changeset 47216 71c04702a3d5
parent 28059 e576535359cc
child 49079 05077701f689
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/java.desktop/unix/native/libawt_xawt/awt/multiVis.c	Tue Sep 12 19:03:39 2017 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,1242 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 1999, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
+ * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
+ * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
+ *
+ * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
+ * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
+ * accompanied this code).
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
+ * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+ * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+ *
+ * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
+ * or visit if you need additional information or have any
+ * questions.
+ */
+/* $XConsortium: multiVis.c /main/4 1996/10/14 15:04:08 swick $ */
+/** ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+        This file contains functions to create a list of regions which
+        tile a specified window.  Each region contains all visible
+        portions of the window which are drawn with the same visual.
+        If the window consists of subwindows of two different visual types,
+        there will be two regions in the list.  The list can be traversed
+        to correctly pull an image of the window using XGetImage or the
+        Image Library.
+ This file is available under and governed by the GNU General Public
+ License version 2 only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ However, the following notice accompanied the original version of this
+ file:
+Copyright (c) 1994 Hewlett-Packard Co.
+Copyright (c) 1996  X Consortium
+Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
+a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
+"Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
+without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
+distribute, sublicense, and sell copies of the Software, and to
+permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
+the following conditions:
+The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
+in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+Except as contained in this notice, the name of the X Consortium shall
+not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or
+other dealings in this Software without prior written authorization
+from the X Consortium.
+    ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **/
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <X11/Xlib.h>
+#include <X11/Xutil.h>
+#include <X11/X.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "list.h"
+#include "wsutils.h"
+#include "multiVis.h"
+#include "robot_common.h"
+static char *vis_class_str[] = { "StaticGray" , "GrayScale" , "StaticColor",
+                                 "PseudoColor","TrueColor","DirectColor" } ;
+/* These structures are copied from X11/region.h.  For some reason
+ * they're invisible from the outside.*/
+typedef struct {
+    short x1, x2, y1, y2;
+} myBox, myBOX, myBoxRec, *myBoxPtr;
+typedef struct my_XRegion {    /* 64-bit: Region is supposed to be opaque    */
+    long size;                 /* but it is defined here anyway.  I'm going  */
+    long numRects;             /* to leave those longs alone.                */
+    myBOX *rects;
+    myBOX extents;
+} myREGION;
+/* Items in long list of windows that have some part in the grabbed area */
+typedef struct {
+    Window win;
+    Visual *vis;
+    Colormap cmap;
+    int32_t x_rootrel, y_rootrel;       /* root relative location of window */
+    int32_t x_vis, y_vis;               /* rt rel x,y of vis part, not parent clipped */
+    int32_t width, height;              /* width and height of visible part */
+    int32_t border_width;               /* border width of the window */
+    Window parent;              /* id of parent (for debugging) */
+} image_win_type;
+/*  Items in short list of regions that tile the grabbed area.  May have
+    multiple windows in the region.
+typedef struct {
+    Window win;                 /* lowest window of this visual */
+    Visual *vis;
+    Colormap cmap;
+    int32_t x_rootrel, y_rootrel;       /* root relative location of bottom window */
+    int32_t x_vis, y_vis;               /* rt rel x,y of vis part, not parent clipped */
+    int32_t width, height;              /* w & h of visible rect of bottom window */
+    int32_t border;                     /* border width of the window */
+    Region visible_region;
+} image_region_type;
+/** ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+        Returns TRUE if the two structs pointed to have the same "vis" &
+        "cmap" fields and s2 lies completely within s1.  s1 and s2 can
+        point to structs of image_win_type or image_region_type.
+    ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **/
+#define SAME_REGIONS( s1, s2)   \
+        ((s1)->vis == (s2)->vis && (s1)->cmap == (s2)->cmap &&          \
+         (s1)->x_vis <= (s2)->x_vis &&                              \
+         (s1)->y_vis <= (s2)->y_vis &&                              \
+         (s1)->x_vis + (s1)->width  >= (s2)->x_vis + (s2)->width && \
+         (s1)->y_vis + (s1)->height >= (s2)->y_vis + (s2)->height)
+#ifndef MIN
+#define MIN( a, b)      ((a) < (b) ? a : b)
+#define MAX( a, b)      ((a) > (b) ? a : b)
+#define RED_SHIFT        16
+#define GREEN_SHIFT       8
+#define BLUE_SHIFT        0
+extern list_ptr new_list();
+extern list_ptr dup_list_head();
+extern void *   first_in_list();
+extern void *   next_in_list();
+extern int32_t  add_to_list();
+extern void     zero_list();
+extern void     delete_list();
+extern void     delete_list_destroying();
+extern uint32_t list_length();
+/* Prototype Declarations for Static Functions */
+static void TransferImage(
+#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
+           Display *, XImage *,int32_t, int32_t , image_region_type*,
+           XImage *,int32_t ,int32_t
+           );
+static XImage * ReadRegionsInList(
+#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
+           Display *, Visual *, int32_t ,int32_t ,int32_t ,
+           int32_t , XRectangle, list_ptr
+           );
+static list_ptr make_region_list(
+#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
+                  Display*, Window, XRectangle*,
+                  int32_t*, int32_t, XVisualInfo**, int32_t     *
+         );
+static void destroy_region_list(
+#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
+            list_ptr
+            ) ;
+static void subtr_rect_from_image_region(
+#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
+           image_region_type *, int32_t , int32_t , int32_t , int32_t
+     );
+static void add_rect_to_image_region(
+#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
+           image_region_type *,
+           int32_t , int32_t , int32_t , int32_t
+     );
+static int32_t src_in_region_list(
+#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
+    image_win_type *, list_ptr
+    );
+static void add_window_to_list(
+#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
+    list_ptr, Window, int32_t, int32_t ,
+    int32_t     , int32_t , int32_t , int32_t, int32_t,
+    Visual*, Colormap, Window
+    );
+static int32_t src_in_image(
+#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
+    image_win_type      *, int32_t      , XVisualInfo**
+    );
+static int32_t src_in_overlay(
+#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
+    image_region_type *, int32_t, OverlayInfo *, int32_t*, int32_t*
+    );
+/* End of Prototype Declarations */
+void initFakeVisual(Vis)
+Visual *Vis ;
+    Vis->ext_data=NULL;
+    Vis->class = DirectColor ;
+    Vis->red_mask =   0x00FF0000;
+    Vis->green_mask = 0x0000FF00 ;
+    Vis->blue_mask  = 0x000000FF ;
+    Vis->map_entries = 256 ;
+    Vis->bits_per_rgb = 8 ;
+/* QueryColorMap has been moved into robot_common.c so it can be used by
+ * awt_DataTransferer.c as well.
