changeset 42065 6032b31e3719
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/hotspot/src/cpu/s390/vm/vm_version_s390.hpp	Thu Oct 13 14:49:34 2016 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,486 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2016 SAP SE. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
+ * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
+ * accompanied this code).
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
+ * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+ * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+ *
+ * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
+ * or visit if you need additional information or have any
+ * questions.
+ *
+ */
+#ifndef CPU_S390_VM_VM_VERSION_S390_HPP
+#define CPU_S390_VM_VM_VERSION_S390_HPP
+#include "runtime/globals_extension.hpp"
+#include "runtime/vm_version.hpp"
+class VM_Version: public Abstract_VM_Version {
+ protected:
+// The following list contains the (approximate) announcement/availability
+// dates of the many System z generations in existence as of now which
+// implement the z/Architecture.
+//   z900: 2000-10
+//   z990: 2003-06
+//   z9:   2005-09
+//   z10:  2007-04
+//   z10:  2008-02
+//   z196: 2010-08
+//   ec12: 2012-09
+//   z13:  2015-03
+// z/Architecture is the name of the 64-bit extension of the 31-bit s390
+// architecture.
+// ----------------------------------------------
+// --- FeatureBitString Bits   0.. 63 (DW[0]) ---
+// ----------------------------------------------
+//                                           11222334445566
+//                                        04826048260482604
+#define  StoreFacilityListExtendedMask  0x0100000000000000UL  // z9
+#define  ETF2Mask                       0x0000800000000000UL  // z900
+#define  CryptoFacilityMask             0x0000400000000000UL  // z990
+#define  LongDispFacilityMask           0x0000200000000000UL  // z900 with microcode update
+#define  LongDispFacilityHighPerfMask   0x0000300000000000UL  // z990
+#define  HFPMultiplyAndAddMask          0x0000080000000000UL  // z990
+#define  ExtImmedFacilityMask           0x0000040000000000UL  // z9
+#define  ETF3Mask                       0x0000020000000000UL  // z990/z9 (?)
+#define  HFPUnnormalizedMask            0x0000010000000000UL  // z9
+#define  ETF2EnhancementMask            0x0000008000000000UL  // z9
+#define  StoreClockFastMask             0x0000004000000000UL  // z9
+#define  ParsingEnhancementsMask        0x0000002000000000UL  // z10(?)
+#define  ETF3EnhancementMask            0x0000000200000000UL  // z9
+#define  ExtractCPUTimeMask             0x0000000100000000UL  // z10
+#define  CompareSwapStoreMask           0x00000000c0000000UL  // z10
+#define  GnrlInstrExtFacilityMask       0x0000000020000000UL  // z10
+#define  ExecuteExtensionsMask          0x0000000010000000UL  // z10
+#define  FPExtensionsMask               0x0000000004000000UL  // z196
+#define  FPSupportEnhancementsMask      0x0000000000400000UL  // z10
+#define  DecimalFloatingPointMask       0x0000000000300000UL  // z10
+// z196 begin
+#define  DistinctOpndsMask              0x0000000000040000UL  // z196
+#define  FastBCRSerializationMask       DistinctOpndsMask
+#define  HighWordMask                   DistinctOpndsMask
+#define  LoadStoreConditionalMask       DistinctOpndsMask
+#define  PopulationCountMask            DistinctOpndsMask
+#define  InterlockedAccess1Mask         DistinctOpndsMask
+// z196 end
+// EC12 begin
+#define  DFPZonedConversionMask         0x0000000000008000UL  // ec12
+#define  MiscInstrExtMask               0x0000000000004000UL  // ec12
+#define  ExecutionHintMask              MiscInstrExtMask
+#define  LoadAndTrapMask                MiscInstrExtMask
+#define  ProcessorAssistMask            MiscInstrExtMask
+#define  ConstrainedTxExecutionMask     0x0000000000002000UL  // ec12
+#define  InterlockedAccess2Mask         0x0000000000000800UL  // ec12
+// EC12 end
+// z13 begin
+#define  LoadStoreConditional2Mask      0x0000000000000400UL  // z13
+#define  CryptoExtension5Mask           0x0000000000000040UL  // z13
+// z13 end
+// Feature-DW[0] starts to fill up. Use of these masks is risky.
