changeset 47216 71c04702a3d5
parent 44182 ce2f0cbc81b9
child 47308 5f351a1131e0
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/jdk.jdeps/share/classes/com/sun/tools/jdeps/resources/	Tue Sep 12 19:03:39 2017 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,219 @@
+Usage: {0} <options> <path ...>]\n\
+use -h, -?, -help, or --help for a list of possible options
+Usage: {0} <options> <path ...>]\n\
+<path> can be a pathname to a .class file, a directory, a JAR file.\n\
+Possible options include:
+\  -h -? -help\n\
+\  --help                        Print this usage message
+\  -version --version            Version information
+\  -v       -verbose             Print all class level dependences\n\
+\                                Equivalent to -verbose:class -filter:none.\n\
+\  -verbose:package              Print package-level dependences excluding\n\
+\                                dependences within the same package by default\n\
+\  -verbose:class                Print class-level dependences excluding\n\
+\                                dependences within the same package by default
+\  -s       -summary             Print dependency summary only.
+\  -f <regex> -filter <regex>    Filter dependences matching the given\n\
+\                                pattern. If given multiple times, the last\n\
+\                                one will be used.\n\
+\  -filter:package               Filter dependences within the same package.\n\
+\                                This is the default.\n\
+\  -filter:archive               Filter dependences within the same archive.\n\
+\  -filter:module                Filter dependences within the same module.\n\
+\  -filter:none                  No -filter:package and -filter:archive\n\
+\                                filtering.  Filtering specified via the\n\
+\                                -filter option still applies.\n\
+\Options to filter dependences:\n\
+\  -p <pkg>\n\
+\  -package <pkg>\n\
+\  --package <pkg>               Finds dependences matching the given package\n\
+\                                name (may be given multiple times).
+\  -e <regex>\n\
+\  -regex <regex>\n\
+\  --regex <regex>               Finds dependences matching the given pattern.
+\  --require <module-name>       Finds dependences matching the given module\n\
+\                                name (may be given multiple times). --package,\n\
+\                                --regex, --require are mutual exclusive.
+ \Options to filter classes to be analyzed:\n\
+\  -include <regex>              Restrict analysis to classes matching pattern\n\
+\                                This option filters the list of classes to\n\
+\                                be analyzed.  It can be used together with\n\
+\                                -p and -e which apply pattern to the dependences
+\  -P       -profile             Show profile containing a package
+\  -cp <path>\n\
+\  -classpath <path>\n\
+\  --class-path <path>           Specify where to find class files
+\  --module-path <module path>   Specify module path
+\  --upgrade-module-path <module path>  Specify upgrade module path
+\  --system <java-home>          Specify an alternate system module path
+\  --add-modules <module-name>[,<module-name>...]\n\
+\                                Adds modules to the root set for analysis
+\  -m <module-name>\n\
+\  --module <module-name>        Specify the root module for analysis
+\  -R       -recursive           Recursively traverse all run-time dependences.\n\
+\                                The -R option implies -filter:none.  If -p,\n\
+\                                -e, -f option is specified, only the matching\n\
+\                                dependences are analyzed.
+\  -I       --inverse            Analyzes the dependences per other given options\n\
+\                                and then find all artifacts that directly\n\
+\                                and indirectly depend on the matching nodes.\n\
+\                                This is equivalent to the inverse of\n\
+\                                compile-time view analysis and print\n\
+\                                dependency summary.  This option must use\n\
+\                                with --require, --package or --regex option.
+\  --compile-time                Compile-time view of transitive dependences\n\
+\                                i.e. compile-time view of -R option.\n\
+\                                Analyzes the dependences per other given options\n\
+\                                If a dependence is found from a directory,\n\
+\                                a JAR file or a module, all classes in that \n\
+\                                containing archive are analyzed.
+\  -apionly\n\
+\  --api-only                    Restrict analysis to APIs i.e. dependences\n\
+\                                from the signature of public and protected\n\
+\                                members of public classes including field\n\
+\                                type, method parameter types, returned type,\n\
+\                                checked exception types etc.
