changeset 47216 71c04702a3d5
parent 43314 b215e2df3b4b
child 47501 187b92b2e32d
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/java.desktop/windows/native/libawt/windows/awt_Win32GraphicsDevice.cpp	Tue Sep 12 19:03:39 2017 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,1430 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 1999, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
+ * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
+ * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
+ *
+ * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
+ * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
+ * accompanied this code).
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
+ * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+ * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+ *
+ * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
+ * or visit if you need additional information or have any
+ * questions.
+ */
+ * This class holds the information for a particular graphics device.
+ * Since a display change can cause the creation of new devices
+ * at any time, there is no referencing of the devices array allowed.
+ * Instead, anyone wishing to reference a device in the array (e.g.,
+ * the current default device or a device for a given hWnd) must
+ * call one of the static methods of this class with the index of
+ * the device in question.  Those methods will then lock the devices
+ * array and forward the request to the current device at that
+ * array index.
+ */
+#include <awt.h>
+#include <sun_awt_Win32GraphicsDevice.h>
+#include "awt_Canvas.h"
+#include "awt_Win32GraphicsDevice.h"
+#include "awt_Window.h"
+#include "java_awt_Transparency.h"
+#include "java_awt_color_ColorSpace.h"
+#include "sun_awt_Win32GraphicsDevice.h"
+#include "java_awt_image_DataBuffer.h"
+#include "dither.h"
+#include "img_util_md.h"
+#include "Devices.h"
+#include <d2d1.h>
+#pragma comment(lib, "d2d1")
+#include "systemScale.h"
+uns_ordered_dither_array img_oda_alpha;
+jclass      AwtWin32GraphicsDevice::indexCMClass;
+jclass      AwtWin32GraphicsDevice::wToolkitClass;
+jfieldID    AwtWin32GraphicsDevice::dynamicColorModelID;
+jfieldID    AwtWin32GraphicsDevice::indexCMrgbID;
+jfieldID    AwtWin32GraphicsDevice::indexCMcacheID;
+jmethodID   AwtWin32GraphicsDevice::paletteChangedMID;
+BOOL        AwtWin32GraphicsDevice::primaryPalettized;
+int         AwtWin32GraphicsDevice::primaryIndex = 0;
+ * Construct this device.  Store the screen (index into the devices
+ * array of this object), the array (used in static references via
+ * particular device indices), the monitor/pMonitorInfo (which other
+ * classes will inquire of this device), the bits per pixel of this
+ * device, and information on whether the primary device is palettized.
+ */
+AwtWin32GraphicsDevice::AwtWin32GraphicsDevice(int screen,
+                                               HMONITOR mhnd, Devices *arr)
+    this->screen  = screen;
+    this->devicesArray = arr;
+    this->scaleX = 1;
+    this->scaleY = 1;
+    javaDevice = NULL;
+    colorData = new ImgColorData;
+    colorData->grayscale = GS_NOTGRAY;
+    palette = NULL;
+    cData = NULL;
+    gpBitmapInfo = NULL;
+    monitor = mhnd;
+    pMonitorInfo = new MONITORINFOEX;
+    pMonitorInfo->cbSize = sizeof(MONITORINFOEX);
+    ::GetMonitorInfo(monitor, pMonitorInfo);
+    // Set primary device info: other devices will need to know
+    // whether the primary is palettized during the initialization
+    // process
+    HDC hDC = this->GetDC();
+    colorData->bitsperpixel = ::GetDeviceCaps(hDC, BITSPIXEL);
+    this->ReleaseDC(hDC);
+    if (MONITORINFOF_PRIMARY & pMonitorInfo->dwFlags) {
+        primaryIndex = screen;
+        if (colorData->bitsperpixel > 8) {
+            primaryPalettized = FALSE;
+        } else {
+            primaryPalettized = TRUE;
+        }
+    }
+    delete colorData;
+    if (gpBitmapInfo) {
+        free(gpBitmapInfo);
+    }
+    if (palette) {
+        delete palette;
+    }
+    if (pMonitorInfo) {
+        delete pMonitorInfo;
+    }
+    if (javaDevice) {
+        JNIEnv *env = (JNIEnv *)JNU_GetEnv(jvm, JNI_VERSION_1_2);
+        env->DeleteWeakGlobalRef(javaDevice);
+    }
+    if (cData != NULL) {
+        freeICMColorData(cData);
+    }
+HDC AwtWin32GraphicsDevice::MakeDCFromMonitor(HMONITOR hmMonitor) {
+    HDC retCode = NULL;
+    if (NULL != hmMonitor) {
+        MONITORINFOEX mieInfo;
+        memset((void*)(&mieInfo), 0, sizeof(MONITORINFOEX));
+        mieInfo.cbSize = sizeof(MONITORINFOEX);
+        if (TRUE == ::GetMonitorInfo(hmMonitor, (LPMONITORINFOEX)(&mieInfo))) {
+            HDC hDC = CreateDC(mieInfo.szDevice, NULL, NULL, NULL);
+            if (NULL != hDC) {
+                retCode = hDC;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return retCode;
+HDC AwtWin32GraphicsDevice::GetDC()
+    return MakeDCFromMonitor(monitor);
+void AwtWin32GraphicsDevice::ReleaseDC(HDC hDC)
+    if (hDC != NULL) {
+        ::DeleteDC(hDC);
+    }
+ * Init this device.  This creates the bitmap structure
+ * used to hold the device color data and initializes any
+ * appropriate palette structures.
+ */
+void AwtWin32GraphicsDevice::Initialize()
+    unsigned int ri, gi, bi;
+    if (colorData->bitsperpixel < 8) {
+        // REMIND: how to handle?
+    }
+    // Create a BitmapInfo object for color data
+    if (!gpBitmapInfo) {
+        try {
+            gpBitmapInfo = (BITMAPINFO *)
+                safe_Malloc(sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER) + 256 * sizeof(RGBQUAD));
+        } catch (std::bad_alloc&) {
+            throw;
+        }
+        gpBitmapInfo->bmiHeader.biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER);
+    }
+    gpBitmapInfo->bmiHeader.biBitCount = 0;
+    HDC hBMDC = this->GetDC();
+    HBITMAP hBM = ::CreateCompatibleBitmap(hBMDC, 1, 1);
+    VERIFY(::GetDIBits(hBMDC, hBM, 0, 1, NULL, gpBitmapInfo, DIB_RGB_COLORS));
+    if (colorData->bitsperpixel > 8) {
+        if (MONITORINFOF_PRIMARY & pMonitorInfo->dwFlags) {
+            primaryPalettized = FALSE;
+        }
+        if (colorData->bitsperpixel != 24) { // 15, 16, or 32 bpp
+            int foo;
+            gpBitmapInfo->bmiHeader.biCompression = BI_BITFIELDS;
+            if (::GetDIBits(hBMDC, hBM, 0, 1, &foo, gpBitmapInfo,
+                            DIB_RGB_COLORS) == 0)
+            {
+                // Bug 4684966: If GetDIBits returns an error, we could
+                // get stuck in an infinite loop setting the colorData
+                // fields.  Hardcode bitColors to reasonable values instead.