+#define  TestFeature1ImplMask           0x0000000000000001UL
+#define  TestFeature2ImplMask           0x0000000000000002UL
+#define  TestFeature4ImplMask           0x0000000000000004UL
+#define  TestFeature8ImplMask           0x0000000000000008UL
+// ----------------------------------------------
+// --- FeatureBitString Bits  64..127 (DW[1]) ---
+// ----------------------------------------------
+//                                                 11111111
+//                                        66778889900011222
+//                                        48260482604826048
+#define  TransactionalExecutionMask     0x0040000000000000UL  // ec12
+#define  CryptoExtension3Mask           0x0008000000000000UL  // z196
+#define  CryptoExtension4Mask           0x0004000000000000UL  // z196
+#define  DFPPackedConversionMask        0x0000800000000000UL  // z13
+// ----------------------------------------------
+// --- FeatureBitString Bits 128..192 (DW[2]) ---
+// ----------------------------------------------
+//                                        11111111111111111
+//                                        23344455666778889
+//                                        82604826048260482
+#define  VectorFacilityMask             0x4000000000000000UL  // z13, not avail in VM guest mode!
+  enum {
+    _max_cache_levels = 8,    // As limited by ECAG instruction.
+    _features_buffer_len = 4, // in DW
+    _code_buffer_len = 2*256  // For feature detection code.
+  };
+  static unsigned long _features[_features_buffer_len];
+  static unsigned long _cipher_features[_features_buffer_len];
+  static unsigned long _msgdigest_features[_features_buffer_len];
+  static unsigned int  _nfeatures;
+  static unsigned int  _ncipher_features;
+  static unsigned int  _nmsgdigest_features;
+  static unsigned int  _Dcache_lineSize;
+  static unsigned int  _Icache_lineSize;
+  static bool          _is_determine_features_test_running;
+  static bool test_feature_bit(unsigned long* featureBuffer, int featureNum, unsigned int bufLen);
+  static void set_features_string();
+  static void print_features_internal(const char* text, bool print_anyway=false);
+  static void determine_features();
+  static long call_getFeatures(unsigned long* buffer, int buflen, int functionCode);
+  static void set_getFeatures(address entryPoint);
+  static int  calculate_ECAG_functionCode(unsigned int attributeIndication,
+                                          unsigned int levelIndication,
+                                          unsigned int typeIndication);
+  // Setting features via march=z900|z990|z9|z10|z196|ec12|z13|ztest commandline option.
+  static void reset_features(bool reset);
+  static void set_features_z900(bool reset = true);
+  static void set_features_z990(bool reset = true);
+  static void set_features_z9(bool reset = true);
+  static void set_features_z10(bool reset = true);
+  static void set_features_z196(bool reset = true);
+  static void set_features_ec12(bool reset = true);
+  static void set_features_z13(bool reset = true);
+  static void set_features_from(const char* march);
+  // Get the CPU type from feature bit settings.
+  static bool is_z900() { return has_long_displacement()      && !has_long_displacement_fast(); }
+  static bool is_z990() { return has_long_displacement_fast() && !has_extended_immediate();  }
+  static bool is_z9()   { return has_extended_immediate()     && !has_GnrlInstrExtensions(); }
+  static bool is_z10()  { return has_GnrlInstrExtensions()    && !has_DistinctOpnds(); }
+  static bool is_z196() { return has_DistinctOpnds()          && !has_MiscInstrExt(); }
+  static bool is_ec12() { return has_MiscInstrExt()           && !has_CryptoExt5(); }
+  static bool is_z13()  { return has_CryptoExt5();}
+  // Get information about cache line sizes.
+  // As of now and the foreseeable future, line size of all levels will be the same and 256.
+  static unsigned int Dcache_lineSize(unsigned int level = 0) { return _Dcache_lineSize; }
+  static unsigned int Icache_lineSize(unsigned int level = 0) { return _Icache_lineSize; }
+ public:
+  // Need to use nested class with unscoped enum.
+  // C++11 declaration "enum class Cipher { ... } is not supported.
+  class CipherMode {
+    public:
+      enum {
+        cipher   = 0x00,
+        decipher = 0x80
+      };
+  };
+  class Cipher {
+   public:
+    enum { // KM only!!! KMC uses different parmBlk sizes.
