changeset 1024 2253d6d6cf2c
parent 1023 9a1c25552b10
parent 945 6838c1a3296a
child 1025 a9ba5ea0f1f7
--- a/jdk/src/windows/native/sun/java2d/windows/ddrawObject.cpp	Thu Aug 14 13:33:08 2008 -0700
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,1452 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright 2000-2006 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
- * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
- * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Sun designates this
- * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
- * by Sun in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
- *
- * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
- * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
- * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
- * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
- * accompanied this code).
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
- * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
- * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
- *
- * Please contact Sun Microsystems, Inc., 4150 Network Circle, Santa Clara,
- * CA 95054 USA or visit www.sun.com if you need additional information or
- * have any questions.
- */
- /**
-  * ddrawObject.cpp
-  *
-  * This file holds classes used to access DirectDraw functionality.
-  * There are two main classes here used by the outside world:
-  * DDraw and DDrawSurface.  DDraw holds the actual DirectDraw
-  * device object, responsible for creating surfaces and doing other
-  * device-wide operations.  DDraw also holds a pointer to a D3DContext,
-  * which has the d3dObject and shared d3d drawing device for the
-  * display device (see d3dObject.cpp).  DDrawSurface holds an individual
-  * surface, such as the primary or an offscreen surface.
-  * DDrawSurface also holds a pointer to the device-wide d3dContext
-  * because some operations on the surface may actually be 3D methods
-  * that need to be forwarded to the 3d drawing device.
-  * The DirectDraw object and surfaces are wrapped by DXObject
-  * and DXSurface classes in order to be able to generically handle
-  * DDraw method calls without the caller having to worry about which
-  * version of DirectX we are currently running with.
-  * A picture might help to explain the hierarchy of objects herein:
-  *
-  *                  DDraw (one per display device)
-  *                   field: DXObject *dxObject
-  *                   field: DXSurface *lpPrimary
-  *                   field: D3DContext *d3dContext
-  *
-  *
-  *                  DXObject (one per display device)
-  *                   field: IDirectDraw7 (Actual DirectX objects)
-  *
-  *
-  *                  DDrawSurface (one per offscreen or onscreen surface)
-  *                   field: DXSurface (for ddraw operations)
-  *
-  *                  DXSurface (wrapper for DirectDraw operations)
-  *                   field: IDirectDrawSurface7 (DirectX object)
-  *
-  * The wrapper classes work by using the same method calls as the
-  * actual DirectX calls and simply forwarding those calls into the
-  * the appropriate DirectX object that they contain.  The reason for
-  * the indirection is that the subclasses can thus call into the
-  * appropriate interface without the caller having to do that
-  * explicitly.  So instead of something like:
-  *         if (usingDX7) {
-  *             dx7Surface->Lock();
-  *         } else if (usingDXN) {
-  *             dxNSurface->Lock();
-  *         }
-  * the caller can simply call:
-  *         dxSurface->Lock();
-  * and let the magic of subclassing handle the details of which interface
-  * to call, depending on which interface was loaded (and thus which
-  * subclass was instantiated).
-  * The main difference between actual DirectX method calls and the
-  * method calls of these wrapper classes is that we avoid using any
-  * structures or parameters that are different between the versions
-  * of DirectX that we currently support (DX7).  For example,
-  * Lock takes DDSURFACEDESC2 structure for DX7.
-  * For these methods, we pick an appropriate higher-level data
-  * structure that can be cast and queried as appropriate at the
-  * subclass level (in the Lock example, we pass a
-  * SurfaceDataRasInfo structure, holds the data from the
-  * call that we need.
-  *
-  * Note that the current implementation of the d3d and ddraw pipelines
-  * relies heavily on DX7, so some of the abstraction concepts aren't
-  * applicable. They may become more relevant once we get back to
-  * version-independent implementation.
-  */
-#include "ddrawUtils.h"
-#include "ddrawObject.h"
-#include "WindowsFlags.h"
-#include "java_awt_DisplayMode.h"
-#include "D3DContext.h"
-extern HINSTANCE                    hLibDDraw; // DDraw Library handle
-#ifdef DEBUG
-void StackTrace() {
-    JNIEnv* env;
-    jvm->AttachCurrentThread((void**)&env, NULL);
-    jclass threadClass = env->FindClass("java/lang/Thread");
-    jmethodID dumpStackMID = env->GetStaticMethodID(threadClass, "dumpStack", "()V");
-    env->CallStaticVoidMethod(threadClass, dumpStackMID);
- * Class DDrawDisplayMode
- */
-DDrawDisplayMode::DDrawDisplayMode() :
-        width(0), height(0), bitDepth(0), refreshRate(0) {}
-DDrawDisplayMode::DDrawDisplayMode(DDrawDisplayMode& rhs) :
-        width(rhs.width), height(rhs.height), bitDepth(rhs.bitDepth),
-        refreshRate(rhs.refreshRate) {}
-DDrawDisplayMode::DDrawDisplayMode(jint w, jint h, jint b, jint r) :
-    width(w), height(h), bitDepth(b), refreshRate(r) {}
-DDrawDisplayMode::~DDrawDisplayMode() {}
- * Class DDraw::EnumDisplayModesParam
- */
-    DDrawDisplayMode::Callback cb, void* ct) : callback(cb), context(ct) {}
-DXObject::EnumDisplayModesParam::~EnumDisplayModesParam() {}
- * DXObject
- * These classes handle operations specific to the DX7 interfaces
- */
-    J2dTraceLn1(J2D_TRACE_INFO, "~DXObject: ddObject = 0x%x", ddObject);
-    ddObject->Release();
-    ddObject = NULL;
-HRESULT DXObject::GetAvailableVidMem(DWORD caps, DWORD *total,
-                                     DWORD *free)
-    DDSCAPS2 ddsCaps;
-    memset(&ddsCaps, 0, sizeof(ddsCaps));
-    ddsCaps.dwCaps = caps;
