changeset 25859 3317bb8137f4
parent 23010 6dadb192ad81
child 26456 24d86ff9740f
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/reflect/AccessorGenerator.java	Sun Aug 17 15:54:13 2014 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,716 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2001, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
+ * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
+ * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
+ *
+ * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
+ * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
+ * accompanied this code).
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
+ * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+ * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+ *
+ * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
+ * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
+ * questions.
+ */
+package sun.reflect;
+import java.lang.reflect.*;
+import sun.misc.Unsafe;
+/** Shared functionality for all accessor generators */
+class AccessorGenerator implements ClassFileConstants {
+    static final Unsafe unsafe = Unsafe.getUnsafe();
+    // Constants because there's no way to say "short integer constant",
+    // i.e., "1S"
+    protected static final short S0 = (short) 0;
+    protected static final short S1 = (short) 1;
+    protected static final short S2 = (short) 2;
+    protected static final short S3 = (short) 3;
+    protected static final short S4 = (short) 4;
+    protected static final short S5 = (short) 5;
+    protected static final short S6 = (short) 6;
+    // Instance variables for shared functionality between
+    // FieldAccessorGenerator and MethodAccessorGenerator
+    protected ClassFileAssembler asm;
+    protected int   modifiers;
+    protected short thisClass;
+    protected short superClass;
+    protected short targetClass;
+    // Common constant pool entries to FieldAccessor and MethodAccessor
+    protected short throwableClass;
+    protected short classCastClass;
+    protected short nullPointerClass;
+    protected short illegalArgumentClass;
+    protected short invocationTargetClass;
+    protected short initIdx;
+    protected short initNameAndTypeIdx;
+    protected short initStringNameAndTypeIdx;
+    protected short nullPointerCtorIdx;
+    protected short illegalArgumentCtorIdx;
+    protected short illegalArgumentStringCtorIdx;
+    protected short invocationTargetCtorIdx;
+    protected short superCtorIdx;
+    protected short objectClass;
+    protected short toStringIdx;
+    protected short codeIdx;
+    protected short exceptionsIdx;
+    // Boxing
+    protected short booleanIdx;
+    protected short booleanCtorIdx;
+    protected short booleanUnboxIdx;
+    protected short byteIdx;
+    protected short byteCtorIdx;
+    protected short byteUnboxIdx;
+    protected short characterIdx;
+    protected short characterCtorIdx;
+    protected short characterUnboxIdx;
+    protected short doubleIdx;
+    protected short doubleCtorIdx;
+    protected short doubleUnboxIdx;
+    protected short floatIdx;
+    protected short floatCtorIdx;
+    protected short floatUnboxIdx;
+    protected short integerIdx;
+    protected short integerCtorIdx;
+    protected short integerUnboxIdx;
+    protected short longIdx;
+    protected short longCtorIdx;
+    protected short longUnboxIdx;
+    protected short shortIdx;
+    protected short shortCtorIdx;
+    protected short shortUnboxIdx;
+    protected final short NUM_COMMON_CPOOL_ENTRIES = (short) 30;
+    protected final short NUM_BOXING_CPOOL_ENTRIES = (short) 72;
+    // Requires that superClass has been set up