+      _Query              =   0,
+      _DEA                =   1,
+      _TDEA128            =   2,
+      _TDEA192            =   3,
+      _EncryptedDEA       =   9,
+      _EncryptedDEA128    =  10,
+      _EncryptedDEA192    =  11,
+      _AES128             =  18,
+      _AES192             =  19,
+      _AES256             =  20,
+      _EnccryptedAES128   =  26,
+      _EnccryptedAES192   =  27,
+      _EnccryptedAES256   =  28,
+      _XTSAES128          =  50,
+      _XTSAES256          =  52,
+      _EncryptedXTSAES128 =  58,
+      _EncryptedXTSAES256 =  60,
+      _PRNG               =  67,
+      _featureBits        = 128,
+      // Parameter block sizes (in bytes) for KM instruction.
+      _Query_parmBlk              =  16,
+      _DEA_parmBlk                =   8,
+      _TDEA128_parmBlk            =  16,
+      _TDEA192_parmBlk            =  24,
+      _EncryptedDEA_parmBlk       =  32,
+      _EncryptedDEA128_parmBlk    =  40,
+      _EncryptedDEA192_parmBlk    =  48,
+      _AES128_parmBlk             =  16,
+      _AES192_parmBlk             =  24,
+      _AES256_parmBlk             =  32,
+      _EnccryptedAES128_parmBlk   =  48,
+      _EnccryptedAES192_parmBlk   =  56,
+      _EnccryptedAES256_parmBlk   =  64,
+      _XTSAES128_parmBlk          =  32,
+      _XTSAES256_parmBlk          =  48,
+      _EncryptedXTSAES128_parmBlk =  64,
+      _EncryptedXTSAES256_parmBlk =  80,
+      // Parameter block sizes (in bytes) for KMC instruction.
+      _Query_parmBlk_C              =  16,
+      _DEA_parmBlk_C                =  16,
+      _TDEA128_parmBlk_C            =  24,
+      _TDEA192_parmBlk_C            =  32,
+      _EncryptedDEA_parmBlk_C       =  40,
+      _EncryptedDEA128_parmBlk_C    =  48,
+      _EncryptedDEA192_parmBlk_C    =  56,
+      _AES128_parmBlk_C             =  32,
+      _AES192_parmBlk_C             =  40,
+      _AES256_parmBlk_C             =  48,
+      _EnccryptedAES128_parmBlk_C   =  64,
+      _EnccryptedAES192_parmBlk_C   =  72,
+      _EnccryptedAES256_parmBlk_C   =  80,
+      _XTSAES128_parmBlk_C          =  32,
+      _XTSAES256_parmBlk_C          =  48,
+      _EncryptedXTSAES128_parmBlk_C =  64,
+      _EncryptedXTSAES256_parmBlk_C =  80,
+      _PRNG_parmBlk_C               =  32,
+      // Data block sizes (in bytes).
+      _Query_dataBlk              =   0,
+      _DEA_dataBlk                =   8,
+      _TDEA128_dataBlk            =   8,
+      _TDEA192_dataBlk            =   8,
+      _EncryptedDEA_dataBlk       =   8,
+      _EncryptedDEA128_dataBlk    =   8,
+      _EncryptedDEA192_dataBlk    =   8,
+      _AES128_dataBlk             =  16,
+      _AES192_dataBlk             =  16,
+      _AES256_dataBlk             =  16,
+      _EnccryptedAES128_dataBlk   =  16,
+      _EnccryptedAES192_dataBlk   =  16,
+      _EnccryptedAES256_dataBlk   =  16,
+      _XTSAES128_dataBlk          =  16,
+      _XTSAES256_dataBlk          =  16,
+      _EncryptedXTSAES128_dataBlk =  16,
+      _EncryptedXTSAES256_dataBlk =  16,
+      _PRNG_dataBlk               =   8,
+    };
+  };
+  class MsgDigest {
+    public:
+      enum {
+        _Query            =   0,
+        _SHA1             =   1,
+        _SHA256           =   2,
+        _SHA512           =   3,
+        _GHASH            =  65,
+        _featureBits      = 128,
+        // Parameter block sizes (in bytes) for KIMD.
+        _Query_parmBlk_I  =  16,
+        _SHA1_parmBlk_I   =  20,
+        _SHA256_parmBlk_I =  32,
+        _SHA512_parmBlk_I =  64,
+        _GHASH_parmBlk_I  =  32,
+        // Parameter block sizes (in bytes) for KLMD.