-    return ddObject->GetAvailableVidMem(&ddsCaps, total, free);
-HRESULT DXObject::CreateSurface(DWORD dwFlags,
-                                DWORD ddsCaps,
-                                DWORD ddsCaps2,
-                                LPDDPIXELFORMAT lpPf,
-                                int width, int height,
-                                DXSurface **lpDDSurface,
-                                int numBackBuffers)
-    IDirectDrawSurface7 *lpSurface;
-    HRESULT ddResult;
-    memset(&ddsd, 0, sizeof(ddsd));
-    ddsd.dwSize = sizeof(ddsd);
-    ddsd.dwFlags = dwFlags;
-    ddsd.ddsCaps.dwCaps = ddsCaps;
-    ddsd.ddsCaps.dwCaps2 = ddsCaps2;
-    ddsd.dwWidth = width;
-    ddsd.dwHeight = height;
-    ddsd.dwBackBufferCount = numBackBuffers;
-    if (lpPf) {
-        memcpy(&ddsd.ddpfPixelFormat, lpPf, sizeof(DDPIXELFORMAT));
-    }
-    ddResult = ddObject->CreateSurface(&ddsd, &lpSurface, NULL);
-    if (ddResult != DD_OK) {
-        DebugPrintDirectDrawError(ddResult, "DXObject::CreateSurface");
-        return ddResult;
-    }
-    *lpDDSurface = new DXSurface(lpSurface);
-    J2dTraceLn3(J2D_TRACE_INFO,
-                "DXObject::CreateSurface: w=%-4d h=%-4d dxSurface=0x%x",
-                width, height, *lpDDSurface);
-    return DD_OK;
-HRESULT DXObject::GetDisplayMode(DDrawDisplayMode &dm)
-    HRESULT ddResult;
-    memset(&ddsd, 0, sizeof(ddsd));
-    ddsd.dwSize = sizeof(ddsd);
-    ddResult = ddObject->GetDisplayMode(&ddsd);
-    dm.width = ddsd.dwWidth;
-    dm.height = ddsd.dwHeight;
-    dm.bitDepth = ddsd.ddpfPixelFormat.dwRGBBitCount;
-    dm.refreshRate = ddsd.dwRefreshRate;
-    return ddResult;
-HRESULT DXObject::EnumDisplayModes(DDrawDisplayMode *dm,
-                                   DDrawDisplayMode::Callback callback,
-                                   void *context)
-    memset(&ddsd, 0, sizeof(ddsd));
-    ddsd.dwSize = sizeof(ddsd);
-    if (dm == NULL) {
-        pDDSD = NULL;
-    } else {
-        ddsd.dwFlags = DDSD_WIDTH | DDSD_HEIGHT;
-        ddsd.dwWidth = dm->width;
-        ddsd.dwHeight = dm->height;
-        ddsd.dwFlags |= DDSD_PIXELFORMAT;
-        ddsd.ddpfPixelFormat.dwFlags = DDPF_RGB;
-        ddsd.ddpfPixelFormat.dwSize = sizeof(DDPIXELFORMAT);
-        // dm->bitDepth could be BIT_DEPTH_MULTI or some other invalid value,
-        // we rely on DirectDraw to reject such mode
-        ddsd.ddpfPixelFormat.dwRGBBitCount = dm->bitDepth;
-        if (dm->refreshRate != java_awt_DisplayMode_REFRESH_RATE_UNKNOWN) {
-            ddsd.dwFlags |= DDSD_REFRESHRATE;
-            ddsd.dwRefreshRate = dm->refreshRate;
-        }
-        pDDSD = &ddsd;
-    }
-    EnumDisplayModesParam param(callback, context);
-    HRESULT ddResult;
-    ddResult = ddObject->EnumDisplayModes(DDEDM_REFRESHRATES, pDDSD,
-                                          &param, EnumCallback);
-    return ddResult;
-HRESULT DXObject::CreateD3DObject(IDirect3D7 **d3dObject)
-    HRESULT ddResult = ddObject->QueryInterface(IID_IDirect3D7,
-                                                (void**)d3dObject);
-    if (FAILED(ddResult)) {
-        DebugPrintDirectDrawError(ddResult,
-                                  "DXObject::CreateD3DObject: "\
-                                  "query Direct3D7 interface failed");
-    }
-    return ddResult;
- * Class DDraw
- */
-DDraw::DDraw(DXObject *dxObject) {
-    J2dTraceLn(J2D_TRACE_INFO, "DDraw::DDraw");
-    lpPrimary = NULL;
-    d3dContext = NULL;
-    deviceUseD3D = useD3D;
-    this->dxObject = dxObject;
-DDraw::~DDraw() {
-    J2dTraceLn(J2D_TRACE_INFO, "DDraw::~DDraw");
-    if (dxObject) {
-        delete dxObject;
-    }
-    if (d3dContext) {
-        delete d3dContext;
-    }
-DDraw *DDraw::CreateDDrawObject(GUID *lpGUID, HMONITOR hMonitor) {
-    J2dTraceLn(J2D_TRACE_INFO, "DDraw::CreateDDrawObject");
-    HRESULT ddResult;
-    DXObject *newDXObject;
-    // First, try to create a DX7 object
-    FnDDCreateExFunc ddCreateEx = NULL;
-    if (getenv("NO_J2D_DX7") == NULL) {
-        ddCreateEx = (FnDDCreateExFunc)
-        ::GetProcAddress(hLibDDraw, "DirectDrawCreateEx");
-    }
-    if (ddCreateEx) {
-        J2dTraceLn(J2D_TRACE_VERBOSE, "  Using DX7");
-        // Success - we are going to use the DX7 interfaces
-        // create ddraw object
-        IDirectDraw7    *ddObject;
-        ddResult = (*ddCreateEx)(lpGUID, (void**)&ddObject, IID_IDirectDraw7, NULL);
-        if (ddResult != DD_OK) {
-            DebugPrintDirectDrawError(ddResult,
-                                      "DDraw::CreateDDrawObject: "\
-                                      "DirectDrawCreateEx failed");
-            return NULL;
-        }
-        ddResult = ddObject->SetCooperativeLevel(NULL,
-                                                 (DDSCL_NORMAL |
-                                                  DDSCL_FPUPRESERVE));
-        if (ddResult != DD_OK) {
-            DebugPrintDirectDrawError(ddResult,
-                                      "DDraw::CreateDDrawObject: Error "\
-                                      "setting cooperative level");
-            return NULL;
-        }
-        newDXObject = new DXObject(ddObject, hMonitor);
-    } else {
-        J2dRlsTraceLn(J2D_TRACE_ERROR,
-                      "DDraw::CreateDDrawObject: No DX7+, ddraw is disabled");
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    return new DDraw(newDXObject);
-BOOL DDraw::GetDDCaps(LPDDCAPS caps) {
-    HRESULT ddResult;
-    memset(caps, 0, sizeof(*caps));
-    caps->dwSize = sizeof(*caps);
-    ddResult = dxObject->GetCaps(caps, NULL);
-    if (ddResult != DD_OK) {
-        DebugPrintDirectDrawError(ddResult,
-                                  "DDraw::GetDDCaps: dxObject->GetCaps failed");
-        return FALSE;
-    }
-    return TRUE;
-HRESULT DDraw::GetDDAvailableVidMem(DWORD *freeMem)
-    DDrawDisplayMode dm;
-    HRESULT ddResult;
-    ddResult = dxObject->GetAvailableVidMem((DDSCAPS_VIDEOMEMORY |
-                                             DDSCAPS_OFFSCREENPLAIN),
-                                            NULL, freeMem);
-    if (*freeMem == 0 || ddResult != DD_OK) {
-        // Need to check it out ourselves: allocate as much as we can