+ */
+GetMultiVisualRegions(disp,srcRootWinid, x, y, width, height,
+    transparentOverlays,numVisuals, pVisuals,numOverlayVisuals, pOverlayVisuals,
+    numImageVisuals, pImageVisuals,vis_regions,vis_image_regions,allImage)
+    Display             *disp;
+    Window              srcRootWinid;   /* root win on which grab was done */
+    int32_t             x;      /* root rel UL corner of bounding box of grab */
+    int32_t             y;
+    uint32_t            width;  /* size of bounding box of grab */
+    uint32_t            height;
+    int32_t             *transparentOverlays ;
+    int32_t             *numVisuals;
+    XVisualInfo         **pVisuals;
+    int32_t             *numOverlayVisuals;
+    OverlayInfo         **pOverlayVisuals;
+    int32_t             *numImageVisuals;
+    XVisualInfo         ***pImageVisuals;
+    list_ptr            *vis_regions;    /* list of regions to read from */
+    list_ptr            *vis_image_regions ;
+    int32_t             *allImage ;
+    int32_t             hasNonDefault;
+    XRectangle          bbox;           /* bounding box of grabbed area */
+    /* Java uses 32-bit ints for coordinates, but XRectangles use 16-bit shorts.
+     * Hope nobody passes in too big a coordinate */
+    bbox.x = (short) x;                 /* init X rect for bounding box */
+    bbox.y = (short) y;
+    bbox.width = (unsigned short) width;
+    bbox.height = (unsigned short) height;
+    GetXVisualInfo(disp,DefaultScreen(disp),
+                    transparentOverlays,
+                    numVisuals, pVisuals,
+                    numOverlayVisuals, pOverlayVisuals,
+                    numImageVisuals, pImageVisuals);
+    *vis_regions = *vis_image_regions = NULL ;
+    if ((*vis_regions = make_region_list( disp, srcRootWinid, &bbox,
+                                         &hasNonDefault, *numImageVisuals,
+                                         *pImageVisuals, allImage)) == NULL)
+        return 0 ;
+    if (*transparentOverlays)
+    {
+        *allImage = 1; /* until proven otherwise,
+                         this flags that it to be an image only list */
+        *vis_image_regions =
+                make_region_list( disp, srcRootWinid, &bbox, &hasNonDefault,
+                                        *numImageVisuals, *pImageVisuals, allImage);
+    }
+    /* if there is a second region in any of the two lists return 1 **/
+    if ( ( *vis_regions && (*vis_regions)->next && (*vis_regions)->next->next ) ||
+         ( *vis_image_regions && (*vis_image_regions)->next &&
+           (*vis_image_regions)->next->next ) ) return 1 ;
+    else return 0 ;
+static void TransferImage(disp,reg_image,srcw,srch,reg,
+                          target_image,dst_x,dst_y)
+Display *disp;
+XImage *reg_image,*target_image ;
+image_region_type       *reg;
+int32_t srcw,srch,dst_x , dst_y ;
+    int32_t ncolors;
+    int32_t i,j,old_pixel,new_pixel,red_ind,green_ind,blue_ind ;
+    XColor *colors;
+    int32_t rShift,gShift,bShift;
+    int32_t targetBytesPerLine ;
+    ncolors = QueryColorMap(disp,reg->cmap,reg->vis,&colors,
+         &rShift,&gShift,&bShift) ;
+    targetBytesPerLine = target_image->bytes_per_line;
+    switch (reg->vis->class) {
+    case TrueColor :
+       for(i=0 ; i < srch ; i++)
+       {
+         for(j=0 ; j < srcw ;  j++)
+         {
+           old_pixel = (int32_t) XGetPixel(reg_image,j,i) ;
+/* commented out since not using server RGB masks in all true color modes
+ * causes the R and B values to be swapped around on some X servers
+ *    - robi.khan@eng 9/7/1999
+ *           if( reg->vis->map_entries == 16) {
+ */
+             red_ind   = (old_pixel & reg->vis->red_mask) >> rShift ;
+                 green_ind = (old_pixel & reg->vis->green_mask) >> gShift ;
+                 blue_ind  = (old_pixel & reg->vis->blue_mask) >> bShift ;
+                 new_pixel = (
+                              ((colors[red_ind].red >> 8) << RED_SHIFT)