+        _Query_parmBlk_L  =  16,
+        _SHA1_parmBlk_L   =  28,
+        _SHA256_parmBlk_L =  40,
+        _SHA512_parmBlk_L =  80,
+        // Data block sizes (in bytes).
+        _Query_dataBlk    =   0,
+        _SHA1_dataBlk     =  64,
+        _SHA256_dataBlk   =  64,
+        _SHA512_dataBlk   = 128,
+        _GHASH_dataBlk    =  16
+      };
+  };
+  class MsgAuthent {
+    public:
+      enum {
+        _Query              =   0,
+        _DEA                =   1,
+        _TDEA128            =   2,
+        _TDEA192            =   3,
+        _EncryptedDEA       =   9,
+        _EncryptedDEA128    =  10,
+        _EncryptedDEA192    =  11,
+        _AES128             =  18,
+        _AES192             =  19,
+        _AES256             =  20,
+        _EnccryptedAES128   =  26,
+        _EnccryptedAES192   =  27,
+        _EnccryptedAES256   =  28,
+        _featureBits        = 128,
+        _Query_parmBlk            =  16,
+        _DEA_parmBlk              =  16,
+        _TDEA128_parmBlk          =  24,
+        _TDEA192_parmBlk          =  32,
+        _EncryptedDEA_parmBlk     =  40,
+        _EncryptedDEA128_parmBlk  =  48,
+        _EncryptedDEA192_parmBlk  =  56,
+        _AES128_parmBlk           =  32,
+        _AES192_parmBlk           =  40,
+        _AES256_parmBlk           =  48,
+        _EnccryptedAES128_parmBlk =  64,
+        _EnccryptedAES192_parmBlk =  72,
+        _EnccryptedAES256_parmBlk =  80,
+        _Query_dataBlk            =   0,
+        _DEA_dataBlk              =   8,
+        _TDEA128_dataBlk          =   8,
+        _TDEA192_dataBlk          =   8,
+        _EncryptedDEA_dataBlk     =   8,
+        _EncryptedDEA128_dataBlk  =   8,
+        _EncryptedDEA192_dataBlk  =   8,
+        _AES128_dataBlk           =  16,
+        _AES192_dataBlk           =  16,
+        _AES256_dataBlk           =  16,
+        _EnccryptedAES128_dataBlk =  16,
+        _EnccryptedAES192_dataBlk =  16,
+        _EnccryptedAES256_dataBlk =  16
+      };
+  };
+  // Initialization
+  static void initialize();
+  static void print_features();
+  static bool is_determine_features_test_running() { return _is_determine_features_test_running; }
+  // CPU feature query functions
+  static bool has_StoreFacilityListExtended() { return  (_features[0] & StoreFacilityListExtendedMask) == StoreFacilityListExtendedMask; }
+  static bool has_Crypto()                    { return  (_features[0] & CryptoFacilityMask)            == CryptoFacilityMask; }
+  static bool has_ETF2()                      { return  (_features[0] & ETF2Mask)                      == ETF2Mask; }
+  static bool has_ETF3()                      { return  (_features[0] & ETF3Mask)                      == ETF3Mask; }
+  static bool has_ETF2Enhancements()          { return  (_features[0] & ETF2EnhancementMask)           == ETF2EnhancementMask; }
+  static bool has_ETF3Enhancements()          { return  (_features[0] & ETF3EnhancementMask)           == ETF3EnhancementMask; }
+  static bool has_ParsingEnhancements()       { return  (_features[0] & ParsingEnhancementsMask)       == ParsingEnhancementsMask; }
+  static bool has_long_displacement()         { return  (_features[0] & LongDispFacilityMask)          == LongDispFacilityMask; }
+  static bool has_long_displacement_fast()    { return  (_features[0] & LongDispFacilityHighPerfMask)  == LongDispFacilityHighPerfMask; }
+  static bool has_extended_immediate()        { return  (_features[0] & ExtImmedFacilityMask)          == ExtImmedFacilityMask; }
+  static bool has_StoreClockFast()            { return  (_features[0] & StoreClockFastMask)            == StoreClockFastMask; }
+  static bool has_ExtractCPUtime()            { return  (_features[0] & ExtractCPUTimeMask)            == ExtractCPUTimeMask; }
+  static bool has_CompareSwapStore()          { return  (_features[0] & CompareSwapStoreMask)          == CompareSwapStoreMask; }
+  static bool has_HFPMultiplyAndAdd()         { return  (_features[0] & HFPMultiplyAndAddMask)         == HFPMultiplyAndAddMask; }
+  static bool has_HFPUnnormalized()           { return  (_features[0] & HFPUnnormalizedMask)           == HFPUnnormalizedMask; }
+  // Make sure we don't run on older ...
