\">TestClass2InModuleB</a></th>\n"
+                + "<td class=\"colLast\">&nbsp;</td>",
+                "<th class=\"colFirst\" scope=\"row\"><a href=\"testpkg2mdlB/TestInterface2InModuleB.html\" title=\"interface in testpkg2mdlB\">TestInterface2InModuleB</a></th>\n"
+                + "<td class=\"colLast\">&nbsp;<br>(<span class=\"implementationLabel\">Implementation(s):</span>&nbsp;<a href=\"testpkgmdlB/TestClass2InModuleB.html\" "
+                + "title=\"class in testpkgmdlB\">TestClass2InModuleB</a>)</td>",
+                "<th class=\"colFirst\" scope=\"row\"><a href=\"testpkg2mdlB/TestInterfaceInModuleB.html\" title=\"interface in testpkg2mdlB\">TestInterfaceInModuleB</a></th>\n"
+                + "<td class=\"colLast\">&nbsp;<br>(<span class=\"implementationLabel\">Implementation(s):</span>&nbsp;<a href=\"testpkgmdlB/TestClassInModuleB.html\" "
+                + "title=\"class in testpkgmdlB\">TestClassInModuleB</a>)</td>",
+                "<caption><span id=\"t0\" class=\"activeTableTab\"><span>All Packages</span><span class=\"tabEnd\">&nbsp;</span></span><span id=\"t1\" class=\"tableTab\"><span>"
+                + "<a href=\"javascript:showPkgs(1);\">Exports</a></span><span class=\"tabEnd\">&nbsp;</span></span><span id=\"t2\" class=\"tableTab\"><span>"
+                + "<a href=\"javascript:showPkgs(2);\">Opens</a></span><span class=\"tabEnd\">&nbsp;</span></span></caption>");
+        checkOutput("moduleC-summary.html", found,
+                "<caption><span>Exports</span><span class=\"tabEnd\">&nbsp;</span></caption>\n"
+                + "<tr>\n"
+                + "<th class=\"colFirst\" scope=\"col\">Package</th>\n"
+                + "<th class=\"colSecond\" scope=\"col\">Module</th>\n"
+                + "<th class=\"colLast\" scope=\"col\">Description</th>\n"
+                + "</tr>");
+        checkOutput("moduletags-summary.html", found,
+                "<th class=\"colFirst\" scope=\"row\"><a href=\"testpkgmdltags/package-summary.html\">testpkgmdltags</a></th>\n"
+                + "<td class=\"colSecond\">All Modules</td>\n"
+                + "<td class=\"colLast\">&nbsp;</td>");
+    }
+    void checkModuleDeprecation(boolean found) {
+        checkOutput("moduleA-summary.html", found,
+                "<div class=\"deprecatedContent\"><span class=\"deprecatedLabel\">Deprecated, for removal:"
+                + " This API element is subject to removal in a future version.</span>\n"
+                + "<div class=\"block\"><span class=\"deprecationComment\">This module is deprecated.</span></div>\n"
+                + "</div>");
+        checkOutput("deprecated-list.html", found,
+                "<ul>\n"
+                + "<li><a href=\"#forRemoval\">Deprecated For Removal</a></li>\n"
+                + "<li><a href=\"#module\">Deprecated Modules</a></li>\n"
+                + "</ul>",
+                "<tr class=\"altColor\">\n"
+                + "<th class=\"colFirst\" scope=\"row\"><a href=\"moduleA-summary.html\">moduleA</a></th>\n"
+                + "<td class=\"colLast\">\n"
+                + "<div class=\"block\"><span class=\"deprecationComment\">This module is deprecated.</span></div>\n"
+                + "</td>\n"
+                + "</tr>");
+        checkOutput("moduleB-summary.html", !found,
+                "<div class=\"deprecatedContent\"><span class=\"deprecatedLabel\">Deprecated.</span>\n"
+                + "<div class=\"block\"><span class=\"deprecationComment\">This module is deprecated using just the javadoc tag.</span></div>");
+        checkOutput("moduletags-summary.html", found,
+                "<p>@Deprecated\n"
+                + "</p>",
+                "<div class=\"deprecatedContent\"><span class=\"deprecatedLabel\">Deprecated.</span></div>");
+    }
+    void checkModuleAnnotation() {
+        checkOutput("moduleB-summary.html", true,
+                "<p><a href=\"testpkgmdlB/AnnotationType.html\" title=\"annotation in testpkgmdlB\">@AnnotationType</a>(<a href=\"testpkgmdlB/AnnotationType.html#optional--\">optional</a>=\"Module Annotation\",\n"
+                + "                <a href=\"testpkgmdlB/AnnotationType.html#required--\">required</a>=2016)\n"
+                + "</p>");
+        checkOutput("moduleB-summary.html", false,
+                "@AnnotationTypeUndocumented");
+    }
+    void checkOverviewFrame(boolean found) {
+        checkOutput("index.html", !found,
+                "<iframe src=\"overview-frame.html\" name=\"packageListFrame\" title=\"All Packages\"></iframe>");
+        checkOutput("index.html", found,
+                "<iframe src=\"module-overview-frame.html\" name=\"packageListFrame\" title=\"All Modules\"></iframe>");
+    }
+    void checkModuleSummaryNoExported(boolean found) {
+        checkOutput("moduleNoExport-summary.html", found,
+                "<!-- ============ PACKAGES SUMMARY =========== -->\n"
+                + "<a name=\"packages.summary\">\n"
+                + "<!--   -->\n"
+                + "</a>",
+                "<caption><span>Concealed</span><span class=\"tabEnd\">&nbsp;</span></caption>");
