changeset 49879 601277b1d582
child 53097 2e82ca64b25d
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test/langtools/jdk/javadoc/doclet/testVisibleMembers/TestVisibleMembers.java	Tue Apr 24 11:54:03 2018 -0700
@@ -0,0 +1,685 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2002, 2018, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
+ * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
+ * accompanied this code).
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
+ * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+ * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+ *
+ * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
+ * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
+ * questions.
+ */
+ * @test
+ * @bug 8025091 8198890
+ * @summary Verify the presence visible members in the case of
+ *          member hiding and overridding.
+ * @library /tools/lib ../lib
+ * @modules jdk.javadoc/jdk.javadoc.internal.tool
+ * @build JavadocTester toolbox.ToolBox builder.ClassBuilder
+ * @run main TestVisibleMembers
+ */
+import java.nio.file.Path;
+import java.nio.file.Paths;
+import builder.AbstractBuilder;
+import builder.AbstractBuilder.Comment.Kind;
+import builder.ClassBuilder;
+import builder.ClassBuilder.*;
+import toolbox.ToolBox;
+import builder.ClassBuilder;
+public class TestVisibleMembers extends JavadocTester {
+    final ToolBox tb;
+    public static void main(String... args) throws Exception {
+        TestVisibleMembers tester = new TestVisibleMembers();
+        tester.runTests(m -> new Object[] { Paths.get(m.getName()) });
+    }
+    TestVisibleMembers() {
+        tb = new ToolBox();
+    }
+    @Test
+    void testChronoDiamondLeafDetail(Path base) throws Exception {
+        Path srcDir = base.resolve("src");
+        emitChronoDiamondLeaf(srcDir);
+        Path outDir = base.resolve("out");
+        javadoc("-d", outDir.toString(),
+                "-html5",
+                "--override-methods=detail",
+                "-sourcepath", srcDir.toString(),
+                "p");
+        checkExit(Exit.OK);
+        checkOrder("p/C.html", "METHOD SUMMARY",
+                "boolean", "equals", "java.lang.Object", "Method equals in p.C",
+                "C", "with", "java.lang.Object", "obj",  "Method with in p.C",
+                "C", "with", "java.lang.Object", "obj", "long", "lvalue", "Method with in p.C",
+                "METHOD DETAIL");
+        checkOutput("p/C.html", false, "BImpl");
+        checkOrder("p/E.html", "METHOD SUMMARY",
+                "boolean", "equals", "java.lang.Object", "Method equals in p.E",
+                "C", "with", "java.lang.Object", "Method with in p.E",
+                "C", "with", "java.lang.Object", "obj", "long", "lvalue", "Method with in p.E",
+                "METHOD DETAIL");
+        checkOutput("p/E.html", false, "EImpl");
+    }
+    @Test
+    void testChronoDiamondLeafSummary(Path base) throws Exception {
+        Path srcDir = base.resolve("src");
+        emitChronoDiamondLeaf(srcDir);
+        Path outDir = base.resolve("out-member");
+        javadoc("-d", outDir.toString(),
+                "-html5",
+                "--override-methods=summary",
+                "-sourcepath", srcDir.toString(),
+                "p");
+        checkExit(Exit.OK);
+        checkOrder("p/C.html", "METHOD SUMMARY",
+                "boolean", "equals", "java.lang.Object", "Method equals in p.C",
+                "C", "with", "java.lang.Object", "obj", "Method with in p.C",
+                "C", "with", "java.lang.Object", "obj", "long", "lvalue", "Method with in p.C",
+                "METHOD DETAIL");
+        checkOutput("p/C.html", false, "BImpl");
+        checkOrder("p/E.html", "METHOD SUMMARY",
+                "boolean", "equals", "java.lang.Object", "Method equals in p.E",
+                "C", "with", "java.lang.Object", "Method with in p.E",
+                "C", "with", "java.lang.Object", "long", "lvalue", "Method with in p.E",
+                "METHOD DETAIL");
+        checkOutput("p/E.html", false, "EImpl");
+    }
+    // see j.t.TemporalAdjuster
+    void emitChronoDiamondLeaf(Path srcDir) throws Exception {
+        // Interface A
+        MethodBuilder mbWith1 = MethodBuilder
+                .parse("default Object with(Object obj) {return null;}");
+        MethodBuilder mbWith2 = MethodBuilder
