changeset 33362 65ec6de1d6b4
child 36494 4175f47b2a50
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/langtools/src/jdk.jshell/share/classes/jdk/jshell/	Mon Oct 19 19:15:16 2015 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,885 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
+ * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
+ * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
+ *
+ * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
+ * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
+ * accompanied this code).
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
+ * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+ * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+ *
+ * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
+ * or visit if you need additional information or have any
+ * questions.
+ */
+package jdk.jshell;
+import java.util.ArrayDeque;
+import java.util.Deque;
+import java.util.EnumMap;
+import java.util.Iterator;
+import jdk.jshell.SourceCodeAnalysis.Completeness;
+import com.sun.source.tree.Tree;
+import static jdk.jshell.CompletenessAnalyzer.TK.*;
+import jdk.jshell.TaskFactory.ParseTask;
+import java.util.List;
+ * Low level scanner to determine completeness of input.
+ * @author Robert Field
+ */
+class CompletenessAnalyzer {
+    private final ScannerFactory scannerFactory;
+    private final JShell proc;
+    private static Completeness error() {
+        return Completeness.UNKNOWN;  // For breakpointing
+    }
+    static class CaInfo {
+        CaInfo(Completeness status, int unitEndPos) {
+            this.status = status;
+            this.unitEndPos = unitEndPos;
+        }
+        final int unitEndPos;
+        final Completeness status;
+    }
+    CompletenessAnalyzer(JShell proc) {
+        this.proc = proc;
+        Context context = new Context();
+        Log log = CaLog.createLog(context);
+        context.put(Log.class, log);
+        context.put(Source.class, Source.JDK1_9);
+        scannerFactory = ScannerFactory.instance(context);
+    }
+    CaInfo scan(String s) {
+        try {
+            Scanner scanner = scannerFactory.newScanner(s, false);
+            Matched in = new Matched(scanner);
+            Parser parser = new Parser(in, proc, s);
+            Completeness stat = parser.parseUnit();
+            int endPos = stat == Completeness.UNKNOWN
+                    ? s.length()
+                    : in.prevCT.endPos;
+            return new CaInfo(stat, endPos);
+        } catch (SyntaxException ex) {
+            return new CaInfo(error(), s.length());
+        }
+    }
+    @SuppressWarnings("serial")             // serialVersionUID intentionally omitted
+    private static class SyntaxException extends RuntimeException {
+    }
+    private static void die() {
+        throw new SyntaxException();
+    }
+    /**
+     * Subclass of Log used by compiler API to die on error and ignore
+     * other messages
+     */
+    private static class CaLog extends Log {
+        private static CaLog createLog(Context context) {
+            PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(new StringWriter());
+            CaLog log = new CaLog(context, pw, pw, pw);
+            context.put(outKey, pw);
+            context.put(logKey, log);
+            return log;
+        }
+        private CaLog(Context context, PrintWriter errWriter, PrintWriter warnWriter, PrintWriter noticeWriter) {
+            super(context, errWriter, warnWriter, noticeWriter);
+        }
+        @Override
+        public void error(String key, Object... args) {
+            die();
+        }
+        @Override
+        public void error(DiagnosticPosition pos, String key, Object... args) {
+            die();
+        }
+        @Override
+        public void error(DiagnosticFlag flag, DiagnosticPosition pos, String key, Object... args) {
+            die();
+        }
+        @Override
+        public void error(int pos, String key, Object... args) {
+            die();
+        }
+        @Override
+        public void error(DiagnosticFlag flag, int pos, String key, Object... args) {
+            die();
+        }
+        @Override
+        public void report(JCDiagnostic diagnostic) {
+            // Ignore
+        }
+    }
+    // Location position kinds -- a token is ...