+    protected void emitCommonConstantPoolEntries() {
+        // +   [UTF-8] "java/lang/Throwable"
+        // +   [CONSTANT_Class_info] for above
+        // +   [UTF-8] "java/lang/ClassCastException"
+        // +   [CONSTANT_Class_info] for above
+        // +   [UTF-8] "java/lang/NullPointerException"
+        // +   [CONSTANT_Class_info] for above
+        // +   [UTF-8] "java/lang/IllegalArgumentException"
+        // +   [CONSTANT_Class_info] for above
+        // +   [UTF-8] "java/lang/InvocationTargetException"
+        // +   [CONSTANT_Class_info] for above
+        // +   [UTF-8] "<init>"
+        // +   [UTF-8] "()V"
+        // +   [CONSTANT_NameAndType_info] for above
+        // +   [CONSTANT_Methodref_info] for NullPointerException's constructor
+        // +   [CONSTANT_Methodref_info] for IllegalArgumentException's constructor
+        // +   [UTF-8] "(Ljava/lang/String;)V"
+        // +   [CONSTANT_NameAndType_info] for "<init>(Ljava/lang/String;)V"
+        // +   [CONSTANT_Methodref_info] for IllegalArgumentException's constructor taking a String
+        // +   [UTF-8] "(Ljava/lang/Throwable;)V"
+        // +   [CONSTANT_NameAndType_info] for "<init>(Ljava/lang/Throwable;)V"
+        // +   [CONSTANT_Methodref_info] for InvocationTargetException's constructor
+        // +   [CONSTANT_Methodref_info] for "super()"
+        // +   [UTF-8] "java/lang/Object"
+        // +   [CONSTANT_Class_info] for above
+        // +   [UTF-8] "toString"
+        // +   [UTF-8] "()Ljava/lang/String;"
+        // +   [CONSTANT_NameAndType_info] for "toString()Ljava/lang/String;"
+        // +   [CONSTANT_Methodref_info] for Object's toString method
+        // +   [UTF-8] "Code"
+        // +   [UTF-8] "Exceptions"
+        asm.emitConstantPoolUTF8("java/lang/Throwable");
+        asm.emitConstantPoolClass(asm.cpi());
+        throwableClass = asm.cpi();
+        asm.emitConstantPoolUTF8("java/lang/ClassCastException");
+        asm.emitConstantPoolClass(asm.cpi());
+        classCastClass = asm.cpi();
+        asm.emitConstantPoolUTF8("java/lang/NullPointerException");
+        asm.emitConstantPoolClass(asm.cpi());
+        nullPointerClass = asm.cpi();
+        asm.emitConstantPoolUTF8("java/lang/IllegalArgumentException");
+        asm.emitConstantPoolClass(asm.cpi());
+        illegalArgumentClass = asm.cpi();
+        asm.emitConstantPoolUTF8("java/lang/reflect/InvocationTargetException");
+        asm.emitConstantPoolClass(asm.cpi());
+        invocationTargetClass = asm.cpi();
+        asm.emitConstantPoolUTF8("<init>");
+        initIdx = asm.cpi();
+        asm.emitConstantPoolUTF8("()V");
+        asm.emitConstantPoolNameAndType(initIdx, asm.cpi());
+        initNameAndTypeIdx = asm.cpi();
+        asm.emitConstantPoolMethodref(nullPointerClass, initNameAndTypeIdx);
+        nullPointerCtorIdx = asm.cpi();
+        asm.emitConstantPoolMethodref(illegalArgumentClass, initNameAndTypeIdx);
+        illegalArgumentCtorIdx = asm.cpi();
+        asm.emitConstantPoolUTF8("(Ljava/lang/String;)V");
+        asm.emitConstantPoolNameAndType(initIdx, asm.cpi());
+        initStringNameAndTypeIdx = asm.cpi();
+        asm.emitConstantPoolMethodref(illegalArgumentClass, initStringNameAndTypeIdx);
+        illegalArgumentStringCtorIdx = asm.cpi();
+        asm.emitConstantPoolUTF8("(Ljava/lang/Throwable;)V");
+        asm.emitConstantPoolNameAndType(initIdx, asm.cpi());
+        asm.emitConstantPoolMethodref(invocationTargetClass, asm.cpi());
+        invocationTargetCtorIdx = asm.cpi();
+        asm.emitConstantPoolMethodref(superClass, initNameAndTypeIdx);
+        superCtorIdx = asm.cpi();
+        asm.emitConstantPoolUTF8("java/lang/Object");
