changeset 35426 374342e56a56
parent 33920 bd731341c405
child 36526 3b41f1c69604
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/langtools/src/jdk.javadoc/share/classes/jdk/javadoc/internal/doclets/toolkit/taglets/	Sat Nov 28 18:52:17 2015 -0800
@@ -0,0 +1,774 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2001, 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
+ * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
+ * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
+ *
+ * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
+ * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
+ * accompanied this code).
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
+ * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+ * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+ *
+ * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
+ * or visit if you need additional information or have any
+ * questions.
+ */
+package jdk.javadoc.internal.doclets.toolkit.taglets;
+import java.util.*;
+import javax.lang.model.element.Element;
+import javax.lang.model.element.ExecutableElement;
+import javax.lang.model.element.PackageElement;
+import javax.lang.model.element.TypeElement;
+import javax.lang.model.element.VariableElement;
+import javax.lang.model.util.SimpleElementVisitor9;
+import com.sun.source.doctree.DocTree;
+import jdk.javadoc.internal.doclets.toolkit.util.CommentHelper;
+import jdk.javadoc.internal.doclets.toolkit.util.MessageRetriever;
+import jdk.javadoc.internal.doclets.toolkit.util.Utils;
+import static*;
+import static com.sun.source.doctree.DocTree.Kind.*;
+ * Manages the {@code Taglet}s used by doclets.
+ *
+ *  <p><b>This is NOT part of any supported API.
+ *  If you write code that depends on this, you do so at your own risk.
+ *  This code and its internal interfaces are subject to change or
+ *  deletion without notice.</b>
+ *
+ * @author Jamie Ho
+ */
+public class TagletManager {
+    /**
+     * The default separator for the simple tag option.
+     */
+    public static final char SIMPLE_TAGLET_OPT_SEPARATOR = ':';
+    /**
+     * The alternate separator for simple tag options.  Use this
+     * when you want the default separator to be in the name of the
+     * custom tag.
+     */
+    public static final String ALT_SIMPLE_TAGLET_OPT_SEPARATOR = "-";
+    /**
+     * The map of custom tags.
+     */
+    private final LinkedHashMap<String,Taglet> customTags;
+    /**
+     * The array of custom tags that can appear in packages.
+     */
+    private List<Taglet> packageTags;
+    /**
+     * The array of custom tags that can appear in classes or interfaces.
+     */
+    private List<Taglet> typeTags;
+    /**
+     * The array of custom tags that can appear in fields.
+     */
+    private List<Taglet> fieldTags;
+    /**
+     * The array of custom tags that can appear in constructors.
+     */
+    private List<Taglet> constructorTags;
+    /**
+     * The array of custom tags that can appear in methods.
+     */
+    private List<Taglet> methodTags;
+    /**
+     * The array of custom tags that can appear in the overview.
+     */
+    private List<Taglet> overviewTags;
+    /**
+     * The array of custom tags that can appear in comments.
+     */
+    private List<Taglet> inlineTags;
+    /**
+     * The array of custom tags that can appear in the serialized form.
+     */
+    private List<Taglet> serializedFormTags;
+    /**
+     * The message retriever that will be used to print error messages.
+     */
+    private final MessageRetriever message;
+    /**
+     * Keep track of standard tags.
+     */
+    private final Set<String> standardTags;
+    /**
+     * Keep track of standard tags in lowercase to compare for better
+     * error messages when a tag like @docRoot is mistakenly spelled
+     * lowercase @docroot.
+     */
+    private final Set<String> standardTagsLowercase;
+    /**
+     * Keep track of overriden standard tags.
+     */
+    private final Set<String> overridenStandardTags;
+    /**
+     * Keep track of the tags that may conflict
+     * with standard tags in the future (any custom tag without
+     * a period in its name).
+     */
+    private final Set<String> potentiallyConflictingTags;
+    /**
+     * The set of unseen custom tags.
+     */
+    private final Set<String> unseenCustomTags;
+    /**
+     * True if we do not want to use @since tags.
+     */
+    private final boolean nosince;
+    /**
+     * True if we want to use @version tags.
+     */
+    private final boolean showversion;
+    /**
+     * True if we want to use @author tags.
+     */
+    private final boolean showauthor;
+    /**
+     * True if we want to use JavaFX-related tags (@propertyGetter,
+     * @propertySetter, @propertyDescription, @defaultValue, @treatAsPrivate).