+                // These values are picked according to standard masks
+                // for these bit depths on win9x, according to MSDN docs.
+                switch (colorData->bitsperpixel) {
+                case 15:
+                    ((int *)gpBitmapInfo->bmiColors)[0] = 0x7c00;
+                    ((int *)gpBitmapInfo->bmiColors)[1] = 0x03e0;
+                    ((int *)gpBitmapInfo->bmiColors)[2] = 0x001f;
+                    break;
+                case 16:
+                    ((int *)gpBitmapInfo->bmiColors)[0] = 0xf800;
+                    ((int *)gpBitmapInfo->bmiColors)[1] = 0x07e0;
+                    ((int *)gpBitmapInfo->bmiColors)[2] = 0x001f;
+                    break;
+                case 32:
+                default:
+                    ((int *)gpBitmapInfo->bmiColors)[0] = 0xff0000;
+                    ((int *)gpBitmapInfo->bmiColors)[1] = 0x00ff00;
+                    ((int *)gpBitmapInfo->bmiColors)[2] = 0x0000ff;
+                    break;
+                }
+            }
+            ri = ((unsigned int *)gpBitmapInfo->bmiColors)[0];
+            colorData->rOff = 0;
+            while ((ri & 1) == 0) {
+                colorData->rOff++;
+                ri >>= 1;
+            }
+            colorData->rScale = 0;
+            while (ri < 0x80) {
+                colorData->rScale++;
+                ri <<= 1;
+            }
+            gi = ((unsigned int *)gpBitmapInfo->bmiColors)[1];
+            colorData->gOff = 0;
+            while ((gi & 1) == 0) {
+                colorData->gOff++;
+                gi >>= 1;
+            }
+            colorData->gScale = 0;
+            while (gi < 0x80) {
+                colorData->gScale++;
+                gi <<= 1;
+            }
+            bi = ((unsigned int *)gpBitmapInfo->bmiColors)[2];
+            colorData->bOff = 0;
+            while ((bi & 1) == 0) {
+                colorData->bOff++;
+                bi >>= 1;
+            }
+            colorData->bScale = 0;
+            while (bi < 0x80) {
+                colorData->bScale++;
+                bi <<= 1;
+            }
+            if (   (0 == colorData->bOff)
+                && (5 == colorData->gOff)
+                && (10 == colorData->rOff)
+                && (3 == colorData->bScale)
+                && (3 == colorData->gScale)
+                && (3 == colorData->rScale)) {
+                colorData->bitsperpixel = 15;
+                gpBitmapInfo->bmiHeader.biCompression = BI_RGB;
+            }
+        } else {    // 24 bpp
+            gpBitmapInfo->bmiHeader.biBitCount = 24;
+            gpBitmapInfo->bmiHeader.biCompression = BI_RGB;
+            // Fill these values in as a convenience for the screen
+            // ColorModel construction code below (see getColorModel())
+            ((int *)gpBitmapInfo->bmiColors)[0] = 0x0000ff;
+            ((int *)gpBitmapInfo->bmiColors)[1] = 0x00ff00;
+            ((int *)gpBitmapInfo->bmiColors)[2] = 0xff0000;
+        }
+    } else {
+        if (MONITORINFOF_PRIMARY & pMonitorInfo->dwFlags) {
+            primaryPalettized = TRUE;
+        }
+        gpBitmapInfo->bmiHeader.biBitCount = 8;
+        gpBitmapInfo->bmiHeader.biCompression = BI_RGB;
+        gpBitmapInfo->bmiHeader.biClrUsed = 256;
+        gpBitmapInfo->bmiHeader.biClrImportant = 256;
+        // The initialization of cData is done prior to
+        // calling palette->Update() since we need it
+        // for calculating inverseGrayLut
+        if (cData == NULL) {
+            cData = (ColorData*)safe_Calloc(1, sizeof(ColorData));
+            memset(cData, 0, sizeof(ColorData));
+            initDitherTables(cData);
+        }
+        if (!palette) {
+            palette = new AwtPalette(this);
+        } else {
+            palette->Update();
+        }
+        palette->UpdateLogical();
+    }
+    VERIFY(::DeleteObject(hBM));
+    VERIFY(::DeleteDC(hBMDC));
+ * Creates a new colorModel given the current device configuration.
+ * The dynamic flag determines whether we use the system palette
+ * (dynamic == TRUE) or our custom palette in creating a new
+ * IndexedColorModel.