+        asm.emitConstantPoolClass(asm.cpi());
+        objectClass = asm.cpi();
+        asm.emitConstantPoolUTF8("toString");
+        asm.emitConstantPoolUTF8("()Ljava/lang/String;");
+        asm.emitConstantPoolNameAndType(sub(asm.cpi(), S1), asm.cpi());
+        asm.emitConstantPoolMethodref(objectClass, asm.cpi());
+        toStringIdx = asm.cpi();
+        asm.emitConstantPoolUTF8("Code");
+        codeIdx = asm.cpi();
+        asm.emitConstantPoolUTF8("Exceptions");
+        exceptionsIdx = asm.cpi();
+    }
+    /** Constant pool entries required to be able to box/unbox primitive
+        types. Note that we don't emit these if we don't need them. */
+    protected void emitBoxingContantPoolEntries() {
+        //  *  [UTF-8] "java/lang/Boolean"
+        //  *  [CONSTANT_Class_info] for above
+        //  *  [UTF-8] "(Z)V"
+        //  *  [CONSTANT_NameAndType_info] for above
+        //  *  [CONSTANT_Methodref_info] for above
+        //  *  [UTF-8] "booleanValue"
+        //  *  [UTF-8] "()Z"
+        //  *  [CONSTANT_NameAndType_info] for above
+        //  *  [CONSTANT_Methodref_info] for above
+        //  *  [UTF-8] "java/lang/Byte"
+        //  *  [CONSTANT_Class_info] for above
+        //  *  [UTF-8] "(B)V"
+        //  *  [CONSTANT_NameAndType_info] for above
+        //  *  [CONSTANT_Methodref_info] for above
+        //  *  [UTF-8] "byteValue"
+        //  *  [UTF-8] "()B"
+        //  *  [CONSTANT_NameAndType_info] for above
+        //  *  [CONSTANT_Methodref_info] for above
+        //  *  [UTF-8] "java/lang/Character"
+        //  *  [CONSTANT_Class_info] for above
+        //  *  [UTF-8] "(C)V"
+        //  *  [CONSTANT_NameAndType_info] for above
+        //  *  [CONSTANT_Methodref_info] for above
+        //  *  [UTF-8] "charValue"
+        //  *  [UTF-8] "()C"
+        //  *  [CONSTANT_NameAndType_info] for above
+        //  *  [CONSTANT_Methodref_info] for above
+        //  *  [UTF-8] "java/lang/Double"
+        //  *  [CONSTANT_Class_info] for above
+        //  *  [UTF-8] "(D)V"
+        //  *  [CONSTANT_NameAndType_info] for above
+        //  *  [CONSTANT_Methodref_info] for above
+        //  *  [UTF-8] "doubleValue"
+        //  *  [UTF-8] "()D"
+        //  *  [CONSTANT_NameAndType_info] for above
+        //  *  [CONSTANT_Methodref_info] for above
+        //  *  [UTF-8] "java/lang/Float"
+        //  *  [CONSTANT_Class_info] for above
+        //  *  [UTF-8] "(F)V"
+        //  *  [CONSTANT_NameAndType_info] for above
+        //  *  [CONSTANT_Methodref_info] for above
+        //  *  [UTF-8] "floatValue"
+        //  *  [UTF-8] "()F"
+        //  *  [CONSTANT_NameAndType_info] for above
+        //  *  [CONSTANT_Methodref_info] for above
+        //  *  [UTF-8] "java/lang/Integer"
+        //  *  [CONSTANT_Class_info] for above
+        //  *  [UTF-8] "(I)V"
+        //  *  [CONSTANT_NameAndType_info] for above
+        //  *  [CONSTANT_Methodref_info] for above
+        //  *  [UTF-8] "intValue"
+        //  *  [UTF-8] "()I"
+        //  *  [CONSTANT_NameAndType_info] for above
+        //  *  [CONSTANT_Methodref_info] for above
+        //  *  [UTF-8] "java/lang/Long"
+        //  *  [CONSTANT_Class_info] for above
+        //  *  [UTF-8] "(J)V"
+        //  *  [CONSTANT_NameAndType_info] for above
+        //  *  [CONSTANT_Methodref_info] for above
+        //  *  [UTF-8] "longValue"
+        //  *  [UTF-8] "()J"
+        //  *  [CONSTANT_NameAndType_info] for above
+        //  *  [CONSTANT_Methodref_info] for above
+        //  *  [UTF-8] "java/lang/Short"
+        //  *  [CONSTANT_Class_info] for above
+        //  *  [UTF-8] "(S)V"