+     */
+    private final boolean javafx;
+    /**
+     * Construct a new <code>TagletManager</code>.
+     * @param nosince true if we do not want to use @since tags.
+     * @param showversion true if we want to use @version tags.
+     * @param showauthor true if we want to use @author tags.
+     * @param javafx indicates whether javafx is active.
+     * @param message the message retriever to print warnings.
+     */
+    public TagletManager(boolean nosince, boolean showversion,
+                         boolean showauthor, boolean javafx,
+                         MessageRetriever message) {
+        overridenStandardTags = new HashSet<>();
+        potentiallyConflictingTags = new HashSet<>();
+        standardTags = new HashSet<>();
+        standardTagsLowercase = new HashSet<>();
+        unseenCustomTags = new HashSet<>();
+        customTags = new LinkedHashMap<>();
+        this.nosince = nosince;
+        this.showversion = showversion;
+        this.showauthor = showauthor;
+        this.javafx = javafx;
+        this.message = message;
+        initStandardTaglets();
+        initStandardTagsLowercase();
+    }
+    /**
+     * Add a new <code>CustomTag</code>.  This is used to add a Taglet from within
+     * a Doclet.  No message is printed to indicate that the Taglet is properly
+     * registered because these Taglets are typically added for every execution of the
+     * Doclet.  We don't want to see this type of error message every time.
+     * @param customTag the new <code>CustomTag</code> to add.
+     */
+    public void addCustomTag(Taglet customTag) {
+        if (customTag != null) {
+            String name = customTag.getName();
+            if (customTags.containsKey(name)) {
+                customTags.remove(name);
+            }
+            customTags.put(name, customTag);
+            checkTagName(name);
+        }
+    }
+    public Set<String> getCustomTagNames() {
+        return customTags.keySet();
+    }
+    /**
+     * Add a new <code>Taglet</code>.  Print a message to indicate whether or not
+     * the Taglet was registered properly.
+     * @param classname  the name of the class representing the custom tag.
+     * @param fileManager the filemanager to load classes and resources.
+     * @param tagletPath  the path to the class representing the custom tag.
+     */
+    public void addCustomTag(String classname, JavaFileManager fileManager, String tagletPath) {
+        try {
+            ClassLoader tagClassLoader;
+            if (!fileManager.hasLocation(TAGLET_PATH)) {
+                List<File> paths = new ArrayList<>();
+                if (tagletPath != null) {
+                    for (String pathname : tagletPath.split(File.pathSeparator)) {
+                        paths.add(new File(pathname));
+                    }
+                }
+                if (fileManager instanceof StandardJavaFileManager) {
+                    ((StandardJavaFileManager) fileManager).setLocation(TAGLET_PATH, paths);
+                }
+            }
+            tagClassLoader = fileManager.getClassLoader(TAGLET_PATH);
+            Class<?> customTagClass = tagClassLoader.loadClass(classname);
+            Object instance = customTagClass.newInstance();
+            Taglet newLegacy = new UserTaglet((jdk.javadoc.doclet.taglet.Taglet)instance);
+            String tname = newLegacy.getName();
+            Taglet t = customTags.get(tname);
+            if (t != null) {
+                customTags.remove(tname);
+            }
+            customTags.put(tname, newLegacy);
+            message.notice("doclet.Notice_taglet_registered", classname);
+        } catch (Exception exc) {
+            message.error("doclet.Error_taglet_not_registered", exc.getClass().getName(), classname);
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Add a new <code>SimpleTaglet</code>.  If this tag already exists
+     * and the header passed as an argument is null, move tag to the back of the
+     * list. If this tag already exists and the header passed as an argument is
+     * not null, overwrite previous tag with new one.  Otherwise, add new
+     * SimpleTaglet to list.
+     * @param tagName the name of this tag
+     * @param header the header to output.
+     * @param locations the possible locations that this tag
+     * can appear in.
+     */
+    public void addNewSimpleCustomTag(String tagName, String header, String locations) {
+        if (tagName == null || locations == null) {
+            return;
+        }
+        Taglet tag = customTags.get(tagName);
+        locations = Utils.toLowerCase(locations);
+        if (tag == null || header != null) {
+            customTags.remove(tagName);
+            customTags.put(tagName, new SimpleTaglet(tagName, header, locations));
+            if (locations != null && locations.indexOf('x') == -1) {
+                checkTagName(tagName);
+            }
+        } else {
+            //Move to back
+            customTags.remove(tagName);
+            customTags.put(tagName, tag);
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Given a tag name, add it to the set of tags it belongs to.