+                              |((colors[green_ind].green >> 8) << GREEN_SHIFT)
+                              |((colors[blue_ind].blue >> 8) << BLUE_SHIFT)
+                             );
+/*         }
+ *  else
+ *    new_pixel = old_pixel;
+ */
+           XPutPixel(target_image,dst_x+j, dst_y+i,new_pixel);
+         }
+       }
+       break;
+    case DirectColor :
+       for(i=0 ; i < srch ; i++)
+       {
+         for(j=0 ; j < srcw ;  j++)
+         {
+           old_pixel = (int32_t) XGetPixel(reg_image,j,i) ;
+           red_ind   = (old_pixel & reg->vis->red_mask) >> rShift ;
+               green_ind = (old_pixel & reg->vis->green_mask) >> gShift ;
+               blue_ind  = (old_pixel & reg->vis->blue_mask) >> bShift ;
+               new_pixel = (
+                         ((colors[red_ind].red >> 8) << RED_SHIFT)
+                        |((colors[green_ind].green >> 8) << GREEN_SHIFT)
+                        |((colors[blue_ind].blue >> 8) << BLUE_SHIFT)
+                       );
+           XPutPixel(target_image,dst_x+j, dst_y+i,new_pixel);
+         }
+       }
+       break;
+    default :
+       for(i=0 ; i < srch ; i++)
+       {
+         for(j=0 ; j < srcw ;  j++)
+         {
+               old_pixel = (int32_t) XGetPixel(reg_image,j,i) ;
+               new_pixel = (
+                         ((colors[old_pixel].red >> 8) << RED_SHIFT)
+                        |((colors[old_pixel].green >> 8) << GREEN_SHIFT)
+                        |((colors[old_pixel].blue >> 8) << BLUE_SHIFT)
+                       );
+           XPutPixel(target_image,dst_x+j, dst_y+i,new_pixel);
+         }
+       }
+       break;
+    }
+    /* Fix memory leak by freeing colors
+     *  - robi.khan@eng 9/22/1999
+     */
+    free(colors);
+static XImage *
+Display *disp ;
+Visual *fakeVis ;
+int32_t depth , width , height ;
+int32_t format ;
+XRectangle      bbox;           /* bounding box of grabbed area */
+list_ptr regions;/* list of regions to read from */
+    image_region_type   *reg;
+    int32_t                     dst_x, dst_y;   /* where in pixmap to write (UL) */
+    int32_t                     diff;
+    XImage              *reg_image,*ximage ;
+    int32_t             srcRect_x,srcRect_y,srcRect_width,srcRect_height ;
+    int32_t     rem ;
+    int32_t     bytes_per_line;
+    int32_t     bitmap_unit;
+    bitmap_unit = sizeof (long);
+    if (format == ZPixmap)
+       bytes_per_line = width*depth/8;
+    else
+       bytes_per_line = width/8;
+    /* Find out how many more bytes are required for padding so that
+    ** bytes per scan line will be multiples of bitmap_unit bits */
+    if (format == ZPixmap) {
+       rem = (bytes_per_line*8)%bitmap_unit;
+    if (rem)
+       bytes_per_line += (rem/8 + 1);
+    }
+    ximage = XCreateImage(disp,fakeVis,(uint32_t) depth,format,0,NULL,
+                          (uint32_t)width,(uint32_t)height,8,0);
+    bytes_per_line = ximage->bytes_per_line;
+    if (format == ZPixmap)
+          ximage->data = malloc(height*bytes_per_line);
+    else
+        ximage->data = malloc(height*bytes_per_line*depth);
+    ximage->bits_per_pixel = depth; /** Valid only if format is ZPixmap ***/
+    for (reg = (image_region_type *) first_in_list( regions); reg;
+         reg = (image_region_type *) next_in_list( regions))
+    {
+                int32_t rect;
+                struct my_XRegion *vis_reg;
+                vis_reg = (struct my_XRegion *)(reg->visible_region);
+                for (rect = 0;
+                     rect < vis_reg->numRects;
+                     rect++)
+                {
+                /** ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+                        Intersect bbox with visible part of region giving src rect & output
+                        location.  Width is the min right side minus the max left side.
+                        Similar for height.  Offset src rect so x,y are relative to
+                        origin of win, not the root-relative visible rect of win.