+ */
+jobject AwtWin32GraphicsDevice::GetColorModel(JNIEnv *env, jboolean dynamic)
+    jobject awt_colormodel;
+    int i;
+    if (colorData->bitsperpixel == 24) {
+        awt_colormodel =
+            JNU_NewObjectByName(env, "sun/awt/Win32ColorModel24", "()V");
+    } else if (colorData->bitsperpixel > 8) {
+        int *masks = (int *)gpBitmapInfo->bmiColors;
+        int numbits = 0;
+        unsigned int bits = (masks[0] | masks[1] | masks[2]);
+        while (bits) {
+            numbits++;
+            bits >>= 1;
+        }
+        awt_colormodel = JNU_NewObjectByName(env,
+                                             "java/awt/image/DirectColorModel",
+                                             "(IIII)V", numbits,
+                                             masks[0], masks[1], masks[2]);
+    } else if (colorData->grayscale == GS_STATICGRAY) {
+        jclass clazz;
+        jclass clazz1;
+        jmethodID mid;
+        jobject cspace = NULL;
+        jint bits[1];
+        jintArray bitsArray;
+        clazz1 = env->FindClass("java/awt/color/ColorSpace");
+        CHECK_NULL_RETURN(clazz1, NULL);
+        mid = env->GetStaticMethodID(clazz1, "getInstance",
+              "(I)Ljava/awt/color/ColorSpace;");
+        CHECK_NULL_RETURN(mid, NULL);
+        cspace = env->CallStaticObjectMethod(clazz1, mid,
+            java_awt_color_ColorSpace_CS_GRAY);
+        CHECK_NULL_RETURN(cspace, NULL);
+        bits[0] = 8;
+        bitsArray = env->NewIntArray(1);
+        if (bitsArray == 0) {
+            return NULL;
+        } else {
+            env->SetIntArrayRegion(bitsArray, 0, 1, bits);
+        }
+        clazz = env->FindClass("java/awt/image/ComponentColorModel");
+        CHECK_NULL_RETURN(clazz, NULL);
+        mid = env->GetMethodID(clazz,"<init>",
+            "(Ljava/awt/color/ColorSpace;[IZZII)V");
+        CHECK_NULL_RETURN(mid, NULL);
+        awt_colormodel = env->NewObject(clazz, mid,
+                                        cspace,
+                                        bitsArray,
+                                        JNI_FALSE,
+                                        JNI_FALSE,
+                                        java_awt_Transparency_OPAQUE,
+                                        java_awt_image_DataBuffer_TYPE_BYTE);
+    } else {
+        jintArray hRGB = env->NewIntArray(256);
+        unsigned int *rgb = NULL, *rgbP = NULL;
+        jboolean allvalid = JNI_TRUE;
+        jbyte vbits[256/8];
+        jobject validBits = NULL;
+        /* Create the LUT from the color map */
+        try {
+            rgb = (unsigned int *) env->GetPrimitiveArrayCritical(hRGB, 0);
+            CHECK_NULL_RETURN(rgb, NULL);
+            rgbP = rgb;
+            if (!palette) {
+                palette = new AwtPalette(this);
+                palette->UpdateLogical();
+            }
+            if (colorData->grayscale == GS_INDEXGRAY) {
+                /* For IndexColorModel, pretend first 10 colors and last
+                   10 colors are transparent black.  This makes
+                   ICM.allgrayopaque true.
+                */
+                unsigned int *logicalEntries = palette->GetLogicalEntries();
+                for (i=0; i < 10; i++) {
+                    rgbP[i] = 0x00000000;
+                    rgbP[i+246] = 0x00000000;
+                }
+                memcpy(&rgbP[10], &logicalEntries[10], 236 * sizeof(RGBQUAD));
+                // We need to specify which entries in the colormap are
+                // valid so that the transparent black entries we have
+                // created do not affect the Transparency setting of the
+                // IndexColorModel.  The vbits array is used to construct
+                // a BigInteger such that the most significant bit of vbits[0]
+                // indicates the validity of the last color (#256) and the
+                // least significant bit of vbits[256/8] indicates the
+                // validity of the first color (#0).  We need to fill vbits
+                // with all 1's and then turn off the first and last 10 bits.
+                memset(vbits, 0xff, sizeof(vbits));
+                vbits[0] = 0;
+                vbits[1] = (jbyte) (0xff >> 2);
+                vbits[sizeof(vbits)-2] = (jbyte) (0xff << 2);
+                vbits[sizeof(vbits)-1] = 0;
+                allvalid = JNI_FALSE;
+            } else {
+                if (AwtPalette::UseCustomPalette() && !dynamic) {
+                    // If we plan to use our custom palette (i.e., we are
+                    // not running inside another app and we are not creating
+                    // a dynamic colorModel object), then setup ICM with
+                    // custom palette entries
+                    unsigned int *logicalEntries = palette->GetLogicalEntries();
+                    memcpy(rgbP, logicalEntries, 256 * sizeof(int));
+                } else {
+                    // Else, use current system palette entries.
+                    // REMIND: This may not give the result we want if
+                    // we are running inside another app and that
+                    // parent app is running in the background when we
+                    // reach here.  We could at least cache an "ideal" set of
+                    // system palette entries from the first time we are
+                    // running in the foreground and then future ICM's will
+                    // use that set instead.
+                    unsigned int *systemEntries = palette->GetSystemEntries();
+                    memcpy(rgbP, systemEntries, 256 * sizeof(int));
+                }
+            }
+        } catch (...) {
+            env->ReleasePrimitiveArrayCritical(hRGB, rgb, 0);
+            throw;
+        }
+        env->ReleasePrimitiveArrayCritical(hRGB, rgb, 0);
+        // Construct a new color model
+        if (!allvalid) {
+            jbyteArray bArray = env->NewByteArray(sizeof(vbits));
+            CHECK_NULL_RETURN(bArray, NULL);
+            env->SetByteArrayRegion(bArray, 0, sizeof(vbits), vbits);
+            validBits = JNU_NewObjectByName(env,
+                                            "java/math/BigInteger",
+                                            "([B)V", bArray);
+        }
+        awt_colormodel =
+            JNU_NewObjectByName(env,
+                                "java/awt/image/IndexColorModel",
+                                "(II[IIILjava/math/BigInteger;)V",
+                                8, 256,
+                                hRGB, 0,
+                                java_awt_image_DataBuffer_TYPE_BYTE,
+                                validBits);
+    }
+    return awt_colormodel;
+ * Called from AwtPalette code when it is determined what grayscale
+ * value (if any) the current logical palette has
+ */
+void AwtWin32GraphicsDevice::SetGrayness(int grayValue)
+    colorData->grayscale = grayValue;
+ * Update our dynamic IndexedColorModel.  This happens after
+ * a change to the system palette.  Any surfaces stored in vram
+ * (Win32OffScreenSurfaceData and GDIWindowSurfaceData objects)
+ * refer to this colorModel and use its lookup table and inverse
+ * lookup to calculate correct index values for rgb colors.  So
+ * the colorModel must always reflect the current state of the
+ * system palette.
+ */
+void AwtWin32GraphicsDevice::UpdateDynamicColorModel()
+    if (!javaDevice) {
+        // javaDevice may not be set yet.  If not, return.  In
+        // this situation, we probably don't need an update anyway
+        // since the colorModel will be created with the correct
+        // info when the java side is initialized.