-        // and return that amount
-        DDSURFACEDESC ddsd;
-        ZeroMemory (&ddsd, sizeof(ddsd));
-        ddsd.dwSize = sizeof( ddsd );
-        HRESULT ddr = dxObject->GetDisplayMode(dm);
-        if (ddr != DD_OK)
-            DebugPrintDirectDrawError(ddr,
-                "DDraw::GetDDAvailableVidMem: GetDisplayMode failed");
-        int bytesPerPixel = dm.bitDepth;
-        static int maxSurfaces = 20;
-        DXSurface **lpDDSOffscreenVram = (DXSurface**)
-            safe_Malloc(maxSurfaces*sizeof(DXSurface*));
-        int size = 1024;
-        int numVramSurfaces = 0;
-        int bitsAllocated = 0;
-        BOOL done = FALSE;
-        while (!done) {
-            HRESULT hResult =
-                dxObject->CreateSurface(dwFlags, ddsCaps, NULL, size, size,
-                                        &lpDDSOffscreenVram[numVramSurfaces]);
-            if (hResult != DD_OK) {
-                if (size > 1) {
-                    size >>= 1;
-                } else {
-                    done = TRUE;
-                }
-            } else {
-                *freeMem += size * size * bytesPerPixel;
-                numVramSurfaces++;
-                if (numVramSurfaces == maxSurfaces) {
-                    // Need to reallocate surface holder array
-                    int newMaxSurfaces = 2 * maxSurfaces;
-                    DXSurface **newSurfaceArray = (DXSurface**)
-                        safe_Malloc(maxSurfaces*sizeof(DXSurface*));
-                    for (int i= 0; i < maxSurfaces; ++i) {
-                        newSurfaceArray[i] = lpDDSOffscreenVram[i];
-                    }
-                    free(lpDDSOffscreenVram);
-                    maxSurfaces = newMaxSurfaces;
-                    lpDDSOffscreenVram = newSurfaceArray;
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        // Now release all the surfaces we allocated
-        for (int i = 0; i < numVramSurfaces; ++i) {
-            delete lpDDSOffscreenVram[i];
-        }
-        free(lpDDSOffscreenVram);
-    }
-    return ddResult;
-DDrawSurface* DDraw::CreateDDOffScreenSurface(DWORD width, DWORD height,
-                                              DWORD depth,
-                                              jint transparency,
-                                              DWORD surfaceTypeCaps)
-    HRESULT ddResult;
-    J2dTraceLn(J2D_TRACE_INFO, "DDraw::CreateDDOffScreenSurface");
-    DXSurface *dxSurface;
-    DWORD dwFlags, ddsCaps;
-    // Create the offscreen surface
-    switch (transparency) {
-    case TR_BITMASK:
-        J2dTraceLn(J2D_TRACE_VERBOSE, "  bitmask surface");
-        dwFlags |= DDSD_CKSRCBLT;
-        /*FALLTHROUGH*/
-    case TR_OPAQUE:
-        ddsCaps = DDSCAPS_OFFSCREENPLAIN | surfaceTypeCaps;
-    }
-    J2dTraceLn1(J2D_TRACE_VERBOSE, "  creating %s surface",
-                (transparency == TR_BITMASK ? "bitmask" : "opaque"));
-    DDrawSurface* ret = NULL;
-    if (dxObject) {
-        ddResult = dxObject->CreateSurface(dwFlags, ddsCaps,
-                                           NULL /*texture pixel format*/,
-                                           width, height, &dxSurface);
-        if (ddResult == DD_OK) {
-            ret = new DDrawSurface(this, dxSurface);
-        } else {
-            DebugPrintDirectDrawError(ddResult,
-                                      "DDraw::CreateDDOffScreenSurface: "\
-                                      "dxObject->CreateSurface failed");
-        }
-    }
-    return ret;
-DDrawSurface* DDraw::CreateDDPrimarySurface(DWORD backBufferCount)
-    HRESULT ddResult;
-    DXSurface *dxSurface;
-    DWORD dwFlags, ddsCaps;
-    memset(&ddsd, 0, sizeof(ddsd));
-    ddsd.dwSize = sizeof(DDSURFACEDESC);
-    J2dRlsTraceLn1(J2D_TRACE_INFO,
-                   "DDraw::CreateDDPrimarySurface: back-buffers=%d",
-                   backBufferCount);
-    // create primary surface. There is one of these per ddraw object
-    dwFlags = DDSD_CAPS;
-    if (backBufferCount > 0) {
-        dwFlags |= DDSD_BACKBUFFERCOUNT;
-        ddsCaps |= (DDSCAPS_FLIP | DDSCAPS_COMPLEX);
-        // this is required to be able to use d3d for rendering to
-        // a backbuffer
-        if (deviceUseD3D) {
-            ddsCaps |= DDSCAPS_3DDEVICE;
-        }
-    }
-    DDrawSurface* ret;
-    if (lpPrimary) {
-        lpPrimary->GetExclusiveAccess();
-        // REMIND: it looks like we need to release
-        // d3d resources associated with this
-        // surface prior to releasing the dd surfaces;
-        ReleaseD3DContext();
-        ddResult = lpPrimary->ReleaseSurface();
-        if (ddResult != DD_OK) {
-            DebugPrintDirectDrawError(ddResult,
-                "DDraw::CreateDDPrimarySurface: failed releasing old primary");
-        }
-        lpPrimary->dxSurface = NULL;
-    }
-    if (dxObject) {
-        ddResult = dxObject->CreateSurface(dwFlags, ddsCaps, &dxSurface,
-                                           backBufferCount);
-    } else {
-        if (lpPrimary) {
-            lpPrimary->ReleaseExclusiveAccess();
-        }
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    if (ddResult != DD_OK) {
-        DebugPrintDirectDrawError(ddResult,
-                                  "DDraw::CreateDDPrimarySurface: "\
-                                  "CreateSurface failed");
-        if (lpPrimary) {
-            lpPrimary->ReleaseExclusiveAccess();
-        }
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    if (lpPrimary) {
-        lpPrimary->SetNewSurface(dxSurface);
-        lpPrimary->ReleaseExclusiveAccess();
-    } else {
-        lpPrimary = new DDrawPrimarySurface(this, dxSurface);
-    }
-    // The D3D context will be initialized when it's requested
-    // by the D3DContext java class (see D3DContext.cpp:initNativeContext).
-    ret = lpPrimary;
-    J2dTraceLn1(J2D_TRACE_VERBOSE,
-                "DDraw::CreateDDPrimarySurface new primary=0x%x", ret);
-    return ret;
-    J2dTraceLn(J2D_TRACE_INFO, "DDraw::InitD3DContext");
-    // note: the first time the context initialization fails,
-    // deviceUseD3D is set to FALSE, and we never attempt to
-    // initialize it again later.