+        //  *  [CONSTANT_NameAndType_info] for above
+        //  *  [CONSTANT_Methodref_info] for above
+        //  *  [UTF-8] "shortValue"
+        //  *  [UTF-8] "()S"
+        //  *  [CONSTANT_NameAndType_info] for above
+        //  *  [CONSTANT_Methodref_info] for above
+        // Boolean
+        asm.emitConstantPoolUTF8("java/lang/Boolean");
+        asm.emitConstantPoolClass(asm.cpi());
+        booleanIdx = asm.cpi();
+        asm.emitConstantPoolUTF8("(Z)V");
+        asm.emitConstantPoolNameAndType(initIdx, asm.cpi());
+        asm.emitConstantPoolMethodref(sub(asm.cpi(), S2), asm.cpi());
+        booleanCtorIdx = asm.cpi();
+        asm.emitConstantPoolUTF8("booleanValue");
+        asm.emitConstantPoolUTF8("()Z");
+        asm.emitConstantPoolNameAndType(sub(asm.cpi(), S1), asm.cpi());
+        asm.emitConstantPoolMethodref(sub(asm.cpi(), S6), asm.cpi());
+        booleanUnboxIdx = asm.cpi();
+        // Byte
+        asm.emitConstantPoolUTF8("java/lang/Byte");
+        asm.emitConstantPoolClass(asm.cpi());
+        byteIdx = asm.cpi();
+        asm.emitConstantPoolUTF8("(B)V");
+        asm.emitConstantPoolNameAndType(initIdx, asm.cpi());
+        asm.emitConstantPoolMethodref(sub(asm.cpi(), S2), asm.cpi());
+        byteCtorIdx = asm.cpi();
+        asm.emitConstantPoolUTF8("byteValue");
+        asm.emitConstantPoolUTF8("()B");
+        asm.emitConstantPoolNameAndType(sub(asm.cpi(), S1), asm.cpi());
+        asm.emitConstantPoolMethodref(sub(asm.cpi(), S6), asm.cpi());
+        byteUnboxIdx = asm.cpi();
+        // Character
+        asm.emitConstantPoolUTF8("java/lang/Character");
+        asm.emitConstantPoolClass(asm.cpi());
+        characterIdx = asm.cpi();
+        asm.emitConstantPoolUTF8("(C)V");
+        asm.emitConstantPoolNameAndType(initIdx, asm.cpi());
+        asm.emitConstantPoolMethodref(sub(asm.cpi(), S2), asm.cpi());
+        characterCtorIdx = asm.cpi();
+        asm.emitConstantPoolUTF8("charValue");
+        asm.emitConstantPoolUTF8("()C");
+        asm.emitConstantPoolNameAndType(sub(asm.cpi(), S1), asm.cpi());
+        asm.emitConstantPoolMethodref(sub(asm.cpi(), S6), asm.cpi());
+        characterUnboxIdx = asm.cpi();
+        // Double
+        asm.emitConstantPoolUTF8("java/lang/Double");
+        asm.emitConstantPoolClass(asm.cpi());
+        doubleIdx = asm.cpi();
+        asm.emitConstantPoolUTF8("(D)V");
+        asm.emitConstantPoolNameAndType(initIdx, asm.cpi());
+        asm.emitConstantPoolMethodref(sub(asm.cpi(), S2), asm.cpi());
+        doubleCtorIdx = asm.cpi();
+        asm.emitConstantPoolUTF8("doubleValue");
+        asm.emitConstantPoolUTF8("()D");
+        asm.emitConstantPoolNameAndType(sub(asm.cpi(), S1), asm.cpi());
+        asm.emitConstantPoolMethodref(sub(asm.cpi(), S6), asm.cpi());
+        doubleUnboxIdx = asm.cpi();
+        // Float
+        asm.emitConstantPoolUTF8("java/lang/Float");
+        asm.emitConstantPoolClass(asm.cpi());
+        floatIdx = asm.cpi();
+        asm.emitConstantPoolUTF8("(F)V");
+        asm.emitConstantPoolNameAndType(initIdx, asm.cpi());
+        asm.emitConstantPoolMethodref(sub(asm.cpi(), S2), asm.cpi());
+        floatCtorIdx = asm.cpi();
+        asm.emitConstantPoolUTF8("floatValue");
+        asm.emitConstantPoolUTF8("()F");
+        asm.emitConstantPoolNameAndType(sub(asm.cpi(), S1), asm.cpi());
+        asm.emitConstantPoolMethodref(sub(asm.cpi(), S6), asm.cpi());
+        floatUnboxIdx = asm.cpi();
+        // Integer
+        asm.emitConstantPoolUTF8("java/lang/Integer");
+        asm.emitConstantPoolClass(asm.cpi());
+        integerIdx = asm.cpi();
+        asm.emitConstantPoolUTF8("(I)V");