+     */
+    private void checkTagName(String name) {
+        if (standardTags.contains(name)) {
+            overridenStandardTags.add(name);
+        } else {
+            if (name.indexOf('.') == -1) {
+                potentiallyConflictingTags.add(name);
+            }
+            unseenCustomTags.add(name);
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Check the taglet to see if it is a legacy taglet.  Also
+     * check its name for errors.
+     */
+    private void checkTaglet(Object taglet) {
+        if (taglet instanceof Taglet) {
+            checkTagName(((Taglet) taglet).getName());
+        } else if (taglet instanceof jdk.javadoc.doclet.taglet.Taglet) {
+            jdk.javadoc.doclet.taglet.Taglet legacyTaglet = (jdk.javadoc.doclet.taglet.Taglet) taglet;
+            customTags.remove(legacyTaglet.getName());
+            customTags.put(legacyTaglet.getName(), new UserTaglet(legacyTaglet));
+            checkTagName(legacyTaglet.getName());
+        } else {
+            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Given object is not a taglet.");
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Given a name of a seen custom tag, remove it from the set of unseen
+     * custom tags.
+     * @param name the name of the seen custom tag.
+     */
+    public void seenCustomTag(String name) {
+        unseenCustomTags.remove(name);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Given an array of <code>Tag</code>s, check for spelling mistakes.
+     * @param utils the utility class to use
+     * @param element the tags holder
+     * @param trees the trees containing the comments
+     * @param areInlineTags true if the array of tags are inline and false otherwise.
+     */
+    public void checkTags(final Utils utils, Element element,
+                          Iterable<? extends DocTree> trees, boolean areInlineTags) {
+        if (trees == null) {
+            return;
+        }
+        CommentHelper ch = utils.getCommentHelper(element);
+        for (DocTree tag : trees) {
+            String name = tag.getKind().tagName;
+            if (name == null) {
+                continue;
+            }
+            if (name.length() > 0 && name.charAt(0) == '@') {
+                name = name.substring(1, name.length());
+            }
+            if (! (standardTags.contains(name) || customTags.containsKey(name))) {
+                if (standardTagsLowercase.contains(Utils.toLowerCase(name))) {
+                    message.warning(ch.getDocTreePath(tag), "doclet.UnknownTagLowercase", ch.getTagName(tag));
+                    continue;
+                } else {
+                    message.warning(ch.getDocTreePath(tag), "doclet.UnknownTag", ch.getTagName(tag));
+                    continue;
+                }
+            }
+            final Taglet taglet = customTags.get(name);
+            // Check and verify tag usage
+            if (taglet != null) {
+                if (areInlineTags && !taglet.isInlineTag()) {
+                    printTagMisuseWarn(ch, taglet, tag, "inline");
+                }
+                // nothing more to do
+                if (element == null) {
+                    return;
+                }
+                new SimpleElementVisitor9<Void, Void>() {
+                    @Override @DefinedBy(Api.LANGUAGE_MODEL)
+                    public Void visitPackage(PackageElement e, Void p) {
+                        if (!taglet.inPackage()) {
+                            printTagMisuseWarn(utils.getCommentHelper(e), taglet, tag, "package");
+                        }
+                        return null;
+                    }
+                    @Override @DefinedBy(Api.LANGUAGE_MODEL)
+                    public Void visitType(TypeElement e, Void p) {
+                        if (!taglet.inType()) {
+                            printTagMisuseWarn(utils.getCommentHelper(e), taglet, tag, "class");
+                        }
+                        return null;
+                    }
+                    @Override @DefinedBy(Api.LANGUAGE_MODEL)
+                    public Void visitExecutable(ExecutableElement e, Void p) {
+                        if (utils.isConstructor(e) && !taglet.inConstructor()) {
+                            printTagMisuseWarn(utils.getCommentHelper(e), taglet, tag, "constructor");
+                        } else if (!taglet.inMethod()) {
+                            printTagMisuseWarn(utils.getCommentHelper(e), taglet, tag, "method");
+                        }
+                        return null;
+                    }
+                    @Override @DefinedBy(Api.LANGUAGE_MODEL)
+                    public Void visitVariable(VariableElement e, Void p) {
+                        if (utils.isField(e) && !taglet.inField()) {
+                            printTagMisuseWarn(utils.getCommentHelper(e), taglet, tag, "field");
+                        }
+                        return null;
+                    }
+                    @Override @DefinedBy(Api.LANGUAGE_MODEL)
+                    public Void visitUnknown(Element e, Void p) {
+                        if (utils.isOverviewElement(e) && !taglet.inOverview()) {
+                            printTagMisuseWarn(utils.getCommentHelper(e), taglet, tag, "overview");
+                        }
+                        return null;
+                    }
+                    @Override @DefinedBy(Api.LANGUAGE_MODEL)
+                    protected Void defaultAction(Element e, Void p) {
+                        return null;
+                    }
+                }.visit(element);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Given the taglet, the tag and the type of documentation that the tag
+     * was found in, print a tag misuse warning.