+    private static final int XEXPR         = 0b1;                       // OK in expression (not first)
+    private static final int XDECL         = 0b10;                      // OK in declaration (not first)
+    private static final int XSTMT         = 0b100;                     // OK in statement framework (not first)
+    private static final int XEXPR1o       = 0b1000;                    // OK first in expression
+    private static final int XDECL1o       = 0b10000;                   // OK first in declaration
+    private static final int XSTMT1o       = 0b100000;                  // OK first or only in statement framework
+    private static final int XEXPR1        = XEXPR1o | XEXPR;           // OK in expression (anywhere)
+    private static final int XDECL1        = XDECL1o | XDECL;           // OK in declaration (anywhere)
+    private static final int XSTMT1        = XSTMT1o | XSTMT;           // OK in statement framework (anywhere)
+    private static final int XANY1         = XEXPR1o | XDECL1o | XSTMT1o;  // Mask: first in statement, declaration, or expression
+    private static final int XTERM         = 0b100000000;               // Can terminate (last before EOF)
+    private static final int XSTART        = 0b1000000000;              // Boundary, must be XTERM before
+    private static final int XERRO         = 0b10000000000;             // Is an error
+    /**
+     * An extension of the compiler's TokenKind which adds our combined/processed
+     * kinds. Also associates each TK with a union of acceptable kinds of code
+     * position it can occupy.  For example: IDENTIFER is XEXPR1|XDECL1|XTERM,
+     * meaning it can occur in expressions or declarations (but not in the
+     * framework of a statement and that can be the final (terminating) token
+     * in a snippet.
+     * <P>
+     * There must be a TK defined for each compiler TokenKind, an exception
+     * will
+     * be thrown if a TokenKind is defined and a corresponding TK is not. Add a
+     * new TK in the appropriate category. If it is like an existing category
+     * (e.g. a new modifier or type this may be all that is needed.  If it
+     * is bracketing or modifies the acceptable positions of other tokens,
+     * please closely examine the needed changes to this scanner.
+     */
+    static enum TK {
+        // Special
+        EOF(TokenKind.EOF, 0),  //
+        ERROR(TokenKind.ERROR, XERRO),  //
+        UNDERSCORE(TokenKind.UNDERSCORE, XERRO),  //  _
+        CLASS(TokenKind.CLASS, XEXPR|XDECL1|XTERM),  //  class decl and .class
+        MONKEYS_AT(TokenKind.MONKEYS_AT, XEXPR|XDECL1),  //  @
+        IMPORT(TokenKind.IMPORT, XDECL1|XSTART),  //  import -- consider declaration
+        SEMI(TokenKind.SEMI, XSTMT1|XTERM|XSTART),  //  ;
+        // Shouldn't see -- error
+        PACKAGE(TokenKind.PACKAGE, XERRO),  //  package
+        CONST(TokenKind.CONST, XERRO),  //  reserved keyword -- const
+        GOTO(TokenKind.GOTO, XERRO),  //  reserved keyword -- goto
+        CUSTOM(TokenKind.CUSTOM, XERRO),  // No uses
+        // Declarations
+        ENUM(TokenKind.ENUM, XDECL1),  //  enum
+        IMPLEMENTS(TokenKind.IMPLEMENTS, XDECL),  //  implements
+        INTERFACE(TokenKind.INTERFACE, XDECL1),  //  interface
+        THROWS(TokenKind.THROWS, XDECL),  //  throws
+        // Primarive type names
+        BOOLEAN(TokenKind.BOOLEAN, XEXPR|XDECL1),  //  boolean
+        BYTE(TokenKind.BYTE, XEXPR|XDECL1),  //  byte
+        CHAR(TokenKind.CHAR, XEXPR|XDECL1),  //  char
+        DOUBLE(TokenKind.DOUBLE, XEXPR|XDECL1),  //  double
+        FLOAT(TokenKind.FLOAT, XEXPR|XDECL1),  //  float
+        INT(TokenKind.INT, XEXPR|XDECL1),  //  int
+        LONG(TokenKind.LONG, XEXPR|XDECL1),  //  long
