changeset 47216 71c04702a3d5
parent 44591 b9bf065070fe
child 48827 8772acd913e5
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/invoke/util/	Tue Sep 12 19:03:39 2017 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,630 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2008, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
+ * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
+ * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
+ *
+ * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
+ * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
+ * accompanied this code).
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
+ * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+ * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+ *
+ * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
+ * or visit if you need additional information or have any
+ * questions.
+ */
+package sun.invoke.util;
+public enum Wrapper {
+    //        wrapperType      simple     primitiveType  simple     char  emptyArray     format
+    BOOLEAN(  Boolean.class,   "Boolean", boolean.class, "boolean", 'Z', new boolean[0], Format.unsigned( 1)),
+    // These must be in the order defined for widening primitive conversions in JLS 5.1.2
+    // Avoid boxing integral types here to defer initialization of internal caches
+    BYTE   (     Byte.class,      "Byte",    byte.class,    "byte", 'B', new    byte[0], Format.signed(   8)),
+    SHORT  (    Short.class,     "Short",   short.class,   "short", 'S', new   short[0], Format.signed(  16)),
+    CHAR   (Character.class, "Character",    char.class,    "char", 'C', new    char[0], Format.unsigned(16)),
+    INT    (  Integer.class,   "Integer",     int.class,     "int", 'I', new     int[0], Format.signed(  32)),
+    LONG   (     Long.class,      "Long",    long.class,    "long", 'J', new    long[0], Format.signed(  64)),
+    FLOAT  (    Float.class,     "Float",   float.class,   "float", 'F', new   float[0], Format.floating(32)),
+    DOUBLE (   Double.class,    "Double",  double.class,  "double", 'D', new  double[0], Format.floating(64)),
+    OBJECT (   Object.class,    "Object",  Object.class,  "Object", 'L', new  Object[0], Format.other(    1)),
+    // VOID must be the last type, since it is "assignable" from any other type:
+    VOID   (     Void.class,      "Void",    void.class,    "void", 'V',           null, Format.other(    0)),
+    ;
+    public static final int COUNT = 10;
+    private final Class<?> wrapperType;
+    private final Class<?> primitiveType;
+    private final char     basicTypeChar;
+    private final Object   emptyArray;
+    private final int      format;
+    private final String   wrapperSimpleName;
+    private final String   primitiveSimpleName;
+    private Wrapper(Class<?> wtype, String wtypeName, Class<?> ptype, String ptypeName, char tchar, Object emptyArray, int format) {
+        this.wrapperType = wtype;
+        this.primitiveType = ptype;
+        this.basicTypeChar = tchar;
+        this.emptyArray = emptyArray;
+        this.format = format;
+        this.wrapperSimpleName = wtypeName;
+        this.primitiveSimpleName = ptypeName;
+    }
+    /** For debugging, give the details of this wrapper. */
+    public String detailString() {
+        return wrapperSimpleName+
+                java.util.Arrays.asList(wrapperType, primitiveType,
+                basicTypeChar, zero(),
+                "0x"+Integer.toHexString(format));
+    }
+    private abstract static class Format {
+        static final int SLOT_SHIFT = 0, SIZE_SHIFT = 2, KIND_SHIFT = 12;
+        static final int
+                SIGNED   = (-1) << KIND_SHIFT,
+                UNSIGNED = 0    << KIND_SHIFT,
+                FLOATING = 1    << KIND_SHIFT;
+        static final int
+                SLOT_MASK = ((1<<(SIZE_SHIFT-SLOT_SHIFT))-1),
+                SIZE_MASK = ((1<<(KIND_SHIFT-SIZE_SHIFT))-1);
+        static int format(int kind, int size, int slots) {
+            assert(((kind >> KIND_SHIFT) << KIND_SHIFT) == kind);
+            assert((size & (size-1)) == 0); // power of two
+            assert((kind == SIGNED)   ? (size > 0) :
+                   (kind == UNSIGNED) ? (size > 0) :
+                   (kind == FLOATING) ? (size == 32 || size == 64)  :
+                   false);
+            assert((slots == 2) ? (size == 64) :
+                   (slots == 1) ? (size <= 32) :
+                   false);
+            return kind | (size << SIZE_SHIFT) | (slots << SLOT_SHIFT);