+                    ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **/
+                    srcRect_width  = MIN( vis_reg->rects[rect].x2, bbox.width + bbox.x)
+             - MAX( vis_reg->rects[rect].x1, bbox.x);
+                    srcRect_height = MIN( vis_reg->rects[rect].y2, bbox.height + bbox.y)
+             - MAX( vis_reg->rects[rect].y1, bbox.y);
+                    diff = bbox.x - vis_reg->rects[rect].x1;
+                    srcRect_x = MAX( 0, diff)  + (vis_reg->rects[rect].x1 - reg->x_rootrel - reg->border);
+                    dst_x     = MAX( 0, -diff) ;
+                    diff = bbox.y - vis_reg->rects[rect].y1;
+                    srcRect_y = MAX( 0, diff)  + (vis_reg->rects[rect].y1 - reg->y_rootrel - reg->border);
+                    dst_y     = MAX( 0, -diff) ;
+            reg_image = XGetImage(disp,reg->win,srcRect_x,srcRect_y,
+             (uint32_t) srcRect_width, (uint32_t) srcRect_height,AllPlanes,format) ;
+                    TransferImage(disp,reg_image,srcRect_width,
+                                 srcRect_height,reg,ximage,dst_x,dst_y) ;
+            XDestroyImage(reg_image);
+            }
+    }
+    return ximage ;
+/** ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **/
+XImage *ReadAreaToImage(disp, srcRootWinid, x, y, width, height,
+    numVisuals,pVisuals,numOverlayVisuals,pOverlayVisuals,numImageVisuals,
+    pImageVisuals,vis_regions,vis_image_regions,format,allImage)
+    Display             *disp;
+    Window              srcRootWinid;   /* root win on which grab was done */
+    int32_t                     x;   /* root rel UL corner of bounding box of grab */
+    int32_t                     y;
+    uint32_t            width;  /* size of bounding box of grab */
+    uint32_t            height;
+    /** int32_t                 transparentOverlays; ***/
+    int32_t                     numVisuals;
+    XVisualInfo         *pVisuals;
+    int32_t                     numOverlayVisuals;
+    OverlayInfo         *pOverlayVisuals;
+    int32_t                     numImageVisuals;
+    XVisualInfo         **pImageVisuals;
+    list_ptr            vis_regions;    /* list of regions to read from */
+    list_ptr            vis_image_regions ;/* list of regions to read from */
+    int32_t                     format;
+    int32_t             allImage ;
+    image_region_type   *reg;
+    XRectangle          bbox;           /* bounding box of grabbed area */
+    int32_t             depth ;
+    XImage              *ximage, *ximage_ipm ;
+    Visual              fakeVis ;
+    int32_t     x1, y1;
+    XImage      *image;
+    unsigned char       *pmData ,  *ipmData ;
+    int32_t                 transparentColor, transparentType;
+    int32_t                     srcRect_x,srcRect_y,srcRect_width,srcRect_height ;
+    int32_t                     diff ;
+    int32_t                     dst_x, dst_y;   /* where in pixmap to write (UL) */
+    int32_t                     pixel;
+    bbox.x = (short) x;                 /* init X rect for bounding box */
+    bbox.y = (short) y;
+    bbox.width = (unsigned short) width;
+    bbox.height = (unsigned short) height;
+    ximage_ipm = NULL;
+    initFakeVisual(&fakeVis) ;
+    depth = 24 ;
+    ximage = ReadRegionsInList(disp,&fakeVis,depth,format,
+             (int32_t) width, (int32_t) height, bbox,vis_regions) ;
+    pmData = (unsigned char *)ximage -> data ;
+/* if transparency possible do it again, but this time for image planes only */
+    if (vis_image_regions && (vis_image_regions->next) && !allImage)
+    {
+            ximage_ipm = ReadRegionsInList(disp,&fakeVis,depth,format,
+                         (int32_t) width, (int32_t) height,bbox,vis_image_regions) ;
+        ipmData = (unsigned char *)ximage_ipm -> data ;
+    }
+/* Now tranverse the overlay visual windows and test for transparency index.  */
+/* If you find one, subsitute the value from the matching image plane pixmap. */
+    for (reg = (image_region_type *) first_in_list( vis_regions); reg;
+         reg = (image_region_type *) next_in_list( vis_regions))
+    {
+        if (src_in_overlay( reg, numOverlayVisuals, pOverlayVisuals,
+                                 &transparentColor, &transparentType))
+        {
+         int32_t test = 0 ;
+             srcRect_width  = MIN( reg->width + reg->x_vis, bbox.width + bbox.x)
+                                 - MAX( reg->x_vis, bbox.x);
+             srcRect_height = MIN( reg->height + reg->y_vis, bbox.height
+                                 + bbox.y) - MAX( reg->y_vis, bbox.y);
+         diff = bbox.x - reg->x_vis;
+         srcRect_x = MAX( 0, diff) + (reg->x_vis - reg->x_rootrel - reg->border);
+         dst_x     = MAX( 0, -diff) ;
+             diff = bbox.y - reg->y_vis;
+             srcRect_y = MAX( 0, diff)  + (reg->y_vis - reg->y_rootrel - reg->border);
+             dst_y     = MAX( 0, -diff) ;
+        /* let's test some pixels for transparency */
+         image = XGetImage(disp, reg->win, srcRect_x, srcRect_y,
+                           (uint32_t) srcRect_width, (uint32_t) srcRect_height,
+                           0xffffffff, ZPixmap);
+        /* let's assume byte per pixel for overlay image for now */
+             if ((image->depth == 8) && (transparentType == TransparentPixel))
+             {
+                 unsigned char *pixel_ptr;
+                 unsigned char *start_of_line = (unsigned char *) image->data;
+                 for (y1 = 0; y1 < srcRect_height; y1++) {
+                    pixel_ptr = start_of_line;
+                    for (x1 = 0; x1 < srcRect_width; x1++)
+                    {
+                        if (*pixel_ptr++ == transparentColor)
+                        {
+                        /*
+                            *pmData++ = *ipmData++;
+                            *pmData++ = *ipmData++;
+                            *pmData++ = *ipmData++;
+                        */
+                        pixel = (int32_t) XGetPixel(ximage_ipm,dst_x+x1,dst_y+y1) ;
+                    XPutPixel(ximage,dst_x+x1, dst_y+y1,(unsigned long)pixel);
+                        if(!test){
+                           test = 1 ;
+                        }
+                        }
+                        /*
+                        else {
+                            pmData +=3;
+                            ipmData +=3;
+                        }
+                        */
+                    }
+                    start_of_line += image->bytes_per_line;
+                }
+        } else {
+                if (transparentType == TransparentPixel) {
+                for (y1 = 0; y1 < srcRect_height; y1++) {
+                      for (x1 = 0; x1 < srcRect_width; x1++)
+                      {
+                            int32_t pixel_value = (int32_t) XGetPixel(image, x1, y1);
+                            if (pixel_value == transparentColor)
+                            {
+                            /*
+                                *pmData++ = *ipmData++;
+                                *pmData++ = *ipmData++;
+                                *pmData++ = *ipmData++;
+                            */
+                        pixel = (int32_t) XGetPixel(ximage_ipm,dst_x+x1,dst_y+y1) ;
