changeset 12892 3ef14bab6254
parent 12891 5dbaa8f0f72e
child 12893 483a74a0b295
--- a/jdk/makefiles/com/oracle/security/ucrypto/Makefile	Thu Jun 07 20:40:02 2012 -0700
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,270 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
-# This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
-# under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
-# published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
-# particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
-# by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
-# This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
-# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
-# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
-# version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
-# accompanied this code).
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
-# 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
-# Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
-# Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
-# or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
-# questions.
-# Makefile for building ucrypto.jar and its native libraries.
-# This file was modified from make/sun/security/pkcs11/Makefile.
-# (The terms "OpenJDK" and "JDK" below refer to OpenJDK and Oracle
-# JDK builds respectively.)
-# This Makefile does the "real" build of the Ucrypto provider files.
-# Since the sources are unavailable for OpenJDK, this Makefile is only
-# useful for JDK.
-# Main Targets (JDK on Solaris):
-#     all                      The usual, ucrypto.jar plus the native libraries.
-#                                  builds and installs the prebuilt/signed jar.
-#     clobber/clean            Cleans up the temp directory, ucrypto.jar, the
-#                              native libraries, and the config file from the
-#                              build area
-#     jar                      Builds, signs and installs ucrypto.jar
-#                              (Can only be done on machines with access to
-#                               the signing keystore)
-# Other lesser-used Targets (JDK on Solaris):
-#     build-jar                Builds ucrypto.jar (no sign/install)
-#     sign                     Builds/signs ucrypto.jar (no install)
-#     release                  Builds all targets in preparation
-#                              for workspace integration.
-#                              (Can only be done on machines with access to
-#                               the signing keystore)
-#     install-prebuilt         Installs the pre-built jar files
-# NOTE: None of the above target will update the prebuilt provider binary
-# under the closed workspace. To update it, you must explicitly copy the
-# binary from either the tmp/signed or lib/ext directory.
-# This makefile was written to support parallel target execution.
-BUILDDIR = ../../../..
-include $(BUILDDIR)/common/Defs.gmk
-ifndef OPENJDK
-  ifneq ($(PLATFORM), solaris)
-    all:
-  else
-    PACKAGE = com.oracle.security.ucrypto
-  LIBRARY = j2ucrypto
-  PRODUCT = oracle
-  #
-  # The following is for when we need to do postprocessing
-  # (signing/obfuscation) against a read-only build.  If the OUTPUTDIR
-  # isn't writable, the build currently crashes out.
-  #
-    # =====================================================
-    # Where to place the output, in case we're building from a read-only
-    # build area.  (e.g. a release engineering build.)
-  else
-  endif
-  JAVAC_LINT_OPTIONS=-Xlint:all,-deprecation
-  #
-  # C and Java Files
-  #
-  include FILES_c.gmk
-  #
-  # Subdirectories of these are automatically included.
-  #
-  AUTO_FILES_JAVA_DIRS = com/oracle/security/ucrypto
-  #
-  # Java files that define native methods
-  #
-  FILES_export = \
-      com/oracle/security/ucrypto/UcryptoProvider.java \
-      com/oracle/security/ucrypto/NativeCipher.java \
-      com/oracle/security/ucrypto/NativeDigest.java \
-      com/oracle/security/ucrypto/NativeKey.java \
-      com/oracle/security/ucrypto/NativeRSASignature.java \
-      com/oracle/security/ucrypto/NativeRSACipher.java
-  #
-  # Find native code
-  #
-  vpath %.c \
-    $(CLOSED_PLATFORM_SRC)/native/com/oracle/security/ucrypto
-  #
-  # Find include files
-  #
-    -I$(CLOSED_PLATFORM_SRC)/native/com/oracle/security/ucrypto
-  #
-  # Rules
-  #
-  JAVAHFLAGS = -bootclasspath \
-  include $(BUILDDIR)/common/Mapfile-vers.gmk
-  include $(BUILDDIR)/common/Library.gmk
-  #
-  # Libraries to link
-  #
-  OTHER_LDLIBS = -ldl
-  # Default config file
-  UCRYPTO_CFG_SRC   = $(CLOSED_SRC)/share/lib/security/ucrypto-solaris.cfg
-  UCRYPTO_CFG_BUILD = $(LIBDIR)/security/ucrypto-solaris.cfg
-  #
-  # We use a variety of subdirectories in the $(TEMPDIR) depending on what
-  # part of the build we're doing.  Build is initially done in the unsigned
-  # area and when files are signed, they will be placed in the appropriate area.