+        }
+        static final int
+                INT      = SIGNED   | (32 << SIZE_SHIFT) | (1 << SLOT_SHIFT),
+                SHORT    = SIGNED   | (16 << SIZE_SHIFT) | (1 << SLOT_SHIFT),
+                BOOLEAN  = UNSIGNED | (1  << SIZE_SHIFT) | (1 << SLOT_SHIFT),
+                CHAR     = UNSIGNED | (16 << SIZE_SHIFT) | (1 << SLOT_SHIFT),
+                FLOAT    = FLOATING | (32 << SIZE_SHIFT) | (1 << SLOT_SHIFT),
+                VOID     = UNSIGNED | (0  << SIZE_SHIFT) | (0 << SLOT_SHIFT),
+                NUM_MASK = (-1) << SIZE_SHIFT;
+        static int signed(int size)   { return format(SIGNED,   size, (size > 32 ? 2 : 1)); }
+        static int unsigned(int size) { return format(UNSIGNED, size, (size > 32 ? 2 : 1)); }
+        static int floating(int size) { return format(FLOATING, size, (size > 32 ? 2 : 1)); }
+        static int other(int slots)   { return slots << SLOT_SHIFT; }
+    }
+    /// format queries:
+    /** How many bits are in the wrapped value?  Returns 0 for OBJECT or VOID. */
+    public int     bitWidth()      { return (format >> Format.SIZE_SHIFT) & Format.SIZE_MASK; }
+    /** How many JVM stack slots occupied by the wrapped value?  Returns 0 for VOID. */
+    public int     stackSlots()    { return (format >> Format.SLOT_SHIFT) & Format.SLOT_MASK; }
+    /** Does the wrapped value occupy a single JVM stack slot? */
+    public boolean isSingleWord()  { return (format & (1 << Format.SLOT_SHIFT)) != 0; }
+    /** Does the wrapped value occupy two JVM stack slots? */
+    public boolean isDoubleWord()  { return (format & (2 << Format.SLOT_SHIFT)) != 0; }
+    /** Is the wrapped type numeric (not void or object)? */
+    public boolean isNumeric()     { return (format & Format.NUM_MASK) != 0; }
+    /** Is the wrapped type a primitive other than float, double, or void? */
+    public boolean isIntegral()    { return isNumeric() && format < Format.FLOAT; }
+    /** Is the wrapped type one of int, boolean, byte, char, or short? */
+    public boolean isSubwordOrInt() { return isIntegral() && isSingleWord(); }
+    /* Is the wrapped value a signed integral type (one of byte, short, int, or long)? */
+    public boolean isSigned()      { return format < Format.VOID; }
+    /* Is the wrapped value an unsigned integral type (one of boolean or char)? */
+    public boolean isUnsigned()    { return format >= Format.BOOLEAN && format < Format.FLOAT; }
+    /** Is the wrapped type either float or double? */
+    public boolean isFloating()    { return format >= Format.FLOAT; }
+    /** Is the wrapped type either void or a reference? */
+    public boolean isOther()       { return (format & ~Format.SLOT_MASK) == 0; }
+    /** Does the JLS 5.1.2 allow a variable of this wrapper's
+     *  primitive type to be assigned from a value of the given wrapper's primitive type?
+     *  Cases:
+     *  <ul>
+     *  <li>unboxing followed by widening primitive conversion
+     *  <li>any type converted to {@code void} (i.e., dropping a method call's value)
+     *  <li>boxing conversion followed by widening reference conversion to {@code Object}
+     *  </ul>
+     *  These are the cases allowed by MethodHandle.asType.
+     */
+    public boolean isConvertibleFrom(Wrapper source) {
+        if (this == source)  return true;
+        if (this.compareTo(source) < 0) {
+            // At best, this is a narrowing conversion.
+            return false;
+        }
+        // All conversions are allowed in the enum order between floats and signed ints.
+        // First detect non-signed non-float types (boolean, char, Object, void).
+        boolean floatOrSigned = (((this.format & source.format) & Format.SIGNED) != 0);
+        if (!floatOrSigned) {
+            if (this.isOther())  return true;
+            // can convert char to int or wider, but nothing else
+            if (source.format == Format.CHAR)  return true;
+            // no other conversions are classified as widening
+            return false;
+        }
+        // All signed and float conversions in the enum order are widening.
+        assert(this.isFloating() || this.isSigned());
+        assert(source.isFloating() || source.isSigned());
+        return true;
+    }
+    static {
+        assert(checkConvertibleFrom());
+        assert(COUNT == Wrapper.values().length);
+    }
+    private static boolean checkConvertibleFrom() {
+        // Check the matrix for correct classification of widening conversions.