+\  --generate-module-info <dir>  Generate under the specified\n\
+\                                directory. The specified JAR files will be\n\
+\                                analyzed. This option cannot be used with\n\
+\                                --dot-output or --class-path. Use \n\
+\                                --generate-open-module option for open modules.
+\  --generate-open-module <dir>  Generate for the specified\n\
+\                                JAR files under the specified directory as\n\
+\                                open modules. This option cannot be used with\n\
+\                                --dot-output or --class-path.
+\  --check <module-name>[,<module-name>...\n\
+\                                Analyze the dependence of the specified modules\n\
+\                                It prints the module descriptor, the resulting\n\
+\                                module dependences after analysis and the\n\
+\                                graph after transition reduction.  It also\n\
+\                                identifies any unused qualified exports.
+\  -dotoutput <dir>\n\
+\  --dot-output <dir>            Destination directory for DOT file output
+\  -jdkinternals\n\
+\  --jdk-internals               Finds class-level dependences on JDK internal\n\
+\                                APIs. By default, it analyzes all classes\n\
+\                                on --class-path and input files unless -include\n\
+\                                option is specified. This option cannot be\n\
+\                                used with -p, -e and -s options.\n\
+\                                WARNING: JDK internal APIs are inaccessible.
+\  --list-deps                   Lists the dependences and use of JDK internal\n\
+\                                APIs.
+\  --list-reduced-deps           Same as --list-deps with not listing\n\
+\                                the implied reads edges from the module graph\n\
+\                                If module M1 depends on M2 and M3,\n\
+\                                M2 requires public on M3, then M1 reading M3 is\n\
+\                                implied and removed from the module graph.
+\  -depth=<depth>                Specify the depth of the transitive\n\
+\                                dependency analysis
+\  -q       -quiet               Do not show missing dependences from \n\
+\                                --generate-module-info output.
+\  --multi-release <version>     Specifies the version when processing\n\
+\                                multi-release jar files.  <version> should\n\
+\                                be integer >= 9 or base.
+err.command.set={0} and {1} options are specified.
+err.unknown.option=unknown option: {0}
+err.missing.arg=no value given for {0}
+err.missing.dependences=missing dependencies
+err.invalid.arg.for.option=invalid argument for option: {0}
+err.option.after.class=option must be specified before classes: {0}
+err.genmoduleinfo.not.jarfile={0} is a modular JAR file that cannot be specified with the --generate-module-info option
+err.genmoduleinfo.unnamed.package={0} contains an unnamed package that is not allowed in a module
+err.profiles.msg=No profile information
+err.invalid.path=invalid path: {0}
+err.invalid.options={0} cannot be used with {1} option
+err.module.not.found=module not found: {0}
+err.root.module.not.set=root module set empty
+err.option.already.specified={0} option specified more than once.
+err.filter.not.specified=--package (-p), --regex (-e), --require option must be specified
+err.multirelease.option.exists={0} is not a multi-release jar file but --multi-release option is set
+err.multirelease.option.notfound={0} is a multi-release jar file but --multi-release option is not set
+err.multirelease.version.associated=class {0} already associated with version {1}, trying to add version {2}
+err.multirelease.jar.malformed=malformed multi-release jar, {0}, bad entry: {1}
+warn.invalid.arg=Path does not exist: {0}
+warn.split.package=package {0} defined in {1} {2}
+JDK internal APIs are unsupported and private to JDK implementation that are\n\
+subject to be removed or changed incompatibly and could break your application.\n\
+Please modify your code to eliminate dependence on any JDK internal APIs.\n\
+For the most recent update on JDK internal API replacements, please check:\n\
+split.package=split package: {0} {1}\n
+inverse.transitive.dependencies.on=Inverse transitive dependences on {0}
+inverse.transitive.dependencies.matching=Inverse transitive dependences matching {0}
+internal.api.column.header=JDK Internal API
+public.api.replacement.column.header=Suggested Replacement
+artifact.not.found=not found