+        SHORT(TokenKind.SHORT, XEXPR|XDECL1),  //  short
+        VOID(TokenKind.VOID, XEXPR|XDECL1),  //  void
+        // Modifiers keywords
+        ABSTRACT(TokenKind.ABSTRACT, XDECL1),  //  abstract
+        FINAL(TokenKind.FINAL, XDECL1),  //  final
+        NATIVE(TokenKind.NATIVE, XDECL1),  //  native
+        STATIC(TokenKind.STATIC, XDECL1),  //  static
+        STRICTFP(TokenKind.STRICTFP, XDECL1),  //  strictfp
+        PRIVATE(TokenKind.PRIVATE, XDECL1),  //  private
+        PROTECTED(TokenKind.PROTECTED, XDECL1),  //  protected
+        PUBLIC(TokenKind.PUBLIC, XDECL1),  //  public
+        TRANSIENT(TokenKind.TRANSIENT, XDECL1),  //  transient
+        VOLATILE(TokenKind.VOLATILE, XDECL1),  //  volatile
+        // Declarations and type parameters (thus expressions)
+        EXTENDS(TokenKind.EXTENDS, XEXPR|XDECL),  //  extends
+        COMMA(TokenKind.COMMA, XEXPR|XDECL|XSTART),  //  ,
+        AMP(TokenKind.AMP, XEXPR|XDECL),  //  &
+        GT(TokenKind.GT, XEXPR|XDECL),  //  >
+        LT(TokenKind.LT, XEXPR|XDECL1),  //  <
+        LTLT(TokenKind.LTLT, XEXPR|XDECL1),  //  <<
+        GTGT(TokenKind.GTGT, XEXPR|XDECL),  //  >>
+        GTGTGT(TokenKind.GTGTGT, XEXPR|XDECL),  //  >>>
+        QUES(TokenKind.QUES, XEXPR|XDECL),  //  ?
+        DOT(TokenKind.DOT, XEXPR|XDECL),  //  .
+        STAR(TokenKind.STAR, XEXPR|XDECL|XTERM),  //  * -- import foo.* //TODO handle these case separately, XTERM
+        // Statement keywords
+        ASSERT(TokenKind.ASSERT, XSTMT1|XSTART),  //  assert
+        BREAK(TokenKind.BREAK, XSTMT1|XTERM|XSTART),  //  break
+        CATCH(TokenKind.CATCH, XSTMT1|XSTART),  //  catch
+        CONTINUE(TokenKind.CONTINUE, XSTMT1|XTERM|XSTART),  //  continue
+        DO(TokenKind.DO, XSTMT1|XSTART),  //  do
+        ELSE(TokenKind.ELSE, XSTMT1|XTERM|XSTART),  //  else
+        FINALLY(TokenKind.FINALLY, XSTMT1|XSTART),  //  finally
+        FOR(TokenKind.FOR, XSTMT1|XSTART),  //  for
+        IF(TokenKind.IF, XSTMT1|XSTART),  //  if
+        RETURN(TokenKind.RETURN, XSTMT1|XTERM|XSTART),  //  return
+        SWITCH(TokenKind.SWITCH, XSTMT1|XSTART),  //  switch
+        SYNCHRONIZED(TokenKind.SYNCHRONIZED, XSTMT1|XDECL),  //  synchronized
+        THROW(TokenKind.THROW, XSTMT1|XSTART),  //  throw
+        TRY(TokenKind.TRY, XSTMT1|XSTART),  //  try
+        WHILE(TokenKind.WHILE, XSTMT1|XSTART),  //  while
+        // Statement keywords that we shouldn't see -- inside braces
+        CASE(TokenKind.CASE, XSTMT|XSTART),  //  case
+        DEFAULT(TokenKind.DEFAULT, XSTMT|XSTART),  //  default method, default case -- neither we should see
+        // Expressions (can terminate)
+        TRUE(TokenKind.TRUE, XEXPR1|XTERM),  //  true
+        FALSE(TokenKind.FALSE, XEXPR1|XTERM),  //  false
+        NULL(TokenKind.NULL, XEXPR1|XTERM),  //  null
+        THIS(TokenKind.THIS, XEXPR1|XTERM),  //  this  -- shouldn't see
+        // Expressions maybe terminate  //TODO handle these case separately
+        PLUSPLUS(TokenKind.PLUSPLUS, XEXPR1|XTERM),  //  ++
+        SUBSUB(TokenKind.SUBSUB, XEXPR1|XTERM),  //  --
+        // Expressions cannot terminate
+        INSTANCEOF(TokenKind.INSTANCEOF, XEXPR),  //  instanceof
+        NEW(TokenKind.NEW, XEXPR1),  //  new
+        SUPER(TokenKind.SUPER, XEXPR1|XDECL),  //  super -- shouldn't see as rec. But in type parameters
+        ARROW(TokenKind.ARROW, XEXPR),  //  ->
+        COLCOL(TokenKind.COLCOL, XEXPR),  //  ::
+        LPAREN(TokenKind.LPAREN, XEXPR),  //  (
+        RPAREN(TokenKind.RPAREN, XEXPR),  //  )
+        LBRACE(TokenKind.LBRACE, XEXPR),  //  {
+        RBRACE(TokenKind.RBRACE, XEXPR),  //  }
+        LBRACKET(TokenKind.LBRACKET, XEXPR),  //  [
+        RBRACKET(TokenKind.RBRACKET, XEXPR),  //  ]
+        ELLIPSIS(TokenKind.ELLIPSIS, XEXPR),  //  ...