+                    XPutPixel(ximage,dst_x+x1, dst_y+y1,(unsigned long)pixel);
+                        if(!test){
+                           test = 1 ;
+                        }
+                            }
+                            /*
+                            else {
+                                pmData +=3;
+                                ipmData +=3;
+                            }
+                            */
+                        }
+                    }
+                } else {
+                    for (y1 = 0; y1 < srcRect_height; y1++) {
+                        for (x1 = 0; x1 < srcRect_width; x1++)
+                        {
+                            int32_t pixel_value = (int32_t) XGetPixel(image, x1, y1);
+                            if (pixel_value & transparentColor)
+                            {
+                            /*
+                                *pmData++ = *ipmData++;
+                                *pmData++ = *ipmData++;
+                                *pmData++ = *ipmData++;
+                            */
+                     pixel = (int32_t) XGetPixel(ximage_ipm,dst_x+x1,
+                                    dst_y+y1) ;
+                     XPutPixel(ximage,dst_x+x1, dst_y+y1,(unsigned long)pixel);
+                        if(!test){
+                           test = 1 ;
+                        }
+                            }
+                            /*
+                            else {
+                                pmData +=3;
+                                ipmData +=3;
+                            }
+                            */
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+        }
+        XDestroyImage (image);
+      } /* end of src_in_overlay */
+    } /** end transparency **/
+    if (ximage_ipm != NULL) {
+        XDestroyImage(ximage_ipm);
+    }
+    destroy_region_list( vis_regions);
+    if (vis_image_regions) destroy_region_list( vis_image_regions );
+    FreeXVisualInfo(pVisuals, pOverlayVisuals, pImageVisuals);
+    XSync(disp, 0);
+    return ximage;
+/** ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+        Creates a list of the subwindows of a given window which have a
+        different visual than their parents.  The function is recursive.
+        This list is used in make_region_list(), which coalesces the
+        windows with the same visual into a region.
+        image_wins must point to an existing list struct that's already
+        been zeroed (zero_list()).
+    ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **/
+static void make_src_list( disp, image_wins, bbox, curr, x_rootrel, y_rootrel,
+                    curr_attrs, pclip)
+    Display             *disp;
+    list_ptr            image_wins;
+    XRectangle          *bbox;                  /* bnding box of area we want */
+    Window              curr;
+    int32_t                     x_rootrel;              /* pos of curr WRT root */
+    int32_t                     y_rootrel;
+    XWindowAttributes   *curr_attrs;
+    XRectangle          *pclip;                 /* visible part of curr, not */
+                                                /* obscurred by ancestors */
+    XWindowAttributes child_attrs;
+    Window root, parent, *child;        /* variables for XQueryTree() */
+    Window *save_child_list;            /* variables for XQueryTree() */
+    uint32_t nchild;            /* variables for XQueryTree() */
+    XRectangle child_clip;              /* vis part of child */
+    int32_t curr_clipX, curr_clipY, curr_clipRt, curr_clipBt;
+    /* check that win is mapped & not outside bounding box */
+    if (curr_attrs->map_state == IsViewable &&
+        curr_attrs->class == InputOutput &&
+        !( pclip->x >= (bbox->x + bbox->width)  ||
+           pclip->y >= (bbox->y + bbox->height) ||
+           (pclip->x + pclip->width)  <= bbox->x        ||
+           (pclip->y + pclip->height) <= bbox->y)) {
+        XQueryTree( disp, curr, &root, &parent, &child, &nchild );
+        save_child_list = child;      /* so we can free list when we're done */
+        add_window_to_list( image_wins, curr, x_rootrel, y_rootrel,
+                            (int32_t) pclip->x, (int32_t) pclip->y,
+                            (int32_t) pclip->width, (int32_t) pclip->height,
+                            curr_attrs->border_width,curr_attrs->visual,
+                            curr_attrs->colormap, parent);
+/** ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+        set RR coords of right (Rt), left (X), bottom (Bt) and top (Y)
+        of rect we clip all children by.  This is our own clip rect (pclip)
+        inflicted on us by our parent plus our own borders.  Within the
+        child loop, we figure the clip rect for each child by adding in
+        it's rectangle (not taking into account the child's borders).
+    ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **/
+        curr_clipX = MAX( pclip->x, x_rootrel + curr_attrs->border_width);
+        curr_clipY = MAX( pclip->y, y_rootrel + curr_attrs->border_width);
+        curr_clipRt = MIN(pclip->x + pclip->width,
+                                  x_rootrel + curr_attrs->width + 2 * curr_attrs->border_width);
+        curr_clipBt = MIN(pclip->y + pclip->height,
+                                  y_rootrel + curr_attrs->height + 2 * curr_attrs->border_width);
+        while (nchild--) {
+            int32_t new_width, new_height;
+            int32_t child_xrr, child_yrr;       /* root relative x & y of child */
+            XGetWindowAttributes( disp, *child, &child_attrs);
+            /* intersect parent & child clip rects */
+            child_xrr = x_rootrel + child_attrs.x + curr_attrs->border_width;
+            child_clip.x = (short) MAX( curr_clipX, child_xrr);
+            new_width = MIN(curr_clipRt,
+                        child_xrr + child_attrs.width +
+                         2 * child_attrs.border_width) - child_clip.x;
+            if (new_width >= 0) {
+                child_clip.width = (unsigned short) new_width;
+                child_yrr = y_rootrel + child_attrs.y +
+                            curr_attrs->border_width;
+                child_clip.y = (short) MAX( curr_clipY, child_yrr);
+                new_height = MIN(curr_clipBt,
+                                         child_yrr + (int32_t) child_attrs.height +
+                                         2 * child_attrs.border_width) - child_clip.y;
+                if (new_height >= 0) {
+                    child_clip.height = (unsigned short) new_height;
+                    make_src_list( disp, image_wins, bbox, *child,
+                                   child_xrr, child_yrr,
+                                   &child_attrs, &child_clip);
+                }
+            }
+            child++;
+        }
+        XFree( save_child_list);
+    }
+/** ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+        This function creates a list of regions which tile a specified
+        window.  Each region contains all visible portions of the window
+        which are drawn with the same visual.  For example, if the
+        window consists of subwindows of two different visual types,
+        there will be two regions in the list.