+        for (Wrapper w : values()) {
+            assert(w.isConvertibleFrom(w));
+            assert(VOID.isConvertibleFrom(w));
+            if (w != VOID) {
+                assert(OBJECT.isConvertibleFrom(w));
+                assert(!w.isConvertibleFrom(VOID));
+            }
+            // check relations with unsigned integral types:
+            if (w != CHAR) {
+                assert(!CHAR.isConvertibleFrom(w));
+                if (!w.isConvertibleFrom(INT))
+                    assert(!w.isConvertibleFrom(CHAR));
+            }
+            if (w != BOOLEAN) {
+                assert(!BOOLEAN.isConvertibleFrom(w));
+                if (w != VOID && w != OBJECT)
+                    assert(!w.isConvertibleFrom(BOOLEAN));
+            }
+            // check relations with signed integral types:
+            if (w.isSigned()) {
+                for (Wrapper x : values()) {
+                    if (w == x)  continue;
+                    if (x.isFloating())
+                        assert(!w.isConvertibleFrom(x));
+                    else if (x.isSigned()) {
+                        if (w.compareTo(x) < 0)
+                            assert(!w.isConvertibleFrom(x));
+                        else
+                            assert(w.isConvertibleFrom(x));
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            // check relations with floating types:
+            if (w.isFloating()) {
+                for (Wrapper x : values()) {
+                    if (w == x)  continue;
+                    if (x.isSigned())
+                        assert(w.isConvertibleFrom(x));
+                    else if (x.isFloating()) {
+                        if (w.compareTo(x) < 0)
+                            assert(!w.isConvertibleFrom(x));
+                        else
+                            assert(w.isConvertibleFrom(x));
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        return true;  // i.e., assert(true)
+    }
+    /** Produce a zero value for the given wrapper type.
+     *  This will be a numeric zero for a number or character,
+     *  false for a boolean, and null for a reference or void.
+     *  The common thread is that this is what is contained
+     *  in a default-initialized variable of the given primitive
+     *  type.  (For void, it is what a reflective method returns
+     *  instead of no value at all.)
+     */
+    public Object zero() {
+        switch (this) {
+            case BOOLEAN:
+                return Boolean.FALSE;
+            case INT:
+                return (Integer)0;
+            case BYTE:
+                return (Byte)(byte)0;
+            case CHAR:
+                return (Character)(char)0;
+            case SHORT:
+                return (Short)(short)0;
+            case LONG:
+                return (Long)(long)0;
+            case FLOAT:
+                return FLOAT_ZERO;
+            case DOUBLE:
+                return DOUBLE_ZERO;
+            case VOID:
+            case OBJECT:
+            default:
+                return null;
+        }
+    }
+    private static final Object DOUBLE_ZERO = (Double)(double)0;
+    private static final Object FLOAT_ZERO = (Float)(float)0;
+    /** Produce a zero value for the given wrapper type T.
+     *  The optional argument must a type compatible with this wrapper.
+     *  Equivalent to {@code this.cast(, type)}.
+     */
+    public <T> T zero(Class<T> type) { return convert(zero(), type); }
+    /** Return the wrapper that wraps values of the given type.
+     *  The type may be {@code Object}, meaning the {@code OBJECT} wrapper.
+     *  Otherwise, the type must be a primitive.
+     *  @throws IllegalArgumentException for unexpected types
+     */
+    public static Wrapper forPrimitiveType(Class<?> type) {
+        Wrapper w = findPrimitiveType(type);
+        if (w != null)  return w;
+        if (type.isPrimitive())
+            throw new InternalError(); // redo hash function
+        throw newIllegalArgumentException("not primitive: "+type);
+    }
+    static Wrapper findPrimitiveType(Class<?> type) {
+        Wrapper w = FROM_PRIM[hashPrim(type)];
+        if (w != null && w.primitiveType == type) {
+            return w;
+        }
+        return null;
+    }
+    /** Return the wrapper that wraps values into the given wrapper type.
+     *  If it is {@code Object}, return {@code OBJECT}.
+     *  Otherwise, it must be a wrapper type.
+     *  The type must not be a primitive type.
+     *  @throws IllegalArgumentException for unexpected types
+     */
+    public static Wrapper forWrapperType(Class<?> type) {
+        Wrapper w = findWrapperType(type);
+        if (w != null)  return w;
+        for (Wrapper x : values())
+            if (x.wrapperType == type)
+                throw new InternalError(); // redo hash function
+        throw newIllegalArgumentException("not wrapper: "+type);
+    }
+    static Wrapper findWrapperType(Class<?> type) {
+        Wrapper w = FROM_WRAP[hashWrap(type)];
+        if (w != null && w.wrapperType == type) {
+            return w;
+        }
+        return null;
+    }
+    /** Return the wrapper that corresponds to the given bytecode
+     *  signature character.  Return {@code OBJECT} for the character 'L'.
