--- a/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/java/util/concurrent/CountedCompleter.java Mon Sep 12 20:12:26 2016 +0200
+++ b/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/java/util/concurrent/CountedCompleter.java Mon Sep 12 13:07:30 2016 -0700
@@ -120,102 +120,114 @@
* to complete for some elements than others, either because of
* intrinsic variation (for example I/O) or auxiliary effects such as
* garbage collection. Because CountedCompleters provide their own
- * continuations, other threads need not block waiting to perform
- * them.
+ * continuations, other tasks need not block waiting to perform them.
- * <p>For example, here is an initial version of a class that uses
- * divide-by-two recursive decomposition to divide work into single
- * pieces (leaf tasks). Even when work is split into individual calls,
- * tree-based techniques are usually preferable to directly forking
- * leaf tasks, because they reduce inter-thread communication and
- * improve load balancing. In the recursive case, the second of each
- * pair of subtasks to finish triggers completion of its parent
+ * <p>For example, here is an initial version of a utility method that
+ * uses divide-by-two recursive decomposition to divide work into
+ * single pieces (leaf tasks). Even when work is split into individual
+ * calls, tree-based techniques are usually preferable to directly
+ * forking leaf tasks, because they reduce inter-thread communication
+ * and improve load balancing. In the recursive case, the second of
+ * each pair of subtasks to finish triggers completion of their parent
* (because no result combination is performed, the default no-op
* implementation of method {@code onCompletion} is not overridden).
- * A static utility method sets up the base task and invokes it
- * (here, implicitly using the {@link ForkJoinPool#commonPool()}).
+ * The utility method sets up the root task and invokes it (here,
+ * implicitly using the {@link ForkJoinPool#commonPool()}). It is
+ * straightforward and reliable (but not optimal) to always set the
+ * pending count to the number of child tasks and call {@code
+ * tryComplete()} immediately before returning.
* <pre> {@code
- * class MyOperation<E> { void apply(E e) { ... } }
- *
- * class ForEach<E> extends CountedCompleter<Void> {
+ * public static <E> void forEach(E[] array, Consumer<E> action) {
+ * class Task extends CountedCompleter<Void> {
+ * final int lo, hi;
+ * Task(Task parent, int lo, int hi) {
+ * super(parent); this.lo = lo; this.hi = hi;
+ * }
- * public static <E> void forEach(E[] array, MyOperation<E> op) {
- * new ForEach<E>(null, array, op, 0, array.length).invoke();
- * }
- *
- * final E[] array; final MyOperation<E> op; final int lo, hi;
- * ForEach(CountedCompleter<?> p, E[] array, MyOperation<E> op, int lo, int hi) {
- * super(p);
- * this.array = array; this.op = op; this.lo = lo; this.hi = hi;
+ * public void compute() {
+ * if (hi - lo >= 2) {
+ * int mid = (lo + hi) >>> 1;
+ * // must set pending count before fork
+ * setPendingCount(2);
+ * new Task(this, mid, hi).fork(); // right child
+ * new Task(this, lo, mid).fork(); // left child
+ * }
+ * else if (hi > lo)
+ * action.accept(array[lo]);
+ * tryComplete();
+ * }
* }
- *
- * public void compute() { // version 1
- * if (hi - lo >= 2) {
- * int mid = (lo + hi) >>> 1;
- * setPendingCount(2); // must set pending count before fork
- * new ForEach(this, array, op, mid, hi).fork(); // right child
- * new ForEach(this, array, op, lo, mid).fork(); // left child
- * }
- * else if (hi > lo)
- * op.apply(array[lo]);
- * tryComplete();
- * }
+ * new Task(null, 0, array.length).invoke();
* }}</pre>
* This design can be improved by noticing that in the recursive case,
* the task has nothing to do after forking its right task, so can
* directly invoke its left task before returning. (This is an analog
- * of tail recursion removal.) Also, because the task returns upon
- * executing its left task (rather than falling through to invoke
- * {@code tryComplete}) the pending count is set to one:
+ * of tail recursion removal.) Also, when the last action in a task
+ * is to fork or invoke a subtask (a "tail call"), the call to {@code
+ * tryComplete()} can be optimized away, at the cost of making the
+ * pending count look "off by one".