-    // For example, if the app switches to a display mode where
-    // d3d is not supported, we disable d3d, but it stays disabled
-    // even when we switch back to a supported mode
-    if (deviceUseD3D) {
-        if (d3dContext == NULL) {
-            d3dContext = D3DContext::CreateD3DContext(this, dxObject);
-        } else {
-            d3dContext->CreateD3DDevice();
-        }
-    }
-    J2dTraceLn(J2D_TRACE_INFO, "DDraw::ReleaseD3DContext");
-    if (d3dContext != NULL) {
-        d3dContext->Release3DDevice();
-    }
-DDrawClipper* DDraw::CreateDDClipper() {
-    HRESULT ddResult;
-    J2dTraceLn(J2D_TRACE_INFO, "DDraw::CreateDDClipper");
-    ddResult = dxObject->CreateClipper(0, &pClipper);
-    if (ddResult != DD_OK) {
-        DebugPrintDirectDrawError(ddResult, "DDraw::CreateDDClipper");
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    return new DDrawClipper(pClipper);
-BOOL DDraw::GetDDDisplayMode(DDrawDisplayMode& dm) {
-    HRESULT ddResult;
-    ddResult = dxObject->GetDisplayMode(dm);
-    if (ddResult != DD_OK) {
-        DebugPrintDirectDrawError(ddResult, "GetDDDisplayMode");
-        return FALSE;
-    }
-    return TRUE;
-HRESULT DDraw::SetDDDisplayMode(DDrawDisplayMode& dm) {
-    J2dTraceLn4(J2D_TRACE_INFO, "DDraw::SetDisplayMode %dx%dx%d, %d",
-                dm.width, dm.height, dm.bitDepth, dm.refreshRate);
-    HRESULT ddResult;
-    // Sleep so that someone can't programatically set the display mode
-    // multiple times very quickly and accidentally crash the driver
-    static DWORD prevTime = 0;
-    DWORD currTime = ::GetTickCount();
-    DWORD timeDiff = (currTime - prevTime);
-    if (timeDiff < 500) {
-        ::Sleep(500 - timeDiff);
-    }
-    prevTime = currTime;
-    ddResult = dxObject->SetDisplayMode(dm.width, dm.height, dm.bitDepth,
-                                        dm.refreshRate);
-    return ddResult;
- * Private callback used by EnumDisplayModes
- */
-    void* pContext)
-    EnumDisplayModesParam* pParam =
-        (EnumDisplayModesParam*)pContext;
-    DDrawDisplayMode::Callback callback = pParam->callback;
-    void* context = pParam->context;
-    DDrawDisplayMode displayMode(pDDSD->dwWidth, pDDSD->dwHeight,
-        pDDSD->ddpfPixelFormat.dwRGBBitCount, pDDSD->dwRefreshRate);
-    (*callback)(displayMode, context);
-    return DDENUMRET_OK;
-BOOL DDraw::EnumDDDisplayModes(DDrawDisplayMode* constraint,
-    DDrawDisplayMode::Callback callback, void* context)
-    HRESULT ddResult;
-    ddResult = dxObject->EnumDisplayModes(constraint, callback, context);
-    if (ddResult != DD_OK) {
-        DebugPrintDirectDrawError(ddResult, "DDraw::EnumDisplayModes");
-        return FALSE;
-    }
-    return TRUE;
-BOOL DDraw::RestoreDDDisplayMode() {
-    HRESULT ddResult;
-    J2dTraceLn(J2D_TRACE_INFO, "DDraw::RestoreDDDisplayMode");
-    ddResult = dxObject->RestoreDisplayMode();
-    if (ddResult != DD_OK) {
-        DebugPrintDirectDrawError(ddResult, "DDraw::RestoreDDDisplayMode");
-        return FALSE;
-    }
-    return TRUE;
-HRESULT DDraw::SetCooperativeLevel(HWND hwnd, DWORD dwFlags)
-    HRESULT ddResult;
-    J2dTraceLn(J2D_TRACE_INFO, "DDraw::SetCooperativeLevel");
-    ddResult = dxObject->SetCooperativeLevel(hwnd, dwFlags);
-    /* On some hardware (Radeon 7500 and GeForce2), attempting
-     * to use the d3d device created prior to running FS|EX
-     * may cause a system crash.  A workaround is to restore
-     * the primary surface and recreate the
-     * 3d device on the restored surface.
-     */
-    if ((ddResult == DD_OK) && lpPrimary && d3dContext) {
-        lpPrimary->GetExclusiveAccess();
-        if (lpPrimary->IsLost() != DD_OK) {
-            // Only bother with workaround if the primary has been lost
-            // Note that this call may fail with DDERR_WRONGMODE if
-            // the surface was created in a different mode, but we
-            // do not want to propagate this (non-fatal) error.
-            HRESULT res = lpPrimary->Restore();
-            if (FAILED(res)) {
-                DebugPrintDirectDrawError(res,
-                                          "DDraw::SetCooperativeLevel:"
-                                          " lpPrimary->Restore() failed");
-            }
-        }
-        lpPrimary->ReleaseExclusiveAccess();
-    }
-    return ddResult;
-DXSurface::DXSurface(IDirectDrawSurface7 *lpSurface)
-    J2dTraceLn(J2D_TRACE_INFO, "DXSurface::DXSurface");
-    this->lpSurface = lpSurface;
-    this->versionID = VERSION_DX7;
-    this->depthBuffer = NULL;
-    memset(&ddsd, 0, sizeof(ddsd));
-    ddsd.dwSize = sizeof(ddsd);
-    lpSurface->GetSurfaceDesc(&ddsd);
-    width = ddsd.dwWidth;
-    height = ddsd.dwHeight;
-HRESULT DXSurface::Restore() {
-    J2dTraceLn(J2D_TRACE_INFO, "DXSurface::Restore");
-    HRESULT resDepth = D3D_OK, resSurface;
-    if (depthBuffer != NULL) {
-        J2dTraceLn(J2D_TRACE_VERBOSE, "  restoring depth buffer");
-        resDepth = depthBuffer->Restore();
-    }
-    // If this is an attached backbuffer surface, we should not
-    // restore it explicitly, as it will be restored implicitly with the
-    // primary surface's restoration. But we did need to restore the
-    // depth buffer, because it won't be restored with the primary.