+     *  @throws IllegalArgumentException for any non-signature character or {@code '['}.
+     */
+    public static Wrapper forBasicType(char type) {
+        Wrapper w = FROM_CHAR[hashChar(type)];
+        if (w != null && w.basicTypeChar == type) {
+            return w;
+        }
+        for (Wrapper x : values())
+            if (w.basicTypeChar == type)
+                throw new InternalError(); // redo hash function
+        throw newIllegalArgumentException("not basic type char: "+type);
+    }
+    /** Return the wrapper for the given type, if it is
+     *  a primitive type, else return {@code OBJECT}.
+     */
+    public static Wrapper forBasicType(Class<?> type) {
+        if (type.isPrimitive())
+            return forPrimitiveType(type);
+        return OBJECT;  // any reference, including wrappers or arrays
+    }
+    // Note on perfect hashes:
+    //   for signature chars c, do (c + (c >> 1)) % 16
+    //   for primitive type names n, do (n[0] + n[2]) % 16
+    // The type name hash works for both primitive and wrapper names.
+    // You can add "java/lang/Object" to the primitive names.
+    // But you add the wrapper name Object, use (n[2] + (3*n[1])) % 16.
+    private static final Wrapper[] FROM_PRIM = new Wrapper[16];
+    private static final Wrapper[] FROM_WRAP = new Wrapper[16];
+    private static final Wrapper[] FROM_CHAR = new Wrapper[16];
+    private static int hashPrim(Class<?> x) {
+        String xn = x.getName();
+        if (xn.length() < 3)  return 0;
+        return (xn.charAt(0) + xn.charAt(2)) % 16;
+    }
+    private static int hashWrap(Class<?> x) {
+        String xn = x.getName();
+        final int offset = 10; assert(offset == "java.lang.".length());
+        if (xn.length() < offset+3)  return 0;
+        return (3*xn.charAt(offset+1) + xn.charAt(offset+2)) % 16;
+    }
+    private static int hashChar(char x) {
+        return (x + (x >> 1)) % 16;
+    }
+    static {
+        for (Wrapper w : values()) {
+            int pi = hashPrim(w.primitiveType);
+            int wi = hashWrap(w.wrapperType);
+            int ci = hashChar(w.basicTypeChar);
+            assert(FROM_PRIM[pi] == null);
+            assert(FROM_WRAP[wi] == null);
+            assert(FROM_CHAR[ci] == null);
+            FROM_PRIM[pi] = w;
+            FROM_WRAP[wi] = w;
+            FROM_CHAR[ci] = w;
+        }
+        //assert(jdk.sun.invoke.util.WrapperTest.test(false));
+    }
+    /** What is the primitive type wrapped by this wrapper? */
+    public Class<?> primitiveType() { return primitiveType; }
+    /** What is the wrapper type for this wrapper? */
+    public Class<?> wrapperType() { return wrapperType; }
+    /** What is the wrapper type for this wrapper?
+     * Otherwise, the example type must be the wrapper type,
+     * or the corresponding primitive type.
+     * (For {@code OBJECT}, the example type can be any non-primitive,
+     * and is normalized to {@code Object.class}.)
+     * The resulting class type has the same type parameter.
+     */
+    public <T> Class<T> wrapperType(Class<T> exampleType) {
+        if (exampleType == wrapperType) {
+            return exampleType;
+        } else if (exampleType == primitiveType ||
+                   wrapperType == Object.class ||
+                   exampleType.isInterface()) {
+            return forceType(wrapperType, exampleType);
+        }
+        throw newClassCastException(exampleType, primitiveType);
+    }
+    private static ClassCastException newClassCastException(Class<?> actual, Class<?> expected) {
+        return new ClassCastException(actual + " is not compatible with " + expected);
+    }
+    /** If {@code type} is a primitive type, return the corresponding
+     *  wrapper type, else return {@code type} unchanged.
+     */
+    public static <T> Class<T> asWrapperType(Class<T> type) {
+        if (type.isPrimitive()) {
+            return forPrimitiveType(type).wrapperType(type);
+        }
+        return type;
+    }
+    /** If {@code type} is a wrapper type, return the corresponding
+     *  primitive type, else return {@code type} unchanged.