+                .parse("default Object with(Object obj, long lvalue) {return null;}");
+        new ClassBuilder(tb, "p.A")
+                .setModifiers("public", "interface")
+                .addMembers(mbWith1, mbWith2)
+                .write(srcDir);
+        // Interface B
+        mbWith1.setComments("{@inheritDoc}", "@param obj an object",
+                "@return something");
+        mbWith2.setComments("{@inheritDoc}", "@param obj an object",
+                "@param lvalue an lvalue", "@return something");
+        new ClassBuilder(tb, "p.B")
+                .setModifiers( "public", "interface")
+                .setExtends("A")
+                .addMembers(mbWith1, mbWith2)
+                .write(srcDir);
+        // Class BImpl
+        MethodBuilder mb31 = MethodBuilder.parse("C with(Object obj) {return null;}");
+        MethodBuilder mb32 = MethodBuilder.parse("C with(Object obj, Long lobj) {return null;}");
+        new ClassBuilder(tb, "p.BImpl<C extends B>")
+                .setModifiers( "abstract", "class")
+                .addImplements("B")
+                .addMembers(mb31, mb32)
+                .write(srcDir);
+        // Class C
+        new ClassBuilder(tb, "p.C")
+                .setModifiers("public", "class")
+                .setExtends("BImpl")
+                .addMembers(mbWith1.setReturn("C")
+                        .setModifiers("public")
+                        .setComments(AbstractBuilder.Comment.Kind.AUTO))
+                .addMembers(mbWith2.setReturn("C")
+                        .setModifiers("public")
+                        .setComments(AbstractBuilder.Comment.Kind.AUTO))
+                .addMembers(MethodBuilder.parse("public boolean equals(Object obj) { return false;}"))
+                .write(srcDir);
+        // Class EImpl
+        MethodBuilder mb41 = MethodBuilder.parse("C with(Object obj) {return null;}")
+                .setComments(Kind.NO_API_COMMENT);
+        MethodBuilder mb42 = MethodBuilder.parse("C with(Object obj, Long lobj) {return null;}");
+        new ClassBuilder(tb, "p.EImpl<C extends B>")
+                .setModifiers( "abstract", "class")
+                .addImplements("B")
+                .addMembers(mb41, mb42)
+                .write(srcDir);
+        // Class E
+        MethodBuilder mb51 = MethodBuilder.parse("public C with(Object obj) {return null;}");
+        MethodBuilder mb52 = MethodBuilder.parse("public C with(Object obj, long lvalue) {return null;}");
+        MethodBuilder mb53 = MethodBuilder.parse("public boolean equals(Object obj) { return false;}");
+        new ClassBuilder(tb, "p.E")
+                .setModifiers("public", "class")
+                .setExtends("EImpl")
+                .addMembers(mb51, mb52, mb53)
+                .write(srcDir);
+    }
+    @Test
+    void testNestedInterfaceDetail(Path base) throws Exception {
+        Path srcDir = base.resolve("src");
+        emitNestedInterface(srcDir);
+        Path outDir = base.resolve("out");
+        javadoc("-d", outDir.toString(),
+                "-html5",
+                "--override-methods=detail",
+                "-sourcepath", srcDir.toString(),
+                "p");
+        checkExit(Exit.OK);
+        checkOutput("p/TA.html", false, "getTA");
+        checkOrder("p/Bar.html",
+                "doSomething()",
+                "getTA()");
+    }
+    @Test
+    void testNestedInterfaceSummary(Path base) throws Exception {
+        Path srcDir = base.resolve("src");
+        emitNestedInterface(srcDir);
+        Path outDir = base.resolve("out");
+        javadoc("-d", outDir.toString(),
+                "-html5",
+                "--override-methods=summary",
+                "-sourcepath", srcDir.toString(),
+                "p");
+        checkExit(Exit.OK);
+        checkOutput("p/TA.html", false, "getTA");
+        checkOrder("p/Bar.html",
+                "doSomething()",
+                "getTA()");
+        checkOrder("p/Foo.html",
+                "Methods declared in",
+                "Bar.html",
+                "getTA");
+    }
+    // See jx.s.TransferHandler
+    void emitNestedInterface(Path srcDir) throws Exception {
+        ClassBuilder innerI = new ClassBuilder(tb, "HasTA")
+                .setModifiers("interface");
+        MethodBuilder interfaceMethod = MethodBuilder.parse("public TA getTa();")
