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+++ b/jdk/src/java.base/share/specs/serialization/protocol.md	Sun Apr 23 21:33:29 2017 +0200
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+# Copyright (c) 2005, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
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+title: 'Java Object Serialization Specification: 6 - Object Serialization Stream Protocol'
+-   [Overview](#overview)
+-   [Stream Elements](#stream-elements)
+-   [Stream Protocol Versions](#stream-protocol-versions)
+-   [Grammar for the Stream Format](#grammar-for-the-stream-format)
+-   [Example](#example)
+## 6.1 Overview
+The stream format satisfies the following design goals:
+-   Is compact and is structured for efficient reading.
+-   Allows skipping through the stream using only the knowledge of the
+    structure and format of the stream. Does not require invoking any per class
+    code.
+-   Requires only stream access to the data.
+## 6.2 Stream Elements
+A basic structure is needed to represent objects in a stream. Each attribute of
+the object needs to be represented: its classes, its fields, and data written
+and later read by class-specific methods. The representation of objects in the
+stream can be described with a grammar. There are special representations for
+null objects, new objects, classes, arrays, strings, and back references to any
+object already in the stream. Each object written to the stream is assigned a
+handle that is used to refer back to the object. Handles are assigned
+sequentially starting from 0x7E0000. The handles restart at 0x7E0000 when the
+stream is reset.
+A class object is represented by the following:
+-   Its `ObjectStreamClass` object.
+An `ObjectStreamClass` object for a Class that is not a dynamic proxy class is
+represented by the following:
+-   The Stream Unique Identifier (SUID) of compatible classes.
+-   A set of flags indicating various properties of the class, such as whether
+    the class defines a `writeObject` method, and whether the class is
+    serializable, externalizable, or an enum type
+-   The number of serializable fields
+-   The array of fields of the class that are serialized by the default
+    mechanismFor arrays and object fields, the type of the field is included as
+    a string which must be in "field descriptor" format (e.g.,
+    "`Ljava/lang/Object;`") as specified in The Java Virtual Machine
+    Specification.
+-   Optional block-data records or objects written by the `annotateClass`
+    method
+-   The `ObjectStreamClass` of its supertype (null if the superclass is not
+    serializable)
+An `ObjectStreamClass` object for a dynamic proxy class is represented by the
+-   The number of interfaces that the dynamic proxy class implements
+-   The names of all of the interfaces implemented by the dynamic proxy class,
+    listed in the order that they are returned by invoking the `getInterfaces`
+    method on the Class object.
+-   Optional block-data records or objects written by the `annotateProxyClass`
+    method.
+-   The ObjectStreamClass of its supertype, `java.lang.reflect.Proxy`.
+The representation of `String` objects consists of length information followed
+by the contents of the string encoded in modified UTF-8. The modified UTF-8
+encoding is the same as used in the Java Virtual Machine and in the
+`java.io.DataInput` and `DataOutput` interfaces; it differs from standard UTF-8
+in the representation of supplementary characters and of the null character.
+The form of the length information depends on the length of the string in
+modified UTF-8 encoding. If the modified UTF-8 encoding of the given `String`
+is less than 65536 bytes in length, the length is written as 2 bytes
+representing an unsigned 16-bit integer. Starting with the Java 2 platform,
+Standard Edition, v1.3, if the length of the string in modified UTF-8 encoding
+is 65536 bytes or more, the length is written in 8 bytes representing a signed
+64-bit integer. The typecode preceding the `String` in the serialization stream
+indicates which format was used to write the `String`.
+Arrays are represented by the following:
+-   Their `ObjectStreamClass` object.
+-   The number of elements.
+-   The sequence of values. The type of the values is implicit in the type of
+    the array. for example the values of a byte array are of type byte.
+Enum constants are represented by the following:
+-   The `ObjectStreamClass` object of the constant's base enum type.
+-   The constant's name string.
+New objects in the stream are represented by the following:
+-   The most derived class of the object.
+-   Data for each serializable class of the object, with the highest superclass
+    first. For each class the stream contains the following:
+    -   The serializable fields.See [Section 1.5, "Defining Serializable Fields
+        for a
+        Class"](serial-arch.html#defining-serializable-fields-for-a-class).
+    -   If the class has `writeObject`/`readObject` methods, there may be
+        optional objects and/or block-data records of primitive types written
+        by the `writeObject` method followed by an `endBlockData` code.
+All primitive data written by classes is buffered and wrapped in block-data
+records, regardless if the data is written to the stream within a `writeObject`
+method or written directly to the stream from outside a `writeObject` method.
+This data can only be read by the corresponding `readObject` methods or be read
+directly from the stream. Objects written by the `writeObject` method terminate
+any previous block-data record and are written either as regular objects or
+null or back references, as appropriate. The block-data records allow error
+recovery to discard any optional data. When called from within a class, the
+stream can discard any data or objects until the `endBlockData`.