+        EQ(TokenKind.EQ, XEXPR),  //  =
+        BANG(TokenKind.BANG, XEXPR1),  //  !
+        TILDE(TokenKind.TILDE, XEXPR1),  //  ~
+        COLON(TokenKind.COLON, XEXPR|XTERM),  //  :
+        EQEQ(TokenKind.EQEQ, XEXPR),  //  ==
+        LTEQ(TokenKind.LTEQ, XEXPR),  //  <=
+        GTEQ(TokenKind.GTEQ, XEXPR),  //  >=
+        BANGEQ(TokenKind.BANGEQ, XEXPR),  //  !=
+        AMPAMP(TokenKind.AMPAMP, XEXPR),  //  &&
+        BARBAR(TokenKind.BARBAR, XEXPR),  //  ||
+        PLUS(TokenKind.PLUS, XEXPR1),  //  +
+        SUB(TokenKind.SUB, XEXPR1),  //  -
+        SLASH(TokenKind.SLASH, XEXPR),  //  /
+        BAR(TokenKind.BAR, XEXPR),  //  |
+        CARET(TokenKind.CARET, XEXPR),  //  ^
+        PERCENT(TokenKind.PERCENT, XEXPR),  //  %
+        PLUSEQ(TokenKind.PLUSEQ, XEXPR),  //  +=
+        SUBEQ(TokenKind.SUBEQ, XEXPR),  //  -=
+        STAREQ(TokenKind.STAREQ, XEXPR),  //  *=
+        SLASHEQ(TokenKind.SLASHEQ, XEXPR),  //  /=
+        AMPEQ(TokenKind.AMPEQ, XEXPR),  //  &=
+        BAREQ(TokenKind.BAREQ, XEXPR),  //  |=
+        CARETEQ(TokenKind.CARETEQ, XEXPR),  //  ^=
+        PERCENTEQ(TokenKind.PERCENTEQ, XEXPR),  //  %=
+        LTLTEQ(TokenKind.LTLTEQ, XEXPR),  //  <<=
+        GTGTEQ(TokenKind.GTGTEQ, XEXPR),  //  >>=
+        GTGTGTEQ(TokenKind.GTGTGTEQ, XEXPR),  //  >>>=
+        // combined/processed kinds
+        static final EnumMap<TokenKind,TK> tokenKindToTKMap = new EnumMap<>(TokenKind.class);
+        final TokenKind tokenKind;
+        final int belongs;
+        TK(int b) {
+            this.tokenKind = null;
+            this.belongs = b;
+        }
+        TK(TokenKind tokenKind, int b) {
+            this.tokenKind = tokenKind;
+            this.belongs = b;
+        }
+        private static TK tokenKindToTK(TokenKind kind) {
+            TK tk = tokenKindToTKMap.get(kind);
+            if (tk == null) {
+                System.err.printf("No corresponding %s for %s: %s\n",
+                        TK.class.getCanonicalName(),
+                        TokenKind.class.getCanonicalName(),
+                        kind);
+                throw new InternalError("No corresponding TK for TokenKind: " + kind);
+            }
+            return tk;
+        }
+        boolean isOkToTerminate() {
+            return (belongs & XTERM) != 0;
+        }
+        boolean isExpression() {
+            return (belongs & XEXPR) != 0;
+        }
+        boolean isDeclaration() {
+            return (belongs & XDECL) != 0;
+        }
+        boolean isError() {
+            return (belongs & XERRO) != 0;
+        }
+        boolean isStart() {
+            return (belongs & XSTART) != 0;
+        }
+        /**
+         * After construction, check that all compiler TokenKind values have
+         * corresponding TK values.