+        asm.emitConstantPoolNameAndType(initIdx, asm.cpi());
+        asm.emitConstantPoolMethodref(sub(asm.cpi(), S2), asm.cpi());
+        integerCtorIdx = asm.cpi();
+        asm.emitConstantPoolUTF8("intValue");
+        asm.emitConstantPoolUTF8("()I");
+        asm.emitConstantPoolNameAndType(sub(asm.cpi(), S1), asm.cpi());
+        asm.emitConstantPoolMethodref(sub(asm.cpi(), S6), asm.cpi());
+        integerUnboxIdx = asm.cpi();
+        // Long
+        asm.emitConstantPoolUTF8("java/lang/Long");
+        asm.emitConstantPoolClass(asm.cpi());
+        longIdx = asm.cpi();
+        asm.emitConstantPoolUTF8("(J)V");
+        asm.emitConstantPoolNameAndType(initIdx, asm.cpi());
+        asm.emitConstantPoolMethodref(sub(asm.cpi(), S2), asm.cpi());
+        longCtorIdx = asm.cpi();
+        asm.emitConstantPoolUTF8("longValue");
+        asm.emitConstantPoolUTF8("()J");
+        asm.emitConstantPoolNameAndType(sub(asm.cpi(), S1), asm.cpi());
+        asm.emitConstantPoolMethodref(sub(asm.cpi(), S6), asm.cpi());
+        longUnboxIdx = asm.cpi();
+        // Short
+        asm.emitConstantPoolUTF8("java/lang/Short");
+        asm.emitConstantPoolClass(asm.cpi());
+        shortIdx = asm.cpi();
+        asm.emitConstantPoolUTF8("(S)V");
+        asm.emitConstantPoolNameAndType(initIdx, asm.cpi());
+        asm.emitConstantPoolMethodref(sub(asm.cpi(), S2), asm.cpi());
+        shortCtorIdx = asm.cpi();
+        asm.emitConstantPoolUTF8("shortValue");
+        asm.emitConstantPoolUTF8("()S");
+        asm.emitConstantPoolNameAndType(sub(asm.cpi(), S1), asm.cpi());
+        asm.emitConstantPoolMethodref(sub(asm.cpi(), S6), asm.cpi());
+        shortUnboxIdx = asm.cpi();
+    }
+    // Necessary because of Java's annoying promotion rules
+    protected static short add(short s1, short s2) {
+        return (short) (s1 + s2);
+    }
+    protected static short sub(short s1, short s2) {
+        return (short) (s1 - s2);
+    }
+    protected boolean isStatic() {
+        return Modifier.isStatic(modifiers);
+    }
+    protected boolean isPrivate() {
+        return Modifier.isPrivate(modifiers);
+    }
+    /** Returns class name in "internal" form (i.e., '/' separators
+        instead of '.') */
+    protected static String getClassName
+        (Class<?> c, boolean addPrefixAndSuffixForNonPrimitiveTypes)
+    {
+        if (c.isPrimitive()) {
+            if (c == Boolean.TYPE) {
+                return "Z";
+            } else if (c == Byte.TYPE) {
+                return "B";
+            } else if (c == Character.TYPE) {
+                return "C";
+            } else if (c == Double.TYPE) {
+                return "D";
+            } else if (c == Float.TYPE) {
+                return "F";
+            } else if (c == Integer.TYPE) {
+                return "I";
+            } else if (c == Long.TYPE) {
+                return "J";
+            } else if (c == Short.TYPE) {
+                return "S";
+            } else if (c == Void.TYPE) {
+                return "V";
+            }
+            throw new InternalError("Should have found primitive type");
+        } else if (c.isArray()) {
+            return "[" + getClassName(c.getComponentType(), true);
+        } else {
+            if (addPrefixAndSuffixForNonPrimitiveTypes) {
+                return internalize("L" + c.getName() + ";");
+            } else {
+                return internalize(c.getName());
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    private static String internalize(String className) {
+        return className.replace('.', '/');
+    }
+    protected void emitConstructor() {
+        // Generate code into fresh code buffer
