changeset 50735 2f2af62dfac7
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test/hotspot/jtreg/runtime/Nestmates/methodSelection/TestInterfaceMethodSelection.java	Sat Jun 23 01:32:41 2018 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,289 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2018, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
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+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
+ * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
+ * accompanied this code).
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+ * questions.
+ */
+ * @test
+ * @bug 8046171
+ * @summary Test interface method selection process for private/public nestmate invocation
+ * @compile TestInterfaceMethodSelection.java
+ * @compile PA_I.jcod \
+ *          PB_A_I.jcod \
+ *          PB_A_PI.jcod \
+ *          PB_PA_I.jcod
+ * @run main TestInterfaceMethodSelection
+ * @run main/othervm -Dsun.reflect.noInflation=true TestInterfaceMethodSelection
+ */
+// The first run will use NativeMethodAccessor and due to the limited number
+// of calls we will not reach the inflation threshold.
+// The second run disables inflation so we will use the GeneratedMethodAccessor
+// instead. In this way both sets of Reflection classes are tested.
+We are setting up a basic test structure as follows:
+interface I {
+  ?? String m() [ return "I::m"; // private case]
+class A implements I {
+  ?? String m() { return "A::m"; }
+class B extends A {
+  ?? String m() { return "B::m"; }
+where the access modifier of m() is either public or private in all combinations.
+The only cases of interest here are private and non-private, so we use public for
+the non-private case. Obviously for an interface, only the private case defines
+a method body for m() - we're not testing default methods here (but they would be
+invoked in the cases where we get AME).
+We then have a test function:
+void test(I target, String expected) {
+  check(target.m() == expected);
+where the call to target.m() is expressed as an invokeinterface I::m on target. We
+then pass either an A instance or a B instance and check the expected method
+is invoked. In all cases the resolved method is I::m, so we are effectively
+testing the method selection rules. We are not testing resolution here.
+The expected behaviour is as follows (where P means m() is private and - means
+m() is public).
+Target  I.m  A.m  B.m     Result   Reason
+ A       P    P   n/a      I.m       [1]
+ A       P    -   n/a      I.m       [1]
+ A       -    P   n/a      AME       [2]
+ A       -    -   n/a      A.m       [3]
+ B       P    P    P       I.m       [1]
+ B       P    P    -       I.m       [1]
+ B       P    -    P       I.m       [1]
+ B       P    -    -       I.m       [1]
+ B       -    P    P       AME       [2]
+ B       -    P    -       B.m       [3]
+ B       -    -    P       A.m       [4]
+ B       -    -    -       B.m       [3]
+[1] Resolved method is private => selected method == resolved method
+[2] private A.m/B.m doesn't override abstract public I.m => AbstractMethodError
+[3] Normal overriding: most specific method selected
+[4] private B.m doesn't override public A.m/I.m so is ignored => A.m selected
+To allow us to do this in source code we encode the inheritance hierarchy in the
+class name, and we use plain I (for example) when m() is public and PI when m()
+is private. So class B_A_I defines a public m() and inherits public m() from
+both A and I. While PB_PA_PI defines a private m() and also has private m()
+defined in its superclass PA and implemented interface PI.
+For cases where the subclass makes a public method private we can't write this
+directly in Java source code so we have to have jcod versions that change
+the access modifier to private, but we also need to switch between having a
+method implementation or not, so add fake_m() and then rename in the jcod file.
+The affected cases are:
+- PA_I
+- PB_A_I
+- PB_PA_I
+- PB_A_PI
+We test direct invocation from Java source, MethodHandle invocation and core
+reflection invocation. For MH and reflection we look for the method in "I" to
+maintain the same resolution process as in the direct case.