+        return;
+    }
+    JNIEnv *env = (JNIEnv *)JNU_GetEnv(jvm, JNI_VERSION_1_2);
+    jobject colorModel = env->GetObjectField(javaDevice,
+        dynamicColorModelID);
+    if (!colorModel) {
+        return;
+    }
+    if (env->IsInstanceOf(colorModel, indexCMClass)) {
+        // If colorModel not of type ICM then we're not in 8-bit mode and
+        // don't need to update it
+        jboolean isCopy;
+        unsigned int *newEntries = palette->GetSystemEntries();
+        jintArray rgbArray = (jintArray)env->GetObjectField(colorModel,
+            AwtWin32GraphicsDevice::indexCMrgbID);
+        jintArray cacheArray = (jintArray)env->GetObjectField(colorModel,
+            AwtWin32GraphicsDevice::indexCMcacheID);
+        if (!rgbArray || !cacheArray) {
+            JNU_ThrowInternalError(env, "rgb or lookupcache array of IndexColorModel null");
+            return;
+        }
+        int rgbLength = env->GetArrayLength(rgbArray);
+        int cacheLength = env->GetArrayLength(cacheArray);
+        jint *cmEntries = (jint *)env->GetPrimitiveArrayCritical(rgbArray, &isCopy);
+        if (!cmEntries) {
+            env->ExceptionClear();
+            JNU_ThrowInternalError(env, "Problem retrieving rgb critical array");
+            return;
+        }
+        jint *cache = (jint *)env->GetPrimitiveArrayCritical(cacheArray, &isCopy);
+        if (!cache) {
+            env->ExceptionClear();
+            env->ReleasePrimitiveArrayCritical(rgbArray, cmEntries, JNI_ABORT);
+            JNU_ThrowInternalError(env, "Problem retrieving cache critical array");
+            return;
+        }
+        // Set the new rgb values
+    int i;
+    for (i = 0; i < rgbLength; ++i) {
+            cmEntries[i] = newEntries[i];
+        }
+        // clear out the old cache
+        for (i = 0; i < cacheLength; ++i) {
+            cache[i] = 0;
+        }
+        env->ReleasePrimitiveArrayCritical(cacheArray, cache, 0);
+        env->ReleasePrimitiveArrayCritical(rgbArray, cmEntries, 0);
+        // Call WToolkit::paletteChanged() method; this will invalidate
+        // the offscreen surfaces dependent on this dynamic colorModel
+        // to ensure that they get redrawn with the correct color indices
+        env->CallStaticVoidMethod(AwtWin32GraphicsDevice::wToolkitClass,
+            paletteChangedMID);
+    }
+unsigned int *AwtWin32GraphicsDevice::GetSystemPaletteEntries()
+    // REMIND: What to do if palette NULL?  Need to throw
+    // some kind of exception?
+    return palette->GetSystemEntries();
+unsigned char *AwtWin32GraphicsDevice::GetSystemInverseLUT()
+    // REMIND: What to do if palette NULL?  Need to throw
+    // some kind of exception?
+    return palette->GetSystemInverseLUT();
+BOOL AwtWin32GraphicsDevice::UpdateSystemPalette()
+    if (colorData->bitsperpixel > 8) {
+        return FALSE;
+    } else {
+        return palette->Update();
+    }
+HPALETTE AwtWin32GraphicsDevice::SelectPalette(HDC hDC)
+    if (palette) {
+        return palette->Select(hDC);
+    } else {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+void AwtWin32GraphicsDevice::RealizePalette(HDC hDC)
+    if (palette) {
+        palette->Realize(hDC);
+    }
+ * Deterine which device the HWND exists on and return the
+ * appropriate index into the devices array.
+ */
+int AwtWin32GraphicsDevice::DeviceIndexForWindow(HWND hWnd)
+    HMONITOR mon = MonitorFromWindow(hWnd, MONITOR_DEFAULTTONEAREST);
+    int screen = AwtWin32GraphicsDevice::GetScreenFromHMONITOR(mon);
+    return screen;
+ * Get the HPALETTE associated with this device
+ */
+HPALETTE AwtWin32GraphicsDevice::GetPalette()
+    if (palette) {
+        return palette->GetPalette();
+    } else {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+ * Object referring to this device is releasing that reference.
+ * This allows the array holding all devices to be released (once
+ * all references to the array have gone away).
+ */
+void AwtWin32GraphicsDevice::Release()
+    devicesArray->Release();
+ * Links this native object with its java Win32GraphicsDevice.
+ * Need this link because the colorModel of the java device
+ * may be updated from native code.
+ */
+void AwtWin32GraphicsDevice::SetJavaDevice(JNIEnv *env, jobject objPtr)
+    javaDevice = env->NewWeakGlobalRef(objPtr);
+ * Sets horizontal and vertical scale factors
+ */
+void AwtWin32GraphicsDevice::SetScale(float sx, float sy)
+    scaleX = sx;
+    scaleY = sy;
+int AwtWin32GraphicsDevice::ScaleUpX(int x)
+    return (int)ceil(x * scaleX);
+int AwtWin32GraphicsDevice::ScaleUpY(int y)
+    return (int)ceil(y * scaleY);
+int AwtWin32GraphicsDevice::ScaleDownX(int x)
+    return (int)ceil(x / scaleX);
+int AwtWin32GraphicsDevice::ScaleDownY(int y)
+    return (int)ceil(y / scaleY);
+void AwtWin32GraphicsDevice::InitDesktopScales()
+    float dpiX = -1.0f;
+    float dpiY = -1.0f;
+    GetScreenDpi(GetMonitor(), &dpiX, &dpiY);
+    if (dpiX > 0 && dpiY > 0) {
+        SetScale(dpiX / 96, dpiY / 96);
+    }
+float AwtWin32GraphicsDevice::GetScaleX()
+    return scaleX;
+float AwtWin32GraphicsDevice::GetScaleY()
+    return scaleY;
+ * Disables offscreen acceleration for this device.  This
+ * sets a flag in the java object that is used to determine
+ * whether offscreen surfaces can be created on the device.
+ */
+void AwtWin32GraphicsDevice::DisableOffscreenAcceleration()
+    // REMIND: noop for now
+ * Invalidates the GraphicsDevice object associated with this
+ * device by disabling offscreen acceleration and calling
+ * invalidate(defIndex) on the java object.
+ */
+void AwtWin32GraphicsDevice::Invalidate(JNIEnv *env)
+    int defIndex = AwtWin32GraphicsDevice::GetDefaultDeviceIndex();
+    DisableOffscreenAcceleration();
+    jobject javaDevice = GetJavaDevice();
+    if (!JNU_IsNull(env, javaDevice)) {
+        JNU_CallMethodByName(env, NULL, javaDevice, "invalidate",
+                             "(I)V", defIndex);
+    }
+ * Static deviceIndex-based methods
+ *
+ * The following methods take a deviceIndex for the list of devices
+ * and perform the appropriate action on that device.  This way of
+ * dereferencing the list of devices allows us to do appropriate
+ * locks around the list to ensure multi-threaded safety.