-    if ((ddsd.ddsCaps.dwCaps & DDSCAPS_BACKBUFFER) != 0) {
-        return resDepth;
-    }
-    resSurface = lpSurface->Restore();
-    return FAILED(resDepth) ? resDepth : resSurface;
-HRESULT DXSurface::Lock(RECT *lockRect, SurfaceDataRasInfo *pRasInfo,
-                         DWORD dwFlags, HANDLE hEvent)
-    J2dTraceLn(J2D_TRACE_INFO, "DXSurface::Lock");
-    HRESULT retValue = lpSurface->Lock(lockRect, &ddsd, dwFlags, hEvent);
-    if (SUCCEEDED(retValue) && pRasInfo) {
-        // Someone might call Lock() just to synchronize, in which case
-        // they don't care about the result and pass in NULL for pRasInfo
-        pRasInfo->pixelStride = ddsd.ddpfPixelFormat.dwRGBBitCount / 8;
-        pRasInfo->pixelBitOffset = ddsd.ddpfPixelFormat.dwRGBBitCount & 7;
-        pRasInfo->scanStride = ddsd.lPitch;
-        pRasInfo->rasBase = (void *) ddsd.lpSurface;
-    }
-    return retValue;
-HRESULT DXSurface::AttachDepthBuffer(DXObject *dxObject,
-                                     BOOL bAccelerated,
-                                     DDPIXELFORMAT *pddpf)
-    HRESULT res;
-    J2dTraceLn(J2D_TRACE_INFO, "DXSurface::AttachDepthBuffer");
-    J2dTraceLn1(J2D_TRACE_VERBOSE, "  bAccelerated=%d", bAccelerated);
-    // we already have a depth buffer
-    if (depthBuffer != NULL) {
-        J2dTraceLn(J2D_TRACE_VERBOSE,
-                   "  depth buffer already created");
-        // we don't want to restore the depth buffer
-        // here if it was lost, it will be restored when
-        // the surface is restored.
-        if (FAILED(res = depthBuffer->IsLost())) {
-            J2dTraceLn(J2D_TRACE_WARNING,
-                       "DXSurface::AttachDepthBuffer: depth buffer is lost");
-        }
-        return res;
-    }
-    if (bAccelerated) {
-        caps |= DDSCAPS_VIDEOMEMORY;
-    } else {
-        caps |= DDSCAPS_SYSTEMMEMORY;
-    }
-    if (SUCCEEDED(res =
-                  dxObject->CreateSurface(flags, caps, pddpf,
-                                          GetWidth(), GetHeight(),
-                                          (DXSurface **)&depthBuffer, 0)))
-    {
-        if (FAILED(res =
-                   lpSurface->AddAttachedSurface(depthBuffer->GetDDSurface())))
-        {
-            DebugPrintDirectDrawError(res, "DXSurface::AttachDepthBuffer: "\
-                                      "failed to attach depth buffer");
-            depthBuffer->Release();
-            delete depthBuffer;
-            depthBuffer = NULL;
-        }
-        return res;
-    }
-    DebugPrintDirectDrawError(res, "DXSurface::AttachDepthBuffer: "\
-                              "depth buffer creation failed");
-    return res;
-HRESULT DXSurface::GetAttachedSurface(DWORD dwCaps, DXSurface **bbSurface)
-    J2dTraceLn(J2D_TRACE_INFO, "DXSurface::GetAttachedSurface");
-    IDirectDrawSurface7 *lpDDSBack;
-    HRESULT retValue;
-    DDSCAPS2 ddsCaps;
-    memset(&ddsCaps, 0, sizeof(ddsCaps));
-    ddsCaps.dwCaps = dwCaps;
-    retValue = lpSurface->GetAttachedSurface(&ddsCaps, &lpDDSBack);
-    if (retValue == DD_OK) {
-        *bbSurface = new DXSurface(lpDDSBack);
-    }
-    return retValue;
-HRESULT DXSurface::SetClipper(DDrawClipper *pClipper)
-    J2dTraceLn(J2D_TRACE_INFO, "DXSurface::SetClipper");
-    // A NULL pClipper is valid; it means we want no clipper
-    // on this surface
-    IDirectDrawClipper *actualClipper = pClipper ?
-                                        pClipper->GetClipper() :
-                                        NULL;
-    // Calling SetClipper(NULL) on a surface that currently does
-    // not have a clipper can cause a crash on some devices
-    // (e.g., Matrox G400), so only call SetClipper(NULL) if
-    // there is currently a non-NULL clipper set on this surface.
-    if (actualClipper || clipperSet) {
-        clipperSet = (actualClipper != NULL);
-        return lpSurface->SetClipper(actualClipper);
-    }
-    return DD_OK;
-int DXSurface::GetSurfaceDepth()
-    if (FAILED(lpSurface->GetSurfaceDesc(&ddsd))) {
-        // Failure: return 0 as an error indication
-        return 0;
-    }
-    return ddsd.ddpfPixelFormat.dwRGBBitCount;
- * Class DDrawSurface
- *
- * This class handles all operations on DirectDraw surfaces.
- * Mostly, it is a wrapper for the standard ddraw operations on
- * surfaces, but it also provides some additional functionality.
- * There is a surfaceLock CriticalSection associated with every
- * DDrawSurface which is used to make each instance MT-safe.
- * In general, ddraw itself is MT-safe, but we need to ensure
- * that accesses to our internal variables are MT-safe as well.
- * For example, we may need to recreate the primary surface
- * (during a display-mode-set operation) or release a ddraw
- * surface (due to a call to GraphicsDevice.flush()). The surfaceLock
- * enables us to do these operations without putting other threads
- * in danger of dereferencing garbage memory.
- *
- * If a surface has been released but other threads are still
- * using it, most methods simply return DD_OK and the calling
- * thread can go about its business without worrying about the
- * failure.  Some methods (Lock and GetDC) return an error
- * code so that the caller does not base further operations on
- * an unsuccessful lock call.
- */
-    surfaceLock = new DDCriticalSection(this);
-    //d3dObject = NULL;
-DDrawSurface::DDrawSurface(DDraw *ddObject, DXSurface *dxSurface)
-    surfaceLock = new DDCriticalSection(this);
-    CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER(*surfaceLock);
-    this->ddObject = ddObject;
-    this->dxSurface = dxSurface;
-    J2dTraceLn1(J2D_TRACE_INFO,
-                "DDrawSurface::DDrawSurface: dxSurface=0x%x", dxSurface);
-    CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(*surfaceLock);
-    ReleaseSurface();
-    delete surfaceLock;
- * This function can only be called when the caller has exclusive
- * access to the DDrawSurface object.  This is done because some
- * surfaces (e.g., the primary surface) must be released before a
- * new one can be created and the surfaceLock must be held during
- * the entire process so that no other thread can access the
- * lpSurface before the process is complete.