+        ClassFileAssembler cb = new ClassFileAssembler();
+        // 0 incoming arguments
+        cb.setMaxLocals(1);
+        cb.opc_aload_0();
+        cb.opc_invokespecial(superCtorIdx, 0, 0);
+        cb.opc_return();
+        // Emit method
+        emitMethod(initIdx, cb.getMaxLocals(), cb, null, null);
+    }
+    // The descriptor's index in the constant pool must be (1 +
+    // nameIdx). "numArgs" must indicate ALL arguments, including the
+    // implicit "this" argument; double and long arguments each count
+    // as 2 in this count. The code buffer must NOT contain the code
+    // length. The exception table may be null, but if non-null must
+    // NOT contain the exception table's length. The checked exception
+    // indices may be null.
+    protected void emitMethod(short nameIdx,
+                              int numArgs,
+                              ClassFileAssembler code,
+                              ClassFileAssembler exceptionTable,
+                              short[] checkedExceptionIndices)
+    {
+        int codeLen = code.getLength();
+        int excLen  = 0;
+        if (exceptionTable != null) {
+            excLen = exceptionTable.getLength();
+            if ((excLen % 8) != 0) {
+                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal exception table");
+            }
+        }
+        int attrLen = 12 + codeLen + excLen;
+        excLen = excLen / 8; // No-op if no exception table
+        asm.emitShort(ACC_PUBLIC);
+        asm.emitShort(nameIdx);
+        asm.emitShort(add(nameIdx, S1));
+        if (checkedExceptionIndices == null) {
+            // Code attribute only
+            asm.emitShort(S1);
+        } else {
+            // Code and Exceptions attributes
+            asm.emitShort(S2);
+        }
+        // Code attribute
+        asm.emitShort(codeIdx);
+        asm.emitInt(attrLen);
+        asm.emitShort(code.getMaxStack());
+        asm.emitShort((short) Math.max(numArgs, code.getMaxLocals()));
+        asm.emitInt(codeLen);
+        asm.append(code);
+        asm.emitShort((short) excLen);
+        if (exceptionTable != null) {
+            asm.append(exceptionTable);
+        }
+        asm.emitShort(S0); // No additional attributes for Code attribute
+        if (checkedExceptionIndices != null) {
+            // Exceptions attribute
+            asm.emitShort(exceptionsIdx);
+            asm.emitInt(2 + 2 * checkedExceptionIndices.length);
+            asm.emitShort((short) checkedExceptionIndices.length);
+            for (int i = 0; i < checkedExceptionIndices.length; i++) {
+                asm.emitShort(checkedExceptionIndices[i]);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    protected short indexForPrimitiveType(Class<?> type) {
+        if (type == Boolean.TYPE) {
+            return booleanIdx;
+        } else if (type == Byte.TYPE) {
+            return byteIdx;
+        } else if (type == Character.TYPE) {
+            return characterIdx;
+        } else if (type == Double.TYPE) {
+            return doubleIdx;
+        } else if (type == Float.TYPE) {
+            return floatIdx;
+        } else if (type == Integer.TYPE) {
+            return integerIdx;
+        } else if (type == Long.TYPE) {
+            return longIdx;
+        } else if (type == Short.TYPE) {
+            return shortIdx;
+        }
+        throw new InternalError("Should have found primitive type");
+    }
+    protected short ctorIndexForPrimitiveType(Class<?> type) {
+        if (type == Boolean.TYPE) {
+            return booleanCtorIdx;
+        } else if (type == Byte.TYPE) {
+            return byteCtorIdx;
+        } else if (type == Character.TYPE) {