+import java.lang.invoke.*;
+import static java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles.*;
+import static java.lang.invoke.MethodType.*;
+import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
+public class TestInterfaceMethodSelection {
+    static final MethodType M_T = MethodType.methodType(String.class);
+    static interface I {
+        public String m();
+    }
+    static interface PI {
+        private String m() { return "PI::m"; }
+    }
+    static class A_I implements I {
+        public String m() { return "A_I::m"; }
+    }
+    static class A_PI implements PI {
+        public String m() { return "A_PI::m"; }
+    }
+    // jcod version will edit method names
+    static class PA_I implements I {
+        private String real_m() { return "PA_I::m"; }
+        public String m() { return "Should not see this"; }
+    }
+    static class PA_PI implements PI {
+        private String m() { return "PA_PI::m"; }
+    }
+    static class B_A_I extends A_I {
+        public String m() { return "B_A_I::m"; }
+    }
+    // jcod version will rewrite this to have private m()
+    static class PB_A_I extends A_I {
+        public String m() { return "PB_A_I::m"; }
+    }
+    static class B_PA_I extends PA_I {
+        public String m() { return "B_PA_I::m"; }
+    }
+    // jcod version will edit method names
+    static class PB_PA_I extends PA_I {
+        public String m() { return "Should not see this"; }
+        private String real_m() { return "PB_PA_I"; }
+    }
+    static class B_A_PI extends A_PI {
+        public String m() { return "B_A_PI::m"; }
+    }
+    // jcod version will rewrite this to have private m()
+    static class PB_A_PI extends A_PI {
+        public String m() { return "PB_A_PI"; }
+    }
+    static class B_PA_PI extends PA_PI {
+        public String m() { return "B_PA_PI::m"; }
+    }
+    static class PB_PA_PI extends PA_PI {
+        private String m() { return "PB_PA_PI::m"; }
+    }
+    // Need a test function for each of the "I" interfaces
+    static void doInvoke(I target, String expected) throws Throwable {
+        // Direct
+        check(target.m(), expected);
+        // MethodHandle
+        MethodHandle mh = lookup().findVirtual(I.class, "m", M_T);
+        check((String)mh.invoke(target), expected);
+        // Reflection
+        check((String)I.class.getDeclaredMethod("m", new Class<?>[0]).
+              invoke(target, new Object[0]), expected);
+    }
+    static void doInvoke(PI target, String expected) throws Throwable {
+        // Direct
+        check(target.m(), expected);
+        // MethodHandle
+        MethodHandle mh = lookup().findVirtual(PI.class, "m", M_T);
+        check((String)mh.invoke(target), expected);
+        // Reflection
+        check((String)PI.class.getDeclaredMethod("m", new Class<?>[0]).
+              invoke(target, new Object[0]), expected);
+    }
+    static void badInvoke(I target) {
+        badDirectInvoke(target);
+        badMHInvoke(target);
+        badReflectInvoke(target);
+    }
+    static void badDirectInvoke(I target) {
+        try {
+            target.m();
+            throw new Error("Unexpected success directly invoking " +
+                            target.getClass().getSimpleName() +
+                            ".m() - expected AbstractMethodError");
+        }
+        catch (AbstractMethodError expected) {
+        }
+        catch (Throwable t) {
+            throw new Error("Unexpected exception directly invoking " +
+                            target.getClass().getSimpleName() +
+                            ".m() - expected AbstractMethodError got: " + t);
+        }
+    }
+    static void badMHInvoke(I target) {
+        try {
+            lookup().findVirtual(I.class, "m", M_T).invoke(target);
+            throw new Error("Unexpected success for MH invoke of" +
+                            target.getClass().getSimpleName() +
+                            ".m() - expected AbstractMethodError");
+        }
+        catch (AbstractMethodError expected) {
+        }
+        catch (Throwable t) {
+            throw new Error("Unexpected exception for MH invoke of " +
+                            target.getClass().getSimpleName() +
+                            ".m() - expected AbstractMethodError got: " + t);
+        }
+    }
+    static void badReflectInvoke(I target) {
+        try {
+            I.class.getDeclaredMethod("m", new Class<?>[0]).
+                invoke(target, new Object[0]);
+            throw new Error("Unexpected success for Method invoke of" +
+                            target.getClass().getSimpleName() +
+                            ".m() - expected AbstractMethodError");
+        }
+        catch (InvocationTargetException expected) {
+            Throwable t = expected.getCause();
+            if (!(t instanceof AbstractMethodError)) {
+                throw new Error("Unexpected exception for Method invoke of " +
+                                target.getClass().getSimpleName() +
+                                ".m() - expected AbstractMethodError got: " + t);
+            }
+        }
+        catch (Throwable t) {
+            throw new Error("Unexpected exception for Method invoke of " +
+                            target.getClass().getSimpleName() +
+                            ".m() - expected AbstractMethodError got: " + t);
+        }
+    }
+    static void check(String actual, String expected) {
+        if (!actual.equals(expected)) {
+                throw new Error("Selection error: expected " + expected +
+                                " but got " + actual);
+        }
+    }
+    public static void main(String[] args) throws Throwable {
+        // First pass a suitable "A" instance
+        doInvoke(new PA_PI(), "PI::m");
+        doInvoke(new A_PI(),  "PI::m");
+        badInvoke(new PA_I());
+        doInvoke(new A_I(),   "A_I::m");
+        // Now a "B" instance
+        doInvoke(new PB_PA_PI(), "PI::m");
+        doInvoke(new B_PA_PI(),  "PI::m");
+        doInvoke(new PB_A_PI(),  "PI::m");
+        doInvoke(new B_A_PI(),   "PI::m");
+        badInvoke(new PB_PA_I());
+        doInvoke(new B_PA_I(),   "B_PA_I::m");
+        doInvoke(new PB_A_I(),   "A_I::m");
+        doInvoke(new B_A_I(),    "B_A_I::m");
+    }