--- a/jdk/make/gensrc/GensrcProperties.gmk Tue Nov 10 13:15:01 2015 +0800
+++ b/jdk/make/gensrc/GensrcProperties.gmk Tue Nov 10 15:00:25 2015 +0100
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2011, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+# Copyright (c) 2011, 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
# This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -49,30 +49,40 @@
-# Creates a rule that runs CompileProperties on a set of properties files.
-# Param 1 - Variable to add targets to, must not contain space
-# Param 2 - Properties files to process
-# Param 3 - The super class for the generated classes
-# Param 4 - Module path root, defaults to $(JDK_TOPDIR)/src
-define SetupCompileProperties
- $1_SRCS := $2
- $1_CLASS := $3
+# Setup make rules that runs CompileProperties on a set of properties files.
+# Parameter 1 is the name of the rule. This name is used as variable prefix,
+# and the targets generated are listed in a variable by that name.
+# Remaining parameters are named arguments. These include:
+# SRC_DIRS Directories containing properties files to process.
+# EXCLUDE Exclude files matching this pattern.
+# CLASS The super class for the generated classes.
+# MODULE_PATH_ROOT Module path root, defaults to $(JDK_TOPDIR)/src.
+SetupCompileProperties = $(NamedParamsMacroTemplate)
+define SetupCompilePropertiesBody
+ # Set default value unless overridden
ifeq ($$($1_MODULE_PATH_ROOT), )
+ # Locate all properties files in the given source dirs.
+ $1_SRC_FILES := $$(filter %.properties, $$(call CacheFind, $$($1_SRC_DIRS)))
+ ifneq ($$($1_EXCLUDE), )
+ $1_SRC_FILES := $$(filter-out $$($1_EXCLUDE), $$($1_SRC_FILES))
+ endif
# Convert .../src/<module>/share/classes/com/sun/tools/javac/resources/javac_zh_CN.properties
# to .../support/gensrc/<module>/com/sun/tools/javac/resources/javac_zh_CN.java
- # Strip away prefix and suffix, leaving for example only:
+ # Strip away prefix and suffix, leaving for example only:
# "<module>/share/classes/com/sun/tools/javac/resources/javac_zh_CN"
$1_JAVAS := $$(patsubst $$($1_MODULE_PATH_ROOT)/%, \
$(SUPPORT_OUTPUTDIR)/gensrc/%, \
$$(patsubst %.properties, %.java, \
$$(subst /$(OPENJDK_TARGET_OS)/classes,, \
$$(subst /$(OPENJDK_TARGET_OS_TYPE)/classes,, \
- $$(subst /share/classes,, $$($1_SRCS))))))
+ $$(subst /share/classes,, $$($1_SRC_FILES))))))
# Generate the package dirs for the to be generated java files. Sort to remove
# duplicates.
@@ -82,22 +92,22 @@
# "-compile ...javac_zh_CN.properties ...javac_zh_CN.java java.util.ListResourceBundle"
# suitable to be fed into the CompileProperties command.
$1_CMDLINE := $$(subst _SPACE_, $(SPACE), \
- $$(join $$(addprefix -compile_SPACE_, $$($1_SRCS)), \
+ $$(join $$(addprefix -compile_SPACE_, $$($1_SRC_FILES)), \
$$(addsuffix _SPACE_$$($1_CLASS), \
$$(addprefix _SPACE_, $$($1_JAVAS)))))
- $1_TARGET := $(SUPPORT_OUTPUTDIR)/gensrc/$(MODULE)/_the.$1.done
+ $1_TARGET := $(SUPPORT_OUTPUTDIR)/gensrc/$(MODULE)/_the.$1.marker
$1_CMDLINE_FILE := $(SUPPORT_OUTPUTDIR)/gensrc/$(MODULE)/_the.$1.cmdline
# Now setup the rule for the generation of the resource bundles.
- $$($1_TARGET): $$($1_SRCS) $$($1_JAVAS) $(BUILD_TOOLS_JDK)
+ $$($1_TARGET): $$($1_SRC_FILES) $$($1_JAVAS) $(BUILD_TOOLS_JDK)
$(MKDIR) -p $$(@D) $$($1_DIRS)
- $(ECHO) Compiling $$(words $$($1_SRCS)) properties into resource bundles for $(MODULE)
+ $(ECHO) Compiling $$(words $$($1_SRC_FILES)) properties into resource bundles for $(MODULE)
$$(eval $$(call ListPathsSafely, $1_CMDLINE, $$($1_CMDLINE_FILE)))
$(TOUCH) $$@
- $$($1_JAVAS): $$($1_SRCS)
+ $$($1_JAVAS): $$($1_SRC_FILES)
# Create zh_HK versions of all zh_TW files created above
$$(eval $$(call SetupCopy-zh_HK,$1_HK,$$(filter %_zh_TW.java, $$($1_JAVAS))))