+            return characterCtorIdx;
+        } else if (type == Double.TYPE) {
+            return doubleCtorIdx;
+        } else if (type == Float.TYPE) {
+            return floatCtorIdx;
+        } else if (type == Integer.TYPE) {
+            return integerCtorIdx;
+        } else if (type == Long.TYPE) {
+            return longCtorIdx;
+        } else if (type == Short.TYPE) {
+            return shortCtorIdx;
+        }
+        throw new InternalError("Should have found primitive type");
+    }
+    /** Returns true for widening or identity conversions for primitive
+        types only */
+    protected static boolean canWidenTo(Class<?> type, Class<?> otherType) {
+        if (!type.isPrimitive()) {
+            return false;
+        }
+        // Widening conversions (from JVM spec):
+        //  byte to short, int, long, float, or double
+        //  short to int, long, float, or double
+        //  char to int, long, float, or double
+        //  int to long, float, or double
+        //  long to float or double
+        //  float to double
+        if (type == Boolean.TYPE) {
+            if (otherType == Boolean.TYPE) {
+                return true;
+            }
+        } else if (type == Byte.TYPE) {
+            if (   otherType == Byte.TYPE
+                   || otherType == Short.TYPE
+                   || otherType == Integer.TYPE
+                   || otherType == Long.TYPE
+                   || otherType == Float.TYPE
+                   || otherType == Double.TYPE) {
+                return true;
+            }
+        } else if (type == Short.TYPE) {
+            if (   otherType == Short.TYPE
+                   || otherType == Integer.TYPE
+                   || otherType == Long.TYPE
+                   || otherType == Float.TYPE
+                   || otherType == Double.TYPE) {
+                return true;
+            }
+        } else if (type == Character.TYPE) {
+            if (   otherType == Character.TYPE
+                   || otherType == Integer.TYPE
+                   || otherType == Long.TYPE
+                   || otherType == Float.TYPE
+                   || otherType == Double.TYPE) {
+                return true;
+            }
+        } else if (type == Integer.TYPE) {
+            if (   otherType == Integer.TYPE
+                   || otherType == Long.TYPE
+                   || otherType == Float.TYPE
+                   || otherType == Double.TYPE) {
+                return true;
+            }
+        } else if (type == Long.TYPE) {
+            if (   otherType == Long.TYPE
+                   || otherType == Float.TYPE
+                   || otherType == Double.TYPE) {
+                return true;
+            }
+        } else if (type == Float.TYPE) {
+            if (   otherType == Float.TYPE
+                   || otherType == Double.TYPE) {
+                return true;
+            }
+        } else if (type == Double.TYPE) {
+            if (otherType == Double.TYPE) {
+                return true;
+            }
+        }
+        return false;
+    }
+    /** Emits the widening bytecode for the given primitive conversion
+        (or none if the identity conversion). Requires that a primitive
+        conversion exists; i.e., canWidenTo must have already been
+        called and returned true. */
+    protected static void emitWideningBytecodeForPrimitiveConversion
+        (ClassFileAssembler cb,
+         Class<?> fromType,
+         Class<?> toType)
+    {
+        // Note that widening conversions for integral types (i.e., "b2s",
+        // "s2i") are no-ops since values on the Java stack are
+        // sign-extended.