+        Returns a pointer to the list.
+    ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **/
+static list_ptr make_region_list( disp, win, bbox, hasNonDefault,
+                             numImageVisuals, pImageVisuals, allImage)
+    Display             *disp;
+    Window              win;
+    XRectangle          *bbox;
+    int32_t             *hasNonDefault;
+    int32_t                     numImageVisuals;
+    XVisualInfo         **pImageVisuals;
+    int32_t                     *allImage;
+    XWindowAttributes   win_attrs;
+    list                image_wins;
+    list_ptr            image_regions;
+    list_ptr            srcs_left;
+    image_region_type   *new_reg;
+    image_win_type      *base_src, *src;
+    Region              bbox_region = XCreateRegion();
+    XRectangle          clip;
+    int32_t                     image_only;
+    int32_t                 count=0 ;
+    *hasNonDefault = False;
+    XUnionRectWithRegion( bbox, bbox_region, bbox_region);
+    XGetWindowAttributes( disp, win, &win_attrs);
+    zero_list( &image_wins);
+    clip.x = 0;
+    clip.y = 0;
+    clip.width  = (unsigned short) win_attrs.width;
+    clip.height = (unsigned short) win_attrs.height;
+    make_src_list( disp, &image_wins, bbox, win,
+                   0 /* x_rootrel */, 0 /* y_rootrel */, &win_attrs, &clip);
+    image_regions = new_list();
+    image_only = (*allImage) ? True:False;
+    for (base_src = (image_win_type *) first_in_list( &image_wins); base_src;
+         base_src = (image_win_type *) next_in_list( &image_wins))
+    {
+        /* test for image visual */
+        if (!image_only || src_in_image(base_src, numImageVisuals, pImageVisuals))
+        {
+            /* find a window whose visual hasn't been put in list yet */
+            if (!src_in_region_list( base_src, image_regions))
+            {
+                if (! (new_reg = (image_region_type *)
+                                        malloc( sizeof( image_region_type)))) {
+                    return (list_ptr) NULL;
+                }
+                count++;
+                new_reg->visible_region = XCreateRegion();
+                new_reg->win            = base_src->win;
+                new_reg->vis            = base_src->vis;
+                new_reg->cmap           = base_src->cmap;
+                new_reg->x_rootrel      = base_src->x_rootrel;
+                new_reg->y_rootrel      = base_src->y_rootrel;
+                new_reg->x_vis          = base_src->x_vis;
+                new_reg->y_vis          = base_src->y_vis;
+                new_reg->width          = base_src->width;
+                new_reg->height         = base_src->height;
+                new_reg->border         = base_src->border_width;
+                srcs_left = (list_ptr) dup_list_head( &image_wins, START_AT_CURR);
+                for (src = (image_win_type *) first_in_list( srcs_left); src;
+                     src = (image_win_type *) next_in_list( srcs_left)) {
+                    if (SAME_REGIONS( base_src, src)) {
+                        add_rect_to_image_region( new_reg, src->x_vis, src->y_vis,
+                                                  src->width, src->height);
+                    }
+                    else {
+                        if (!image_only || src_in_image(src, numImageVisuals, pImageVisuals))
+                        {
+                            subtr_rect_from_image_region( new_reg, src->x_vis,
+                                          src->y_vis, src->width, src->height);
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+                XIntersectRegion( bbox_region, new_reg->visible_region,
+                                  new_reg->visible_region);
+                if (! XEmptyRegion( new_reg->visible_region)) {
+                    add_to_list( image_regions, new_reg);
+                    if (new_reg->vis != DefaultVisualOfScreen( win_attrs.screen) ||
+                        new_reg->cmap != DefaultColormapOfScreen(
+                                                            win_attrs.screen)) {
+                        *hasNonDefault = True;
+                    }
+                }
+                else {
+                    XDestroyRegion( new_reg->visible_region);
+                    free( (void *) new_reg);
+                }
+            }
+        } else *allImage = 0;
+    }
+    delete_list( &image_wins, True);
+    XDestroyRegion( bbox_region);
+    return image_regions;
+/** ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+        Destructor called from destroy_region_list().
+    ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **/
+void destroy_image_region( image_region)
+    image_region_type *image_region;
+    XDestroyRegion( image_region->visible_region);
+    free( (void *) image_region);
+/** ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+        Destroys the region list, destroying all the regions contained in it.
+    ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **/
+static void destroy_region_list( rlist)
+    list_ptr rlist;
+    delete_list_destroying( rlist, (DESTRUCT_FUNC_PTR)destroy_image_region);
+/** ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+        Subtracts the specified rectangle from the region in image_region.
+        First converts the rectangle to a region of its own, since X
+        only provides a way to subtract one region from another, not a
+        rectangle from a region.
