changeset 47216 71c04702a3d5
parent 41820 3d8c88d00c9f
child 50768 68fa3d4026ea
child 56542 56aaa6cb3693
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/security/ssl/	Tue Sep 12 19:03:39 2017 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,607 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 1996, 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
+ * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
+ * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
+ *
+ * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
+ * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
+ * accompanied this code).
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
+ * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+ * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+ *
+ * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
+ * or visit if you need additional information or have any
+ * questions.
+ */
+import java.nio.*;
+import java.util.*;
+import javax.crypto.BadPaddingException;
+import static;
+ * DTLS {@code OutputRecord} implementation for {@code SSLEngine}.
+ */
+final class DTLSOutputRecord extends OutputRecord implements DTLSRecord {
+    private DTLSFragmenter fragmenter = null;
+    int                 writeEpoch;
+    int                 prevWriteEpoch;
+    Authenticator       prevWriteAuthenticator;
+    CipherBox           prevWriteCipher;
+    private LinkedList<RecordMemo> alertMemos = new LinkedList<>();
+    DTLSOutputRecord() {
+        this.writeAuthenticator = new MAC(true);
+        this.writeEpoch = 0;
+        this.prevWriteEpoch = 0;
+        this.prevWriteCipher = CipherBox.NULL;
+        this.prevWriteAuthenticator = new MAC(true);
+        this.packetSize = DTLSRecord.maxRecordSize;
+        this.protocolVersion = ProtocolVersion.DEFAULT_DTLS;
+    }
+    @Override
+    void changeWriteCiphers(Authenticator writeAuthenticator,
+            CipherBox writeCipher) throws IOException {
+        encodeChangeCipherSpec();
+        prevWriteCipher.dispose();
+        this.prevWriteAuthenticator = this.writeAuthenticator;
+        this.prevWriteCipher = this.writeCipher;
+        this.prevWriteEpoch = this.writeEpoch;
+        this.writeAuthenticator = writeAuthenticator;
+        this.writeCipher = writeCipher;
+        this.writeEpoch++;
+        this.isFirstAppOutputRecord = true;
+        // set the epoch number
+        this.writeAuthenticator.setEpochNumber(this.writeEpoch);
+    }
+    @Override
+    void encodeAlert(byte level, byte description) throws IOException {
+        RecordMemo memo = new RecordMemo();
+        memo.contentType = Record.ct_alert;
+        memo.majorVersion = protocolVersion.major;
+        memo.minorVersion = protocolVersion.minor;
+        memo.encodeEpoch = writeEpoch;
+        memo.encodeCipher = writeCipher;
+        memo.encodeAuthenticator = writeAuthenticator;
+        memo.fragment = new byte[2];
+        memo.fragment[0] = level;
+        memo.fragment[1] = description;
+        alertMemos.add(memo);
+    }
+    @Override
+    void encodeChangeCipherSpec() throws IOException {
+        if (fragmenter == null) {
+           fragmenter = new DTLSFragmenter();
+        }
+        fragmenter.queueUpChangeCipherSpec();
+    }
+    @Override
+    void encodeHandshake(byte[] source,
+            int offset, int length) throws IOException {
+        if (firstMessage) {
+            firstMessage = false;
+        }
+        if (fragmenter == null) {
+           fragmenter = new DTLSFragmenter();
+        }
+        fragmenter.queueUpHandshake(source, offset, length);
+    }
+    @Override
+    Ciphertext encode(ByteBuffer[] sources, int offset, int length,
+            ByteBuffer destination) throws IOException {
+        if (writeAuthenticator.seqNumOverflow()) {
+            if (debug != null && Debug.isOn("ssl")) {
+                System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName() +
+                    ", sequence number extremely close to overflow " +
+                    "(2^64-1 packets). Closing connection.");
+            }
+            throw new SSLHandshakeException("sequence number overflow");
+        }
+        // not apply to handshake message
+        int macLen = 0;
+        if (writeAuthenticator instanceof MAC) {
+            macLen = ((MAC)writeAuthenticator).MAClen();
+        }
+        int fragLen;
+        if (packetSize > 0) {
+            fragLen = Math.min(maxRecordSize, packetSize);
+            fragLen = writeCipher.calculateFragmentSize(
+                    fragLen, macLen, headerSize);
+            fragLen = Math.min(fragLen, Record.maxDataSize);
+        } else {
+            fragLen = Record.maxDataSize;
+        }