+                .setComments(Kind.NO_API_COMMENT);
+        innerI.addMembers(interfaceMethod);
+        new ClassBuilder(tb, "p.TA")
+                .setModifiers("public", "class")
+                .addImplements("java.io.Serializable")
+                .addNestedClasses(innerI)
+                .write(srcDir);
+        new ClassBuilder(tb, "p.Foo")
+                .setModifiers("public", "class")
+                .setExtends("Bar")
+                .write(srcDir);
+        new ClassBuilder(tb, "p.Bar")
+                .setModifiers("public", "abstract", "class")
+                .addImplements("TA.HasTA")
+                .addMembers(
+                    MethodBuilder.parse("public void doSomething(){}"),
+                    MethodBuilder.parse("public TA getTA(){return null;}")
+                ).write(srcDir);
+    }
+    @Test
+    void testStreamsMissingLinksDetail(Path base) throws Exception {
+        Path srcDir = base.resolve("src");
+        emitStreamsMissingLinks(srcDir);
+        Path outDir = base.resolve("out");
+        javadoc("-d", outDir.toString(),
+                "-html5",
+                "--override-methods=detail",
+                "-sourcepath", srcDir.toString(),
+                "p");
+        checkExit(Exit.OK);
+        checkOrder("p/C.html",
+                "METHOD DETAIL",
+                "public", "void", "method()",
+                "See Also:",
+                "sub()",
+                "sub1()");
+        checkOrder("p/ILong.html",
+                "METHOD DETAIL",
+                "default", "void", "forEach", "java.util.function.Consumer",
+                "java.lang.Long", "action",
+                "Do you see me", "#forEach(java.util.function.LongConsumer)",
+                "forEach(LongConsumer)",
+                "END OF CLASS DATA");
+        checkOrder("p/IImpl.html",
+                "METHOD DETAIL",
+                "Method sub in p.IImpl",
+                "Specified by:", "I.html", "II.html",
+                "END OF CLASS DATA");
+    }
+    @Test
+    void testStreamsMissingLinksSummary(Path base) throws Exception {
+        Path srcDir = base.resolve("src");
+        emitStreamsMissingLinks(srcDir);
+        Path outDir = base.resolve("out");
+        javadoc("-d", outDir.toString(),
+                "-html5",
+                "--override-methods=summary",
+                "-sourcepath", srcDir.toString(),
+                "p");
+        checkExit(Exit.OK);
+        checkOrder("p/C.html",
+                "METHOD DETAIL",
+                "public", "void", "method()", "See Also:", "sub()", "I.sub1()",
+                "public", "void", "m", "Method in C. See", "I.length()"
+                );
+        checkOrder("p/ILong.html",
+                "METHOD DETAIL",
+                "default", "void", "forEach", "java.util.function.Consumer",
+                "java.lang.Long", "action",
+                "Do you see me", "QLong.html#forEach(Q)",
+                "QLong.forEach(LongConsumer)",
+                "END OF CLASS DATA");
+        checkOrder("p/IImpl.html",
+                "METHOD DETAIL",
+                "Method sub in p.IImpl",
+                "Specified by:", "I.html",
+                "END OF CLASS DATA");
+        checkUnique("p/IImpl.html", "Specified by:");
+    }
+    // see j.u.Spliterator
+    void emitStreamsMissingLinks(Path srcDir) throws Exception {
+        new ClassBuilder(tb, "p.I")
+                .setModifiers("public", "interface")
+                .addMembers(
+                        MethodBuilder.parse("public I sub();"),
+                        MethodBuilder.parse("public I sub1();"),
+                        MethodBuilder.parse("public int length();")
+                ).write(srcDir);
+        new ClassBuilder(tb, "p.A")
+                .setModifiers("abstract", "class")
+                .addImplements("I")
+                .addMembers(
+                        MethodBuilder.parse("public I sub() {}"),
+                        MethodBuilder.parse("public I sub1() {}"),
+                        MethodBuilder.parse("public int length(){return 0;}")
+                                .setComments(Kind.NO_API_COMMENT),
+                        MethodBuilder.parse("public void m(){}")
+                        .setComments("Method in C. See {@link #length()}.")