+ */
+jobject AwtWin32GraphicsDevice::GetColorModel(JNIEnv *env, jboolean dynamic,
+                                              int deviceIndex)
+    Devices::InstanceAccess devices;
+    return devices->GetDevice(deviceIndex)->GetColorModel(env, dynamic);
+LPMONITORINFO AwtWin32GraphicsDevice::GetMonitorInfo(int deviceIndex)
+    Devices::InstanceAccess devices;
+    return devices->GetDevice(deviceIndex)->GetMonitorInfo();
+ * This function updates the data in the MONITORINFOEX structure pointed to by
+ * pMonitorInfo for all monitors on the system.  Added for 4654713.
+ */
+void AwtWin32GraphicsDevice::ResetAllMonitorInfo()
+    //IE in some circumstances generates WM_SETTINGCHANGE message on appearance
+    //and thus triggers this method
+    //but we may not have the devices list initialized yet.
+    if (!Devices::GetInstance()){
+        return;
+    }
+    Devices::InstanceAccess devices;
+    int devicesNum = devices->GetNumDevices();
+    for (int deviceIndex = 0; deviceIndex < devicesNum; deviceIndex++) {
+        HMONITOR monitor = devices->GetDevice(deviceIndex)->GetMonitor();
+        ::GetMonitorInfo(monitor,
+                         devices->GetDevice(deviceIndex)->pMonitorInfo);
+    }
+void AwtWin32GraphicsDevice::DisableOffscreenAccelerationForDevice(
+    HMONITOR hMonitor)
+    Devices::InstanceAccess devices;
+    if (hMonitor == NULL) {
+        devices->GetDevice(0)->DisableOffscreenAcceleration();
+    } else {
+        int devicesNum = devices->GetNumDevices();
+        for (int i = 0; i < devicesNum; ++i) {
+            if (devices->GetDevice(i)->GetMonitor() == hMonitor) {
+                devices->GetDevice(i)->DisableOffscreenAcceleration();
+            }
+        }
+    }
+HMONITOR AwtWin32GraphicsDevice::GetMonitor(int deviceIndex)
+    Devices::InstanceAccess devices;
+    return devices->GetDevice(deviceIndex)->GetMonitor();
+HPALETTE AwtWin32GraphicsDevice::GetPalette(int deviceIndex)
+    Devices::InstanceAccess devices;
+    return devices->GetDevice(deviceIndex)->GetPalette();
+void AwtWin32GraphicsDevice::UpdateDynamicColorModel(int deviceIndex)
+    Devices::InstanceAccess devices;
+    devices->GetDevice(deviceIndex)->UpdateDynamicColorModel();
+BOOL AwtWin32GraphicsDevice::UpdateSystemPalette(int deviceIndex)
+    Devices::InstanceAccess devices;
+    return devices->GetDevice(deviceIndex)->UpdateSystemPalette();
+HPALETTE AwtWin32GraphicsDevice::SelectPalette(HDC hDC, int deviceIndex)
+    Devices::InstanceAccess devices;
+    return devices->GetDevice(deviceIndex)->SelectPalette(hDC);
+void AwtWin32GraphicsDevice::RealizePalette(HDC hDC, int deviceIndex)
+    Devices::InstanceAccess devices;
+    devices->GetDevice(deviceIndex)->RealizePalette(hDC);
+ColorData *AwtWin32GraphicsDevice::GetColorData(int deviceIndex)
+    Devices::InstanceAccess devices;
+    return devices->GetDevice(deviceIndex)->GetColorData();
+ * Return the grayscale value for the indicated device.
+ */
+int AwtWin32GraphicsDevice::GetGrayness(int deviceIndex)
+    Devices::InstanceAccess devices;
+    return devices->GetDevice(deviceIndex)->GetGrayness();
+HDC AwtWin32GraphicsDevice::GetDCFromScreen(int screen) {
+    J2dTraceLn1(J2D_TRACE_INFO,
+                "AwtWin32GraphicsDevice::GetDCFromScreen screen=%d", screen);
+    Devices::InstanceAccess devices;
+    AwtWin32GraphicsDevice *dev = devices->GetDevice(screen);
+    return MakeDCFromMonitor(dev->GetMonitor());
+/** Compare elements of MONITORINFOEX structures for the given HMONITORs.
+ * If equal, return TRUE
+ */
+BOOL AwtWin32GraphicsDevice::AreSameMonitors(HMONITOR mon1, HMONITOR mon2) {
+    J2dTraceLn2(J2D_TRACE_INFO,
+                "AwtWin32GraphicsDevice::AreSameMonitors mhnd1=%x mhnd2=%x",
+                mon1, mon2);
+    DASSERT(mon1 != NULL);
+    DASSERT(mon2 != NULL);
+    memset((void*)(&mi1), 0, sizeof(MONITORINFOEX));
+    mi1.cbSize = sizeof(MONITORINFOEX);
+    memset((void*)(&mi2), 0, sizeof(MONITORINFOEX));
+    mi2.cbSize = sizeof(MONITORINFOEX);
+    if (::GetMonitorInfo(mon1, &mi1) != 0 &&
+        ::GetMonitorInfo(mon2, &mi2) != 0 )
+    {
+        if (::EqualRect(&mi1.rcMonitor, &mi2.rcMonitor) &&
+            ::EqualRect(&mi1.rcWork, &mi2.rcWork) &&
+            (mi1.dwFlags  == mi1.dwFlags))
+        {
+            J2dTraceLn(J2D_TRACE_VERBOSE, "  the monitors are the same");
+            return TRUE;
+        }
+    }
+    J2dTraceLn(J2D_TRACE_VERBOSE, "  the monitors are not the same");
+    return FALSE;
+int AwtWin32GraphicsDevice::GetScreenFromHMONITOR(HMONITOR mon) {
+    J2dTraceLn1(J2D_TRACE_INFO,
+                "AwtWin32GraphicsDevice::GetScreenFromHMONITOR mhnd=%x", mon);
+    DASSERT(mon != NULL);
+    JNIEnv *env = (JNIEnv*) JNU_GetEnv(jvm, JNI_VERSION_1_2);
+    if (!Devices::GetInstance()) {
+       Devices::UpdateInstance(env);
+    }
+    Devices::InstanceAccess devices;
+    for (int i = 0; i < devices->GetNumDevices(); i++) {
+        HMONITOR mhnd = devices->GetDevice(i)->GetMonitor();
+        if (AreSameMonitors(mon, mhnd)) {
+            J2dTraceLn1(J2D_TRACE_VERBOSE, "  Found device: %d", i);
+            return i;
+        }
+    }
+    J2dTraceLn1(J2D_TRACE_WARNING,
+                "AwtWin32GraphicsDevice::GetScreenFromHMONITOR(): "\
+                "couldn't find screen for HMONITOR %x, returning default", mon);
+    return AwtWin32GraphicsDevice::GetDefaultDeviceIndex();
+ * End of static deviceIndex-based methods
+ */
+    const DWORD REQUIRED_FLAGS = (   //Flags which must be set in
+     PFD_SUPPORT_GDI |               //in the PixelFormatDescriptor.