-  #
-  UNSIGNED_DIR = $(TEMPDIR)/unsigned
-  #
-  # Rules
-  #
-  all: ucrypto-cfg build-jar install-prebuilt
-	$(build-warning)
-  ucrypto-cfg: $(UCRYPTO_CFG_BUILD)
-	$(install-file)
-  include $(BUILDDIR)/javax/crypto/Defs-jce.gmk
-  # =====================================================
-  # Build the unsigned ucrypto.jar file.
-  #
-  JAR_DESTFILE = $(EXTDIR)/ucrypto.jar
-  #
-  # The ucrypto.jar needs to be in the extension class directory,
-  # therefore none of its classes can appear in $(CLASSBINDIR).
-  # Currently no one is using any of the internals, so these files
-  # should not have been built.
-  #
-  #
-  # Since the -C option to jar is used below, each directory entry must be
-  # preceded with the appropriate directory to "cd" into.
-  #
-  JAR_DIRS = $(patsubst %, -C $(CLASSDESTDIR) %, $(AUTO_FILES_JAVA_DIRS))
-  build-jar: $(UNSIGNED_DIR)/ucrypto.jar
-  #
-  # Build ucrypto.jar.
-  #
-  $(UNSIGNED_DIR)/ucrypto.jar: build
-	$(prep-target)
-	$(BOOT_JAR_CMD) cf $@ $(JAR_DIRS) \
-	@$(java-vm-cleanup)
-  #
-  # Sign ucrypto.jar
-  #
-  sign: $(SIGNED_DIR)/ucrypto.jar
-    $(SIGNED_DIR)/ucrypto.jar: $(UNSIGNED_DIR)/ucrypto.jar
-  else
-    #
-    # We have to remove the build dependency, otherwise, we'll try to rebuild it
-    # which we can't do on a read-only filesystem.
-    #
-    $(SIGNED_DIR)/ucrypto.jar:
-	@if [ ! -r $(UNSIGNED_DIR)/ucrypto.jar ] ; then \
-            $(ECHO) "Couldn't find $(UNSIGNED_DIR)/ucrypto.jar"; \
-            exit 1; \
-        fi
-  endif
-	$(call sign-file, $(UNSIGNED_DIR)/ucrypto.jar)
-  # =====================================================
-  # Create the Release Engineering files.  Signed builds, etc.
-  #
-  release: $(SIGNED_DIR)/ucrypto.jar
-	$(RM) $(JCE_BUILD_DIR)/release/ucrypto.jar
-	$(MKDIR) -p $(JCE_BUILD_DIR)/release
-	$(CP) $(SIGNED_DIR)/ucrypto.jar $(JCE_BUILD_DIR)/release
-	$(release-warning)
-  # =====================================================
-  # Install routines.
-  #
-  #
-  # Install ucrypto.jar, depending on which type is requested.
-  #
-  jar: $(JAR_DESTFILE)
-	$(release-warning)
-  $(JAR_DESTFILE): $(SIGNED_DIR)/ucrypto.jar
-	$(install-file)
-  install-prebuilt:
-	@$(ECHO) "\n>>>Installing prebuilt OracleUcrypto provider..."
-	$(CP) $(PREBUILT_DIR)/ucrypto/ucrypto.jar $(JAR_DESTFILE)
-  # =====================================================
-  # Support routines.
-  #
-  clobber clean::
-  .PHONY: build-jar jar sign release install-prebuilt
-  endif #ifneq ($(PLATFORM), solaris)
-endif #ifndef OPENJDK