+                ).write(srcDir);
+        new ClassBuilder(tb, "p.C")
+                .setModifiers("public", "class")
+                .setExtends("A").addImplements("I")
+                .addMembers(
+                        MethodBuilder.parse("public I sub() {return null;}"),
+                        MethodBuilder.parse("public I sub1() {return null;}")
+                                .setComments(Kind.INHERIT_DOC),
+                        MethodBuilder.parse(" public void method() {}")
+                                .setComments("A method ", "@see #sub", "@see #sub1"),
+                        MethodBuilder.parse("public int length(){return 1;}")
+                                .setComments(Kind.NO_API_COMMENT)
+                ).write(srcDir);
+        new ClassBuilder(tb, "p.II")
+                .setModifiers("public", "interface")
+                .setExtends("I")
+                .addMembers(
+                        MethodBuilder.parse("default public I sub() {return null;}")
+                            .setComments(Kind.NO_API_COMMENT)
+                ).write(srcDir);
+        new ClassBuilder(tb, "p.IImpl")
+                .setModifiers("public", "class")
+                .addImplements("II")
+                .addMembers(
+                    MethodBuilder.parse("public I sub() {return null;}")
+                ).write(srcDir);
+        new ClassBuilder(tb, "p.QLong<P, Q, R>")
+                .setModifiers("public interface")
+                .addMembers(
+                        MethodBuilder.parse("default void forEach(Q action) {}")
+                ).write(srcDir);
+        new ClassBuilder(tb, "p.ILong")
+                .addImports("java.util.function.*")
+                .setModifiers("public", "interface")
+                .setExtends("QLong<Long, LongConsumer, Object>")
+                .addMembers(
+                        MethodBuilder.parse("default void forEach(LongConsumer action) {}")
+                            .setComments(Kind.NO_API_COMMENT),
+                        MethodBuilder.parse("default void forEach(Consumer<Long> action) {}")
+                            .setComments("Do you see me {@link #forEach(LongConsumer)} ?")
+                ).write(srcDir);
+    }
+    @Test
+    void testVisibleMemberTableDetail(Path base) throws Exception {
+        Path srcDir = base.resolve("src");
+        emitVisibleMemberTable(srcDir);
+        Path outDir = base.resolve("out");
+        javadoc("-d", outDir.toString(),
+                "-html5",
+                "--override-methods=detail",
+                "-sourcepath", srcDir.toString(),
+                "p");
+        checkExit(Exit.OK);
+        checkOrder("p/C.html",
+                "METHOD DETAIL",
+                "public", "void", "m()", "Method m in p.B",
+                "public", "void", "n()", "Method n in p.A",
+                "public", "void", "o()", "Description copied from class:", ">A<", "Method o in p.A",
+                "public", "void", "p()", "Method p in p.B",
+                "END OF CLASS DATA");
+        checkOutput("p/C.html", false,
+                "Overrides",
+                "Methods declared in class p");
+        checkOrder("p/D.html",
+                "METHOD SUMMARY",
+                "void", "m", "Method m in p.D",
+                "void", "n", "Method n in p.D",
+                "void", "o", "Method o in p.D",
+                "void", "p", "Method p in p.D",
+                "CONSTRUCTOR DETAIL");
+        checkOutput("p/D.html", false,
+                "Description copied from class:",
+                "Overrides",
+                "Methods declared in class p");
+        checkOrder("p/E.html",
+                "METHOD SUMMARY",
+                "void", "m", "Method m in p.B",
+                "void", "n", "Method n in p.A",
+                "void", "o", "Method o in p.A",
+                "void", "p", "Method p in p.B",
+                "CONSTRUCTOR DETAIL");
+        checkOutput("p/E.html", false,
+                "Description copied from class:",
+                "Overrides",
+                "Methods declared in class p");
+    }
+    @Test
+    void testVisibleMemberTableSummary(Path base) throws Exception {
+        Path srcDir = base.resolve("src");
+        emitVisibleMemberTable(srcDir);
+        Path outDir = base.resolve("out");
+        javadoc("-d", outDir.toString(),
+                "-html5",
+                "--override-methods=summary",
+                "-sourcepath", srcDir.toString(),
+                "p");
+        checkExit(Exit.OK);
+        checkOrder("p/C.html",
+                "METHOD SUMMARY",
+                "void", "m", "Method m in p.B",
+                "void", "n", "Method n in p.A",
