changeset 40596 43b19b36e8e6
parent 36526 3b41f1c69604
child 41448 6689bce0cd65
--- a/langtools/make/CompileInterim.gmk	Thu Aug 25 22:35:51 2016 +0000
+++ b/langtools/make/CompileInterim.gmk	Thu Aug 25 17:58:39 2016 -0700
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
 include SetupJavaCompilers.gmk
-# Setup the rules to build interim langtools, which is compiled by the boot 
+# Setup the rules to build interim langtools, which is compiled by the boot
 # javac and can be run on the boot jdk. This will be used to compile
 # the rest of the product. Each module is compiled separately to allow a modular
 # boot jdk to override system classes using -Xoverride:.
@@ -45,7 +45,8 @@
       DISABLE_SJAVAC := true, \
       SRC := $(LANGTOOLS_TOPDIR)/src/$(strip $1)/share/classes \
           $$(wildcard $(SUPPORT_OUTPUTDIR)/gensrc/$(strip $1)), \
-      EXCLUDES := sun com/sun/tools/jdeps com/sun/tools/javap, \
+      EXCLUDES := sun com/sun/tools/jdeps com/sun/tools/javap \
+          com/sun/tools/jdeprscan, \
       EXCLUDE_FILES :=, \
       COPY := .gif .png .xml .css .js, \
       BIN := $(BUILDTOOLS_OUTPUTDIR)/override_modules/$(strip $1), \