changeset 44230 6f46f350a21b
parent 42828 cce89649f958
child 45504 ea7475564d07
--- a/langtools/src/jdk.compiler/share/classes/com/sun/tools/javac/comp/	Wed Mar 01 16:38:48 2017 -0800
+++ b/langtools/src/jdk.compiler/share/classes/com/sun/tools/javac/comp/	Fri Mar 03 10:37:53 2017 -0800
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (c) 1999, 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 1999, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -760,18 +760,6 @@
         return rs.resolveInternalMethod(pos, attrEnv, qual, name, args, List.nil());
-    /** Look up a constructor.
-     */
-    private MethodSymbol lookupConstructor(DiagnosticPosition pos, Type qual, List<Type> args) {
-        return rs.resolveInternalConstructor(pos, attrEnv, qual, args, null);
-    }
-    /** Look up a field.
-     */
-    private VarSymbol lookupField(DiagnosticPosition pos, Type qual, Name name) {
-        return rs.resolveInternalField(pos, attrEnv, qual, name);
-    }
     /** Anon inner classes are used as access constructor tags.
      * accessConstructorTag will use an existing anon class if one is available,
      * and synthethise a class (with makeEmptyClass) if one is not available.
@@ -1908,181 +1896,12 @@
         return makeEmptyClass(STATIC | SYNTHETIC, clazz).sym;
-    /** Return symbol for "class$" method. If there is no method definition
-     *  for class$, construct one as follows:
-     *
-     *    class class$(String x0) {
-     *      try {
-     *        return Class.forName(x0);
-     *      } catch (ClassNotFoundException x1) {
-     *        throw new NoClassDefFoundError(x1.getMessage());
-     *      }
-     *    }
-     */
-    private MethodSymbol classDollarSym(DiagnosticPosition pos) {
-        ClassSymbol outerCacheClass = outerCacheClass();
-        MethodSymbol classDollarSym =
-            (MethodSymbol)lookupSynthetic(classDollar,
-                                          outerCacheClass.members());
-        if (classDollarSym == null) {
-            classDollarSym = new MethodSymbol(
-                STATIC | SYNTHETIC,
-                classDollar,
-                new MethodType(
-                    List.of(syms.stringType),
-                    types.erasure(syms.classType),
-                    List.nil(),
-                    syms.methodClass),
-                outerCacheClass);
-            enterSynthetic(pos, classDollarSym, outerCacheClass.members());
-            JCMethodDecl md = make.MethodDef(classDollarSym, null);
-            try {
-                md.body = classDollarSymBody(pos, md);
-            } catch (CompletionFailure ex) {
-                md.body = make.Block(0, List.nil());
-                chk.completionError(pos, ex);
-            }
-            JCClassDecl outerCacheClassDef = classDef(outerCacheClass);
-            outerCacheClassDef.defs = outerCacheClassDef.defs.prepend(md);
-        }
-        return classDollarSym;
-    }
-    /** Generate code for class$(String name). */
-    JCBlock classDollarSymBody(DiagnosticPosition pos, JCMethodDecl md) {
-        MethodSymbol classDollarSym = md.sym;
-        ClassSymbol outerCacheClass = (ClassSymbol)classDollarSym.owner;
-        JCBlock returnResult;
-        // cache the current loader in cl$
-        // clsym = "private static ClassLoader cl$"
-        VarSymbol clsym = new VarSymbol(STATIC | SYNTHETIC,
-                                        names.fromString("cl" + target.syntheticNameChar()),
-                                        syms.classLoaderType,
-                                        outerCacheClass);
-        enterSynthetic(pos, clsym, outerCacheClass.members());
-        // emit "private static ClassLoader cl$;"
-        JCVariableDecl cldef = make.VarDef(clsym, null);
-        JCClassDecl outerCacheClassDef = classDef(outerCacheClass);
-        outerCacheClassDef.defs = outerCacheClassDef.defs.prepend(cldef);
-        // newcache := "new cache$1[0]"
-        JCNewArray newcache = make.NewArray(make.Type(outerCacheClass.type),
-                                            List.of(make.Literal(INT, 0).setType(syms.intType)),
-                                            null);
-        newcache.type = new ArrayType(types.erasure(outerCacheClass.type),
-                                      syms.arrayClass);
-        // forNameSym := java.lang.Class.forName(
-        //     String s,boolean init,ClassLoader loader)
-        Symbol forNameSym = lookupMethod(make_pos, names.forName,
-                                         types.erasure(syms.classType),
-                                         List.of(syms.stringType,
-                                                 syms.booleanType,
-                                                 syms.classLoaderType));
-        // clvalue := "(cl$ == null) ?