+     */
+    public static <T> Class<T> asPrimitiveType(Class<T> type) {
+        Wrapper w = findWrapperType(type);
+        if (w != null) {
+            return forceType(w.primitiveType(), type);
+        }
+        return type;
+    }
+    /** Query:  Is the given type a wrapper, such as {@code Integer} or {@code Void}? */
+    public static boolean isWrapperType(Class<?> type) {
+        return findWrapperType(type) != null;
+    }
+    /** Query:  Is the given type a primitive, such as {@code int} or {@code void}? */
+    public static boolean isPrimitiveType(Class<?> type) {
+        return type.isPrimitive();
+    }
+    /** What is the bytecode signature character for this type?
+     *  All non-primitives, including array types, report as 'L', the signature character for references.
+     */
+    public static char basicTypeChar(Class<?> type) {
+        if (!type.isPrimitive())
+            return 'L';
+        else
+            return forPrimitiveType(type).basicTypeChar();
+    }
+    /** What is the bytecode signature character for this wrapper's
+     *  primitive type?
+     */
+    public char basicTypeChar() { return basicTypeChar; }
+    /** What is the simple name of the wrapper type?
+     */
+    public String wrapperSimpleName() { return wrapperSimpleName; }
+    /** What is the simple name of the primitive type?
+     */
+    public String primitiveSimpleName() { return primitiveSimpleName; }
+//    /** Wrap a value in the given type, which may be either a primitive or wrapper type.
+//     *  Performs standard primitive conversions, including truncation and float conversions.
+//     */
+//    public static <T> T wrap(Object x, Class<T> type) {
+//        return Wrapper.valueOf(type).cast(x, type);
+//    }
+    /** Cast a wrapped value to the given type, which may be either a primitive or wrapper type.
+     *  The given target type must be this wrapper's primitive or wrapper type.
+     *  If this wrapper is OBJECT, the target type may also be an interface, perform no runtime check.
+     *  Performs standard primitive conversions, including truncation and float conversions.
+     *  The given type must be compatible with this wrapper.  That is, it must either
+     *  be the wrapper type (or a subtype, in the case of {@code OBJECT}) or else
+     *  it must be the wrapper's primitive type.
+     *  Primitive conversions are only performed if the given type is itself a primitive.
+     *  @throws ClassCastException if the given type is not compatible with this wrapper
+     */
+    public <T> T cast(Object x, Class<T> type) {
+        return convert(x, type, true);
+    }
+    /** Convert a wrapped value to the given type.
+     *  The given target type must be this wrapper's primitive or wrapper type.
+     *  This is equivalent to {@link #cast}, except that it refuses to perform
+     *  narrowing primitive conversions.
+     */
+    public <T> T convert(Object x, Class<T> type) {
+        return convert(x, type, false);
+    }
+    private <T> T convert(Object x, Class<T> type, boolean isCast) {
+        if (this == OBJECT) {
+            // If the target wrapper is OBJECT, just do a reference cast.
+            // If the target type is an interface, perform no runtime check.
+            // (This loophole is safe, and is allowed by the JVM verifier.)
+            // If the target type is a primitive, change it to a wrapper.
+            assert(!type.isPrimitive());
+            if (!type.isInterface())
+                type.cast(x);
+            @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
+            T result = (T) x;  // unchecked warning is expected here
+            return result;
+        }
+        Class<T> wtype = wrapperType(type);
+        if (wtype.isInstance(x)) {
+            return wtype.cast(x);
+        }
+        if (!isCast) {
+            Class<?> sourceType = x.getClass();  // throw NPE if x is null
+            Wrapper source = findWrapperType(sourceType);
+            if (source == null || !this.isConvertibleFrom(source)) {
+                throw newClassCastException(wtype, sourceType);
+            }
+        } else if (x == null) {
+            @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
+            T z = (T) zero();
+            return z;
+        }
+        @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
+        T result = (T) wrap(x);  // unchecked warning is expected here
+        assert (result == null ? Void.class : result.getClass()) == wtype;
+        return result;
+    }
+    /** Cast a reference type to another reference type.
+     * If the target type is an interface, perform no runtime check.
+     * (This loophole is safe, and is allowed by the JVM verifier.)
+     * If the target type is a primitive, change it to a wrapper.