+         */
+        static {
+            for (TK tk : TK.values()) {
+                if (tk.tokenKind != null) {
+                    tokenKindToTKMap.put(tk.tokenKind, tk);
+                }
+            }
+            for (TokenKind kind : TokenKind.values()) {
+                tokenKindToTK(kind); // assure they can be retrieved without error
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * A completeness scanner token.
+     */
+    private static class CT {
+        /** The token kind */
+        public final TK kind;
+        /** The end position of this token */
+        public final int endPos;
+        /** The error message **/
+        public final String message;
+        private CT(TK tk, Token tok, String msg) {
+            this.kind = tk;
+            this.endPos = tok.endPos;
+            this.message = msg;
+            //throw new InternalError(msg); /* for debugging */
+        }
+        private CT(TK tk, Token tok) {
+            this.kind = tk;
+            this.endPos = tok.endPos;
+            this.message = null;
+        }
+        private CT(TK tk, int endPos) {
+            this.kind = tk;
+            this.endPos = endPos;
+            this.message = null;
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Look for matching tokens (like parens) and other special cases, like "new"
+     */
+    private static class Matched implements Iterator<CT> {
+        private final Scanner scanner;
+        private Token current;
+        private CT prevCT;
+        private CT currentCT;
+        private final Deque<Token> stack = new ArrayDeque<>();
+        Matched(Scanner scanner) {
+            this.scanner = scanner;
+            advance();
+            prevCT = currentCT = new CT(SEMI, 0); // So is valid for testing
+        }
+        @Override
+        public boolean hasNext() {
+            return currentCT.kind != EOF;
+        }
+        private Token advance() {
+            Token prev = current;
+            scanner.nextToken();
+            current = scanner.token();
+            return prev;
+        }
+        @Override
+        public CT next() {
+            prevCT = currentCT;
+            currentCT = nextCT();
+            return currentCT;
+        }
+        private CT match(TK tk, TokenKind open) {
+            Token tok = advance();
+            db("match desired-tk=%s, open=%s, seen-tok=%s", tk, open, tok.kind);
+            if (stack.isEmpty()) {
+                return new CT(ERROR, tok, "Encountered '" + tok + "' with no opening '" + open + "'");
+            }
+            Token p = stack.pop();
+            if (p.kind != open) {
+                return new CT(ERROR, tok, "No match for '" + p + "' instead encountered '" + tok + "'");
+            }
+            return new CT(tk, tok);
+        }
+        private void db(String format, Object ... args) {
+//            System.err.printf(format, args);
+//            System.err.printf(" -- stack(");
+//            if (stack.isEmpty()) {
+//            } else {
+//                for (Token tok : stack) {
+//                    System.err.printf("%s ", tok.kind);
+//                }
+//            }
+//            System.err.printf(") current=%s / currentCT=%s\n", current.kind, currentCT.kind);
+        }
+        /**
+         * @return the next scanner token
+         */
+        private CT nextCT() {
+            // TODO Annotations?