+    ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **/
+static void subtr_rect_from_image_region( image_region, x, y, width, height)
+    image_region_type *image_region;
+    int32_t x;
+    int32_t y;
+    int32_t width;
+    int32_t height;
+    XRectangle rect;
+    Region rect_region;
+    rect_region = XCreateRegion();
+    rect.x = (short)x;
+    rect.y = (short)y;
+    rect.width = (unsigned short)width;
+    rect.height = (unsigned short)height;
+    XUnionRectWithRegion( &rect, rect_region, rect_region);
+    XSubtractRegion( image_region->visible_region, rect_region,
+                     image_region->visible_region);
+    XDestroyRegion( rect_region);
+/** ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+        Adds the specified rectangle to the region in image_region.
+    ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **/
+static void add_rect_to_image_region( image_region, x, y, width, height)
+    image_region_type *image_region;
+    int32_t x;
+    int32_t y;
+    int32_t width;
+    int32_t height;
+    XRectangle rect;
+    rect.x = (short) x;
+    rect.y = (short) y;
+    rect.width = (unsigned short) width;
+    rect.height = (unsigned short) height;
+    XUnionRectWithRegion( &rect, image_region->visible_region,
+                          image_region->visible_region);
+/** ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+        Returns TRUE if the given src's visual is already represented in
+        the image_regions list, FALSE otherwise.
+    ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **/
+static int32_t src_in_region_list( src, image_regions)
+    image_win_type *src;
+    list_ptr image_regions;
+    image_region_type   *ir;
+    for (ir = (image_region_type *) first_in_list( image_regions); ir;
+         ir = (image_region_type *) next_in_list( image_regions)) {
+        if (SAME_REGIONS( ir, src)) {
+            return 1;
+        }
+    }
+    return 0;
+/** ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+        Makes a new entry in image_wins with the given fields filled in.
+    ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **/
+static void add_window_to_list( image_wins, w, xrr, yrr, x_vis, y_vis,
+                                width, height, border_width,vis, cmap, parent)
+    list_ptr    image_wins;
+    Window      w;
+    int32_t             xrr;
+    int32_t     yrr;
+    int32_t             x_vis;
+    int32_t     y_vis;
+    int32_t     width;
+    int32_t     height;
+    int32_t     border_width;
+    Visual      *vis;
+    Colormap    cmap;
+    Window      parent;
+    image_win_type      *new_src;
+    if ((new_src = (image_win_type *) malloc( sizeof( image_win_type))) == NULL)
+        return;
+    new_src->win = w;
+    new_src->x_rootrel = xrr;
+    new_src->y_rootrel = yrr;
+    new_src->x_vis = x_vis;
+    new_src->y_vis = y_vis;
+    new_src->width = width;
+    new_src->height = height;
+    new_src->border_width = border_width;
+    new_src->vis = vis;
+    new_src->cmap = cmap;
+    new_src->parent = parent;
+    add_to_list( image_wins, new_src);
+/** ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+        Returns TRUE if the given src's visual is in the image planes,
+        FALSE otherwise.
+    ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **/
+static int32_t src_in_image( src, numImageVisuals, pImageVisuals)
+    image_win_type      *src;
+    int32_t                     numImageVisuals;
+    XVisualInfo         **pImageVisuals;
+    int32_t             i;
+    for (i = 0 ; i < numImageVisuals ; i++)
+    {
+        if (pImageVisuals[i]->visual == src->vis)
+            return 1;
+    }
+    return 0;
+/** ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+        Returns TRUE if the given src's visual is in the overlay planes
+        and transparency is possible, FALSE otherwise.
+    ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **/
+static int32_t src_in_overlay( src, numOverlayVisuals, pOverlayVisuals,
+                        transparentColor, transparentType)
+    image_region_type   *src;
+    int32_t                     numOverlayVisuals;
+    OverlayInfo         *pOverlayVisuals;
+    int32_t                     *transparentColor;
+    int32_t                     *transparentType;
+    int32_t             i;
+    for (i = 0 ; i < numOverlayVisuals ; i++)
+    {
+        if (((pOverlayVisuals[i].pOverlayVisualInfo)->visual == src->vis)
+                && (pOverlayVisuals[i].transparentType != None))
+        {
+            *transparentColor = pOverlayVisuals[i].value;
+            *transparentType = pOverlayVisuals[i].transparentType;
+            return 1;
+        }
+        else {
+        }
+    }
+    return 0;
+/********************** from wsutils.c ******************************/
+ *
+ * This file contains a set of example utility procedures; procedures that can
+ * help a "window-smart" Starbase or PHIGS program determine information about
+ * a device, and create image and overlay plane windows.  To use these
+ * utilities, #include "wsutils.h" and compile this file and link the results
+ * with your program.
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+#define STATIC_GRAY     0x01
+#define GRAY_SCALE      0x02
+#define PSEUDO_COLOR    0x04
+#define TRUE_COLOR      0x10
+#define DIRECT_COLOR    0x11
+static int32_t  weCreateServerOverlayVisualsProperty = False;
+ *
+ * GetXVisualInfo()
+ *
+ * This routine takes an X11 Display, screen number, and returns whether the
+ * screen supports transparent overlays and three arrays:
+ *
+ *      1) All of the XVisualInfo struct's for the screen.
+ *      2) All of the OverlayInfo struct's for the screen.
+ *      3) An array of pointers to the screen's image plane XVisualInfo
+ *         structs.
+ *
+ * The code below obtains the array of all the screen's visuals, and obtains
+ * the array of all the screen's overlay visual information.  It then processes
+ * the array of the screen's visuals, determining whether the visual is an
+ * overlay or image visual.
+ *
+ * If the routine sucessfully obtained the visual information, it returns zero.
+ * If the routine didn't obtain the visual information, it returns non-zero.