+                "void", "o", "Method o in p.A",
+                "void", "p", "Method p in p.B",
+                "CONSTRUCTOR DETAIL");
+        checkOrder("p/C.html",
+                "METHOD DETAIL",
+                "public", "void", "m()", "Method m in p.B",
+                "public", "void", "n()", "Method n in p.A",
+                "public", "void", "o()", "Description copied from class:", ">A<", "Method o in p.A",
+                "public", "void", "p()", "Method p in p.B",
+                "END OF CLASS DATA");
+        checkOutput("p/C.html", false,
+                "Overrides",
+                "Methods declared in class p");
+        checkOrder("p/D.html",
+                "METHOD SUMMARY",
+                "void", "m", "Method m in p.D",
+                "void", "n", "Method n in p.D",
+                "void", "o", "Method o in p.D",
+                "void", "p", "Method p in p.D",
+                "CONSTRUCTOR DETAIL");
+        checkOutput("p/D.html", false,
+                "Description copied from class:",
+                "Overrides",
+                "Methods declared in class p");
+        checkOrder("p/E.html",
+                "METHOD SUMMARY",
+                "void", "m", "Method m in p.B",
+                "void", "n", "Method n in p.A",
+                "void", "o", "Method o in p.A",
+                "void", "p", "Method p in p.B",
+                "CONSTRUCTOR DETAIL");
+        checkOutput("p/E.html", false,
+                "Description copied from class:",
+                "Overrides",
+                "Methods declared in class p");
+    }
+    // emit a matrix of method variants
+    void emitVisibleMemberTable(Path srcDir) throws Exception {
+        new ClassBuilder(tb, "p.A")
+                .setModifiers("public", "class")
+                .addMembers(
+                        MethodBuilder.parse("public void m() {}"),
+                        MethodBuilder.parse("public void n() {}"),
+                        MethodBuilder.parse("public void o() {}")
+                ).write(srcDir);
+        new ClassBuilder(tb, "p.B")
+                .setModifiers("class")
+                .setExtends("A")
+                .addMembers(
+                        MethodBuilder.parse("public void m() {}"),
+                        MethodBuilder.parse("public void n() {}")
+                                .setComments(Kind.INHERIT_DOC),
+                        MethodBuilder.parse("public void o() {}")
+                        .setComments(Kind.NO_API_COMMENT),
+                        MethodBuilder.parse("public void p() {}")
+                ).write(srcDir);
+        new ClassBuilder(tb, "p.C")
+                .setModifiers("public", "class")
+                .setExtends("B")
+                .addMembers(
+                        MethodBuilder.parse("public void m() {}")
+                                .setComments(Kind.NO_API_COMMENT),
+                        MethodBuilder.parse("public void n() {}")
+                                .setComments(Kind.NO_API_COMMENT),
+                        MethodBuilder.parse("public void o() {}")
+                                .setComments(Kind.NO_API_COMMENT),
+                        MethodBuilder.parse("public void p() {}")
+                                .setComments(Kind.NO_API_COMMENT)
+                ).write(srcDir);
+        new ClassBuilder(tb, "p.D")
+                .setModifiers("public", "class")
+                .setExtends("B")
+                .addMembers(
+                        MethodBuilder.parse("public void m() {}"),
+                        MethodBuilder.parse("public void n() {}"),
+                        MethodBuilder.parse("public void o() {}"),
+                        MethodBuilder.parse("public void p() {}")
+                ).write(srcDir);
+        new ClassBuilder(tb, "p.E")
+                .setModifiers("public", "class")
+                .setExtends("B")
+                .addMembers(
+                        MethodBuilder.parse("public void m() {}")
+                                .setComments(Kind.INHERIT_DOC),
+                        MethodBuilder.parse("public void n() {}")
+                                .setComments(Kind.INHERIT_DOC),
+                        MethodBuilder.parse("public void o() {}")
+                                .setComments(Kind.INHERIT_DOC),
+                        MethodBuilder.parse("public void p() {}")
+                                .setComments(Kind.INHERIT_DOC)
+                ).write(srcDir);
+    }
+    @Test
+    void testHiddenMembersDetail(Path base) throws Exception {
+        Path srcDir = base.resolve("src");
+        emitHiddenMembers(srcDir);
+        Path outDir = base.resolve("out");