-        // $newcache.getClass().getComponentType().getClassLoader() : cl$"
-        JCExpression clvalue =
-                make.Conditional(
-                        makeBinary(EQ, make.Ident(clsym), makeNull()),
-                        make.Assign(make.Ident(clsym),
-                                    makeCall(
-                                            makeCall(makeCall(newcache,
-                                                              names.getClass,
-                                                              List.nil()),
-                                                     names.getComponentType,
-                                                     List.nil()),
-                                            names.getClassLoader,
-                                            List.nil())).setType(syms.classLoaderType),
-                        make.Ident(clsym)).setType(syms.classLoaderType);
-        // returnResult := "{ return Class.forName(param1, false, cl$); }"
-        List<JCExpression> args = List.of(make.Ident(md.params.head.sym),
-                                          makeLit(syms.booleanType, 0),
-                                          clvalue);
-        returnResult = make.Block(0, List.of(make.Call(make.App(make.Ident(forNameSym), args))));
-        // catchParam := ClassNotFoundException e1
-        VarSymbol catchParam =
-            new VarSymbol(SYNTHETIC, make.paramName(1),
-                          syms.classNotFoundExceptionType,
-                          classDollarSym);
-        JCStatement rethrow;
-        // rethrow = "throw new NoClassDefFoundError().initCause(e);
-        JCExpression throwExpr =
-            makeCall(makeNewClass(syms.noClassDefFoundErrorType,
-                                  List.nil()),
-                     names.initCause,
-                     List.of(make.Ident(catchParam)));
-        rethrow = make.Throw(throwExpr);
-        // rethrowStmt := "( $rethrow )"
-        JCBlock rethrowStmt = make.Block(0, List.of(rethrow));
-        // catchBlock := "catch ($catchParam) $rethrowStmt"
-        JCCatch catchBlock = make.Catch(make.VarDef(catchParam, null),
-                                      rethrowStmt);
-        // tryCatch := "try $returnResult $catchBlock"
-        JCStatement tryCatch = make.Try(returnResult,
-                                        List.of(catchBlock), null);
-        return make.Block(0, List.of(tryCatch));
-    }
-    // where
-        /** Create an attributed tree of the form */
-        private JCMethodInvocation makeCall(JCExpression left, Name name, List<JCExpression> args) {
-            Assert.checkNonNull(left.type);
-            Symbol funcsym = lookupMethod(make_pos, name, left.type,
-                                          TreeInfo.types(args));
-            return make.App(make.Select(left, funcsym), args);
-        }
-    /** The Name Of The variable to cache T.class values.
-     *  @param sig      The signature of type T.
-     */
-    private Name cacheName(String sig) {
-        StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
-        if (sig.startsWith("[")) {
-            buf = buf.append("array");
-            while (sig.startsWith("[")) {
-                buf = buf.append(target.syntheticNameChar());
-                sig = sig.substring(1);
-            }
-            if (sig.startsWith("L")) {
-                sig = sig.substring(0, sig.length() - 1);
-            }
-        } else {
-            buf = buf.append("class" + target.syntheticNameChar());
-        }
-        buf = buf.append(sig.replace('.', target.syntheticNameChar()));
-        return names.fromString(buf.toString());
-    }
-    /** The variable symbol that caches T.class values.
-     *  If none exists yet, create a definition.
-     *  @param sig      The signature of type T.
-     *  @param pos      The position to report diagnostics, if any.
-     */
-    private VarSymbol cacheSym(DiagnosticPosition pos, String sig) {
-        ClassSymbol outerCacheClass = outerCacheClass();
-        Name cname = cacheName(sig);
-        VarSymbol cacheSym =
-            (VarSymbol)lookupSynthetic(cname, outerCacheClass.members());
-        if (cacheSym == null) {
-            cacheSym = new VarSymbol(
-                STATIC | SYNTHETIC, cname, types.erasure(syms.classType), outerCacheClass);
-            enterSynthetic(pos, cacheSym, outerCacheClass.members());
-            JCVariableDecl cacheDef = make.VarDef(cacheSym, null);
-            JCClassDecl outerCacheClassDef = classDef(outerCacheClass);
-            outerCacheClassDef.defs = outerCacheClassDef.defs.prepend(cacheDef);
-        }
-        return cacheSym;
+    /** Create an attributed tree of the form */
+    private JCMethodInvocation makeCall(JCExpression left, Name name, List<JCExpression> args) {
+        Assert.checkNonNull(left.type);
+        Symbol funcsym = lookupMethod(make_pos, name, left.type,
+                                      TreeInfo.types(args));
+        return make.App(make.Select(left, funcsym), args);
     /** The tree simulating a T.class expression.
@@ -2319,16 +2138,6 @@
     /** Visitor method: Translate list of trees.
-    public <T extends JCTree> List<T> translate(List<T> trees, JCExpression enclOp) {
-        JCExpression prevEnclOp = this.enclOp;
-        this.enclOp = enclOp;
-        List<T> res = translate(trees);
-        this.enclOp = prevEnclOp;
-        return res;
-    }
-    /** Visitor method: Translate list of trees.
-     */
     public <T extends JCExpression> List<T> translate(List<T> trees, Type type) {
         if (trees == null) return null;
         for (List<T> l = trees; l.nonEmpty(); l = l.tail)
@@ -2949,7 +2758,6 @@
     /** Visitor method for assert statements. Translate them away.
     public void visitAssert(JCAssert tree) {
-        DiagnosticPosition detailPos = (tree.detail == null) ? tree.pos() : tree.detail.pos();
         tree.cond = translate(tree.cond, syms.booleanType);
         if (!tree.cond.type.isTrue()) {
             JCExpression cond = assertFlagTest(tree.pos());