- */
-void DDrawSurface::SetNewSurface(DXSurface *dxSurface)
-    this->dxSurface = dxSurface;
-HRESULT DDrawSurface::ReleaseSurface() {
-    CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER(*surfaceLock);
-    if (!dxSurface) {
-        CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(*surfaceLock);
-        return DD_OK;
-    }
-    J2dTraceLn1(J2D_TRACE_INFO,
-                "DDrawSurface::ReleaseSurface: dxSurface=0x%x", dxSurface);
-    FlushD3DContext();
-    HRESULT retValue = dxSurface->Release();
-    dxSurface = NULL;
-    CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(*surfaceLock);
-    return retValue;
-HRESULT DDrawSurface::SetClipper(DDrawClipper* pClipper) {
-    CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER(*surfaceLock);
-    J2dTraceLn1(J2D_TRACE_INFO,
-                "DDrawSurface::SetClipper: dxSurface=0x%x", dxSurface);
-    if (!dxSurface) {
-        CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(*surfaceLock);
-        return DD_OK;
-    }
-    HRESULT retValue = dxSurface->SetClipper(pClipper);
-    CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(*surfaceLock);
-    return retValue;
-HRESULT DDrawSurface::SetColorKey(DWORD dwFlags, LPDDCOLORKEY lpDDColorKey) {
-    CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER(*surfaceLock);
-    J2dTraceLn1(J2D_TRACE_INFO,
-                "DDrawSurface::SetColorKey: dxSurface=0x%x", dxSurface);
-    if (!dxSurface) {
-        CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(*surfaceLock);
-        return DD_OK;
-    }
-    HRESULT retValue = dxSurface->SetColorKey(dwFlags, lpDDColorKey);
-    CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(*surfaceLock);
-    return retValue;
-HRESULT DDrawSurface::GetColorKey(DWORD dwFlags, LPDDCOLORKEY lpDDColorKey) {
-    CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER(*surfaceLock);
-    J2dTraceLn1(J2D_TRACE_INFO,
-                "DDrawSurface::GetColorKey: dxSurface=0x%x", dxSurface);
-    if (!dxSurface) {
-        CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(*surfaceLock);
-        return DDERR_NOCOLORKEY;
-    }
-    HRESULT retValue = dxSurface->GetColorKey(dwFlags, lpDDColorKey);
-    CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(*surfaceLock);
-    return retValue;
- * NOTE: This function takes the surfaceLock critical section, but
- * does not release that lock. The
- * Unlock method for this surface MUST be called before anything
- * else can happen on the surface.  This is necessary to prevent the
- * surface from being released or recreated while it is being used.
- * See also Unlock(), GetDC(), and ReleaseDC().
- */
-HRESULT DDrawSurface::Lock(LPRECT lockRect, SurfaceDataRasInfo *pRasInfo,
-    DWORD dwFlags, HANDLE hEvent) {
-    CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER(*surfaceLock);
-    J2dTraceLn1(J2D_TRACE_INFO,
-                "DDrawSurface::Lock: dxSurface=0x%x", dxSurface);
-    if (!dxSurface) {
-        CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(*surfaceLock);
-        // Return error here so that caller does not assume
-        // lock worked and perform operations on garbage data
-        // based on that assumption
-        return DDERR_INVALIDOBJECT;
-    }
-    FlushD3DContext();
-    HRESULT retValue = dxSurface->Lock(lockRect, pRasInfo, dwFlags, hEvent);
-    if (retValue != DD_OK) {
-        // Failure should release CriticalSection: either the lock will
-        // be attempted again (e.g., DDERR_SURFACEBUSY) or the lock
-        // failed and DDUnlock will not be called.
-        CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(*surfaceLock);
-    }
-    return retValue;
-HRESULT DDrawSurface::Unlock(LPRECT lockRect) {
-    J2dTraceLn1(J2D_TRACE_INFO,
-                "DDrawSurface::Unlock: dxSurface=0x%x", dxSurface);
-    if (!dxSurface) {
-        CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(*surfaceLock);
-        return DD_OK;
-    }
-    HRESULT retValue = dxSurface->Unlock(lockRect);
-    if (retValue != DD_OK && lockRect) {
-        // Strange and undocumented bug using pre-DX7 interface;
-        // for some reason unlocking the same rectangle as we
-        // locked returns a DDERR_NOTLOCKED error, but unlocking
-        // NULL (the entire surface) seems to work instead.  It is
-        // as if Lock(&rect) actually performs Lock(NULL) implicitly,
-        // thus causing Unlock(&rect) to fail but Unlock(NULL) to
-        // succeed.  Trap this error specifically and try the workaround
-        // of attempting to unlock the whole surface instead.
-        retValue = dxSurface->Unlock(NULL);
-    }
-    CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(*surfaceLock);
-    return retValue;
-HRESULT DDrawSurface::Blt(LPRECT destRect, DDrawSurface* pSrc,
-    LPRECT srcRect, DWORD dwFlags, LPDDBLTFX lpDDBltFx) {
-    DXSurface *dxSrcSurface = NULL;
-    CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER(*surfaceLock);
-    J2dTraceLn1(J2D_TRACE_INFO,
-                "DDrawSurface::Blt: dxSurface=0x%x", dxSurface);
-    if (!dxSurface) {
-        CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(*surfaceLock);
-        return DD_OK;
-    }
-    if (pSrc) {
-        pSrc->GetExclusiveAccess();
-        dxSrcSurface = pSrc->dxSurface;
-        if (!dxSrcSurface || (dxSrcSurface->IsLost() != DD_OK)) {
-            // If no src surface, then surface must have been released
-            // by some other thread.  If src is lost, then we should not
-            // attempt this operation (causes a crash on some framebuffers).
-            // Return SURFACELOST error in IsLost() case to force surface
-            // restoration as necessary.
-            HRESULT retError;
-            if (!dxSrcSurface) {
-                retError = DD_OK;
-            } else {
-                retError = DDERR_SURFACELOST;
-            }
-            pSrc->ReleaseExclusiveAccess();
-            CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(*surfaceLock);
-            return retError;
-        }
-        pSrc->FlushD3DContext();
-    }
-    FlushD3DContext();
-    HRESULT retValue = dxSurface->Blt(destRect, dxSrcSurface, srcRect, dwFlags,
-                                      lpDDBltFx);
-    if (pSrc) {
-        pSrc->ReleaseExclusiveAccess();
-    }
-    CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(*surfaceLock);
-    return retValue;
-void DDrawSurface::FlushD3DContext(BOOL bForce) {
-    D3DContext *d3dContext = ddObject->GetD3dContext();
-    if (d3dContext) {
-        d3dContext->FlushD3DQueueForTarget(bForce ? NULL : this);
-    }
-HRESULT DDrawSurface::Flip(DDrawSurface* pDest, DWORD dwFlags) {
-    J2dTraceLn2(J2D_TRACE_INFO, "DDrawSurface::Flip this=0x%x pDest=0x%x",
-                this, pDest);
-    CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER(*surfaceLock);
-    if (!dxSurface) {
-        CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(*surfaceLock);
-        return DD_OK;
-    }
-    pDest->GetExclusiveAccess();
-    if (!pDest->dxSurface) {
-        pDest->ReleaseExclusiveAccess();
-        CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(*surfaceLock);
-        return DD_OK;
-    }
-    // Flush the queue unconditionally
-    FlushD3DContext(TRUE);
-    HRESULT retValue = dxSurface->Flip(dwFlags);
-    pDest->ReleaseExclusiveAccess();
-    CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(*surfaceLock);
-    return retValue;
-HRESULT DDrawSurface::IsLost() {
-    CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER(*surfaceLock);
-    J2dTraceLn1(J2D_TRACE_INFO,
-                "DDrawSurface::IsLost: dxSurface=0x%x", dxSurface);
-    if (!dxSurface) {
-        CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(*surfaceLock);
-        return DD_OK;
-    }
-    HRESULT retValue = dxSurface->IsLost();
-    CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(*surfaceLock);
-    return retValue;
-HRESULT DDrawSurface::Restore() {
-    CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER(*surfaceLock);
-    J2dTraceLn1(J2D_TRACE_INFO,
-                "DDrawSurface::Restore: dxSurface=0x%x", dxSurface);
-    if (!dxSurface) {
-        CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(*surfaceLock);
-        return DD_OK;
-    }
-    FlushD3DContext();
-    HRESULT retValue = dxSurface->Restore();
-    CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(*surfaceLock);
-    return retValue;
- * Returns the bit depth of the ddraw surface
- */
-int DDrawSurface::GetSurfaceDepth() {
-    int retValue = 0; // default value; 0 indicates some problem getting depth
-    CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER(*surfaceLock);
-    if (dxSurface) {
-        retValue = dxSurface->GetSurfaceDepth();
-    }
-    CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(*surfaceLock);
-    return retValue;
- * As in Lock(), above, we grab the surfaceLock in this function,
- * but do not release it until ReleaseDC() is called.  This is because
- * these functions must be called as a pair (they take a lock on
- * the surface inside the ddraw runtime) and the surface should not
- * be released or recreated while the DC is held.  The caveat is that
- * a failure in this method causes us to release the surfaceLock here
- * because we will not (and should not) call ReleaseDC if we are returning
- * an error from GetDC.