+     PFD_DRAW_TO_WINDOW);            //Used to choose the default config
+                                     //and to check formats in
+                                     //isPixFmtSupported()
+extern "C" {
+Java_sun_awt_Win32GraphicsDevice_initIDs(JNIEnv *env, jclass cls)
+    TRY;
+    /* class ids */
+    jclass iCMClass = env->FindClass("java/awt/image/IndexColorModel");
+    CHECK_NULL(iCMClass);
+    AwtWin32GraphicsDevice::indexCMClass = (jclass) env->NewGlobalRef(iCMClass);
+    env->DeleteLocalRef(iCMClass);
+    DASSERT(AwtWin32GraphicsDevice::indexCMClass);
+    CHECK_NULL(AwtWin32GraphicsDevice::indexCMClass);
+    jclass wTClass = env->FindClass("sun/awt/windows/WToolkit");
+    CHECK_NULL(wTClass);
+    AwtWin32GraphicsDevice::wToolkitClass = (jclass)env->NewGlobalRef(wTClass);
+    env->DeleteLocalRef(wTClass);
+    DASSERT(AwtWin32GraphicsDevice::wToolkitClass);
+    CHECK_NULL(AwtWin32GraphicsDevice::wToolkitClass);
+    /* field ids */
+    AwtWin32GraphicsDevice::dynamicColorModelID = env->GetFieldID(cls,
+        "dynamicColorModel", "Ljava/awt/image/ColorModel;");
+    DASSERT(AwtWin32GraphicsDevice::dynamicColorModelID);
+    CHECK_NULL(AwtWin32GraphicsDevice::dynamicColorModelID);
+    AwtWin32GraphicsDevice::indexCMrgbID =
+        env->GetFieldID(AwtWin32GraphicsDevice::indexCMClass, "rgb", "[I");
+    DASSERT(AwtWin32GraphicsDevice::indexCMrgbID);
+    CHECK_NULL(AwtWin32GraphicsDevice::indexCMrgbID);
+    AwtWin32GraphicsDevice::indexCMcacheID =
+        env->GetFieldID(AwtWin32GraphicsDevice::indexCMClass,
+        "lookupcache", "[I");
+    DASSERT(AwtWin32GraphicsDevice::indexCMcacheID);
+    CHECK_NULL(AwtWin32GraphicsDevice::indexCMcacheID);
+    /* method ids */
+    AwtWin32GraphicsDevice::paletteChangedMID = env->GetStaticMethodID(
+        AwtWin32GraphicsDevice::wToolkitClass, "paletteChanged", "()V");
+    DASSERT(AwtWin32GraphicsDevice::paletteChangedMID);
+    CHECK_NULL(AwtWin32GraphicsDevice::paletteChangedMID);
+    // Only want to call this once per session
+    make_uns_ordered_dither_array(img_oda_alpha, 256);
+    // workaround JDK-6477756, ignore return value to keep dll in memory
+    JDK_LoadSystemLibrary("opengl32.dll");
+} /* extern "C" */
+ * Class:     sun_awt_Win32GraphicsDevice
+ * Method:    getMaxConfigsImpl
+ * Signature: ()I
+ */
+JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_sun_awt_Win32GraphicsDevice_getMaxConfigsImpl
+    (JNIEnv* jniEnv, jobject theThis, jint screen) {
+        TRY;
+    HDC hDC = AwtWin32GraphicsDevice::GetDCFromScreen(screen);
+    int max = ::DescribePixelFormat(hDC, 1, sizeof(PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR),
+        &pfd);
+    if (hDC != NULL) {
+        VERIFY(::DeleteDC(hDC));
+        hDC = NULL;
+    }
+    //If ::DescribePixelFormat() fails, max = 0
+    //In this case, we return 1 config with visual number 0
+    if (max == 0) {
+        max = 1;
+    }
+    return (jint)max;
+        CATCH_BAD_ALLOC_RET(0);
+ * Class:     sun_awt_Win32GraphicsDevice
+ * Method:    isPixFmtSupported
+ * Signature: (I)Z
+ */
+JNIEXPORT jboolean JNICALL Java_sun_awt_Win32GraphicsDevice_isPixFmtSupported
+    (JNIEnv* env, jobject theThis, jint pixFmtID, jint screen) {
+        TRY;
+    jboolean suppColor = JNI_TRUE;
+    HDC hDC = AwtWin32GraphicsDevice::GetDCFromScreen(screen);
+    if (pixFmtID == 0) {
+        return true;
+    }
+    int max = ::DescribePixelFormat(hDC, (int)pixFmtID,
+        sizeof(PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR), &pfd);
+    DASSERT(max);
+    //Check for supported ColorModel
+    if ((pfd.cColorBits < 8) ||
+       ((pfd.cColorBits == 8) && (pfd.iPixelType != PFD_TYPE_COLORINDEX))) {
+        //Note: this still allows for PixelFormats with > 8 color bits
+        //which use COLORINDEX instead of RGB.  This seems to work fine,
+        //although issues may crop up involving PFD_NEED_PALETTE, which
+        //is not currently taken into account.
+        //If changes are made, they should also be reflected in
+        //getDefaultPixID.
+        suppColor = JNI_FALSE;
+    }
+    if (hDC != NULL) {
+        VERIFY(::DeleteDC(hDC));
+        hDC = NULL;
+    }
+    return (((pfd.dwFlags & REQUIRED_FLAGS) == REQUIRED_FLAGS) && suppColor) ?
+ * Class:     sun_awt_Win32GraphicsDevice
+ * Method:    getDefaultPixIDImpl
+ * Signature: (I)I
+ */
+JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_sun_awt_Win32GraphicsDevice_getDefaultPixIDImpl
+    (JNIEnv* env, jobject theThis, jint screen) {
+        TRY;
+    int pixFmtID = 0;
+    HDC hDC = AwtWin32GraphicsDevice::GetDCFromScreen(screen);
+        1,               //version
+        REQUIRED_FLAGS,  //flags
+        0,               //iPixelType
+        0,               //cColorBits
+        0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, //cRedBits, cRedShift, green, blue, alpha
+        0,0,0,0,0,       //cAccumBits, cAccumRedBits, green, blue, alpha
+        0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0  //etc.