+  static bool has_GnrlInstrExtensions()       { guarantee((_features[0] & GnrlInstrExtFacilityMask)    == GnrlInstrExtFacilityMask, "We no more support older than z10."); return true; }
+  static bool has_CompareBranch()             { return  has_GnrlInstrExtensions() && is_z10(); } // Only z10 benefits from these.
+  static bool has_CompareTrap()               { return  has_GnrlInstrExtensions(); }
+  static bool has_RelativeLoadStore()         { return  has_GnrlInstrExtensions(); }
+  static bool has_MultiplySingleImm32()       { return  has_GnrlInstrExtensions(); }
+  static bool has_Prefetch()                  { return  has_GnrlInstrExtensions() && (AllocatePrefetchStyle > 0); }
+  static bool has_PrefetchRaw()               { return  has_GnrlInstrExtensions(); }
+  static bool has_MoveImmToMem()              { return  has_GnrlInstrExtensions(); }
+  static bool has_ExtractCPUAttributes()      { return  has_GnrlInstrExtensions(); }
+  static bool has_ExecuteExtensions()         { return  (_features[0] & ExecuteExtensionsMask)         == ExecuteExtensionsMask; }
+  // Memory-immediate arithmetic instructions. There is no performance penalty in using them.
+  // Moreover, these memory-immediate instructions are quasi-atomic (>99.99%) on z10
+  // and 100% atomic from z196 onwards, thanks to the specific operand serialization that comes new with z196.
+  static bool has_MemWithImmALUOps()          { return  has_GnrlInstrExtensions(); }
+  static bool has_AtomicMemWithImmALUOps()    { return   has_MemWithImmALUOps() && has_InterlockedAccessV1(); }
+  static bool has_FPExtensions()              { return  (_features[0] & FPExtensionsMask)              == FPExtensionsMask; }
+  static bool has_FPSupportEnhancements()     { return  (_features[0] & FPSupportEnhancementsMask)     == FPSupportEnhancementsMask; }
+  static bool has_DecimalFloatingPoint()      { return  (_features[0] & DecimalFloatingPointMask)      == DecimalFloatingPointMask; }
+  static bool has_InterlockedAccessV1()       { return  (_features[0] & InterlockedAccess1Mask)        == InterlockedAccess1Mask; }
+  static bool has_LoadAndALUAtomicV1()        { return  (_features[0] & InterlockedAccess1Mask)        == InterlockedAccess1Mask; }
+  static bool has_PopCount()                  { return  (_features[0] & PopulationCountMask)           == PopulationCountMask; }
+  static bool has_LoadStoreConditional()      { return  (_features[0] & LoadStoreConditionalMask)      == LoadStoreConditionalMask; }
+  static bool has_HighWordInstr()             { return  (_features[0] & HighWordMask)                  == HighWordMask; }
+  static bool has_FastSync()                  { return  (_features[0] & FastBCRSerializationMask)      == FastBCRSerializationMask; }
+  static bool has_DistinctOpnds()             { return  (_features[0] & DistinctOpndsMask)             == DistinctOpndsMask; }
+  static bool has_CryptoExt3()                { return  (_features[1] & CryptoExtension3Mask)          == CryptoExtension3Mask; }
+  static bool has_CryptoExt4()                { return  (_features[1] & CryptoExtension4Mask)          == CryptoExtension4Mask; }
+  static bool has_DFPZonedConversion()        { return  (_features[0] & DFPZonedConversionMask)        == DFPZonedConversionMask; }
+  static bool has_DFPPackedConversion()       { return  (_features[1] & DFPPackedConversionMask)       == DFPPackedConversionMask; }
+  static bool has_MiscInstrExt()              { return  (_features[0] & MiscInstrExtMask)              == MiscInstrExtMask; }