+            TK prevTK = currentCT.kind;
+            while (true) {
+                db("nextCT");
+                CT ct;
+                switch (current.kind) {
+                    case EOF:
+                        db("eof");
+                        if (stack.isEmpty()) {
+                            ct = new CT(EOF, current);
+                        } else {
+                            TokenKind unmatched = stack.pop().kind;
+                            stack.clear(); // So we will get EOF next time
+                            ct = new CT(UNMATCHED, current, "Unmatched " + unmatched);
+                        }
+                        break;
+                    case LPAREN:
+                    case LBRACE:
+                    case LBRACKET:
+                        stack.push(advance());
+                        prevTK = SEMI; // new start
+                        continue;
+                    case RPAREN:
+                        ct = match(PARENS, TokenKind.LPAREN);
+                        break;
+                    case RBRACE:
+                        ct = match(BRACES, TokenKind.LBRACE);
+                        break;
+                    case RBRACKET:
+                        ct = match(BRACKETS, TokenKind.LBRACKET);
+                        break;
+                    default:
+                        ct = new CT(TK.tokenKindToTK(current.kind), advance());
+                        break;
+                }
+                if (ct.kind.isStart() && !prevTK.isOkToTerminate()) {
+                    return new CT(ERROR, current, "No '" + prevTK + "' before '" + ct.kind + "'");
+                }
+                if (stack.isEmpty() || ct.kind.isError()) {
+                    return ct;
+                }
+                prevTK = ct.kind;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Fuzzy parser based on token kinds
+     */
+    private static class Parser {
+        final Matched in;
+        CT token;
+        Completeness checkResult;
+        final JShell proc;
+        final String scannedInput;
+        Parser(Matched in, JShell proc, String scannedInput) {
+   = in;
+            nextToken();
+            this.proc = proc;
+            this.scannedInput = scannedInput;
+        }
+        final void nextToken() {
+  ;
+            token = in.currentCT;
+        }
+        boolean shouldAbort(TK tk) {
+            if (token.kind == tk) {
+                nextToken();
+                return false;
+            }
+            switch (token.kind) {
+                case EOF:
+                    checkResult = ((tk == SEMI) && in.prevCT.kind.isOkToTerminate())
+                            ? Completeness.COMPLETE_WITH_SEMI
+                            : Completeness.DEFINITELY_INCOMPLETE;
+                    return true;
+                case UNMATCHED:
+                    checkResult = Completeness.DEFINITELY_INCOMPLETE;
+                    return true;
+                default:
+                    checkResult = error();
+                    return true;
+            }
+        }
+        Completeness lastly(TK tk) {
+            if (shouldAbort(tk))  return checkResult;
+            return Completeness.COMPLETE;
+        }
+        Completeness optionalFinalSemi() {
+            if (!shouldAbort(SEMI)) return Completeness.COMPLETE;
+            if (checkResult == Completeness.COMPLETE_WITH_SEMI) return Completeness.COMPLETE;
+            return checkResult;
+        }
+        boolean shouldAbort(Completeness flags) {
+            checkResult = flags;
+            return flags != Completeness.COMPLETE;
+        }
+        public Completeness parseUnit() {
+            //System.err.printf("%s:  belongs %o  XANY1 %o\n", token.kind, token.kind.belongs, token.kind.belongs & XANY1);
+            switch (token.kind.belongs & XANY1) {
+                case XEXPR1o:
+                    return parseExpressionOptionalSemi();
+                case XSTMT1o: {
+                    Completeness stat = parseSimpleStatement();
+                    return stat==null? error() : stat;
+                }
+                case XDECL1o:
+                    return parseDeclaration();
+                case XSTMT1o | XDECL1o:
+                case XEXPR1o | XDECL1o:
+                    return disambiguateDeclarationVsExpression();
+                case 0:
+                    if ((token.kind.belongs & XERRO) != 0) {
+                        return parseExpressionStatement(); // Let this gen the status
+                    }
+                    return error();
+                default:
+                    throw new InternalError("Case not covered " + token.kind.belongs + " in " + token.kind);
+            }
+        }
+        public Completeness parseDeclaration() {
+            boolean isImport = token.kind == IMPORT;
+            while (token.kind.isDeclaration()) {
+                nextToken();
+            }
+            switch (token.kind) {
+                case EQ:
+                    // Check for array initializer
+                    nextToken();
+                    if (token.kind == BRACES) {
+                        nextToken();
+                        return lastly(SEMI);
+                    }
+                    return parseExpressionStatement();
+                case BRACES:
+                case SEMI:
+                    nextToken();
+                    return Completeness.COMPLETE;
+                case UNMATCHED:
+                    nextToken();
+                    return Completeness.DEFINITELY_INCOMPLETE;
+                case EOF:
+                    switch (in.prevCT.kind) {
+                        case BRACES:
+                        case SEMI:
+                            return Completeness.COMPLETE;
+                        case IDENTIFIER:
+                        case BRACKETS:
+                            return Completeness.COMPLETE_WITH_SEMI;
+                        case STAR:
+                            if (isImport) {
+                                return Completeness.COMPLETE_WITH_SEMI;
+                            } else {
+                                return Completeness.DEFINITELY_INCOMPLETE;
+                            }
+                        default:
+                            return Completeness.DEFINITELY_INCOMPLETE;
+                    }
+                default:
+                    return error();
+            }
+        }
+        public Completeness disambiguateDeclarationVsExpression() {
+            // String folding messes up position information.