+    };
+    //If 8-bit mode, must use Indexed mode
+    if (8 == ::GetDeviceCaps(hDC, BITSPIXEL)) {
+        pfd.iPixelType = PFD_TYPE_COLORINDEX;
+    }
+    pixFmtID = ::ChoosePixelFormat(hDC, &pfd);
+    if (pixFmtID == 0) {
+        //Return 0 if GDI call fails.
+        if (hDC != NULL) {
+            VERIFY(::DeleteDC(hDC));
+            hDC = NULL;
+        }
+        return pixFmtID;
+    }
+    if (JNI_FALSE == Java_sun_awt_Win32GraphicsDevice_isPixFmtSupported(
+     env, theThis, pixFmtID, screen)) {
+        /* Can't find a suitable pixel format ID.  Fall back on 0. */
+        pixFmtID = 0;
+    }
+    VERIFY(::DeleteDC(hDC));
+    hDC = NULL;
+    return (jint)pixFmtID;
+        CATCH_BAD_ALLOC_RET(0);
+ * Class:     sun_awt_Win32GraphicsDevice
+ * Method:    enterFullScreenExclusive
+ * Signature: (Ljava/awt/peer/WindowPeer;)V
+ */
+        JNIEnv* env, jobject graphicsDevice,
+        jint screen, jobject windowPeer) {
+    TRY;
+    PDATA pData;
+    JNI_CHECK_PEER_RETURN(windowPeer);
+    AwtWindow *window = (AwtWindow *)pData;  // safe cast since we are called
+                                             // with the WWindowPeer object
+    HWND hWnd = window->GetHWnd();
+    if (!::SetWindowPos(hWnd, HWND_TOPMOST, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+    {
+        J2dTraceLn1(J2D_TRACE_ERROR,
+                    "Error %d setting topmost attribute to fs window",
+                    ::GetLastError());
+    }
+ * Class:     sun_awt_Win32GraphicsDevice
+ * Method:    exitFullScreenExclusive
+ * Signature: (Ljava/awt/peer/WindowPeer;)V
+ */
+        JNIEnv* env, jobject graphicsDevice,
+        jint screen, jobject windowPeer) {
+    TRY;
+    PDATA pData;
+    JNI_CHECK_PEER_RETURN(windowPeer);
+    AwtWindow *window = (AwtWindow *)pData;  // safe cast since we are called
+                                             // with the WWindowPeer object
+    HWND hWnd = window->GetHWnd();
+    jobject target = env->GetObjectField(windowPeer, AwtObject::targetID);
+    jboolean alwaysOnTop = JNU_GetFieldByName(env, NULL, target, "alwaysOnTop", "Z").z;
+    env->DeleteLocalRef(target);
+    if (!::SetWindowPos(hWnd, HWND_NOTOPMOST, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+    {
+        J2dTraceLn1(J2D_TRACE_ERROR,
+                    "Error %d unsetting topmost attribute to fs window",
+                    ::GetLastError());
+    }
+    // We should restore alwaysOnTop state as it's anyway dropped here
+    Java_sun_awt_windows_WWindowPeer_setAlwaysOnTopNative(env, windowPeer, alwaysOnTop);
+jobject CreateDisplayMode(JNIEnv* env, jint width, jint height,
+    jint bitDepth, jint refreshRate) {
+    TRY;
+    jclass displayModeClass = env->FindClass("java/awt/DisplayMode");
+    if (JNU_IsNull(env, displayModeClass)) {
+        env->ExceptionClear();
+        JNU_ThrowInternalError(env, "Could not get display mode class");
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    jmethodID cid = env->GetMethodID(displayModeClass, "<init>", "(IIII)V");
+    if (cid == NULL) {
+        env->ExceptionClear();
+        JNU_ThrowInternalError(env, "Could not get display mode constructor");
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    jobject displayMode = env->NewObject(displayModeClass, cid, width,
+        height, bitDepth, refreshRate);
+    return displayMode;
+ * A utility function which retrieves a DISPLAY_DEVICE information
+ * given a screen number.
+ *
+ * If the function was able to find an attached device for the given screen
+ * number, the lpDisplayDevice will be initialized with the data and
+ * the function will return TRUE, otherwise it returns FALSE and contents
+ * of the structure pointed to by lpDisplayDevice is undefined.
+ */
+static BOOL
+GetAttachedDisplayDevice(int screen, DISPLAY_DEVICE *lpDisplayDevice)
+    DWORD dwDeviceNum = 0;
+    lpDisplayDevice->cb = sizeof(DISPLAY_DEVICE);
+    while (EnumDisplayDevices(NULL, dwDeviceNum, lpDisplayDevice, 0) &&
+           dwDeviceNum < 20) // avoid infinite loop with buggy drivers
+    {
+        if (lpDisplayDevice->StateFlags & DISPLAY_DEVICE_ATTACHED_TO_DESKTOP) {
+            Devices::InstanceAccess devices;
+            MONITORINFOEX *pMonInfo =
+                (LPMONITORINFOEX)devices->GetDevice(screen)->GetMonitorInfo();
+            // make sure the device names match
+            if (wcscmp(pMonInfo->szDevice, lpDisplayDevice->DeviceName) == 0) {
+                return TRUE;
+            }
+        }
+        dwDeviceNum++;
+    }
+    return FALSE;
+ * Class:     sun_awt_Win32GraphicsDevice
+ * Method:    getCurrentDisplayMode
+ * Signature: (IZ)Ljava/awt/DisplayMode;
+ */
+    (JNIEnv* env, jobject graphicsDevice, jint screen)
+    TRY;
+    DEVMODE dm;
+    LPTSTR pName = NULL;
+    dm.dmSize = sizeof(dm);
+    dm.dmDriverExtra = 0;
+    DISPLAY_DEVICE displayDevice;
+    if (GetAttachedDisplayDevice(screen, &displayDevice)) {
+        pName = displayDevice.DeviceName;
+    }
+    if (!EnumDisplaySettings(pName, ENUM_CURRENT_SETTINGS, &dm))
+    {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    return CreateDisplayMode(env, dm.dmPelsWidth,
+        dm.dmPelsHeight, dm.dmBitsPerPel, dm.dmDisplayFrequency);
+ * Class:     sun_awt_Win32GraphicsDevice
+ * Method:    configDisplayMode
+ * Signature: (IIIIZ)V
+ */
+    (JNIEnv* env, jobject graphicsDevice, jint screen, jobject windowPeer,
+     jint width, jint height, jint bitDepth, jint refreshRate)
+    TRY;
+        DEVMODE dm;
+    dm.dmSize = sizeof(dm);
+    dm.dmDriverExtra = 0;
+    dm.dmPelsWidth = width;
+    dm.dmPelsHeight = height;
+    dm.dmBitsPerPel = bitDepth;
+    dm.dmDisplayFrequency = refreshRate;
+    dm.dmFields = DM_PELSWIDTH | DM_PELSHEIGHT |
+    // ChangeDisplaySettings works only on the primary screen.
