changeset 24633 342927a97039
parent 24620 b94e447ecd9b
parent 24632 bb22b643c35c
child 24634 68a979478ffb
--- a/jdk/src/share/classes/com/sun/org/apache/xml/internal/security/resource/schema/xenc-schema.rng	Thu May 29 22:32:11 2014 -0700
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,219 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!-- http://www.xml.com/lpt/a/2002/01/23/relaxng.html -->
-<!-- http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/relax-ng/tutorial-20011203.html -->
-<!-- http://www.zvon.org/xxl/XMLSchemaTutorial/Output/ser_wildcards_st8.html -->
-<!-- http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/relax-ng-comment/200206/maillist.html -->
-<grammar xmlns='http://relaxng.org/ns/structure/1.0'
-        xmlns:ds='http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#'
-        xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
-        ns="http://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmlenc#"
-        datatypeLibrary="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-datatypes">
-    <include href="http://www.w3.org/Signature/Drafts/xmldsig-core/xmldsig-core-schema.rng">
-    <!-- Used for DigestMethod, KeyInfoType and anyThing -->
-    <!-- Since xmldsig-core also has a start, I have to include it
-        in the include for redefinition. -->
-        <start>
-            <choice>
-                <!-- We get to define the permissible root elements! -->
-                <element name="EncryptedData"><ref name="EncryptedDataType"/></element>
-                <element name="EncryptedKey"><ref name="EncryptedKeyType"/></element>
-            </choice>
-        </start>   
-        <define name='anyThing'>
-            <zeroOrMore>
-                <choice>
-                    <text/>
-                    <element>
-                        <anyName>
-                            <except>
-                                <nsName/>
-                                <nsName ns='http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#'/>
-                            </except>
-                        </anyName>
-                        <ref name='anyThing'/>
-                        <zeroOrMore>
-                            <attribute>
-                              <anyName/>
-                            </attribute>
-                        </zeroOrMore>
-                    </element>
-                </choice>
-            </zeroOrMore>
-            </define>
-    </include>
-        <!-- Import definitions from the xmldsig rng -->
-        <define name="KeyInfoType" combine="interleave">
-            <zeroOrMore>
-                <choice>
-                    <element name="EncryptedKey"><ref name="EncryptedKeyType"/></element>
-                    <element name="AgreementMethod"><ref name="AgreementMethodType"/></element>
-                </choice>
-            </zeroOrMore>    
-        </define>
-        <define name="DigestMethodType" combine="choice">
-            <notAllowed/>
-         </define>
-        <define name="TransformType" combine="choice">
-            <notAllowed/>
-         </define>
-    <!-- Now redefined in the include statement
-        <define name="anyThing" combine="choice">
-            <notAllowed/>
-         </define>
-    -->
-    <!-- End import -->
-    <define name="EncryptedDataType">
-          <ref name="EncryptedType"/>
-    </define>
-    <define name="EncryptedKeyType">
-            <ref name="EncryptedType"/>
-            <optional><element name='ReferenceList'>
-                <ref name="ReferenceListType"/></element>
-            </optional>
-            <optional><element name='CarriedKeyName'><data type="string"/></element></optional>
-            <optional><attribute name='Recipient'> <data type="string"/></attribute></optional>
-    </define>
-     <define name="EncryptedType">
-        <element name="EncryptionMethod"><ref name="EncryptionMethodType"/></element>
-        <optional>
-            <element name="KeyInfo" ns="http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#">
-                <ref name="KeyInfoType"/>
-            </element>
-        </optional>
-        <optional>
-            <element name="CipherData"><ref name="CipherDataType"/></element>
-        </optional> 
-        <optional>
-             <element name="EncryptionProperties"><ref name="EncryptionPropertiesType"/></element>
-        </optional>
-        <optional><attribute name="Id"><data type="ID"/></attribute></optional>
-        <optional><attribute name="Type"><data type="anyURI"/></attribute></optional>
-        <optional><attribute name="MimeType"><data type="string"/></attribute></optional>
-        <optional><attribute name="Encoding"><data type="anyURI"/></attribute></optional>
-        <optional><attribute name='xsi:schemaLocation'/></optional>
-    </define> 
-    <define name="EncryptionMethodType">
-        <zeroOrMore>
-            <choice>
-                <element name="KeySize">
-                    <data type="integer"/>
-                </element>
-                <element name="OAEPparams">
-                    <data type="base64Binary"/>
-                </element>
-                <text/>
-                <element name='DigestMethod' ns="http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#">
-                    <ref name="DigestMethodType"/>
-                </element>
-            </choice>
-        </zeroOrMore>
-        <attribute name="Algorithm"><data type="anyURI"/></attribute>
-    </define>
-    <define name="AgreementMethodType">
-        <zeroOrMore>
-            <choice>
-                <element name="KA-Nonce">
-                    <data type="base64Binary"/>
-                </element>
-                <element name='DigestMethod' ns="http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#">
-                    <ref name="DigestMethodType"/>
-                </element>
-                <text/>
-                <element>
-                    <nsName ns="http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#"/>
-                    <ref name="anyThing"/>
-                </element>
-                <element name="OriginatorKeyInfo"><ref name="KeyInfoType"/></element>
-                <element name="RecipientKeyInfo"><ref name="KeyInfoType"/></element>
-            </choice>
-        </zeroOrMore>
-        <attribute name="Algorithm"><data type="anyURI"/></attribute>
-    </define>            
-    <define name="ReferenceListType">
-        <oneOrMore>
-            <choice>
-                <element name="DataReference">
-                    <text/>
-                    <attribute name="URI"><data type="anyURI"/></attribute>
-                </element>
-                <element name="KeyReference">
-                    <text/>
-                    <attribute name="URI"><data type="anyURI"/></attribute>
-                </element>
-            </choice>
-        </oneOrMore>
-    </define>
-    <define name="CipherDataType">
-        <choice>
-            <element name="CipherValue"><data type="base64Binary"/></element>
-            <element name="CipherReference">
-                <element name="Transforms">
-                  <oneOrMore>
-                      <element name='Transform' ns="http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#">
-                          <ref name='TransformType'/>
-                        </element>
-                    </oneOrMore>
-                </element>
-                <attribute name="URI">
-                    <data type="anyURI"/>
-                </attribute>      
-            </element>
-        </choice>
-    </define>
-    <define name="EncryptionPropertiesType">        
-        <element name="EncryptionProperty">
-          <zeroOrMore>
-                <element>
-                    <anyName/>
-                    <text/>
-                </element>
-            </zeroOrMore>
-            <optional>
-                <attribute name="Target">
-                    <data type="anyURI"/>
-                </attribute>  
-            </optional>
-            <optional>                
-                <attribute name="Id">
-                    <data type="ID"/>
-                </attribute>    
-            </optional>
-        </element>
-        <optional>
-            <attribute name="Id">
-                <data type="ID"/>
-            </attribute>    
-        </optional>
-        <zeroOrMore>
-            <attribute><nsName ns="http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace"/></attribute>
-        </zeroOrMore>
-    </define>
\ No newline at end of file