+     */
+    static <T> Class<T> forceType(Class<?> type, Class<T> exampleType) {
+        assert(type == exampleType ||
+               type.isPrimitive() && forPrimitiveType(type) == findWrapperType(exampleType) ||
+               exampleType.isPrimitive() && forPrimitiveType(exampleType) == findWrapperType(type) ||
+               type == Object.class && !exampleType.isPrimitive());
+        @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
+        Class<T> result = (Class<T>) type;  // unchecked warning is expected here
+        return result;
+    }
+    /** Wrap a value in this wrapper's type.
+     * Performs standard primitive conversions, including truncation and float conversions.
+     * Performs returns the unchanged reference for {@code OBJECT}.
+     * Returns null for {@code VOID}.
+     * Returns a zero value for a null input.
+     * @throws ClassCastException if this wrapper is numeric and the operand
+     *                            is not a number, character, boolean, or null
+     */
+    public Object wrap(Object x) {
+        // do non-numeric wrappers first
+        switch (basicTypeChar) {
+            case 'L': return x;
+            case 'V': return null;
+        }
+        Number xn = numberValue(x);
+        switch (basicTypeChar) {
+            case 'I': return Integer.valueOf(xn.intValue());
+            case 'J': return Long.valueOf(xn.longValue());
+            case 'F': return Float.valueOf(xn.floatValue());
+            case 'D': return Double.valueOf(xn.doubleValue());
+            case 'S': return Short.valueOf((short) xn.intValue());
+            case 'B': return Byte.valueOf((byte) xn.intValue());
+            case 'C': return Character.valueOf((char) xn.intValue());
+            case 'Z': return Boolean.valueOf(boolValue(xn.byteValue()));
+        }
+        throw new InternalError("bad wrapper");
+    }
+    /** Wrap a value (an int or smaller value) in this wrapper's type.
+     * Performs standard primitive conversions, including truncation and float conversions.
+     * Produces an {@code Integer} for {@code OBJECT}, although the exact type
+     * of the operand is not known.
+     * Returns null for {@code VOID}.
+     */
+    public Object wrap(int x) {
+        if (basicTypeChar == 'L')  return (Integer)x;
+        switch (basicTypeChar) {
+            case 'L': throw newIllegalArgumentException("cannot wrap to object type");
+            case 'V': return null;
+            case 'I': return Integer.valueOf(x);
+            case 'J': return Long.valueOf(x);
+            case 'F': return Float.valueOf(x);
+            case 'D': return Double.valueOf(x);
+            case 'S': return Short.valueOf((short) x);
+            case 'B': return Byte.valueOf((byte) x);
+            case 'C': return Character.valueOf((char) x);
+            case 'Z': return Boolean.valueOf(boolValue((byte) x));
+        }
+        throw new InternalError("bad wrapper");
+    }
+    private static Number numberValue(Object x) {
+        if (x instanceof Number)     return (Number)x;
+        if (x instanceof Character)  return (int)(Character)x;
+        if (x instanceof Boolean)    return (Boolean)x ? 1 : 0;
+        // Remaining allowed case of void:  Must be a null reference.
+        return (Number)x;
+    }
+    // Parameter type of boolValue must be byte, because
+    // MethodHandles.explicitCastArguments defines boolean
+    // conversion as first converting to byte.
+    private static boolean boolValue(byte bits) {
+        bits &= 1;  // simple 31-bit zero extension
+        return (bits != 0);
+    }
+    private static RuntimeException newIllegalArgumentException(String message, Object x) {
+        return newIllegalArgumentException(message + x);
+    }
+    private static RuntimeException newIllegalArgumentException(String message) {
+        return new IllegalArgumentException(message);
+    }
+    // primitive array support
+    public Object makeArray(int len) {
+        return java.lang.reflect.Array.newInstance(primitiveType, len);
+    }
+    public Class<?> arrayType() {
+        return emptyArray.getClass();
+    }
+    public void copyArrayUnboxing(Object[] values, int vpos, Object a, int apos, int length) {
+        if (a.getClass() != arrayType())
+            arrayType().cast(a);  // throw NPE or CCE if bad type
+        for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
+            Object value = values[i+vpos];
+            value = convert(value, primitiveType);
+            java.lang.reflect.Array.set(a, i+apos, value);
+        }
+    }
+    public void copyArrayBoxing(Object a, int apos, Object[] values, int vpos, int length) {
+        if (a.getClass() != arrayType())
+            arrayType().cast(a);  // throw NPE or CCE if bad type
+        for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
+            Object value = java.lang.reflect.Array.get(a, i+apos);
+            //Already done: value = convert(value, primitiveType);
+            assert(value.getClass() == wrapperType);
+            values[i+vpos] = value;
+        }
+    }