+    // ChangeDisplaySettingsEx is not available on NT,
+    // so it'd be nice not to break it if we can help it.
+    if (screen == AwtWin32GraphicsDevice::GetDefaultDeviceIndex()) {
+        if (::ChangeDisplaySettings(&dm, CDS_FULLSCREEN) !=
+        {
+            JNU_ThrowInternalError(env,
+                                   "Could not set display mode");
+        }
+        return;
+    }
+    DISPLAY_DEVICE displayDevice;
+    if (!GetAttachedDisplayDevice(screen, &displayDevice) ||
+        (::ChangeDisplaySettingsEx(displayDevice.DeviceName, &dm, NULL, CDS_FULLSCREEN, NULL) !=
+    {
+        JNU_ThrowInternalError(env,
+                               "Could not set display mode");
+    }
+class EnumDisplayModeParam {
+    EnumDisplayModeParam(JNIEnv* e, jobject a) : env(e), arrayList(a) {}
+    JNIEnv* env;
+    jobject arrayList;
+void addDisplayMode(JNIEnv* env, jobject arrayList, jint width,
+    jint height, jint bitDepth, jint refreshRate) {
+    TRY;
+    jobject displayMode = CreateDisplayMode(env, width, height,
+        bitDepth, refreshRate);
+    if (!JNU_IsNull(env, displayMode)) {
+        jclass arrayListClass = env->GetObjectClass(arrayList);
+        if (JNU_IsNull(env, arrayListClass)) {
+            JNU_ThrowInternalError(env,
+                "Could not get class java.util.ArrayList");
+            return;
+        }
+        jmethodID mid = env->GetMethodID(arrayListClass, "add",
+        "(Ljava/lang/Object;)Z");
+        if (mid == NULL) {
+            env->ExceptionClear();
+            JNU_ThrowInternalError(env,
+                "Could not get method java.util.ArrayList.add()");
+            return;
+        }
+        env->CallObjectMethod(arrayList, mid, displayMode);
+        env->DeleteLocalRef(displayMode);
+    }
+ * Class:     sun_awt_Win32GraphicsDevice
+ * Method:    enumDisplayModes
+ * Signature: (Ljava/util/ArrayList;Z)V
+ */
+JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_sun_awt_Win32GraphicsDevice_enumDisplayModes
+    (JNIEnv* env, jobject graphicsDevice, jint screen, jobject arrayList)
+    TRY;
+    DEVMODE dm;
+    LPTSTR pName = NULL;
+    DISPLAY_DEVICE displayDevice;
+    if (GetAttachedDisplayDevice(screen, &displayDevice)) {
+        pName = displayDevice.DeviceName;
+    }
+    dm.dmSize = sizeof(dm);
+    dm.dmDriverExtra = 0;
+    BOOL bContinue = TRUE;
+    for (int i = 0; bContinue; i++) {
+        bContinue = EnumDisplaySettings(pName, i, &dm);
+        if (dm.dmBitsPerPel >= 8) {
+            addDisplayMode(env, arrayList, dm.dmPelsWidth, dm.dmPelsHeight,
+                           dm.dmBitsPerPel, dm.dmDisplayFrequency);
+            JNU_CHECK_EXCEPTION(env);
+        }
+    }
+ * Class:     sun_awt_Win32GraphicsDevice
+ * Method:    makeColorModel
+ * Signature: ()Ljava/awt/image/ColorModel
+ */
+    Java_sun_awt_Win32GraphicsDevice_makeColorModel
+    (JNIEnv *env, jobject thisPtr, jint screen, jboolean dynamic)
+    Devices::InstanceAccess devices;
+    return devices->GetDevice(screen)->GetColorModel(env, dynamic);
+ * Class:     sun_awt_Win32GraphicsDevice
+ * Method:    initDevice
+ * Signature: (I)V
+ */
+    Java_sun_awt_Win32GraphicsDevice_initDevice
+    (JNIEnv *env, jobject thisPtr, jint screen)
+    Devices::InstanceAccess devices;
+    devices->GetDevice(screen)->SetJavaDevice(env, thisPtr);
+ * Class:     sun_awt_Win32GraphicsDevice
+ * Method:    setNativeScale
+ * Signature: (I,F,F)V
+ */
+    Java_sun_awt_Win32GraphicsDevice_setNativeScale
+    (JNIEnv *env, jobject thisPtr, jint screen, jfloat scaleX, jfloat scaleY)
+    Devices::InstanceAccess devices;
+    AwtWin32GraphicsDevice *device = devices->GetDevice(screen);
+    if (device != NULL ) {
+        device->SetScale(scaleX, scaleY);
+    }
+ * Class:     sun_awt_Win32GraphicsDevice
+ * Method:    getNativeScaleX
+ * Signature: (I)F
+ */
+    Java_sun_awt_Win32GraphicsDevice_getNativeScaleX
+    (JNIEnv *env, jobject thisPtr, jint screen)
+    Devices::InstanceAccess devices;
+    AwtWin32GraphicsDevice *device = devices->GetDevice(screen);
+    return (device == NULL) ? 1 : device->GetScaleX();
+ * Class:     sun_awt_Win32GraphicsDevice
+ * Method:    getNativeScaleY
+ * Signature: (I)F
+ */
+    Java_sun_awt_Win32GraphicsDevice_getNativeScaleY
+    (JNIEnv *env, jobject thisPtr, jint screen)
+    Devices::InstanceAccess devices;
+    AwtWin32GraphicsDevice *device = devices->GetDevice(screen);
+    return (device == NULL) ? 1 : device->GetScaleY();
+* Class:     sun_awt_Win32GraphicsDevice
+* Method:    initNativeScale
+* Signature: (I)V;
+(JNIEnv *env, jobject thisPtr, jint screen)
+    Devices::InstanceAccess devices;
+    AwtWin32GraphicsDevice *device = devices->GetDevice(screen);
+    if (device != NULL) {
+        device->InitDesktopScales();
+    }