- */
-HRESULT DDrawSurface::GetDC(HDC *pHDC) {
-    *pHDC = (HDC)NULL;
-    CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER(*surfaceLock);
-    J2dTraceLn1(J2D_TRACE_INFO,
-                "DDrawSurface::GetDC: dxSurface=0x%x", dxSurface);
-    if (!dxSurface) {
-        CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(*surfaceLock);
-        return DDERR_GENERIC;
-    }
-    FlushD3DContext();
-    HRESULT ddResult = dxSurface->GetDC(pHDC);
-    if (ddResult != DD_OK) {
-        DebugPrintDirectDrawError(ddResult, "DDrawSurface::GetDC");
-        if (*pHDC != (HDC)NULL) {
-            // Probably cannot reach here; we got an error
-            // but we also got a valid hDC.  Release it and
-            // return NULL.  Note that releasing the DC also
-            // releases the surfaceLock so we do not duplicate
-            // that here
-            ReleaseDC(*pHDC);
-            *pHDC = (HDC)NULL;
-        } else {
-            CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(*surfaceLock);
-        }
-    }
-    return ddResult;
-HRESULT DDrawSurface::ReleaseDC(HDC hDC) {
-    J2dTraceLn1(J2D_TRACE_INFO,
-                "DDrawSurface::ReleaseDC: dxSurface=0x%x", dxSurface);
-    if (!hDC) {
-        // We should not get here, but just in case we need to trap this
-        // situation and simply noop.  Note that we do not release the
-        // surfaceLock because we already released it when we failed to
-        // get the HDC in the first place in GetDC
-        J2dRlsTraceLn(J2D_TRACE_ERROR, "DDrawSurface::ReleaseDC: Null "\
-                      "HDC received in ReleaseDC");
-        return DD_OK;
-    }
-    if (!dxSurface) {
-        CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(*surfaceLock);
-        return DD_OK;
-    }
-    HRESULT retValue = dxSurface->ReleaseDC(hDC);
-    CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(*surfaceLock);
-    return retValue;
- * Class DDrawPrimarySurface
- * This sublcass of DDrawSurface handles primary-specific
- * functionality.  In particular, the primary can have a
- * back buffer associated with it; DDrawPrimarySurface holds
- * the reference to that shared resource.
- */
-DDrawPrimarySurface::DDrawPrimarySurface() : DDrawSurface()
-    bbHolder = NULL;
-DDrawPrimarySurface::DDrawPrimarySurface(DDraw *ddObject,
-                                         DXSurface *dxSurface) :
-    DDrawSurface(ddObject, dxSurface)
-    bbHolder = NULL;
-DDrawPrimarySurface::~DDrawPrimarySurface() {
-HRESULT DDrawPrimarySurface::ReleaseSurface() {
-    J2dTraceLn(J2D_TRACE_INFO, "DDrawPrimarySurface::ReleaseSurface");
-    if (bbHolder) {
-        delete bbHolder;
-        bbHolder = NULL;
-    }
-    return DDrawSurface::ReleaseSurface();
-void DDrawPrimarySurface::SetNewSurface(DXSurface *dxSurface)
-    J2dTraceLn(J2D_TRACE_INFO, "DDrawPrimarySurface::SetNewSurface");
-    if (bbHolder) {
-        delete bbHolder;
-        bbHolder = NULL;
-    }
-    DDrawSurface::SetNewSurface(dxSurface);
-DDrawSurface* DDrawPrimarySurface::GetDDAttachedSurface(DWORD caps) {
-    J2dTraceLn(J2D_TRACE_INFO, "DDrawPrimarySurface::GetDDAttachedSurface");
-    if (!bbHolder) {
-        HRESULT ddResult;
-        DWORD dwCaps;
-        if (caps == 0) {
-            dwCaps = DDSCAPS_BACKBUFFER;
-        } else {
-            dwCaps = caps;
-        }
-        DXSurface *dxSurfaceBB;
-        CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER(*surfaceLock);
-        if (!dxSurface) {
-            CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(*surfaceLock);
-            return NULL;
-        }
-        ddResult = dxSurface->GetAttachedSurface(dwCaps, &dxSurfaceBB);
-        CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(*surfaceLock);
-        if (ddResult != DD_OK) {
-            DebugPrintDirectDrawError(ddResult,
-                "DDrawPrimarySurface::GetDDAttachedSurface failed");
-            return NULL;
-        }
-        bbHolder = new BackBufferHolder(dxSurfaceBB);
-    }
-    return new DDrawBackBufferSurface(ddObject, bbHolder);
- * Primary restoration is different from non-primary because
- * of the d3dContext object.  There is a bug (4754180) on some
- * configurations (including Radeon and GeForce2) where using
- * the d3dDevice associated with a primary that is either lost
- * or has been restored can crash the system.  The solution is
- * to force a primary restoration at the appropriate time and
- * to recreate the d3d device associated with that primary.
- */
-HRESULT DDrawPrimarySurface::Restore() {
-    J2dTraceLn(J2D_TRACE_INFO, "DDrawPrimarySurface::Restore");
-    AwtToolkit::GetInstance().SendMessage(WM_AWT_D3D_RELEASE_DEVICE,
-                                          (WPARAM)ddObject, NULL);
-    J2dTraceLn(J2D_TRACE_VERBOSE, "  Restoring primary surface");
-    HRESULT res = DDrawSurface::Restore();
-    if (SUCCEEDED(res) && bbHolder != NULL) {
-        res = bbHolder->RestoreDepthBuffer();
-    }
-    return res;
- * Class DDrawBackBufferSurface
- * This subclass handles functionality that is specific to
- * the back buffer surface.  The back buffer is a different
- * type of surface than a typical ddraw surface; it is
- * created by the primary surface and restored/released
- * implicitly by similar operations on the primary.