+    }
+    void checkGroupOption() {
+        checkOutput("overview-summary.html", true,
+                "<div class=\"contentContainer\"><a name=\"ModuleGroupA\">\n"
+                + "<!--   -->\n"
+                + "</a>\n"
+                + "<table class=\"overviewSummary\" summary=\"Module Group A table, listing modules, and an explanation\">\n"
+                + "<caption><span>Module Group A</span><span class=\"tabEnd\">&nbsp;</span></caption>",
+                "<div class=\"contentContainer\"><a name=\"ModuleGroupB&amp;C\">\n"
+                + "<!--   -->\n"
+                + "</a>\n"
+                + "<table class=\"overviewSummary\" summary=\"Module Group B &amp; C table, listing modules, and an explanation\">\n"
+                + "<caption><span>Module Group B & C</span><span class=\"tabEnd\">&nbsp;</span></caption>",
+                "<div class=\"contentContainer\"><a name=\"OtherModules\">\n"
+                + "<!--   -->\n"
+                + "</a>\n"
+                + "<table class=\"overviewSummary\" summary=\"Other Modules table, listing modules, and an explanation\">\n"
+                + "<caption><span>Other Modules</span><span class=\"tabEnd\">&nbsp;</span></caption>");
+        checkOutput("overview-summary.html", false,
+                "<table class=\"overviewSummary\" summary=\"Modules table, listing modules, and an explanation\">\n"
+                + "<caption><span>Modules</span><span class=\"tabEnd\">&nbsp;</span></caption>",
+                "Java SE Modules");
+    }
+    void checkUnnamedModuleGroupOption() {
+        checkOutput("overview-summary.html", true,
+                "<div class=\"contentContainer\"><a name=\"PackageGroup0\">\n"
+                + "<!--   -->\n"
+                + "</a>\n"
+                + "<table class=\"overviewSummary\" summary=\"Package Group 0 table, listing packages, and an explanation\">\n"
+                + "<caption><span>Package Group 0</span><span class=\"tabEnd\">&nbsp;</span></caption>\n"
+                + "<tr>",
+                "<div class=\"contentContainer\"><a name=\"PackageGroup1\">\n"
+                + "<!--   -->\n"
+                + "</a>\n"
+                + "<table class=\"overviewSummary\" summary=\"Package Group 1 table, listing packages, and an explanation\">\n"
+                + "<caption><span>Package Group 1</span><span class=\"tabEnd\">&nbsp;</span></caption>");
+    }
+    void checkGroupOptionSingleModule() {
+        checkOutput("overview-summary.html", true,
+                "<div class=\"contentContainer\"><a name=\"ModuleGroupB\">\n"
+                + "<!--   -->\n"
+                + "</a>\n"
+                + "<table class=\"overviewSummary\" summary=\"Module Group B table, listing modules, and an explanation\">\n"
+                + "<caption><span>Module Group B</span><span class=\"tabEnd\">&nbsp;</span></caption>");
+        checkOutput("overview-summary.html", false,
+                "<table class=\"overviewSummary\" summary=\"Modules table, listing modules, and an explanation\">\n"
+                + "<caption><span>Modules</span><span class=\"tabEnd\">&nbsp;</span></caption>");
+    }
+    void checkModuleName(boolean found) {
+        checkOutput("test.moduleFullName-summary.html", found,
+                "<div class=\"header\">\n"
+                + "<h1 title=\"Module\" class=\"title\">Module&nbsp;test.moduleFullName</h1>\n"
+                + "</div>");
+        checkOutput("index-all.html", found,
+                "<h2 class=\"title\">T</h2>\n"
+                + "<dl>\n"
+                + "<dt><a href=\"test.moduleFullName-summary.html\">test.moduleFullName</a> - module test.moduleFullName</dt>\n"
+                + "<dd>\n"
+                + "<div class=\"block\">This is a test description for the test.moduleFullName.</div>\n"
+                + "</dd>");
+        checkOutput("module-overview-frame.html", found,
+                "<h2 title=\"Modules\">Modules</h2>\n"
+                + "<ul title=\"Modules\">\n"
+                + "<li><a href=\"moduleB-frame.html\" target=\"packageListFrame\" onclick=\"updateModuleFrame('moduleB-type-frame.html','moduleB-summary.html');\">moduleB</a></li>\n"
+                + "<li><a href=\"test.moduleFullName-frame.html\" target=\"packageListFrame\" onclick=\"updateModuleFrame('test.moduleFullName-type-frame.html','test.moduleFullName-summary.html');\">test.moduleFullName</a></li>\n"
+                + "</ul>");
+        checkOutput("test.moduleFullName-summary.html", !found,
+                "<div class=\"header\">\n"
+                + "<h1 title=\"Module\" class=\"title\">Module&nbsp;moduleFullName</h1>\n"
+                + "</div>");
+        checkOutput("index-all.html", !found,
+                "<dl>\n"
+                + "<dt><a href=\"test.moduleFullName-summary.html\">moduleFullName</a> - module moduleFullName</dt>\n"
+                + "<dd>\n"
+                + "<div class=\"block\">This is a test description for the test.moduleFullName.</div>\n"
+                + "</dd>\n"
+                + "</dl>");