+            ParseTask pt = ParseTask(scannedInput);
+            List<? extends Tree> units = pt.units();
+            if (units.isEmpty()) {
+                return error();
+            }
+            Tree unitTree = units.get(0);
+            switch (unitTree.getKind()) {
+                case EXPRESSION_STATEMENT:
+                    return parseExpressionOptionalSemi();
+                case LABELED_STATEMENT:
+                    if (shouldAbort(IDENTIFIER))  return checkResult;
+                    if (shouldAbort(COLON))  return checkResult;
+                    return parseStatement();
+                case VARIABLE:
+                case IMPORT:
+                case CLASS:
+                case ENUM:
+                case ANNOTATION_TYPE:
+                case INTERFACE:
+                case METHOD:
+                    return parseDeclaration();
+                default:
+                    return error();
+            }
+        }
+//        public Status parseExpressionOrDeclaration() {
+//            if (token.kind == IDENTIFIER) {
+//                nextToken();
+//                switch (token.kind) {
+//                    case IDENTIFIER:
+//                        return parseDeclaration();
+//                }
+//            }
+//            while (token.kind.isExpressionOrDeclaration()) {
+//                if (!token.kind.isExpression()) {
+//                    return parseDeclaration();
+//                }
+//                if (!token.kind.isDeclaration()) {
+//                    // Expression not declaration
+//                    if (token.kind == EQ) {
+//                        // Check for array initializer
+//                        nextToken();
+//                        if (token.kind == BRACES) {
+//                            nextToken();
+//                            return lastly(SEMI);
+//                        }
+//                    }
+//                    return parseExpressionStatement();
+//                }
+//                nextToken();
+//            }
+//            switch (token.kind) {
+//                case BRACES:
+//                case SEMI:
+//                    nextToken();
+//                    return Status.COMPLETE;
+//                case UNMATCHED:
+//                    nextToken();
+//                    return Status.DEFINITELY_INCOMPLETE;
+//                case EOF:
+//                    if (in.prevCT.kind.isOkToTerminate()) {
+//                        return Status.COMPLETE_WITH_SEMI;
+//                    } else {
+//                        return Status.DEFINITELY_INCOMPLETE;
+//                    }
+//                default:
+//                    return error();
+//            }
+//        }
+        public Completeness parseExpressionStatement() {
+            if (shouldAbort(parseExpression()))  return checkResult;
+            return lastly(SEMI);
+        }
+        public Completeness parseExpressionOptionalSemi() {
+            if (shouldAbort(parseExpression())) return checkResult;
+            return optionalFinalSemi();
+        }
+        public Completeness parseExpression() {
+            while (token.kind.isExpression())
+                nextToken();
+            return Completeness.COMPLETE;
+        }
+        public Completeness parseStatement() {
+            Completeness stat = parseSimpleStatement();
+            if (stat == null) {
+                return parseExpressionStatement();
+            }
+            return stat;
+        }
+        /**
+         * Statement = Block | IF ParExpression Statement [ELSE Statement] | FOR
+         * "(" ForInitOpt ";" [Expression] ";" ForUpdateOpt ")" Statement | FOR
+         * "(" FormalParameter : Expression ")" Statement | WHILE ParExpression
+         * Statement | DO Statement WHILE ParExpression ";" | TRY Block (
+         * Catches | [Catches] FinallyPart ) | TRY "(" ResourceSpecification
+         * ";"opt ")" Block [Catches] [FinallyPart] | SWITCH ParExpression "{"
+         * SwitchBlockStatementGroups "}" | SYNCHRONIZED ParExpression Block |
+         * RETURN [Expression] ";" | THROW Expression ";" | BREAK [Ident] ";" |
+         * CONTINUE [Ident] ";" | ASSERT Expression [ ":" Expression ] ";" | ";"
+         */
+        public Completeness parseSimpleStatement() {
+            switch (token.kind) {
+                case BRACES:
+                    return lastly(BRACES);
