changeset 34299 3fdfdda0ac1f
parent 34298 f3c9dcc5af96
child 34300 6075c1e0e913
--- a/hotspot/src/share/vm/gc/g1/g1IHOPControl.cpp	Tue Nov 24 10:22:36 2015 +0100
+++ b/hotspot/src/share/vm/gc/g1/g1IHOPControl.cpp	Tue Nov 24 10:35:52 2015 +0100
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@
 #include "gc/g1/g1CollectedHeap.inline.hpp"
 #include "gc/g1/g1ErgoVerbose.hpp"
 #include "gc/g1/g1IHOPControl.hpp"
+#include "gc/g1/g1Predictions.hpp"
 G1IHOPControl::G1IHOPControl(double initial_ihop_percent, size_t target_occupancy) :
@@ -105,6 +106,181 @@
   assert(threshold == initial_ihop,
          "Expected IHOP threshold of " SIZE_FORMAT " but is " SIZE_FORMAT, initial_ihop, threshold);
+G1AdaptiveIHOPControl::G1AdaptiveIHOPControl(double ihop_percent,
+                                             size_t initial_target_occupancy,
+                                             G1Predictions const* predictor,
+                                             size_t heap_reserve_percent,
+                                             size_t heap_waste_percent) :
+  G1IHOPControl(ihop_percent, initial_target_occupancy),
+  _predictor(predictor),
+  _marking_times_s(10, 0.95),
+  _allocation_rate_s(10, 0.95),
+  _last_unrestrained_young_size(0),
+  _heap_reserve_percent(heap_reserve_percent),
+  _heap_waste_percent(heap_waste_percent)
+size_t G1AdaptiveIHOPControl::actual_target_threshold() const {
+  // The actual target threshold takes the heap reserve and the expected waste in
+  // free space  into account.
+  // _heap_reserve is that part of the total heap capacity that is reserved for
+  // eventual promotion failure.
+  // _heap_waste is the amount of space will never be reclaimed in any
+  // heap, so can not be used for allocation during marking and must always be
+  // considered.
+  double safe_total_heap_percentage = MIN2((double)(_heap_reserve_percent + _heap_waste_percent), 100.0);
+  return MIN2(
+    G1CollectedHeap::heap()->max_capacity() * (100.0 - safe_total_heap_percentage) / 100.0,
+    _target_occupancy * (100.0 - _heap_waste_percent) / 100.0
+    );
+bool G1AdaptiveIHOPControl::have_enough_data_for_prediction() const {
+  return ((size_t)_marking_times_s.num() >= G1AdaptiveIHOPNumInitialSamples) &&
+         ((size_t)_allocation_rate_s.num() >= G1AdaptiveIHOPNumInitialSamples);
+size_t G1AdaptiveIHOPControl::get_conc_mark_start_threshold() {
+  if (have_enough_data_for_prediction()) {
+    double pred_marking_time = _predictor->get_new_prediction(&_marking_times_s);
+    double pred_promotion_rate = _predictor->get_new_prediction(&_allocation_rate_s);
+    size_t predicted_needed_bytes_during_marking =
+      (pred_marking_time * pred_promotion_rate +
+      _last_unrestrained_young_size); // In reality we would need the maximum size of the young gen during marking. This is a conservative estimate.
+    size_t internal_threshold = actual_target_threshold();
+    size_t predicted_initiating_threshold = predicted_needed_bytes_during_marking < internal_threshold ?
+                                            internal_threshold - predicted_needed_bytes_during_marking :
+                                            0;
+    return predicted_initiating_threshold;
+  } else {
+    // Use the initial value.
