changeset 26261 44122c02db6b
parent 26128 91be51647a45
child 26398 ca1f84f97e20
--- a/Makefile	Fri Aug 29 11:30:46 2014 -0700
+++ b/Makefile	Wed Jul 05 19:58:53 2017 +0200
@@ -136,10 +136,12 @@
 	$(info .  make docs              # Create all docs)
 	$(info .  make docs-javadoc      # Create just javadocs, depends on less than full docs)
 	$(info .  make profiles          # Create complete j2re compact profile images)
-	$(info .  make bootcycle-images  # Build images twice, second time with newly build JDK)
+	$(info .  make bootcycle-images  # Build images twice, second time with newly built JDK)
 	$(info .  make install           # Install the generated images locally)
 	$(info .  make clean             # Remove all files generated by make, but not those)
-	$(info .                         # generated by configure)
+	$(info .                         # generated by configure. Do not run clean and other)
+	$(info .                         # targets together as that might behave in an)
+	$(info .                         # unexpected way.)
 	$(info .  make dist-clean        # Remove all files, including configuration)
 	$(info .  make help              # Give some help on using make)
 	$(info .  make test              # Run tests, default is all tests (see TEST below))