+## 6.3 Stream Protocol Versions
+It was necessary to make a change to the serialization stream format in JDK 1.2
+that is not backwards compatible to all minor releases of JDK 1.1. To provide
+for cases where backwards compatibility is required, a capability has been
+added to indicate what `PROTOCOL_VERSION` to use when writing a serialization
+stream. The method `ObjectOutputStream.useProtocolVersion` takes as a parameter
+the protocol version to use to write the serialization stream.
+The Stream Protocol Versions are as follows:
+-   `ObjectStreamConstants.PROTOCOL_VERSION_1`: Indicates the initial stream
+    format.
+-   `ObjectStreamConstants.PROTOCOL_VERSION_2`: Indicates the new external data
+    format. Primitive data is written in block data mode and is terminated with
+    Block data boundaries have been standardized. Primitive data written in
+    block data mode is normalized to not exceed 1024 byte chunks. The benefit
+    of this change was to tighten the specification of serialized data format
+    within the stream. This change is fully backward and forward compatible.
+JDK 1.2 defaults to writing `PROTOCOL_VERSION_2`.
+JDK 1.1 defaults to writing `PROTOCOL_VERSION_1`.
+JDK 1.1.7 and greater can read both versions.
+Releases prior to JDK 1.1.7 can only read `PROTOCOL_VERSION_1`.
+## 6.4 Grammar for the Stream Format
+The table below contains the grammar for the stream format. Nonterminal symbols
+are shown in italics. Terminal symbols in a *fixed width font*. Definitions of
+nonterminals are followed by a ":". The definition is followed by one or more
+alternatives, each on a separate line. The following table describes the
+  -------------  --------------------------------------------------------------
+  **Notation**   **Meaning**
+  -------------  --------------------------------------------------------------
+  (*datatype*)   This token has the data type specified, such as byte.
+  *token*\[n\]   A predefined number of occurrences of the token, that is an
+                 array.
+  *x0001*        A literal value expressed in hexadecimal. The number of hex
+                 digits reflects the size of the value.
+  <*xxx*>  A value read from the stream used to indicate the length of an
+                 array.
+  -------------  --------------------------------------------------------------
+Note that the symbol (utf) is used to designate a string written using 2-byte
+length information, and (long-utf) is used to designate a string written using
+8-byte length information. For details, refer to [Section 6.2, "Stream
+### 6.4.1 Rules of the Grammar
+A Serialized stream is represented by any stream satisfying the *stream* rule.
+  magic version contents
+  content
+  contents content
+  object
+  blockdata
+  newObject
+  newClass
+  newArray
+  newString
+  newEnum
+  newClassDesc
+  prevObject
+  nullReference
+  exception
+  TC_CLASS classDesc newHandle
+  newClassDesc
+  nullReference
+  (ClassDesc)prevObject      // an object required to be of type ClassDesc
+  classDesc
+  TC_CLASSDESC className serialVersionUID newHandle classDescInfo
+  TC_PROXYCLASSDESC newHandle proxyClassDescInfo
+  classDescFlags fields classAnnotation superClassDesc
+  (utf)
+  (long)
+  (byte)                  // Defined in Terminal Symbols and Constants
+  (int)<count> proxyInterfaceName[count] classAnnotation
+      superClassDesc
+  (utf)
+  (short)<count> fieldDesc[count]
+  primitiveDesc
+  objectDesc
+  prim_typecode fieldName
+  obj_typecode fieldName className1
+  (utf)
+  (String)object             // String containing the field's type,
+                             // in field descriptor format
+  endBlockData
+  contents endBlockData      // contents written by annotateClass
+  'B'       // byte
+  'C'       // char
+  'D'       // double
+  'F'       // float
+  'I'       // integer
+  'J'       // long
+  'S'       // short
+  'Z'       // boolean
+  '['       // array
+  'L'       // object
+  TC_ARRAY classDesc newHandle (int)<size> values[size]
+  TC_OBJECT classDesc newHandle classdata[]  // data for each class
+  nowrclass                 // SC_SERIALIZABLE & classDescFlag &&
+                            // !(SC_WRITE_METHOD & classDescFlags)
+  wrclass objectAnnotation  // SC_SERIALIZABLE & classDescFlag &&
+                            // SC_WRITE_METHOD & classDescFlags
+  externalContents          // SC_EXTERNALIZABLE & classDescFlag &&
+                            // !(SC_BLOCKDATA  & classDescFlags
+  objectAnnotation          // SC_EXTERNALIZABLE & classDescFlag&&
+                            // SC_BLOCKDATA & classDescFlags
+  values                    // fields in order of class descriptor
+  nowrclass
+  endBlockData
+  contents endBlockData     // contents written by writeObject
+                            // or writeExternal PROTOCOL_VERSION_2.
+  blockdatashort
+  blockdatalong
+  TC_BLOCKDATA (unsigned byte)<size> (byte)[size]
+  TC_BLOCKDATALONG (int)<size> (byte)[size]
+externalContent:         // Only parseable by readExternal
+  (bytes)                // primitive data
+   object
+externalContents:         // externalContent written by
+  externalContent         // writeExternal in PROTOCOL_VERSION_1.