+        if (fragmentSize > 0) {
+            fragLen = Math.min(fragLen, fragmentSize);
+        }
+        int dstPos = destination.position();
+        int dstLim = destination.limit();
+        int dstContent = dstPos + headerSize +
+                                writeCipher.getExplicitNonceSize();
+        destination.position(dstContent);
+        int remains = Math.min(fragLen, destination.remaining());
+        fragLen = 0;
+        int srcsLen = offset + length;
+        for (int i = offset; (i < srcsLen) && (remains > 0); i++) {
+            int amount = Math.min(sources[i].remaining(), remains);
+            int srcLimit = sources[i].limit();
+            sources[i].limit(sources[i].position() + amount);
+            destination.put(sources[i]);
+            sources[i].limit(srcLimit);         // restore the limit
+            remains -= amount;
+            fragLen += amount;
+        }
+        destination.limit(destination.position());
+        destination.position(dstContent);
+        if ((debug != null) && Debug.isOn("record")) {
+            System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName() +
+                    ", WRITE: " + protocolVersion + " " +
+                    Record.contentName(Record.ct_application_data) +
+                    ", length = " + destination.remaining());
+        }
+        // Encrypt the fragment and wrap up a record.
+        long recordSN = encrypt(writeAuthenticator, writeCipher,
+                Record.ct_application_data, destination,
+                dstPos, dstLim, headerSize,
+                protocolVersion, true);
+        if ((debug != null) && Debug.isOn("packet")) {
+            ByteBuffer temporary = destination.duplicate();
+            temporary.limit(temporary.position());
+            temporary.position(dstPos);
+            Debug.printHex(
+                    "[Raw write]: length = " + temporary.remaining(),
+                    temporary);
+        }
+        // remain the limit unchanged
+        destination.limit(dstLim);
+        return new Ciphertext(RecordType.RECORD_APPLICATION_DATA, recordSN);
+    }
+    @Override
+    Ciphertext acquireCiphertext(ByteBuffer destination) throws IOException {
+        if (alertMemos != null && !alertMemos.isEmpty()) {
+            RecordMemo memo = alertMemos.pop();
+            int macLen = 0;
+            if (memo.encodeAuthenticator instanceof MAC) {
+                macLen = ((MAC)memo.encodeAuthenticator).MAClen();
+            }
+            int dstPos = destination.position();
+            int dstLim = destination.limit();
+            int dstContent = dstPos + headerSize +
+                                writeCipher.getExplicitNonceSize();
+            destination.position(dstContent);
+            destination.put(memo.fragment);
+            destination.limit(destination.position());
+            destination.position(dstContent);
+            if ((debug != null) && Debug.isOn("record")) {
+                System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName() +
+                        ", WRITE: " + protocolVersion + " " +
+                        Record.contentName(Record.ct_alert) +
+                        ", length = " + destination.remaining());
+            }
+            // Encrypt the fragment and wrap up a record.
+            long recordSN = encrypt(memo.encodeAuthenticator, memo.encodeCipher,
+                    Record.ct_alert, destination, dstPos, dstLim, headerSize,
+                    ProtocolVersion.valueOf(memo.majorVersion,
+                            memo.minorVersion), true);
+            if ((debug != null) && Debug.isOn("packet")) {
+                ByteBuffer temporary = destination.duplicate();
+                temporary.limit(temporary.position());
+                temporary.position(dstPos);
+                Debug.printHex(
+                        "[Raw write]: length = " + temporary.remaining(),
+                        temporary);
+            }
+            // remain the limit unchanged
+            destination.limit(dstLim);
+            return new Ciphertext(RecordType.RECORD_ALERT, recordSN);
+        }
+        if (fragmenter != null) {
+            return fragmenter.acquireCiphertext(destination);
+        }
+        return null;
+    }
+    @Override
+    boolean isEmpty() {
+        return ((fragmenter == null) || fragmenter.isEmpty()) &&
+               ((alertMemos == null) || alertMemos.isEmpty());
+    }
+    @Override
+    void initHandshaker() {
+        // clean up
+        fragmenter = null;
+    }
+    @Override
+    void launchRetransmission() {
+        // Note: Please don't retransmit if there are handshake messages
+        // or alerts waiting in the queue.