+     * @param taglet the taglet representing the misused tag.
+     * @param tag the misused tag.
+     * @param holderType the type of documentation that the misused tag was found in.
+     */
+    private void printTagMisuseWarn(CommentHelper ch, Taglet taglet, DocTree tag, String holderType) {
+        Set<String> locationsSet = new LinkedHashSet<>();
+        if (taglet.inOverview()) {
+            locationsSet.add("overview");
+        }
+        if (taglet.inPackage()) {
+            locationsSet.add("package");
+        }
+        if (taglet.inType()) {
+            locationsSet.add("class/interface");
+        }
+        if (taglet.inConstructor())  {
+            locationsSet.add("constructor");
+        }
+        if (taglet.inField()) {
+            locationsSet.add("field");
+        }
+        if (taglet.inMethod()) {
+            locationsSet.add("method");
+        }
+        if (taglet.isInlineTag()) {
+            locationsSet.add("inline text");
+        }
+        String[] locations = locationsSet.toArray(new String[]{});
+        if (locations == null || locations.length == 0) {
+            //This known tag is excluded.
+            return;
+        }
+        StringBuilder combined_locations = new StringBuilder();
+        for (int i = 0; i < locations.length; i++) {
+            if (i > 0) {
+                combined_locations.append(", ");
+            }
+            combined_locations.append(locations[i]);
+        }
+        message.warning(ch.getDocTreePath(tag), "doclet.tag_misuse",
+            "@" + taglet.getName(), holderType, combined_locations.toString());
+    }
+    /**
+     * Return the array of <code>Taglet</code>s that can
+     * appear in packages.
+     * @return the array of <code>Taglet</code>s that can
+     * appear in packages.
+     */
+    public List<Taglet> getPackageCustomTaglets() {
+        if (packageTags == null) {
+            initCustomTaglets();
+        }
+        return packageTags;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Return the array of <code>Taglet</code>s that can
+     * appear in classes or interfaces.
+     * @return the array of <code>Taglet</code>s that can
+     * appear in classes or interfaces.
+     */
+    public List<Taglet> getTypeCustomTaglets() {
+        if (typeTags == null) {
+            initCustomTaglets();
+        }
+        return typeTags;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Return the array of inline <code>Taglet</code>s that can
+     * appear in comments.
+     * @return the array of <code>Taglet</code>s that can
+     * appear in comments.
+     */
+    public List<Taglet> getInlineCustomTaglets() {
+        if (inlineTags == null) {
+            initCustomTaglets();
+        }
+        return inlineTags;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Return the array of <code>Taglet</code>s that can
+     * appear in fields.
+     * @return the array of <code>Taglet</code>s that can
+     * appear in field.
+     */
+    public List<Taglet> getFieldCustomTaglets() {
+        if (fieldTags == null) {
+            initCustomTaglets();
+        }
+        return fieldTags;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Return the array of <code>Taglet</code>s that can
+     * appear in the serialized form.
+     * @return the array of <code>Taglet</code>s that can
+     * appear in the serialized form.
+     */
+    public List<Taglet> getSerializedFormTaglets() {
+        if (serializedFormTags == null) {
+            initCustomTaglets();
+        }
+        return serializedFormTags;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Returns the custom tags for a given element.
