--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test/jdk/sanity/client/README Tue Sep 12 19:03:39 2017 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+This suite contains automated client sanity tests which can be run using JTReg.
+Contact alexander.kouznetsov@oracle.com in case of issues.
+How to run:
+1) Download/Install the JDK to be tested in the system.
+ (For example C:/java/jdk1.9.0 in windows or
+ /export/jdk/jdk1.9.0 in linux/mac/solaris)
+2) Download/Install JTReg harness, minimum required version is 4.1 b13.
+3) Open terminal(cmd in windows, *not* cygwin) and go to the this directory.
+4) To run
+ - see the notes below on how to prepare for the test run
+ - set JT_HOME to <path/to/jtreg>, for example
+ set JT_HOME=C:\Java\client\jtreg (Windows)
+ - run the command
+ 'sh <path/to/jtreg/bin/jtreg> -ea -k:\!screenshots -jdk:<Path/to/JDK> SwingSet'
+ For example: 'sh C:/jtreg/bin/jtreg -ea -k:\!screenshots -jdk:C:/java/jdk1.9.0 SwingSet' (Windows)
+ 'sh /export/jtreg/bin/jtreg -ea -k:\!screenshots -jdk:/export/jdk/jdk1.9.0 SwingSet' (Linux/Solaris)
+ 'sh /export/jtreg/bin/jtreg -ea -k:\!screenshots -jdk:/export/jdk/jdk1.9.0/Contents/Home SwingSet' (Mac)
+Try to minimize all the other windows for no interference and test stability.
+Do not touch keyboard or mouse, open any window, nor lock the screen while the tests are running.
+The tests will be executed, and the results will be displayed in the terminal.
+A report will be generated under
+ a) JTReg: "JTReport/index.html".
+The failure logs could be found under:
+ a) JTReg: "JTWork/<testname>/<testname>.jtr"
+The following additional options might be useful:
+-retain:all to keep work files for passed tests
+-k:\!screenshots removal of this option will run tests that require full environment with Robot and screenshots
+-g to run JavaTest GUI
+The tests in the suite are based on SwingSet3 demo application. They use Jemmy to
+operate on controls of the demo and verify that it is behaving as expected. Both
+Jemmy and SwingSet3 sources are available as copies in lib folder.
+Original Jemmy repository is https://jemmy.java.net
+Original SwingSet3 repository is https://java.net/projects/swingset3
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