+  externalContents externalContent
+  TC_STRING newHandle (utf)
+  TC_LONGSTRING newHandle (long-utf)
+  TC_ENUM classDesc newHandle enumConstantName
+  (String)object
+  TC_REFERENCE (int)handle
+  TC_EXCEPTION reset (Throwable)object reset
+values:          // The size and types are described by the
+                 // classDesc for the current object
+newHandle:       // The next number in sequence is assigned
+                 // to the object being serialized or deserialized
+reset:           // The set of known objects is discarded
+                 // so the objects of the exception do not
+                 // overlap with the previously sent objects
+                 // or with objects that may be sent after
+                 // the exception
+### 6.4.2 Terminal Symbols and Constants
+The following symbols in `java.io.ObjectStreamConstants` define the terminal
+and constant values expected in a stream.
+final static short STREAM_MAGIC = (short)0xaced;
+final static short STREAM_VERSION = 5;
+final static byte TC_NULL = (byte)0x70;
+final static byte TC_REFERENCE = (byte)0x71;
+final static byte TC_CLASSDESC = (byte)0x72;
+final static byte TC_OBJECT = (byte)0x73;
+final static byte TC_STRING = (byte)0x74;
+final static byte TC_ARRAY = (byte)0x75;
+final static byte TC_CLASS = (byte)0x76;
+final static byte TC_BLOCKDATA = (byte)0x77;
+final static byte TC_ENDBLOCKDATA = (byte)0x78;
+final static byte TC_RESET = (byte)0x79;
+final static byte TC_BLOCKDATALONG = (byte)0x7A;
+final static byte TC_EXCEPTION = (byte)0x7B;
+final static byte TC_LONGSTRING = (byte) 0x7C;
+final static byte TC_PROXYCLASSDESC = (byte) 0x7D;
+final static byte TC_ENUM = (byte) 0x7E;
+final static  int   baseWireHandle = 0x7E0000;
+The flag byte *classDescFlags* may include values of
+final static byte SC_WRITE_METHOD = 0x01; //if SC_SERIALIZABLE
+final static byte SC_BLOCK_DATA = 0x08;    //if SC_EXTERNALIZABLE
+final static byte SC_SERIALIZABLE = 0x02;
+final static byte SC_EXTERNALIZABLE = 0x04;
+final static byte SC_ENUM = 0x10;
+The flag `SC_WRITE_METHOD` is set if the Serializable class writing the stream
+had a `writeObject` method that may have written additional data to the stream.
+In this case a `TC_ENDBLOCKDATA` marker is always expected to terminate the
+data for that class.
+The flag `SC_BLOCKDATA` is set if the `Externalizable` class is written into
+the stream using `STREAM_PROTOCOL_2`. By default, this is the protocol used to
+write `Externalizable` objects into the stream in JDK 1.2. JDK 1.1 writes
+The flag `SC_SERIALIZABLE` is set if the class that wrote the stream extended
+`java.io.Serializable` but not `java.io.Externalizable`, the class reading the
+stream must also extend `java.io.Serializable` and the default serialization
+mechanism is to be used.
+The flag `SC_EXTERNALIZABLE` is set if the class that wrote the stream extended
+`java.io.Externalizable`, the class reading the data must also extend
+`Externalizable` and the data will be read using its `writeExternal` and
+`readExternal` methods.
+The flag `SC_ENUM` is set if the class that wrote the stream was an enum type.
+The receiver's corresponding class must also be an enum type. Data for
+constants of the enum type will be written and read as described in [Section
+1.12, "Serialization of Enum
+#### Example
+Consider the case of an original class and two instances in a linked list:
+class List implements java.io.Serializable {
+    int value;
+    List next;
+    public static void main(String[] args) {
+        try {
+            List list1 = new List();
+            List list2 = new List();
+            list1.value = 17;
+            list1.next = list2;
+            list2.value = 19;
+            list2.next = null;
+            ByteArrayOutputStream o = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
+            ObjectOutputStream out = new ObjectOutputStream(o);
+            out.writeObject(list1);
+            out.writeObject(list2);
+            out.flush();
+            ...
+        } catch (Exception ex) {
+            ex.printStackTrace();
+        }
+    }
+The resulting stream contains:
+    00: ac ed 00 05 73 72 00 04 4c 69 73 74 69 c8 8a 15 >....sr..Listi...<
+    10: 40 16 ae 68 02 00 02 49 00 05 76 61 6c 75 65 4c >Z......I..valueL<
+    20: 00 04 6e 65 78 74 74 00 06 4c 4c 69 73 74 3b 78 >..nextt..LList;x<
+    30: 70 00 00 00 11 73 71 00 7e 00 00 00 00 00 13 70 >p....sq.~......p<
+    40: 71 00 7e 00 03                                  >q.~..<
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