+     *
+     * @param e the element to get custom tags for
+     * @return the array of <code>Taglet</code>s that can
+     * appear in the given element.
+     */
+    public List<Taglet> getCustomTaglets(Element e) {
+        switch (e.getKind()) {
+            case CONSTRUCTOR:
+                return getConstructorCustomTaglets();
+            case METHOD:
+                return getMethodCustomTaglets();
+            case ENUM_CONSTANT:
+            case FIELD:
+                return getFieldCustomTaglets();
+            case ANNOTATION_TYPE:
+            case INTERFACE:
+            case CLASS:
+            case ENUM:
+                return getTypeCustomTaglets();
+            case PACKAGE:
+                return getPackageCustomTaglets();
+            case OTHER:
+                return getOverviewCustomTaglets();
+            default:
+                throw new AssertionError("unknown element: " + e + " ,kind: " + e.getKind());
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Return a List of <code>Taglet</code>s that can
+     * appear in constructors.
+     * @return the array of <code>Taglet</code>s that can
+     * appear in constructors.
+     */
+    public List<Taglet> getConstructorCustomTaglets() {
+        if (constructorTags == null) {
+            initCustomTaglets();
+        }
+        return constructorTags;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Return a List of <code>Taglet</code>s that can
+     * appear in methods.
+     * @return the array of <code>Taglet</code>s that can
+     * appear in methods.
+     */
+    public List<Taglet> getMethodCustomTaglets() {
+        if (methodTags == null) {
+            initCustomTaglets();
+        }
+        return methodTags;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Return a List of <code>Taglet</code>s that can
+     * appear in an overview.
+     * @return the array of <code>Taglet</code>s that can
+     * appear in overview.
+     */
+    public List<Taglet> getOverviewCustomTaglets() {
+        if (overviewTags == null) {
+            initCustomTaglets();
+        }
+        return overviewTags;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Initialize the custom tag Lists.
+     */
+    private void initCustomTaglets() {
+        packageTags = new ArrayList<>();
+        typeTags = new ArrayList<>();
+        fieldTags = new ArrayList<>();
+        constructorTags = new ArrayList<>();
+        methodTags = new ArrayList<>();
+        inlineTags = new ArrayList<>();
+        overviewTags = new ArrayList<>();
+        for (Taglet current : customTags.values()) {
+            if (current.inPackage() && !current.isInlineTag()) {
+                packageTags.add(current);
+            }
+            if (current.inType() && !current.isInlineTag()) {
+                typeTags.add(current);
+            }
+            if (current.inField() && !current.isInlineTag()) {
+                fieldTags.add(current);
+            }
+            if (current.inConstructor() && !current.isInlineTag()) {
+                constructorTags.add(current);
+            }
+            if (current.inMethod() && !current.isInlineTag()) {
+                methodTags.add(current);
+            }
+            if (current.isInlineTag()) {
+                inlineTags.add(current);
+            }
+            if (current.inOverview() && !current.isInlineTag()) {
+                overviewTags.add(current);
+            }
+        }
+        //Init the serialized form tags
+        serializedFormTags = new ArrayList<>();
+        serializedFormTags.add(customTags.get(SERIAL_DATA.tagName));
+        serializedFormTags.add(customTags.get(THROWS.tagName));
+        if (!nosince)
+            serializedFormTags.add(customTags.get(SINCE.tagName));
+        serializedFormTags.add(customTags.get(SEE.tagName));
+    }
+    /**
+     * Initialize standard Javadoc tags for ordering purposes.
