changeset 6258 68f252c6e825
parent 6246 2b94114ccaa4
child 6262 439992021ba8
--- a/hotspot/src/share/vm/gc_implementation/concurrentMarkSweep/concurrentMarkSweepGeneration.cpp	Sat Aug 14 00:47:52 2010 -0700
+++ b/hotspot/src/share/vm/gc_implementation/concurrentMarkSweep/concurrentMarkSweepGeneration.cpp	Mon Aug 16 15:58:42 2010 -0700
@@ -1019,7 +1019,7 @@
 HeapWord* ConcurrentMarkSweepGeneration::have_lock_and_allocate(size_t size,
-                                                  bool   tlab) {
+                                                  bool   tlab /* ignored */) {
   size_t adjustedSize = CompactibleFreeListSpace::adjustObjectSize(size);
   HeapWord* res = cmsSpace()->allocate(adjustedSize);
@@ -1032,6 +1032,11 @@
   // allowing the object to be blackened (and its references scanned)
   // either during a preclean phase or at the final checkpoint.
   if (res != NULL) {
+    // We may block here with an uninitialized object with
+    // its mark-bit or P-bits not yet set. Such objects need
+    // to be safely navigable by block_start().
+    assert(oop(res)->klass_or_null() == NULL, "Object should be uninitialized here.");
+    assert(!((FreeChunk*)res)->isFree(), "Error, block will look free but show wrong size");
     collector()->direct_allocated(res, adjustedSize);
     _direct_allocated_words += adjustedSize;
     // allocation counters
@@ -1061,8 +1066,14 @@
     // [see comments preceding SweepClosure::do_blk() below for details]
     // 1. need to mark the object as live so it isn't collected
     // 2. need to mark the 2nd bit to indicate the object may be uninitialized
-    // 3. need to mark the end of the object so sweeper can skip over it
-    //    if it's uninitialized when the sweeper reaches it.
+    // 3. need to mark the end of the object so marking, precleaning or sweeping
+    //    can skip over uninitialized or unparsable objects. An allocated
+    //    object is considered uninitialized for our purposes as long as
+    //    its klass word is NULL. (Unparsable objects are those which are
+    //    initialized in the sense just described, but whose sizes can still
+    //    not be correctly determined. Note that the class of unparsable objects
+    //    can only occur in the perm gen. All old gen objects are parsable
+    //    as soon as they are initialized.)
     _markBitMap.mark(start);          // object is live
     _markBitMap.mark(start + 1);      // object is potentially uninitialized?
     _markBitMap.mark(start + size - 1);
@@ -1088,7 +1099,13 @@
     // We don't need to mark the object as uninitialized (as
     // in direct_allocated above) because this is being done with the
     // world stopped and the object will be initialized by the
-    // time the sweeper gets to look at it.
+    // time the marking, precleaning or sweeping get to look at it.
+    // But see the code for copying objects into the CMS generation,
+    // where we need to ensure that concurrent readers of the
+    // block offset table are able to safely navigate a block that
+    // is in flux from being free to being allocated (and in
+    // transition while being copied into) and subsequently
+    // becoming a bona-fide object when the copy/promotion is complete.
            "expect promotion only at safepoints");
@@ -1304,6 +1321,48 @@
   return collector()->allocation_limit_reached(space, top, word_sz);
+// IMPORTANT: Notes on object size recognition in CMS.
+// ---------------------------------------------------
+// A block of storage in the CMS generation is always in
+// one of three states. A free block (FREE), an allocated
+// object (OBJECT) whose size() method reports the correct size,
+// and an intermediate state (TRANSIENT) in which its size cannot
+// be accurately determined.
+// STATE IDENTIFICATION:   (32 bit and 64 bit w/o COOPS)
+// -----------------------------------------------------
+// FREE:      klass_word & 1 == 1; mark_word holds block size
+// OBJECT:    klass_word installed; klass_word != 0 && klass_word & 0 == 0;
+//            obj->size() computes correct size
+//            [Perm Gen objects needs to be "parsable" before they can be navigated]
+// TRANSIENT: klass_word == 0; size is indeterminate until we become an OBJECT
+// ------------------------------------
+// FREE:      mark_word & CMS_FREE_BIT == 1; mark_word & ~CMS_FREE_BIT gives block_size
+// OBJECT:    klass_word installed; klass_word != 0;
+//            obj->size() computes correct size
+//            [Perm Gen comment above continues to hold]
+// TRANSIENT: klass_word == 0; size is indeterminate until we become an OBJECT
+//        mut / parnew                     mut  /  parnew
+// FREE --------------------> TRANSIENT ---------------------> OBJECT --|
+//  ^                                                                   |
+//  |------------------------ DEAD <------------------------------------|
+//         sweep                            mut
+// While a block is in TRANSIENT state its size cannot be determined
+// so readers will either need to come back later or stall until
+// the size can be determined. Note that for the case of direct
+// allocation, P-bits, when available, may be used to determine the
+// size of an object that may not yet have been initialized.