+        if (((alertMemos == null) || alertMemos.isEmpty()) &&
+                (fragmenter != null) && fragmenter.isRetransmittable()) {
+            fragmenter.setRetransmission();
+        }
+    }
+    // buffered record fragment
+    private static class RecordMemo {
+        byte            contentType;
+        byte            majorVersion;
+        byte            minorVersion;
+        int             encodeEpoch;
+        CipherBox       encodeCipher;
+        Authenticator   encodeAuthenticator;
+        byte[]          fragment;
+    }
+    private static class HandshakeMemo extends RecordMemo {
+        byte            handshakeType;
+        int             messageSequence;
+        int             acquireOffset;
+    }
+    private final class DTLSFragmenter {
+        private LinkedList<RecordMemo> handshakeMemos = new LinkedList<>();
+        private int acquireIndex = 0;
+        private int messageSequence = 0;
+        private boolean flightIsReady = false;
+        // Per section 4.1.1, RFC 6347:
+        //
+        // If repeated retransmissions do not result in a response, and the
+        // PMTU is unknown, subsequent retransmissions SHOULD back off to a
+        // smaller record size, fragmenting the handshake message as
+        // appropriate.
+        //
+        // In this implementation, two times of retransmits would be attempted
+        // before backing off.  The back off is supported only if the packet
+        // size is bigger than 256 bytes.
+        private int retransmits = 2;            // attemps of retransmits
+        void queueUpChangeCipherSpec() {
+            // Cleanup if a new flight starts.
+            if (flightIsReady) {
+                handshakeMemos.clear();
+                acquireIndex = 0;
+                flightIsReady = false;
+            }
+            RecordMemo memo = new RecordMemo();
+            memo.contentType = Record.ct_change_cipher_spec;
+            memo.majorVersion = protocolVersion.major;
+            memo.minorVersion = protocolVersion.minor;
+            memo.encodeEpoch = writeEpoch;
+            memo.encodeCipher = writeCipher;
+            memo.encodeAuthenticator = writeAuthenticator;
+            memo.fragment = new byte[1];
+            memo.fragment[0] = 1;
+            handshakeMemos.add(memo);
+        }
+        void queueUpHandshake(byte[] buf,
+                int offset, int length) throws IOException {
+            // Cleanup if a new flight starts.
+            if (flightIsReady) {
+                handshakeMemos.clear();
+                acquireIndex = 0;
+                flightIsReady = false;
+            }
+            HandshakeMemo memo = new HandshakeMemo();
+            memo.contentType = Record.ct_handshake;
+            memo.majorVersion = protocolVersion.major;
+            memo.minorVersion = protocolVersion.minor;
+            memo.encodeEpoch = writeEpoch;
+            memo.encodeCipher = writeCipher;
+            memo.encodeAuthenticator = writeAuthenticator;
+            memo.handshakeType = buf[offset];
+            memo.messageSequence = messageSequence++;
+            memo.acquireOffset = 0;
+            memo.fragment = new byte[length - 4];       // 4: header size
+                                                        //    1: HandshakeType
+                                                        //    3: message length
+            System.arraycopy(buf, offset + 4, memo.fragment, 0, length - 4);
+            handshakeHashing(memo, memo.fragment);
+            handshakeMemos.add(memo);
+            if ((memo.handshakeType == HandshakeMessage.ht_client_hello) ||
+                (memo.handshakeType == HandshakeMessage.ht_hello_request) ||
+                (memo.handshakeType ==
+                        HandshakeMessage.ht_hello_verify_request) ||
+                (memo.handshakeType == HandshakeMessage.ht_server_hello_done) ||
+                (memo.handshakeType == HandshakeMessage.ht_finished)) {
+                flightIsReady = true;
+            }
+        }
+        Ciphertext acquireCiphertext(ByteBuffer dstBuf) throws IOException {
+            if (isEmpty()) {
+                if (isRetransmittable()) {
+                    setRetransmission();    // configure for retransmission
+                } else {
+                    return null;
+                }
+            }
+            RecordMemo memo = handshakeMemos.get(acquireIndex);
+            HandshakeMemo hsMemo = null;
+            if (memo.contentType == Record.ct_handshake) {
+                hsMemo = (HandshakeMemo)memo;
+            }
+            int macLen = 0;
+            if (memo.encodeAuthenticator instanceof MAC) {
+                macLen = ((MAC)memo.encodeAuthenticator).MAClen();
+            }
+            // ChangeCipherSpec message is pretty small.  Don't worry about
+            // the fragmentation of ChangeCipherSpec record.