+     */
+    private void initStandardTaglets() {
+        if (javafx) {
+            initJavaFXTaglets();
+        }
+        Taglet temp;
+        addStandardTaglet(new ParamTaglet());
+        addStandardTaglet(new ReturnTaglet());
+        addStandardTaglet(new ThrowsTaglet());
+        addStandardTaglet(new SimpleTaglet(EXCEPTION.tagName, null,
+                SimpleTaglet.METHOD + SimpleTaglet.CONSTRUCTOR));
+        addStandardTaglet(!nosince, new SimpleTaglet(SINCE.tagName, message.getText("doclet.Since"),
+               SimpleTaglet.ALL));
+        addStandardTaglet(showversion, new SimpleTaglet(VERSION.tagName, message.getText("doclet.Version"),
+                SimpleTaglet.PACKAGE + SimpleTaglet.TYPE + SimpleTaglet.OVERVIEW));
+        addStandardTaglet(showauthor, new SimpleTaglet(AUTHOR.tagName, message.getText("doclet.Author"),
+                SimpleTaglet.PACKAGE + SimpleTaglet.TYPE + SimpleTaglet.OVERVIEW));
+        addStandardTaglet(new SimpleTaglet(SERIAL_DATA.tagName, message.getText("doclet.SerialData"),
+            SimpleTaglet.EXCLUDED));
+        customTags.put((temp = new SimpleTaglet("factory", message.getText("doclet.Factory"),
+            SimpleTaglet.METHOD)).getName(), temp);
+        addStandardTaglet(new SeeTaglet());
+        //Standard inline tags
+        addStandardTaglet(new DocRootTaglet());
+        addStandardTaglet(new InheritDocTaglet());
+        addStandardTaglet(new ValueTaglet());
+        addStandardTaglet(new LiteralTaglet());
+        addStandardTaglet(new CodeTaglet());
+        addStandardTaglet(new IndexTaglet());
+        // Keep track of the names of standard tags for error
+        // checking purposes. The following are not handled above.
+        standardTags.add(DEPRECATED.tagName);
+        standardTags.add(LINK.tagName);
+        standardTags.add(LINK_PLAIN.tagName);
+        standardTags.add(SERIAL.tagName);
+        standardTags.add(SERIAL_FIELD.tagName);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Initialize JavaFX-related tags.
+     */
+    private void initJavaFXTaglets() {
+        addStandardTaglet(new PropertyGetterTaglet());
+        addStandardTaglet(new PropertySetterTaglet());
+        addStandardTaglet(new SimpleTaglet("propertyDescription",
+                message.getText("doclet.PropertyDescription"),
+                SimpleTaglet.FIELD + SimpleTaglet.METHOD));
+        addStandardTaglet(new SimpleTaglet("defaultValue", message.getText("doclet.DefaultValue"),
+            SimpleTaglet.FIELD + SimpleTaglet.METHOD));
+        addStandardTaglet(new SimpleTaglet("treatAsPrivate", null,
+                SimpleTaglet.FIELD + SimpleTaglet.METHOD + SimpleTaglet.TYPE));
+    }
+    void addStandardTaglet(Taglet taglet) {
+        String name = taglet.getName();
+        customTags.put(name, taglet);
+        standardTags.add(name);
+    }
+    void addStandardTaglet(boolean enable, Taglet taglet) {
+        String name = taglet.getName();
+        if (enable)
+            customTags.put(name, taglet);
+        standardTags.add(name);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Initialize lowercase version of standard Javadoc tags.
+     */
+    private void initStandardTagsLowercase() {
+        for (String standardTag : standardTags) {
+            standardTagsLowercase.add(Utils.toLowerCase(standardTag));
+        }
+    }
+    public boolean isKnownCustomTag(String tagName) {
+        return customTags.containsKey(tagName);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Print a list of {@link Taglet}s that might conflict with
+     * standard tags in the future and a list of standard tags
+     * that have been overriden.
+     */
+    public void printReport() {
+        printReportHelper("doclet.Notice_taglet_conflict_warn", potentiallyConflictingTags);
+        printReportHelper("doclet.Notice_taglet_overriden", overridenStandardTags);
+        printReportHelper("doclet.Notice_taglet_unseen", unseenCustomTags);
+    }
+    private void printReportHelper(String noticeKey, Set<String> names) {
+        if (names.size() > 0) {
+            String[] namesArray = names.toArray(new String[] {});
+            String result = " ";
+            for (int i = 0; i < namesArray.length; i++) {
+                result += "@" + namesArray[i];
+                if (i + 1 < namesArray.length) {
+                    result += ", ";
+                }
+            }
+            message.notice(noticeKey, result);
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Given the name of a tag, return the corresponding taglet.
+     * Return null if the tag is unknown.
+     *
+     * @param name the name of the taglet to retrieve.
+     * @return return the corresponding taglet. Return null if the tag is
+     *         unknown.
+     */
+    public Taglet getTaglet(String name) {
+        if (name.indexOf("@") == 0) {
+            return customTags.get(name.substring(1));
+        } else {
+            return customTags.get(name);
+        }
+    }