+                case IF: {
+                    nextToken();
+                    if (shouldAbort(PARENS))  return checkResult;
+                    Completeness thenpart = parseStatement();
+                    if (shouldAbort(thenpart)) return thenpart;
+                    if (token.kind == ELSE) {
+                        nextToken();
+                        return parseStatement();
+                    }
+                    return thenpart;
+                }
+                case FOR: {
+                    nextToken();
+                    if (shouldAbort(PARENS))  return checkResult;
+                    if (shouldAbort(parseStatement()))  return checkResult;
+                    return Completeness.COMPLETE;
+                }
+                case WHILE: {
+                    nextToken();
+                    if (shouldAbort(PARENS))  return error();
+                    return parseStatement();
+                }
+                case DO: {
+                    nextToken();
+                    switch (parseStatement()) {
+                        case DEFINITELY_INCOMPLETE:
+                        case CONSIDERED_INCOMPLETE:
+                        case COMPLETE_WITH_SEMI:
+                            return Completeness.DEFINITELY_INCOMPLETE;
+                        case UNKNOWN:
+                            return error();
+                        case COMPLETE:
+                            break;
+                    }
+                    if (shouldAbort(WHILE))  return checkResult;
+                    if (shouldAbort(PARENS)) return checkResult;
+                    return lastly(SEMI);
+                }
+                case TRY: {
+                    boolean hasResources = false;
+                    nextToken();
+                    if (token.kind == PARENS) {
+                        nextToken();
+                        hasResources = true;
+                    }
+                    if (shouldAbort(BRACES))  return checkResult;
+                    if (token.kind == CATCH || token.kind == FINALLY) {
+                        while (token.kind == CATCH) {
+                            if (shouldAbort(CATCH))  return checkResult;
+                            if (shouldAbort(PARENS)) return checkResult;
+                            if (shouldAbort(BRACES)) return checkResult;
+                        }
+                        if (token.kind == FINALLY) {
+                            if (shouldAbort(FINALLY))  return checkResult;
+                            if (shouldAbort(BRACES)) return checkResult;
+                        }
+                    } else if (!hasResources) {
+                        if (token.kind == EOF) {
+                            return Completeness.DEFINITELY_INCOMPLETE;
+                        } else {
+                            return error();
+                        }
+                    }
+                    return Completeness.COMPLETE;
+                }
+                case SWITCH: {
+                    nextToken();
+                    if (shouldAbort(PARENS))  return checkResult;
+                    return lastly(BRACES);
+                }
+                case SYNCHRONIZED: {
+                    nextToken();
+                    if (shouldAbort(PARENS))  return checkResult;
+                    return lastly(BRACES);
+                }
+                case THROW: {
+                    nextToken();
+                    if (shouldAbort(parseExpression()))  return checkResult;
+                    return lastly(SEMI);
+                }
+                case SEMI:
+                    return lastly(SEMI);
+                case ASSERT:
+                    nextToken();
+                    // Crude expression parsing just happily eats the optional colon
+                    return parseExpressionStatement();
+                case RETURN:
+                case BREAK:
+                case CONTINUE:
+                    nextToken();
+                    return parseExpressionStatement();
+                // What are these doing here?
+                case ELSE:
+                case FINALLY:
+                case CATCH:
+                    return error();
+                case EOF:
+                    return Completeness.CONSIDERED_INCOMPLETE;
+                default:
+                    return null;
+            }
+        }
+    }