+        javadoc("-d", outDir.toString(),
+                "-html5",
+                "--override-methods=detail",
+                "-sourcepath", srcDir.toString(),
+                "p");
+        checkExit(Exit.OK);
+        checkOrder("p/C1.html",
+                "FIELD SUMMARY",
+                "Fields inherited from interface", "I1", "field2",
+                "Fields inherited from interface", "I2", "field2",
+                "Fields inherited from interface", "I3", "field",
+                "METHOD SUMMARY",
+                "Methods inherited from interface", "I1", "method2",
+                "Methods inherited from interface", "I2", "method2",
+                "Methods inherited from interface", "I3", "method",
+                "CONSTRUCTOR DETAIL");
+        checkOrder("p/C2.html",
+                "FIELD SUMMARY",
+                "int", "field", "Field field in p.C2",
+                "Fields inherited from interface", "I1", "field2",
+                "Fields inherited from interface", "I2", "field2",
+                "METHOD SUMMARY",
+                "void", "method", "Method method in p.C2",
+                "void", "method2", "Method method2 in p.C2");
+    }
+    @Test
+    void testHiddenMembersSummary(Path base) throws Exception {
+        Path srcDir = base.resolve("src");
+        emitHiddenMembers(srcDir);
+        Path outDir = base.resolve("out");
+        javadoc("-d", outDir.toString(),
+                "-html5",
+                "--override-methods=summary",
+                "-sourcepath", srcDir.toString(),
+                "p");
+        checkExit(Exit.OK);
+        checkOrder("p/C1.html",
+                "Field Summary",
+                "Fields declared in interface", "I1", "field2",
+                "Fields declared in interface", "I2", "field2",
+                "Fields declared in interface", "I3", "field",
+                "Method Summary",
+                "Methods declared in interface", "I1", "method2",
+                "Methods declared in interface", "I2", "method2",
+                "Methods declared in interface", "I3", "method",
+                "Constructor Detail");
+        checkOrder("p/C2.html",
+                "Field Summary",
+                "int", "field", "Field field in p.C2",
+                "Fields declared in interface", "I1", "field2",
+                "Fields declared in interface", "I2", "field2",
+                "Method Summary",
+                "void", "method", "Method method in p.C2",
+                "void", "method2", "Method method2 in p.C2");
+    }
+    void emitHiddenMembers(Path srcDir) throws Exception {
+        new ClassBuilder(tb, "p.I1")
+                .setModifiers("public", "interface")
+                .addMembers(
+                        FieldBuilder.parse("public static int field = 3;"),
+                        FieldBuilder.parse("public static int field2 = 3;"),
+                        MethodBuilder.parse("public void method();"),
+                        MethodBuilder.parse("public void method2();"),
+                        MethodBuilder.parse("public static void staticMethod() {}")
+                ).write(srcDir);
+        new ClassBuilder(tb, "p.I2")
+                .setModifiers("public", "interface")
+                .addMembers(
+                        FieldBuilder.parse("public static int field = 3;"),
+                        FieldBuilder.parse("public static int field2 = 3;"),
+                        MethodBuilder.parse("public void method();"),
+                        MethodBuilder.parse("public void method2();"),
+                        MethodBuilder.parse("public static void staticMethod() {}")
+                ).write(srcDir);
+        new ClassBuilder(tb, "p.I3")
+                .setExtends("I1, I2")
+                .setModifiers("public", "interface")
+                .addMembers(
+                        FieldBuilder.parse("public static int field = 3;"),
+                        MethodBuilder.parse("public void method();"),
+                        MethodBuilder.parse("public static void staticMethod() {}")
+                ).write(srcDir);
+        new ClassBuilder(tb, "p.C1")
+                .setModifiers("public", "abstract", "class")
+                .addImplements("I3")
+                .write(srcDir);
+        new ClassBuilder(tb, "p.C2")
+                .setExtends("C1")
+                .setModifiers("public", "abstract", "class")
+                .addMembers(
+                        FieldBuilder.parse("public int field;"),
+                        MethodBuilder.parse("public void method(){}"),
+                        MethodBuilder.parse("public void method2(){}")
+                ).write(srcDir);
+    }