* <pre> {@code
- * class ForEach<E> ... {
- * ...
- * public void compute() { // version 2
- * if (hi - lo >= 2) {
- * int mid = (lo + hi) >>> 1;
- * setPendingCount(1); // only one pending
- * new ForEach(this, array, op, mid, hi).fork(); // right child
- * new ForEach(this, array, op, lo, mid).compute(); // direct invoke
- * }
- * else {
- * if (hi > lo)
- * op.apply(array[lo]);
- * tryComplete();
- * }
- * }
- * }}</pre>
+ * public void compute() {
+ * if (hi - lo >= 2) {
+ * int mid = (lo + hi) >>> 1;
+ * setPendingCount(1); // looks off by one, but correct!
+ * new Task(this, mid, hi).fork(); // right child
+ * new Task(this, lo, mid).compute(); // direct invoke
+ * } else {
+ * if (hi > lo)
+ * action.accept(array[lo]);
+ * tryComplete();
+ * }
+ * }}</pre>
* As a further optimization, notice that the left task need not even exist.
- * Instead of creating a new one, we can iterate using the original task,
+ * Instead of creating a new one, we can continue using the original task,
* and add a pending count for each fork. Additionally, because no task
* in this tree implements an {@link #onCompletion(CountedCompleter)} method,
- * {@code tryComplete()} can be replaced with {@link #propagateCompletion}.
+ * {@code tryComplete} can be replaced with {@link #propagateCompletion}.
+ *
+ * <pre> {@code
+ * public void compute() {
+ * int n = hi - lo;
+ * for (; n >= 2; n /= 2) {
+ * addToPendingCount(1);
+ * new Task(this, lo + n/2, lo + n).fork();
+ * }
+ * if (n > 0)
+ * action.accept(array[lo]);
+ * propagateCompletion();
+ * }}</pre>
+ *
+ * When pending counts can be precomputed, they can be established in
+ * the constructor:
* <pre> {@code
- * class ForEach<E> ... {
- * ...
- * public void compute() { // version 3
- * int l = lo, h = hi;
- * while (h - l >= 2) {
- * int mid = (l + h) >>> 1;
- * addToPendingCount(1);
- * new ForEach(this, array, op, mid, h).fork(); // right child
- * h = mid;
+ * public static <E> void forEach(E[] array, Consumer<E> action) {
+ * class Task extends CountedCompleter<Void> {
+ * final int lo, hi;
+ * Task(Task parent, int lo, int hi) {
+ * super(parent, 31 - Integer.numberOfLeadingZeros(hi - lo));
+ * this.lo = lo; this.hi = hi;
* }
- * if (h > l)
- * op.apply(array[l]);
- * propagateCompletion();
+ *
+ * public void compute() {
+ * for (int n = hi - lo; n >= 2; n /= 2)
+ * new Task(this, lo + n/2, lo + n).fork();
+ * action.accept(array[lo]);
+ * propagateCompletion();
+ * }
* }
+ * if (array.length > 0)
+ * new Task(null, 0, array.length).invoke();
* }}</pre>
- * Additional optimizations of such classes might entail precomputing
- * pending counts so that they can be established in constructors,
- * specializing classes for leaf steps, subdividing by say, four,
- * instead of two per iteration, and using an adaptive threshold
- * instead of always subdividing down to single elements.
+ * Additional optimizations of such classes might entail specializing
+ * classes for leaf steps, subdividing by say, four, instead of two
+ * per iteration, and using an adaptive threshold instead of always
+ * subdividing down to single elements.
* <p><b>Searching.</b> A tree of CountedCompleters can search for a
* value or property in different parts of a data structure, and