+            int fragLen;
+            if (packetSize > 0) {
+                fragLen = Math.min(maxRecordSize, packetSize);
+                fragLen = memo.encodeCipher.calculateFragmentSize(
+                        fragLen, macLen, 25);   // 25: header size
+                                                //   13: DTLS record
+                                                //   12: DTLS handshake message
+                fragLen = Math.min(fragLen, Record.maxDataSize);
+            } else {
+                fragLen = Record.maxDataSize;
+            }
+            if (fragmentSize > 0) {
+                fragLen = Math.min(fragLen, fragmentSize);
+            }
+            int dstPos = dstBuf.position();
+            int dstLim = dstBuf.limit();
+            int dstContent = dstPos + headerSize +
+                                    memo.encodeCipher.getExplicitNonceSize();
+            dstBuf.position(dstContent);
+            if (hsMemo != null) {
+                fragLen = Math.min(fragLen,
+                        (hsMemo.fragment.length - hsMemo.acquireOffset));
+                dstBuf.put(hsMemo.handshakeType);
+                dstBuf.put((byte)((hsMemo.fragment.length >> 16) & 0xFF));
+                dstBuf.put((byte)((hsMemo.fragment.length >> 8) & 0xFF));
+                dstBuf.put((byte)(hsMemo.fragment.length & 0xFF));
+                dstBuf.put((byte)((hsMemo.messageSequence >> 8) & 0xFF));
+                dstBuf.put((byte)(hsMemo.messageSequence & 0xFF));
+                dstBuf.put((byte)((hsMemo.acquireOffset >> 16) & 0xFF));
+                dstBuf.put((byte)((hsMemo.acquireOffset >> 8) & 0xFF));
+                dstBuf.put((byte)(hsMemo.acquireOffset & 0xFF));
+                dstBuf.put((byte)((fragLen >> 16) & 0xFF));
+                dstBuf.put((byte)((fragLen >> 8) & 0xFF));
+                dstBuf.put((byte)(fragLen & 0xFF));
+                dstBuf.put(hsMemo.fragment, hsMemo.acquireOffset, fragLen);
+            } else {
+                fragLen = Math.min(fragLen, memo.fragment.length);
+                dstBuf.put(memo.fragment, 0, fragLen);
+            }
+            dstBuf.limit(dstBuf.position());
+            dstBuf.position(dstContent);
+            if ((debug != null) && Debug.isOn("record")) {
+                System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName() +
+                        ", WRITE: " + protocolVersion + " " +
+                        Record.contentName(memo.contentType) +
+                        ", length = " + dstBuf.remaining());
+            }
+            // Encrypt the fragment and wrap up a record.
+            long recordSN = encrypt(memo.encodeAuthenticator, memo.encodeCipher,
+                    memo.contentType, dstBuf,
+                    dstPos, dstLim, headerSize,
+                    ProtocolVersion.valueOf(memo.majorVersion,
+                            memo.minorVersion), true);
+            if ((debug != null) && Debug.isOn("packet")) {
+                ByteBuffer temporary = dstBuf.duplicate();
+                temporary.limit(temporary.position());
+                temporary.position(dstPos);
+                Debug.printHex(
+                        "[Raw write]: length = " + temporary.remaining(),
+                        temporary);
+            }
+            // remain the limit unchanged
+            dstBuf.limit(dstLim);
+            // Reset the fragmentation offset.