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+int32_t GetXVisualInfo(display, screen, transparentOverlays,
+                   numVisuals, pVisuals,
+                   numOverlayVisuals, pOverlayVisuals,
+                   numImageVisuals, pImageVisuals)
+    Display     *display;                   /* Which X server (aka "display"). */
+    int32_t             screen;                 /* Which screen of the "display". */
+    int32_t             *transparentOverlays;   /* Non-zero if there's at least one
+                                         * overlay visual and if at least one
+                                         * of those supports a transparent
+                                         * pixel. */
+    int32_t             *numVisuals;            /* Number of XVisualInfo struct's
+                                         * pointed to by pVisuals. */
+    XVisualInfo **pVisuals;             /* All of the device's visuals. */
+    int32_t             *numOverlayVisuals;     /* Number of OverlayInfo's pointed
+                                         * to by pOverlayVisuals.  If this
+                                         * number is zero, the device does
+                                         * not have overlay planes. */
+    OverlayInfo **pOverlayVisuals;      /* The device's overlay plane visual
+                                         * information. */
+    int32_t             *numImageVisuals;       /* Number of XVisualInfo's pointed
+                                         * to by pImageVisuals. */
+    XVisualInfo ***pImageVisuals;       /* The device's image visuals. */
+    XVisualInfo getVisInfo;             /* Parameters of XGetVisualInfo */
+    int32_t             mask;
+    XVisualInfo *pVis, **pIVis;         /* Faster, local copies */
+    OverlayInfo *pOVis;
+    OverlayVisualPropertyRec    *pOOldVis;
+    int32_t             nVisuals, nOVisuals;
+    Atom        overlayVisualsAtom;     /* Parameters for XGetWindowProperty */
+    Atom        actualType;
+    unsigned long numLongs, bytesAfter;
+    int32_t             actualFormat;
+    int32_t             nImageVisualsAlloced;   /* Values to process the XVisualInfo */
+    int32_t             imageVisual;            /* array */
+    /* First, get the list of visuals for this screen. */
+    getVisInfo.screen = screen;
+    mask = VisualScreenMask;
+    *pVisuals = XGetVisualInfo(display, mask, &getVisInfo, numVisuals);
+    if ((nVisuals = *numVisuals) <= 0)
+    {
+        /* Return that the information wasn't sucessfully obtained: */
+        return(1);
+    }
+    pVis = *pVisuals;
+    /* Now, get the overlay visual information for this screen.  To obtain
+     * this information, get the SERVER_OVERLAY_VISUALS property.
+     */
+    overlayVisualsAtom = XInternAtom(display, "SERVER_OVERLAY_VISUALS", True);
+    if (overlayVisualsAtom != None)
+    {
+        /* Since the Atom exists, we can request the property's contents.  The
+         * do-while loop makes sure we get the entire list from the X server.
+         */
+        bytesAfter = 0;
+        numLongs = sizeof(OverlayVisualPropertyRec) / 4;
+        do
+        {
+            numLongs += bytesAfter * 4;
+            XGetWindowProperty(display, RootWindow(display, screen),
+                               overlayVisualsAtom, 0, numLongs, False,
+                               overlayVisualsAtom, &actualType, &actualFormat,
+                               &numLongs, &bytesAfter, (unsigned char**) pOverlayVisuals);
+        } while (bytesAfter > 0);
+        /* Calculate the number of overlay visuals in the list. */
+        /* *numOverlayVisuals = numLongs / (sizeof(OverlayVisualPropertyRec) / 4); */
+        *numOverlayVisuals = numLongs / (sizeof(OverlayVisualPropertyRec) / sizeof(long));
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        /* This screen doesn't have overlay planes. */
+        *numOverlayVisuals = 0;
+        *pOverlayVisuals = NULL;
+        *transparentOverlays = 0;
+    }
+    /* Process the pVisuals array. */
+    *numImageVisuals = 0;
+    nImageVisualsAlloced = 1;
+    pIVis = *pImageVisuals = (XVisualInfo **) malloc(sizeof(XVisualInfo *));
+    while (--nVisuals >= 0)
+    {
+        nOVisuals = *numOverlayVisuals;
+        pOVis = *pOverlayVisuals;
+        imageVisual = True;
+        while (--nOVisuals >= 0)
+        {
+            pOOldVis = (OverlayVisualPropertyRec *) pOVis;
+            if (pVis->visualid == pOOldVis->visualID)
+            {
+                imageVisual = False;
+                pOVis->pOverlayVisualInfo = pVis;
+                if (pOVis->transparentType == TransparentPixel)
+                    *transparentOverlays = 1;
+            }
+            pOVis++;
+        }
+        if (imageVisual)
+        {
+            if ((*numImageVisuals += 1) > nImageVisualsAlloced)
+            {
+                nImageVisualsAlloced++;
+                *pImageVisuals = (XVisualInfo **)
+                    realloc(*pImageVisuals, (nImageVisualsAlloced * sizeof(XVisualInfo *)));
+                pIVis = *pImageVisuals + (*numImageVisuals - 1);
+            }
+            *pIVis++ = pVis;
+        }
+        pVis++;
+    }
+    /* Return that the information was sucessfully obtained: */
+    return(0);
+} /* GetXVisualInfo() */
+ *
+ * FreeXVisualInfo()
+ *
+ * This routine frees the data that was allocated by GetXVisualInfo().
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+void FreeXVisualInfo(pVisuals, pOverlayVisuals, pImageVisuals)
+    XVisualInfo *pVisuals;
+    OverlayInfo *pOverlayVisuals;
+    XVisualInfo **pImageVisuals;
+    XFree(pVisuals);
+    if (weCreateServerOverlayVisualsProperty)
+        free(pOverlayVisuals);
+    else
+        XFree(pOverlayVisuals);
+    free(pImageVisuals);
+} /* FreeXVisualInfo() */