- * There is only one back buffer per primary, so each
- * DDrawBackBufferSurface object which refers to that object
- * shares the reference to it.  In order to appropriately
- * share this resource (both avoid creating too many objects
- * and avoid leaking those that we create), we use the
- * BackBufferHolder structure to contain the single ddraw
- * surface and register ourselves with that object.  This
- * allows us to have multi-threaded access to the back buffer
- * because if it was somehow deleted by another thread while we
- * are still using it, then the reference to our lpSurface will
- * be nulled-out for us and we will noop operations on that
- * surface (instead of crashing due to dereferencing a released
- * resource).
- */
-DDrawBackBufferSurface::DDrawBackBufferSurface() : DDrawSurface() {
-DDrawBackBufferSurface::DDrawBackBufferSurface(DDraw *ddObject,
-                                               BackBufferHolder *holder) :
-    DDrawSurface(ddObject, holder->GetBackBufferSurface())
-    J2dTraceLn(J2D_TRACE_INFO,
-               "DDrawBackBufferSurface::DDrawBackBufferSurface");
-    CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER(*surfaceLock);
-    // Register ourselves with the back buffer container.
-    // This means that we will be updated by that container
-    // if the back buffer goes away.
-    bbHolder = holder;
-    bbHolder->Add(this);
-    CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(*surfaceLock);
- * This destructor removes us from the list of back buffers
- * that hold pointers to the one true back buffer.  It also
- * nulls-out references to the ddraw and d3d objects to make
- * sure that our parent class does not attempt to release
- * those objects.
- */
-DDrawBackBufferSurface::~DDrawBackBufferSurface() {
-    J2dTraceLn(J2D_TRACE_INFO,
-               "DDrawBackBufferSurface::~DDrawBackBufferSurface");
-    CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER(*surfaceLock);
-    if (bbHolder) {
-        // Tell the back buffer container that we are no
-        // longer alive; otherwise it will try to update
-        // us when the back buffer dies.
-        bbHolder->Remove(this);
-    }
-    CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(*surfaceLock);
-    // Note: our parent class destructor also calls ReleaseSurface,
-    // but a function called within a destructor calls only the local
-    // version, not the overridden version.  So we first call our
-    // overridden ReleaseSurface to make sure our variables are nulled-out
-    // before calling the superclass which will attempt to release
-    // non-null objects.
-    ReleaseSurface();
- * Note that in this subclass' version of ReleaseSurface
- * we merely null-out the references to our objects.
- * They are shared resources and will be deleted elsewhere.
- */
-HRESULT DDrawBackBufferSurface::ReleaseSurface() {
-    J2dTraceLn(J2D_TRACE_INFO, "DDrawBackBufferSurface::ReleaseSurface");
-    CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER(*surfaceLock);
-    bbHolder = NULL;
-    dxSurface = NULL;
-    CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(*surfaceLock);
-    return DD_OK;
- * Class BackBufferHolder
- * This class holds the real ddraw/d3d back buffer surfaces.
- * It also contains a list of everyone that is currently
- * sharing those resources.  When the back buffer goes away
- * due to the primary being released or deleted), then
- * we tell everyone on the list that the back buffer is
- * gone (by nulling out their references to that object)
- * and thus avoid dereferencing a released resource.
- */
-BackBufferHolder::BackBufferHolder(DXSurface *backBuffer)
-    this->backBuffer = backBuffer;
-    bbList = NULL;
- * The back buffer is going away; iterate through our
- * list and tell all of those objects that information.
- * Then go ahead and actually release the back buffer's
- * resources.
- */
-    bbLock.Enter();
-    BackBufferList *bbListPtr = bbList;
-    while (bbListPtr) {
-        bbListPtr->backBuffer->ReleaseSurface();
-        BackBufferList *bbTmp = bbListPtr;
-        bbListPtr = bbListPtr->next;
-        delete bbTmp;
-    }
-    // Note: don't release the ddraw surface; this is
-    // done implicitly through releasing the primary
-    //if (backBuffer3D) {
-        //backBuffer3D->Release();
-    //}
-    bbLock.Leave();
- * Add a new client to the list of objects sharing the
- * back buffer.
- */
-void BackBufferHolder::Add(DDrawBackBufferSurface *surf)
-    bbLock.Enter();
-    BackBufferList *bbTmp = new BackBufferList;
-    bbTmp->next = bbList;
-    bbTmp->backBuffer = surf;
-    bbList = bbTmp;
-    bbLock.Leave();
- * Remove a client from the sharing list.  This happens when
- * a client is deleted; we need to remove it from the list
- * so that we do not later go to update a defunct client
- * in the ~BackBufferHolder() destructor.
- */
-void BackBufferHolder::Remove(DDrawBackBufferSurface *surf)
-    bbLock.Enter();
-    BackBufferList *bbListPtr = bbList;
-    BackBufferList *bbListPtrPrev = NULL;
-    while (bbListPtr) {
-        if (bbListPtr->backBuffer == surf) {
-            BackBufferList *bbTmp = bbListPtr;
-            if (!bbListPtrPrev) {
-                bbList = bbListPtr->next;
-            } else {
-                bbListPtrPrev->next = bbTmp->next;
-            }
-            delete bbTmp;
-            break;
-        }
-        bbListPtrPrev = bbListPtr;
-        bbListPtr = bbListPtr->next;
-    }
-    bbLock.Leave();
-HRESULT BackBufferHolder::RestoreDepthBuffer() {
-    J2dTraceLn(J2D_TRACE_INFO,
-               "BackBufferHolder::RestoreDepthBuffer");
-    if (backBuffer != NULL) {
-        // this restores the depth-buffer attached
-        // to the back-buffer. The back-buffer itself is restored
-        // when the primary surface is restored, but the depth buffer
-        // needs to be restored manually.
-        return backBuffer->Restore();
-    } else {
-        return D3D_OK;
-    }
- * Class DDrawClipper
- */
-DDrawClipper::DDrawClipper(LPDIRECTDRAWCLIPPER clipper) : lpClipper(clipper) {}
-    if (lpClipper) {
-        lpClipper->Release();
-    }
-HRESULT DDrawClipper::SetHWnd(DWORD dwFlags, HWND hwnd)
-    return lpClipper->SetHWnd(dwFlags, hwnd);
-HRESULT DDrawClipper::GetClipList(LPRECT rect, LPRGNDATA rgnData,
-                                  LPDWORD rgnSize)
-    return lpClipper->GetClipList(rect, rgnData, rgnSize);
-    return lpClipper;