+            if (hsMemo != null) {
+                hsMemo.acquireOffset += fragLen;
+                if (hsMemo.acquireOffset == hsMemo.fragment.length) {
+                    acquireIndex++;
+                }
+                return new Ciphertext(RecordType.valueOf(
+                        hsMemo.contentType, hsMemo.handshakeType), recordSN);
+            } else {
+                acquireIndex++;
+                return new Ciphertext(
+                        RecordType.RECORD_CHANGE_CIPHER_SPEC, recordSN);
+            }
+        }
+        private void handshakeHashing(HandshakeMemo hsFrag, byte[] hsBody) {
+            byte hsType = hsFrag.handshakeType;
+            if ((hsType == HandshakeMessage.ht_hello_request) ||
+                (hsType == HandshakeMessage.ht_hello_verify_request)) {
+                // omitted from handshake hash computation
+                return;
+            }
+            if ((hsFrag.messageSequence == 0) &&
+                (hsType == HandshakeMessage.ht_client_hello)) {
+                // omit initial ClientHello message
+                //
+                //  2: ClientHello.client_version
+                // 32: ClientHello.random
+                int sidLen = hsBody[34];
+                if (sidLen == 0) {      // empty session_id, initial handshake
+                    return;
+                }
+            }
+            // calculate the DTLS header
+            byte[] temporary = new byte[12];    // 12: handshake header size
+            // Handshake.msg_type
+            temporary[0] = hsFrag.handshakeType;
+            // Handshake.length
+            temporary[1] = (byte)((hsBody.length >> 16) & 0xFF);
+            temporary[2] = (byte)((hsBody.length >> 8) & 0xFF);
+            temporary[3] = (byte)(hsBody.length & 0xFF);
+            // Handshake.message_seq
+            temporary[4] = (byte)((hsFrag.messageSequence >> 8) & 0xFF);
+            temporary[5] = (byte)(hsFrag.messageSequence & 0xFF);
+            // Handshake.fragment_offset
+            temporary[6] = 0;
+            temporary[7] = 0;
+            temporary[8] = 0;
+            // Handshake.fragment_length
+            temporary[9] = temporary[1];
+            temporary[10] = temporary[2];
+            temporary[11] = temporary[3];
+            if ((hsType != HandshakeMessage.ht_finished) &&
+                (hsType != HandshakeMessage.ht_certificate_verify)) {
+                handshakeHash.update(temporary, 0, 12);
+                handshakeHash.update(hsBody, 0, hsBody.length);
+            } else {
+                // Reserve until this handshake message has been processed.
+                handshakeHash.reserve(temporary, 0, 12);
+                handshakeHash.reserve(hsBody, 0, hsBody.length);
+            }
+        }
+        boolean isEmpty() {
+            if (!flightIsReady || handshakeMemos.isEmpty() ||
+                    acquireIndex >= handshakeMemos.size()) {
+                return true;
+            }
+            return false;
+        }
+        boolean isRetransmittable() {
+            return (flightIsReady && !handshakeMemos.isEmpty() &&
+                                (acquireIndex >= handshakeMemos.size()));
+        }
+        private void setRetransmission() {
+            acquireIndex = 0;
+            for (RecordMemo memo : handshakeMemos) {
+                if (memo instanceof HandshakeMemo) {
+                    HandshakeMemo hmemo = (HandshakeMemo)memo;
+                    hmemo.acquireOffset = 0;
+                }
+            }
+            // Shrink packet size if:
+            // 1. maximum fragment size is allowed, in which case the packet
+            //    size is configured bigger than maxRecordSize;
+            // 2. maximum packet is bigger than 256 bytes;
+            // 3. two times of retransmits have been attempted.
+            if ((packetSize <= maxRecordSize) &&
+                    (packetSize > 256) && ((retransmits--) <= 0)) {
+                // shrink packet size
+                shrinkPacketSize();
+                retransmits = 2;        // attemps of retransmits
+            }
+        }
+        private void shrinkPacketSize() {
+            packetSize = Math.max(256, packetSize / 2);
+        }
+    }