+        // Widening conversions (from JVM spec):
+        //  byte to short, int, long, float, or double
+        //  short to int, long, float, or double
+        //  char to int, long, float, or double
+        //  int to long, float, or double
+        //  long to float or double
+        //  float to double
+        if (   fromType == Byte.TYPE
+               || fromType == Short.TYPE
+               || fromType == Character.TYPE
+               || fromType == Integer.TYPE) {
+            if (toType == Long.TYPE) {
+                cb.opc_i2l();
+            } else if (toType == Float.TYPE) {
+                cb.opc_i2f();
+            } else if (toType == Double.TYPE) {
+                cb.opc_i2d();
+            }
+        } else if (fromType == Long.TYPE) {
+            if (toType == Float.TYPE) {
+                cb.opc_l2f();
+            } else if (toType == Double.TYPE) {
+                cb.opc_l2d();
+            }
+        } else if (fromType == Float.TYPE) {
+            if (toType == Double.TYPE) {
+                cb.opc_f2d();
+            }
+        }
+        // Otherwise, was identity or no-op conversion. Fall through.
+    }
+    protected short unboxingMethodForPrimitiveType(Class<?> primType) {
+        if (primType == Boolean.TYPE) {
+            return booleanUnboxIdx;
+        } else if (primType == Byte.TYPE) {
+            return byteUnboxIdx;
+        } else if (primType == Character.TYPE) {
+            return characterUnboxIdx;
+        } else if (primType == Short.TYPE) {
+            return shortUnboxIdx;
+        } else if (primType == Integer.TYPE) {
+            return integerUnboxIdx;
+        } else if (primType == Long.TYPE) {
+            return longUnboxIdx;
+        } else if (primType == Float.TYPE) {
+            return floatUnboxIdx;
+        } else if (primType == Double.TYPE) {
+            return doubleUnboxIdx;
+        }
+        throw new InternalError("Illegal primitive type " + primType.getName());
+    }
+    protected static final Class<?>[] primitiveTypes = new Class<?>[] {
+        Boolean.TYPE,
+        Byte.TYPE,
+        Character.TYPE,
+        Short.TYPE,
+        Integer.TYPE,
+        Long.TYPE,
+        Float.TYPE,
+        Double.TYPE
+    };
+    /** We don't consider "Void" to be a primitive type */
+    protected static boolean isPrimitive(Class<?> c) {
+        return (c.isPrimitive() && c != Void.TYPE);
+    }
+    protected int typeSizeInStackSlots(Class<?> c) {
+        if (c == Void.TYPE) {
+            return 0;
+        }
+        if (c == Long.TYPE || c == Double.TYPE) {
+            return 2;
+        }
+        return 1;
+    }
+    private ClassFileAssembler illegalArgumentCodeBuffer;
+    protected ClassFileAssembler illegalArgumentCodeBuffer() {
+        if (illegalArgumentCodeBuffer == null) {
+            illegalArgumentCodeBuffer = new ClassFileAssembler();
+            illegalArgumentCodeBuffer.opc_new(illegalArgumentClass);
+            illegalArgumentCodeBuffer.opc_dup();
+            illegalArgumentCodeBuffer.opc_invokespecial(illegalArgumentCtorIdx, 0, 0);
+            illegalArgumentCodeBuffer.opc_athrow();
+        }
+        return illegalArgumentCodeBuffer;
+    }