+    return _initial_ihop_percent * _target_occupancy / 100.0;
+  }
+void G1AdaptiveIHOPControl::update_allocation_info(double allocation_time_s, size_t allocated_bytes, size_t additional_buffer_size) {
+  assert(allocation_time_s >= 0.0, "Allocation time must be positive but is %.3f", allocation_time_s);
+  double allocation_rate = (double) allocated_bytes / allocation_time_s;
+  _allocation_rate_s.add(allocation_rate);
+  _last_allocation_bytes = allocated_bytes;
+  _last_unrestrained_young_size = additional_buffer_size;
+void G1AdaptiveIHOPControl::update_marking_length(double marking_length_s) {
+   assert(marking_length_s >= 0.0, "Marking length must be larger than zero but is %.3f", marking_length_s);
+  _marking_times_s.add(marking_length_s);
+void G1AdaptiveIHOPControl::print() {
+  ergo_verbose6(ErgoIHOP,
+                "basic information",
+                ergo_format_reason("value update")
+                ergo_format_byte_perc("threshold")
+                ergo_format_byte("target occupancy")
+                ergo_format_byte("current occupancy")
+                ergo_format_double("recent old gen allocation rate")
+                ergo_format_double("recent marking phase length"),
+                get_conc_mark_start_threshold(),
+                percent_of(get_conc_mark_start_threshold(), _target_occupancy),
+                _target_occupancy,
+                G1CollectedHeap::heap()->used(),
+                _allocation_rate_s.last(),
+                _marking_times_s.last()
+                );
+  size_t actual_target = actual_target_threshold();
+  ergo_verbose6(ErgoIHOP,
+                "adaptive IHOP information",
+                ergo_format_reason("value update")
+                ergo_format_byte_perc("threshold")
+                ergo_format_byte("internal target occupancy")
+                ergo_format_double("predicted old gen allocation rate")
+                ergo_format_double("predicted marking phase length")
+                ergo_format_str("prediction active"),
+                get_conc_mark_start_threshold(),
+                percent_of(get_conc_mark_start_threshold(), actual_target),
+                actual_target,
+                _predictor->get_new_prediction(&_allocation_rate_s),
+                _predictor->get_new_prediction(&_marking_times_s),
+                have_enough_data_for_prediction() ? "true" : "false"
+                );
+#ifndef PRODUCT
+void G1AdaptiveIHOPControl::test() {
+  size_t const initial_threshold = 45;
+  size_t const young_size = 10;
+  size_t const target_size = 100;
+  // The final IHOP value is always
+  // target_size - (young_size + alloc_amount/alloc_time * marking_time)
+  G1Predictions pred(0.95);
+  G1AdaptiveIHOPControl ctrl(initial_threshold, target_size, &pred, 0, 0);
+  // First "load".
+  size_t const alloc_time1 = 2;
+  size_t const alloc_amount1 = 10;
+  size_t const marking_time1 = 2;
+  size_t const settled_ihop1 = target_size - (young_size + alloc_amount1/alloc_time1 * marking_time1);
+  size_t threshold;
+  threshold = ctrl.get_conc_mark_start_threshold();
+  assert(threshold == initial_threshold,
+         "Expected IHOP threshold of " SIZE_FORMAT " but is " SIZE_FORMAT, initial_threshold, threshold);
+  for (size_t i = 0; i < G1AdaptiveIHOPNumInitialSamples - 1; i++) {
+    ctrl.update_allocation_info(alloc_time1, alloc_amount1, young_size);
+    ctrl.update_marking_length(marking_time1);
+    // Not enough data yet.
+    threshold = ctrl.get_conc_mark_start_threshold();
+    assert(threshold == initial_threshold,
+           "Expected IHOP threshold of " SIZE_FORMAT " but is " SIZE_FORMAT, initial_threshold, threshold);
+  }
+  test_update(&ctrl, alloc_time1, alloc_amount1, young_size, marking_time1);
+  threshold = ctrl.get_conc_mark_start_threshold();
+  assert(threshold == settled_ihop1,
+         "Expected IHOP threshold to settle at " SIZE_FORMAT " but is " SIZE_FORMAT, settled_ihop1, threshold);
+  // Second "load". A bit higher allocation rate.
+  size_t const alloc_time2 = 2;
+  size_t const alloc_amount2 = 30;
+  size_t const marking_time2 = 2;
+  size_t const settled_ihop2 = target_size - (young_size + alloc_amount2/alloc_time2 * marking_time2);
+  test_update(&ctrl, alloc_time2, alloc_amount2, young_size, marking_time2);
+  threshold = ctrl.get_conc_mark_start_threshold();
+  assert(threshold < settled_ihop1,
+         "Expected IHOP threshold to settle at a value lower than " SIZE_FORMAT " but is " SIZE_FORMAT, settled_ihop1, threshold);
+  // Third "load". Very high (impossible) allocation rate.
+  size_t const alloc_time3 = 1;
+  size_t const alloc_amount3 = 50;
+  size_t const marking_time3 = 2;
+  size_t const settled_ihop3 = 0;
+  test_update(&ctrl, alloc_time3, alloc_amount3, young_size, marking_time3);
+  threshold = ctrl.get_conc_mark_start_threshold();
+  assert(threshold == settled_ihop3,
+         "Expected IHOP threshold to settle at " SIZE_FORMAT " but is " SIZE_FORMAT, settled_ihop3, threshold);
+  // And back to some arbitrary value.
+  test_update(&ctrl, alloc_time2, alloc_amount2, young_size, marking_time2);
+  threshold = ctrl.get_conc_mark_start_threshold();
+  assert(threshold > settled_ihop3,
+         "Expected IHOP threshold to settle at value larger than " SIZE_FORMAT " but is " SIZE_FORMAT, settled_ihop3, threshold);
 void IHOP_test() {