 // Things to support parallel young-gen collection.
 ConcurrentMarkSweepGeneration::par_promote(int thread_num,
@@ -1331,33 +1390,39 @@
   assert(promoInfo->has_spooling_space(), "Control point invariant");
-  HeapWord* obj_ptr = ps->lab.alloc(word_sz);
+  const size_t alloc_sz = CompactibleFreeListSpace::adjustObjectSize(word_sz);
+  HeapWord* obj_ptr = ps->lab.alloc(alloc_sz);
   if (obj_ptr == NULL) {
-     obj_ptr = expand_and_par_lab_allocate(ps, word_sz);
+     obj_ptr = expand_and_par_lab_allocate(ps, alloc_sz);
      if (obj_ptr == NULL) {
        return NULL;
   oop obj = oop(obj_ptr);
+  OrderAccess::storestore();
   assert(obj->klass_or_null() == NULL, "Object should be uninitialized here.");
+  assert(!((FreeChunk*)obj_ptr)->isFree(), "Error, block will look free but show wrong size");
+  // IMPORTANT: See note on object initialization for CMS above.
   // Otherwise, copy the object.  Here we must be careful to insert the
   // klass pointer last, since this marks the block as an allocated object.
   // Except with compressed oops it's the mark word.
   HeapWord* old_ptr = (HeapWord*)old;
+  // Restore the mark word copied above.
+  obj->set_mark(m);
+  assert(obj->klass_or_null() == NULL, "Object should be uninitialized here.");
+  assert(!((FreeChunk*)obj_ptr)->isFree(), "Error, block will look free but show wrong size");
+  OrderAccess::storestore();
+  if (UseCompressedOops) {
+    // Copy gap missed by (aligned) header size calculation below
+    obj->set_klass_gap(old->klass_gap());
+  }
   if (word_sz > (size_t)oopDesc::header_size()) {
     Copy::aligned_disjoint_words(old_ptr + oopDesc::header_size(),
                                  obj_ptr + oopDesc::header_size(),
                                  word_sz - oopDesc::header_size());
-  if (UseCompressedOops) {
-    // Copy gap missed by (aligned) header size calculation above
-    obj->set_klass_gap(old->klass_gap());
-  }
-  // Restore the mark word copied above.
-  obj->set_mark(m);
   // Now we can track the promoted object, if necessary.  We take care
   // to delay the transition from uninitialized to full object
   // (i.e., insertion of klass pointer) until after, so that it
@@ -1365,18 +1430,22 @@
   if (promoInfo->tracking()) {
     promoInfo->track((PromotedObject*)obj, old->klass());
+  assert(obj->klass_or_null() == NULL, "Object should be uninitialized here.");
+  assert(!((FreeChunk*)obj_ptr)->isFree(), "Error, block will look free but show wrong size");
+  assert(old->is_oop(), "Will use and dereference old klass ptr below");
   // Finally, install the klass pointer (this should be volatile).
+  OrderAccess::storestore();
-  assert(old->is_oop(), "Will dereference klass ptr below");
+  // We should now be able to calculate the right size for this object
+  assert(obj->is_oop() && obj->size() == (int)word_sz, "Error, incorrect size computed for promoted object");
   collector()->promoted(true,          // parallel
                         obj_ptr, old->is_objArray(), word_sz);
-    Atomic::inc(&_numObjectsPromoted);
-    Atomic::add((jint)CompactibleFreeListSpace::adjustObjectSize(obj->size()),
-                &_numWordsPromoted);
+    Atomic::inc_ptr(&_numObjectsPromoted);
+    Atomic::add_ptr(alloc_sz, &_numWordsPromoted);
   return obj;