+  static bool has_ExecutionHint()             { return  (_features[0] & ExecutionHintMask)             == ExecutionHintMask; }
+  static bool has_LoadAndTrap()               { return  (_features[0] & LoadAndTrapMask)               == LoadAndTrapMask; }
+  static bool has_ProcessorAssist()           { return  (_features[0] & ProcessorAssistMask)           == ProcessorAssistMask; }
+  static bool has_InterlockedAccessV2()       { return  (_features[0] & InterlockedAccess2Mask)        == InterlockedAccess2Mask; }
+  static bool has_LoadAndALUAtomicV2()        { return  (_features[0] & InterlockedAccess2Mask)        == InterlockedAccess2Mask; }
+  static bool has_TxMem()                     { return ((_features[1] & TransactionalExecutionMask)    == TransactionalExecutionMask) &&
+                                                       ((_features[0] & ConstrainedTxExecutionMask)    == ConstrainedTxExecutionMask); }
+  static bool has_CryptoExt5()                { return  (_features[0] & CryptoExtension5Mask)          == CryptoExtension5Mask; }
+  static bool has_LoadStoreConditional2()     { return  (_features[0] & LoadStoreConditional2Mask)     == LoadStoreConditional2Mask; }
+  static bool has_VectorFacility()            { return  (_features[2] & VectorFacilityMask)            == VectorFacilityMask; }
+  static bool has_TestFeatureImpl()           { return  (_features[0] & TestFeature1ImplMask)          == TestFeature1ImplMask; }
+  static bool has_TestFeature1Impl()          { return  (_features[0] & TestFeature1ImplMask)          == TestFeature1ImplMask; }
+  static bool has_TestFeature2Impl()          { return  (_features[0] & TestFeature2ImplMask)          == TestFeature2ImplMask; }
+  static bool has_TestFeature4Impl()          { return  (_features[0] & TestFeature4ImplMask)          == TestFeature4ImplMask; }
+  static bool has_TestFeature8Impl()          { return  (_features[0] & TestFeature8ImplMask)          == TestFeature8ImplMask; }
+  static bool has_TestFeaturesImpl()          { return  has_TestFeature1Impl() || has_TestFeature2Impl() || has_TestFeature4Impl() || has_TestFeature8Impl(); }
+  // Crypto features query functions.
+  static bool has_Crypto_AES128()             { return has_Crypto() && test_feature_bit(&_cipher_features[0], Cipher::_AES128, Cipher::_featureBits); }
+  static bool has_Crypto_AES192()             { return has_Crypto() && test_feature_bit(&_cipher_features[0], Cipher::_AES192, Cipher::_featureBits); }
+  static bool has_Crypto_AES256()             { return has_Crypto() && test_feature_bit(&_cipher_features[0], Cipher::_AES256, Cipher::_featureBits); }
+  static bool has_Crypto_AES()                { return has_Crypto_AES128() || has_Crypto_AES192() || has_Crypto_AES256(); }
+  static bool has_Crypto_SHA1()               { return has_Crypto() && test_feature_bit(&_msgdigest_features[0], MsgDigest::_SHA1,   MsgDigest::_featureBits); }
+  static bool has_Crypto_SHA256()             { return has_Crypto() && test_feature_bit(&_msgdigest_features[0], MsgDigest::_SHA256, MsgDigest::_featureBits); }
+  static bool has_Crypto_SHA512()             { return has_Crypto() && test_feature_bit(&_msgdigest_features[0], MsgDigest::_SHA512, MsgDigest::_featureBits); }
+  static bool has_Crypto_GHASH()              { return has_Crypto() && test_feature_bit(&_msgdigest_features[0], MsgDigest::_GHASH,  MsgDigest::_featureBits); }
+  static bool has_Crypto_SHA()                { return has_Crypto_SHA1() || has_Crypto_SHA256() || has_Crypto_SHA512() || has_Crypto_GHASH(); }
+  // CPU feature setters (to force model-specific behaviour). Test/debugging only.
+  static void set_has_TestFeature1Impl()          { _features[0] |= TestFeature1ImplMask; }
+  static void set_has_TestFeature2Impl()          { _features[0] |= TestFeature2ImplMask; }
+  static void set_has_TestFeature4Impl()          { _features[0] |= TestFeature4ImplMask; }
+  static void set_has_TestFeature8Impl()          { _features[0] |= TestFeature8ImplMask; }
+  static void set_has_DecimalFloatingPoint()      { _features[0] |= DecimalFloatingPointMask; }
+  static void set_has_FPSupportEnhancements()     { _features[0] |= FPSupportEnhancementsMask; }
+  static void set_has_ExecuteExtensions()         { _features[0] |= ExecuteExtensionsMask; }
+  static void set_has_MemWithImmALUOps()          { _features[0] |= GnrlInstrExtFacilityMask; }
+  static void set_has_MoveImmToMem()              { _features[0] |= GnrlInstrExtFacilityMask; }
+  static void set_has_Prefetch()                  { _features[0] |= GnrlInstrExtFacilityMask; }
+  static void set_has_MultiplySingleImm32()       { _features[0] |= GnrlInstrExtFacilityMask; }
+  static void set_has_CompareBranch()             { _features[0] |= GnrlInstrExtFacilityMask; }
+  static void set_has_CompareTrap()               { _features[0] |= GnrlInstrExtFacilityMask; }
+  static void set_has_RelativeLoadStore()         { _features[0] |= GnrlInstrExtFacilityMask; }
+  static void set_has_GnrlInstrExtensions()       { _features[0] |= GnrlInstrExtFacilityMask; }
+  static void set_has_CompareSwapStore()          { _features[0] |= CompareSwapStoreMask; }
+  static void set_has_HFPMultiplyAndAdd()         { _features[0] |= HFPMultiplyAndAddMask; }
+  static void set_has_HFPUnnormalized()           { _features[0] |= HFPUnnormalizedMask; }
+  static void set_has_ExtractCPUtime()            { _features[0] |= ExtractCPUTimeMask; }
+  static void set_has_StoreClockFast()            { _features[0] |= StoreClockFastMask; }
+  static void set_has_extended_immediate()        { _features[0] |= ExtImmedFacilityMask; }
+  static void set_has_long_displacement_fast()    { _features[0] |= LongDispFacilityHighPerfMask; }
+  static void set_has_long_displacement()         { _features[0] |= LongDispFacilityMask; }
+  static void set_has_ETF2()                      { _features[0] |= ETF2Mask; }
+  static void set_has_ETF3()                      { _features[0] |= ETF3Mask; }
+  static void set_has_ETF2Enhancements()          { _features[0] |= ETF2EnhancementMask; }
+  static void set_has_ETF3Enhancements()          { _features[0] |= ETF3EnhancementMask; }
+  static void set_has_Crypto()                    { _features[0] |= CryptoFacilityMask; }
+  static void set_has_StoreFacilityListExtended() { _features[0] |= StoreFacilityListExtendedMask; }
+  static void set_has_InterlockedAccessV1()       { _features[0] |= InterlockedAccess1Mask; }
+  static void set_has_PopCount()                  { _features[0] |= PopulationCountMask; }
+  static void set_has_LoadStoreConditional()      { _features[0] |= LoadStoreConditionalMask; }
+  static void set_has_HighWordInstr()             { _features[0] |= HighWordMask; }
+  static void set_has_FastSync()                  { _features[0] |= FastBCRSerializationMask; }
+  static void set_has_DistinctOpnds()             { _features[0] |= DistinctOpndsMask; }
+  static void set_has_FPExtensions()              { _features[0] |= FPExtensionsMask; }
+  static void set_has_MiscInstrExt()              { _features[0] |= MiscInstrExtMask; }
+  static void set_has_ProcessorAssist()           { _features[0] |= ProcessorAssistMask; }
+  static void set_has_InterlockedAccessV2()       { _features[0] |= InterlockedAccess2Mask; }
+  static void set_has_LoadAndALUAtomicV2()        { _features[0] |= InterlockedAccess2Mask; }
+  static void set_has_TxMem()                     { _features[0] |= ConstrainedTxExecutionMask; _features[1] |= TransactionalExecutionMask; }
+  static void set_has_CryptoExt3()                { _features[1] |= CryptoExtension3Mask; }
+  static void set_has_CryptoExt4()                { _features[1] |= CryptoExtension4Mask; }
+  static void set_has_LoadStoreConditional2()     { _features[0] |= LoadStoreConditional2Mask; }
+  static void set_has_CryptoExt5()                { _features[0] |= CryptoExtension5Mask; }
+  static void set_has_VectorFacility()            { _features[2] |= VectorFacilityMask; }
+  // Assembler testing.
+  static void allow_all();
+  static void revert();
+  // Generate trapping instructions into C-code.
+  // Sometimes helpful for debugging.
+  static unsigned long z_SIGILL();
+  static unsigned long z_SIGSEGV();
+#endif // CPU_S390_VM_VM_VERSION_S390_HPP